OTEC Reunion Island - Journoud
OTEC Reunion Island - Journoud
OTEC Reunion Island - Journoud
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4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
The first one is the most common cycle used because of its tightness of the pipe’s process division, individual equipment
simplicity and its proven results. protection etc.
Furthermore, in terms of explosiveness, ammonia is safe
2.1. Rankine enough: the interval of explosiveness is from 16 to 28% of the
The Rankine cycle is a thermal machine which produces room volume and its self-flammability temperature is very
electricity from a hot and a cold source. This cycle is high, 651°C [11].
illustrated on Figure 1 and the (P;h) diagram is drawn on Despite of theses risks are known and controlled, if the
Figure 2. quantity of ammonia is reduced, risks and cost will be too.
In number 1, the ammonia is in its liquid phase under a
low pressure. The pump supplies the working fluid to the 2.3. Heat sources
evaporator where it is heated and vaporized (2) by the warm The temperature differential must be of at least 20°C and
seawater from the sea surface. The generated high pressure stable enough. This is the reason why the tropical zone is
vapour flows into the turbine (3) and its enthalpy is considered as the best geographic location on earth to develop
converted into work and then in electricity with the the OTEC plant. Indeed, all requirements are met: 4.9°C cold
alternator. The low pressure vapour exits the turbine and is seawater can be found at 1000 m deep and a temperature over
led to the condenser where it is liquefied (4) by the depth 25°C at the surface. This area represents 1/3 of the ocean's
seawater. The liquid in the condenser is pumped back to the surface, and could produce 10 million MWe [12].
upper heat exchanger and a new cycle begins [7].
An experimental installation has been built by a French
firm: DCNS. It has been decided to realise an onshore
prototype to avoid sea related issues such as anchorage,
floating platforms, 1000 m long flexible to pump cold water
Concerning its power, it is a 1/200 scale prototype in
comparison to the first 10MW OTEC plant. It is designed to
produce the equivalent of 15 kW. But for scale and cost
reason, no alternator has been installed.
Besides, for scale reasons, this onshore prototype doesn’t
produce electricity.
Cold and hot sources are simulated by a heat pump, so that
the hot water temperature can be adjusted to simulate the hot
seawater temperature round the year (from 23 to 28°C).
Figure 1: Schematic Rankine cycle Concerning the cold water temperature, it is stabilized to
around 5°C.
To bring the prototype as close as possible to the 10MW
OTEC plant, it is necessary that they have the same working
The prototype has been designed for having stable regime.
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
3.3. Water loops The thermal surface power of the plate evaporator is upper
The two water loops of the prototype are very different than the flooded evaporator one. Indeed, at the warm water
from the OTEC plants. Indeed, a heat pump produces heat temperature of 28 °C, the thermal surface power of the plate
sources, the pipes’ geometry, pumps etc. They have been evaporator is 4.1 % higher.
designed to reproduce the ocean temperature only. The mass Even if the plate evaporator exchanges more thermal power
flow-rate is calculated following the similitude between the than the flooded one, another important parameter to compare
ammonia loop of the prototype and the ammonia loop of the is the outlet evaporator pressure. Indeed, this value is the inlet
OTEC plant. Therefore, none of the results from water loops data for the turbine. The more it is high, the more the
will be significant for the Rankine cycle. alternator produces electricity.
The components and principle of cold and hot water 940
Flooded evaporator
loops are similar. Annex 2 presents the supervision image of 920
the hot water. 900 Plate evaporator
Pressure (kPa)
The temperature requirement is given in the box entitled 880 Linéaire (Flooded
“heating pump”. Water circulates in the heating pump thanks evaporator)
860 Linéaire (Plate evaporator)
to the pump “EPEC2”, and thanks to the “EPEC 1” in the 840
evaporator. The separating bottle delivers a constant water 820
flow in the heat pump, while controlling the water flow in 800
the evaporator. 780
4. TESTS AND RESULTS 23 24 25 26
Temperature (°C)
27 28
4.1. Tests Figure 8: Evolution of the outlet ammonia pressure for both flooded
and plate evaporators
A test is defined by the value of several parameters: hot Figure 8 details the outlet ammonia pressure of the two
water temperature, cold water temperature, hot water mass evaporators depending on the hot water.
flow rate, cold water temperature and eventually ammonia The two evaporators have an evaporation pressure similar.
mass flow rate.
For the study of the prototype using flooded evaporator, As shown above, the plate evaporator exchanges more
four points have been tested. Five points have been tested for thermal power but with the same outlet pressure. So, it would
the plate evaporator. The warm water temperature ranges have been interesting to study the global electricity production
from 23 to 28°C, cold temperature is at 4.9 °C. Flow rates (Pbrute) minus the electricity consumption for the auxiliaries
are calculated to keep similitude between the prototype and (ammonia pump, cold water and hot water pumps) : defined as
the first OTEC power plant. the net electric power.
4.2. Results and discussion Pnet = Pbrute − PNH 3 pump − Photwaterpump − Pcoldwaterpump (4.3)
All data used to calculate the thermal power have been As it is written above, a pseudo-turbine replace the turbine
averaged on a stable period of a minimum of 20 minutes. in the Rankine cycle. The thermal power in the pseudo-turbine
is calculated from the enthalpy difference between the point 3
The thermal power reflects the energetic performance of and 4 (Figure 1). But, to calculate an electrical power, these
the evaporator. The two evaporators have not the same hypothesis must be taken: a 100% turbine and alternator
exchange surface. So, to compare their energetic efficiency.
performance, it is necessary to compare the thermal power First, the thermal power which is lost in the pseudo-
divided by their exchange surface: the thermal surface turbine is calculated as follow (see Figure 1):
power. Pturbine = m& ft (h3 − h4 ) (4.4)
In an evaporator, the refrigerant begins to warm up, and
when it reaches its saturation temperature, it is vaporized. Secondly, the ammonia pump consumption is calculated
from the constructor consumption curves.
As it is detailed in the paragraph 3.3, water loops have not
been designed to extrapolate water results on the OTEC plant.
Surface thermal power (kW/m²)
14 So, water loops and ammonia loop (for the prototype) does not
Flooded evaporator have the same scale. The two water pump consumption can be
calculated, but including them in the 4.3 equation is
13 Plate Evaporator
Linéaire (Plate Pnet’ is the electrical power produced minus the ammonia
12 Evaporator) pump consumption: Pnet ' = Pbrute − PNH 3 pump (4.5)
Linéaire (Flooded
11.5 evaporator) Figure 9 compares Pnet’divided by the exchange surface
11 for each evaporator (as in the study of Avery and Wu [6]).
23 24 25 26
Temperature (°C)
27 28 29 According to Figure 9, the plate evaporator produces more
Figure 7: Evolution of the thermal surface power in function of the electricity per m² than the flooded one. Indeed, for a hot water
warm water temperature temperature of 28°C, the alternator in the plate evaporator
So, the thermal power is the addition of the reheat power version produces 26% more electricity than the flooded
and the evaporation power. Here is the equation: version.
Pth = Preheat + Pevap (4.1)
Pth = m& wCp w (Tew − Tsw ) + m& ft (hsft − heft ) (4.2)
Figure 7 shows the thermal surface power of the two
types of evaporator in function of the hot water temperature.
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
0.12 plate one need only 37L versus 270L for the flooded one and
produces more net electricity power.
0.1 Nevertheless, the plate evaporator has some drawbacks:
0.08 the intern technology lead to increasing charge loss (water
pump consumption increase), fouling issue, and corrosion of
0.06 Flooded evaporator the material (aluminium), addition of a separator (space lost
Plate evaporator
0.04 Linéaire (Plate evaporator) and higher cost).
Linéaire (Flooded evaporator) All those drawbacks lead to investigate on water pumps
0.02 consumption (On the OTEC power plant, are the charge loss
23 24 25 26 27 28
Temperature (°C) generated by the plate evaporator insignificant in front of the
Figure 9: Evolution of the surface net power of the two evaporators
charge loss of the water pipes?) on other evaporator
depending on the hot water temperature technology (a falling film one will be tested), other
thermodynamic cycles etc.
In the future, the prototype can be used to validate the
Concerning the water pumps consumption, it depends on simulation model established by Sinama [6] with the Gibbs
few parameters: mass flow-rate, charge loss and pump method.
technology (efficiency). The goal is to compare the electrical
consumption of the pumps between the two evaporators. As
the cold water loop does not change between the two tests, 6. REFERENCES
the cold water pumps consumption does not change either. [1] GIEC, Changements climatiques, Rapport de synthèse,
Then, for the hot water loop, the evaporator changes only. 2007.
Moreover, the mass flow-rates for each points are similar
between the two evaporator. So, the comparison of the [2] Nihous G., An Order-of-magnitude Estimate of ocean
charge loss in the hot water loop between the two tests thermal energy conversion Resources, Journal of Energy
reflects the water pumps consumption between the two Resources Technology, 2005.
evaporators. And finally, between the two tests, the [3] www.ifpaenergyconference.com (visited on April 2012)
evaporator is the only thing which changes in the hot water
loop. Therefore, the comparison of the charge loss in the [4] Praene J.P., David M., Sinama F., Moreau D., Marc O.,
evaporator reflects the comparison between the water pumps Renewable energy: Progressing towards a net zero energy
consumption. Island, the case of Reunion Island, Appled energy, 2011.
[5] ABS Energy Report, The Ocean Energy Report, 2007.
[6] Martins M, Sinama F, Lucas F, Equivalent Gibbs systems
Charge loss (mbar)
Flooded evaporator
for modelling an onshore OTEC experimental plant in
Plate evaporator Reunion Island, International Journal of Energy
Linéaire (Flooded Research, 2011.
evaporator) [7] Avery H., Wu C., Renewable energy from the ocean, A
Linéaire (Plate
guide to OTEC, 1994.
[8] IIAR green paper, Ammonia: the natural refrigerant of
35 40 45 50 55
Mass flow rate (kg/s)
[9] Tchanche B et al, Fluid selection for a low-temperature
Figure 10 : Evolution of the water charge loss in the flooded solar organic Rankine cycle, Applied Thermal
evaporator and the plate one Engineering, 2009.
Figure 5 show the charge loss for the two evaporators.
But, the conclusion is: charge loss of the plate evaporator is [10] Pearson A., Refrigeration with ammonia, 2007.
higher than the charge loss for the flooded one. But, because
[11] GDF Suez, Formation ammoniac, 2011.
of the scale effects (paragraph 3.3) the question of “how
higher?” has no answer with the prototype. [12] Vega L. A., Economics of Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion: an update, Offshore technology conference,
5. CONCLUSION Houston, Texas, 2010.
This paper has presented the onshore OTEC prototype [13] www.fivesgroup.com (visited on April 2012)
built by the firm DCNS. It has reminded the OTEC principle
and exposed the specificities of this prototype: it does not 7. NOMENCLATURE
produce electricity, and hot and cold water are produced by a
heat pump. Pth: Thermal power of the evaporator (kW)
Then, the different components have been shown, with a Preheat: Power generated by the reheat part of the evaporator
focus on the two evaporators tested (a flooded shell-and-tube (kW)
evaporator and a brazed plate evaporator). Pevap: Evaporation power of the evaporator (kW)
First, all tests permit to conclude that the plate Pturbine: Thermal power lost by the working fluid in the
evaporator exchange more heat per square meter than the turbine (kW)
flooded one with the same evaporation pressure. Then the m& w : Hot water mass flow rate (kg.s-1)
comparison of the net electrical power (calculated on the Cp w :
ammonia loop) between the two evaporators has been made, Thermal capacity at constant pressure of the water
leading to conclude that the plate one produces more (kJ.K-1)
electricity. Tew : Inlet water temperature (°C)
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
Tsw : Outlet water temperature (°C) heft : Inlet working fluid mass enthalpy (kJ.kg-1)
m& ft : hinlet: Working fluid mass enthalpy which arrives in the
Working fluid mass flow rate
hinlet: Working fluid mass enthalpy which goes out of the
hsft : Outlet working fluid mass enthalpy (kJ.kg-1) turbine
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
Annex 1
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE 2012), 17th October, Dublin
Annex 3