Techmarine Advances

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Deathwatch Techmarine Char

racteristic Advances
Level Simple In
ntermediate Trained Exp
Weapon Skill 500 1,00
00 1,5
500 2,0000
Ballistic Skill 500
0 1,0
0000 1,5
500 2,0000
Strength 20
00 5000 1,000 1,500
Toughness 20
00 500 1,000
0 1,500
Agility 750 1,5
500 2,000 5,0000
Intelliigencce 20
00 500 1,000 1,500
Peerceptioon 50
00 1,000 1,500 2,000

II: Specialities
Willpower 750 1,500 2,000 5,,000
Fellowship 750 1,500 2,000 5,0000

nkk 1 Dea
watch Tec
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
dvance Cost Type Prereequisites
Lorre: Forbiddden (Ad
400 Skill —
Mech hanicuus)
Security 400 Skill —
Speak Lang guage (Techna-L Lingua) 200 Skill —
Tech-Use 400 Skill —
Autosanguine 500 Talent —
Electro-GGraft Usse 600 Talent —
Feedbacck Screech 500 Talent T chmarine
Mechadendrrite Use (any) 500 Talent T chmarine
Technical Knock 500 Talent Int 30
The Fleesh iss Weak 1 800 Talent —

Rank 2 Deeathwatch Techmari

r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
nce Cost Type Prerequisites
Lore: Forbid ddeen (Ad
deptus Mechanicus) +10 400 Skill Lore: Forbidden (Adeptus Mechaanicus)
Lore: Forbidd denn (Arccheotech) 400 Skill —
Speak Lannguagee (Tech hna-Lingua) +10 200 Skill Speak Language (Te
T chnaa-Linguua)
Ferric Lurre 500 Talent T chmarine
Logis Impllant 500 Talent —
Luminenn Charge 500 Talent T chmarine
Mimmic 500 Talent —
Rite of Awe 1,000 Talent T chmarine

technology encountered in the field. In the first instance, a SPECIAL ABILITY

Techmarine must be able to ascertain whether alien machinery
presents an immediate danger to the Kill-team, and if it does he Improve Cover
must conceive a plan of action to neutralise or circumvent the
threat. This is especially true when boarding alien spacecraft, for The Techmarine can add a number of Armour Points equal
the team might be faced with a wholly alien environment, in to his unmodified Intelligence Bonus to any cover (see page
which even the most innocuous looking item might prove to be a 246). Improving cover requires one Full Action.
deadly weapon system. In the second instance, it is long-standing
doctrine that, if possible, examples of alien technology should Blessed by the Omnissiah
be recovered so they may be studied by the Xenos-Savants of
the Inquisition. Such a task is dangerous in the extreme, but vital The Techmarine begins the game with the Mechanicus Implants
to the continued mission of the Deathwatch, and potentially the Trait and the Electro-Graft Use and Mechadendrite Use
very survival of Mankind. (Servo-Arm) Talents.

The Deathwatch Techmarine begins with Speak Language
(Techna-Lingua) and Tech-Use as Trained Advanced Skills.

Rank 3 Deathwatch Techmarine Advances
Advance Cost Type Prereq
Lore: Forbidden (Adeptuus Mechanniccus) +20 400 Skilll Lorre: Foorbidden (Adeptus Mechanicus) +10
Lore: Forbidden (Arccheotech) +10 40
00 Skill Loree: Forbiidden (Archeotech)
Security +10 400 Skiill Secuurity
Speak Language (Techna-L Linguaa) +20 200 Skill Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) +10
Tech-Use +10 400 Skill Tech-Use
Infused Knoowledgge 1,000 Tallent Intt 40
The Flesh is Weak 2 800 Talent Thee Flesh is Weak 1
II: Specialities

Weapon-T Tech 600 Talent T chmaarinne


Rank 4 Deathwatch Techmari

r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
Advan nce Cost Type Prereqquissites
Loree: Forbiddenn (Archeotech) +20 400 Skill Lore: Forbidden (Archeotech) +10
Binaary Chaatter 500 Talent —
bing Voice 400 Talent —
Lumminen Shock 800 Talent Techm
Rite of Fear 1,000 Talent T chm
Te marine
Servvo-HHarness Integration 1,000 Talent Meechaddendrite Use (Seervo-arm))
Signature Wargear (Hero) (Artificer Armour) 1200 Talent —

Rank 5 Deat
a hwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
Advvance Cost Type Prrerrequisitees
Seecuurity +20 400 Skill Securiity +10
Tech-U Use +20 400 Skill Teech-Usse +10
T 0
Gunn Blessing 800 Talent T chmarrine
Mastter Enginseer 1,000 Talent Tech-Use +10
Prosannguine 1,000 Talent Autossanguinne
The Fllesh is We
W ak 3 1,000 Talent Thhe Flesh is We
W ak 2

Rank 6 Deat
a hwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
nce Cost Type Prerrequiisites
Armourr-Monger 500 Talent Techm marinne
Feerric Summoons 1200 Talent Ferricc Luree, Techm
Lumineen Blast 1,000 Talent Techmarine
Machinatorr Array 1200 Talent T ch
Te hmarinee
Sounnd Constiitution 1,000 Talent —

Rank 7 Deathwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
Advancee Cost Type Prerrequissites
Concealed Cavity 500 Talent —
Electrical Succoour 1,000 Talent Techm
Energy Cache 1,500 Talent Techmarine
Sound Constittution 1,000 Talennt —
The Flesh is Weak 4 1,000 Taalent The Flesh is Weak 3

Rank 8 Deathwatch Techmarine Advances

Advance Costt Typ
pe Prerequisites
Enhanced Bionic Frame 1,000 Talent Machinator Array
Rite of Pure Thought 1,0
000 Talent Techmarine
Sound Constitution 1,000 Talent —
The Flesh is Weak 5 1,000 Talent The Flesh is Weak 4


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