Techmarine Advances
Techmarine Advances
Techmarine Advances
racteristic Advances
Level Simple In
ntermediate Trained Exp
Weapon Skill 500 1,00
00 1,5
500 2,0000
Ballistic Skill 500
0 1,0
0000 1,5
500 2,0000
Strength 20
00 5000 1,000 1,500
Toughness 20
00 500 1,000
0 1,500
Agility 750 1,5
500 2,000 5,0000
Intelliigencce 20
00 500 1,000 1,500
Peerceptioon 50
00 1,000 1,500 2,000
II: Specialities
Willpower 750 1,500 2,000 5,,000
Fellowship 750 1,500 2,000 5,0000
nkk 1 Dea
watch Tec
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
dvance Cost Type Prereequisites
Lorre: Forbiddden (Ad
400 Skill —
Mech hanicuus)
Security 400 Skill —
Speak Lang guage (Techna-L Lingua) 200 Skill —
Tech-Use 400 Skill —
Autosanguine 500 Talent —
Electro-GGraft Usse 600 Talent —
Feedbacck Screech 500 Talent T chmarine
Mechadendrrite Use (any) 500 Talent T chmarine
Technical Knock 500 Talent Int 30
The Fleesh iss Weak 1 800 Talent —
The Deathwatch Techmarine begins with Speak Language
(Techna-Lingua) and Tech-Use as Trained Advanced Skills.
Rank 3 Deathwatch Techmarine Advances
Advance Cost Type Prereq
Lore: Forbidden (Adeptuus Mechanniccus) +20 400 Skilll Lorre: Foorbidden (Adeptus Mechanicus) +10
Lore: Forbidden (Arccheotech) +10 40
00 Skill Loree: Forbiidden (Archeotech)
Security +10 400 Skiill Secuurity
Speak Language (Techna-L Linguaa) +20 200 Skill Speak Language (Techna-Lingua) +10
Tech-Use +10 400 Skill Tech-Use
Infused Knoowledgge 1,000 Tallent Intt 40
The Flesh is Weak 2 800 Talent Thee Flesh is Weak 1
II: Specialities
Rank 5 Deat
a hwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
Advvance Cost Type Prrerrequisitees
Seecuurity +20 400 Skill Securiity +10
Tech-U Use +20 400 Skill Teech-Usse +10
T 0
Gunn Blessing 800 Talent T chmarrine
Mastter Enginseer 1,000 Talent Tech-Use +10
Prosannguine 1,000 Talent Autossanguinne
The Fllesh is We
W ak 3 1,000 Talent Thhe Flesh is We
W ak 2
Rank 6 Deat
a hwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
nce Cost Type Prerrequiisites
Armourr-Monger 500 Talent Techm marinne
Feerric Summoons 1200 Talent Ferricc Luree, Techm
Lumineen Blast 1,000 Talent Techmarine
Machinatorr Array 1200 Talent T ch
Te hmarinee
Sounnd Constiitution 1,000 Talent —
Rank 7 Deathwa
watch Techmari
r ne
n Adva
v nc
n es
Advancee Cost Type Prerrequissites
Concealed Cavity 500 Talent —
Electrical Succoour 1,000 Talent Techm
Energy Cache 1,500 Talent Techmarine
Sound Constittution 1,000 Talennt —
The Flesh is Weak 4 1,000 Taalent The Flesh is Weak 3