CIE Islamiat Jihad P2
CIE Islamiat Jihad P2
CIE Islamiat Jihad P2
• Muslims should never be the first to attack any innocent or peaceful people. Peaceful co-existence
between non-Muslims and Muslims is urged, “(However, the treaties are) not dissolved with those
pagans with whom you have entered into alliance and who have not subsequently failed you nor
aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to end of their terms: for Allah
loves the righteous.” (At-Taubah 9:4)
• Muslim states must maintain their treaties and friendly relations with non-Muslims states as long as
they continue to respect the rights and agreements, Allah says, “But if they violate their oaths after
their covenant and taunt you for your faith fight you the chiefs of unfaith: for their oaths are
nothing to them, that thus they may be restrained.” (At-Taubah 9:12) When these conditions cease
to exist and peaceful life returns to the state, they are required to cease their war operation.
O/N 2015
5 (a) Describe the meaning of the term jihad and say how Muslims can practice jihad
in their everyday lives. [10] .
Jihad is an Arabic term, and its meaning is “to strive or work hard for something”. Jihad is basically the
name given to every activity and movement in the way of Allah (SWT). It means to strive to make justice
superior and dominant. In other words, jihad has to do with action in Islam; it is the power of Islam to
act. Therefore, the meaning of the word “jihad” is not “war.” To fight for the sake of Allah (SWT) is also
a kind of jihad but, in general terms, this word includes any kind of activity and action to make the
religion of Allah goes everywhere in the world or spreading of religion Islam for Almighty Allah.
There are different kinds of jihad They are:
jihad of the self (jihad bin- nafs); Jihad of the tongue (jihad bil- lisan); jihad by the hand (jihad bil-
yad) and jihad by the sword (jihad bis-saif).
1. Jihad against one’s self: Jihad bil Nafs is concerned with fighting against “evil” (un-Islamic)
desires and the devil in the attempt to escape his inducement to evil. We can say this is the
“internal” jihad or Jihad against satan.
we should fulfill Allah’s commands with the patience and have proper faith in Almighty Allah no
matter what situation we are facing, always put strong faith in Almighty Allah. Shaytaan will try to
break our faith but we have to stick against him
2. Jihad bil-lisan (jihad of the tongue) is speaking and upholding the truth, speaking out against
what is wrong and immoral, and spreading the word of Allah and the teaching of Islam
It means to teach people the truth and good. God almighty addresses in the Quran, “Invite all to the
way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and
most gracious.” The Quran is gouge for spiritual social and individual life of human being until the Day
of Judgment. The duty of presenting the teachings of the Quran to humanity was given to Muslims. The
Quran says, “You are the best of people evolved for mankind enjoining what is right, forbidding what
is wrong and believing in Allah” The Prophet also said that,
A man asked: “What kind of jihad is better?” The Prophet (SAW) replied: “A word of truth spoken in
front of an oppressive ruler.”
3. Jihad by the pen/Knowledge: Jihad by the pen/knowledge or jihad bilqalam/ilm is a form of
jihad involving scholarly research of Islam in understanding the message of Islam, for aiding the
separate as well as defense of Islam, the publishing written article clearing misconceptions and
correcting lies against Islam. The messenger of Allah once stated that the ink of the scholar is
holier than the blood of a martyr.
4. Jihad by the hand: Jihad by hand or jihad bil yad is a jihad of action rather than words. At certain
areas it overlaps with zakat (charity) and hajj (pilgrimage). Some of its examples include giving
charity to the poor and needy, performing hajj or Umarah, helping those who need help, saving
people’s lives etc. These are more of physical deeds instead of words, “A person whose feet
become dust-ridden because of (striving) in the way of Allah will never be touched by the
flames of Hell”
5. Jihad bis-saif (jihad by the sword) referring to qital fi sabilillah(armed fighting in the way of
Allah),is the most common usage-a term that has been exploited and misused as ’holy war’. In
terms of physical combat, the Qur’an uses the word Qital which is restricted and limited by
particular conditions ,i.e. when all other worlyd options have been explored and exhausted and
the very existence of Islam and Muslims is threatened.
“And why should you not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated(and
oppressed)men, woman and children , whose cry is:’ Our Lord! rescue us from this town, whose people
are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will help.” (Al NISA,4:75)
In order to better understand the Qur’anic principles in this context, there are several significant
precedents to consider. The early Muslims living in Makka as a minority were not allowed to respond to
Makkan oppression by taking military action until specific permission was divinely given. They endured
oppression for many years and, despite their impatient urgings, the Prophet would not allow them to
respond with violence. At one point, he allowed a group of his most oppressed followers to migrate and
seek sanctuary with al-Najashi, the Christian king of Abyssinia.
According to the Qur’an, if the enemy ceased hostilities and sought peace, Muslims were to seek peace
as well.
“If your enemy inclines towards peace, then you should seek peace and trust in Allah. Verily, He is
the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.” (ANFAL 8.61)
Morever, the Qur’an instructs Muslims not to haughtily turn away unbelievers who seek to make to
peace with them, and reminds Muslims that:
“If Allah would have willed, He would have given the unbelievers power over
you[Muslims].Therefore, if they[the unbelievers] withdraw from you and refuse to fight you, and
instead ,send you guarantees of peace, know that Allah has not given you a licence [to fight
them].”(Al-NISA 4.90)
5. (b) ‘The Prophet’s teachings about armed warfare (jihad) are not relevant today’.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
• disagree with the statement.
• the teachings of the Prophet regarding armed warfare are just as relevant today as they were
in the Prophet’s time and that we must have respect for life and the environment .
• use jihad as a last resort and when engaged in it make sure that the code of conduct set by the
Prophet is followed.
• importance of these teachings can be understood from the fact that they are included in the
Universal charter of human rights by the United Nations.
5.(b) Why do you think jihad of the self (jihad bil-nafs) is greater than armed jihad
(jihad bis-saif)? [4]
• It is most important because it is the struggle to resist temptation to evil and to overcome
one’s own weakness and failings on daily basis which many a time is harder to do.
• Islamic ethical teachings indicate that one who succeed in this struggle that rise above the
level of angels and the one who fails in it may even be grouped in the followers of satan.
• When divine powers succeed again evil a person emerges as virtues and blessed