Step Template - Brittany Schaff
Step Template - Brittany Schaff
Step Template - Brittany Schaff
Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Students will be displaying their knowledge of the steps that go into building an informative
essay. They will have to show their progression by displaying work already completed to see
how well they were able to develop the skills of finding evidence, creating an outline, using the
structure to build an informative essay, and completing a final draft as well as editing it. This
was a whole group activity to see how well they were able to build their knowledge to be able to
prepare them to complete this process on their own.
Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.
Number of Students
Partially Proficient
(70%-79%) 1
Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 15
Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Students will be displaying their outline, their structured essay, and their final draft of their
informative essay based on the information given from the text Life in Space. We will be looking
more focused on their completion of the sections and more on content within their final drafts.
The high proficient will be the students who have completed all steps and had a completed four
paragraphs on their final document. The proficient will be the students who have completed all of
the sections but did not meet the standards of their essay. The partially proficient will be the
students who have completed the sections up to the structured essay slides which is the final
essay but deconstructed. Then minimally proficient will be all of the students who have not
completed any of the sections.
Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.
Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.
Anticipatory Set Students will be Students will start with Student will start by Students will look Students will open
How will students’ prior writing what they a three-minute quick reviewing their over their structured their document their
knowledge be activated as already know about right completed informative essay slides to reread essay is written out on.
well as gain student interest what life is like in essay outlines. They what they wrote. They There will be a review
in the upcoming content? space. They will use will begin by labeling are to add things they on how to edit a peer’s
their previous the introduction as believe will make it paper and what to look
knowledge on what their first paragraph, more detailed. If their for as we move into
they know about space their first key star essay was incomplete revisions. The students
and how to write details as their second this will be their time will share aloud how
complete paragraphs paragraph, their to complete their to fix examples on the
to write as much as second key/star details paragraphs. teachers essay and
they can in three as their third share why they think
minutes. paragraph, and their their suggestion would
conclusion sentence as help the essay.
their last paragraph.
This is to help them
organize what will go
whereas they begin to
write out their essays.
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of The students will be Students will be Students will be The students are now Students will be
Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.
Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient 8 8
2 3
Partially Proficient
1 4
Proficient 15 10
(69% and below)
Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class
Based on your analysis of the whole class post-test data, what is your interpretation of the
students learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come
to this conclusion.
Based on the whole group, there was a little bit of improvement from the pretest. We had a few
students move up into the partially proficient and the proficient. Overall, there was 5 students
who were able to move out of the minimally proficient. The amount for student who were in the
proficient range increased by one. Then the partially proficient increased by 3 which shows that
the students who were in the minimally proficient from the pre-test moved up into the partially
proficient and proficient for the post test.
Based on the whole class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. Cite examples and provide evidence of
student learning to support this analysis.
Overall, there was only a small amount of improvement from the class as a whole. This being said
I was able to reach a few of the students to help them in their building/creating their own
informative essay. However, there is still a majority of the class who stayed in the minimally
proficient. This being said the students still need new ways of seeing expression and also
representation. I also believe that slowing down the process would help these students as well.
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection
Based on your analysis of the subgroup post-test data, what is your interpretation of the student
learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come to this
I decide to choose the boys to focus in on the subgroup just because I notice it is a lot harder for my boys
to get going especially in their writing. Based on the pre-test you can see how a majority of them sit in the
minimally proficient category. I noticed that there is a lack of motivation or engagement due to the work
being completely online. A majority of my boys get easily distracted with other applications or just log in
and walk away from their computers. There was still quite an improvement between the pre-test and the
post-test due to the format and organization of their tasks at hand when comparing the pre vs the post. I
believe taking these step to get into what is expected but also providing an example helped the boys in
building their essay.
Based on the subgroup class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of
your instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. If there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives, discuss what you will do in future days to aid
students' understanding with respect to the unit’s objectives. Cite examples and provide evidence
Analyze the data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class. In one paragraph,
describe the effectiveness of your instruction for this unit using the finding from your analysis.
The girls in this situation, you can see from the data that they improved but only a few improved. There
were only two students who moved up into partially proficient and proficient from the category minimally
proficient. This shows that the effectiveness of my lesson was present, but it only benefitted those two
students who improved. As we went through the lesson and they were completing their assignment for the
pre-test and the post-test the post test was presented in a more broken-down step by step and was more
direction for self-guidance so they could move through it with ease.
Based on your analysis of student learning, discuss the next steps for instruction, including an
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction.
Based on the results there can be more improvement from the girls as a whole. Though there are six girls
who are highly proficient, all students are capable on improvement and at least getting to the proficient
category. The girls will be in charge of taking responsibility on staying on task within their task and
improving their comprehensions. An objective we can make for the girls will be: SWBAT identify the
components that are included within building an informative essay by using completing the outline, the
3. Working into my lessons more of the I will work with my mentor teacher on how
social interaction and collaboration we could do this online versus in person.
Then also meeting to discuss when the
collaboration may be appropriate for students
to benefit from.
Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal: Be able to practice how to have a clear and organized lesson in order
for the direction to see precise and accurately delivered lesson plan.