Step Template - Brittany Schaff

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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP)

Template – Brittany Schaff

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Table of Contents

STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and Community.....3

STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives and the
Learning Goal............................................................................................................4
STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy....................................................5
STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning...........................................................7
STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit.......................................11
STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning...................................................12
STEP Standard 7 - Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student Progress............14

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and
Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP) is the process for preparing and
implementing a unit of instruction.
By understanding the community, school environment, and the makeup of the classroom, you
will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students.
By analyzing the student demographics, environmental factors, and student academic factors,
you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students. In the first two weeks of
student teaching, you should focus on learning about the students you will be working with.

Part I: Community, District, School, and Classroom Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part I
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Part II: Demographic, Environment, and Academic Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part II
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:

1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1
 Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will
result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing this document in multiple
sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another
document.  When you are ready to make your final submission, copy and paste your
responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be
saved until you complete the signing process.
2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign,” and
entering your email address. 
 An initial email will be sent to you to confirm your email address. 
 A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of
confirming your email address.
3. After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning
Management System (LMS).

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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives
and Learning Goals
Part of the planning process is to identify overall learning goals for a unit or lesson, as well as the
lesson’s specific learning objectives. Goals and objectives should be aligned not only to
standards, but also to student pre-assessment data.
The unit you are planning should be one you are preparing to teach during Weeks 5-7. The
standards and objectives need to align with your pre- and post-assessments and objectives.
Note: You will not teach this unit until you get feedback from both your instructor and your
mentor teaching on this STEP.

Unit Topic: Informational Science Essay

Unit Title: Your Choice! - Science Informative Essay

National or State Academic Content Standards:

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. a.
Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting
(e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b. Develop the topic
with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.
c. Link ideas within categories of information using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also,
d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented.
Learning Goal:
At the end of the lessons the students will be able to create a complete scientific informative
essay. The students will be able to know the importance of finding fact and details to develop an
informative essay.
Measurable Objectives:
Students will be able to identify facts and details to develop an informative essay topic.
Students will be able to organize found information in order create informational paragraphs by
using words and phrases to link their facts, details, and concrete ideas together.
Students will be able to create a topic, detailed body paragraphs, and a concluding statement that
informs their reader on what they have discovered.
If you would like feedback on your pre-assessment for alignment prior to administering, copy it
in here.

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Students will be displaying their knowledge of the steps that go into building an informative
essay. They will have to show their progression by displaying work already completed to see
how well they were able to develop the skills of finding evidence, creating an outline, using the
structure to build an informative essay, and completing a final draft as well as editing it. This
was a whole group activity to see how well they were able to build their knowledge to be able to
prepare them to complete this process on their own.

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 8

(80%-89%) 2

Partially Proficient
(70%-79%) 1

Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 15

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

Once the students completed a pre-assessment with the class, I realized these students have a harder time
with forming the essay as a whole. Based on the numbers the minimally proficient students were the
students who completed nothing within the process of building an informative essay. I believe these were
the students who have a hard time with doing assignments online. I also believe it is the students who lose

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interest and leave the class all together. When looking back at the students who did complete the
assignments, they were doing amazing on completing the work, but they were unsure what the purpose
was of writing the essay. The students were beginning to lose the comprehension which showed in their
application. This is where I decided to change around my approach as we moved into our new
informative essay. I structured the essay differently so instead of it being a five-paragraph essay with
three key/star details but to a four-paragraph essay with only two key/star details. I saw these students
needed a lot of assistance as well, so I broke down the paragraph structured google slides into a more kid
friendly understanding. I also decided it would be a good idea to get the students to practice their typing,
so I had been assigning typing games to work on their typing.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Students will be displaying their outline, their structured essay, and their final draft of their
informative essay based on the information given from the text Life in Space. We will be looking
more focused on their completion of the sections and more on content within their final drafts.
The high proficient will be the students who have completed all steps and had a completed four
paragraphs on their final document. The proficient will be the students who have completed all of
the sections but did not meet the standards of their essay. The partially proficient will be the
students who have completed the sections up to the structured essay slides which is the final
essay but deconstructed. Then minimally proficient will be all of the students who have not
completed any of the sections.

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.

Grade Level: 4th

Unit/Subject: Informative Essay Life in Space/Writing

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

List specific grade-level Conduct short research Develop the topic with Introduce a topic With some guidance With guidance and
standards that are the focus projects that build facts, definitions, clearly and group and support from support from peers and
of the lesson being presented. knowledge through concrete details, related information in adults, use technology, adults, develop and
investigation of quotations, or other paragraphs and including the Internet, strengthen writing as
different aspects of a information and sections; include to produce and publish needed by planning,
topic. examples related to the formatting (e.g., writing as well as to revising, and editing. 
topic. headings), interact and
illustrations, and collaborate with
multimedia when others; demonstrate
useful to aiding sufficient command of
comprehension. keyboarding skills to

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type a minimum of
one page in a single
Specific Learning SWBAT identify SWBAT organize the SWBAT build an SWBAT create a SWBAT complete
Target(s)/Objectives important information information found essay using a complete informative revision processes of
Based on state standards, from the text by from the text by structured essay guide essay based on the text self-revisions and peer
identify what is intended to be highlighting. identifying two key or within their own Life in Space using revisions to create a
measured in learning. star details their want personal google slides. their outline and their final draft of their
to write about and structured essay informative essay on
completing their google slides. Life in Space.
informative essay
Academic Language Key or star detail Writing Prompt Introduction Introduction Introduction
General academic vocabulary Evidence Opening statement Hook Hook Hook
and content-specific Topic Sentence Body paragraph Body paragraph Body paragraph
vocabulary included in the Key or star detail Key/star details Key/star details Key/star details
unit. Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence
Closing Sentence Closing/opening Closing/opening Closing/opening
sentences sentences sentences
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion
Transition words Transition words Transition words
Peer Review
Teacher Review
Unit Resources, Pear deck Google Docs – outline Google slides – Google docs – writing Google docs – essay
Materials, Equipment, writing guide out the essay completion
and Technology
List all resources, materials,
equipment, and technology to
be used in the unit.
Depth of Knowledge What do we know How many key/star How do we create a How do you start your What are the steps to
Lesson Questions about living in space? details do we need to hook, opening essay? move through
What questions can be posed How can we identify have an efficient sentence, and a closing What do you end your revisions?
throughout the lesson to key details? informative essay? sentence? essay with? What is the purpose of

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assess all levels of student Why do we use our Why is it important for Why is important to What are the elements editing your essay?
understanding? writing prompt to the us to have an have at least three to we are going to need Why are we looking
 Level 1: Recall guide our research? outline before writing five sentences within a so we can create a for certain edits within
 Level 2: Skill/Concepts How does the way an our essays? body paragraph? complete an essay? your essay?
 Level 3: Strategic astronaut eat different How can we find our What is the purpose of How many body What were you able to
Thinking from the way we eat? key/star details from an opening sentence paragraphs do we need gather by preforming
 Level 4: Extended within our information and a closing to have for our the revisions from
Thinking text? sentence? informative essays? editing another peer’s
Why do we use the How can you create a How can you make essay?
writing prompts to more detailed essay by sure that there is What information
guide what using the created evidence from the text were you able to
information we use structure slides? within your body gather from your peer
from the text? paragraphs? edits to edit your own

Anticipatory Set Students will be Students will start with Student will start by Students will look Students will open
How will students’ prior writing what they a three-minute quick reviewing their over their structured their document their
knowledge be activated as already know about right completed informative essay slides to reread essay is written out on.
well as gain student interest what life is like in essay outlines. They what they wrote. They There will be a review
in the upcoming content? space. They will use will begin by labeling are to add things they on how to edit a peer’s
their previous the introduction as believe will make it paper and what to look
knowledge on what their first paragraph, more detailed. If their for as we move into
they know about space their first key star essay was incomplete revisions. The students
and how to write details as their second this will be their time will share aloud how
complete paragraphs paragraph, their to complete their to fix examples on the
to write as much as second key/star details paragraphs. teachers essay and
they can in three as their third share why they think
minutes. paragraph, and their their suggestion would
conclusion sentence as help the essay.
their last paragraph.
This is to help them
organize what will go
whereas they begin to
write out their essays.
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of The students will be Students will be Students will be The students are now Students will be

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Representation working in groups to organizing their shown how to putting all of their completing a series of
Describe how content will be read through their highlighted important complete each slide or work into a complete revisions. They will do
presented in various ways to short book on “Life in details from within the paragraph that will be essay within a google a self-revision, they
meet the needs of different Space”. They will be text to complete their included within their document. They will will do a peer revision,
learners. taking turns on sharing outline. They will be essay. The slides will be retyping the and then a quick
what they think they choosing two key/star include an introduction paragraphs they have teacher revision. They
should highlight as an ideas from the text that paragraph, two body already created on will be looking for
important detail. they want to write paragraphs, and a their structured google aspects such as
about with supporting conclusion paragraph. slides. grammar, spelling,
evidence, and they will Each paragraph will indentation, transition
also be creating their have their own words, and if it sounds
topic sentence as well directions to help good when read aloud.
as their concluding guide the students
sentence. This will be through the writing
displayed as a model process.
from the teacher but
also as they share with
their group mates. The
teacher will model
how to do the first
steps on finding their
key star detail with the
evidence found within
the text.
Multiple Means of By having the students The students will need The students will be They will have their The students will have
Representation work in groups they a way to see different showing a model on own google documents a guide that will help
Differentiation will be able to work ways of seeing this how to create each of they will be working them work through the
Explain how materials will be with others to see the approach. Therefore, these paragraphs. They on. They will be revisions process.
differentiated for each of the ways others are able to the teacher will model will be broken down taking the work from There will also be a
following groups: pick out important other examples they sentence by sentence, their structured google guide on what to look
 English Language information from the could possibly choose so they are able to slides and putting it for as they read
Learners (ELL) story. They will also from that they could have the idea but also directly into the through as well. This
 Students with special have the ability to ask use from the text. The allows the time for document. This can checklist will help
for help or help each students will also be them write their own. help these students for them work through
 Students with gifted
abilities other to guide them in able to have the These students will they can just copy and editing their own paper
Early finishers (those who what would be a good opportunity to share also have a resource paste their work, or and on a peer’s paper

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finish early and may need decision on with others, so they within the slides that they can rewrite to fill as well.
additional sources/support) highlighting. are able to see how breaks apart each in the missing parts.
their peers went about sentence that goes into This will be modeled
completing their the paragraph, which for these students and
outline. is located on the slide small breakout group
previous to the slide will be created to help
they are working on. these students as they
begin to run into
difficult sections. For
these students, they
will also be given the
option to hand write it
out if they have the
materials at home.
Application of Content
Multiple Means of Students will be given Students will be given Students will be Students will begin to The students will be
Engagement the opportunity to the choice on what working independently look through their completing a series of
How will students explore, work in groups so they key/star details they as they work through completed structured steps to complete their
practice, and apply the can work together in would like to write this section. They are essay google slides to revisions. They will
content? finding the important about. They are also to be using their own double check that they have to do at least two
details within the given the opportunity words to build their are ready to move edits to their own
reading. By having to talk about they think full completed forward. They will page, suggest edits to
them take turns is interesting paragraphs. They will then proceed to put the their peers’ paper, and
reading through and information from the be using their slides and the they will have to apply
picking out different text that aligns with completed outline to document side by side their peer edits to their
details the students their key/star detail. guide them in so they can retype own essays. They will
will be engaged but completing each their paragraphs into work through a
also held responsible paragraph their document to checklist for their self-
for their highlighting. build their essays. edit and then they will
do this again when
they are in partnering
breakout groups with
their partners essay.
Multiple Means of By having the students These students will be The structured slides The students will be THe students will have
Engagement work in groups they able to work through allow all types of given the option to guide and examples
Differentiation will be able to work on their own with their students to be able to retype, copy and paste, displayed to help them

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Explain how materials will be with one another to choices on what they have a guide in or write by hand. They move through the
differentiated for each of the share with each other. would like to write on. completing their work will be given this process. They will also
following groups: There are going to be When they are sharing by applying their own option because most of have a partner they
 English Language an assigned leader to with others, they are thinking. The students these students have a will be working with
Learners (ELL) help guide the group in able to display their will have a hard time harder time when it so they are able to
 Students with special reading through each knowledge of their with just completing a comes to typing for receive the help and
slide and making sure work but also learn off paragraph without the long periods of time. guidance they may
 Students with gifted
each person has the of their peers in a less structure of what goes This way if they are need. The partnering
Early finishers (those who opportunity to share pressuring into the paragraphs. able to copy and paste of these students also
finish early and may need on what they believe environment. By By giving them their or write by hand, they helps them with their
additional sources/support) should be highlighted. giving them choice own copies of the will be able to stay communication and
Each of the students and the ability to share structured outlines, engaged in the responsibility for they
are responsible for their work they will be they will have a visual completion of their must help their peers
their own highlighting able to self-assess and and physical reminder informative essay. in their editing as well.
on their peardecks. also have the on how to move
This also helps keep engagement of throughout the essay.
all of the students interaction with others.
engaged because they
are being held
responsible for their
own work that is
discovered in group
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of As students work, I As the students work The students work will As students work, I The students will be
Expression will be looking into through each of the be checked after each will be checking on showing their progress
Formative and summative the peardeck to check boxes within their paragraph has been their slides and their by checking off their
assessments used to monitor in on their progress as outline, I will be completed. They will documents as well. By lists. As they work
student progress and modify they are highlighting checking their be using their google doing this I will be with their partners, I
instruction. details from the documents through my slides to display their able to get the students will be checking on
reading. At the end of teacher view on work and they will redirected in their their checklist, but I
the lesson the students google classroom. I also use their work or give will also be popping
should have at least will do check ins with completed google assistance when they into their breakout
one highlighted detail the students to see if document that contains are unsure of where to sessions to see their
on each of the slides. they need help with their outline from the place a specific editing. Later on I will
The students are to specific parts. I will previous day. They paragraph. look at what they had

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have highlight on their also continue to will be assessed on edited on their own
own peardecks so they reexplain parts. When this as they move papers to see if they
are being held they move into through this to be able followed directions
accountable for their breakout groups as to check for correctly.
own work. well, I will be looking progression.
at what they say to
each other and how
much they were able
to get completed that
way as well.
Multiple Means of The students will each By having the check The students who will These students may be The students will be
Expression have their own copies ins, I will be able to have a harder time working in different given a checklist so
Differentiation of “Life in Space” help the students who with this task will be ways therefore there they know what I am
Explain how materials will be through their have a harder time watched a little closer. will have to be check going to be looking for
differentiated for each of the peardecks. They will following along with By looking through ins to see their as they are completing
following groups: be able to highlight the whole group the google slides progressions. This will their edits. They are
 English Language groups decisions of directions. The through the google be by telling them to also working with a
Learners (ELL) highlighting or they breakout groups also classroom I will be turn on their cameras partner to show and
 Students with special can highlight their help them by showing able to see where they to show their work or guide them through
own choices as well. of their ideas but also are getting stuck or to make sure their the process. They will
 Students with gifted
abilities They will be using the being able to see their where they may need cameras are on to easily get their work
Early finishers (those who peers work as well for some guidance. show they are present done if they are able to
finish early and may need inspiration. There was and working on their work with their
additional resources/support) also opportunity to essays. I will also be partner. If there is
receive help from their doing a verbal check difficulty, I will be
peers when they were ins and chat check ins help guide the groups
in their breakout to see where the as I move throughout
groups as well. students are at in their the breakout rooms.
writing stages.
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any They are to finish up The students should Students will have to Student will have to The students will have
extension activities or highlighting on their have a completed develop each of the review their work to to reflect on how they
homework tasks as own if they were not outline by the end of paragraphs. If they make sure it is felt on their revisions
appropriate. Explain how the able to complete class. If they were were unable to completed. They will went. If the students
extension activity or
within their groups. unable to finish, they complete some of the be preparing for their did not complete their
homework assignment
supports the learning
They will have to read were to stay after class paragraphs they must peer edit for the revisions, they will

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targets/objectives. As through on their own to receive the review get as far as they can, following day. have until the end of
required by your instructor, and highlighting key of directions and were so they are prepared the day to complete it
attach any copies of details that may be to complete each of for the next day. before doing any
homework at the end of this important for creating the boxes within the grading. I will also let
their outline the outline. them know that if they
following day. are missing any other
sections that went to
building the essay they
must go back and
complete it if they
want a good grade.

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10 minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation:

The students were in charge of collecting their own information from the pear deck that had the text of
Life in Space. The students were then taking this found information and putting it into an outline that
included a topic sentence, two key/star details, two pieces of information for each key/star detail, and a
concluding sentence. From there they were to use this outline to help guide them in completing the
structured essay slides to help them build their introduction paragraph, body paragraph one and two, and a
conclusion paragraph. After they have competed that they are to organize their paragraphs from their
structured essay slides into a complete essay. The last step they were paired up with a partner to reread
through each other’s essays to be able to make corrections.

Summary of Student Learning:

As a whole I was able to see a major progression of application of knowledge and connection when
creating their informative essays. As they moved through each step you could see from their work that
they were able to connect their own ideas to ideas that were found in the text. The guided assistance as the
lesson was taught and the check in with the students really helped him improve their comprehension on
how to build a clearer informative essay. When looking at their work you could see they were able to fill
in their outlines, their structured slides, and their full essays way more efficiently than when we first
practiced this. By having them do a pre-assessment fairly similar it allowed them the opportunity to grow
but also display their complex ideas on their own in a more familiar style.

Reflection of Video Recording:

Based on the recording I could see the ways in which I could improve on giving direction. There were
times where I was rephrasing what I was telling the students, but I would do it in two different ways, to
where I could see in their work that they may have gotten confused. This can be helpful for many students
however for some reason there were a large group of students that still needed to be included on the
instruction. What I also think I should work on is getting the students to respond to me more as well. For
example, I could have had them share out their ideas of what they have wrote. What I think I did well was
how I displayed the ways to open the materials and how to navigate their way through it.

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STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning
After you have implemented each lesson in the unit, as well as completed the post-assessment,
collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to analyze the results of the post-assessment
and determine student learning. Review your data and whether there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives and discuss what you will do to further develop
students’ knowledge and skills.

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test

Highly Proficient 8 8
2 3
Partially Proficient
1 4
Proficient 15 10
(69% and below)
Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class
Based on your analysis of the whole class post-test data, what is your interpretation of the
students learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come
to this conclusion.
Based on the whole group, there was a little bit of improvement from the pretest. We had a few
students move up into the partially proficient and the proficient. Overall, there was 5 students
who were able to move out of the minimally proficient. The amount for student who were in the
proficient range increased by one. Then the partially proficient increased by 3 which shows that
the students who were in the minimally proficient from the pre-test moved up into the partially
proficient and proficient for the post test.
Based on the whole class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. Cite examples and provide evidence of
student learning to support this analysis.
Overall, there was only a small amount of improvement from the class as a whole. This being said
I was able to reach a few of the students to help them in their building/creating their own
informative essay. However, there is still a majority of the class who stayed in the minimally
proficient. This being said the students still need new ways of seeing expression and also
representation. I also believe that slowing down the process would help these students as well.
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

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Using the information obtained in Standard 1(Student Academic Factors section), select one
subgroup population to focus on for this analysis. Provide a brief rationale for your selection (1-
3 sentences).
I decided to choose the gender of my students just because I do not have that many students in
other subcategories. I also noticed a difference in the results between the boys versus the girls the
most. As we were moving through the lesson and the building of our essay, I also noticed how the
boys were working a lot better through the post-test for they were asking for one-on-one help.
The participation from the boys always seemed to be lacking and that they rarely asked for help
so I thought analyzing how they improved would be good in how to reach all of the students by
seeing it through gender.
Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Highly Proficient Boy: 2 Boy: 2

Boy: 1 Boy: 2
Partially Proficient
Boy: 1 Boy: 3
Proficient Boy: 9 Boy: 6
(69% and below)
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

Based on your analysis of the subgroup post-test data, what is your interpretation of the student
learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come to this
I decide to choose the boys to focus in on the subgroup just because I notice it is a lot harder for my boys
to get going especially in their writing. Based on the pre-test you can see how a majority of them sit in the
minimally proficient category. I noticed that there is a lack of motivation or engagement due to the work
being completely online. A majority of my boys get easily distracted with other applications or just log in
and walk away from their computers. There was still quite an improvement between the pre-test and the
post-test due to the format and organization of their tasks at hand when comparing the pre vs the post. I
believe taking these step to get into what is expected but also providing an example helped the boys in
building their essay.
Based on the subgroup class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of
your instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. If there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives, discuss what you will do in future days to aid
students' understanding with respect to the unit’s objectives. Cite examples and provide evidence

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of student misconceptions to support this analysis.
I believe that the data was shows that the boys were able to improve a bit between the pre-test to the post-
test. As they moved through their essays, we can tell that there can still be a bit of improvement on both
the boys end but also my teaching approach as well. I feel as if there were more clear direction and
possible different ways that they can express their work. I also believe that if we were in person there
would be less distraction and more correction so they would be able to stay on track in the writing process.
What I would do if we were to aid the students in the informative essay building is doing personal check in
to see where the boys may have gotten stuck in the process of building their essay. Once we had
established where the boys who need the aid, we will provide resources and a different way in explanation
how to catch up or build the task at hand.
Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient Girl: 6 Girl: 6
Girl: 1 Girl: 1
Partially Proficient
Girl: 0 Girl: 1
Proficient Girl: 6 Girl: 4
(69% and below)
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

Analyze the data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class. In one paragraph,
describe the effectiveness of your instruction for this unit using the finding from your analysis.
The girls in this situation, you can see from the data that they improved but only a few improved. There
were only two students who moved up into partially proficient and proficient from the category minimally
proficient. This shows that the effectiveness of my lesson was present, but it only benefitted those two
students who improved. As we went through the lesson and they were completing their assignment for the
pre-test and the post-test the post test was presented in a more broken-down step by step and was more
direction for self-guidance so they could move through it with ease.
Based on your analysis of student learning, discuss the next steps for instruction, including an
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction.
Based on the results there can be more improvement from the girls as a whole. Though there are six girls
who are highly proficient, all students are capable on improvement and at least getting to the proficient
category. The girls will be in charge of taking responsibility on staying on task within their task and
improving their comprehensions. An objective we can make for the girls will be: SWBAT identify the
components that are included within building an informative essay by using completing the outline, the

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paragraph guide slide, and the final essay guide document.

STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. Learn new engagement strategies I will work with my instructional coach to add
suggestions on how to engage my students. I
will also ask her to come and observe the
classes that I have the most trouble with
engagement. I will have her help me find
specific ways to engage for specific groups of
2. Learning to check for comprehension I am going to go online to find work from
with the students so they know their other teachers on how they are managing
clear expectations and tasks to be check for comprehension while we are
completed at the end of the day virtual. I plan to also discuss with my mentor
teacher to make sure I am applying in the
correct ways and I am able to use the best
strategies for our students.

3. Working into my lessons more of the I will work with my mentor teacher on how
social interaction and collaboration we could do this online versus in person.
Then also meeting to discuss when the
collaboration may be appropriate for students
to benefit from.

Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal: Be able to practice how to have a clear and organized lesson in order
for the direction to see precise and accurately delivered lesson plan.

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Rationale: Why did you choose this goal? How I chose this because I feel like a majority of
do you expect it to improve the outcomes of your the students tended to stay in the minimally
future students? proficient category. I took this as an
opportunity to take into consideration to
improve my skills to be able to see better
performance from my students.
End Date: By when do you expect to accomplish April 2021
this goal?
Action Timeline: What steps will you take to 3/8: Integrate new slides that include student
complete this goal, and by when will you take expectations
them? Example:
3/15: Evaluation with mentor teacher and
1/31/18: Join AACTE coach – I will have something to present to
my teacher to show how I have integrated
new strategies within my lessons
3/30: Meet with mentor teacher to check in on
my progress. Receive feedback
4/12: have school instructional coach view
my written lesson plans. Discuss what I can
improve on or add in order to achieve my
4/16: Have a meeting with my mentor teacher
to talk about my progress and where I may
still need some help. This is where we can
question each other and dig a little deeper into
my improvement.
Resources: What resources are available to assist Co-teacher at my student teaching school,
you in accomplishing your goal? instructional coach, asking my mentor
teaching, reaching out to my fellow student
teachers, asking my professors, online forums
on how to present clear directions

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