SLA - Midterm Take-Home Exam SPR 2021

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Midterm Take-Home Exam

Deadline: April 9, 2021 Must be uploaded to MEBIS

FORMATTING YOUR PAPER: Your project needs to be typed on a Word doc, 1.5 spaced with
Times New Roman or Arial in 12 point font, following the academic writing guidelines at below.

First Page: The following information should be left-justified in 12 font at the top of the first page

● on the first line, your first and last name

● on the second line, your instructor’s name
● on the third line, the name of the class
● on the fourth line, the date
● Name your Word doc title as shown in the example below:
John Doe_SLA_Midterm Take-Home Exam _Spring 2021

A word count for the entire paper 1500 words (MAX).

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose three questions from each chapter below and answer those questions by
using our textbook (Ortega).
Ortega Chapter 1
1. This course focuses on the acquisition of language, rather than its evolution or description.
What would be the value, if any of studying these other two areas in more depth?
2. Who is more likely to become successfully bilingual: a child born and raised in Japan by one
Canadian and one Japanese parent; or a child with two Japanese parents who moves with them
to London at the age of 5? What are the important variables in each case?
3. As an interdisciplinary field, SLA has always incorporated or adapted concepts and findings
from other fields. Which field(s) do you currently believe SLA should most closely ally with in
order to produce the most useful findings in the future?
4. What are the most important current or future policy issues in Japan that SLA findings would
be useful to resolve successfully?
Ortega Chapter 2
1. From your own experience/observations, how does age influence the rate of L2 acquisition?
How does this generalization correspond to the material in the textbook?
2. From your own experience/observations, how does age influence the route (processes) of L2
acquisition? How does this generalization correspond to the material in the textbook?
Note: Ortega doesn’t focus on this so much, but it has to do with how different aged learners learn.
3. From your own experience/observations, how does age influence ultimate attainment in L2
acquisition? How does this generalization correspond to the material in the textbook?
4. What does our current knowledge about age effects suggest for policy issues in Japan?
Midterm Exam assignment rubric


Clarity Each answer addresses the assigned topic with a clear topic sentence; 15
effective transitions between ideas are provided

Style Some questions need to be internalized and personalized. So those answers 30

thoroughly use singular first person singular pronouns (e.g. I, me, mine,

Relevancy All information relevant to the logic of the paragraph and the question asked. 30

Paper (5 points) All paper formatting guidelines are followed (the use of Word doc, 15
formatting word limit, naming the Word doc correctly, text font style etc.)

(10 points) References Page MUST BE INCLUDED: IF any content from

TERM, A CONCEPT, A NOTION is given in your paper, all that information
needs to be included in in-text citations and in the references. You must cite a
reference when you discuss, summarize, or paraphrase the ideas of others.

See how to write cite your outside sources in the APA style:

On Time 10

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