Sauter Valve 1763170steam Reg. Valve
Sauter Valve 1763170steam Reg. Valve
Sauter Valve 1763170steam Reg. Valve
In order to make the information clear only foreseeable conditions have
been considered. No warnings are given, therefore, for situations
arising from unintended usage of the machine and its tools.
1 Function Description 1
1.1 Application 1
1.2 Design 1
1.2.1 Motor Drive Assembly 1
1.2.2 Valve 2
1.2.3 Motor Drive 3
1.2.4 Valve Options 3
2 Maintenance 5
3 Technical Data 11
3.1 Specification 11
3.1.1 Motor Drive 11
3.1.2 Valve 11
3.2 Dimensions 12
4 Installation 13
4.1 Specification 13
4.2 Procedure 14
5 Spare Parts 15
1 Function Description
1.1 Application
The steam regulating valve is designed to
regulate the flow of steam, water of all
temperatures, or thermal oil.
1.2 Design
The valve has a two-way valve housing and a
24 V AC motor drive. The valve spindle is
moved to the open, closed, or any
intermediate position by the motor drive
mounted on the valve housing.
1.2.1 Motor Drive Assembly
The motor drive is mounted on top of the
valve housing by two Allen screws (7) and a
bracket (6) which clamp the drive mounting
frame (2) to the valve neck (5).
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1 Function Description Steam Regulating Valve
1.2.2 Valve
The upper part of the valve housing (12)
forms the valve neck (11) with inside threads
for the stuffing box (1) and for mounting of
the motor drive. The stuffing box components
provide a high temperature seal for the spindle
To improve sealing, teflon inserts (2, 8) are
fitted in recesses in the lower guide boss (7)
and the stuffing box (1). A stuffing box gasket
(3) prevents leakage through the thread.
1. Stuffing box 9.Spindle
2. Teflon foil 10.Tommy boss hole
3. Gasket 11.Valve neck
4. Teflon sealing disc (6pcs.) 12.Valve housing
5. Upper spindle guide boss 13.Valve plug
6. Spring 14.Gasket
7. Lower spindle guide boss 15.Bottom cover
8. Guide boss teflon foil 16.Bottom cover bolt
2 1818062-02
Steam Regulating Valve 1 Function Description
1. Cover 6.Manual crank coupling
2. Limit switches 7.Motor
3. Manual crank in 8.Cable gland
storage position A.Common connection (1)
4. Limit switch camshaft B.Drive up connection (3)
5. Capacitor C.Drive down conn. (2)
1.2.4 Valve Options
1. Common connection
Ten versions of the regulating valve are 2. Drive down connection (open-increase)
available to cover the range of flow rates 3. Drive up connection (shut-decrease)
A. Outlet limit switch (open-increase)
required. E. Inner limit switch (shut decrease)
M. Motor
The valves have different plug and spindle C. Capacitor
assemblies to obtain the different flow rates.
There are four different bore sizes with
different valve housings and bottom cover
gaskets. The remaining components are
identical in all valves.
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1 Function Description Steam Regulating Valve
4 1818062-02
2 Maintenance
2.1 Preventive
No preventive maintenance of the motor drive
is recommended.
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2 Maintenance Steam Regulating Valve
screw the locking nut down as far as
12. Mount the new motor drive on the valve
housing and replace the bracket.
13. Screw the coupling down the spindle.
Continue until an increased resistance
indicates that the spindle plug is mating
with the valve seat.
14. The valve is now fully closed. Tighten the
locking nut against the coupling.
15. Fit the cable gland parts on the cable.
Insert the cable into the gear housing and
secure the gland with the gland nut.
6 1818062-02
Steam Regulating Valve 2 Maintenance
Burn hazard
5. Unscrew the two Allen screws and remove
the bracket.
6. Remove the motor drive from the valve
housing and put it down on the temporary
7. Loosen the flange bolts and remove the
valve from the piping system.
8. Remove the 4 bolts (16), valve bottom
cover (15), and gasket (14).
9. Pull the valve plug (13) and spindle (9) out
through the valve bottom.
N.B. The valve plug and spindle in valves
1763170-01, -02, and -03 are in one
piece and must be screwed out.
10. Unscrew the stuffing box (1) from the
valve neck (11) at the top of the valve
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2 Maintenance Steam Regulating Valve
16. Fit the new teflon foil (2) into the stuffing
box, slide the stuffing box onto the spindle
and tighten.
17. Using new gaskets, fit the valve to the
8 1818062-02
Steam Regulating Valve 2 Maintenance
2.4 Replacing the Valve
1. Shut off the supply of heating medium.
Burn hazard
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2 Maintenance Steam Regulating Valve
10 1818062-02
3 Technical Data
3.1 Specification
3.1.2 Valve
Media Steam, water or thermal oil
Maximum media temperature Steam and water 240 °C, thermal oil 230 °C
Valve characteristics Equal percentage (logaritmic)
Valve housing and bottom cover Ductile nodular cast iron
Stuffing box housing Brass
Plug and spindle Stainless steel
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3 Technical Data Steam Regulating Valve
3.2 Dimensions
1 Mounting frame 2 Motor drive
*) 1763120-20 Intermediate piece for media above 200 °C
1763170-10 40/0 25.0 102 20 99 18 150 110 398 200 477 14.6
12 1818062-02
4 Installation
4.1 Specification
There must be enough free space to allow for
maintenance and repair.
The valve must be installed to close against
the operating pressure. In the illustration, the
inlet is to the right.
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4 Installation Steam Regulating Valve
4.2 Procedure
1. Fit the valve and motor assembly to the
piping system.
2. Remove the motor drive cover and the
plastic protection in the cable entry.
3. Slide the cable gland parts on to the cable.
4. Insert the cable and secure it by tightening
the gland nut.
5. Connect the cable leads to the switch
• Common Pin 1
• Valve Open Pin 2
• Valve Close Pin 3
14 1818062-02
5 Spare Parts
Ref. 1763197 Rev. 1
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
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5 Spare Parts Steam Regulating Valve
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-04 - Gasket
16 1818062-02
Steam Regulating Valve 5 Spare Parts
Ref. 1763197 Rev. 1
4 1 1763197-11 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-13 - Gasket
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5 Spare Parts Steam Regulating Valve
4 1 1763197-15 - Gasket
4 1 1763197-17 - Gasket
18 1818062-02