Sensory Exploration: Infant/ Toddler

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Lesson Plan: Infant/

Sensory Exploration Toddler

(Birth to 3 yrs)

Learning through the senses.

Use language to describe, explain, and elaborate on children’s discoveries.

Children will be exploring through the use of their senses.

According to Piaget, children learn through exploration of their environment during the first two years of life. Providing
children with opportunities that allow them to exercise their senses is important for young developing minds.

To promote language development, thinking, and problem solving. Children will

• Be able to use their senses to learn about their environment.

• Develop a sense of confidence.
• Have the opportunity to socially interact with other children and adults.

Resources and Materials:


Activities and Procedures:

Allow infants and toddlers to explore each of the materials {{Caution: Be sure to supervise this game and that the

that will engage their various senses. Teachers or other children do not attempt to open the bottles.
adults can play with children to facilitate their learning. • Sense of Smell: Smelly Cups
{{Set out two or three paper cups.

• Sense of Touch: Touch a Box {{Place a cotton ball in each cup, upon which you

{{Set out one large box, big enough for a child to have placed a scent (e.g., coffee, lemon extract,
crawl into. floral perfume).
{{Line the walls of the box with different textured {{Have the children tell you what each cup smells

paper or material. The child will have fun like. If they do not know the name of the smell,
exploring this sensory cave. they can tell you if they like the smell or not.
• Sense of Hearing: Sound of Bottles • Sense of Vision: Color Areas
{{Collect some small plastic bottles and fill them {{Set out a red piece of paper.

with items that make a different sound (e.g., salt, {{Ask the children to look around the room for small

beans, paper clips, rice). objects that are the same color as the red paper, and
{{Let the children shake the bottles to listen to have them place the objects on the paper.
the sounds. {{Continue with other colors, if interest lasts.

Chapter 10  •  Play and the Learning Environment  27

• Sense of Taste: The Taste Test {{Variation: Set out two snacks, one salty and one
{{Set out two mini snacks. Have the children try sweet. Have the children tell you which snack is
both of them and tell you which one they like salty.

Tying It All Together:

Providing activities that require the use of their senses is important for developing children. The senses are used to receive
information about the world around us and to find out what is being communicated to us from our environment. By doing
this activity, children are processing the information they receive and are gaining knowledge.

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28  PART IV  •  Implementing the Early Childhood Curriculum

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