Case - History Psychiatry
Case - History Psychiatry
Case - History Psychiatry
Group , course
Харків, 2019
Затверджено вченою радою ХНМУ
Протокол № 1 від 24.01.2019
Skill to establish contact and examine mental patients is the most important
and necessary for a doctor of any specialty. Thus it is necessary to take into account
features of mental diseases, which determine all originality of a psychiatric case
history: features of conversation with mental patients, presence of objective
anamnesis, allowing to estimate a condition of the patient more precisely, descriptive
(instead of ascertaining) character of formulation of the mental status, in which
should be reflected not only symptoms of mental disorder, but also features of speech
and behavior of the patient.
The workbook contains scheme of examination of mental patients and
psychiatric case history. For simplification of work with the patients, there are
samples of questions to patients in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages in the
manual, and also exemplary scheme of the description of the patient’s mental status.
The manual is intended for students of medical high schools of Ukraine with
the English language of teaching, but it can be useful both students with Ukrainian
and Russian language of training.
It is necessary to find out the basic demographic data (surname, first and second
name (father’s name), age, sex, age and year of birth, place of work or study,
profession, home address, the date of admission to the hospital). This information
should be received by interrogation of the patient, it is possible to specify it from the
available documents (passport, medical cards etc.), from the relatives, people who is
accompanying the patient, or medical staff. Already at this stage it is possible to
make the first conclusions about the mental state of the patient (about his availability
to speech contact, orientation in a place, time, own personality, state of his memory,
thinking etc.).
Samples of questions:
Samples of questions:
Українська мова Русский язык English
На що Ви скаржитесь? На что Вы жалуетесь? What are your complaints?
Що трапилось з Вами? Что случилось с Вами? What is the matter?
Що Вас непокоїть? Что беспокоит? What is wrong with you?
Що привело Вас Что Вас привело в What's brought you to the
до лікарні? больницу? hospital?
Як Ви себе почуваєте? Как Вы себя How do you feel?
Є ще якісь скарги? Есть еще какие- Any other problems?
Samples of questions:
Українська мова Русский язык English
Де Ви народились? Где Вы родились? Where were you born?
Скільки років Сколько лет было Вашим How old were your parents
було Вашим родителям, когда when you were born?
батькам, Вы
коли родились?
Ви народились?
Ваші батьки живі або Ваши родители Are your parents living or
померлі? живы, dead?
Від чого вони От чего они умерли? What caused their death?
померлі? В At
В якому віці? каком возрасте? what age did they die?
У Вас є брати, сестри? У Вас есть братья, Do you have brothers or
сестры? sisters?
Вони здорові? Они здоровы? Are they healthy?
У Вашій сім'ї були (є) В Вашей семье были Do you have
психічно хворі? (есть) психически any
больные? psychiatric patients in your
У Вашій сім'ї У Вас в семье были Did you have any cases of
були случаи suicide in your family?
випадки самогубства? самоубийства?
Як Как What was the history of
your mother’s pregnancy
перебігала вагітність протекали беременность and delivery?
та пологи у Вашої и роды у Вашей матери?
Як Ви розвивались у Как Вы развивались в What was your mental
дитячому віці? детском возрасте? and physical
У Вас були дитячі У Вас были Did you have child's
нічні страхи, детские ночные night- mares, did you
сноговоріння, страхи, speak or walk while
сноходіння, сноговорение, sleeping; did you have
night urinary
нічне ночное incontinence, any
нетримання недержание episodes
of convulsions or
сечі, мочи, stammer?
напади приступы
У Вас були вагітності? У Вас были Have you had
беременности? pregnancies?
У Вас були аборти? У Вас были аборты? Have you had abortions?
Якими хворобами Какими болезнями What diseases have you
Ви Вы болели в had in the past?
страждали у прошлом?
Які хвороби Какие болезни What diseases did you
Ви Вы have
перенесли у перенесли в детстве? as a child?
Ви Вы болели Have you ever had a
венерическими venereal disease (syphilis,
хворіли болезнями gonorrhea)?
захворюваннями (сифилис, гонорея)?
(сифіліс, гонорея)?
Ви хворіли на Вы болели туберкулезом, Have you ever had
туберкульоз, хворобу болезнью an infectious
Боткіна чи менінгіт)? disease
Боткина, менингитом)? (tuberculosis,
hepatitis, meningitis)?
У Вас були У Вас были Have you had
черепно- черепно- brain
мозкові травми? мозговые травмы? injuries?
Ви коли- Вы когда-либо Have you ever
небудь теряли lost
втрачали свідомість? сознание? consciousness?
Ви переносили Вы переносили Have you had
операції операции под ever
під общим наркозом? operations under
загальним наркозом? anaesthetic?
У Вас є алергія У Вас есть Do you have allergy to any
до якихось ліків? повышенная drugs?
чувствительность к
нибудь лекарствам?
Ви палите? Вы курите? Do you smoke? How many
Скільки Сколько cigarettes a day do
сигарет протягом доби сигарет в течение дня Вы you smoke?
Ви випалюєте? выкуриваете?
Ви вживаєте Вы употребляете Do you use
спиртні спиртные alcoholic
напої? Як часто та в напитки? Как часто и drinks? How often and
якій кількості? в каких how much?
Яким Какие спиртные What alcoholic drinks do
спиртним напитки Вы you prefer?
напоям Ви предпочитаете?
Чи виникає у Возникает ли у Have you had “hang-over
Вас Вас syndrome”?
похмілля? похмелье?
Скільки потрібно Вам Много ли Вам How much alcohol should
випити, щоб сп'яніти? нужно выпить, you drink to get
чтобы опьянеть? tipsy
Otherwise, heredity is not burdened. The patient was born 1 child, in physical and mental
development he did not lag behind her peers. He suffered from measles and colds. By
nature - extremely suspicious, indecisive, taciturn, calm, restrained, the mood is always
even. Graduated from high school, technical school.
Conversation with a patient (2nd admission): he has known his wife for about 10 years.
By nature, he is calm, balanced, touchy, she used to be sociable, but in recent years he has
complained. He Has not been treated anywhere. He Has 2 children. They live in a
communal apartment. The condition worsened for about 3 months, she began to complain
that she was doing poorly at work. Family relationships are stable, there are troubles with
the mother-in-law.
History of the present disease (anamnesis morbi)
In anamnesis morbi the first attributes of disease, feature of its beginning, negative
factors, directly preceded to disease (trauma, infection, intoxication, change of a vital
situation etc.), time of influence of negative factors before occurrence of first
attributes of mental disease, development (sharp, gradual), treatment at therapeutist,
neuropathologist and in psychiatric hospitals, its efficiency, reason of the present
hospitalization, which way he (she) was delivered in hospital must be described. With
the help of objective anamnesis all of earlier listed data are specified.
Samples of questions:
Українська мова Русский язык English
Коли з'явились Когда появились When did you notice the
перші ознаки первые признаки first symptoms of
психического mental
психічного заболевания? disease?
Як давно Ви хворієте? Как давно Вы болеете? How long have you
Як почалось Как началось How did your
Ваше психічне Ваше mental disease
захворювання? психическое begin?
Хвороба Болезнь возникла Did the illness arise
остро sharp
виникла или постепенно? or gradually?
гостро чи поступово?
Із чим Ви С чем Вы What are possible
пов'язуєте початок связываете начало causes of the onset
захворювання? заболевания и его of your
обострения? illness?
Ви самі Вы сами Did you decide to call a
вирішили решили doctor yourself?
звернутись до лікаря? обратиться к врачу?
Ви Вы лечились по Were you treated for
поводу своей you illness? Where?
проходили лікування болезни? Где?
своєї хвороби? Де?
В чому В чем состояло лечение? What did the treatment
полягало consist of?
Чи було Наступало ли Did you have a
полегшення улучшение relief
після лікування? после лечения after the treatment?
Як часто Ви Как часто Вы проходили How often were you
проходили лікування в лечение в treated in the
психіатричному психиатрическом psychiatric hospital?
стаціонарі? стационаре?
Коли Ви виписались із Когда Вы были When did you
лікарні минулого выписаны из больницы leave hospital
разу? в прошлый last time?
Що було Что было причиной What was the reason of
причиною Вашей your
Вашої нынешней
госпитализаци present
теперішньої и? hospitalization?
He has had 2 previous suicide attempts, where his auditory hallucinations (God) told him
to that the cure for cancer would be discovered once he sacrificed himself. He overdosed
on tablets and alcohol. He was behaving the same way he is now and his mother is terribly
concerned he might attempt suicide again. Mr Riley has lost 7kg, refusing to eat because
"he doesn't need to, I'm too busy doing my important work". His strengths appear to be a
supportive family (Mr and Mrs Riley) and he is quite intelligent, enjoys problem solving
the difficult mechanical issues at work.
State of the patient at the moment of inspection
(somatic, neurologic, psychical status).
The inspection of a patient conditions includes the following.
Somatic status: a constitution, skin, condition of internal organs (under the general
scheme of examination accepted in somatic clinics).
General examination of the muscles of the limbs and trunk, muscle atrophy,
hypertrophy, pseudohypertrophy, fibrillar and fascicular twitching were not revealed.
Khvostek's and Trousseau's symptoms are negative. The range of active and passive
movements is complete both in the upper and lower extremities. Muscle strength in all
muscle groups of the arms and legs is preserved. Deep reflexes were normal. There are
no pathological reflexes. She is stable in the Romberg position. Performs finger-nose
and heel-knee tests. There are no pains and paresthesias. A state of superficial
sensitivity, deep and complex types of sensitivity without disturbances.
Cranial nerve functions
1 pair (nn.olfactorii) - the sense of smell is preserved, there are no olfactory
2 pair (n.opticus) - visual acuity is reduced, there is no limitation or loss of visual
fields, color perception is preserved.
3,4,6 pairs (n.oculomotorius, n.trochlearis, n.abducens) - the shape and size of the
pupils are normal, the movements of the eyeballs are in full, the reaction of the pupils
to light is preserved S = D.
5 pair (n.trigeminus) - superficial and deep sensitivity on the face is normal, corneal
and conjunctival reflexes are preserved.
7 pair (n.facialis) - wrinkling of the forehead and closing eyes is normal.
8 pair (n.vestibulocochlearis) - hearing acuity is normal, no nystagmus and no
9, 10 pair (n.glossopharyngeus, n.vagus) - painless swallowing, impaired voice
11 pair (n.accessorius) - turns of the head to the sides and down without difficulty.
12 pair (n.hypoglossus) - tongue in the midline, no atrophy of the muscles of the tongue
Mental status:
a. Degree of contact of the patient with the doctor (productive contact, formal
contact etc.);
b. Orientation at place, time, the own personality, persons around (condition of
consciousness). The level of insight.
c. Infringement of perception (metamorphopsias, illusions, hallucinations,
description of their character on analyzers, on complexity, in relation to the
patient, behavioral signs of hallucinations);
d. Disorders of memory (hypermnesia, hypomnesia, amnesia, paramnesias);
e. Infringement of thinking and speech: on tempo (acceleration, inhibition, delay
of thinking), on coherence (splitting of thinking, paralogism, reasoning, detailed
elaboration, incoherence, perseveration, echolalia), on the contents (obsessive,
supervaluable, delusional ideas), contents of delusional ideas, their
systematization, delusional behaviour, dementia (character of dementia),
f. Disorders of emotions: mood, emotional reactions during examination (non-
adequacy of emotions, ambivalence etc.); infringement of emotions on force
(strengthening, weakening), infringement of mobility of emotions;
g. Infringement of will: a condition of attention, purposeful activity - strengthening
(excitation), weakening, distortion (catatonic symptoms, obsessive, insuperable
movements and actions), condition of inclinations (strengthening, weakening,
Conclusion on materials of primary inspection, preliminary diagnosis
Based on anamnesis of life, anamnesis of disease, general examination we can put the
diagnosis: “Bipolar disorder. Manic phase”
Results of additional examinations of the patient
Set of additional research methods depends on somatic and mental status of
psychiatric patient. It includes:
It’s necessary to determine the scheme of treatment proceeding from etiology and
pathogenesis, patient’s mental and somatic status, disease’s course (type of onset,
duration), results of past treatment.
The treatment must be complex, but it’s necessary to avoid the prescription any
medicine for no reason whatever.
1. Mode-3.
2. Diet - ATS.
3. To eliminate manic arousal, neuroleptics are prescribed:
Rp. Aminazini 100 mg
D.t.d. No. 50 in dragee
S. 2 pills 3 times a day orally after meals.
4. In hypomanic conditions, tranquilizers are effective:
Rp. Diazepami 10 mg
D.t.d # 50 in tab.
S. 3 tablets per day.
5. Antidepressants are effective for depression:
Rp. Amitriptylini 50 mg
D.t.d. №50 in tab.
S. 2 tablets 3 times a day.
6. Rp. Lithii carbonatis 0.3
D.t.d. №50 in tab.
S. 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.
7. Rp. Dragee "Sonapax" 100 mg
D.t.d No. 60
S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.
8. Psychotherapy.
Should be determined prognosis separately for life, recovery and ability to work.
They can be good (favourable) or bad (unfavourable).
Describe prognosis and recommendations for the patient below:
Prognosis: the prognosis for this patient is not favorable: an episode of mood disorders is
detected, has repeated exacerbations. The patient is maladjusted in professional, social
and family life and has an increased risk of suicide.