Ac 20-191

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of Transportation
Federal Aviation
Subject: Airworthiness Approval of Airborne Date: 09/24/2018 AC No: 20-191
Systems used for Takeoff, Precision Approach, Initiated by: AIR-6B1 Change:
Landing, and Rollout in low-visibility

This advisory circular (AC) provides airworthiness criteria for low visibility takeoff, final
approach, landing, and rollout in Category II and Category III weather minima. While the
airworthiness criteria for low visibility takeoff is generic in nature, the criteria for the precision
approach, landing, and rollout are tailored to using Instrument Landing System (ILS), and
Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS). This AC does not address Microwave Landing
System (MLS).

This AC is a new AC derived from the airworthiness criteria previously contained in AC 120-
28D, Criteria for Approval of Category III Weather Minima for Takeoff, Landing, and Rollout,
and AC 120-29A, Criteria for Approval of Category I and Category II Weather Minima for
Approach. This AC includes updated GBAS standards, issue paper findings from GBAS
Landing System (GLS) and low visibility takeoff certification programs.

Dr. Michael C. Romanowski

Director, Policy and Innovation Division
Aircraft Certification Service
09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20.191


Chapter 1. General ................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Purpose. ...................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Audience. .................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Cancellation. .............................................................................................................. 1-1
Where to Find This AC. ............................................................................................ 1-1

Chapter 2. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Introduction. .............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Applicability. Explanation of Change. .................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Contents of the AC. ................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Related Regulations. .................................................................................................. 2-2

Chapter 3. Takeoff Guidance System ..................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Introduction. .............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Airworthiness Criteria. ............................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Airborne Systems for Takeoff. ................................................................................. 3-8
3.4 Takeoff Guidance Evaluation................................................................................... 3-9
3.5 Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.1581, 25.1581, 27.1581, or 29.1581, as applicable, an
applicant must furnish AFM with each aircraft. The AFM should contain the
following information: ............................................................................................ 3-12

Chapter 4. Category (CAT) II ............................................................................................... 4-14

4.1 Introduction. ............................................................................................................ 4-14
4.2 Airworthiness Criteria. ........................................................................................... 4-14
4.3 Airborne Systems for CAT II Operations............................................................. 4-23
4.4 Approach System Evaluation. ................................................................................ 4-26
4.5 AFM. ......................................................................................................................... 4-29

Chapter 5. Category (CAT) III ............................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Introduction. .............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2 Airworthiness Criteria. ............................................................................................. 5-1
5.3 Airborne Systems for CAT III. .............................................................................. 5-24
5.4 Landing and Rollout System Evaluation............................................................... 5-29
5.5 Aircraft Flight Manual. .......................................................................................... 5-42

appendix A. Definitions and Acronyms ................................................................................ A-1

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Acronyms .................................................................................................................. A-1

Definitions of Terms ................................................................................................. A-4

appendix B. Wind model for approach and landing simulation .........................................B-1

Wind Models. .............................................................................................................B-1
Wind Model C............................................................................................................B-1
Wind Model A. ...........................................................................................................B-1
Wind Model B. ...........................................................................................................B-9

appendix C. GBAS Performance Model for Approach and Landing Simulation ............ C-1
GBAS Performance Analysis. ................................................................................. C-1
Alternative Method for Calculating and Using NSE Model Scale Factors. ...... C-15

appendix D. AFM Provisions and Example AFM Wording ............................................... D-1

Example Provision: AFM "Certificate Limitation" Section ................................ D-1
Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation”
Section........................................................................................................................ D-2
Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation”
Section........................................................................................................................ D-4

appendix E. Advisory Circular Feedback Information........................................................E-1

Number Page
Figure 3-1 Performance Envelope for Evaluating Takeoff Command Guidance Systems ......... 3-4
Figure 5-1 AFM Elevation Value From Flight Test And Validated Simulation ....................... 5-34
Figure B-1 Headwind-Tailwind .................................................................................................. B-3
Figure B-2 Crosswind ................................................................................................................. B-4
Figure B-3 Annual Percent Probability of Mean Wind Speed Equaling or Exceeding Given
Values ......................................................................................................................................... B-5
Figure B-4 Wind Direction Relative to Runway Heading .......................................................... B-6
Figure B-5 Selected Description for Variances of Horizontal Turbulence Components. .......... B-7
Figure B-6 Selected Integral Scale Description. ......................................................................... B-8
Figure B-7 Cumulative probability of reported Mean Wind, and Head Wind, Tail Wind Cross
Wind Components when landing. ............................................................................................. B-10
Figure C-1 GBAS Signal Model ................................................................................................. C-2
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Figure C-2 GLS NSE Generator ................................................................................................. C-2

Figure C-3 NSE Step Generator ................................................................................................. C-5
Figure C-4 Limit and/or Malfunction Generator ........................................................................ C-7
Figure C-5 Malfunction Transient .............................................................................................. C-8
Figure C-6 Maximum Error (E) and Monitor Threshold (Tbac) as a function of Alert Limits for
Various Numbers of Ground Reference Receivers (M). .......................................................... C-10
Figure C-7 Example of the Satellite Ranging Source Pmd in the Range domain and Position
Domain...................................................................................................................................... C-12
Figure C-8 Example Assessment of Landing Short Performance ............................................ C-14
Figure C-9 Explicit Calculation of PUL for the Land Short Example Above. ......................... C-15
Figure C-10 Sigma Vertical Samples ....................................................................................... C-16
Figure C-11 Worst Horizontal Sigma Samples ........................................................................ C-17
Figure C-12 Rise/set Sigma Step Vert. Error Samples ............................................................. C-18
Figure C-13 Rise/set Worst Sigma Step-horizontal Error Samples .......................................... C-19
Figure C-14 Signal Loss- Sigma Step Vert Error Samples....................................................... C-20
Figure C-15 Signal loss worst sigma step hor. Samples ........................................................... C-21


Number Page
Table 5-1: Example AFM Elevation Values .............................................................................. 5-35
Table C-1: GAST Dependent Parameters for Kvert ..................................................................... C-3
Table C-2: GAST Dependent Parameters for Kxtrk and Katrk ...................................................... C-4
Table C-3: GAST Dependent Parameters for σ step _ vert .............................................................. C-5

Table C-4: GAST Dependent Parameters for σ step _ xtrk or σ step _ atrk ........................................... C-6
Table C-5 Malfunction Transient Characteristics in the Vertical Direction ............................... C-9
Table C-6 Malfunction Transient Characteristics in the Lateral Direction ................................ C-9
Table C-7 Pmd_limit Parameters ................................................................................................... C-11
Table C-8 Sigma_vert Values and Number of Occurences ...................................................... C-16
Table C-9 Sigma_Worst_Horizontal Values and Number of Occurrences .............................. C-17
Table C-10 Rise/Set Sigma_step_vert and Number of Occurrences ........................................ C-18
Table C-11 Rise/Set Worst Sigma_Step_Hor and Number of Occurrences............................. C-20
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Table C-12 Signal loss Sigma_Step_Vert and number of occurrences .................................... C-21
Table C-13 Signal Loss Worst Sigma_Step_Hor and number of occurrences ......................... C-22
09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191


1.1 Purpose.

1.1.1 This Advisory Circular (AC) provides guidance for the airworthiness approval of airborne
systems used for takeoff, precision approach, landing, and rollout in low visibility
1.1.2 This AC provides criteria for an acceptable means of compliance with performance,
integrity and availability criteria for low visibility takeoff, approach, landing, and rollout
systems to accomplish a landing, and rollout in low-visibility conditions. This AC is not
mandatory and does not constitute a regulation. An applicant may propose an alternative
method. However, if you use the means described in this AC, you must follow it in all
important respects unless alternate means are proposed and accepted by the FAA.
1.1.3 The applicant is responsible for regulatory compliance and should work closely with their
aircraft certification office (ACO) to ensure regulatory compliance. Mandatory terms
such as “must” used in this AC are only applicable when following the compliance
method outlined in this AC.

1.2 Audience. This AC is for those applicants applying for an initial type certificate (TC),
supplemental type certificate (STC), amended TC, or amended STC for the installation
and airworthiness approval of airborne systems used for takeoff, precision approach,
landing, and rollout in low visibility conditions.

1.3 Cancellation.
1.3.1 This AC updates and incorporates the airworthiness guidance formerly offered in the AC
120-29A and AC 120-28D.
1.3.2 Aircraft types and systems approved previously to issuance of AC 120-29A or AC 120-
28D or equivalent criteria remain valid. Applicants may continue to produce, install, and
retrofit those systems in existing aircraft, new production aircraft, variants, or future
derivatives of those types or variants. However, applicants seeking any additional credit
permitted in this AC must meet the provisions of the applicable section in this AC. New
airworthiness demonstrations should use the criteria of this AC.

1.3.3 Airworthiness demonstrations may use equivalent European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) criteria where agreed upon by the FAA through the FAA/EASA criteria
harmonization process.

Where to Find This AC. You may find this AC at:

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191


2.1 Introduction.

2.1.1 This AC provides airworthiness criteria for the approval of aircraft to conduct takeoff in
low-visibility conditions, and final approach, landing, and rollout in CAT II and CAT III
weather minima. It includes equipment such as Head Up Displays (HUD), Ground Based
Augmentation System (GBAS) Landing System (GLS), Instrument Landing System
(ILS), and low-visibility takeoff guidance systems.

2.1.2 Criteria for operational approval for low-visibility takeoff and CAT II/III precision
approach and landing are in AC 120-191.

2.2 Applicability. Explanation of Change.

This AC incorporates and revises the airworthiness criteria previously contained in AC

120-29A and AC 120-28D. This includes low-visibility takeoff and CAT II and CAT III
precision approach, landing, and rollout using Instrument Landing System (ILS) and
GBAS, and integrations that use multi-mode receivers supporting both ILS and GBAS.

2.3 Contents of the AC.

2.3.1 Chapter 1 provides the purpose of this AC and other general information of this AC.

2.3.2 Chapter 2 provides general airworthiness criteria and references for low visibility takeoff,
and CAT II and CAT III precision approach, landing, and rollout.

2.3.3 Chapter 3 provides airworthiness criteria for equipment used to conduct low-visibility
takeoff operations.

2.3.4 Chapter 4 provides airworthiness criteria for equipment used to conduct CAT II precision

2.3.5 Chapter 5 provides airworthiness criteria for equipment used to conduct CAT III
precision approaches.

2.3.6 Appendix A provides Acronyms and Definitions.

2.3.7 Appendix B provides Wind Models for Approach and Landing Simulation.

2.3.8 Appendix C provides a GBAS Performance Model for Approach and Landing

2.3.9 Appendix D provides Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) Provisions and Example AFM

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

2.4 Related Regulations.

2.4.1 Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR); §§ 21.3, 23.1523, 23.1529,
23.1581, 23.2135, 23.2220, 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 23.2620, 25.143, 25.473, 25.479,
25.773, 25.1309, 25.1322, 25.1329, 25.1523, 25.1529, 25.1581, 27.143, 27.473, 27.479,
27.1309, 27.1322, 27.1523, 27.1529, 27.1581, 29.143, 29.473, 29.479, 29.1309, 29.1322,
29.1523, 29.1529, 29.1581; part 23, part 27, part 29, part 91, part 121, part 125, part 129;
and § 135.385.

2.4.2 Unless the AC makes a specific reference to a particular version of a rule or AC, use the
current editions of the following ACs:
• AC 23-8, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23 Airplanes
• AC 23.1309-1, System Safety Analysis and Assessment for Part 23 Airplanes
• AC 23.1311-1, Installation of Electronic Display in Part 23 Airplanes
• AC 23.1523, Minimum Flight Crew
• AC 25-7, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Transport Category Airplanes
• AC 25-11, Electronic Flight Displays
• AC 25.773-1, Pilot Compartment View Design Considerations
• AC 25.1309-1, System Design and Analysis
• AC 25.1322-1, Flight Crew Alerting
• AC 25.1523-1, Minimum Flightcrew
• AC 27-1, Certification of Normal Category Rotorcraft
• AC 29-2, Certification of Transport Category Rotorcraft
• AC 120-40B, Airplane Simulator Qualification
• AC 120-118, Criteria for Approval/Authorization of All Weather Operations
(AWO) for Takeoff, Landing, and Rollout
• AC 121.195-1A, Operational Landing Distances for Wet Runways; Transport
Category Airplanes
• FAA Order 8110.54, Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Responsibilities,
Requirements and Contents
• Standard Operations Specifications Parts A and C
• European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AMC AWO 231, Flight
Demonstration (Acceptable Means of Compliance).
• RTCA DO-253D, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for GPS
Local Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment, July 13, 2017

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3.1 Introduction.

3.1.1 This chapter provides airworthiness approval criteria to conduct takeoff in low-visibility
weather conditions. This AC defines a low-visibility takeoff as a takeoff made when
runway visibility is below the standard weather minima. Takeoff guidance equipment is
required under this AC when visibility conditions alone are inadequate.

Note: Chapter 3 may not be applicable to 14 CFR part 23 certificated airplanes

operating under part 91 rules. Applicants may apply chapter 3 guidance to part 23
certification for non-part 91 operations.

3.1.2 Takeoff guidance systems include position sensors, cockpit displays, indicators, and
controls as a minimum. The takeoff guidance system provides directional command
display guidance to the pilot during takeoff and rejected takeoffs.

3.2 Airworthiness Criteria.

3.2.1 An approved takeoff guidance system must enable the pilot to track and maintain the
runway centerline during takeoff from brake release to liftoff, or from brake release
through deceleration to a stop for a rejected takeoff. In addition to enabling satisfactory
centerline tracking during the takeoff roll, the system must maintain runway heading
through the transition to the appropriate mode for post takeoff climb. In addition to
enabling satisfactory centerline tracking on the ground, it should also lead to a
combination of the airplane’s position and track at the point of liftoff that would not
result in significant deviations after liftoff. At the point of liftoff, the airplane track
should neither be diverging from the runway centerline nor be at such an angle off the
runway heading that would cause significant deviations during the climb. After liftoff, it
must enable the pilot to detect divergence of the airplane’s track from the runway
centerline, and at least to be able to arrest further deviation until the system transitions to
the appropriate mode for post takeoff climb.

3.2.2 The applicant’s proposal for type certification approval for the equipment, system
installations, and test methods should include factors such as the intended function of the
installed system, its accuracy, reliability, and fail-safe features, as well as the operational
concepts contained in AC 120-118.

3.2.3 The following sections identify the performance and workload provisions for the low-
visibility takeoff roll through liftoff or for a rejected takeoff. The FAA considers the entire takeoff operation, through completion of the
en route climb configuration, an intensive phase of flight from an
airworthiness perspective. The use of the takeoff system must not require
exceptional skill, workload or pilot compensation. The takeoff guidance
system must provide an appropriate transition from lateral takeoff guidance

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

to en route climb guidance for a takeoff. It must also provide lateral

guidance from brake release through deceleration to a stop for a rejected
takeoff. The pilot must be able to continue the use of the same primary
display(s) for the airborne portion as well as for the runway portion.
Changes in guidance modes and display formats must be automatic and
apparent to the pilot regarding the guidance being utilized. The applicant must show the relationship and interaction of the aircraft
elements of the takeoff system with non-aircraft elements (e.g., ground
station, satellites, etc.). The applicant may establish the performance of the aircraft elements with
reference to an approved flight path (e.g., localizer, GBAS lateral guidance)
provided the budgeting between aircraft and non-aircraft elements does not
compromise the overall performance. When international standards exist for the performance and integrity aspects
of any non-aircraft elements of the takeoff system, the applicant can assume
member States of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
apply these standards. When international standards do not exist for the performance and integrity
aspects of any non-aircraft elements, the applicant must address these
considerations as part of the airworthiness process. The applicant must
provide a means to inform the operator of the limitations and assumptions
necessary to ensure a safe operation. Takeoff guidance system. The applicant must evaluate the takeoff guidance system performance is
satisfactory for normal operations, aircraft failure cases (e.g., engine
failure), and recovery from displacements from non-normal events.
Guidance cues should be easy to follow and not increase workload
significantly compared to the basic flight instruments. The applicant should
not solicit any credit for performance improvements resulting from
available visual cues. The applicant must evaluate the takeoff guidance system displays to ensure
that the pilot correctly interprets the display information to maintain the
desired takeoff flight path. The cockpit integration should ensure consistent
operations and pilot response in all situations. The reference path of the system is usually defined by the ILS localizer or
other approved approach navigation aid (e.g., GBAS) that normally
coincides with the runway centerline. As such, the applicant must
demonstrate that the takeoff guidance system accounts for any differences,
if any, between the runway centerline and the reference lateral path.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Demonstrate that when the airplane is displaced from the runway centerline
at any point during the takeoff or rejected takeoff, including engine failure
cases, the takeoff guidance system will allow the “pilot flying” (PF) to
control the airplane smoothly back to the intended path in a controlled and
predictable manner. Minor overshoot or oscillations around the centerline
are permissible when not leading to unacceptable flight crew workload. The applicant should use the performance envelope and conditions in
Figure 3-1 for evaluating the takeoff guidance system.
• Takeoff with all engines operating;
• Engine Failure at or slightly after V1- continued takeoff*;
• Engine Failure just prior to V1 - rejected takeoff *; and,
Engine Failure at a speed prior to VMCG – rejected takeoff

*Wind and runway conditions consistent with basic aircraft takeoff

performance demonstrations.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Figure 3-1 Performance Envelope for Evaluating Takeoff System Command Guidance

V1 is takeoff decision speed

VFAILURE – speed at which failure occurs
VMCG is Ground Minimum Control Speed
VLOF is Liftoff Speed

Note 1: When showing compliance, the demonstrated lateral path after

liftoff may be adjusted for wind drift effect.

Note 2: The 14m lateral region addresses tracking on the runway surface.

Note 3: The FAA expects the pilot to position the aircraft on the runway
centerline. Once on the runway, the takeoff guidance system should
provide an indication to confirm proper operation.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The system should have no characteristic making it difficult for a pilot to
transition to a safe climb flight path, consistent with obstacle clearance for
objects near the runway. When demonstrating compliance, the applicant can take into consideration
testing techniques such as normal pilot technique for responding to engine
failure, application of rudder, maintaining safe bank angles, rotating to
suitable pitch attitudes, and compensating for crosswind, as necessary. When the rejected takeoff is the result of an engine failure, the actual
performance should reflect the effects of a short-term increase in lateral
deviation and then converge toward the centerline during the deceleration to
a full stop. During takeoff, the loss of the guidance signal must be annunciated to the
flight crew. The applicant should demonstrate the vertical axis guidance of the takeoff
system during normal operation provides an appropriate pitch attitude, and
climb speed when considering the following factors.
• A normal rate of rotation of the aircraft to the commanded pitch attitude,
at VR-10 knots for all engines operating and VR-5 knots for an engine-
out condition, will not result in a tail-strike.
• Acquire a pitch attitude resulting in the capture and tracking of the All-
Engine Takeoff Climb Speed, V2 + X, where X is the All-Engine Speed
Additive from the AFM (normally 10 knots or higher). For engine-out operations, demonstrate the takeoff guidance system

provides commands to acquire a pitch attitude resulting in the capture and
tracking of the following reference airspeeds.
• V2, for engine failure at or below V2. (The aircraft should attain this
speed after liftoff.)
• Airspeed at engine failure, for failures between V2 and V2 + X.
• V2 + X, for failures at or above V2 + X. Alternatively, the applicant
may use the airspeed at engine failure provided the system can achieve
the minimum takeoff climb gradient at that speed. The applicant should demonstrate the workload associated with the use of
the takeoff system complies with the Handling Quality Rating System
(HQRS) criteria of AC 25-7C, Flight Test Guide for Certification of
Transport Category Airplanes, as amended, or equivalent criteria for the
type of aircraft. The takeoff guidance system should provide required
tracking performance with “Satisfactory” workload and pilot compensation,
under foreseeable normal conditions. The takeoff guidance system may
provide reduced (i.e., HQRS Rating Adequate) path tracking performance

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

(e.g., up to 14m lateral deviation on the ground, ref. Figure 3-1) with
adequate workload (i.e., heightened pilot effort and attention) during
takeoffs with engine failures.

3.2.4 Integrity. The applicant must demonstrate the takeoff guidance system provides
command information as lateral guidance, which will enable maintaining the aircraft on
the runway during the takeoff roll through acceleration to liftoff or, during a deceleration
to a stop during a rejected takeoff. The applicant must evaluate the design of the onboard components of the
low-visibility system, separately and in relation to other systems, pursuant
to 14 CFR part 23, 25, 27, and 29 sections 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605,
25.1309, 27.1309, and 29.1309, respectively, as applicable. The following
criteria of § 25.1309 apply to the takeoff guidance system: The takeoff guidance system design should not possess characteristics, in
normal operation or when failed, that would degrade takeoff safety or lead
to a hazardous condition. Any single failure of the airplane that could
disturb the take-off path (e.g., engine failure, single electrical generator or
bus failure, single Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) failure) must not cause loss
of guidance information or give incorrect guidance. The probability of takeoff guidance generating misleading information

that could lead to an unsafe condition must be extremely improbable. Any
single failure of the aircraft that could impact the takeoff path (e.g., engine
failure, single electrical generator or bus failure, single Inertial Reference
Unit (IRU) failure) must not cause loss of guidance information or give
incorrect guidance information. In the event of a probable failure (e.g., engine failure, electrical source
failure), if the pilot follows the takeoff display and disregards external
visual references, if applicable, the aircraft performance must meet the
criteria illustrated in Figure 3-1. In showing system compliance, the applicant may not factor the
proportion of takeoffs made in low visibility into the probabilities of
performance or failure effects. Loss of any single source of electrical power or transient condition on any
single source of electrical power should not cause loss of guidance to the
PF, or loss of information that is required to monitor the takeoff to the PM.

3.2.5 Information, Annunciation, and Alerting. This section identifies information,

annunciations, and alerting criteria for the takeoff guidance system. The design of the
controls, indicators, and alerts must minimize crew errors that could cause a hazard. The
takeoff guidance system must present the mode and system malfunction indications in a
manner compatible with the procedures and assigned tasks of the flight crew. The

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

indications must be grouped in a logical and consistent manner and be visible under all
expected normal lighting conditions. The design of the Information, Annunciation, and Alerting HUD must
comply with 14 CFR 23.2605, 25.1322, 27.1322, or 29.1322 as applicable.
Reference AC 23.1311-1, 25.1322, AC 27-1B, or 29-2C AC for additional
guidance. Demonstrate no display or failure characteristics degrade the flight crew’s

ability to adequately monitor takeoff performance (e.g., acceleration, engine
performance, takeoff speed callouts, attitude, and airspeed), throughout the
entire takeoff, and transition to the enroute climb speed and configuration,
for all normal, abnormal and emergency situations. Annunciation. Demonstrate prior to initiating takeoff and during takeoff, the
takeoff guidance system provides positive indications of the following
information to both pilots:
• System status;
• Modes of engagement and operation; and
• Guidance source.
If pitch and/or speed guidance is also provided, the takeoff guidance system
must detect and promptly announce to the pilot failures that would result in
rotation at an unsafe speed, or an unsafe pitch rate or pitch angle. Alerting. The takeoff guidance system must alert the flight crew whenever a
failure or condition prevents it from meeting the performance specified in
sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4. The removal of guidance alone is not adequate
annunciation. Alerts must be timely, unambiguous, readily evident to each flight

crewmember, and compatible with the alerting philosophy of the airplane.
Annunciations must be located to ensure rapid recognition, and must not
distract the pilot making the takeoff or significantly degrade the forward
view. Warnings. The takeoff guidance system must provide warnings for
conditions requiring immediate pilot awareness and action. Warnings are
required for the following conditions:
• Loss of takeoff guidance;
• Invalid takeoff guidance; and
• Failures of the guidance system that require immediate pilot awareness
and compensation.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Annunciations. During takeoff, whenever the takeoff guidance system does
not provide valid guidance appropriate for the takeoff operation, it must
clearly annunciate to the flight crew, and the guidance must be removed.
The location of the annunciation must be positioned to ensure rapid
recognition without distracting the pilot or significantly degrading the
forward view. Cautions. The takeoff guidance system must provide cautions for conditions
requiring immediate pilot awareness and possible subsequent pilot action.
These alerts need not generate a Master Caution light that would be
contrary to the takeoff alert inhibit philosophy. Caution annunciations
should not cause flight crew distraction during takeoff roll. Advisories. The takeoff guidance system must provide advisories for
conditions that require pilot awareness in a timely manner. It should not
generate advisories after takeoff commences. System Status. The takeoff guidance system should provide an equipment
status (e.g., status of built-in test equipment (BITE)/self-test).

3.2.6 Availability. The probability of loss of takeoff guidance system should be remote.

3.3 Airborne Systems for Takeoff. This section covers the criteria for HUD, integrated with
ILS localizer or GBAS signals and Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS). In all
cases, this AC assumes the sensors used for approach and landing will guide the aircraft
during takeoff.

3.3.1 Head Up Display (HUD) for Takeoff Guidance. The following criteria apply if an
applicant employs a HUD to provide takeoff guidance: The workload associated with use of the HUD must comply with 14 CFR
§ 25.1523. Reference AC 25.1523-1 and AC 25-11B for additional
guidance. The HUD installation and display presentation must meet 14 CFR § 25.773.
Reference AC 25.773 and AC 25-11B, appendix F for additional guidance. Control of Takeoff Flight Path. For the entire takeoff path and for all
normal and non-normal conditions, except loss of the HUD itself, the HUD
takeoff system must provide acceptable guidance and flight information to
enable the PF to complete the takeoff, or abort the takeoff, if required. Use
of the HUD takeoff system should not require excessive workload,
exceptional skill, or excessive reference to other cockpit displays.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

3.3.2 GBAS. An applicant may use the guidance in this chapter to obtain airworthiness
approval of GBAS or ILS equipment for low visibility takeoff guidance. The applicant must address the following items as part of the takeoff system
assessment: The takeoff system must have a failure detection and annunciation
mechanism to preclude an undetected failure, or combination of failures
that are not extremely remote from producing a hazardous condition. This
assessment should include failure mode detection coverage and adequacy
of monitors and associated alarm times. The effect of loss and signal reacquisition resulting from a maneuvering
during takeoffs must be evaluated.

3.4 Takeoff Guidance Evaluation. An applicant should submit performance data for
components used for takeoff guidance.

3.4.1 Certification Plan. The applicant should provide a certification plan specifying a
description of the aircraft systems, the basis for certification, the certification methods,
and compliance documentation. The certification plan should describe how any
non-aircraft elements relate to the operation of airplane systems from a performance,
integrity, and availability perspective. For ILS-based system elements, the applicant can predicate satisfaction of
these performance provisions upon compliance with the ICAO SARPS,
equivalent state standard, or by reference to an acceptable standard for
performance of any navigation service. For GNSS-based system such as GBAS, the applicant can predicate
satisfaction of these performance provisions upon compliance with either
the ICAO SARP’s, or equivalent state standard. The applicant should
address any gaps or shortfalls in performance and how they relate to the
aircraft system certification plan. The certification plan describes any new or novel system concepts or
operational philosophy. The FAA will determine the need for additional
criteria and provisions beyond this AC.

3.4.2 Performance Evaluation. For new systems and any significant changes to an existing
system, the applicant should demonstrate the performance of the aircraft and its systems
by flight test. Flight testing should include those maneuvers which are reasonably
representative of actual expected conditions and should cover the range of parameters
affecting the behavior of the aircraft (e.g., wind speed, ILS, or GBAS characteristics,
aircraft configurations, weight, center of gravity, and non-normal events).

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The performance evaluation should verify the takeoff guidance system
meets the centerline tracking performance specified in Section of
this AC. The applicant should demonstrate the system performance in non-visual

conditions for:
• Normal operations,
• Engine failure cases, and
• Recovery from displacements from non-normal events. The applicant should demonstrate this performance to have a satisfactory

level of workload and pilot compensation. The methods defined in AC 25-7
or AC 23-8 are acceptable. The applicant should show the takeoff guidance meets its stated
performance provisions without the use of any outside visual references. The demonstration of takeoff guidance system performance should

comprise at least the following (though the FAA may require more
demonstrations depending on the aircraft characteristics and design, and any
difficulties encountered during testing):
• Twenty (20) normal, all-engine takeoffs;
• Ten (10) completed takeoffs, with simulated engine failure at or after
the appropriate VFAILURE. The assessment must consider all critical
cases; and
• Ten (10) rejected takeoffs, some with simulated engine failure just
prior to V1, and at least one run with simulated engine failure at a speed
less than VMCG. The applicant may seek credit for earlier demonstration(s). New testing
may be necessary if the FAA deems credit for similarity of design or
performance is not appropriate.. In cases where the dynamics of retarding
the throttle to idle do not adequately simulate the dynamics of an engine
failure, the FAA may require an actual engine shutdown. Demonstrated winds, during normal all engine takeoff, should be at least the
headwinds for which credit for airworthiness is sought, and at least 150
percent of the cross winds and tailwinds for which credit is sought, but not
less than 15 knots of headwind or crosswind. The applicant should demonstrate operation does not exhibit any guidance
or control characteristics that would cause the flight crew to react in an
inappropriate or unsafe manner.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The demonstration aircraft should be instrumented to record the time

history of track with respect to the extended runway and the climb profile
after liftoff to a reasonable point (e.g., departure end of the runway) as a
means to show satisfactory performance. The applicant should demonstrate that no display or failure characteristics

could lead to degradation of the flight crew’s ability to adequately monitor
takeoff performance (e.g., acceleration, engine performance, and takeoff
speed callouts) during the entire takeoff, and make an appropriate transition
to en route climb speed and configuration, for all normal, abnormal, and
emergency situations. The performance evaluation must demonstrate the integrity and failure
annunciation criteria of sections 3.2.4 and 3.2.5 in this AC, as well as the
pilot’s ability to immediately detect and mitigate non-annunciated failures. The applicant should demonstrate the takeoff guidance system annunciates
to the flight crew the aircraft’s response to loss of the takeoff guidance
signal. Pilot Experience Levels. The applicant must demonstrate the takeoff
guidance system meets the performance provisions in this chapter with
pilots of varying experience levels. Failure cases should typically be spontaneous and unpredictable on the

subject’s or evaluation pilot’s part.

3.4.3 Safety Assessment. In addition to any specific safety-related criteria identified in this
chapter, the applicant must conduct a safety assessment of all aircraft components of the
takeoff system and associated components, considered separately and in conjunction with
other systems, to show compliance with § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309,
or 29.1309 per the guidance contained in AC 23.1309, 25.1309, AC 27-1, or AC 29-2,
respectively. The applicant must consider the responses to failures of navigation

facilities, taking into account ICAO and other pertinent State criteria for
navigation facilities. Documented conclusions of the safety analysis must include: Pursuant to § 23.1309, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 27.1309, a Functional Hazard

Assessment (FHA) conducted in accordance with AC 23.1309, AC 25.1309,
AC 27-1, or AC 29-2, respectively and a summary of results from the fault
tree analysis, demonstrated compliance, and probability determinations for
significant functional hazards. Information regarding “alleviating flight crew actions” considered in the

safety analysis. This information should list appropriate alleviating actions,

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

and be consistent with the test validation. If alleviating actions are

identified, the applicant should describe the alleviating actions in a form
suitable to aid in developing, as applicable:
• Pertinent provisions of the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) procedures
• Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) provisions, or equivalent;
• Pilot qualification criteria (e.g., training requirements, Flight
Standardization Board (FSB) provisions);
• Any other reference material necessary for an operator or flight crew to
safely use the system. Information to support preparation of any maintenance and preventive

maintenance procedures necessary for safety, such as:
• Certification Maintenance Requirements (CMR),
• Periodic checks, or
• Other checks, as necessary (e.g., return to service). Information applicable to limitations, as necessary. Information necessary for development of Non-normal procedures.

3.5 Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.1581, 25.1581, 27.1581, or 29.1581, as applicable, an applicant

must furnish AFM with each aircraft. The AFM should contain the following

3.5.1 The criteria and configurations used for the demonstration of the takeoff system.

3.5.2 Any constraints or limitations necessary for safe operation.

3.5.3 Acceptable normal and non-normal procedures.

3.5.4 The type of navigation facilities used as a basis for certification. This should not be
taken as a limitation on the use of other facilities. The AFM may contain a statement
regarding the type of facilities or conditions known to be unacceptable for use (e.g., ILS
localizer or GLS) based systems.

3.5.5 Applicable atmospheric conditions under which the system was demonstrated (e.g.,
headwind, crosswind, tailwind).

3.5.6 All necessary performance, procedure, or configuration data to permit an operator to

determine climb gradient and transition distances for safe obstacle clearance during a
takeoff operation. Note that this information need not be specifically included in the
AFM if it is available to the operator using some other method acceptable to the operator

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

and manufacturer (e.g., Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM), supplementary

performance information, separate AFM appendix).

3.5.7 For a takeoff system meeting the provisions of this chapter, the Normal Procedures,
Normal Operations, or equivalent section, of the AFM should also contain the following
“The airborne system has been demonstrated to meet the
airworthiness provisions of AC 20-191 (chapter 3) for
<specify the pertinent takeoff capability section(s) criteria
met> when the following equipment is installed and

“<list pertinent equipment>”

“This AFM provision does not constitute operational
approval for low visibility takeoff use of the system.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191


4.1 Introduction.

4.1.1 This chapter contains airworthiness approval criteria for equipment used to conduct an
approach to CAT II weather minima using certain radio navigation aids (navaids) such as
ILS or GBAS. This chapter does not attempt to provide criteria for each potential
combination of aircraft and non-aircraft elements.

4.1.2 This chapter addresses the approach phase of flight, beginning at the Final Approach Fix
(FAF) and ending at the CAT II DH.

4.1.3 ICAO Annex 10 includes standards for ILS, MLS, and GBAS intended to support CAT II
operations. This chapter addresses approval of equipment for operations using either ILS
class (II/D/2 1) or better performance or GBAS facility classification (D/G1/any/any 2).
This chapter addresses ILS avionics with Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C34e, TSO-
C36e authorization, and GBAS avionics with TSO-C161b and TSO-C162b authorization.
Note 1: While the airworthiness criteria for the guidance
system for the approach and landing system applies from
the final approach fix up to the decision height, guidance
should be available down to half the decision height.
Note 2: GBAS approach service volume is defined in
ICAO Annex 10 Amendment 91.

4.1.4 The standards for GBAS (RTCA DO-253D and ICAO Annex 10) define two general
classes of GBAS service, Approach Services and the GBAS Positioning Service. The
standards further differentiate GBAS approach services into multiple types referred to as
GBAS Approach Service Types (GAST). A GAST is defined as the matched set of
airborne and ground performance and functional requirements intended to be used in
concert to provide approach guidance with quantifiable performance.

4.1.5 GBAS GAST C is the approved GBAS to support CAT I level of service. Applicants for
CAT II airworthiness approvals typically seek approval through GBAS GAST D level of
service. Applicants seeking CAT II airworthiness approval using GAST C and avionics
with TSO-C161a and TSO-C162a authorization need to show equivalence to
performance achieved with ILS II/D/2 or GAST D signal-in-space.

4.2 Airworthiness Criteria.

4.2.1 Airborne equipment meeting the airworthiness criteria contained in this chapter for the
CAT II landing system satisfy the operational requirements of CAT II instrument landing

ICAO SARPS Annex 10, Volume 1, Section 2.14 for information on ILS classification.
RTCA DO-253D, appendix I, contains a detailed discussion of approach service types, facility classification and
airborne equipment classification for GBAS.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

system found in AC 120-118. The basic airworthiness criteria are independent of the
specific implementation in the aircraft or the type of approach system selected for the

4.2.2 The applicant’s proposal for type certification approval for the equipment, system
installations, and test methods should include factors such as the intended function of the
installed system, its accuracy, reliability, and fail-safe features.

4.2.3 Intended Flight Path.. The applicant may establish the intended flight path in a number of
ways, for example using a navigation aid (e.g. ILS, GBAS). Other methods may be
acceptable if the applicant can show their feasibility through other means (e.g., sensing
of the runway environment such as surface, lighting, and/or markings with a vision
enhancement system).

4.2.4 Onboard navigation systems may have various sensor elements by which to determine
aircraft position. The sensor elements may include ILS, GBAS, or inertial information.
Each of these sensor elements must perform within its appropriate limitations with
regard to accuracy, integrity, and availability.

4.2.5 Indications: The system must provide indications of the aircraft position with respect to
the intended flight path. A list of accepted means of providing these indications to the
pilot includes:
• Deviation displays with reference to navigation source (e.g., ILS receiver, GLS
receiver, etc.), or
• Onboard navigation system computations with corresponding displays of
position and reference path, or
• Vision enhancement system, if applicable.

4.2.6 Approach System Accuracy Criteria. The criteria for acceptable approach performance
are based upon acquiring and tracking the required flight path to the appropriate
minimum altitude for the procedure. The acquisition should be accomplished in a
manner compatible with instrument procedure requirements and flight crew requirements
for the type of approach being conducted. The approach guidance system must not generate sustained oscillatory
command information (e.g., flight director, HUD, etc.) or require unusual
effort by the pilot to control the flight path. Lateral and Vertical Tracking Performance: The applicant must show the
system will meet the following performance; Lateral tracking performance from 300 ft. HAT down to 100 ft. HAT will
be stable without large deviations (i.e., within ±25 microamps deviation)
from the indicated course, for 95% of the time per approach.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Vertical tracking performance from 300 ft. HAT down to 100 ft. HAT will
be stable without large deviations (i.e., within ±35 microamps deviation)
from the indicated path or ±12 ft., whichever is greater, for 95% of the time
per approach. When applying this provision to path tracking in conjunction
with CAT III, momentary excursions up to ±75 microamps during test
demonstrations may be acceptable if the applicant shows satisfactory
performance of the flight guidance system through touchdown and landing.

Note: The performance standards for ILS or

GBAS GAST D signal in space contained in
ICAO SARPS Annex 10, or an equivalent State
standard, are acceptable standards for operations
based on ILS or GBAS, respectively.

4.2.7 Approach System Integrity Criteria. Pursuant to § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309,
27.1309, or 29.1309, the onboard components of the landing system, when considered
separately and in relation to other associated onboard systems, consider all specific safety
related criteria identified in this AC, or as identified in accordance with the operating
rules. The applicant can use the following criteria as advisory material for the application
of § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 29.1309 to Landing Systems: ILS. The applicant will establish the aircraft system response to loss of ILS
guidance signals (localizer or glideslope). The applicant will also establish
the aircraft system response during a switchover from an active LOC or
glideslope transmitter to an optional backup transmitter. GLS. The applicant will establish the aircraft system response to loss of
GLS guidance signals. When using GBAS, the required flight path is uplinked to the aircraft after
the approach is selected. This path is used for flight guidance and/or the
autopilot when required to conduct an approach, landing, and rollout. Corruption of the information contained in the received VHF Data

Broadcast (VDB) to define the reference path is hazardous. Failure
resulting in undetected changes to the approach path definitions data must
be extremely remote. The flight crew must not be able to modify information which relates to
the critical definition of required flight path.

4.2.8 Approach System Continuity Criteria. The applicant should verify the continuity of
navigation during normal aircraft maneuvering while in approach. For GLS, this includes
verifying reception of VDB signal at all angles relative to the airframe as the GBAS
facility could be located anywhere with respect to the approach path.

4.2.9 Approach System Availability Criteria. Below 500 ft. on approach, the demonstrated
probability of a successful landing should be at least 95% (i.e., no more than 5% of the

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

approaches result in a go around, due to the combination of failures in the external

landing system and the incidence of unsatisfactory performance in the aircraft).

4.2.10 Go around. Go Around Safety. A multiengine aircraft conducting a CAT II instrument

approach must be capable of safely executing a go around from any point in
an approach prior to touchdown with the aircraft in a normal configuration
or specified non-normal configurations (e.g., engine out). A go around should not require unusual pilot skill, alertness, or strength. The system should have information indicating the availability of a safe go
around flight path.

4.2.11 Information, Annunciation, and Alerting . This section identifies the provisions for
information, annunciations, and alerting. The design of the Information, Annunciation, and Alerting HUD must
comply with §23.2605, 25.1322, 27.1322, or 29.1322 as applicable.
Reference AC 23.1311-1C, 25.1322, AC 27-1B, or 29-2C for additional
guidance. Information Provisions. This section identifies criteria for basic situational
and guidance information. The system must present the mode and system malfunction indications in a
manner consistent with the human factors cockpit design philosophy. The
indications must be grouped in a logical and consistent manner and be
visible under all expected normal lighting conditions. For manual control of approach flight path, the appropriate flight display(s),
whether head down (HDD) or HUD, must provide sufficient information,
without excessive reference to other cockpit displays, to enable a suitably
trained pilot to:
• Maintain the approach path,
• Make the alignment with the runway, and if applicable, safely flare and
roll out, or
• Go around. The information provided along with any additional information necessary to
the design of the system must be sufficient to allow the pilots to monitor the
progress and safety of the approach operation. The system must have flight performance monitoring to include at least the

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Unambiguous identification of the intended path for the approach, and,

if applicable, flare and roll out, (e.g., ILS approach identifier/frequency,
and selected navigation source, GBAS Runway Path Identifier (RPI),
approach service type, etc.).
• Indication of the position of the aircraft with respect to the intended path
(e.g., raw data localizer and glide path, deviation from FAS or
equivalent). Annunciation. The system should provide a positive, continuous, and

unambiguous indication for the modes actually in operation, as well as
those armed for engagement. In addition, where engagement of a mode is
automatic (e.g., LOC and glide path acquisition), the system must provide a
clear indication when the mode has been armed by either action of a
member of the flight crew, or automatically by the system itself (e.g., a pre-
land test annunciating LAND 3). Alerting. Alerting are intended to address the need for warning, caution, and
advisory information for the flight crew. Warnings. AC 25.1309 provides an acceptable means for the system to

provide information to alert the flight crew to unsafe system operating
conditions and to enable the flight crew to take appropriate corrective
action. The system must provide a warning indication for any condition
requiring the flight crew to take immediate corrective action. The system
design should account for flight crew alerting cues, corrective action
required, and the capability of detecting faults. Cautions. The system must provide a caution for any condition requiring
immediate flight crew awareness and timely subsequent action. The system
must provide a means to advise the flight crew of failed aircraft system
elements affecting the decision to continue or discontinue the approach. Excessive-Deviation Alerting. The FAA does not require excessive-

deviation alerting, but will approve systems that meet appropriate criteria
(e.g., EASA CS-AWO 236). Excessive-Deviation Alerting Method of Compliance. Meeting EASA

CS-AWO 236 criteria is an acceptable means of compliance for
airworthiness approval. For systems meeting the AWO 236 criteria:
• Provide an excess-deviation alert from the ILS or GLS glide path or
LOC centerline beyond which the pilot can make a safe landing from
offset positions equivalent to the excess-deviation alert, without
exceptional piloting skill and with the visual references available in
these conditions.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• The maximum delay from the time that the deviation exceeds the
deviation thresholds to the time the system displays the excess deviation
alert should not exceed one (1) second.
• Excess-deviation alerts should be active at least from 300 ft. HAT
(90 m) to the DH, but the glide path alert should not be active below
100 ft. HAT (30 m). System Status. The system should provide a means for the operator and
flight crew to determine prior to departure and the flight crew to determine
after departure, the capability of the aircraft elements to accomplish the
intended approach. The system should identify system status indications by names that are
different than operational authorization categories (e.g., do not use names
such as “CAT I,” “CAT II,” “CAT III”).

4.2.12 Multiple Landing Systems and Multi-Mode Receivers (MMR) for CAT II. Multiple
landing systems typically consist of one or more multi-mode receivers MMR, capable of
providing navigation information for ILS, GLS, or other combinations of landing sensor
systems. The MMR characteristics should be consistent with applicable related ARINC
characteristics for MMRs. The approach procedure should be the same regardless of the navigation
source being used. The MMR must provide a means (e.g., the current ILS audio ident, GLS
Reference Path Data Selector (RPDS)) to confirm that the intended
approach aid(s) was correctly selected. Indications. The MMR must indicate the loss of deviation data on the
display. It is acceptable to have a single failure indication for each axis
common to all navigation sources. Annunciations. The following criteria apply to annunciations when using a

multi-mode approach system: The MMR must positively indicate the navigation source (e.g., ILS, GLS,
FMS) selected for the approach in the primary field of view at each pilot
station; The MMR must indicate the data designating the approach (e.g., ILS
frequency, GLS approach identifier) in a position readily accessible and
visible to each pilot; The MMR should provide a common set of mode ARM and ACTIVE
indications (e.g., LOC and GS) for ILS and GLS operations;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The MMR must provide a means for the flight crew to determine a failure
of the non-selected navigation receiver function, in addition to the selected
navigation receiver function. When considering equipment failures, the
failure indications must not mislead through incorrect association with the
navigation source. For example, it would not be acceptable for the
annunciation “ILS FAIL” to be displayed when the selected navigation
source is GLS and the failure actually affects the GLS receiver. Outside the approach phase, the MMR should have the capability to
indicate a failure of each element of a multi-mode approach and landing
system as an advisory to the flight crew without pilot action. During an approach, a failure of the active element of a multi-mode

approach and landing system must be accompanied by a warning, caution,
or advisory.

4.2.13 Multi-Mode Receivers (MMR). For MMRs used for CAT II, the means of compliance
required for certification can be simplified, provided the applicant provides appropriate
justification. This section provides guidance for retrofit certifications, and for
certification of ILS installations with either new or modified receivers. Retrofit Considerations. Typical receiver configurations for retrofit applications include:

• An ILS receiver from a new supplier;
• A modified ILS receiver from the same supplier (e.g., for purposes of
providing improved Frequency Modulation (FM) Immunity);
• A re-packaged receiver from the same supplier (e.g., the ILS partition in
an MMR, or the transition from ARINC 700 to 900 series equipment);
• A stand-alone GLS receiver;
• A GLS partition in an MMR. General Certification Considerations. Certification Process. An “impact assessment” should address all new

receiver functionality considering:
• Differences between the current basis of certification and that requested
(if applicable).
• The functionality being added.
• Credit that can be taken for the existing approval. Equipment Approval. The applicant should follow 14 CFR part 21, Subpart
O, to obtain a TSO authorization where appropriate, including software

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

qualification and receiver environmental qualification to the appropriate

levels. Aircraft Installation Approval should consider the following:

• Impact on aircraft system safety assessments.
• Equipment approval (e.g., antenna positions, range, polar diagrams,
coverage, compatibility between receiver and antenna).
• Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)/Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) testing.
• Functional integration aspects of the receiver with respect to other
systems, controls, warnings, displays.
• Electrical loading.
• Flight data recorder requirements.
• Suitable AFM provisions.
• Certification means of compliance for the receiver installation (e.g.,
specification of ground and/or flight testing, as necessary). Re-certification of an ILS function following the Introduction of a New or

Modified ILS Navigation Receiver Installation. The certification program
should consider the differences between the new configuration and the
pre-existing ILS receiver system. The applicant may use an impact
assessment to establish a certification basis. The assessment will typically
address the following: New or Modified ILS Impact Assessment. An impact assessment should

consider the following aspects of the new or modified ILS receiver, or
receiver function, for equivalence with the existing ILS receiver
• Hardware design;
• Software design;
• Signal processing and functional performance;
• Failure analysis;
• Receiver function, installation, and integration (e.g., with controls,
indicators, and warnings).

The impact assessment should also identify any additional considerations such as:
• Future functionality provisions which have no impact on system
• Shared resources to support future functionality;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Based upon the assumption that the applicant can show the ILS receiver,
or receiver function, to be equivalent to the current ILS configuration,
the applicant may propose that the new installation be treated as a new
ILS receiver (replacing the existing receiver) for installation on a given
aircraft type. New or Modified ILS Failure Analysis. The failure characteristics of the
new or modified installation should be shown to be equivalent to systems
using ILS data. This ensures the failure characteristics are compatible and
do not invalidate any original or previous safety assessments. New or Modified ILS Autoland or HUD Guidance Landing Function Flight
Testing (if necessary). For systems using a new ILS or GLS, or combined
MMR receiver, complete a minimum of eight (8) approaches terminating in
a successful (automatic or HUD) landing, and rollout (if applicable) using
the flight control/guidance system, including a minimum of two (2) ILS
facilities. Approaches should include captures from both sides of the final
approach course, at angles and distances representative of typical
Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs), and, if applicable, from below and
above the glideslope. The applicant should show the approach and landing performance (flight
path deviation, touchdown data, etc.) is equivalent to that achieved in the
original ILS certification. The FAA may require recorded flight test data to
support equivalency demonstration. New or Modified ILS Documentation. The applicant should provide the
following documentation for certification:
• An impact assessment including effects on System Safety Assessments.
• A flight test report, if applicable.
• Revisions to the Flight Manual where appropriate. Recertification Following the Introduction of a GLS Navigation Receiver

Installation. GLS Introduction Impact Assessment. The impact assessment, if

applicable, should assess equivalent aspects of the GLS receiver or receiver
function to those for the existing ILS receiver configuration. GLS Aircraft Integration/Installation Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.

The applicant should review the failure characteristics of the new or
modified installation to ensure that the failure characteristics do not
invalidate any original or previous safety assessments. GLS Statistical Performance Assessment. If the flight control/guidance

system control algorithms are unchanged or the applicant has already

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

accounted for the effects of any changes (e.g., navigation reference point),
the applicant may not have to re-assess the statistical performance
assessment of a currently certificated automatic landing system or HUD
landing or takeoff system for the addition of GLS functionality. GLS Antenna or Navigation Reference Point Location. The applicant

should assess the implication of differences in position of the GLS and ILS
aircraft antennas or Navigation Reference Point considering:
• Wheel-to-threshold crossing height;
• Lateral and vertical antenna position or navigation reference point
position effects on flight guidance system performance (including any
alignment, flare, or rollout maneuvers). GLS Introduction Flight Testing (as necessary). When installing a new
GLS system to support CAT II operation, the applicant must accomplish a
flight test program including a minimum of 10 approaches.
• The approaches must terminate in a landing (and rollout, if applicable)
using the flight control/guidance system, and the approaches must
include a minimum of two GLS facilities for each system.
• The approaches should include captures from both sides of the final
approach course using representative angles and distances. Approaches
should include captures from below and above the glidepath if
applicable, and representative wind conditions where antenna or
navigation reference point positions may impact performance. The applicant should show the approach and landing performance (flight
path deviation, touchdown data, etc.) is equivalent to the original ILS
certification. The FAA may require recorded flight test data to confirm
equivalency. The applicant should provide the following documentation for GLS:
• An impact assessment including effects on System Safety Assessments;
• A flight test report, if applicable; and
• Revisions to the Flight Manual where appropriate.

4.3 Airborne Systems for CAT II Operations. This section identifies criteria applicable to
specific aircraft system architecture selected to conduct CAT II.

4.3.1 General. Applicable aircraft systems should comply with the basic performance,
integrity, and availability criteria as identified in section 4.2 of this chapter.

4.3.2 Autopilot. The following criteria apply to Autopilot systems:

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The suitability of pertinent autopilot modes or features applicable to

conducting or monitoring an approach, landing, rollout, or go around, as
applicable, should follow the principles/guidance contained in
AC 25.1329-1C. The autopilot must not cause undue flight crew concern and lead to
disconnect (e.g., inappropriate response to ILS beam disturbances or
turbulence, inappropriate response to temporary loss of VDB signals,
unnecessarily abrupt flare or go-around attitude changes, unusual or
inappropriate pitch or bank attitudes, or sideslip response). Control of Approach Flight Path. The autopilot must:

• Maintain the approach path;
• If applicable, make the alignment with the runway, flare, and land the
aircraft within the prescribed limits;
• If applicable, promptly go-around, with minimum practical loss of
altitude. Autopilot performance must be compatible with either manual speed

control, or, if applicable, autothrottle speed control. Mode definition and logic should be consistent with appropriate industry
practice for mode identification and use (e.g., naming, mode arming, and
engagement). Definition of new modes or features, not otherwise in
common use, should be consistent with their intended function, and the
applicant should consider their potential for setting appropriate or adverse
precedent. If the autopilot is used to control the flight path of the aircraft to intercept
and establish the approach path, the pilot should be able to transition from
automatic to manual flight at any time without undue effort, attention, or
control forces, and with a minimum of disturbance of flight path. A flight director system, or alternative form of guidance, if used, must be

compatible with the autopilot. The FAA recommends at least one autopilot and dual flight director systems
with an independent display for each pilot. Dual guidance systems
providing the same information to both pilots may be acceptable only if
suitable comparison monitoring between the systems is available, and
timely transfer to the standby system can be completed, and suitable
annunciation to the flight crew is provided. A fault must cause an autopilot advisory, caution, or warning, as necessary.

If a warning is necessary, the pilot must be able to detect the warning with a

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

normal level of attention and alertness expected during an approach or go


4.3.3 Head Down Guidance. The following criteria applies to Head Down Guidance systems: A flight director system, or alternative form of guidance, must be designed

so that the probability of display of incorrect guidance commands is remote. Wherever practical, a fault must cause guidance information to be

immediately removed from view. If a warning is given instead, it must be
such that the pilot will observe the warning while using the guidance

4.3.4 Head Up Guidance. If the system includes a HUD, the following criteria are applicable to
Head Up Guidance systems: The workload associated with use of the HUD must comply with 14 CFR
§ 23.1523, 25.1523, 27.1523, or 29.1523. Reference AC 23.1523,
25.1523-1, and AC 25-11B, AC 27-1B, or AC 29-2C as applicable for
additional guidance. The HUD installation and display presentation must meet 14 CFR
§ 23.2600a, 25.773, 27.773, or 29.773. Reference AC 25.773 and
AC 25-11B, appendix F for additional guidance. If the autopilot is used to control the flight path of the aircraft to intercept
and establish the approach path, the point during the approach at which the
transition from automatic to manual flight takes place must be identified
and used for the performance demonstration. A flight director system, or alternative form of guidance, must be designed

so that the probability of display of incorrect guidance commands is remote.

4.3.5 Use of HUD to monitor autoflight systems. The HUD must be compatible with the
autoflight system and permit the pilot to detect unsuitable autopilot performance.

4.3.6 Autothrottle. If autothrottle capability is installed, the applicant should identify any

necessary modes, conditions, procedures, or constraints that apply to its use. Use of the autothrottle should not cause unacceptable performance of any
autopilot modes intended for use, and any autopilot mode intended for use
with autothrottle should not cause unacceptable autothrottle performance. The autothrottle should expeditiously capture any commanded speed

adjustments, maintain speed, and not cause any hazardous conditions with

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

normal use or for any probable failure modes, considering pilot intervention
using normal piloting skills. The autothrottle should hold speed within ± 5 knots of the intended speed
except for momentary gusts, in typical environmental conditions expected
for use. The autothrottle should provide appropriate status, advisory, caution, and
warning information for failures. The autothrottle should provide timely application of “Go-around thrust” if

a go-around mode is available. The autothrottle should not require undue flight crew attention or skill to
recognize and respond to an engine failure during approach or go-around.

4.4 Approach System Evaluation. The applicant should conduct an evaluation to verify that
the pertinent systems as installed in the aircraft meet the airworthiness criteria of section
4.2 of this AC. The evaluation should include verification of approach system
performance and a safety assessment for verification of the integrity and availability
provisions. The applicant should demonstrate engine failure cases and other selected
failure conditions identified by the safety assessment by simulator or flight test.

4.4.1 An applicant should provide a certification plan(s) describing: The means proposed to show compliance with the criteria of section 4.2 of
this AC, with particular attention to methods that differ significantly from
those described in this chapter. How non-aircraft elements of the Approach System relate to the aircraft
system from a performance, integrity, and availability perspective (e.g.,
appropriate reference to ICAO Annex or U.S. Standard). The assumptions on how the performance, integrity, and availability

requirements of the non-aircraft elements of Standard Landing Aids will be
assured, if applicable. The effect of the aircraft navigation reference point on the aircraft flight
path and wheel-to-threshold crossing height. The system concepts and operational philosophy to allow the regulatory
authority to determine whether criteria and guidance in excess of that
contained in this chapter are necessary.

4.4.2 The applicant should reach an early agreement with the FAA on his/her proposed
certification plan.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

4.4.3 Performance Evaluation. The applicant should demonstrate the airborne system
performance meets provisions of this chapter using flight test.

4.4.4 The airborne system performance demonstration should include at least the following
conditions taking into account manual/coupled autopilot, autothrottle configurations for
CAT II approaches: Wind Conditions:

• 20 kts - Head wind component.
• 10 kts - Crosswind component.
• 10 kts - Tailwind component. The applicant must demonstrate performance by flight test, or analysis

validated by flight test, using at least three different representative facilities
for a minimum of 20 total approaches, with a representative range of
environmental and system variables affecting overall performance. The
applicant must achieve a minimum of 95% success in the number of
attempted approaches. The performance assessment must take into account at least the following
variables with the variables being applied based upon their expected
• Configurations of the aircraft (e.g., flap settings);
• Center of gravity;
• Landing weight;
• Conditions of wind, turbulence, and wind shear;
• Characteristics of ground and space based systems and aids (i.e., ILS or
GLS); and
• Any other parameter which may affect system performance (e.g., airport
altitude, approach path slope, variations in approach speed). The FAA will accept use of the Continuous Method and the Pass/Fail
Method, both found in EASA AMC AWO 231, in lieu of the 95% of the
time per approach described in section, and the minimum number of
20 approaches stated in section The FAA recommends wind model analysis to obtain approval of systems
related to CAT II. If an applicant elects to use simulation with a wind
model to support approval, the applicant should use the model specified in
appendix B. For GLS, the applicant should assess fault free performance of GLS using
simulations such as Monte-Carlo with the input variables distributed

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

according to their performance characteristics and a model of the GLS

guidance including fault free error characteristics defined by the GLS signal
model as specified in appendix C.

Note: Applicants with approved airworthiness

criteria for GAST D level of service meet all the
airworthiness criteria of this chapter.

4.4.5 Safety Assessment. In addition to any specific safety related criteria identified in this
chapter, the applicant must conduct a safety assessment of the approach and landing
system, considered separately and in conjunction with other systems, to show compliance
with § 23.2500, 2510, 2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 29.1309. The applicant can use the
guidance contained in AC 23.1309, AC 25.1309, AC 27-1, or AC 29-2, as applicable. The applicant must consider the responses to failures of navigation

facilities, taking into account ICAO and other pertinent State criteria for
navigation facilities. Documented conclusions of the safety analysis must include: Pursuant to § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 27.1309, a

FHA conducted in accordance with the guidance provided by AC 23.1309,
AC 25.1309, AC 27-1 or AC 29-2, respectively, as applicable and a
summary of results from the fault tree analysis, demonstrated compliance,
and probability determinations for significant functional hazards. Information regarding "alleviating flightcrew actions" that were considered

in the safety analysis. This information should list appropriate alleviating
actions, if any, and should be consistent with the validation conducted
during testing. If alleviating actions are identified, the applicant should
describe those actions in a form suitable to aid in developing, as applicable:
• Pertinent provisions of the AFM procedures section(s);
• Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) provisions, or equivalent;
• Pilot qualification criteria (e.g., training requirements, FSB provisions);
• Any other reference material necessary for an operator or flight crew to
safely use the system. Information to support preparation of any necessary maintenance and

preventive maintenance such as:
• Certification maintenance requirements (CMR);
• Periodic checks;
• Other checks, as necessary (e.g., return to service). Information applicable to limitations, as necessary.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Identification of applicable systems, modes, or equipment necessary for use

of the landing system, to aid in development of flight planning or dispatch
criteria, or to aid in development of procedures or checklists for pilot
selection of modes or assessment of system status, prior to initiation of
approach or during approach. Information necessary for development of non-normal procedures.

4.4.6 Continued Airworthiness. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.1529, 25.1529, 27.1529, or 29.1329, an applicant

must prepare an Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for use by
operators. The applicant must submit to the FAA a program showing how
the applicant distributes changes made to the ICAs by the applicant or by
the manufacturers of the ILS or GBAS avionics installed in the aircraft.
ICAs established during the approval process form the basis for an
operator’s maintenance program. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 21.3, the applicant must report any failure,
malfunction, or defect whose occurrences could impact the safety of the
flight crew or the structural integrity of the aircraft itself.

4.5 AFM. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.2620, 25.1581, 27.1581, or 29.1581, as applicable, an

applicant must furnish an AFM with each aircraft. The AFM should contain the
following information:

4.5.1 Relevant conditions or constraints applicable to the approach and landing system use
regarding the airport or runway conditions. For example:

• Runway elevation

• Ambient temperature

• Approach path slope

• Runway slope

• Ground profile under the approach path

4.5.2 The criteria and configurations used for the demonstration of the system.

4.5.3 Any constraints or limitations necessary for safe operation.

4.5.4 Acceptable normal and non-normal procedures.

4.5.5 The type of navigation facilities used as a basis for certification. This should not be taken
as a limitation on the use of other facilities. The AFM may contain a statement regarding

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

the type of facilities or condition known to be unacceptable for use (e.g., ILS or GLS).
The AFM should indicate the operation is predicated upon the use of an ILS (or GLS)
facility with performance and integrity equivalent to, or better than, a United States Type
II or Type III ILS, GBAS GAST D, or equivalent ICAO Annex 10 Facility Performance
CAT II facility.

4.5.6 Applicable atmospheric conditions under which the system was demonstrated (e.g.,
headwind, crosswind, tailwind).

4.5.7 Any necessary performance, procedure, or configuration data to permit an operator to

determine climb gradient and transition distances for safe obstacle clearance during a
missed approach, balked landing, or rejected landing. This information need not be
specifically included in the AFM if it is available to the operator using some other
method acceptable to the operator and manufacturer (e.g., FCOM, supplementary
performance information, separate AFM appendix).

4.5.8 For an approach and landing system meeting provisions of this chapter, the Normal
Procedures, Normal Operations, or equivalent section, of the AFM should also contain
the following statements:
“The airborne system has been demonstrated to meet the
airworthiness provisions of AC 20-191 (chapter 4) for <specify the
pertinent approach capability section(s) criteria met> when the
following equipment is installed and operative:

“<list pertinent equipment>”

“This AFM provision does not constitute operational approval for
CAT II use of the system.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191


5.1 Introduction.

5.1.1 This chapter contains airworthiness approval criteria for equipment used to conduct an
approach, landing, and rollout in CAT III weather minima using an ILS or GBAS.
Landing and Rollout Systems may combine various combinations of aircraft sensors and
system architecture with various combinations of ground and space based elements. This
AC does not attempt to provide criteria for each potential combination of airborne and
non-airborne elements.

5.1.2 This chapter addresses the approach phase of flight, beginning at the FAF, through the
CAT III DH, ending at the landing, and rollout phase.

5.1.3 ICAO Annex 10 includes standards for ILS and GBAS intended to support CAT III
operations. This chapter addresses operations using either ILS or GBAS for approaches,
using ILS avionics produced in accordance with TSO-C34e, TSO-C36e authorizations,
and GBAS avionics with applicable TSO authorizations.

Note: GBAS approach service volume is

defined in ICAO Annex 10 Amendment 91.

5.1.4 The standards for GBAS (RTCA DO-253D and ICAO Annex 10) define two general
classes of GBAS services, Approach Service, and the GBAS Positioning Service. The
standards further differentiate GAST. A GAST is defined as the matched set of airborne
and ground performance and functional requirements intended to be used in concert in
order to provide approach guidance with quantifiable performance. Applicants for CAT
III airworthiness seek approval through GBAS GAST-D level of service.

5.2 Airworthiness Criteria.

5.2.1 The airworthiness criteria contained in this chapter for the CAT III landing, and rollout
system satisfy the operational requirements described in AC 120-118. The basic
airworthiness criteria are independent of the specific implementation in the aircraft or the
type of approach landing system and rollout selected for the approach.

5.2.2 Performance provisions for touchdown performance, landing sink rates, and attitudes, etc.
(see section, below) are the same for landing systems with automatic flight
control, and systems for manual flight control with command information as guidance.

5.2.3 The applicant’s type certification proposal should include factors such as the system’s
intended function, accuracy, reliability, and fail-safe features. The proposal should also
address the operational concepts contained in AC 120-118.

5.2.4 The low visibility landing system is intended to guide the aircraft to a touchdown in the
prescribed touchdown zone, with an appropriate sink rate and attitude without exceeding

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

prescribed load limits of the aircraft. The rollout system is intended to guide the aircraft
to converge on and track the runway centerline, from the point of touchdown to a safe
taxi speed.

5.2.5 The overall assurance of performance and safety of an operation can only be assessed
when all elements of the system are considered.

5.2.6 The low-visibility landing system must be shown to be satisfactory with and without the
use of any outside visual references, except that outside visual references will not be
considered when assessing lateral tracking performance. The airworthiness evaluation
will also determine whether the combination of guidance and outside visual references
would unacceptably degrade task performance, or require exceptional workload and pilot
compensation, during normal operations and non-normal operations with system and
aircraft failure conditions.

5.2.7 General Airworthiness Criteria. Intended Flight Path. The applicant must establish the intended flight path.
The path may be established in a number of ways, including the use of
navigation aids (e.g., ILS or GLS). Other methods are acceptable when the
applicant can show the feasibility of his/her method through special project,
for example:
• Sensing of the runway environment (e.g., surface, lighting and/or
markings) with a vision enhancement system, or
• By a vision enhancement system. On-board navigation systems may have various sensor elements by which to
determine aircraft position. The sensor elements may include ILS, Inertial
information, GLS, or other Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
elements. Each of these sensor elements should comply with their
performance provisions within appropriate limitations. The system should provide an indication of the aircraft position with respect
to the intended lateral path using:
• Deviation displays with reference to a navigation source (e.g., ILS
receiver, GLS receiver, etc.), or
• On-board navigation system computations with corresponding displays
of position and reference path.

5.2.8 Accuracy. Acquisition Performance. The acquisition should be accomplished in a

manner compatible with instrument procedure requirements and flight crew
requirements for the type of approach being conducted. The approach
guidance system must not generate sustained oscillating command

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

information (e.g., flight director, HUD, etc.) or require unusual effort by the
pilot to control the flight path. Lateral and Vertical Tracking Performance. The applicant must show the
system will meet the following performance parameters: Stable lateral tracking performance from 300 ft. HAT to touchdown without
large deviations (i.e., within ±25 microamps deviation) from the indicated
course, for 95% of the time per approach. Stable vertical tracking performance from 300 ft. HAT to touchdown
without large deviations (i.e., within ±35 microamps deviation) from the
indicated path or ±12 ft., whichever is greater, for 95% of the time per
approach. Momentary excursions up to ±75 microamps during test
demonstrations may be acceptable if the applicant shows satisfactory
performance of the flight guidance system through touchdown and landing.

Note: The performance standards for ILS or

GBAS GAST D signal in space contained in
ICAO SARPS Annex 10, or an equivalent State
standard, are acceptable standards for operations
based on ILS or GBAS, respectively.

5.2.9 Approach Performance.

5.2.10 Landing and Rollout System Performance. The applicant should conduct a stable approach (i.e., “normal maneuvering”
without excessive attitudes, sink rates, path deviations, or speed deviations)
to the point where a smooth transition is made to the landing. If the landing system is designed to perform an alignment function prior to

touchdown, to correct for crosswind effects, the system should operate in a
manner consistent with a pilot's manual technique for crosswind landings
for the aircraft type, typically using the wing low, side slip procedure. Non-
availability of the alignment mode, or failure of the alignment mode to
perform its intended function must be easily detectable, or be suitably
annunciated, so that the flight crew can take appropriate action. The "landing flare to touchdown" maneuver should reduce the aircraft sink
rate to a value not exceeding the sink rate for landing as listed in the AFM. The automatic flight control system should provide de-rotation for airplanes,
consistent with a pilot’s manual technique. Systems which provide rollout
guidance for manually controlled rollout are not required to provide
de-rotation. Systems which provide de-rotation, automatically or with
guidance for manual control, must avoid any objectionable oscillatory motion

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

or nose wheel touchdowns, pitch up, or other adverse behavior as a result of

ground spoiler deployment or reverse thrust operation. Automatic control during the landing and rollout should not result in any
aircraft maneuvers which would cause the flight crew to intervene
unnecessarily. Landing and rollout guidance should be consistent with a pilot’s manual
technique, and not require excessive skill or flight crew workload to
accomplish the operation. Speed Control Performance. Airspeed must be controllable to within +/-

five knots of the approach speed*, except for momentary gusts, up to the
point where the throttles are retarded to idle for landing. For operations
flown with manual control of approach speed, the flight crew must be able
to control speed to within +/- five knots of the approach speed.
*This criteria is not specific to low visibility
systems, but must be met by low visibility
systems. Landing System Performance. All types of low visibility landing systems,
including automatic flight control, guidance for manual control, and hybrid
systems, must meet the performance specified in section The
performance values may vary where justified by the characteristics of the
aircraft. Additional performance provisions apply for GLS systems. See
sections through Nominal Performance (ILS, GLS). The nominal performance provisions

establish compatibility of the aircraft system performance with basic
navigation system accuracy in fault-free conditions and nominal
environmental conditions. Nominal conditions include both normal and
rare normal conditions. The variables affecting performance that an
applicant must include in the assessment are discussed in section
The nominal performance criteria and probabilities are as follows: Probability of longitudinal touchdown earlier than a point on the runway

200 ft. (60m) from the threshold must not exceed 10-6. Probability of longitudinal touchdown beyond 2700 ft.(823m) from

threshold must not exceed 10-6. Probability of lateral touchdown with the outboard landing gear more than
70 ft. (21.3m) from runway centerline must not exceed 10-6. Probability of sink rate at the structural limit load must not exceed 10-6. An
acceptable means of establishing that the structural limit load is within its
specified limit is to show separately and independently that:

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

o The limit load that results from a sink rate at touchdown not greater
than 10 fps or the limit rate of descent used for certification under 14
CFR part 25 Subpart C (see section § 25.473), whichever is the
greater. For part 23, 25, and 27 aircraft, the limit load conditions
specified in § 23.2220, 27.473, or 29.473 apply, respectively.
o The lateral side load does not exceed the limit value determined for the
lateral drift landing condition defined in § 25.479(d)(2). For part 23,
25, and 27 aircraft, the level landing conditions specified in § 23.2220,
27.479, or 29.479 apply, respectively. Probability of bank angle resulting in hazard (where the wing tip touches the
ground prior to the landing gear) must not exceed 10-7. A hazard to the
aircraft means a bank angle resulting in any part of the wing including the
tip, high lift device, or engine nacelle touching the ground. Reference AC
27-1 or AC 29-2 for additional information on helicopters. GLS. The applicant must assess the effect of nominal GLS errors on
landing system performance via simulation using the GLS Noise Model
provided in appendix C (or an approved equivalent model), including the
fault-free elements, as described in Sections C.1.2 through C.1.6. When using GBAS, the required flight path is uplinked to the aircraft after
the approach is selected. This path is used for flight guidance and/or the
autopilot when required to conduct an approach, landing, and rollout. Corruption of the information contained in the received VDB to define the
reference path is considered a hazardous condition. Failure resulting in
undetected changes to the approach path definitions data must be extremely
remote. The flight crew must not be able to modify information which relates to the
critical definition of required flight path. Compatibility with Rare Undetected Non-Aircraft System Error Conditions

(e,g., satellite faults, ionospheric anamolies). For any value of GLS
navigation system error resulting from faults, in conjunction with nominal

• The probability of longitudinal touchdown earlier than a point on the

runway 200 ft. (60 m) from the threshold must not exceed 10-5.

• The probability of longitudinal touchdown beyond a point on the

runway 3000 ft. (900 m) from the threshold must not exceed 10-5.

• The probability of lateral touchdown with the outboard landing gear

more than 70 ft. (21 m) from the runway centerline must not exceed 10-5
(assuming a 150 ft runway width).

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• The probability of sink rate at the structural limit load, must not exceed

• The probability of bank angle where the wing tip touches the ground
prior to the landing gear must not exceed 10-6.

• The probability of lateral velocity (or sideslip angle) at the structural

limit load must not exceed 10-5. Evaluation of landing probability. The applicant cannot take credit for the
probability of faults when evaluating the required landing probabilities.
However, the applicant may take credit for the ground subsystem’s
probability of detection for satellite faults and the aircraft’s probability of
detection for single reference receiver faults. The GLS errors may be
considered bias-like for the duration of an approach and landing as this is
the worst case scenario. Non-GLS variable. When assessing the GLS performance, the applicant
must account for other non-GLS variables affecting performance. These
non-GLS variables must vary according to their expected distributions.

Note 1: The criteria ensures that undetected

faults in conjunction with nominal conditions in
the non-aircraft GBAS system, when combined
with all other variables affecting landing
performance, do not result in an unacceptably
high probability of landing outside the limits that
define a safe landing (see section for
the conditions that define a safe landing). These
faults include only satellite faults and single
ground reference receiver faults.

Note 2: Appendix C - GLS Signal Model section

C.1.9 provides an example demonstration
method for the performance specified in this
section. The appendix also contains a list of
references that were used to derive the signal
model. These references describe undetected
non-aircraft system error conditions, nominal
performance, and faults as well as the ICAO
standardized ground system monitoring
requirements. The aircraft performance
provisions in this section are intended to address
non-aircraft system errors that are below the
ground monitoring thresholds. Such errors are
not considered a malfunction of the non-aircraft

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Note 3: It is assumed that operations will be

approved with knowledge of the runway specific
glide path and TCH values and the aircraft’s
capability. Therefore, it is not necessary to set
the glide path and/or TCH values to the limits
allowed for the aircraft. Compatibility with Worst Case Undetected Guidance Errors. Undetected errors that are not extremely improbable must be shown to not
prevent a safe landing and/or go-around when all other variables affecting
performance are at their nominal values. The definition of a safe landing is
specified in section The definition of a safe approach is an
approach that does not penetrate the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces for
Precision Approach Category II or III as defined by ICAO SARPS
Annex 14 section 4.2.15 & Table 4-1.

The applicant must assess the effect of worst case undetected errors on
landing system performance via simulation using the GLS Noise Model
provided in appendix C (or an approved equivalent model). The worst case
undetected errors must be simulated by using the maximum range domain
error given in Table C-5 and Table C-7 of appendix C in conjunction with
the appropriate geometry screening factors used by the aircraft. The
certification plan should specify how the demonstration will be conducted,
including the number of cases and variables with pass/fail criteria. The
aircraft performance must be assessed in the presence of the full range of
bias and ramp type failures produced by the Fault Mode Generator
described in appendix C. This demonstration must include the irregular
terrain profile as defined in section

Note: Rare ionosphere events and undetected

satellite or ground station failures could result in
significant vertical (and lateral) position errors.
Under certain conditions, such errors may go
undetected by the system and could result in
erroneous guidance if unmitigated. The effect of
such errors may not be observable by the flight
crew. Rollout System Performance. The rollout system, if included, must control the aircraft, in the case of an
automatic flight control system, or provide command information as
guidance to the pilot, for manual control, from the point of landing to a safe
taxi speed. The loss of rudder effectiveness, as the aircraft speed is reduced,
could be a factor in the level of approval which is granted to a system. The
applicant should describe the system concept for rollout control so that the

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

absence of low speed control, such as a nose wheel steering system, can be
assessed. Safe taxi speed is the speed at which the pilot can safely leave the runway
or bring the aircraft to a safe stop. The safe taxi speed may vary with
visibility conditions, aircraft characteristics, and means of lateral control.
The performance criteria in this section assume a 150 ft. (45.7m) runway
width. The rollout performance limit may be appropriately increased if
operation is restricted to wider runways. Rollout systems typically reference the runway centerline via ILS localizer
or another approved approach navigation system. The intended path for the
rollout system is to keep the aircraft on the runway, and usually on the
runway centerline. The applicant should demonstrate that the rollout system:

• Does not cause the outboard tire(s) to deviate from the runway
centerline by more than 70 ft. (21.3m), starting from the point at which
touchdown occurs and continuing to a point at which a safe taxi speed is
reached, to a probability of 1 x 10-6.

Note: These values assume a 150 ft (45m)

runway. The lateral touchdown performance
limit may be appropriately increased if operation
is restricted to wider runways.
• Captures the intended path or converges on the intended path (e.g.,
localizer centerline) in a smooth, timely, and predictable manner. While
a critically damped response is desired, minor overshoots are
acceptable. Sustained or divergent oscillations or unnecessarily
aggressive responses are unsatisfactory.
• Promptly corrects any lateral movement away from the runway
centerline in a positive manner.
• Following touchdown, if not already on a converging path, causes the
aircraft to initially turn and track a path to intercept the runway
centerline at a point far enough in front of the aircraft obvious to the
flight crew that the rollout system is performing properly. Also, the
rollout system should intercept the centerline sufficiently before the stop
end of the runway, and before the point at which taxi speed is reached.

Note: 70 ft. (21.3m) deviation from centerline is

equivalent to outboard tire(s) at 5 ft. (1.5m)
within the edge of a 150 ft. (45.7m) wide

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Variables Affecting Performance. The performance assessment must take

into account at least the following variables with the variables being applied
based upon their expected distribution:
• Configurations of the aircraft (e.g., flap/slat settings);
• Center of gravity;
• Landing gross weight;
• Conditions of headwind, tailwind, crosswind, turbulence and wind shear
(see appendix B for acceptable wind models);
• Approach airspeed and variations in approach airspeed;
• Airport conditions (elevation, runway slope, runway condition);
• Individual pilot performance, for systems with manual control;
• Any other parameter which may affect system performance;
• Characteristics of applicable navigation aids, including variations in
flight path definitions (ILS or GLS, aircraft and space elements, etc.).

Note: Appendix C provides one acceptable

model for the assumed characteristics of GLS
guidance errors. Applicants using an alternate
model are responsible for documenting the
alternate model, its basis (including a mapping to
ICAO Annex 10 characteristics and any
additional assumptions made), and its validity. Irregular Approach Terrain. Approach terrain may affect the performance
and pilot acceptance of the Approach and Landing system. ICAO Annex 14
contains the information on the nominal characteristics of an airport.
Applicants can use this information to characterize the airport environment
for nominal performance assessment. The applicant must evaluate the
system’s performance characteristics in the presence of significant approach
terrain variations. At a minimum, the following profiles should be
• Sloping runway - slopes of 0.8%;
• Hilltop runway - 12.5% slope up to a point 60m prior to the threshold;
• Sea-wall - 6m (20 ft.) step up to threshold elevation at a point 60m prior
to the threshold.

Note 1: In addition to the profiles described

above, the FAA recommends examination of the
profiles of known airports with significant
irregular approach terrain, at which operations
are intended.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Note 2: Special operational evaluations are

appropriate for certain airports having difficult
pre-threshold terrain conditions. These
evaluations consider each particular aircraft type,
the particular flight control system, and may
include consideration of particular system
elements such as the type of radar altimeters
installed or other equipment. Reference
AC 120-118 for details on irregular approach
terrain operational evaluations. Approach and Automatic Landing with an Inoperative Engine. For

demonstration of engine-inoperative capabilities, where the approach is
initiated, and the landing made, with an inoperative engine, the applicant
must show the landing system performs a safe landing and, where
applicable, safe rollout in this non-normal aircraft condition taking account
the factors described in this chapter and the following: Failure of the critical engine, and for propeller driven aircraft, where
applicable, accounting for feathering of the propeller following failure of
the critical engine; Appropriate landing flap configurations; Loss of any system associated with the inoperative engine, e.g., electrical
and hydraulic power; Crosswinds in each direction of at least 10 knots; Weight of aircraft. Whether or not the applicant seeks engine out landing approval, the go
around from any point on the approach to touchdown must not require
exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength and must ensure that
sufficient information is available to determine that the aircraft can remain
clear of obstacles. Inoperative Engine Information. The applicant should provide information

for an operator to assure a successful go-around with an inoperative engine.
The information may be in a form as requested by the operator, or as
determined appropriate by the manufacturer. The information may or may
not be provided to the operator as part of the AFM. Examples of acceptable
information would include the following: Information on height loss as a function of go-around initiation altitude.

AC 25-7, Figure 181-1, provides one acceptable example;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Performance information allowing the operator to determine that the

operator can maintain safe obstacle clearance during a go around with an
engine failure; A method to assess and extend applicability of engine-inoperative takeoff

performance obstacle clearance determinations for a balked landing or go-
around event.

5.2.11 Landing and Rollout System Integrity. Landing System Integrity. Pursuant to § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605,

25.1309, 27.1309, or 29.1309, evaluate the onboard components of the
landing systems, considered separately, and in relation to other associated
onboard systems, in addition to any specific safety related criteria identified
in this chapter. The applicant can use the following criteria to show
compliance with § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or
29.1309 to Landing Systems. Probability of unsafe landing. Any single malfunction or any combination

of malfunctions of the landing system preventing a safe landing or go
around must be extremely improbable. Probability of Missed Detection. Failure to detect and annunciate

malfunctions preventing a safe landing or go around must be extremely
improbable. Exposure Time. The exposure time for assessing failure probabilities for
fail passive landing systems is the average time required to descend from
100 feet HAT to touchdown, and for fail operational landing systems the
average time to descend from 200 feet HAT to touchdown. The applicant
must address all latent faults that may exist prior to the start of the exposure
time (at or before 100 ft HAT for fail passive and at or before 200 ft. HAT
for fail operational). Deviations Associated with Malfunction (Fail Passive). For a fail passive
automatic landing system, a single malfunction or any combination of
malfunctions must not cause a significant deviation of the flight path or
attitude following system disengagement. The aircraft must be safely
trimmed when the system disengages to prevent these significant
deviations. Deviations Associated with Malfunction (Fail Operational). A fail

operational automatic landing system, following a single malfunction, must
not lose the capability to perform lateral and vertical path tracking,
alignment with runway heading (e.g., de-crab), flare, and touchdown within
the safe landing criteria listed in section

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Safe Landing Criteria. For the purpose of analysis, a safe landing may be
assumed when the following performance is achieved:
• Longitudinal touchdown no earlier than a point on the runway 200 ft.
(60m) from the threshold,
• Longitudinal touchdown no further than 3000 ft. (1000m) from the
threshold (not beyond the end of the touchdown zone lighting), and
• Lateral touchdown with the outboard landing gear within 70 ft. (21m)
from runway centerline. (These values assume a 150 ft. (45m) runway.
The lateral touchdown performance limit may be appropriately
increased if operation is restricted to wider runways.) Environmental Conditions. Malfunction cases may be considered under

nominal environmental conditions. Total Autoland System Loss. Demonstrate the pilot flying (PF) can
disconnect the autopilot at his discretion, and maneuver the aircraft to a safe
landing and rollout to a safe taxi speed, or perform a successful go-around
to avoid catastrophic results. Rollout System Integrity. When engaged, the rollout system must provide
automatic control, or guidance for manual control, to maintain the aircraft
on the runway to a safe taxi speed on the runway. Pursuant to § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 29.1309, the

applicant must design the onboard components of the rollout system,
considering the components both separately, and in relation to other
associated onboard systems. The applicant may use the following criteria
for the application of § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or
29.1309 to Rollout Systems: A fail operational rollout system must meet the safe rollout performance
provisions of this chapter, section 5.2.4 (i.e., no lateral deviation
greater than 70 ft. (21.3m) from centerline) after any single malfunction, or
after any combination of malfunctions not shown to be extremely remote.
The applicant may consider malfunction cases under nominal
environmental conditions. For any rollout system, below 200 ft. HAT, demonstrate unannunciated
malfunctions preventing a safe rollout are extremely improbable. For a fail passive rollout system, the loss of a fail passive automatic rollout
function after touchdown must cause the automatic flight control system to
disconnect. The loss of a fail passive rollout system after touchdown must
be improbable. Whenever a fail passive guidance system for manual rollout
does not provide valid guidance, the system should provide a caution to the

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Note: The caution does not require immediate

intervention by the pilot or the PM. Both the pilot
flying and the PM continue controlling the aircraft
and monitoring progress, respectively, as the rollout
operation continues. A warning is not required for
loss of fail passive manual rollout guidance. The rollout system performance should not cause the aircraft wheels to
exceed the lateral confines of the runway, from the point of touchdown to
the point at which a safe taxi speed is reached, more often than once in ten
million landings. This performance provision applies for malfunctions only
affecting low speed directional control (speeds below effective rudder
• The applicant should demonstrate the effect of any nose-wheel steering
malfunction can be handled by the rollout system or mitigated by pilot
intervention using realistic simulated operational conditions.
• The applicant should include in the safety assessment the worst case
single failure conditions and failure combinations which are not
extremely improbable. These conditions should include failures such as
a jammed nose wheel steering or nose wheel castering. Where possible,
the preferred method of demonstration is by flight test.
• The applicant’s evaluation of failure conditions should include
consideration of nominal environmental conditions including visibility,
crosswind, and runway surface conditions affecting braking (examples:
snow/ice, water saturated, wet with rubber contamination). The
applicant must accomplish the evaluation of failure conditions with
variations in environment unless the applicant can show that the
combination of failure and environment is extremely improbable (See
AC 25-7, Handling Qualities Rating Method).
• The applicant may use a simulator with a validated ground model to
explore the full range of test conditions including the effect of simulated
runway coefficients of friction, crosswinds, center of gravity, and mass
distribution (at various ground speeds), runway elevation, and visibility. GLS signal anomalies could affect safe system performance in the flare and
rollout phases, so the applicant should describe and show how the GLS
autoland and automatic rollout functions safely account for them.

5.2.12 Approach System Continuity Criteria. The applicant should verify the continuity of
navigation during normal aircraft maneuvering while in approach. For GLS, this includes
verifying reception of VDB signal reception at all angles relative to the airframe as the
GBAS facility could be located anywhere with respect to the approach path.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

5.2.13 Landing and Rollout System Availability. Landing System Availability. Below 500 ft. on approach, the probability of
a successful landing should be at least 95% for approach demonstrations
conducted in the aircraft. This means no more than 5% of the approaches
result in a go-around, due to the combination of failures in the landing
system and the incidence of unsatisfactory performance. The applicant
should meet this level of availability during flight test, with approximately
100 approaches. For an aircraft equipped with a fail passive landing system, the need to
initiate a go-around below 100 ft. HAT on approach due to an aircraft
system failure condition should be infrequent (i.e., typically fewer than 1
per 1000 approaches). For a fail operational system, below 200 ft. HAT on approach, the
probability of total loss of the landing system (even though appropriate
annunciation of system loss is provided) must be extremely remote. The
annunciation must enable the pilot to intervene in a timely manner to avoid
a catastrophic result. Total loss of the system without annunciation must be
extremely improbable. All single failures and combinations of failures not extremely improbable
must be shown to permit completion of the landing and rollout to a safe taxi
speed, or a successful go-around. If a total loss of the autoland system occurs, demonstrate the PF can
disconnect the autopilot and maneuver the aircraft to a safe landing, and
rollout to a safe taxi speed, or perform a successful go around to avoid
catastrophic results. Rollout System Availability should meet the following criteria: For a fail passive rollout system, from 200 ft. HAT through landing, and
rollout to a safe taxi speed, the probability of a successful rollout should be
at least 95%, considering loss or failure of the rollout system. For a fail operational rollout system, during the period in which the aircraft
descends below 200 ft. HAT to a safe taxi speed, the probability of
degradation from fail operational to fail passive should be infrequent (i.e.,
fewer than 1 degradation per 1000 approaches). The probability of total
loss of rollout capability should be extremely remote, considering loss or
failure of the rollout system. After touchdown, if a complete loss of the fail operational automatic rollout
function occurs, or any other unsafe malfunction or condition, the automatic
flight control system must disconnect. The loss of a fail operational rollout
system after touchdown must be extremely remote.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

5.2.14 Go-Around. The aircraft must be capable of safely executing a go-around from any point
on the approach to touchdown in all configurations. The maneuver may not require
exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength. A go-around from a low altitude may result in an inadvertent runway

contact, therefore the applicant should establish the safety of the procedure
giving consideration to at least the following: The automatic control and guidance produced by the go around mode,
when such a mode is provided, should be retained and be shown to have
safe and acceptable characteristics throughout the go around maneuver. Inadvertent selection of go-around mode after touchdown should have no

adverse effect on the ability of the aircraft to safely roll out and stop. The applicant should assess height loss to assure expeditious go-around
from a range of altitudes during the approach and flare when under
automatic control and when using the landing guidance system, as
appropriate, and as follows: Height loss may be assessed by flight testing (typically 10 go-arounds)

supported by simulation. The simulation should evaluate the effects of variation in parameters such
as weight, center of gravity, configuration, and wind. The simulation
results should correlate with the flight test results. Normal procedures for a go-around for the applicable configuration should
be followed. If engine-inoperative capability is sought, and use of the
go-around mode is applicable to those operations, an assessment of the
engine-inoperative go-around is necessary.

5.2.15 Information, Annunciation, and Alerting. This section identifies information,

annunciations, and alerting criteria. The design of the Information, Annunciation, and Alerting HUD must
comply with § 23.2605, 25.1322, 27.1322, or 29.1322. Reference
AC 23.1311-1, AC 25.1322, AC 27-1B, or 29-2C for additional guidance. This section identifies airworthiness criteria for basic situation and
command information. The controls, indicators, and warnings must be designed to minimize flight
crew errors which could create a hazard. Mode and system malfunction
indications must be presented in a manner compatible with the procedures
and assigned tasks of the flight crew. The indications must be grouped in a
logical and consistent manner and be visible under all expected normal
lighting conditions.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 For manual control of approach, landing, and rollout flight path, the primary
flight display(s), whether head down or head up, must provide sufficient
information to enable a suitably trained pilot to:
• Maintain the approach path;
• Make the alignment with the runway, flare, and land the aircraft within
the prescribed limits;
• Go-around without excessive reference to other cockpit displays. The information provided on the flight deck must be sufficient to allow the
pilots to monitor the progress and safety of the landing and rollout
operation, using the information identified above and any additional
information necessary to the design of the system. Required in flight performance monitoring capability includes at least the

• Unambiguous identification of the intended path for the approach,
landing, and rollout, (e.g., ILS /GLS approach identifier/frequency, and
selected navigation source); and
• Indication of the position of the aircraft with respect to the intended path
(e.g., situation information localizer and glide path, or equivalent). Annunciation. The system must provide a positive, continuous, and

unambiguous indication for the modes actually in operation, as well as those
that are armed for engagement. In addition, where engagement of a mode is
automatic (e.g., localizer and glide path acquisition), the system must
provide a clear indication when the mode has been armed by either action
of a member of the flight crew, or automatically by the system (e.g., a
pre-land test - LAND 3). Alerting. Alerts are intended to address the need for warning, caution, and
advisory information for the flight crew. Warnings. The system must provide a warning indication for all conditions
requiring the flight crew to take immediate corrective action. The design
should account for flight crew alerting cues, corrective action required, and
the capability of detecting faults.
• Warnings must be given without delay, be distinct from all other cockpit
warnings and provide unmistakable indication of the need for the flight
crew to take immediate corrective action. Aural warnings must be
audible to both pilots under typically assumed worst case ambient noise
conditions, but not so loud and intrusive as to interfere with the flight
crew taking the required corrective action or readily accomplishing
flight crew coordination. Visual warnings, such as lights or

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

alphanumeric messages, must be distinct and conspicuously located in

the primary field of view for both pilots.
• After beginning final approach (e.g., typically prior to reaching 1000'
HAT), the system should annunciate the loss of a fail passive or fail
operational system. Whenever a fail passive system, for manual control,
does not provide valid guidance, the system must provide a warning
indication to both pilots and remove the guidance. The removal of
guidance alone is not adequate annunciation. The annunciation must be
located to ensure rapid recognition, and must not distract the PF or
significantly degrade the forward view. Cautions. The system must provide a caution for any condition requiring
immediate flight crew awareness and timely subsequent action. The system
must provide a means to advise the flight crew of failed aircraft system
elements that affect the decision to continue or discontinue the approach.
• After initiation of final approach, (which typically occurs at or above
1000' HAT) a fail passive landing system, or landing and rollout system,
must alert the flight crew to any malfunction or condition that would
adversely affect the ability of the system to safely operate or continue
the approach or landing.
• After initiation of final approach, a fail passive command guidance
system (e.g., HUD guidance), must provide a clear, distinct, and
unmistakable indication to alert each pilot to any malfunction or
condition that would adversely affect the ability of the system to safely
operate or continue the approach or landing.
• After initiation of final approach, but above the airworthiness
demonstrated Alert Height (AH), a fail operational landing system or
landing and rollout system (with either fail operational or fail passive
rollout) must alert the flight crew to:
o Any malfunction or condition adversely affecting the ability of the
system to safely operate or continue the approach or landing, and
o Any malfunction degrading the landing system from a fail
operational to a fail passive landing system.
• Below the airworthiness demonstrated alert height (AH) and throughout
rollout, a fail operational landing system must inhibit alerts for
malfunctions degrading landing system capability from fail operational
to fail passive status.
• Excessive-Deviation alerting. The FAA does not require excessive-
deviation alerting, but will approve systems meeting appropriate criteria
(e.g., EASA CS-AWO).
• For systems demonstrated to meet EASA criteria, compliance with the
following criteria, from CS-AWO 236, is an acceptable means of

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

compliance, but is not a required means of compliance. For systems

meeting the CS-AWO 236 criteria, excess-deviation alerts should:
o Operate when the deviation from the ILS or GLS glide path or
localizer centerline exceeds a value from which a safe landing can
be made from offset positions equivalent to the excess-deviation
alert, without exceptional piloting skill and with the visual
references assumed to be available in these conditions.
o Be set to operate with a delay of not more than one (1) second
from the time that the deviation thresholds are exceeded.
o Be active at least from 300 ft. (90m) HAT to 50 ft. HAT, but the
glide path deviation alert may be discontinued below 100 ft. (30m)
HAT. Advisories. The system must provide a means to inform the flight crew
when the aircraft has reached the AH or DH, as applicable. System Status. The system should provide a means for the operator and
flight crew to determine both prior to and after departure, the capability of
the aircraft elements to accomplish the intended low visibility operations.
While en route, the system should indicate to the flight crew as an advisory
the failure of each aircraft component adversely affecting the capability to
conduct the intended landing operation.
• The system should provide a means to advise the flight crew of failed
aircraft system elements relating to landing system capability which
otherwise could adversely affect a flight crew’s decision to use particular
landing minima (e.g., adversely affect a decision to continue to a
destination or divert to an alternate).
• If multiple landing system capability is installed (e.g., MMR), then
during approach the system should provide an indication to the flight
crew of a failure in each non-selected aircraft landing system element
(e.g., a GLS receiver failure during conduct of an ILS approach) as an
indication of system status. Such failures or non-availability, however,
should not produce a caution or warning if they are not relevant to the
system in use.
• The system should identify system status indications by names that are
different than operational authorization categories (e.g., annunciations
such as "LAND 3," or "DUAL" may be used). The system should not
use system or configuration status annunciations which may change over
time as operational criteria change, or could be confusing or ambiguous
if the flight crew, operator, operation, runway, or aircraft are otherwise
constrained or found eligible for a particular minima or operation (e.g.,
system or configuration annunciations such as "CAT I", "CAT II", or
"CAT III" should typically not be used for new designs).

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

5.2.16 Multiple Landing Systems. This section identifies performance provisions which relate to
aircraft systems that are capable of conducting approach and landing operations using
multiple landing systems (e.g., ILS or GLS). General. Where practical, the approach procedure should be the same irrespective of
the navigation source being used. Call outs, such as “approaching
minimums” and “decision height” should have the same meaning for each
landing system. The system should provide a means (for example the current ILS facility
identification) to confirm that the intended approach aid(s) has been
correctly selected; Indications. The following criteria apply to indications in the flight deck for
the use of a multi-mode landing system: The primary flight display must indicate deviation data for the selected
landing system. The MMR must indicate the loss of deviation data on the display. It is
acceptable to have a single failure indication for each axis common to all
navigation sources. Annunciations. The following criteria apply to annunciations when using a

multi-mode landing system. The aircraft must indicate the navigation source (e.g., ILS, GLS, FMS)
selected for the approach in the primary field of view at each pilot station; The aircraft must provide the data designating the approach (e.g., ILS
frequency or GLS channel number) in a position readily accessible and
visible to each pilot; The aircraft should use a common set of ARM and ACTIVE mode
indications (e.g., LOC and GS) for ILS and GLS operations to ease flight
crew training. The aircraft must provide a means for the flight crew to determine a failure
of the non-selected navigation receiver function, in addition to the selected
navigation receiver function. When considering equipment failures, the
failure indications must not mislead through incorrect association with
navigation source. Alerting. Flight operations may require planning to alternate destination

runways or alternate airports for takeoff, en route diversion, and landing.
Various runways at these airports may have different landing systems.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Thus, flight operations may be planned, released, and conducted on the

basis of using one or more landing systems. Accordingly, the system
should provide a means for the flight crew to determine the capability of
each element of a multi-mode landing system to support flight planning.
The MMR must: Indicate to the flight crew failure of a non-selected landing mode (i.e., ILS
or GLS) as an advisory if the mode is not available or will not be available
for use during the next approach and landing. Issue a warning, caution, or advisory, as appropriate if there is a failure of

the active element of a multi-mode landing system during an approach. Provide an indication of a failure in each non-selected element of a multi-

mode landing system to the flight crew as an advisory. This indication
should not produce a caution or warning. Such advisories may be inhibited
during takeoff, below AH, and at other times as determined necessary or
appropriate for the alerting system and flight deck design philosophy of the
aircraft type.

5.2.17 Multi-mode Receivers (MMR). In cases where MMRs are used for CAT III systems that
are using more than one type of landing system, the means of compliance required for
certification can be simplified provided the applicant provides appropriate justification.
This section provides guidance for retrofit certifications, and for certification of ILS
installations with either new or modified receivers.

Retrofit Considerations. Typical receiver configurations for retrofit applications include:

• An ILS receiver from a new supplier;
• A modified ILS receiver from the same supplier (e.g., for purposes of
providing improved FM Immunity);
• A re-packaged receiver from the same supplier (e.g., the ILS partition in
an MMR, or the transition from ARINC 700 to 900 series equipment);
• A stand-alone GLS receiver;
• A GLS partition in an MMR. General Certification Considerations.

• Certification Process. An “impact assessment” should address any new
receiver functionality considering:
o Differences between the current basis of certification and that which
is requested (if applicable).
o The functionality being added.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

o Credit that can be taken for the existing approval.

• Equipment Approval. The applicant should follow part 21, Subpart O, to
obtain TSO authorization, where appropriate, including software
qualification and receiver environmental qualification to the appropriate
• Aircraft installation approval should consider the following:
o Impact on aircraft system safety assessments;
o Equipment approval (e.g., antenna positions, range, polar diagrams,
coverage, compatibility between receiver and antenna);
o EMI/EMC testing;
o Functional integration aspects of the receiver with respect to other
systems, controls, warnings, displays;
o Electrical loading;
o Flight data recorder requirements;
o Suitable AFM provisions; and
o Certification means of compliance for the receiver installation (e.g.,
specification of ground and/or flight testing, as necessary).

Re-certification of an ILS function following the Introduction of a New or

Modified ILS Navigation Receiver Installation. The certification program
should consider the differences between the new configuration and the
pre-existing ILS receiver system. The applicant may use an impact
assessment to propose a certification basis. The assessment will typically
address the following: New or Modified ILS Impact Assessment.

• An impact assessment should consider the following aspects of the new
or modified ILS receiver, or receiver function, for equivalence with the
existing ILS receiver configuration:
o Hardware design;
o Software design;
o Signal processing and functional performance;
o Failure analysis;
o Receiver function, installation, and integration (e.g., with controls,
indicators, and warnings).
• The impact assessment should also identify any additional
considerations such as:
o Future functionality provisions which have no impact on system

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

o Shared resources to support future functionality;

o Based upon the assumption that the applicant can show the ILS
receiver, or receiver function, to be equivalent to the current ILS
configuration, the applicant may propose that the new installation be
treated as a new ILS receiver (replacing the existing receiver) for
installation on a given aircraft type. New or Modified ILS Failure Analysis. The failure characteristics of the
new or modified installation should be reviewed, and shown to be
equivalent to systems using ILS data. This ensures that the failure
characteristics are compatible with and do not invalidate any original or
previous safety assessments. New or Modified ILS Autoland or HUD Guidance Landing Function Flight
Testing (if necessary). For systems intended to provide autoland or HUD
guidance landing function using a new ILS or GLS, or combined MMR
receiver, a flight test program of typically a minimum of 15 approaches
terminating in a successful (automatic or HUD) landing and rollout (if
applicable) using the flight control/guidance system, including a minimum
of two ILS facilities should be completed. Approaches should include
captures from both sides of the final approach course, at angles and
distances representative of typical Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP)s,
and, if applicable, from below and above the glideslope. If unable to show
equivalency, then the applicant should conduct a complete flight test
program per section 5.4.3. The applicant should show the approach and landing performance (flight
path deviation, touchdown data, etc.) as appropriate is equivalent to that
achieved in the original ILS certification. The FAA may require recorded
flight test data to support equivalency demonstration. New or Modified ILS Documentation. The applicant should provide the
following documentation for certification:
• An impact assessment including effects on System Safety Assessments;
• A flight test report, if applicable;
• Revisions to the Flight Manual where appropriate.

Recertification following the Introduction of a new or modified GLS

Navigation Receiver Installation. GLS Introduction Impact Assessment. The impact assessment, if applicable,

should assess equivalent aspects of the GLS receiver or receiver function to
those for the existing ILS receiver configuration.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 GLS aircraft Integration/Installation Failure Mode and Effects Analysis.

The applicant should review the failure characteristics of the new or
modified installation to ensure the failure characteristics do not invalidate
any original or previous safety assessments. GLS Statistical Performance Assessment. If the flight control/guidance

system control algorithms are unchanged or the applicant has already
accounted for the effects of any changes (e.g., navigation reference point),
the applicant may not have to re-assess the statistical performance
assessment of a currently certificated automatic landing system or HUD
landing or takeoff system for the addition of GLS functionality. GLS antenna or navigation reference point location. The applicant should
assess the implication of differences in position of the GLS and ILS aircraft
antennas or Navigation Reference Point considering:
• Wheel-to-threshold crossing height;
• Lateral and vertical antenna position or navigation reference point
position effects on flight guidance system performance (including any
alignment, flare, or rollout maneuvers). GLS introduction flight testing (as necessary). When installing a GLS
system to support CAT III operation, the applicant must accomplish a flight
test program including a minimum of 30 approaches. The approaches must
terminate in a landing and rollout (if applicable) using the flight
control/guidance system, and the approaches must include a minimum of
two GLS facilities. The approaches should include captures from both sides
of the final approach course using representative angles and distances,
captures from below and above the glidepath if applicable, and
representative wind conditions where antenna or navigation reference point
positions may impact performance. The approach and landing performance (flight path deviation, touchdown
data, etc.) must be equivalent to that achieved in the original ILS
certification. The FAA may require recorded flight test data to confirm
equivalency. If unable to show equivalency, then the applicant should
conduct a complete flight test program per section 5.4.3. The applicant should provide the following documentation for certification
of GLS:
• An impact assessment including effects on System Safety Assessments,
• A flight test report, if applicable, and
• Revisions to the flight manual where appropriate.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

5.3 Airborne Systems for CAT III. The airborne system should meet the performance,
integrity, and availability provisions identified in this AC, as applicable to the type(s) of
operation(s) intended. In addition, airborne systems intended for use for CAT III
approach and landing or approach, landing, and rollout must comply with the pertinent
provisions of sections 5.2.11 and 5.2.12 of this chapter.

5.3.1 Automatic Flight Control Systems. When established on a final approach path below
1000 ft. HAT, it must not be possible to change the flight path of the aircraft with the
autopilot(s) engaged, except by initiating an automatic go-around. The automatic landing system must be able to be disengaged at any time
without the pilot facing significant out-of-trim forces that might lead to an
unacceptable flight path disturbance. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.2135, 25.143, 27.143, or 29.143 as applicable,

each pilot must be able to disengage the automatic landing system by
applying a suitable force to the control column, wheel, or stick. This force
should be high enough to preclude inadvertent disengagement, and low
enough to be applied with one hand. Following a failure or inadvertent disconnect of the auopilot, or loss of the

automatic landing mode, when it is necessary for a pilot to immediately
assume manual control, the aircraft must provide a visual alert and an aural
warning. This warning must be given without delay and be distinct from all
other cockpit warnings. Even when a pilot disengages the autopilot, a
warning must sound for a period long enough to ensure that both the pilot
and the other flight crew can hear and recognize the sound. The warning
should continue until one of the pilots silences the warning using an
autopilot quick release control, or another acceptable means. For purposes
of this provision, an autopilot quick release control must be mounted on
each control wheel or control stick.

5.3.2 Autothrottle Systems. The autothrottle system should follow the guidance in AC
25.1329-1 and the following criteria when used with a low visibility landing system. Include automatic control of throttles to touchdown unless the applicant

• Aircraft speed can be controlled manually without excessive workload,
in representative conditions for which the system is intended and as
demonstrated; and
• For manual control of throttles, the touchdown performance limits will
be achieved both for normal autopilot operations and applicable
non-normal operations (e.g., engine failure, as applicable; during pilot
takeover to manual control using HUD guidance, if part of a hybrid

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 An automatic throttle system must provide safe operation taking into
account the factors listed in this section. Additionally, the system should:
• Adjust throttles to maintain aircraft speed* within acceptable limits;

Note: *The approach speed may be selected

manually or automatically. If automatically
selected, each pilot must be able to determine
that the aircraft is flying an appropriate speed.
• Provide throttle application at a rate consistent with the
recommendations of the appropriate engine and airframe manufacturers;
• Modulate thrust or throttle application at a rate consistent with, and
activity consistent with typical pilot expectation, considering speed error
to be corrected, and any particular conditions or circumstances (e.g.,
flare retard, go-around thrust application, response to wind gradients);
• Respect maximum limits, minimum limits, and any limits necessary for
specific conditions (e.g., anti-ice, approach idle). An indication of pertinent automatic throttle system engagement must be

provided. The Autothrottle Systems must provide an appropriate alert or warning of

automatic throttle failure. It must be possible for each pilot to override the automatic throttle (when
provided) without using excessive force. Automatic throttle disengagement switches must be mounted on or adjacent

to the throttle levers where they can be operated without removing the hand
from the throttles. Following a failure, failure disconnect, or inadvertent disconnect of the

automatic throttle, or uncommanded loss of a selected automatic throttle
mode, a suitably clear and compelling advisory or indication should be

5.3.3 Automatic Braking System. If an applicant seeks credit for the use of automatic braking,
then the following apply. The automatic braking system should incorporate the anti-skid protection
and have manual reversion capability. An automatic braking system should
provide smooth and continuous deceleration from touchdown until the
aircraft comes to a complete stop on the runway and:
• Disconnect of the autobrake system must not create unacceptable
additional flight crew workload or flight crew distraction from normal
rollout braking.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Normal operation of the automatic braking system should not interfere

with the rollout control system. Manual override of the automatic
braking system must be possible without excessive brake pedal forces
or interference with the rollout control system. The system should not
be susceptible to inadvertent disconnect.
• The automatic braking system should provide a positive indication of
system disengagement and a conspicuous indication of system failure.
• No malfunction of the automatic braking system should interfere with
either pilot’s use of the manual braking system. The wet and dry runway braking distances, for each mode of the automatic
braking system, should be determined and presented in the AFM as
performance information. This will assist operators in complying with 14
CFR §§ 121.195 (d), 135.385 (d), and 91.1037 (e).

5.3.4 Head Up Guidance. For a Head Up Guidance landing system, intended for manual "pilot-in-the-
loop" control during a low visibility approach and landing, and if
applicable, a low visibility rollout, the HUD must provide sufficient
command information as guidance to enable the pilot to maintain the
approach path, to make the alignment with the runway, flare, and land the
aircraft within the prescribed limits. The HUD must also provide sufficient
information to enable the pilot to initiate a go-around without reference to
other cockpit displays. The HUD should follow the guidance found in
AC 25-11B and this section. Pursuant to § 23.2610, 25.1523, 27.1523, or 29.1523, the workload

associated with use of the HUD complies. Reference AC 23.1523,
AC 25.1523-1, and AC 25-11B, AC 27-1B, or AC 29-2C for additional
guidance. Pursuant to 23.2600a, 25.773, 27.773, or 29.773, the HUD installation and
display presentation complies. Reference AC 25.773-1 and AC 25-11B,
appendix F for additional guidance. Head Up Guidance systems may be considered fail passive if, after a failure,
the aircraft 's flight path does not experience a significant, immediate
deviation due to the pilot following the failed guidance, before detecting the
failure and discontinuing its use. If an automatic flight control system is used to control the flight path of the
aircraft prior to establishing manual "pilot-in-the-loop" HUD guidance on
final approach (e.g., the autoflight system is used to intercept and establish
tracking of the final approach path), the transition from automatic to manual

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

flight mode must be evaluated during the HUD demonstration, the

automatic flight control system demonstration, or both demonstrations. During demonstration of any HUD intended for use in CAT III operations
(e.g., to monitor autoland), and particularly for any HUD intended for
manual "pilot-in-the-loop" flight guidance for CAT III approach and
landing, both landing cases and go around cases should be demonstrated
• External visual reference is available at or below 50 ft. HAT to
• External visual reference is not available at any time below 50 ft. HAT
to touchdown, and, if applicable, is also not available for rollout;
• External visual references, HUD, and instrument references disagree
(e.g., LOC centering errors). If rollout guidance is provided on the HUD, the HUD information must
enable the pilot to safely control the aircraft along the runway after
touchdown within the prescribed limits. Both normal tracking and any
applicable non-normal capture or tracking conditions (e.g., recovery from
displacements) should be assessed. After touchdown, loss of a fail passive rollout system for manual control
with guidance, must be annunciated with an appropriate visual alert and
removal of the command guidance.

5.3.5 Hybrid HUD/Autoland Systems. A hybrid HUD/autoland system combines a fail passive
autoflight capability and a fail passive HUD to establish a fail operational system for
CAT III operations. Equipping with two fail passive systems does not necessarily create
a fail operational system. The applicant must meet the broader performance provisions of
chapter 5 as well as the specific criteria of this section to qualify your hybrid system as
fail operational. The applicant can use the following guidance, or establish a special
project to qualify the hybrid system as fail operational: Approach and Landing: The applicant shows each element of the system alone meets its respective
performance criteria for a fail passive system. The automatic landing system must be the primary means of control, with
the manual flight guidance system serving as a backup mode or
reversionary mode. Hybrid systems without automatic rollout capability must provide manual
rollout flight guidance capability. The applicant must show the manual
rollout capability has the performance and reliability at least equivalent to
that required of a fail passive automatic rollout system.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 The transition between automatic mode of operation and manual mode of
operation should not require extraordinary skill, training, or proficiency. If the system requires a pilot to initiate manual control at or shortly after
touchdown, the applicant must show the transition from automatic control
prior to touchdown to manual control using the remaining element of the
hybrid system (e.g., HUD) after touchdown is safe and reliable. The applicant must demonstrate the capability of the pilot to use a hybrid
system to safely accomplish the landing and rollout, following a failure of
one of the hybrid system elements below AH even if operational procedures
require the pilot to initiate a go-around. The system must provide appropriate annunciations to the flight crew to
ensure a safe operation. The applicant must demonstrate the combined elements of the system meet
the required fail operational criteria necessary to support the operation. The applicant must show the overall system meets the accuracy,
availability, and integrity criteria suitable for fail operational systems. The
applicant must also show each component is individually reliable (e.g., a
highly reliable automatic flight control system and an unreliable HUD
would not be acceptable). Hybrid System Transition From Automatic to Manual Flight. The applicant
must demonstrate a safe manual takeover of aircraft control to complete the
landing within the established touchdown footprint. The demonstration
should consider the use of appropriate takeover response time delays for the
transition. The applicant must conduct these demonstrations in the
following conditions:
• Without external visual reference;
• With visual reference;
• With the presence of external visual reference that disagrees with
instrument reference (e.g., LOC centering errors). Hybrid System Touchdown Capability. Demonstrations are necessary for each element of the hybrid system for low
altitude go-around (GA), in the altitude range between 50 ft. HAT and
touchdown. The applicant must conduct hybrid system demonstrations in the following
• Without external visual reference;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• With visual reference;

• With the presence of external visual reference that disagrees with
instrument reference (e.g., LOC centering errors).

5.4 Landing and Rollout System Evaluation. The applicant should conduct an evaluation
to verify that the pertinent systems as installed in the aircraft meet the airworthiness
criteria identified in section 5.2 of this chapter. The evaluation should include
verification of landing and rollout system performance and a system safety assessment
for verification of the integrity and availability performance provisions. The applicant
should demonstrate engine failure cases and other selected failure conditions identified
by the safety assessment using simulator and/or flight tests.

5.4.1 An applicant should provide a certification plan which describes how any non-aircraft
elements of the Landing and Rollout System relate to the aircraft system from a
performance, integrity, and availability perspective. The plan for certification should describe the system concepts and
operational philosophy to allow the regulatory authority to determine
whether criteria and performance provisions other than those contained in
this AC are necessary. The applicant should apply criteria contained in this AC, an equivalent
foreign standard acceptable to the Administrator, or any other criteria
acceptable to the Administrator for the system during approach. The safety level for automatic landing and rollout, or manual landing and
rollout using command information as guidance, may not be less than that
achieved by a conventional unguided manual landing using visual reference.
In showing compliance with the performance and failure criteria, the
applicant may not factor the proportion of landings made with the landing
and rollout system into the probabilities of performance or failure effects. The applicant should establish the landing and rollout system performance
considering the environmental and deterministic effects which the applicant
expects to experience for the type of operation for which the applicant seeks
certification and operational approval. Command information provided as guidance during the landing and rollout
should be consistent with a pilot’s manual technique and not require
excessive skill or flight crew workload to accomplish the operation. For those segments of the flight path where an applicant takes credit for non-
automatic systems, the applicant must show acceptable performance of those
systems for landing and rollout by reference to instruments alone without
requiring the use of external visual reference. This performance

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

demonstration is appropriate because the landing rollout may begin off

centerline and at higher speed. Where a system relies on the pilot to detect a failure of engagement of a mode
when selected, and the pilot cannot reliably detect this failure by other means,
the system must provide an appropriate indication or warning. The transition from automatic control to manual control may not require
exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength. The applicant should show the means proposed to meet the airworthiness
performance criteria of section 5.2 of this chapter, with particular attention to
methods which differ significantly from those described in this chapter. The assumptions on how the performance, integrity, and availability

requirements of the non-aircraft elements will be ensured.

5.4.2 The applicant should reach early agreement with the FAA on the proposed certification

5.4.3 Performance Evaluation. The applicant must demonstrate the performance of the aircraft
and its systems by either flight test or by analysis and simulator tests supported by flight
test. The performance evaluation must verify that the Landing and Rollout
System meets the performance provisions of section 5.2.12, section 5.2.14
and section 5.2.15 in this chapter. The tests must cover the range of
parameters affecting the behavior of the aircraft (e.g., aircraft
configurations, weight, center of gravity, non-normal events) when the
aircraft encounters the winds described by either of the models in
appendix B, or other model found acceptable by the Administrator, and the
variations in flight path determination associated with the sensors used by
the Landing and Rollout system. Flight testing must include a sufficient
number of normal and non-normal approaches conducted in conditions
which are reasonably representative of actual expected conditions and must
cover the range of parameters affecting the behavior of the aircraft (e.g.,
wind speed, NAVAID (e.g., ILS)) characteristics, aircraft configurations,
weight, center of gravity, non-normal events. Identify the reference speed used as the basis for certification. Demonstrate
acceptable performance within a speed range of -5 to +10 knots with respect
to the reference speed, unless otherwise agreed by the FAA and the
applicant. The reference speed used as the basis for certification should be
the same as the speed used for normal landing operations, including wind
and other environmental conditions. Demonstrate the landing and rollout system does not exhibit any guidance
system or abnormal control characteristics during the transition to rollout

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

causing the flight crew to react in an inappropriate manner (e.g., during nose
wheel touchdown, spoiler extension, initiation of reverse thrust). Landing systems for manual control with guidance must meet the same
performance provisions for touchdown footprints, sink rates, and attitude as
automatic landing systems. Demonstrate satisfactory performance of landing and rollout system with

and without the use of any outside visual references, except outside visual
references will not be considered in assessing path tracking and touchdown
performance. Determine whether the combination of guidance and outside
visual references would unacceptably degrade task performance, require
excessive pilot compensation or workload during normal and non-normal
operations. For GLS, assess fault free performance of GLS using simulations such as
Monte-Carlo with the input variables distributed according to their
performance characteristics and a model of the GLS guidance including fault
free error characteristics defined by the GLS signal model as specified in
appendix C. Demonstrate rollout guidance without external visual reference to show a

pilot can satisfactorily perform the lateral tracking task with the guidance
alone. Also, demonstrate rollout guidance with external visual references to
show the combination of guidance and visual reference is compatible and
does not unacceptably degrade task performance, require excessive pilot
compensation or workload during normal and non-normal operations. For the evaluation of low visibility systems for manual control with guidance
for landing or rollout, the set of subject pilots provided by the applicant
should have relevant variability of experience (e.g., experience with or
without HUD, Captain or First Officer flight crew position experience as
applicable, and experience in type). Subject pilots must not typically have
special experience that invalidates the test (e.g., pilots should not have special
recent training to cope with HUD failures, beyond that which a line pilot
would be expected to have for routine operation). Failure cases should typically be spontaneous and unpredictable on the

subject's or evaluation pilot's part. For the initial certification of a landing and rollout system for manual
control with guidance (e.g., HUD guidance system) in a new type aircraft or
new type HUD installation, at least 1,000 simulated landings and at least
100 actual aircraft landings is typically necessary. For evaluation of these
systems, individual pilot performance should also be considered as a
variable affecting performance, see Section As described in the
section above, subject pilots of varying background and experience level

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

should be used in the flight and simulation programs. Subject pilots should
have appropriate qualifications and, when applicable, be trained in the use
of the landing system in a manner equivalent to that expected for pilots who
will use the system in operational service. For data collection tests, after a significant number of consecutive

approaches (e.g., 10 approaches), subject pilots should be afforded the
opportunity for an appropriate rest break.

5.4.4 High Altitude Automatic Landing System Demonstration. The following describes an acceptable means to demonstrate performance

of automatic landing systems at high altitude with a combination of flight
test results and validated simulation. The highest airport elevation, at which
satisfactory performance of an automatic landing system has been
demonstrated by this method, should be documented in the AFM. The flight
test demonstration is considered the primary source of data, which can then
be supplemented with data from a validated simulation. The simulation and flight test demonstrations must show that the system
successfully performs in accordance with the nominal landing criteria found
in Section and Section While there will never be
sufficient cases for statistical analysis (1x10-6), there should be no
demonstration cases, in simulation or actual flight test, that fall outside the
touchdown box. When there are cases which do not satisfy the touchdown
box criteria, and there is data to establish that these cases were the result of
abnormal circumstances not related to system performance, then each of
these cases must be successfully re-accomplished. High altitude performance simulations should be conducted to verify that

the guidance performs safely up to the altitude selected by the applicant.
The minimum required altitude or elevation for the flight test which is used
to demonstrate a desired AFM Elevation Value, by this method, is shown in
Figure 5-1, below. For example, the applicant may document an AFM
Elevation Value of 8,000 ft., by a successful flight demonstration at 8,000
ft., or by a flight demonstration at a minimum elevation of 5,000 ft. with a
simulation to the desired 8,000 ft. Note the lines in Figure 5-1 converge at
11,000 ft., which indicates that credit for simulation is not available at
11,000 ft. or above. The atmospheric temperature and pressure during the flight test, for either
method, should not be more favorable than International Standard
Atmosphere (ISA) conditions to ensure the density altitude is not less than
the airport elevation. When the density altitude value of the flight test is
less than the airport elevation, then the density altitude value should be used
as the effective flight test demonstrated elevation and this will decrease the
maximum AFM elevation value.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Assuring acceptable autoland performance at high altitude by using a flight

test validated simulation requires a sufficient quantity of flight test data.
Flight test data should be obtained from approximately10-15 landings at a
flight test demonstrated elevation shown in Figure 5-1. For flight validation, the test aircraft should be equipped with
instrumentation to measure and record: The aircraft 's trajectory, using an acceptably accurate method, such as by a
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) receiver, a laser optical
tracker, a calibrated camera, or other equivalent method. Touchdown vertical velocity and runway touchdown point, expressed in

suitable units and coordinates. Glideslope and LOC signal deviations. Aircraft state parameters as necessary, including relevant engine and flight
control information. Relevant autopilot, autothrottle, and/or HUD guidance system parameters

and performance. Atmospheric conditions at the airport at the time of each approach,

including temperature, barometric pressure (QNH), mean wind velocity,
and direction. The applicant should validate the simulation through comparison of

simulation data with quantitative flight test measurements. The applicant
should compare time histories of the aircraft and systems performance in
the approach, flare, touchdown, rollout, and go-around flight phases, for
flight tests at the Flight Test Demonstration Elevation with corresponding
simulation results. The comparison between the flight test data and the
simulation data should show the two are consistent at corresponding
altitudes. The applicant may determine acceptable autoland performance at the

selected AFM elevation based on validated simulation results, within the
acceptable extrapolation range for flight test data shown in Table 5-1. To
assure acceptable autoland performance in a range of altitudes and
atmospheric conditions up to and including the selected AFM Elevation, the
simulation should include variation in atmospheric conditions at least as
listed below. The applicant should conduct a sensitivity analysis to assure
that performance is safe near any limits. Unless otherwise found acceptable to the FAA, simulation cases should
typically include the following:

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Temperatures ranging from International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) value

to ISA +40C. Barometric pressure ranging from ISA value for that elevation to ISA -50
hPa. Mean wind variations, including:

• Headwinds to at least 25 knots.
• Crosswinds to at least 15 knots.
• Tailwinds to at least 10 knots.

Figure 5-1 AFM Elevation Value From Flight Test And Validated Simulation


AFM Elevation Value (ft.)






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Flight Test Demonstrated Elevation (ft.)

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

Table 5-1: Example AFM Elevation Values

Flight Test Demonstration Airport Airport Elevation Value33

Elevation (feet above mean sea level)
Which May Be Listed in the AFM
(feet above mean sea level)

1,000 6,000

2,000 6,500

3,000 7,000

5,000 8,000

7,000 9,000

9,000 10,000

11,000 11,000

5.4.5 Validation of Simulators for Pilot-in-the-Loop Systems. The certification process for a
"Pilot-in-the-Loop" system intended for Category III typically requires use of a high
fidelity engineering quality simulation. Advisory Circular (AC) 120-40B (7/29/91) Airplane Simulator

Qualification, as amended, provides a means to qualify simulators for
qualification of pilots. Meeting these performance provisions provides a
known basis for acceptance of simulation capability, and is desirable, but
may not necessarily be sufficient to meet the performance threshold of an
engineering simulation to demonstrate landing system performance. Training simulators may not have suitable fidelity in each relevant area, and
may not be acceptable for use without modification. For purposes of
system airworthiness demonstration, meeting the criteria of AC 120-40B is
optional. Meeting the criteria of this AC provides an acceptable basis for
establishing certification simulation capability. When simulation is used for demonstration of manual "pilot-in-the-loop"

systems with guidance, the applicant should address suitable simulation
fidelity for at least each critical characteristic affecting the validity of the
simulation. An acceptable simulation should typically be capable of
varying one parameter at a time, and be able to facilitate examination of the
effects of specific wind, wind gradient, and turbulence conditions on
approach and landing performance. Factors of the simulation an applicant should consider include the

• Guidance and control system interfaces;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Motion base suitability;

• "Ground effect" aerodynamic characteristics;
• Wind/turbulence model suitability and adequacy of interface with the
• Suitability of landing gear and ground handling dynamics;
• Adequacy of stability derivative estimates used;
• Adequacy of any simplification assumptions used for the equations of
• Fidelity of flight controls and consequent simulated aircraft response to
control inputs;
• Fidelity of the simulation of aircraft performance;
• Suitability of the simulation for alignment, flare, and rollout control
tasks for any normal or non- normal configurations or disturbance
conditions to be assessed;
• Adequacy of instruments and displays;
• Adequacy of simulator and display transient response to disturbances or
failures (e.g., engine failure, autofeather, electrical bus switching);
• Visual reference availability, fidelity, and delays;
• Suitability of visibility restriction models such as appropriate calibration
of visual references for the tests to be performed for day, night, and
dusk conditions as necessary;
• Ability to simulate flight deck visual cutoff angles;
• Ability to simulate fog, rain, snow, or patchy or intermittent conditions
or external visual runway, lighting, marking or nearby terrain scenes as
• Fidelity of any other significant factor or limitation relevant to the
validity of the simulation. For airworthiness certification credit, a review of the simulation, on a case

by case basis, must address at least the following factors:
• Simulation fidelity relevant to landing system assessment;
• Stability derivatives, equation of motion assumptions, and relevant
ground effect and air and ground dynamic models used;
• Adequacy of the source of aerodynamic performance and handling
quality data used;
• Visual system fidelity and configuration;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Environmental models and methods of model input to the equations of

motion, including suitable incorporation of altitude and atmospheric
temperature effects;
• Adequacy of adverse weather models (e.g., visual reference models,
runway friction);
• Adequacy of irregular terrain models. A suitably high degree of fidelity is required in each relevant component

part of the simulation including:
• Longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (static and dynamic);
• Ground effect during takeoff or landing as applicable;
• Rollout dynamic characteristics;
• Propulsion system characteristics, (especially for turbo-propeller aircraft
which may have significant lift from thrust effects, and drag transient
effects due to engine failure);
• Flying qualities;
• Display or visual system capability as it affects tracking tasks;
• Force characteristics of flight controls (e.g., yoke/wheel, rudder,
brakes), and performance of the aircraft. The applicant may demonstrate the fidelity of the simulator using matching
time histories and ensemble touchdown footprint correlation obtained from
flight test. The applicant will include the data provided to validate the
simulation and the simulation data itself as part of the type certification data

5.4.6 Simulations for Automatic System Performance Demonstration. The certification process for systems intended for assessment of automatic
systems for Category III operations (e.g., automatic landing systems,
automatic landing and rollout systems) typically require the use of a high
fidelity "fast-time" simulation. For airworthiness certification credit, a review of the simulation, on a case

by case basis, must address at least the following factors:
• Simulation fidelity relevant to landing system assessment;
• Stability derivatives, equation of motion assumptions, and relevant
ground effect and air and ground dynamic models used;
• Adequacy of the source of aerodynamic performance and handling
quality data used;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Disturbance input method(s) and fidelity;

• Environmental models and methods of model input to the equations of
motion, including suitable incorporation of altitude and atmospheric
temperature effects;
• Adverse weather models (e.g., turbulence, wind gradients, wind
• Adequacy of irregular terrain models. Fidelity of the aerodynamic model is needed for at least ground effect,
propulsion effects, touchdown dynamics, de-rotation, and landing gear
models if required for ground rollout characteristics. The fidelity of the
simulator may be demonstrated using matching time histories obtained from
flight test. The data provided to validate the simulation and the simulation
data itself will be included as part of the type certification data package.

5.4.7 Flight Test Performance Demonstration. The applicant should conduct a flight test
performance demonstration in part, to confirm the results of simulation. A test aircraft
equipped with special instrumentation can be used to record the necessary flight test data,
for subsequent correlation of flight test results with simulation results. Comparisons
should address flight test data, "Monte Carlo simulation" results, and failure
demonstration simulation results. The principal performance parameters the applicant must address include,
as applicable:

• Vertical and lateral flight path tracking with respect to the intended path
(e.g., LOC error, glideslope error, lateral deviation, GLS path deviation
error, from runway centerline during rollout);

• Altitude and height above terrain during approach or the runway;

• Air data vertical speed and radar altitude sink rate;

• Airspeed and ground speed;

• Longitudinal and lateral runway touchdown point. Instrumentation capable of appropriate sample rates and scaling should be

used to record relevant parameters (as a function of time, when applicable)

• Air data parameters (e.g., airspeed, angle of attack, temperature);

• Aircraft position; attitude; heading;

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

• Track; velocity and velocity errors (e.g., ground speed, speed error),
relevant accelerations;

• Pilot control inputs and resulting surface positions, command

information (i.e., flight director), sink rate at touchdown (for structural
limit load);

• Drift angle at touchdown (for gear/tire load);

• Applicable mode and mode transition information (e.g., flare,

autothrottle retard, rollout engage);

• Wind as measured at the aircraft;

• A method to determine any unusual aircraft contact with the runway

(e.g., wing, nacelle, or tail skid ground contact);

• Reported surface winds and gusts near the runway, at the time of
approach and landing. Data taken during demonstration flight tests should be used to validate the
simulation(s). Unless otherwise agreed to by the FAA, the objective of a
flight test program should be to demonstrate performance of the system to
100% of the steady state wind limit values (e.g., typically at least a 25 kt
headwind, 15 kt crosswind, and 10 kt tailwind) that are used in the
simulation statistical performance analysis. The simulation is considered
validated if at least four landings are accomplished during flight test at no
less than 80% of the intended limit steady state wind value, and a best effort
has been made to achieve the full steady state wind component values. The
landing system must be robust near the desired AFM wind demonstrated

5.4.8 Demonstration of Approach and Automatic Landing with an Inoperative Engine. When the applicant demonstrates the low visibility landing system with an
inoperative engine, the AFM may state that capability was satisfactorily
demonstrated. With the critical engine inoperative, the applicant may
demonstrate the capability to “initiate” and complete the approach and
landing. Alternatively, the applicant may demonstrate the capability to
“continue” the approach and landing following failure of the critical engine
at any point above the AH or DH. The applicant should identify the critical engine, if any, considering any
steady state or transient effects on performance, handling, loss of systems,
and landing mode status (e.g., alignment, flare, rollout). Individual engines
may be critical for different reasons.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 If the aircraft configuration, procedures or operation are the same as that
used in the performance demonstration of Section in this chapter
for all-engine operation, compliance may be demonstrated by typically 10
to 15 landings. If there are differences in these aircraft configurations,
procedures or operations, the number of required landings will be
determined by FAA on a case by case basis. If the aircraft configuration, procedures or operation is changed

significantly from the all-engine operating case, the applicant must
demonstrate compliance by statistical analysis or Monte-Carlo simulation
results supported by flight test. Any effect on configuration or landing
distance must be considered. To aid planning for landing with an inoperative engine or engine failure
during approach or go-around, appropriate procedures, performance, and
obstacle clearance information should be available to permit an operator to
provide for a safe go-around at any point in the approach to touchdown.
For the purposes of this performance provision, demonstration or data
regarding landing and go-around performance in the event of a second
engine failure need not be considered. If compliance for the case of initiation or continuation of an approach with

engine failure is intended, a statement must be included in the Non-normal
Procedures or equivalent section of the Flight Manual. The Flight Manual should note that CAT III approach and landing with an
engine inoperative has been satisfactorily demonstrated. The AFM should
list the relevant configuration and conditions under which that
demonstration was made.

5.4.9 Safety Assessment. In addition to any specific safety related criteria identified in this
chapter, the applicant must conduct a safety assessment of the landing and rollout system,
considered separately and in conjunction with other systems, to show compliance with §
23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 29.1309 per the guidance contained in
AC 23.1309, AC 25.1309, AC 27-1, or AC 29-2, as applicable. The applicant must consider the responses to failures of navigation

facilities. The applicant must take into account ICAO and other pertinent
State criteria for navigation facilities. Documented conclusions of the safety analysis must include: Pursuant to § 23.2500, 23.2510, 23.2605, 25.1309, 27.1309, or 27.1309, a

FHA conducted in accordance with 23.1309, AC 25.1309, AC 27-1, or
AC 29-2, respectively, and a summary of results from the fault tree analysis,
demonstrated compliance, and probability determination for significant
functional hazards.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 Information regarding "alleviating flight crew actions" that were considered
in the safety analysis. This information should list appropriate alleviating
actions, if any, and should be consistent with the validation conducted
during testing. If alleviating actions are identified, the applicant should
describe the alleviating actions in a form suitable to aid in developing, as
• Pertinent provisions of the AFM procedures section(s);
• FCOM provisions, or equivalent;
• Pilot qualification criteria (e.g., training requirements, FSB provisions);
• Any other reference material necessary for an operator or flight crew to
safely use the system. Information to support preparation of any maintenance procedures

necessary for safety such as:
• CMRs;
• Periodic checks;
• Other checks, as necessary (e.g., return to service). Information applicable to limitations, as necessary. Identification of applicable systems, modes, or equipment necessary for use

of the landing system to aid in development of flight planning or dispatch
criteria, or to aid in development of procedures or checklists for pilot
selection of modes or assessment of system status, prior to initiation of
approach or during approach. Information necessary for development of Non-normal procedures.

5.4.10 Continued Airworthiness. Pursuant to §23.1529, 25.1529, 27.1529, or 29.1529, an applicant must

prepare an ICA for use by operators. The applicant must submit to the FAA
a program showing how the applicant distributes changes made to the ICAs
by the applicant or by the manufacturers of the ILS or GBAS avionics
installed in the aircraft.. ICAs established during the approval process form
the basis for an operator’s maintenance program. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 21.3, the applicant must report any failure,
malfunctions, or defect whose occurrences could impact the safety of the
flight crew or the structural integrity of the aircraft itself.

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191

5.5 Aircraft Flight Manual. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 23.2620, 25.1581, 27.1581, or 29.1581,
as applicable, an applicant must furnish AFM with each aircraft. The AFM should
contain the following information: Upon satisfactory completion of an airworthiness
assessment and test program, the FAA-approved AFM or supplement, and any associated
markings or placards, if appropriate, should be issued or amended to address the

5.5.1 Relevant conditions or constraints applicable to landing or landing and rollout system use
regarding the airport or runway conditions. For example:

• Runway elevation

• Ambient temperature

• Approach path slope

• Runway slope

• Ground profile under the approach path

5.5.2 The criteria and configurations used for the demonstration of the system.

5.5.3 Any constraints or limitations necessary for safe operation.

5.5.4 Acceptable normal and non-normal procedures (including procedures for response to loss
of guidance).

5.5.5 The type of navigation facilities used as a basis for demonstration. This should not be
taken as a limitation on the use of other facilities. The AFM may contain a statement
regarding the type of facilities or condition known to be unacceptable for use (e.g., ILS or
GLS systems). The AFM should indicate that operation is predicated upon the use of an
ILS (or GLS) facility with performance and integrity equivalent to, or better than, a
United States Type II or Type III ILS, GBAS GAST D or equivalent ICAO Annex 10
Facility Performance Category III facility.

5.5.6 Applicable atmospheric conditions under which the system was demonstrated (e.g.,
headwind, crosswind, tailwind) should be described as follows: In the Limitations Section, the wind component values used as a basis for
statistical analysis, as supported by flight evaluation and validation, which
may apply to use of the landing system, such as if credit for use is sought
for low visibility operations, In the Normal Operations Section, or equivalent section, maximum wind

component values experienced during the flight demonstration, described
as "Demonstrated Wind Component(s),"

09/24/2018 DRAFT AC 20-191 For use of the landing system other than for low visibility credit (e.g., in
wind or other conditions where system performance may not necessarily
be supported by the statistical analysis), any necessary description of
considerations, if other than the maximum demonstrated wind component
values for the basic aircraft apply.

Note: The FAA does not apply a "landing

system" wind limitation unless unacceptable
system characteristics dictate use of a limitation.
This is consistent with specification of the
demonstrated wind component value for the
basic aircraft, which is included in the AFM for
information, and is not limiting.

5.5.7 For a landing or landing and rollout system meeting provisions of this chapter, the
Normal Procedures, Normal Operations, or equivalent section, of the AFM should also
contain the following statements:
"The airborne system has been demonstrated to meet the airworthiness provisions of AC
20-191 chapter 5 for <specify the pertinent Landing or Landing and Rollout Capability
Section(s) criteria met> when the following equipment is installed and operative:
<list pertinent equipment>
"This AFM provision does not constitute operational approval for Category III use of
this system."

5.5.8 The AFM provisions:

• May list the AH demonstrated AH;
• Should not include visual segment specifications.
Examples of general AFM considerations, specific AFM provisions, and location of those
provisions for applicable landing or landing and rollout systems are in appendix D.

Appendix A


This appendix contains the definition of terms and acronyms used within this Advisory Circular
(AC). The appendix also contains certain terms that are not used in this AC but are used in
related ACs and are included for convenient reference. Certain definition of terms and acronyms
are also provided to facilitate common use of this appendix for other related ACs.

AC Advisory Circular
ACJ Advisory Circular Joint (EASA)
ACO Aircraft certification office
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AH Alert Height
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ATS Air Traffic Service
AWO All Weather Operations
BITE Built-In Test Equipment
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirements
DA Decision Altitude
DA(H) Decision Altitude (Height)
DH Decision Height
DOD Department of Defense
EADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EFVS Enhanced Flight Vision System
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EVS Enhanced Vision System
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAS Final Approach Segment
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual

Appendix A

FDR Flight Data Recorder

FGS Flight Guidance System
FHA Functional Hazard Assessment
FM Frequency Modulation
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMS Flight Management System
FPAP Flight Path Alignment Point
FPCP Flight Path Control Point
FSB Flight Standardization Board
FTE Flight Technical Error
GAST GBAS Approach Service Type
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GIRP Glidepath Intercept Reference Point
GLS GBAS Landing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPA Glide Path Angle
GPIWP Glide Path Intercept Waypoint
GPS Global Positioning System
HAT Height Above Touchdown
HQRS Handling Quality Rating System
HUD Head Up Display
IAP Instrument Approach Procedure
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ILS Instrument Landing System
IM Inner Marker
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LOC [ILS] Localizer
MAP Missed Approach Point

Appendix A

MDA Minimum Descent Altitude

MLS Microwave Landing System
MMR Multi-mode Receiver
MSL Mean Sea Level [altitude reference datum]
NAVAID Navigational Aid
NOTAM Notice to Airman
PF Pilot Flying
PM Pilot Monitoring
PFD Primary Flight Display
PNF Pilot Not Flying
QNH Altimeter Setting referenced to airport ambient local pressure
RDP Runway Datum Point
RMS Root-mean-square
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
RPDS Reference Path Data Selector
RPI Runway Path Identifier
RVR Runway Visual Range
SARPS Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO)
STC Supplemental Type Certificate
STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
TC Type Certificate
TSE Total System Error
VDB VHF Data Broadcast
VHF Very High Frequency
VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
VNAV Vertical Navigation
V1 Maximum speed to take action to stop the aircraft
VFAILURE Speed at which failure occurs
VMCG Ground Minimum Control Speed
WGS-84 World Geological Survey - 1984
xLS [Generic term used to denote any one or more of the following: NAVAID’s:

Appendix A

Definitions of Terms

The following definitions apply for the purposes of this AC only.

Term Definition

Actual A measure of the current estimated navigation performance,

Navigation excluding Flight Technical Error (FTE).
Performance Actual Navigation Performance is measured in terms of accuracy,
integrity, and availability of navigation signals and equipment.

Alert Height A height above the runway based on the characteristics of the
aircraft and its fail-operational landing system, above which a
Category III approach would be discontinued and a missed
approach initiated if a failure occurred in one of the redundant
parts of the fail operational landing system, or in the relevant
ground equipment (Manual for All Weather Operations, ICAO
Doc. 9365).

Airborne The airborne equipment that senses and computes the aircraft
Navigation position relative to the defined path, and provides information to
System the displays and to the flight guidance system. It may include a
number of receivers and/or system computers such as a Flight
Management Computer (FMC) and typically provides inputs to the
Flight Guidance System.

Automatic Go A go around that is accomplished by an autopilot following pilot

Around selection and initiation of the “Go Around” autopilot mode, when
an autopilot is engaged in an “approach mode.”

Availability An expectation that systems or elements required for an operation

will be available to perform their intended functions so that the
operation will be accomplished as planned to an acceptable level
of probability.

Balked Landing A discontinued landing attempt. This term is often used in

conjunction with aircraft configuration or performance assessment,
as in “Balked landing climb gradient,” Also, see “Rejected

Category II A precision instrument approach operation with a DH lower than

(FAA) 200 ft (60m) but not lower than 100 ft (30m) and a runway visual
range not less than 300m (1000 ft).

Appendix A

Term Definition

Category II A Type B instrument approach operation to a DH lower than 60 m

(ICAO) (200 ft), but not lower than 30 m (100 ft) and a runway visual
range not less than 300 m (1000 ft).

Category III A precision instrument approach or approach and landing with a

(FAA) decision height lower than 100 ft (30m), or no decision height, or a
runway visual range less than 1000ft (30m).

Category IIIA A Type B instrument approach operation to a DH lower than 30 m

(ICAO) (100 ft) or no DH and a runway visual range not less than 175 m
(600 ft).

Category IIIB A Type B instrument approach operation with a DH lower than

(ICAO) 15m (50 ft), or no DH and a runway visual range less than 175m
(600 ft) but not less than 50m (150 ft).

Category IIIC A Type B instrument approach and landing with no DH and no

(ICAO) runway visual range limitations.

Combiner The element of the head up display (HUD) in which the pilot
simultaneously views the external visual scene along with
synthetic information provided in symbolic form.

Command Information that directs the pilot to follow a course of action in a

Information specific situation (e.g., information provided by a flight director).

Conformal Information that correctly overlays the image of the real world,
Information irrespective of the pilot’s viewing position.

Contaminated A runway is considered contaminated whenever standing water

Runway (greater than 1/8 inch), ice, snow, slush, frost in any form, heavy
rubber deposits, or other substances are present. A runway is
contaminated with respect to rubber deposits or other friction
degrading substances when the average friction value for any 500-
foot segment of the runway within the Available Landing Distance
(ALD) falls below the recommended minimum friction level, and
the average friction value in the adjacent 500-foot segment falls
below the maintenance planning friction level.
Decision Altitude A specified altitude in the precision approach at which a missed
(DA) approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to
continue the approach has not been established. (Adapted from
ICAO - IS&RP Annex 6).

Appendix A

Term Definition

Decision Altitude For Category II and certain Category III procedures (e.g., when
(Height) DA(H)) using a Fail Passive autoflight system), the DH (or an equivalent
IM position fix) is the controlling minima, and the altitude value
specified is advisory. The altitude value is available for cross
reference. Use of a barometrically referenced DA for Category II
is not currently authorized for 14 CFR part 121, 129, or 135
operations at U.S. facilities (Adapted from ICAO - IS&RP Annex

Decision Height A specified height in the precision approach at which a missed

(DH) approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to
continue the approach has not been established (Adapted from
ICAO - IS&RP Annex 6).

Design Eye Box The three-dimensional volume in space surrounding the Design
Eye Position from which the HUD information can be viewed.

Design Eye The position at each pilot’s station from which a seated pilot
Position achieves the optimum combination of outside visibility and
instrument scan.

Defined Path The path that is defined by the path definition function.

Desired Path The path the flight crew and air traffic control can expect the
aircraft to fly.

Enhanced Flight An installed aircraft system which uses an electronic means to

Vision System provide a display of the forward external scene topography (the
natural or manmade features of a place or region especially in a
way to show their relative positions and elevation) through the use
of imaging sensors such as a forward looking infrared, millimeter
wave radiometry, millimeter wave radar, or low light level image

External Visual Information the pilot derives from visual observation of real world
Reference cues outside the cockpit.

Extremely A probability of occurrence of 1 x 10-9 or less per hour of flight, or

Improbable per event (e.g., takeoff, landing).

Extremely A probability of occurrence between 1 x 10-9 and 1 x 10-7 per hour

Remote of flight, or per event (e.g., takeoff, landing).

Appendix A

Term Definition

Fail Operational A system capable of completing the specified phases of an

System operation following the failure of any single system component
after passing a point designated by the applicable safety analysis
(e.g., Alert Height).

Fail Passive A system that, in the event of a failure, causes no significant

System deviation of aircraft flight path or attitude.

Field of View As applied to a HUD, the angular extent of the display that can be
seen from within the design eye box.

Frequent Occurring more often than 1 in 1000 events or 1000 flight hours.

Final Approach The final bearing/radial/track of an instrument approach leading to

Course (FAC) a runway, without regard to distance. For certain previously
designed approach procedures that are not aligned with a runway,
the FAC bearing/radial/track of an instrument approach may lead
to the extended runway centerline, rather than to alignment with
the runway.

Final Approach The fix from which the final approach to an airport is executed.
Fix (FAF) For standard procedures that do not involve multiple approach
segments intercepting the runway centerline near the runway, the
FAF typically identifies the beginning of the straight-in final
approach segment.

Final Approach The segment of an approach extending from the Glide Path
Segment Intercept Waypoint (GPIWP) or Approach Intercept Waypoint
(APIWP), whichever occurs later, to the Glide Path Intercept
Reference Point (GIRP).

Flight Guidance The means available to the flight crew to maneuver the aircraft in a
System specific manner either manually or automatically. It may include a
number of components such as the autopilot, flight directors,
relevant display and annunciation elements and it typically accepts
inputs from the airborne navigation system.

Flight Path The FPAP is a point, usually at or near the stop end of a runway,
Alignment Point used in conjunction with the Runway Datum Point (RDP) and a
(FPAP) vector normal to the World Geological Survey – 1984 (WGS-84)
ellipsoid at the RDP to define the geodesic plane of a final
approach and landing flight path. The FPAP typically may be the
RDP for the reciprocal runway.

Appendix A

Term Definition

Flight Path The Flight Path Control Point (FPCP) is a calculated point located
Control Point directly above the Runway Datum Point. The FPCP is used to
(FPCP) relate the vertical descent of the final approach flight path to the
landing runway.

Flight Technical The accuracy with which the aircraft is controlled as measured by
Error (FTE) the indicated aircraft position with respect to the indicated
command or desired position. Note: FTE does not include human
performance conceptual errors, typically that may be of large
magnitude (e.g., entry of an incorrect waypoint or waypoint
position, selection of an incorrect procedure, selection of an
incorrect NAVAID frequency, failure to select a proper flight
guidance mode).

Glide Path Angle The glide path angle is an angle defined at the FPCP that
(GPA) establishes the descent gradient for the final approach flight path of
an approach procedure. It is measured in the geodesic plane of the
approach (defined by the RDP, FPAP, and WGS-84 ellipsoid’s
center). The vertical and horizontal references for the GPA are a
vector normal to the WGS-84 ellipsoid at the RDP and a plane
perpendicular to that vector at the FPCP, respectively.

Glide Path The point at which the established glide slope intercept altitude
Intercept (MSL) meets the Final Approach Segment (FAS), on a standard
Waypoint day, using a standard altimeter setting (1013.2 HPa or 29.92 in).

Glide Path The point at which the extension of the final approach path
Intercept intercepts the runway.
Reference Point

GBAS Landing A differential GNSS (e.g., GPS)-based landing system providing

System (GLS) both vertical and lateral position fixing capability. Note: Term may
be applied to any GNSS based differentially corrected landing
system providing lateral and vertical service for approach and
landing equivalent to or better than that provided by a U.S. Type I
ILS, or equivalent ILS specified by ICAO Annex 10.

Global The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System operated by the United

Positioning States Department of Defense (DOD). It is a satellite-based radio
System (GPS) navigation system composed of space, control, and user segments.
The space segment is composed of satellites. The control segment
is composed of monitor stations, ground antennas, and a master

Appendix A

Term Definition
control station. The user segment consists of antennas and
receiver-processors that derive time and compute a position and
velocity from the data transmitted from the satellites.

Global A world-wide position, velocity, and time determination system

Navigation that uses one or more satellite constellations.
Satellite System

Guidance Information used during manual control or monitoring of

automatic control of the aircraft that is of sufficient quality to be
used by itself for the intended purpose.

Go-Around A transition from an approach to a stabilized climb.

Head Up Display An aircraft system that provides head-up guidance to the pilot
(HUD) System during flight. It includes the display element, sensors, computers
and power supplies, indications and controls. It may receive inputs
from an airborne navigation system or flight guidance system.

Hybrid System A combination of two, or more, systems of dissimilar design used

to perform a particular operation.

ICAO Instrument An approach and landing using instruments for navigation

approach guidance based on an IAP. The two methods for executing
operations. instrument approach operations are two-dimensional (2D)
instrument approach operation, using lateral navigation guidance
only and a three-dimensional (3D) instrument approach operation,
using both lateral and vertical navigation guidance.

ICAO Non- An IAP designed for 2D instrument approach operations Type A.

approach (NPA)

ICAO Approach A performance-based navigation (PBN) IAP designed for 3D

procedure with instrument approach operations Type A.
vertical guidance

ICAO Type A An instrument approach operation to a DA of 75m (250ft) or

Instrument above.

Appendix A

Term Definition

ICAO Type B An instrument approach operation to a DH below 75m (250 ft)

Instrument Type B instrument approach operations are further categorized as
Approach Category I, II, and III defined above.
Improbable A probability of occurrence greater than 1 x 10 but less than or
equal to 1 x 10 per hour of flight, or per event (e.g., takeoff,

Independent A system that is not adversely influenced by the operation,

Systems computation, or failure of some other identical, related, or separate
system (e.g., two separate ILS receivers).
Infrequent Occurring less often than 1 in 1000 events or 1000 flight hours.
Instantaneous The angular extent of a HUD display that can be seen from either
Field of View eye from a fixed position of the head.

Integrity A measure of the acceptability of a system, or system element, to

contribute to the required safety of an operation.

Irregular Terrain The guidance material in Annex 14, Volume I, makes reference to
the maximum slopes of pre-threshold terrain that are normally
acceptable when planning a new runway on which operations are
to include coupled approaches and automatic landing. However,
radio altimeter inputs may also be required when the aircraft is on
final approach as much as 8 km (5 NM) from touchdown.

Landing For the purpose of this AC, landing begins at 100 ft., the DH or the
AH and ends at the first contact of the wheels for fixes wing
aircraft with the runway.

Landing rollout For the purpose of this AC, rollout starts from the first contact of
the wheels with the runway and finishes when the aircraft has
slowed to a safe taxi speed (in the order of 30 knots).
Missed Approach The flight path followed by an aircraft after discontinuation of an
approach procedure and initiation of a go-around. Typically a
“missed approach” follows a published missed approach segment
of an IAP, or follows radar vectors to a MAP, return to landing, or
diversion to an alternate.

Monitored HUD A HUD that has internal or external capability to reliably detect
erroneous sensor inputs or guidance outputs, to assure that a pilot
does not receive incorrect or misleading guidance, failure, or status

Appendix A

Term Definition

NOTAM Notice to Airmen - A notice distributed by means of

telecommunication containing information concerning the
establishment, condition, or change in any aeronautical facility,
service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is
essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. (ICAO -
IS&RP Annex 6).

Performance A measure of the accuracy with which an aircraft, a system, or an

element of a system operates compared against specified
parameters. Performance demonstration(s) typically include the
component of FTE.

Redundant The presence of more than one independent means for

accomplishing a given function or flight operation. Each means
need not necessarily be identical.

Rejected Landing A discontinued landing attempt. A rejected landing typically is

initiated at low altitude, but prior to touchdown. If from or
following an instrument approach, a rejected landing typically is
considered to be initiated below DA(H) or MDA(H). A rejected
landing may be initiated in either Visual Meteorological
Conditions (VMC) or Instrument Meteorological Conditions
(IMC). A rejected landing typically leads to or results in a “go
around,” and if following an instrument approach, a “Missed
Approach.” If related to consideration of aircraft configuration(s)
or performance, it is sometimes referred to as a “Balked Landing.”
The term “rejected landing” is used to be consistent with
regulatory references such as found in 14 CFR 121 appendix E,
and policy references as in FAA Order 8400.10.
A condition which must be expected to normally occur, but does
Rare Normal
so only very infrequently (e.g., unusually strong winds, significant
wind gradients, significant turbulence, significant in-flight icing,
significant mountain wave activity)
Remote A probability of occurrence greater than 1 x 10 but less than or
equal to 1 x 10 per hour of flight, or per event (e.g., takeoff,

Required Visual That section of the visual aids or of the approach area that should
Reference have been in view for sufficient time for the pilots to have made an
assessment of the aircraft’s position and rate of change of position,
in relation to the desired flight path. In Category III operations
with a DH, the required visual reference is that specified for the

Appendix A

Term Definition
particular procedure and operations (ICAO - IS&RP Annex 6 - DH
definition - Note 2).

Runway Datum The RDP is used in conjunction with the FPAP and a vector
Point (RDP) normal to the WGS-84 ellipsoid at the RDP to define the geodesic
plane of a final approach flight path to the runway for touchdown
and rollout. It is a point at the designated lateral center of the
landing runway defined by latitude, longitude, and ellipsoidal
height. The RDP is typically a surveyed reference point used to
connect the approach flight path with the runway. The RDP may
or may not necessarily be coincident with the designated runway
Runway Segment That segment of an approach from the glidepath intercept reference
(RWS) point (GIRP) to Flight Path Alignment Point (FPAP).

Safe Approach An approach that does not penetrate the Obstacle Limitation
Surfaces for Precision Approach Category II or III as defined by
ICAO SARPS Annex 14 Section 4.2.15 & Table 4-1.
Safe Landing Landing in the touchdown landing box which includes
longitudinally between 200 ft and 3000 ft. or the end of the
touchdown zone, and laterally from with the outbound landing
gear within 70 ft. from the runway centerline.
Safe Taxi Speed The speed at which the pilot can safely leave the runway or bring
the aircraft to a safe stop.

Standard Landing In the context of this section of this AC, is a navigation service
Aid (SLA) provided by a State that meets internationally accepted
performance standards (e.g., ICAO Standards and Recommended
Practices (SARP’s) or equivalent State standards).

Synthetic Information provided to the flight crew by instrumentation or

Reference electronic displays. May be either command or situation

Synthetic Vision An integrated system of synthetic vision display, guidance, and

Guidance System trajectory elements which supports operations to published
(SVGS) approach minima less than standard Category I precision approach

Appendix A

Term Definition

Takeoff Takeoff guidance system includes position sensors, displays,

Guidance System indicators and controls as a minimum. The takeoff guidance
system provides directional command guidance to the pilot during
a takeoff, or takeoff and rejected takeoff phase of flight.

Threshold The height of the straight line extension of the glide slope above
Crossing Height the runway at the threshold.

Touchdown Zone The first 3000 ft. of usable runway for landing, unless otherwise
specified by the FAA, or other applicable ICAO or State authority
(e.g., for Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) aircraft, or in
accordance with an Special Federal Aviation Regulation (SFAR)).

Wet Runway A runway surface that is neither dry nor contaminated but has
visible dampness, moisture, and/or water less than 1/8 inch in
depth. Wet is considered to be any condition “not clear and dry” on
any part of the useable area of the runway (useable area does not
include edges, sides, melting of ice or snow banks at edges or
sides, area beyond the advertised plowed and sanded surface,
overruns, etc.).

Appendix B


Wind Models. In carrying out the performance analysis, the applicant may use one of
the following models of wind, turbulence and wind shear. Wind models are required
for CAT III, and the FAA recommends wind model analysis to obtain approval of
systems related to Category II. GAST D also must implement a wind model analysis.

Wind Model C This wind model is a harmonized derivative of Wind Model A

incorporating the changes defined in JAA paper AWOG 904a. The changes are a result
of experience from pilot-in-the-loop simulator tests for Category III HUD certification,
where the wind shear and turbulence intensities defined in JAA paper AWOG 904a
were found to be more representative of nominal wind conditions for Category III
approaches and compatible with motion-based, pilot-in-the-loop simulators. Wind
Model C is therefore more appropriate for use in Category III HUD certification
programs; however, this does not preclude its use for other types of landing system.

B.2.1 Wind Shear(Vwref):

The Model A equation for the Wind Shear component:
 h + 0.15
V = 0.20407 V ln 
wref 20  0.15 

is replaced for Wind Model C with: Vwref = 0.165 V20 ln h + 0.046 
 0.046 

B.2.2 Root-Mean-Square (RMS) Turbulence Scale (σw)

The Model A equation for the RMS Turbulence Scale: σ = 01061
. V20 ( kts. )

is replaced for Wind Model C with: σ w = 0.0625 V20 (kts.)

B.2.3 Turbulence Scale Factor (Lu)

The Model A establishes three values for Turbulence Scale Factor Lu depending on the
altitude hagl, but for Model C, Lu = 600 feet, for all values of hagl

Wind Model A.

B.3.1 Mean Wind. The mean wind is the steady state wind measured at landing. This mean
wind is composed of a downwind component (headwind and tailwind) and a crosswind
component. The cumulative probability distributions for these components are
provided in Figure B-1 (downwind) and Figure B-2 (crosswind). Alternatively, the
mean wind can be defined with magnitude and direction. The cumulative probability for
the mean wind magnitude is provided in Figure B-3, and the histogram of the mean
wind direction is provided in Figure B-4. The mean wind is measured at a reference
altitude of 20 ft. AGL. The models of the wind shear and turbulence given in following
sections assume this reference altitude of 20 ft. AGL is used.

Appendix B

B.3.2 Wind Shear. The wind shear component is that portion that affects the air mass moving
along the ground (i.e., ground friction). The magnitude of the shear is defined by the
following expression:
 h + 015
. 
Vwref = 0.20407 V ln 
20  015. 
where Vwref is the mean wind speed measured at h ft. and V20 is the mean
wind speed (ft/sec) at 20 ft. AGL.

B.3.3 Turbulence. Vertical Component of Turbulence

B.3.3.1 The vertical component of turbulence has a spectrum of the form defined
by the following equation:

L σ2w  1 + 2.67 1.339 L Ω  )

 
Φ w ( Ω) =
w w

( )

2 π 1 + 1.339 Lw Ω 
2 6

 

Φ w = spectral density in (ft./sec)2

σw = root mean square (rms) turbulence magnitude in ft/sec =
0.1061𝑉𝑉� 20(ft/sec).
Where 𝑉𝑉� 20 is expressed in knots
Lw = scale length = h (for h < 1000 ft)
Ω = spatial frequency in radians/ft = ω/VT
ω = temporal frequency in radians/sec, and
VT = aircraft speed in ft./sec.

B.3.3.2 Horizontal Component of Turbulence

The horizontal component of turbulence consists of a longitudinal
component (in the direction of the mean wind) and lateral component (See
Figure B-5). The longitudinal and lateral components have spectra of the
form defined by the following equations:

Longitudinal Component:

Lu σ 2u
Φ u ( Ω) =
( )
π 1 + (1.399ΩLu )
2 6

Appendix B

Lateral Component:

Φ v ( Ω) =
Lv σ v2 1 + 2 .67(1.339 Lv Ω)
( )
2 π 1 + (1.339 Lv Ω)
2 6

B.3.3.3 Turbulence Intensities and Scale Langths

The RMS turbulence intensities are defined as below
σ w = 01061
. V20 ( kts. )

a. When h≥1,000ft. σ =σ =σ
u v w

b. When h<1,000ft.
 0 .4

σ =σ =σ 

u v . + 0.000823h 
0177 w

c. When h≤0ft.
0 .4
 1 
σu = σv = σ w 
. 
 0177
The turbulence scales are defined as below
a. When h≥1,000ft. L = L = L = 1,000
u v w

b. When h<1,000ft Lw = h
 1 
L = L = h 
 (0177
. + 0.000823h) 
u v

c. When h≤0ft. Lu = Lv = Lw = 0

Figure B-1 Headwind-Tailwind

Appendix B

Figure B-2 Crosswind

Appendix B

Figure B-3 Annual Percent Probability of Mean Wind Speed Equaling or Exceeding
Given Values

Appendix B

Figure B-4 Wind Direction Relative to Runway Heading

Wind Dire c tio n Histo g ra m



c 6

Wind fro m the Le ft Wind fro m the Rig ht

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Wind Direction Rela tive to Runwa y Hea ding

Appendix B

Figure B-5 Selected Description for Variances of Horizontal Turbulence


Appendix B

Figure B-6 Selected Integral Scale Description.

Appendix B

Wind Model B.

Mean Wind. It may be assumed that the cumulative probability of reported mean wind
speed at landing and the crosswind component of that wind are as shown in Figure B-7.
Normally, the mean wind that is reported to the pilot is measured at a height that may be
between 6m (20 ft.) and 10m (33 ft.) above the runway. The models of wind shear and
turbulence given in the following paragraphs assume this reference height.

Wind Shear. Wind shear should be included in each simulated approach and landing
unless its effect can be accounted for separately. The magnitude of the shear should be
defined by the expression:
u = 0.43 U log10 (z) + 0.57 U, for z ≥ 0.05 m
u ≅ 0, for z < 0.05m
where z is the height in meters
u is the mean wind speed at height z (meters)
U is the mean wind speed at 10m (33 ft.).
Abnormal Wind Shear. The effect of wind shears exceeding those described above should
be investigated using known severe wind shear data.


Horizontal Component of Turbulence. It may be assumed that the longitudinal component

(in the direction of mean wind) and lateral component of turbulence may each be
represented by a Gaussian process having a spectrum of the form:
2σ 2 L
Φ( Ω ) = •
π 1 + Ω 2 L2
Φ(Ω) = a spectral density in (meters/sec)2 per (radian/meter).
σ = root mean square (rms) turbulence intensity = 0.15 U
L = scale length = 183m (600 ft.)
Ω = frequency in radians/meter.
Vertical Component of Turbulence. It may be assumed that the vertical component of
turbulence has a spectrum of the form defined by the equation above for the horizontal
component with the following values:
σ = 1.5 knots with L = 9.2m (30 ft.), or alternatively
σ = 0.09 U with L = 4.6m (15 ft.) when z < 9.2m (30 ft.), and
L = 0.5 z when 9.2 < z < 305m (30 < z < 1000 ft.)

Appendix B

Figure B-7 Cumulative probability of reported Mean Wind, and Head Wind, Tail
Wind Cross Wind Components when landing.
99.9 O
99.8 A
99 L
98 T
80 C
70 E
50 N
Total Wind G
30 I
Head Wind 20 E
Cross Wind Component N
10 W
8 N
2 S
1 P
Tail Wind 0.5 E
Component D
0 10 20 30 40

Cumulative probability of reported Mean Wind, and Head Wind, Tail Wind
Cross Wind Components, when landing.

NOTE: This data is based on world wide in-service operations of UK airlines (sample size
about 2000)

Appendix C



GBAS Performance Analysis. In carrying out the performance analysis the following
model of GBAS Performance may be used. The GBAS Performance Model simulates
the outputs of a fault-free GBAS airborne receiver when used in conjunction with a
GBAS ground station categorized as either Facility Approach Service Type (FAST) C
or FAST D.

C.1.1 GBAS Performance Model.

C.1.1.1 The architecture of the GLS Model is illustrated in Figure C-1. The GLS
Model includes a Navigation System Error (NSE) Generator which
generates NSE representative of a GBAS providing approach service type
C or D as defined by the requirements [1, 2, 3]. The Position Calculator
adds NSE to the true position of the GLS Reference Point (GRP). The
Deviation Calculator computes the deviations of the GRP given the Final
Approach Segment (FAS) data. A latency model is applied to each output
of the GLS Model.

C.1.1.2 Development of all components of the GLS Model is documented in [4,5]

and [6]. The NSE Generator and NSE Step Generator are discussed

C.1.2 GBAS NSE Generator. The GBAS NSE Generator produces NSE in the along-track,
cross-track and vertical directions in meters. The block diagram of the GBAS NSE
Generator is shown in Figure C-2. The Gaussian White Noise (GWN) Generator
produces three independent noise sequences with zero mean and unity variance. Each
sequence is filtered by a second-order Butterworth filter. The compensation gain which
brings the RMS of the filtered noise back to unity is obtained as:

2 2
Gx =
∆Tω n
The filter output is scaled by NSE scale factors Katrk, Kxtrk, and Kvert. At the beginning of each
run, the NSE generator filter must be initialized at a value sampled from a Gaussian distribution
consistent with these scale factors.

Appendix C

Figure C-1 GBAS Signal Model

FAS Data, GERP Flag, Dev Scale Flags

True Ant Pos

Deviation Deviations
Seed & ∆T Generator
Calc GRP Pos
NSE Latency

Horiz Dist to LTP

Attitudes, Body Latency
Rates, GRP
Offset, Offset Flag

Figure C-2 GLS NSE Generator


Model Type K Value Kxtrk

(nominal vs. Selector
Limit Kvert


2nd Order Compensation σ =1 NSEatr

Filter Gain
Seed, ∆T GWN Seq2 2nd Order Compensation σ =1 NSE xtrk
Generator Filter Gain

2nd Order Compensation σ =1 NSE ver

Filter Gain

Step Function

Step Event Time

Limit Case
Malfunction Event Time Fault Mode

Appendix C

C.1.3 Second-Order Filter of GBAS NSE. The second order filter to be implemented in the
GBAS NSE Generator is characterized by:

ω n2
H (s) = [2]
s 2 + 2ω n s + ω n2

where ωn is the natural frequency given by

For GAST C: ωn= 0.01 rad/sec
For GAST D: ωn = 0.033 rad/sec

C.1.4 Noise Scale Factor. The model accounts for the variation in accuracy due to satellite
geometry by setting the noise scale factor to a constant which is sampled from a
distribution. For each run, the value of Kvert is first determined by selecting a sample,
x, from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The value of Kvert is then given by the
following function of x:

K vert = f ( x ) = a1 + a 2 x − [3]
x −1

where the parameters of the function are dependent on the GBAS Approach Service Type
as given in Table C-1.

Table C-1: GAST Dependent Parameters for Kvert

Service Type a1 a2 a3 Kvert_max

GAST C 0.4 0.2 0.006 10/5.762=1.736

GAST D 0.52 0.47 0.005 10/5.762=1.736

If the random pick from a distribution between 0 and 1 results in Kvert >Kvert_max, then
the value should be discarded and another sample should be selected from the uniform
distribution set to the maximum value from the table 3. An alternative acceptable
means for computing the NSE scale factors is given in Section C.2 below.
For each run, the value of Kxtrk is determined by selecting a sample, x1, from a uniform
distribution between 0 and 1. For each run, the value of Katrk is determined by selecting
a sample, x2, from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The cross track and along
track scale factors are then computed by:

This corresponds to the case where VPL>10m and therefore the system is not available

Appendix C

K xtrk = f (x1 ) = a1 + a2 x1 −
x1 − 1

K atrk = f (x2 ) = a1 + a2 x2 −
x2 − 1

where the parameters of the function are dependent on the GBAS Approach Service Type
as given in Table C-2:

Table C-2: GAST Dependent Parameters for Kxtrk and Katrk

Service Type a1 a2 a3 Kxtrk_max, Katrk max

GAST C 0.2 0.1 0.003 40/5.762=6.942

GAST D 0.21 0.12 0.003 17/5.762=2.951

If the random pick from a distribution between 0 and 1 results in Kxtrk>Kxtrk_max or

Kaxttrk>Kxtrk_max, then the value should be discarded and another sample should be
selected from the uniform distribution.

C.1.5 NSE Step Generator. The NSE step generator is illustrated in Figure C-3. Step errors
occur when the satellite geometry changes, either due to the removal of an individual
satellite from the position solution (e.g. a satellite fails and stops transmitting or the user
receiver stops tracking a satellite for any reason) or due to an individual satellite rising
or setting. The step generator produces representative NSE step errors in the vertical,
along-track and cross-track directions in meters. This is accomplished by scaling a unit
step function by factors that are derived from representative statistical distributions.
First, 3 random samples, one for each axis, are selected from a zero mean unit variance
normal distribution. Then these samples are multiplied by scale factors that are chosen
to simulate the statistical variation in the size of an error that would result from normal
variations in the relative geometry between the user and the satellites. Finally, the
resultant constant factors are multiplied with a unit step function time sequence.
Injecting one step in each simulated approach at a random time should reasonably
model the effects of geometry changes.

Appendix C

Figure C-3 NSE Step Generator

Uniform Scale Factor
Random x Computation KStep_xtrk
Generator One sample
from Kstep = f(x)

One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSEStep_atrk


Seed GWN One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSEStep_xtrk


One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSE Step_vert

0 t = event time
Unit Step
Function Seq
Step Event Time

0 t = event time

C.1.6 NSE Step Generator Scale Factor Computation. For each run, the value of σstep_vert is
determined by selecting a sample, x, from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The
value of σstep_vert is then given by the following function of x:

σ step _ vert = f ( x ) = b1 + b2 x − [6]
x − 1.01

where the parameters of the function are dependent on the GBAS Approach Service
Type as given in Table C-3.

σ step _ vert
Table C-3: GAST Dependent Parameters for

Service Type b1 b2 b3 σ step _ vert _ max

GAST C 0.4 0.8 0.07 FASVAL/2

GAST D 0.5 0.8 0.05 3.5

If the random pick from a distribution between 0 and 1 results in σstep_vert >σstep_vert_max,
then the value should be discarded and another sample should be selected from the
uniform distribution.

Appendix C

For each run, the value of σstep_xtrk is determined by selecting a sample, x1, from a
uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The value of σstep_atrk is determined by selecting a
sample, x2, from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. The cross track and along track
NSE step scale factors are then computed by:

σ step _ xtrk = f (x1 ) = b1 + b2 x1 −

x1 − 1

σ step _ atrk = f (x2 ) = b1 + b2 x2 −

x2 − 1

where the parameters of the function are dependent on the GBAS Approach Service Type
as given in Table C-4.

Table C-4: GAST Dependent Parameters for σ step _ xtrk or σ step _ atrk

Service Type b1 b2 b3 σ step _ axtrk _ max

GAST C 0.32 0.32 0.05 20m

GAST D 0.35 0.35 0.35 5.5m

If the random pick from a distribution between 0 and 1 results in σstep_xtrk >σstep_xtrk_max, or
σstep_atrk>σstep_axtrk_max, then the value should be discarded and another sample should be
selected from the uniform distribution.
The scale factor, Kstep_vert, of the magnitude of the vertical step error is then selected from
a normal distribution with 0 mean and a standard deviation of σstep_vert. The scale factor,
Kstep_xtrk, of the cross track deviation is selected from a normal distribution with 0 mean
and a standard deviation of σstep_xtrk.

C.1.7 Latency Model. The latency of the GLS output should be delayed for 400 msec.

C.1.8 Fault Mode Generator The fault mode generator as depicted in Figure C-4 can be used
for modeling undetected, non-aircraft system error conditions (moniker “limit” cases) or
any worst case undetected error (moniker “malfunction” cases). The fault mode
generator produces a ramp error with characteristics as illustrated in Figure C-5. The
effect of a malfunction is modeled as a ramp, with a start time, a ramp rate and a total
exposure time, Tmax. The maximum value of the ramp depends on the ramp rate and
Time to Alert. The ramp is assumed to increase to the level of the maximum value and
then to exceed that value for a period equal to the Time-to-detect and mitigate the
failure. The erroneous satellite is isolated and the error returns to the nominal value.
(i.e. the Fault Error is set to zero). The Model may alternatively produce step errors
where the maximum change in error due to the step is specified rather than the ramp
rate. (See reference [7] for more details regarding GLS fault modeling).

Appendix C

Figure C-4 Limit and/or Malfunction Generator

Limit or Malfunction
Axis to Apply

Uniform Set Limits
Random x KLimit_xtrk
Generator One sample
from Kother = f(x)

One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSELMF_atrk


Seed GWN One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSELMF_xtrk


One sample from normal distribution, µ=0, σ = 1 NSE LMF_vert

0 e
Unit Ramp
Ramp Rate Function Seq
Ramp Duration Generator
Ramp Event Time

0 t = event time

From Figure C-5, it can be seen that for the ramp:

TMAX = TTD + [9]

EMAX and the Effective VAL depend on the type of malfunction. For Satellite Ranging
sources, the Effective VAL is a function of the maximum error allowable with probability
greater than 1x10-9 by the Pmd performance constrain with conditional probability (Annex
10 appendix B Section ), (i.e. 1.6 meters) multiplied by the geometry
screening limit.

E MAX = 1.6 ⋅ S vert _ max [10]

S vert _ max is the maximum vertical projection for any satellite allowed by geometry
screening. This value is set by the airframer to limit the size of EMAX by specifying Svert
and Svert2 as described in reference [8].

For ground segment reference receiver failures, the effective VAL will depend on the
geometry screening applied in the airborne equipment. If no additional geometry

Appendix C

screening is applied other than VPL<VAL, the maximum Effective VAL is 9.35 [m]
(see Table C-5). If additional geometry screening is applied, a lower Effective VAL
may result. Reference [8] explains how to compute the Effective VAL given additional
geometry screening. Figure C-6 shows a plot of maximum vertical and lateral errors as
a function of vertical and lateral Alert Limit screening. The calculations to produce the
plot in Figure C-6 are described in detail in Reference [10].

Figure C-5 Malfunction Transient

Slope Characterized
by Ramp Rate [ft/s]
Error on Axis Effective EMAX
Of Choice VAL


Total Exposure Time - Tmax

For ionospheric anomalies, the maximum error Emax has been shown to be less than or equal to
maxEIG ×Svert or maxEIG ×Svert2, whichever is larger. Svert and Svert2 are geometry screening
parameters set in the airborne equipment as described in [9]. The value of maxEIG is the
maximum EIG computed based on uplink parameters provided by the GBAS ground station.
Annex 10 specifies that maxEIG is 2.75 meters.

Appendix C

Table C-5 and Table C-6 give the characteristics for transient errors in the vertical and horizontal
directions respectively for each of the 3 major identified fault types.

Table C-5 Malfunction Transient Characteristics in the Vertical Direction

Fault Type Service Ramp Rates Effective VAL Emax Time to
Type Detect
[m/s] [m] [m]
(TTD) [s]
Ranging GAST C 0-∞ 10 Dependent 6
Failures GAST D 0-∞ 1.6 × Svert Dependent 2.5

Iono Anomaly GAST C 0–4 N/A N/A N/A

GAST D 0–4 N/A maxEIG × N/A
maxEIG ×
[note 2]
Single Ref GAST C 0-∞ 10 Dependent 6
Failure GAST D 0-∞ 9.35 Dependent 2.5
[note 1]

Note 1: This value assumes geometry screening afforded by the reference receiver fault
monitoring is only as required in the avionics standards [13]. Geometry screening of
VPL<VAL=10m is assumed here. Smaller maximum values can be obtained by using
additional geometry screening per reference [10].
Note 2: maxEIG is the maximum uplink parameter for the ionospheric error monitor.

Table C-6 Malfunction Transient Characteristics in the Lateral Direction

Fault Type Service Ramp Rates Effective LAL Emax Time to
Type Detect
[m/s] [m] [m]
(TTD) [s]
Ranging GAST C 0-∞ 40 Dependent 6
Failures GAST D 0-∞ 1.6 × Slat Dependent 2.5

Iono Anomaly GAST C 0–4 N/A N/A N/A

GAST D 0–4 N/A maxEIG × Slat N/A
maxEIG × Slat2
[note 2]
Single Ref GAST C 0-∞ 40 Dependent 6
Failure GAST D 0-∞ 35.9 Dependent 2.5
[note 1]

Appendix C

Note 1: This value assumes geometry screening afforded by the reference receiver fault
monitoring is only as required in the avionics standards [13]. Geometry screening of
LPL<LAL=40m is assumed here. If geometry screening of LPL<LAL=10m is applied,
then the values for Effective LAL would be the same as the value given in Table C-5
for Effective VAL. Smaller maximum values can be obtained by using additional
geometry screening per reference [10].
Note 2: maxEIG is the maximum broadcast parameter for the ionospheric error

Figure C-6 Maximum Error (E) and Monitor Threshold (Tbac) as a function of
Alert Limits for Various Numbers of Ground Reference Receivers (M).

C.1.9 Compatibility with Rare Undetected Non-Aircraft System Error Conditions.

Demonstration of compliance with Section, of this AC may be done by
analysis to show that for all possible sizes of navigation error the joint probability that
the error is not detected and that the error results in the aircraft landing outside of the
safe landing box as defined in Section is less than 1x10-5. The analysis uses
the nominal touchdown distributions (lateral and longitudinal) along with the geometry
factors (Svert and Slat), and the maximum allowable Pmd performance of the monitors
for satellite ranging source failures and for the Reference Receiver Fault Monitor
(RRFM). The nominal touchdown distribution is used to compute a probability of an
unsuccessful landing given a particular size of error PUL|E (E). This probability is then

Appendix C

multiplied by the probability of an error not being detected as a function of E, Pmd(E).

The probability of an unsuccessful landing given an error is the joint probability that the
fault that causes an error, E, is not detected and the landing will be unsuccessful given
an error, E:

𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 (𝐸𝐸) = 𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸) ∙ 𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝐸𝐸) < 10−5 [11]

To form the conditional unsuccessful landing probability, 𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸), a conditional

touchdown distribution must be used that would result from a constant bias error in
addition to the fault-free NSE and FTE distributions. This must be done for the full
range of relevant error sizes to form the total conditional probability of an unsuccessful
landing as a function of the error. The conditional unsuccessful landing probability is
expressed as follows for the land short and land long cases:
Land Short 𝑃𝑃(𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸)(𝐸𝐸) = ∫−∞ pTSE_LON|E (x, E)dx [12]

Land Long 𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸) = ∫LLC pTSE_LON|E (x, E)dx [13]

Land with wheels less than 5 ft from the edge of the runway:
∞ −RWE+GW/2
𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸) = ∫RWE−GW/2 pTSE_LAT|E (x, E)dx + ∫−∞ pTSE_LAT|E (x, E)dx [14]

LSC – is the land short criteria of section (i.e. 200 ft)
LLC – is the land long criteria of section (i.e. 3000 ft)
RWE – is the lateral landing criteria as defined in section (i.e. 70 ft)
GW – is the lateral distance between the main landing gear
pTSE_LON|E (x, E) - is the probability density function for the longitudinal touchdown
given a bias of magnitude E.
pTSE_LAT|E (x, E) - is the probability density function for the lateral touchdown given a
bias of magnitude E.

Note: Care must be taken to insure consistency of units when making these

C.1.10 Computing Pmd for Ranging Source Errors. A bound on the probability of missed
detection for the ranging source error, 𝑷𝑷𝒎𝒎𝒎𝒎 (𝑬𝑬𝑹𝑹 ) is defined by the performance
constraint region given in Annex 10, appendix B, section The Pmd
performance must lie below the curve defined by Table B-76A in the SARPS, repeated
here in Table C-7 for convenience.

Appendix C

Table C-7 Pmd_limit Parameters

Probability of Missed
Pseudorange Error (meters)

Pmd_limit ≤ 1 0 ≤ |Er| < 0.75

Pmd_limit ≤ 10(-2.56×|Er| + 1.92) 0.75 ≤ |Er| < 2.7

Pmd_limit ≤ 10-5 2.7 ≤ |Er| < ∞

For example, in the case of the longitudinal touchdown requirement the vertical position
error has the largest effect on the touchdown location. The worst case projection of a
range error into vertical error, max��SAprvert.i �� , may be used to determine the resulting
limit on 𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝐸𝐸𝑉𝑉 ) by substituting ER = 𝐸𝐸𝑉𝑉 ⁄max��SAprvert.i ��.
Figure C-7 illustrates the relationship between Pmd_limit and the 𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝐸𝐸𝑉𝑉 ) for
max��SAprvert.i ��= 5.

Figure C-7 Example of the Satellite Ranging Source Pmd in the Range domain
and Position Domain.

Appendix C

C.1.11 Computing Pmd for Reference Receiver Fault Monitoring (RRFM).

The Pmd for the RRFM is given by:

PmdApprox (EV ) = ∫ p Bmd (x, EV )dx
0 [15]

TBAC is the maximum threshold for the RRFM monitor given by:
 0.0842 × VAL 
TBAC = 5.5 ×   + 0.4 Meters
 m −1 
VAL – is the vertical alert limit that is used by airborne equipment to screen geometry
expressed in meters.
And pBmd(x,EV) is the probability density function (pdf) of |Bj,vert(EV)| in the faulted
circumstance given by:

  0.0842 × VAL 
 dnorm x, EV , 
  M −1 M 
  0.0842 × VAL 
 x ≥ 0; + dnorm − x, EV , 
p Bmd ( x, EV ) =   M −1 M  [17]

 x < 0;
 0

Where dnorm(x,µ,σ) is the Gaussian pdf

( x − µ )2
2σ 2
dnorm( x, µ , σ ) =
2π σ

For a derivation of these expressions see Reference [10]

C.1.12 Example Assessments. Figure C-8 illustrates a landing short assessment for a
hypothetical aircraft with a nominal longitudinal touchdown point of 1500 ft from the
threshold and a dispersion that can be bounded by a Gaussian distribution with σ=220
ft. Also, a max��SAprvert.i �� of 5, VAL of 10 meters and GPA of 3 degrees is used.
Rearranging equation [11]:

Appendix C
𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸) < [19]
𝑃𝑃𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 (𝐸𝐸)

Hence by dividing 10-5 by the Pmd curves for satellite ranging sources and RRFM,
the grey “keep out regions” shown in Figure C-8 can be obtained. The assessment
is then simple. If the curve for 𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈|𝐸𝐸 (𝐸𝐸) does not enter the keep out regions, then
the requirement that 𝑃𝑃𝑈𝑈𝑈𝑈 (𝐸𝐸) < 10−5 is met for all values of E.
An alternative approach to the analysis is illustrated in Figure C-9 where the
probability of an unsuccessful landing is explicitly calculated for both monitor
types (ranging sources and RRFM).
Extension of these examples to the land long and lateral cases is straight forward.

Figure C-8 Example Assessment of Landing Short Performance

Appendix C

Figure C-9 Explicit Calculation of PUL for the Land Short Example Above.

Alternative Method for Calculating and Using NSE Model Scale Factors.

C.2.1 Estimation of 10-pt piecewise linear interpolation of GBAS NSE autoland simulator
histograms – GAST D.
An alternative method to use the NSE model is to compute, before launching any run of
the Monte-Carlo autoland simulations, the distributions of the scale factors, Kvert and
Kxtr = Katrk. For these two last quantities, we conservatively allocate the worst
horizontal sigma. These distributions have been computed using assumptions described
in [11] and [12]. Then for each run of the Monte-Carlo simulations, we draw, from
these two distributions, a Sigma_vert= Kvert and a worst horizontal sigma for Kxtrk
and Katrk, at the beginning of the approach which are kept constant during the
In order to facilitate the use of these distributions, the 10 point piecewise linear
interpolation of Kvert and Kworst_horizontal_sigma are provided on the histograms and using a
dual entry table X-axis corresponding to sigma_vert or worst_sigma_horizontal in meters.

Appendix C

C.2.2 Sigma Vert.

Figure C-10 Sigma Vertical Samples

bins width = 0.01 m



nb of occurrences







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
sigma vert (meters)

Table C-8 Sigma_vert Values and Number of Occurences

Sigma_vert Number of occurrences

0.485000000000000 0.000429191837945

0.543326533206011 0.002257116788039

0.655055242735278 0.045229563598357

0.699018742036146 0.043376936959747

0.731326218889690 0.035448466874264

0.860858976217526 0.008926572687034

1.070145122860493 0.001211926592757

1.409975954322260 0.000073333137778

1.573104102697827 0.000010035060959

1.735000000000000 0.000008491205427

Appendix C

C.2.3 Worst Horizontal Sigma.

Figure C-11 Worst Horizontal Sigma Samples

bins width = 0.01 m


nb of occurrences




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
worst horizontal sigma (meters)

Table C-9 Sigma_Worst_Horizontal Values and Number of Occurrences

Sigma_worst_horizontal Number of occurrences

0.005000000000000 0

0.257665870406134 0.001235856353506

0.293780182441118 0.021311381766140

0.341769349550846 0.107172907188037

0.398519584681962 0.038574002399152

0.489966724012817 0.005669037514146

0.501954763905412 0.003652762189125

0.733255508608094 0.000223859052165

1.294724573608414 0.000000771927766

1.705000000000000 0.000000771927766

Appendix C

Likewise, the NSE noise scale factors, an alternative way of using the Step function is to derive
scale factors sigma_step_vert and worst_sigma_step horizontal to take into account steps
induced by loss of tracking of satellites by the receiver due to geometry (rise/set of satellites) or
due to satellite failures. The distributions and the 10 point piecewise linear interpolations are
provided below for these two cases for the two dimensions.

C.2.4 Rise/set Sigma Step Vert.

Figure C-12 Rise/set Sigma Step Vert. Error Samples

bins width = 0.01 m


nb of occurrences





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Rise/set - sigma step vert (meters)

Table C-10 Rise/Set Sigma_step_vert and Number of Occurrences

Rise/Set Sigma_step_vert Number of occurrences

0.005000000000000 0.000102160167567

0.072435248412769 0.000251314012215

0.173069321361968 0.007640899466239

0.183661728498818 0.014862132304962

0.266851710720950 0.032471159430220

0.360116883106780 0.022183880145120

Appendix C

Rise/Set Sigma_step_vert Number of occurrences

0.560386526870370 0.010022935263488

0.707103250848933 0.002542678888367

1.168108921989317 0.000590218235325

1.605000000000000 0

C.2.5 Rise/set Worst Sigma Step Hor.

Figure C-13 Rise/set Worst Sigma Step-horizontal Error Samples

bins width = 0.01 m


nb of occurrences




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Rise/set - worst sigma step hor (meters)

Appendix C

Table C-11 Rise/Set Worst Sigma_Step_Hor and Number of Occurrences

Rise/Set Worst Sigma_Step_Hor Number of occurrences

0.005000000000000 0.000002897188944

0.041875996448845 0.004326488398194

0.054920944044943 0.005392271389607

0.109250543156205 0.058667264538146

0.163832898257929 0.050878995869548

0.205763067528231 0.030017730600579

0.339826367851692 0.005884118967452

0.481495931510671 0.001622467406624

0.537593983881708 0.001038030498786

1.425000000000000 0.000000090537154

C.2.6 Signal Loss Sigma_step_vert.

Figure C-14 Signal Loss- Sigma Step Vert Error Samples

bins width = 0.01 m

nb of occurrences




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Signal Loss - sigma step vert (meters)

Appendix C

Table C-12 Signal loss Sigma_Step_Vert and number of occurrences

Signal loss Sigma_Step_Vert Number of occurrences

0.005000000000000 0

0.175788354389016 0.000006172962943

0.341225896607212 0.001849289916083

0.501345966346395 0.016428884464905

0.509272880272156 0.014817130740563

0.585415172749149 0.024277512141267

0.634728223925139 0.019985074857159

0.971964045257760 0.004855442265040

0.993665191757176 0.004618156897366

1.565000000000000 0

C.2.7 Signal Loss Worst Sigma Step Hor.

Figure C-15 Signal loss worst sigma step hor. Samples

bins width = 0.01 m



nb of occurrences





0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Signal Loss - worst sigma step hor (meters)

Appendix C

Table C-13 Signal Loss Worst Sigma_Step_Hor and number of occurrences

Signal Loss Worst Sigma_Step_Hor Number of occurrences

0.005000000000000 0.000476007789371

0.115610839554299 0.025790440689983

0.180148721789614 0.034439075056633

0.320833114781513 0.015472307517217

0.586810140697307 0.003675003851236

0.880744610706960 0.000358424380494

3.908283843494504 0.000000000123437

3.975118428756177 0.000000000123437

4.601736622281720 0

4.995000000000000 0.000000016910875

1 ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) for the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
Annex 10 to the Chicago Convention, Vol 1.
2 RTCA / DO-245, Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for the Local Area
Augmentation System (LAAS).
3 RTCA / DO-253C, Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for GPS Local Area Augmentation
System (LAAS) Airborne Equipment.
4 ICAO Paper GNSSP-WP-8, Validation of GBAS CAT I Accuracy: A GLS Model and Autoland Simulations for
Boeing Airplanes, presented at the ICAO Global Navigation Satellite Systems Panel, Working Group B
Meeting, Seattle, WA, May 29 - June 9, 2000.
5 ICAO NSP Mar 2009 WGW/WP 30 "SARPS Support for Airworthiness Assessments GLS Signal Modeling",
presented by Tim Murphy, Bretigny, 17-27 March 2009.
6 ICAO NSP May 2010 WGW WP 19, " SARPS Support for Airworthiness Assessments - More on GLS Signal
Modeling" Prepared by Tim Murphy
7 T. Murphy, M Harris, C. Shively, L. Azoulai , M. Brenner "Fault Modeling for GBAS Airworthiness
Assessments", Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite System Conference, 2010.
8 M. Harris, T. Murphy, "Geometry Screening for GBAS to Meet CAT III Integrity and Continuity
Requirements", Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting 2007
9 DO-253C, "Minimum operational Performance Standards for GPS Local Area Augmentation Airborne
Equipment", section
10 ICAO NSP May10 WGW/WP16, "Computation of Maximum Undetected Error for RRFM in Support of
Airworthiness Assessments".

Appendix C
11 Neri, P., Macabiau, C., Azoulai, L., "Study of a GBAS Model for CAT II/III Simulations", Proceedings of the
22nd International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS
2009), Savannah, GA, September 2009
12 Use of GNSS signals and their augmentations for civil Aviation Navigation during Approaches with Vertical
Guidance and Precision Approaches – PhD Thesis P. Neri – 2011
13 RTCA / DO-253D, Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for GPS Local Area Augmentation
System (LAAS) Airborne Equipment”,

Appendix D


Example Provision: AFM "Certificate Limitation" Section (With "Type Specific"

Example Information and Notes)

(List Aircraft Type)





Automatic Landing

Maximum wind component speeds when landing weather minima are predicated on autoland operations:

Headwind: 25 knots
Tailwind: 15 knots
Crosswind: 5 knots

The maximum and minimum glideslope angles are 3.25 degrees and 2.5 degrees respectively.

The autoland capability may be used with flaps 20 or 30, with both engines operative or with one engine
inoperative. The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciation must have LAND 2 or
LAND 3 displayed and the SLATS DRIVE message must not be present.

Automatic Approach with Flaps 25

Autoland is not approved with flaps 25.

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix D

Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Operational and Fail Passive FGS Capability]

(List Aircraft Type)

The autopilot system has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness, performance, and integrity
criteria applicable to Category III as specified in FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-xLS for a fail- operational
automatic landing system, with the following functions operative and LAND 3 annunciated:
Autoland status annunciation on both PFD’s
Independent ILS and radio altitude sources on the PFD for each pilot, i.e., the following alerting
messages are not displayed:
The autopilot system has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness, performance, and integrity
criteria applicable to Category III as specified in FAA AC 20-xLS for a fail-passive automatic landing
system, with the following functions operative and LAND 2 annunciated:
Autoland status annunciation on both PFD’s
Independent ILS and radio altitude sources on the PFD for each pilot, i.e., the following alerting
messages are not displayed:
The demonstration for fail-passive autoland operations with LAND 2 annunciated included a provision for a
go around if a subsequent autopilot system failure were to be detected on approach, if operational credit for
use of autoland is required.
CAUTION: If the autopilot disconnects during an engine-out go around, loss of autopilot rudder
control can result in large yaw and roll excursions.

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Page 2 of Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

Appendix D

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Operational and Fail Passive FGS Capability]




The autopilot system has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness, performance, and
integrity criteria applicable to Category II as specified in FAA AC 20-xLS Appendix__ for
automatic approach with the following functions operative and LAND 3 or LAND 2
annunciated: Independent ILS and radio altitude sources on the PFD for each pilot, i.e., the
following alerting messages are not displayed:




The flight director system has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness, performance,
and integrity criteria applicable to Category II as specified in FAA AC 20-xLS for manual
approach with the following functions operative:

Normal flight controls

Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
Independent ILS and radio altitude sources on the PFD for each pilot, i.e., the following
alerting messages are not displayed:



FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix D

Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Passive FGS Capability]
(List Aircraft Type)
The Autopilot-Flight Director System is used as either a single channel autopilot or flight director for en
route and single channel approaches. Dual autopilot channels provide fail-passive operation for automatic
landing and go-around. Dual flight directors provide for takeoff, approach, and go-around guidance.
The following flight path control functions for automatic (autopilot) and/or manual (flight director) control
of the airplane are provided:
• Lateral navigation (LNAV)
• Vertical navigation (VNAV)
• LOC (Front course only) Approach
• Autoland (Dual autopilot only)
• Go-around (Dual autopilot and/or flight director only)
The following pilot assist functions for automatic (autopilot) and/or manual (flight director) control of the
airplane are provided:
• Control Wheel Steering (Autopilot only)
• Heading select and hold
• Vertical speed select and hold
• IAS/Mach select and hold (Elevator control of speed in level change)
• Altitude Select/Acquire or Capture and Hold
• Takeoff (Dual Flight director only)
• Go-around, one engine inoperative (Dual Flight director only)
The Captain’s and First Officer’s instruments (Display Source, VHF NAV and IRS) must not be on the
same source when credit for use of the AFDS is necessary to make lower weather minima approaches.
An interlock is provided with the electrical transfer bus sensing circuit to preclude dual-channel autopilot
operation on a single source of power. However, the Auxiliary Power Unit generator may be used as an
independent power source.

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page ___

Appendix D

Page 2 of Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Passive FGS Capability]




The system has been demonstrated both with and without yaw damper and autothrottle and with normal
landing flaps 30 and 40.

The approach speed selected for automatic approaches using autothrottles was VREF + 5 knots (no wind

The approach speed selected for autothrottle inoperative was VREF for calm air conditions and VREF + 1/2
(Headwind) + Full Gust for wind conditions.

The automatic landing system has been demonstrated in VMC conditions with the following wind

Headwind - 25 knots
Tailwind - 30 knots
Crosswind - 24 knots
Satisfactory Automatic Landing System performance has been demonstrated on U.S. Type II and Type III
ILS ground facilities.

An autopilot minimum engage height of 400 feet after takeoff has been demonstrated to provide satisfactory

Single Engine Approach: The AFDS has demonstrated adequate performance for low visibility approach
using a single engine, with flaps 15.


On approach for autoland, dual channel operation should be engaged prior to 800 feet AGL. Check FLARE
arm annunciation at approximately 500 feet AGL.

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix D

Page 3 of Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Passive FGS Capability]


The AFDS equipment listings in this section do not necessarily denote all of the systems and
equipment required for the types of operation specified. Applicable FAR's and AC’s may
prescribe an operational requirement for such additional systems such as autothrottle, or
autobrakes. Operators should determine the total systems requirements for each type of
operation prior to requesting OpSpecs authorization.
Demonstrated compliance with the airworthiness performance standards does not constitute
approval to conduct operations in lower weather minimums.
The demonstrated altitude loss due to a simulated hard-over autopilot malfunction is: Level
Flaps up - 370 feet when recovery was initiated 3 seconds after the recognition point.
(a) 23 feet with a 1 second time delay between recognition point and initiation of recovery.
(b) Negligible when recovery was initiated without delay after pilot recognition.
The demonstrated altitude loss during an automatic go-around initiated below 100 feet AGL
is listed below:

GA Altitude (ft AGL) Altitude Loss (ft)

70 to 100 26

60 21

50 20

40 18

30 11

20 3

10 2.5

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix D

Page 4 of Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Passive FGS Capability]




The Autopilot System has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness and performance and
reliability criteria of FAA AC 20-118 for automatic approach and landing of the aircraft to touchdown
with the following additional equipment operative and FLARE arm annunciated.

• Dual Channel Autopilot engaged

• Low Range Radio Altimeter and display for each Pilot
• DH Display for each Pilot Two Digital Air Data Computer Systems Windshield Wipers for
each Pilot
• ILS Receiver and display for each Pilot
• Flight Mode Annunciator for each Pilot
• Two ADIRU's (associated with the engaged autopilots) in NAV mode
• Dual Hydraulic Systems
• Two sources of electrical power (The APU generator may be used as an independent
power source) Both Engines Operating

AUTOPILOT APPROACH (Applicable to Category II)

The Autopilot System has been shown to meet the airworthiness, performance, and reliability criteria of
FAA AC 20-xLS, Appendix for Category II, for automatic approach with the following additional listed
equipment operative:

• Single or Dual channel Autopilot engaged

• Low Range Radio Altimeter and display for each Pilot
• DH Display for each Pilot; Two Digital Air Data Computer Systems; Windshield Wipers for
each Pilot
• ILS Receiver and display for each Pilot
• Flight Mode Annunciator for each Pilot
• Two ADIRU's (associated with the engaged autopilot) in NAV mode
• Two sources of electrical power (The APU generator may be used as an independent power
source.) Both Engines Operating

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix D

Page 5 of Example Provision - AFM “Normal Procedures” or “Normal Operation” Section

[Typical Aircraft Type with Fail Passive FGS Capability]



The flight director command may be used as supplemental guidance to the primary speed and attitude
indications for takeoff, climb, and descent to acquire and maintain desired altitudes.
All of the autopilot command modes, except "CWS," are also available on the flight directors. An additional
takeoff mode exists for the F/D only. One or both F/Ds may be on for all modes, except during T/O or GA that
requires dual F/D ON.
FLIGHT DIRECTOR APPROACH (Applicable to Category II)
The flight director system has been shown to meet the applicable airworthiness, performance, and reliability
criteria of FAA AC 20-xLS for manual approach with the following equipment operative:
• Both flight directors must be selected
• Low Range Radio Altimeter and display for each Pilot
• DH Display for each Pilot
• Two Digital Air Data Computer Systems
• Windshield Wipers for each Pilot
• ILS Receiver and display for each Pilot
• Flight Mode Annunciator for each Pilot
• Two ADIRUs in NAV mode.
• Two sources of electrical power. (The APU generator may be used as an independent power
• Both Engines Operating
When go-around is initiated, the autothrottle system (if engaged) advances the thrust levers automatically. Flaps
and landing gear must be controlled manually.
An Autothrottle, Flight Director and/or Dual Autopilot go-around may be initiated below a radio altitude of
2000 feet by pressing the go-around switches.
When a decision is made to abort an approach, actuate the go-around switches and assure rotation to go-around
attitude. Verify thrust lever movement to achieve a nominal rate of climb and retract flaps to flaps 15.
After a positive rate of climb has been established, retract landing gear. Climb to a safe altitude, accelerate and
retract remaining flaps according to takeoff flap retraction speed schedule. Monitor rate of climb, attitude, and
Full go-around thrust may be obtained, after engine spool up, by reactivating the go-around switch(es). In
windshear, the recommended procedure is to delay flap and gear retraction until windshear is no longer a factor.

FAA APPROVED (Date) Section 3 Page

Appendix E


If you find an error in this AC, have recommendations for improving it, or have suggestions
for new items/subjects to be added, you may let us know by (1) complete the form online at or (2) emailing this form to 9-AWA-AVS-AIR-
[email protected]

Subject: AC Date: ___________

Please check all appropriate line items:

An error (procedural or typographical) has been noted in paragraph _______ on page


Recommend paragraph _______ on page _______ be changed as follows:

In a future change to this AC, please cover the following subject:

(Briefly describe what you want added.)

Other comments:

I would like to discuss the above. Please contact me.

Submitted by: __________________________________ Date: __________________

Telephone Number: __________________ Routing Symbol: _________________

FAA Form 1320-19 (10-98)


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