Single Cylinder Air Engine Balloon Powered Rolling
Single Cylinder Air Engine Balloon Powered Rolling
Single Cylinder Air Engine Balloon Powered Rolling
by gzumwalt
Single Cylinder Air Engine Balloon Powered Rolling party supply store, but they also are available on
Chassis is a balloon powered vehicle based on my line).
earlier air engine design
( I probably forgot a file or two or something, so if you
Engine-Smaller-Edition). This vehicle can run over 40 have any questions, please feel free to ask.
feet on a smooth surface.
Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced using
You will need to purchase 4 "AS568" #219 o-rings (1 Cura 2.3.1, and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+
5/16" I.D., 1 9/16" O.D, 1/8" section) for the tires and Extended and an Ultimaker 3 Extended.
at least 1 "punch balloon" (I found mine at a local
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I printed my parts on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and parts as necessary for smooth movement of moving
an Ultimaker 3 Extended using .1mm vertical surfaces, and tight fit for non moving surfaces.
resolution and 100% infill for "Cylinder.stl" and "Rod Depending on the colors you chose and your printer
Balloon.stl", 50% infill for the remaining parts, and no settings, more or less trimming, filing and/or sanding
supports. may be required. Carefully file all edges that
contacted the build plate to make absolutely sure that
Prior to assembly, test fit and trim, file, sand, etc. all all build plate "ooze" is removed and that all edges
are smooth. I used a flat jewelers file and plenty of and positions of the various components as assembly
patience to perform this step. proceeds.
Slide "Rod Piston.stl" into "Head Cylinder.stl" fit again and repeat as necessary until the valve
carefully noting the orientation of both parts. slides with ease in and out of the cylinder.
Next, press "Piston.stl" onto "Rod Piston.stl" until it is Press the cylinder head assembly onto the cylinder
exactly 28mm from the end. If the piston is not tight aligning the valve slot with the valve. Once attached,
on the piston rod, a small dot of thick cyanoacrylate check that both the piston rod and valve easily slide
glue can be used to hold the piston square to the in and out with ease. This is a critical step as both the
piston rod and in position. This is the cylinder head piston and valve must slide with ease.
Attach "Arm Piston.stl" to the piston rod using "Pin
Slide "Valve.stl" into "Cylinder.stl", carefully noting Arm Piston.stl". Once attached, "Arm Piston.stl"
the orientation of "Valve.stl". The valve should easily should swing freely on the piston rod.
slide in and out of the cylinder. If not, "surface sand"
both sides of the valve until it does. To surface sand, I Attach "Arm Valve.stl" to the valve arm using "Pin
place an 8 by 10 sheet of 220 grit sandpaper flat on Arm Valve.stl". Once attached, "Arm Valve.stl" should
my work table, then using light pressure, rub one side swing freely on the valve arm.
of the valve for 20 strokes, then the other side for 20
strokes. Clean the valve of sanding dust, then try the
Slide the axle of "Journal Crankshaft 10mm 2.stl" into Slide the axle of "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 2.stl" into
the hole at the end of "Arm Piston.stl". Once in place, the hole at the end of "Arm Valve.stl". Once in place,
press "Journal Crankshaft 10mm 1.stl" onto the axle press "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 1.stl" onto the axle of
of "Journal Crankshaft 10mm 2.stl" carefully noting "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 2.stl" carefully noting the
the orientation of both. Make sure the axle of "Journal orientation of both. Make sure the axle of "Journal
Crankshaft 10mm 2.stl" fully inserted into the hole in Crankshaft 4mm 2.stl" fully inserted into the hole in
"Journal Crankshaft 10mm 1.stl". This is the piston "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 1.stl". This is the valve
journal assembly. journal assembly.
Press "Chassis Left.stl" onto the left side of the air assembly must be pointing straight up).
engine assembly. Slide the axle of "Journal
Crankshaft 10mm 1.stl" into the hole in "Chassis Press "Chassis Right.stl" into "Chassis
Left.stl". Note that if the hole spacing in "Chassis Nose.stl",making sure it is fully seated.
Left.stl" does not match the pin spacing on the air
engine assembly, then the cylinder of the air engine Press "Chassis Right.stl" onto the right side of the air
assembly is not fully seated in the head. engine assembly. Note that if the hole spacing in
"Chassis Right.stl" does not match the pin spacing on
Press "Chassis Nose.stl" onto "Chassis Left.stl" the air engine assembly, then the cylinder of the air
making sure it is fully seated. engine assembly is not fully seated in the head.
Slide the axle of "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 1.stl" into At this point the crankshaft should rotate with ease
the hole in "Chassis Nose.stl", then this axle into the and the piston and valve assemblies should slide with
hole in "Journal Crankshaft 10mm 2.stl" carefully ease. You should feel no binding or catching as the
noting the orientation of both journal assemblies crankshaft is rotated.
(when the piston journal assembly is pointing straight
back towards the cylinder head, the valve journal
Press "Wheel Left Front.stl" onto the axle of "Journal Slide "Wheel Right Rear.stl" into the rear of the
Crankshaft 10mm 1.stl" making sure it is fully seated. chassis from the right side, then press "Wheel Left
Rear.stl" onto the axle of "Wheel Right Rear.stl". With
Press the axle of "Wheel Right Front.stl" into the hole both rear wheels installed, the rear wheels should
of "Journal Crankshaft 4mm 2.stl" making sure it is rotate freely with no binding or catching.
fully seated. With both front wheels installed, the front
wheels should rotate freely with no binding or
Press the 3 "Rod Balloon.stl" rods together using the machine oil on the moving parts (axles, journals, pins,
2 "Rod Balloon Coupler.stl" rod couplers. etc.) then removed "Adapter Balloon.stl" and installed
"Adapter Compressor.stl" (with a compressor quick
Press "Rod Balloon Coupler Hook.stl" onto one end connect) in its place, and ran the vehicle for 30
of the balloon rod assembly. minutes at around .5psi.
Press the remaining end of the balloon rod assembly To run the vehicle, I use "Adapter Balloon.stl" as a
into the small hole in "Chassis Nose.stl". mouth piece to inflate the punch balloon, after
inflating I press my thumb onto the balloon end of the
Attach a punch balloon to "Adapter Balloon.stl", press adapter to seal the air, then press the adapter into the
the adapter into the upper port on the air engine air engine upper port and off it goes!
assembly, then hook the punch balloon to the balloon
rod hook. Good luck, and I hope you like it!