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SAMMBIKANI SA PTY LTD 4176-35 RAY PHIRI STREET NANCEFIELD EXT 04 MUSINA 0900 Registration No: 2019/429580/07 Customs code: 25023200 Var no: 079.234 4556 danielsamson21@gmaiLcom DOCUMENT DETAILS: Importer Consignee: ANDREW MUTSIWA ‘Exporter / Supplier: ANDREW MUTSIWA; code 707 Clearing Agent: SAMMIKANI SA PTY LTD cod Form: SADS54 ‘Agent File Number: SAM2021102/123 Purpose Code: H8000 (ELG) | Transport Code: 3 BBR JOHANNESBURG 'BBR202102265025737 VOC Bill of Entry Date: 2021.02.26 VOC Assessment Date: 2021.02.28 Orig. Bill of Entry MRN_ BBR202102266025737 5: 2021.02.26 2021.02.26 1 1 1400.00 100050, R.100050.00 _ TRANSPORT DETAILS: Master Carler Code House Carrier Codi ‘Transport Document Numbe ‘Transport Document Date: ‘SBZ7S7W 2021.02.28 ‘SAMZ021/02/123, eo7aLxcP 2021.02.28 EDI DETAILS: SARS EDI RESPONSE NOTIFICATION _ CONTAINERS: 07070 fe: 25023200 Country of Export: ZA Country of Dest: ZW County of Origin: ZA Port of Exit/ Entry: BBR - Belt Bridge Bond Store: Inv. No & Date: ©2021-0003 20.12.03 1ZA7004086160087PDCL00000000001808 PP: 0.00 Environment Levy ‘SchtP2B: Duty: vat: 0.00 | EDI Response Sent by SARS: 2021.02.26 14:58:50 | EDI Resp. 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Received by Agent: LRN number: CUSRES Message Status: Customs Diatriet Offic: ‘Customs Response: Description: 2021.02.26 14:30:27 2021.02.26 2502320088R20210226001781 8 BER PROCEED TO BORDER PROCEED TO BORDER Country of Export: ZA ‘Country of Dest: ZW Country of Origin: ZA Port of Exit/ Entry: BBR - Belt Bridge Bond Store: Inv, No & Date: ©2021-0008 20.12.03 0.00 0.00 SAMMBIKANI SA (PTY) LTD P.O. BOX 2117, MUSINA, 0900 CELL: 079 234 4556 / 066 025 6886 Email: serbian t@xma cam [email protected] Paperless or Hard Copy: Paperless EDI Received by SARS: 2021.02.26 Sonsiontnebyie, Advanced Customs Solutions “CONTAINERS: aE — Pictd 2.00.28 1480 ‘SAD 600 CUSTOMS DECLARATION FOR ae cae (2 Exporterconsignor TN 25028200 ‘Office Code “Manifest Nuriber SAMMBIKANI SA \SB2757W 4176-95 RAY PHIRISTREET [55 4 BER 21.02.26 NANCEFIELD EXT 4 [ese ~ JOHANNESBURG MUSINA [Farms [a [Ragan Wo ‘Ascesir No sd De SOUTH AFRICA h f2}e 2021.02.26 |& importeriGonsignee oN (Tot Pack |7. Decirant Reference Recent NS. & Date /ANOREW MUTSIWA fm | 1 ‘Ssamzoztio2/123 BNATAL ROAD. esc BELGRAVIA 78 [tt (2value Dials | 13. )15A involoe No. and Date a (©2021-0003 20.12.03 [ZIMBABwe Te DeaRGeat [in [25088200] COE T0600 [TI COD [TR Owner Ce ERE UR CE SAMMBIKANI SA PTY LTD za zw | 4176-35 RAY PHIRI STREET aaa 1 NANCEFIELD EXT 04 eee MUSINA Te i a aOR Carey aoa FOB VANE pa Rae OTE ‘rupert ata CC7ALKGP 2021.02.26 | |,oooso 7 SS, STEMS igonigice Paria rT eee | 12825028200006.00000000001607S os THE SETH ET PaO Trans Vale Fresh ZAR 3 eceng Ban veurance "28. OE] 0, Location of Goods Credit Terms. VAT Cisim ~ eae 2 ‘ter Cost x ‘ADD X1 MINI COUNTRYHAN REO FE Ra Haya Baccges | Mans ant | VIN. WMWRD120xOWN19802 + | 8703,28.90(8) | jissoaze Bhoreion | PR | ENG NO. 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Syoan supped yxy Advanced Customs Solutions SAD 507 : ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / PRODUCED DOCUMENTS: [oat ar Spree Th i Oiesace [Ragan aber endo B4 Door Reo /SAMMBIKANI SA. 25023200 | BBR. (001701 ‘SAM2021/02/123 |4176-35 RAY PHIRI STREET tsepaa 21.02.28 NANCEFIELD EXT 4 ze" |e GENERAL SEGMENT INFORMATION [root conan sanaswars io | [pbconanTs PRODUCED ATTACHED - i VOCE NE ATE : _ TTEM SEGMENT INFORMATION “| (40. Summary Declaration / Previous Documents _ - | tem nurbar | Desist (Partito documents fim NurberPesinin/ Paris of ccuran[tm Numba [Deeg ! Paria of curt | oom | hermes [RS | om | nmaeramen ie “dh7_MUSINA, 09 556 | 066 025 68B6 7] | mai: [email protected]| | — [email protected] i ‘Sy Sippteddy % Advanced Customs Solutions Sty eee

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