Agency, Trusts, Partnerships & Joint Ventures Atty. Jose U. Cochingyan III
Agency, Trusts, Partnerships & Joint Ventures Atty. Jose U. Cochingyan III
Agency, Trusts, Partnerships & Joint Ventures Atty. Jose U. Cochingyan III
Art. 1448 There is an implied trust when property is sold, and the The second co-owner serves as a legal trustee insofar as the
legal estate is granted to one party but the price is paid by proportionate share of the first co-owner is concerned.
another for the purpose of having the beneficial interest of the
property. The former is the trustee, while the latter is the 5. Property Conveyed to a Person Merely as Holder Thereof
beneficiary. However, if the person to whom the title is (Art. 1453)
conveyed is a child, legitimate or illegitimate, of the one paying
the price of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being Art. 1453 When property is conveyed to a person in reliance upon
disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child. his declared intention to hold it for, or transfer it to another or
the grantor, there is an implied trust in favor of the person
2. Purchase of Property Where Title Is Placed in the Name of whose benefit is contemplated.
Person Who Loaned the Purchase Price As Security for the
Loan (Art. 1450) – Equitable Mortgage
6. Donation of Property to a Donee Who Shall Have No
Beneficial Title (Art. 1449)
Art. 1450 If the price of a sale of property is loaned or paid by one
person for the benefit of another and the conveyance is made Art. 1449 There is also an implied trust when a donation is made
to the lender or payor to secure the payment of the debt, a trust to a person but it appears that although the legal estate is
arises by operation of law in favor of the person to whom the transmitted to the donee, he nevertheless is either to have no
money is loaned or for whom its is paid. The latter may redeem beneficial interest or only a part thereof.
the property and compel a conveyance thereof to him.
Adaza v. CA: Where father formally donates a piece of land in the
3. When Absolute Conveyance of Property Effected Only as a name of the daughter with verbal notice that the other half would
Means to Secure Performance of Obligation of the Grantor be held by her for the benefit of a younger brother, coupled with
(Art. 1454) – Equitable Mortgage
a deed of waiver subsequently executed by the daughter that she
held the land for the common benefit of her brother, created an
Art. 1454 If an absolute conveyance of property is made in order implied trust in favor of the brother under Art.1449[not express
to secure the performance of an obligation of the grantor trust?].
toward the grantee, a trust by virtue of law is established. If the
fulfillment of the obligation is offered by the grantor when it Prescription will not mechanically apply between siblings
becomes due, he may demand the reconveyance of the 7. Land Passes By Succession, But Heir Places Title in a
property to him. Trustee (Art. 1451)
4. Several Persons Jointly Purchase Property, But Place Title Art. 1451 When land passes by succession to any person and he
In One of Them (Art. 1452)
causes the legal title to be put in the name of another, a trust
There is repudiation of an express trust when trustee fails to deliver In constructive trusts, there is neither promise nor fiduciary relation;
the title to the land in the beneficiary name, as was the main the so-called trustee does not recognize any trust and has no
obligations assumed, and his heirs subsequently sold the intent to hold for the beneficiary; therefore, the beneficiary is not
property to a third party who is not privy thereto justified in delaying action to recover his property; it is his fault if
he delays; hence, he may be estopped by his own laches.
2. Summary of rulings for resulting trusts
EXCEPTIONS: The acquisitive prescription of 10 years upon
GENERAL RULE: As a rule, resulting trusts do not prescribe except registration of title does not apply to favor the supposed “trustee”
when the trustee repudiates the trust. Further, the action to in the following cases:
reconvey does not prescribe so long as the property stands in the (1) Where Trustee Recognizes the Rights of CestuiQue Trust–
name of the trustee. To allow prescription would be tantamount Prescription may not apply by mere registration of the title in the
to allowing a trustee to acquire title against his principal and true name of the trustee, where the trustee formally recognized the
owner. Tong v. Go Tiat Kun beneficial right of the cestuique trust. xGeronimo and Isidro v.
Nava and Aquino, 105 Phil. 145 (1959); xAdaza v. Court of
The imprescriptibility of the action to recover applies to resulting. Appeals, 171 SCRA 369 (1989).
trusts as long as the trustee has not repudiated the trust. The
continuous recognition of a resulting trust, therefore, precludes (2) When the CestuiQue Trust Is a Minor – When the act of
any defense of laches in a suit to declare and enforce the trust. repudiation of the trustee was effected at the time the cestuique
After all, the beneficiary in a resulting trust may, without prejudice trust was still a minor, then such act does not prejudice the latter:
―We ... are unable to see how a minor with whom another is in
a. Commercial Partnerships Were Deemed to Be, and Subject c. Underlying business enterprise as the primary objective
to Code of Commerce Provisions for, Merchants
b. Registration Key for Commercial Partnerships Coming into Yu v. NLRC: When original partners sell their equity interests, the
Existence (Arts. 118-119, Code of Commerce); While Mere original juridical person was extinguished and the new set of
Consent Perfected the Civil Partnership
partners constituted a new partnership arrangement with a new
c. On Partnership Debts: Commercial Partners Were Solidarily juridical personality. Yet the underlying business enterprise
But Subsidiarily Liable; While Civil Partners Were Primarily remained the same between the two sets of investors and the
But Only Jointly Liable
succession of liability rule pertaining to the underlying business
enterprise must be respected
3. Essential attributes of the partnership
1. Definition (Art. 1767) a. Foremost, it’s a contractual relationship (Art. 1767, 1771, and
1784 – see above)
Art. 1767 By the contract of partnership two or more persons bind b. Bounded by attribute of “mutual agency” (Arts. 1803[1],
themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a 1818, 1819, 1821 to 1823)
common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among
themselves. Art. 1803[1] When the manner of management has not been
agreed upon, the following rules shall be observed:
Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise
of a profession. (1665a) (1) All the partners shall be considered agents and whatever any
one of them may do alone shall bind the partnership, without
2. Tri-level existence/legal relationships in a partnership prejudice to the provisions of article 1801.
setting No agreement at all – anybody can act. But should a partner
a. Primarily a contractual relationship (Art. 1767, 1771, & 1784) disagree with that act, then they vote, then if there’s a tie, it shall
be decided by the controlling interest. *ANYONE CAN ACT FOR
Art. 1771 A partnership may be constituted in any form, except ANYTHING.
where immovable property or real rights are contributed
thereto, in which case a public instrument shall be necessary. *the entire article applies only WHEN THERE IS NO MANAGER
Art. 1776 As to its object, a partnership is either universal or - Deemed a “universal partnership of profits” when articles do not
As regards the liability of the partners, a partnership specify the partnership’s nature (Art. 1781)
may be general or limited. (1671a)
Art. 1781 Articles of universal partnership, entered into without
specification of its nature, only constitute a universal partnership
of profits. (1676)
i. Universal partnership (Art. 1777 to 1782)
Art. 1777 A universal partnership may refer to all the present - Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation
property or to all the profits. (1672) or advantage cannot enter into a universal partnership (Art. 1782)
Art. 1782 Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any
Art. 1778 A partnership of all present property is that in which the donation or advantage cannot enter into universal partnership.
partners contribute all the property which actually belongs to (1677)
them to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the same Art. 739 à Art. 1027 applies to universal partnerships
among themselves, as well as all the profits which they may
acquire therewith. (1673) ii. Particular partnership (Art. 1783)
Art. 1783 A particular partnership has for its object determinate
Art. 1779 In a universal partnership of all present property, the things, their use or fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the
property which belonged to each of the partners at the time of exercise of a profession or vocation. (1678)
the constitution of the partnership, becomes the common
property of all the partners, as well as all the profits which they Ø Usefulness of such distinction:
may acquire therewith. Lyons v. Rosenstock: “Where two individuals had been jointly
associated in various real estate deals, one of them, while the
A stipulation for the common enjoyment of any other profits may other was away, bought a valuable piece of property with a view
also be made; but the property which the partners may acquire to the promotion of a suburban development, and as he expected
subsequently by inheritance, legacy, or donation cannot be that his absent former associate would come into this deal and
included in such stipulation, except the fruits thereof. (1674a) contribute some capital to the purchase and development of the
property, he subjected a piece of mortgaged property owned by
them jointly to a second mortgage, to secure against loss a surety
company which had been induced to sign a note with the active
1The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity with the agreement. If only the share of each the industrial partner shall receive such share as may be just and equitable under the circumstances. If
partner in the profits has been agreed upon, the share of each in the losses shall be in the same proportion. besides his services he has contributed capital, he shall also receive a share in the profits in proportion to
In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner in the profits and losses shall be in proportion to his capital.
what he may have contributed, but the industrial partner shall not be liable for the losses. As for the profits,
*If Elser had used any money actually belonging to Lyons in this deal, In default of contracts, or of special provisions, co-ownership shall
he would under article 1724 of the Civil Code and article 264 of be governed by the provisions of this Title. (392)
the Code of Commerce, be obligated to pay interest upon the
money so applied to his own use Art. 485 The share of the co-owners, in the benefits as well as in
the charges, shall be proportional to their respective interests.
*A particular partnership is only for a single undertaking – implying Any stipulation in a contract to the contrary shall be void.
that if there are several transactions of the same kind, it’s not The portions belonging to the co-owners in the co-ownership shall
anymore particular. be presumed equal, unless the contrary is proved. (393a)
b. As to duration (Art. 1785)
Art. 486 Each co-owner may use the thing owned in common,
provided he does so in accordance with the purpose for which it
Art. 1785 When a partnership for a fixed term or particular is intended and in such a way as not to injure the interest of the
undertaking is continued after the termination of such term or co-ownership or prevent the other co-owners from using it
particular undertaking without any express agreement, the rights according to their rights. The purpose of the co-ownership may
and duties of the partners remain the same as they were at such be changed by agreement, express or implied. (394a)
termination, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will.
b. Sole proprietorship
A continuation of the business by the partners or such of them as There is no separate juridical personality.
habitually acted therein during the term, without any settlement c. Agency
or liquidation of the partnership affairs, is prima facie evidence d. Business trust
of a continuation of the partnership. (n)
Utilizes the trust concept first recognized by equity to create an
unincorporated business association commonly known as the
i. Partnership with fixed term Massachusetts Trust. (check phone for slide)
ii. Partnership with particular undertaking e. Corporations
iii. Partnership at will f. Cooperatives
Recall bargaining elements: risk of loss, return, control & duration
c. As to the nature and liabilities of partners 1. Essential elements and purpose of the partnership
i. General partnership (Art. 1776, par. 2) a. CONSENT: partnership must necessarily arise from a
contractual relationship
Ø EXCEPT: Partnership by estoppel (Art. 1825) Two or more persons may also form a partnership for the exercise
Art. 1825 When a person, by words spoken or written or by of a profession. (1665a)
conduct, represents himself, or consents to another representing
him to anyone, as a partner in an existing partnership or with one
or more persons not actual partners, he is liable to any such (i) Contribute to a Common Fund; and
persons to whom such representation has been made, who has, (ii) Divide the Profits and Losses; EXCEPT: A Profession al
on the faith of such representation, given credit to the actual or Partnership
apparent partnership, and if he has made such representation or
consented to its being made in a public manner he is liable to such Ø Partnership must be established for common benefit of parties
person, whether the representation has or has not been made or (Art. 1770)
communicated to such person so giving credit by or with the Art. 1770 A partnership must have a lawful object or purpose, and
knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or must be established for the common benefit or interest of the
consenting to its being made: partners.
(1) When a partnership liability results, he is liable as though he When an unlawful partnership is dissolved by a judicial decree, the
were an actual member of the partnership; profits shall be confiscated in favor of the State, without prejudice to
the provisions of the Penal Code governing the confiscation of the
(2) When no partnership liability results, he is liable pro rata with instruments and effects of a crime. (1666a)
the other persons, if any, so consenting to the contract or
representation as to incur liability, otherwise separately.
c. CONSIDERATION: undertakings to contribute money, property
When a person has been thus represented to be a partner in an or industry to a common fund (Art. 1767 – see codal above)
existing partnership, or with one or more persons not actual
partners, he is an agent of the persons consenting to such d. Rules on determining perfected partnership (Art. 1769)
representation to bind them to the same extent and in the same
manner as though he were a partner in fact, with respect to
persons who rely upon the representation. When all the members
of the existing partnership consent to the representation, a
partnership act or obligation results; but in all other cases it is the
joint act or obligation of the person acting and the persons
consenting to the representation. (n)
(a) As a debt by installments or otherwise; (3) Corporations, partnerships and associations for private interest
or purpose to which the law grants a juridical personality, separate
(b) As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord; and distinct from that of each shareholder, partner or member. (35a)
(c) As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased Art. 45 Juridical persons mentioned in Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding
partner; article are governed by the laws creating or recognizing them.
(d) As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with Private corporations are regulated by laws of general application on
the profits of the business; the subject.
(e) As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or Partnerships and associations for private interest or purpose are
other property by installments or otherwise.(n) governed by the provisions of this Code concerning partnerships.
(36 and 37a)
(1) Co-Ownership or Co-Possession Does Not Itself Establish a Art. 1768 The partnership has a juridical personality separate and
Partnership, Even When Profits Are Shared distinct from that of each of the partners, even in case of failure to
(2) Sharing in the Gross Return/Receipts of a Business Does comply with the requirements of article 1772, first paragraph. (n)
Not Create Partnership
(3) Receipt by a Person of a Share of the Profits of a Business Art. 1784 A partnership begins from the moment of the execution of
the contract, unless it is otherwise stipulated. (1679)
c. It may sue and be sued in its firm name (Art. 46 – see codal DISTINGUISH: specific partnership property =/= interest in the
above) partnership
d. It would have domicile: Place where legal representation is
established or where it exercises its principal functions (Art. b. Partners may individually dispose of real property of the
51) partnership even when in partnership name (Art. 1819)
Art. 51 When the law creating or recognizing them, or any other Art. 1819 Where title to real property is in the partnership name, any
provision does not fix the domicile of juridical persons, the same partner may convey title to such property by a conveyance executed
shall be understood to be the place where their legal representation in the partnership name; but the partnership may recover such
is established or where they exercise their principal functions. (41a) property unless the partner's act binds the partnership under the
provisions of the first paragraph of article 1818, or unless such
e. It is taxed as a corporate taxpayer property has been conveyed by the grantee or a person claiming
f. It may be declared insolvent even if the partners are not through such grantee to a holder for value without knowledge that
g. Partnership is a person entitled to constitutional rights the partner, in making the conveyance, has exceeded his authority.
2. Provisions contravening the attribute of separate juridical Where title to real property is in the name of the partnership, a
personality conveyance executed by a partner, in his own name, passes the
a. Partners are co-owners of partnership properties (Art. 1811) equitable interest of the partnership, provided the act is one within
Art. 1811 A partner is co-owner with his partners of specific the authority of the partner under the provisions of the first
partnership property. The incidents of this co-ownership are such paragraph of article 1818.
Where title to real property is in the name of one or more but not all
(1) A partner, subject to the provisions of this Title and to any the partners, and the record does not disclose the right of the
agreement between the partners, has an equal right with partnership, the partners in whose name the title stands may
his partners to possess specific partnership property for convey title to such property, but the partnership may recover such
partnership purposes; but he has no right to possess such property if the partners' act does not bind the partnership under the
2. Formalities required b. When articles kept secret among members and one member
a. GENERAL RULE: Being consensual in character, a may contract in his own name (Art. 1775)
partnership may be constituted in any form (Art. 1771) Art. 1775 Associations and societies, whose articles are kept secret
Art. 1771 A partnership may be constituted in any form, except among the members, and wherein any one of the members may
where immovable property or real rights are contributed thereto, in contract in his own name with third persons, shall have no juridical
which case a public instrument shall be necessary. (1667a) personality, and shall be governed by the provisions relating to co-
ownership. (1669)
b. EXCEPT: when capital contribution is P3,000 or more
Ø Must appear in public instrument Ø Shall have no separate juridical personality
Ø Registered with SEC Ø Shall be governed by the provisions relating to co-
Ø BUT: failure to comply with requirements shall not affect ownership
the liability of the partnership and its members to third
persons (Art. 1784 – see above) c. Rules on partnership name (Art. 1815)
Attribution of knowledge
Can the appointment be revoked? YES Art. 1812 A partner's interest in the partnership is his share of the
1. Stipulated in articles of partnership profits and surplus. (n)
a. Acted in bad faith AND
b. There is just and lawful cause Ø Void: stipulation excluding partner from sharing in profits
2. Remedy: controlling interest or losses (Art. 1799)
Art. 1799 A stipulation which excludes one or more partners from
Art. 1801 If two or more partners have been intrusted with the any share in the profits or losses is void. (1691)
management of the partnership without specification of their
respective duties, or without a stipulation that one of them shall not i. Participation in profits or losses (Art. 1797)
act without the consent of all the others, each one may separately Art. 1797 The losses and profits shall be distributed in conformity
execute all acts of administration, but if any of them should oppose with the agreement. If only the share of each partner in the profits
the acts of the others, the decision of the majority shall prevail. In has been agreed upon, the share of each in the losses shall be in
case of a tie, the matter shall be decided by the partners owning the the same proportion.
controlling interest. (1693a)
Is it possible that there is more than 1 managing partner? In the absence of stipulation, the share of each partner in the profits
How are matters managed? and losses shall be in proportion to what he may have contributed,
What if there is opposition? Who can oppose? but the industrial partner shall not be liable for the losses. As for the
How is voting done? Per capita? One man one vote? profits, the industrial partner shall receive such share as may be just
and equitable under the circumstances. If besides his services he
In Art. 1801, majority trumps controlling – different from Art. 1800
4. Right to reimbursement for advances (Art. 1796) b. When Bound to Contribute Money: Liable to the Partnership
Art. 1796 The partnership shall be responsible to every partner for for Interest and Damages from the Time Contribution Became
the amounts he may have disbursed on behalf of the partnership Due (Art. 1788)
and for the corresponding interest, from the time the expense are
Art. 1788 A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of
made; it shall also answer to each partner for the obligations he may
money and fails to do so becomes a debtor for the interest and
have contracted in good faith in the interest of the partnership
damages from the time he should have complied with his obligation.
business, and for risks in consequence of its management. (1688a)
The same rule applies to any amount he may have taken from the
5. Delectus personae: right to dissolve the partnership (Art. partnership coffers, and his liability shall begin from the time he
1830[2]) converted the amount to his own use. (1682)
Art. 1830 Dissolution is caused:
(2) In contravention of the agreement between the partners, where c. When bound to contribute property
the circumstances do not permit a dissolution under any other 1. When Property Contributed Is Specific/Determinate (Art.
provision of this article, by the express will of any partner at any 1786):
Art. 1786 Every partner is a debtor of the partnership for whatever
he may have promised to contribute thereto.
3. Obligations of partners to the partnership
a. Obligation to contribute to the common fund: He shall also be bound for warranty in case of eviction with regard
Ø Every Partner Is a Debtor of the Partnership for to specific and determinate things which he may have contributed
Whatever He Has Promised to Contribute to the to the partnership, in the same cases and in the same manner as
Common Fund (Art. 1786)
the vendor is bound with respect to the vendee. He shall also be
liable for the fruits thereof from the time they should have been
delivered, without the need of any demand. (1681a)
Nothing in this Title shall be held to deprive a partner of his right, if When a person has been thus represented to be a partner in an
any, under the exemption laws, as regards his interest in the existing partnership, or with one or more persons not actual
partnership. (n) partners, he is an agent of the persons consenting to such
representation to bind them to the same extent and in the same
Known as the CHARGING ORDER manner as though he were a partner in fact, with respect to persons
who rely upon the representation. When all the members of the
• To Charge the Debtor’s Equity Interests for the existing partnership consent to the representation, a partnership act
Payment from His Share in the Profits or Any or obligation results; but in all other cases it is the joint act or
Other Money Due from the Partnership obligation of the person acting and the persons consenting to the
• Which Interest Charged May Be Redeemed at Any representation. (n)
Time Before Foreclosure by the Other Partners or
the Partnership Itself a. Liable to Third Parties Who Act in Good Faith—
Ø When Partnership Liability Results, He Is Liable
6. Art. 1825: Liability Rules When Non-Partner Represents as Though He Were an Actual Member
of the
Himself to Third Parties as a Partner in an Existing Partnership
Partnership: Ø When No Partnership Liability Results, Liable Pro
Rata with the Other Persons, If Any, So
Consenting to the Contract or Representation as
to Incur Liability, Otherwise Separately
(1) With respect to the partners,
(a) When the dissolution is not by (2) With respect to persons not partners, as declared in article 1834.
the act, insolvency or death of a partner; or (n)
(b) When the dissolution is by such act, insolvency or death of a
partner, in cases where article 1833 so requires; Ø A partner can still bind the partnership (Art. 1834):
(2) With respect to persons not partners, as declared in article 1834. Lingering apparent authority
(n) Art. 1834 After dissolution, a partner can bind the partnership,
except as provided in the third paragraph of this article:
Ø In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, the (1) By any act appropriate for winding up partnership
right to an accounting of his interest shall accrue to affairs or completing transactions unfinished at dissolution;
any partner (or his representative) as against the (2) By any transaction which would bind the partnership if
winding-up partners, or the surviving partners, or the dissolution had not taken place, provided the other party
person or partnership continuing the business to the transaction:
b. On the partnership itself a. Had extended credit to the partnership prior to
Ø Partnership continues only for purposes of winding dissolution and had no knowledge or notice of the
up (Art. 1829) dissolution; or
Art. 1829 On dissolution the partnership is not terminated, but b. Though he had not so extended credit, had
continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is completed. nevertheless known of the partnership prior to
(n) dissolution, and, having no knowledge or
notice of dissolution, the fact of dissolution had
Ø EXCEPT: when the non-breaching partners choose not been advertised in a newspaper of general
to continue the partnership business under a new circulation in the place (or in each place if more
partnership than one) at which the partnership business was
regularly carried on.
Ø Certificate must be AMENDED when (Art. 1849): (1) Do any act in contravention of the certificate;
• Change in: Firm Name, in Character of the (2) Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on the
Partnership Business, in the Period, or a Time Is ordinary business of the partnership;
Fixed for Its Dissolution; Amount or Character of (3) Confess a judgment against the partnership;
Contributions of Limited Partners, in Time for (4) Possess partnership property, or assign their rights in specific
Return of a Contribution partnership property, for other than a partnership purpose;
• An Additional Limited Partner and/or General (5) Admit a person as a general partner;
Partners Is Admitted, or a Person Is Substituted (6) Admit a person as a limited partner, unless the right so to
as a Limited Partners
do is given in the certificate;
(7) Continue the business with partnership property on the death,
Art. 1849 After the formation of a limited partnership, additional
retirement, insanity, civil interdiction or insolvency of a general
limited partners may be admitted upon filing an amendment to
the original certificate in accordance with the requirements of partner, unless the right so to do is given in the certificate.
article 1865.
General partner can go to court if the other’s don’t want to sign (see
a. General Partners Have the Rights and Powers and Be
Compare with Art. 1818
Subject to All the Restrictions and
Liabilities of a
Partnership Without Limited Partners.
c. General partner may also be a limited partner (Art. 1853):
Ø Provided Such Fact Shall Be Stated in the Certificate
(3) Have dissolution and winding up by decree of court.
Ø Shall Have All the Rights/Powers, Subject to All
Restrictions of General Partner
A limited partner shall have the right to receive a share of the profits
Ø EXCEPT: In Respect to His Contribution, He Shall Have or other compensation by way of income, and to the return of
the Rights Against the Other Members Which He his contribution as provided in articles 1856 and 1857.
Would Have Had If He Were Not Also a General Partner
Ø Have Partnership Books Kept at Principal Place of
4. LIMITED PARTNERS Business, to Inspect and/or Copy
Them at
a. May Contribute Money or Property, But Never Service Reasonable Hours
(Art. 1845)
Ø Have on Demand True and Full Information of Things
Art. 1845 The contributions of a limited partner may be cash or Affecting the Partnership
property, but not services.
Ø A Formal Account of Partnership Affairs
Ø Have the Dissolution and Winding-up by Judicial
b. He Shall Not Be Liable As Such to the Obligations of the Decree
Partnership (Art. 1843), EXCEPT:
Ø When He Allows His Surname to Be Part of the d. He May Loan Money to, and Transact Business with, the
Partnership Name (Art. 1846) Partnership and Receive on Account of the Resulting
Ø He Takes Part in the Control of the Partnership Claims Against the Partnership, with General Creditors
Business (Art. 1848)
Art. 1848 A limited partner shall not become liable as a general Ø But He Cannot in Respect to Such Claims Receive or
partner unless, in addition to the exercise of his rights and Hold a Collateral Security on Partnership Assets;
powers as a limited partner, he takes part in the control of the Ø Nor a Payment, Conveyance or Release When Assets
business. of the Partnership Not Sufficient to Cover All
Liabilities to Third Parties. (Art. 1854)
c. He Shall Have the Same Right as a General Partner to Art. 1854 A limited partner also may loan money to and transact
(Art. 1851): other business with the partnership, and, unless he is also a
general partner, receive on account of resulting claims
against the partnership, with general creditors, a pro rata
(1) Receive or hold as collateral security any partnership property, Compensation here is a passive income for his contribution
g. He Has the Right to Demand Return of His Contribution
(2) Receive from a general partner or the partnership any payment, (Art. 1857):
conveyance, or release from liability if at the time the assets of Art. 1857 A limited partner shall not receive from a general partner
the partnership are not sufficient to discharge partnership or out of partnership property any part of his contributions until:
liabilities to persons not claiming as general or limited partners.
(1) All liabilities of the partnership, except liabilities to general
The receiving of collateral security, or payment, conveyance, or partners and to limited partners on account of their contributions,
release in violation of the foregoing provisions is a fraud on the have been paid or there remains property of the partnership
creditors of the partnership. sufficient to pay them;
e. He Shall Have Priority of Settlement of Their Claims as (2) The consent of all members is had, unless the return of the
Agreed Upon Them or as Provided in the Certificate.
contribution may be rightfully demanded under the provisions of
Ø In the Absence of Agreement or Provision in the the second paragraph; and
Certificate, Limited Partners Shall Stand Upon Equal
Footing (Art. 1855)
(3) The certificate is cancelled or so amended as to set forth the
withdrawal or reduction.
Art. 1855 Where there are several limited partners the members
may agree that one or more of the limited partners shall have a Subject to the provisions of the first paragraph, a limited partner
priority over other limited partners as to the return of their may rightfully demand the return of his contribution:
contributions, as to their compensation by way of income, or as (1) On the dissolution of a partnership; or
to any other matter. If such an agreement is made it shall be (2) When the date specified in the certificate for its return has
stated in the certificate, and in the absence of such a arrived, or
statement all the limited partners shall stand upon equal footing. (3) After he has six months' notice in writing to all other members,
if no time is specified in the certificate, either for the return of the
f. He May Receive the Stipulated Share in the Profits contribution or for the dissolution of the partnership.
and/or Compensation By Way of Income, Provided That
After Such Payment the Partnership Assets Are In the absence of any statement in the certificate to the contrary or
Sufficient to Cover Liabilities to Third Parties (Art. 1856) the consent of all members, a limited partner, irrespective of the
nature of his contribution, has only the right to demand and receive
Art. 1856 A limited partner may receive from the partnership cash in return for his contribution.
the share of the profits or the compensation by way of
income stipulated for in the certificate; provided, that after A limited partner may have the partnership dissolved and its
such payment is made, whether from property of the partnership affairs wound up when:
or that of a general partner, the partnership assets are in excess
of all liabilities of the partnership except liabilities to limited
Art. 1867 A limited partnership formed under the law prior to the
effectivity of this Code, may become a limited partnership under
this Chapter by complying with the provisions of article 1844,
provided the certificate sets forth:
PURPOSE COOPERATIVE Since the parties entered into a joint venture as evidenced by their
In an informal joint venture arrangement, because no separate firm JVA, the issues shall be governed by the laws on partnership. Since
or business enterprise has been constituted as to the dealing public, it has been proven that Primelink as developer of the subdivision
then the effects of the attributes of “mutual agency” and “unlimited project has defrauded the Lazatins from their share in the income,
liability” are not made to apply with respect to creditors. it was proper for the trial court to give possession of the property
under development to the Lazatins who had sought rescission of
See: the JVA. However, the property is held by the Lazatins for purposes
BASTIDA v. MENZI & CO of winding-up the affairs of the joint venture as provided under Art.
Despite agreement that Bastida was to receive 35% of the profit 1836. Until there is proper winding-up of the affairs which requires
from the business of mixing and distributing fertilizer registered in the settlement of all claims of partnership creditors, it would be
the name of Menzi& Co., there was never any contract of premature for Primelink to demand the value of the improvements
partnership constituted on the following key elements: it has introduced on the property contributed by the Lazatins
(a) there was never any common fund created between the parties,
since the entire business as well as the expenses and MARSMANDRYSDALE LAND INC v. PHILIPPINE
disbursements for operating it were entirely for the account of GEOANALYTICS INC
Menzi& Co.; JV is governed by Law on Partnerships. Here, the JVA parties
(b) there was no provision in the agreement for reimbursing Menzi& agreed on a 50-50 ratio on the proceeds of the project, although
Co. in case there should be no profits at the end of the year; and they did not provide for the splitting of losses, which therefore puts
(c) the fertilizer business was just one of the many lines of business into application Art. 1797: the same ratio applies in splitting the
of Menzi& Co., and there were no separate books and no separate obligation-loss of the joint venture. There being a JVA, not allowing
bank accounts kept for that particular line of business. The MarsmanDrysdale to recover from Gotesco what it paid to PGI
arrangement was one of employment. would not only be contrary to the law on partnership on division of
losses but would partake of a clear case of unjust enrichment at
2. Formal JVA: A form of partnership with a firm established Gotesco‘s expense.
When a “Joint Venture Agreement” covers the terms for the J. TIOSEJO INVESTMENT CORP v. ANG
development of a subdivision project, the contributions of co- A joint venture is a partnership and governed by the Law of
venturers, and manner of distribution of the profits, then a Partnerships. Art. 1824 provides all partners solidarily liable with the
partnership has been duly constituted under Art. 1767 of Civil Code, partnership due to any wrongful act or omission of any partner
and although no inventory was prepared covering the parcels of acting in the ordinary course of the business of the partnership or
land contributed to the venture, much less was a certificate of with the authority of his co- partners. Whether innocent or guilty, all
registrations filed with the SEC. The partnership was not void the partners are solidarily liable with the partnership itself.
because: (a) Art. 1773 is intended for the protection of the