Iso 6157-1-1988

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The document discusses international standards for fasteners and their surface defects.

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization that establishes standards through technical committees representing countries and sets requirements for things like fasteners.

Sampling is done to test for surface defects on fasteners using sample sizes from tables 1 and 2 to determine if further destructive testing is required.

I S0


First edition
1 988-08-01




Fasteners - Su rface discontinu i ties -

Part 1:
Bol ts, screws and stu ds for general requ irements

h5m ents de fixation - Dh faots de su rface -

Partie 1 : Bou l on s, vis et gou jons d’usage gh5ral

Reference number
1 I S0 61 57-1 : 1 988 (E)
I S0 61 ! 57-1 : 1 966 (E )


I S0 (th e I n tern ati on al Org an i zati on fo r Stan d ard i zati on ) i s a worl d wi d e fed erati on of

n ati on al stan d ard s bod i es U S0 m em ber bod i es) . Th e work of prepari n g I n tern ati on al

Stan d ard s is n orm al l y carri ed ou t th rou g h I S0 tech n i cal com m i ttees. Each m em ber

bod y i n terested in a su bj ect fo r wh i ch a tech n i cal com m i ttee h as been establ i sh ed h as

th e ri g h t to be represen ted on th at com m i ttee. I n tern ati on al org an i zati on s, g overn -

m en tal an d n on -g overn m en tal , in l i ai son wi th I SO, al so take part in th e work. I S0

col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati on al El ectrotech n i cal Com m i ssi on (I E C) on al l

m atters of el ectrotech n i cal stan d ard i zati on .

D raft I n tern ati on al Stan d ard s ad opted by th e tech n i cal com m i ttees are ci rcu l ated to

th e m em ber bod i es fo r approval before th ei r acceptan ce as I n tern ati on al Stan d ard s by

th e I S0 Cou n ci l . They are approved in accord an ce wi th I S0 proced u res req u i ri n g at

l east 75 % approval by th e m em ber bod i es voti n g .

I n tern ati on al Stan d ard I S0 61 57- 1 was prepared by Tech n i cal Com m i ttee I SO/TC 2,

Fasten ers.

U sers sh ou l d n ote th at al l I n tern ati on al Stan d ard s u n d erg o revi si on fro m ti m e to ti m e

an d th at an y referen ce m ad e h erei n to any oth er I n tern ati on al Stan d ard i m pl i es i ts

l atest ed i ti on , u n l ess oth erwi se stated .

@ tn tern ati on al Org an i zati on for Stan dardi zati on , l ! H fl 0

Pri n ted i n Swi tzerl i n d


Fasteners - Surface discontinuities -

Part 1:
Bol ts, screws an d stu ds for g eneral requ i rem en ts

1 Scope and field of application N OTES

1 The figures in clause 3 are examples only. They apply correspond-

ingly also to other types of bolts, screws and stu ds.

1 .1 This part of I S0 61 57 establishes l i m i ts for various types

of su rface di scontin u i ti es on bolts, screws and stu ds for general 2 The individual figures show the surface discontinu ities exaggerated

requirements. in some cases for clarity.

I t applies to bolts, screws and stu ds with

2 References

- nominal thread diameters 5 m m and larger;

I S0 466, Surface rou ghness - Parameters, thei r values and
general ru les for specifying requirements.
- produ ct grades A and B;

I S0 898-1 , Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 1 : Bol ts,

- property classes up to and i ncl u ding 1 0. 9, u nl ess oth er- screws and stu ds.

wise specified i n produ ct standards or agreed between

I S0 2659, Sampling procedures and tables for i nspection by
supplier and purchaser.

1 .2 Li mi ts for su rface di scontin u i ti es on bolts, screws and I S0 3269, Fasteners - Acceptance inspection.

stu ds for special requ irements (e. g. au tomatic assembly) are

laid down in I S0 61 57-3. Wh en the engineering requirements

3 Types, causes, appearance and limits
of the application necessitate that su rface di scontinu iti es on

bolts, screws and stu ds be more closely con trol l ed, i t sh ou l d be of su rface discontinuities
specified i n the respective produ ct standard, or the purchaser
shall specify the applicable l i mi ts in the inquiry and purchase 3. 1 Cracks
A crack is a clean (crystalline) fractu re passing th rou g h or

across the grain bou ndaries and may possibly fol l ow i n cl u si on s

1 .3 Where the permissible l i m i ts for su rface di scontin u i ti es of forei gn elements. Cracks are normally caused by overstress-
indicated in clause 3 occu r, the minimum values for the ing the metal du rin g forgi ng or oth er form i n g operations, or
mechanical and fu n cti onal properties specified in I S0 696-l du rin g heat treatment. Wh ere parts are subjected to si gnifi cant
sh ou l d stil l be met. reheating, cracks usually are di scol ou red by scale.
I S0 61 57-I : 1 666 (EI

3. 1 . 1 Qu ench cracks

Cause Qu ench cracks may occu r du ri ng hardening due to excessively high thermal and transform ati on stresses. Qu ench

cracks usually fol l ow an i rrenu lar and erratic cou rse on the su rface of the fastener.

Qu ench crack across top

of head. Usually an
Qu ench crack circu m- extension of crack in
Quench crack
erential and adjacent
at corner of head Quench crack at root

Qu ench crack across washer face

and to depth of washer face thickness

Qu ench crack extending

radially into fillet

\ Qu ench
‘Qu ench crack’
at root

Li m i ts Qu ench cracks of any depth, any length , or i n any l ocati on are n ot permitted.

3. 1 . 2 Forging cracks

Cause Forgi ng cracks may occu r du ri ng the cu t-off or forgi ng operations and are located on the top of the head of

screws and bolts and on the raised periphery of indented head bolts and screws.


Li m i ts Length, I , of forg in g cracks : 1 < dt)

Depth or wi dth , b, of forg i ng cracks: b < 0, 04d

1) d = nomi nal thread diameter

I SO61 67-1 :1 666(E)

3. 1 . 3 Forgi ng bu rsts

Cause Forging bu rsts may occu r for example du ri ng forg i ng on the fl ats or corners of the heads of bolts and screws, ai
the periphery of flanged or ci rcu lar head produ cts or on the raised periphery of indented head bolts and screws.


Forging bu rst

~ -i : > Forging bu rsts

=e Forgi ng bu rsts

Li m i ts Hexagon head screws

N o forg i ng bu rst i n the fl ats of hexagon bolts and screws shall extend i n to the crown circle on the top of the head
su rface (cham fer ci rcl e) or i n to the underhead bearing su rface. Forging bu rsfs occu rrin g at the intersecti on of

two wrenching fl ats shall n ot reduce the wi dth across corners below the specified m i ni m u m .

Forging bu rsts i n the raised periphery of indented head bol ts and screws shall n ot exceed a wi dth of 0, 06dl ) or

have a depth extending below the indented porti on .

Ci rcu lar head screws

Flanges of bolts and screws and peripheries of circu l ar head screws may have forgi ng bu rsts, but they shall n ot

exceed the fol l owi ng l i m i ts :

Wi d th of forgi ng bu rsts:

0, 08dC2) (wi th only one forg in g bu rst) ;

0, 04d, (wi th two or m ore forgi ng bu rsts, one of wh ich may extend to 0, 08dJ .

1) d = nomi nal thread diameter

2) d, = head or flange diameter

I SO61 67-1 : 1 666(E)

3. 1 . 4 Sh ear bu rsts

Cau se Sh ear bu rsts m ay occu r, fo r example d u ri n g forg i n g , freq u en tl y at th e peri ph ery of prod u cts h avi n g ci rcu l ar or

fl an g ed h ead s, an d are l ocated at approxi m atel y 4 ! 5 Oto th e prod u ct axi s.

Sh ear bu rsts m ay al so occu r on th e si d es of hexagon h ead prod u cts.

Appearan ce

S/h ear bu rsts l

Sh ear bu rst


/-Sh ear bu rsts

Li m i ts H exagon h ead screws

No sh ear bu rst in th e fl ats of hexagon bol ts an d screws sh al l extend i n to th e crown ci rcl e on th e top o f th e h ead

su rface (ch am fer ci rcl e) or i n to th e u n d erh ead beari n g su rface. Sh ear bu rsts, occu rri n g at th e i n tersecti on o f two

wren ch i n g fl ats, sh al l n ot red u ce th e wi d th across corn ers bel ow th e speci fi ed minimum.

Sh ear bu rsts i n th e rai sed peri ph ery of i n d en ted h ead bol ts an d screws sh al l n ot exceed a wi d th o f 0 , 0 6d t) or have

a d epth exten di n g bel ow th e i n d en ted porti on .

Ci rcu l ar h ead screws

Fl an g es of bol ts an d screws an d peri ph eri es o f ci rcu l ar h ead prod u cts may have sh ear bu rsts, bu t sh al l n ot exceed

th e fol l owi n g l i m i ts :

Wi d th of sh ear bu rsts:

O, O&@ ( fo r on l y on e sh ear bu rst) ;

0 , 0 4d , (wi th two or m ore forg i n g sh ear bu rsts, on e of wh i ch m ay exten d to 0, OSd J .

1 ) d = n om i n al th read di am eter

2) d, = h ead or fl an ge d i am eter
I S0 61 57-I : 1 666 (EI

3. 2 Raw material seams and laps

A seam or lap is a narrow, generally straight or sm ooth curved line di scontinu ity ru nni ng longi tudinally on the thread, shank or. head.

Cause Seams and laps are inherent i n the raw material from whi ch fasteners are made.


Lap or seam, usually straight or

sm ooth curved line discontin u ity
ru nn i ng longitudinally

e-e- Seam

Li m i ts Permissible depth : 0, 03dl )

I f laps or seams extend i n to the head, they shall n ot exceed the permissible l i mi ts for wi dth and depth specified

for bu rsts (see 3. 1 . 3) .

1) d = nomi nal thread diameter

IS0 61 67-1 : 1 666 (E)

3.3 Voids
A void is a shallow pocket or hollow on the surface of a bolt or screw due to non-filling of metal during forging or upsetting.
Cause Voids are produced by marks and impressions due to chips (shear burrs) or by rust formation on the raw material.
They are not eliminated during forging or upsetting operations.

limits Depth, h, of voids:

h < 0,02 dl) : 0,25 mm max.
Area of all voids:
The combined surface area of all voids on the bearing face shall not exceed 1 0 % of the total area.
1 ) d = nominal thread diameter
I S0 61 67-1 : 1 966 (El

3. 4 Folds

A fol d i s a dou bling over of metal whi ch occu rs at the su rface of the fastener du ri ng forg i ng.

Cause Fol ds are produ ced by material displacements due to lack of congru ence of form s and volumes of the single

forgi ng steps.



typical “c

leaf” fold

in ndn-cir

shoulder fastener

Permissible, at the intersection

between flange and driving part

the surface of the

bolt end

Not pe rmissi ble, fold

I+ i”ff. w
ermw. slole, Tola

at exterior corner

Not permissible, fold

at interior corner

Li m i ts Fol ds at i n teri or corn ers at or below the bearing su rface are n ot permissible, u nless specifically permitted i n th i s
part of I S0 61 57 or i n the produ ct standard.

Fol ds at exterior corners are permissible.

3. 5 Tool marks

Tool marks are longitu di nal or ci rcu m feren ti al grooves of shallow depth.

Cause Tool m arks are produ ced by the movement of man u factu ri ng tool s over the su rface of the bolt or screw.

Tool mark-,

Permissible tool mark

from tri m m i n g operation 1

Li m i ts Tool marks produ ced by machining i n the shank, fi l l et or bearing su rface shall n ot exceed a su rface rou ghness of

R, = 3, 2 pm when tested i n accordance with I S0 466.

IS0 61 R-1 : 1 988 (E)

3.6 Damages
Damages are indentations of any surface of a bolt or screw,
Cause Damages, for example dents, scrapes, nicks and gouges, are produced by external action during manufacture
and handling of bolts and screws, for examole durina loading.
1 Accearance 1 No nrecise geometrical shaoe. location or direction, identifiable as external action. I
Limits Damages as described above shall not cause rejection unless it can be shown that they impair function or usability.
Dents, scrapes, nicks and gouges on the first three threads shall be such that they allow the screwing on of a
no-ring oauoe with toraue values of 0.661 d3 max.. in newton metres.

4 Inspection and evaluation procedure suitable tests, e.g. magnetic techniques or eddy current. If no
For the acceptance inspection procedure, see IS0 3269, Sur- defective product is found the lot shall be accepted (see also
face coatings shall be removed before examination if identifi- 4.4). If defective products are found these shall form the lot size
cation of the surface discontinuities is impaired. for the procedures given in 4.3.
NOTE - The 1 994 edition of IS0 3299 gives no specifications on 4.3 Destructive testing
sampling plans for surface discontinuities of fasteners. Until this has
been completed, the applicable sampling plan is given in the annex.
If defective products are detected by the procedures given in
4.1 Principles 4.2, then a secondary sample shall be taken from the defective
products, in accordance with table 2 in the annex, consisting of
The manufacturer is entitled to use any inspection procedures the products indicating the most serious defects and sectioned
but due care shall be taken to ensure that products conform to at %I0 through the discontinuity where the greatest depth is
this part of IS0 61 67. expected.
The purchaser may use the inspection procedure specified in
this clause at his acceptance inspection in order to decide 4.4 Evaluation
whether a lot of fasteners may be accepted or rejected. This
procedure shall also be applied when conformance to specifi- If on visual inspection any product is found with quench cracks
cation is disputed, unless some other acceptance procedure in any location, or folds at interior corners or below the bearing
has been agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser surface, except “clover leaf” folds in non-circular shoulder
at the time of ordering the fasteners. fasteners, the lot shall be subject to rejection.
4.2 Non-destructive testing If on the destructive test any product is found with forging
cracks, bursts, seams and laps, voids, tool marks or damages
A random sample shall be taken from the lot in accordance with which exceed the allowable limits as specified for the applicable
table 1 in the annex and subjected to either visual tests or other type of discontinuity, the lot shall be subject to rejection.
I S0 61 67-l : 1 666 El


Sampling plan for su rface discon ti nu iti es

(This annex forms an integral part of th is standard. )

Sam pl i n g for surface discontinu ities shall be carried ou t u si ng the sample sizes given in table 1 and u si n g the principles and

procedures given in clause 4.

Table 1 - Sample sizes for visual and

non-destructive testing

Lot sizel) Sampl e size

N I n I

N< 1 200 20

1 201 < N < 1 0 000 32

1 0001 < N < 35006 50

35001 <N <1 50000 80

1) Lot size is the n u mber of produ cts of the same type, size and

property class su bm i tted for inspection at one ti me.

NOTE - The sampl e sizes are based on inspection level S-4 specified

in I S0 2859.

Table 2 - Secondary sample sizes for destructive testing

N u mber of defective produ cts Secondary

i n the sample sample size

N n

N< 8 2

9<N <1 5 3

1 6<N <25 5

26 < N < 50 8

51 <N< 80 13

NOTE - The secondary sample sizes are based on general inspection

level I I specified in I S0 2859.

I S0 61 67-1 : 1 966 (E)

UDC 621 . 662. 2 : 626. 1 91 . 3

Descriptors : fasteners, bolts, screws, stu ds, surface defects, l i mi ts.

Price based on 9 pages

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