Department of Management Studies Ba 5015 Industrial Relations & Labour Welfare Unit-I: Industrial Relations Part-A

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1. Define Industrial Relation.

2. Mention the features pertaining to Industrial relation
3. What are the aspects of industrial relation?
4. Specify some of the factors that affect industrial relation?
5. Mention the Psychological approaches to industrial relations
6. Mention the Sociological approach to industrial relations.
7. Mention the Human relations approach to industrial relations.
8. Mention the System Approach to industrial relations.
9. Name the Components of Industrial relations.
10. Mention the importance of Industrial relation.
11. Define ILO.
12. Define Trade Union.
13. State the features of Trade Unions.
14. State the functions of Trade Unions.
15. What are the goals of Trade Union?
16. What are the objectives of Trade Union?
17. Name the 6 periods in which the growth and development of trade union occurred.
18. Specify the rights of registered Trade Union.
19. How many members together can apply for registration of Trade Union?
20. Specify the eligibility criteria for becoming a member of Trade Union.


1) Explain the concept of Industrial Relations.

2) Enumerate the various factors that affect industrial relation.
3) Explain the Various approaches to Industrial relations.
4) Briefly discuss on the various problems of Indian Trade unions.
5) Write an essay on the growth of trade union in India.
6) Discuss the problems of industrial relation in public sector.
7) Explain the Components of Industrial relations system.
8) Explain the features & Functions of Trade Unions.
9) Explain the concept of Collective bargaining.
10) What is worker’s participation in management? State main characteristic of workers’
participation in management


1. Define Industrial dispute.

2. What are the Principal objectives of Industrial dispute Act 1947?
3. Mention Industrial related factors which cause Industrial disputes.
4. Mention Management related factors which cause Industrial disputes.
5. Mention Government related factors which cause Industrial disputes.
6. What is the Impact of Industrial dispute?
7. What is a Strike?
8. What are the essential features of a strike?
9. What is Stay away strike?
10. What is Sit-down and stay –in strike?
11. What is Tools-down strike/ Pen-down strike?
12. What is Go-Slow Strike?
13. What is Gherao?
14. What is Hunger Strike?
15. How to prevent a strike from happing?
16. Define Industrial Peace
17. What is lay-off?
18. What is lock-out?
19. Define Conciliation
20. Write the qualities of Conciliator.


1. What is industrial dispute?

2. Elaborate the causes for Industrial disputes.
3. Discuss in detail about Strike.
4. Explain the concept of Conciliation
5. Explain the concept of Arbitration
6. Discuss in detail about labour court in adjudication system.
7. Discuss in detail about Industrial tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.
8. Write a essay on National tribunal in three-tier system of adjudication.
9. Elaborate Industrial Peace
10. State the advantages and evils of Arbitration process.


1. What is labour welfare?

2. Mention basic characteristics of labour welfare.
3. Mention the principles of Labour welfare services
4. Write a short note on the need for labour welfare work.
5. Mention the aim of labour welfare work.
6. Define labour welfare officer.
7. Write the qualification of welfare officer.
8. Write the duties of labour welfare officer.
9. Mention the various types of welfare measures.
10. Specify any three voluntary welfare measures.
11. Specify any three statutory welfare measures.
12. Write note on the concept of worker’s education.
13. What are the objectives of worker’s education?
14. Mention some of the features of workers education.
18. What do you understand by training?
19. What do you understand by Craftsmen’s Training programme?
20. Write a short note on Craft Instructor’s Training?


1. State the scope of Labour welfare work.

2. What is Labour welfare? Discuss the principles of labour welfare services?
3. Define labour welfare officer. State the qualification and the duties of welfare
4. Discuss the concept of worker’s education.
5. Discuss the concept of worker’s education programme.
6. Discuss the concept of worker’s training.
7. Elaborate Labour welfare fund.
8. What are the statuary welfare measures?
9. Explain the objectives, scope & needs for voluntary welfare measures
10. Explain the importance of labour welfare in small scale industries in India


1. Define Industrial Accidents

2. What is working Environment?
3. Define Occupational Hazards.
4. What is Safety Audit?
5. What do you mean by Industrial Health?
6. Define Hygiene.
7. What do you mean by Counseling?
8. Write the steps in counseling process.
9. What is Safety education?
10. Define Occupational Diseases.
11. Write a short note on Safety Programmes.
12. What is Industrial Fatigue?
13. Mention the Nature of Fatigue.
14. Specify the effects of Fatigue.
15. Write a short note on causes for industrial accident.
16. Mention the steps to be taken for preventing industrial accidents.
17. Mention the losses due to accidents.
18. What is Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS)?
19. Define Psychological Problems.
20. Write a short note on Work Stress.


1. What do you mean by Counseling? Elaborate the steps in counseling process.

2. Discuss in detail the concept of Work Stress.
3. Elaborate Industrial Accidents
4. Discuss in detail about Industrial Fatigue
5. Write a brief note on a) Safety Programmes b) Safety education c) Safety Audit.
6. What do you mean by Industrial Health? Explain Occupational Hazards &
Occupational diseases.
7. How do you prevent accidents? What are the causes?
8. Write a note on significance of industrial health & hygiene
9. How and what extent occupational hazards can be minimized and employees be
compensated adequately for health risks?
10. Explain the psychological issues relating to the employment and measures to be taken to
prevent adverse impact on overall health of employees


1. What is social security of workers?

2. Mention the welfare measures protecting child labour.
3. What are the strategies adopted by the government for elimination of child labour?
4. Define Contract Labour.
5. Write the Objective and Purposes of the contract labour act?
6. State the Penalty for not providing facilities to contract labour.
7. State the cases under which employment of contract labour can be prohibited
8. Define agricultural labour
9. Specify the categories in which of Agricultural Labourers have been divided.
10. Mention the Characteristics of Agricultural Labourers.
11. State the Causes for the Growth of Agricultural Labourers.
12. Mention some of the measures taken by the Government to improve the Conditions of
Agricultural Labourers.
13. Write down the suggestions for the Improvement of Agricultural Labours.
14. State the restrictions on employment of women.
15. Who is child labour?
16. What is social assistance?
17. List out few statutory norms of employing woman in industries
18. Define contract labour
19. What do you understand by the term “theory of accidents”
20. What is an occupational hazard?

Part B

1. List and explain the special categories of labour any three

2. Discuss the significance and implications of social security in detail
3. Write an essay on amended made by the government in the Factories Act with regard to the
Women working in late night shifts
4. Write in detail the different welfare measures available for the protectio0n of
construction laborers and agricultural laborers
5. What is social security? write the need of social security and the various social security
schemes available in India for the industrial workers
6. How would you avoid the child labour? Explain the various awareness programmes related
to this\
7. Explain the merits and demerits of female and contract Labours in detail
8. Write an essay on contract labour act 1970 in detail.
9. Explain the concepts of social security and disablement with suitable illustrations
10. Explain the major provisions given in the maternity benefits act 1961.

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