Intelligent Bases: Standard, Relay, Isolator, Sounder, and Low-Frequency Sounder Bases
Intelligent Bases: Standard, Relay, Isolator, Sounder, and Low-Frequency Sounder Bases
Intelligent Bases: Standard, Relay, Isolator, Sounder, and Low-Frequency Sounder Bases
To meet local code and application requirements, NOTIFIER® offers
standard 4" and 6" bases, as well as, specialty base designs includ-
ing relay, isolator, sounder and low frequency sounder options for
the new 900 Series of addressable detectors as well as previous
The standard 4" and 6" bases offer a plug-in detector base intended
for use in intelligent systems, with screw terminals identified with a
(+ and –). The 4" base offers a compact design while the 6" base
provides compatibility with a wider range of junction boxes.
B300-6 Standard B200S-WH
The specialty bases support application driven requirements. These 6” Base (White) Sounder Base (White)
bases employ a separate mounting plate that installs on various
junction box sizes to eliminate unsightly surface-mount boxes. The
mounting plate enables pre-wiring of all connections to speed and
simplify installation.
Relay bases provide one form-C contact relay for control of auxiliary
functions, such as door closure and elevator recall. The relay can
operate in two different modes (short and long delay). The activation
time for the short delay is 60-100 milliseconds, while the activation
time for the long delay is 6-10 seconds. A shunt with pin headers,
located on the base PC board, is used to set the delay timing.
Isolator bases allow the Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) loop to operate
under fault conditions created from a short circuit preventing an B501-WHITE Flangeless B501-BL Flangeless
entire communication loop from being disabled. The base isolates 4” Base (White) 4” Base (Black)
the section of the loop containing the short circuit from the remain-
der of the circuit and automatically restores when the fault is cor-
rected. Specifications
Sounder and low frequency sounder bases are designed for new NOTE: Specifications applies to all model variants “A”, “-BL”, “-LF”, “-IV”,
and existing dwelling unit applications. They offer maximum flexibil- -WH, -WHITE. See Product Line Information for detailed model descrip-
ity in installation, configuration, and operation to meet or exceed UL tion.
268 and UL 464 requirements. The low frequency sounder bases Diameter
are designed to meet the NFPA 72 sleeping space requirement to
produce a fundamental frequency of 520 Hz +/- 10% with a square • B501-WHITE: 4" (10.16 cm) diameter.
wave or its equivalent. Studies show that a lower frequency, cen- • B300-6: 6.1" (15.49 cm) diameter.
tered around 520 Hz, is the most ideal to wake sleeping occupants, • B224BI, B224RB: 6.2" (15.748 cm) diameter.
even those with mild to severe hearing loss.
• B200S, B200SR, B200SCOA: 6.875" (17.46 cm) diameter.
The B200SR sounder and -LF sounder bases (B200SR-WH/ Wire gauge:
B200SR-IV/B200SR-LF-WH/B200SR-LF-IV) are fully compatible
with existing B501BH Series sounder base installations. The device • B224BI, B224RB: 14 to 24 AWG.
enables users to select one of two B501-supported tones (ANSI • B300-6, B210LP, B501, B200S, B200SR, B200SCOA: 12 to 24
Temporal 3 or Continuous) through a jumper. AWG
The B200S sounder and -LF sounder bases (B200S-WH/B200S-IV/ Temperature range:
B200S-LF-WH/B200S-LF-IV) adopt the same address as the detec- • B224BI, B224RB, B200S, B200SR, B200SCOA: 32°F to 120°F
tor, but use a unique device type on the loop. The Fire Alarm Control (0°C to 49°C).
Panel (FACP) can use that address to command an individual
• B300-6, B210LP, B501: -4°F to 150°F (-20°C to 66°C).
sounder — or a group of sounders — to activate. The command set
from the FACP can be tailored to multiple event-driven tone outputs Humidity range: 10% to 93% RH, non-condensing.
allowing selection of volume (75 or 85 dBA), tone (ANSI Temporal 3, System temperature and humidity ranges: This system meets
ANSI Temporal 4, or March Time) and group. In addition, some NFPA requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F);
FACPs will enable custom tone patterns. The B200S series sounder and at a relative humidity (non-condensing) of 85% at 30°C (86°F)
bases recognize the System Sensor synchronization protocol. This per NFPA, and 93% ± 2% at 32°C ± 2°C (89.6°F ± 1.1°F) per ULC.
enables them to be used as a component of the general evacuation However, the useful life of the system’s standby batteries and the
signal — along with other System Sensor AV appliances — when electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme tem-
connected to a power supply or FACP output capable of generating perature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that
the System Sensor synchronization pulses. this system and all peripherals be installed in an environment with a
nominal room temperature of 15°C to 27°C (60°F to 80°F).