DIASS - Week-1 For Teacher Edited
DIASS - Week-1 For Teacher Edited
DIASS - Week-1 For Teacher Edited
Discipline and
Ideas in Applied
Social Sciences
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Social Sciences and Applied
Social Sciences;
Disciplines of Counseling
Name: __________________________________________
Grade Level & Section: ______________________
What I Need to Know
The learners…
clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and
applied social sciences (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ia-1)
identify the goals and scope of counseling (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ia-2)
explain the principles of counseling (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ib-5)
This course introduces some Applied Social Sciences which draw their
foundation from the theories and principles of Social Sciences. In this course you shall
be able to demonstrate competencies in interacting and relating with other individuals,
groups, and communities; apply social sciences principles, practices, and tools in
addressing the development areas identified by the class; and analyze how processes
in these applied disciplines work in specific life situations. The purpose of this course is
to prepare you students in the future to offer help, support, understanding, and possible
alternatives that could lead enjoyment and a more fulfilling and productive life not only
for yourselves but also to other individuals.
What I Know
Directions: Before the chapter study. Read each statement carefully. Place a check
mark (√) if you agree with the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree.
Statements √ or X
1. Social science is defined as a branch of science which deals with the
study of society and the relationship of individuals to their environment.
2. Applied social sciences applies social scientific theories and knowledge
from social sciences to the physical environment or society.
3. Anthropology refers to the study of humans.
4. History is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans.
5. Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure.
6. Counselling is a process which helps the client (counselee) clarify and
address problems.
7. Individual and Family Counseling are considered as the goals of
8. Facilitate change of behavior to the client is one of the scopes of
9. Listening skills is the number one skill that a counselor should always
consider in a counseling process.
10. It is important to know counseling because it helps people navigate
difficult life situations, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, natural
disasters, school stress and the loss of a job.
What’s In
Task 1. Picture Analysis:
Review Social Sciences Discipline through picture analysis. Choose the
correct word found inside the box.
Anthropology Economics
Linguistics Psychology
Sociology Political Science
History Geography
1.____________ 5. __________
2. ___________ 6. ___________
4. ____________
8. ____________
Task 2. Word Ma.
What’s New
Directions: Answers must be at least 2 sentences in each question.
1. How can the disciplines of Social Science and Applied Social Science be useful in
your development as a student?
2. Which among the Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences do you find
interesting? Why?
What is It
Social Sciences or simply called pure social sciences is defined as a branch of science
which deals with the study of society and the relationship of individuals to their
environment. It has many branches which include: Anthropology, Economics,
Geography, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and
Anthropology refers to the study of humans. As a social science discipline, it
examines all aspects of human life and culture. It seeks to understand human
origins and adaptation, and the diversity of cultures and worldviews.
Economics studies the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of
goods and services. It deals with the optimum allocation of scarce resources among
its alternatives to satisfy the unlimited human wants and needs of the people.
Geography is the science of place. It is the social science that studies the
distribution and arrangement of all elements of the earth’s surface. Geography
studies not only the surface of the earth but also the location and distribution of its
physical as well as cultural features, the patterns that they form, and the interrelation
of these things as they affect people.
History is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans. It describes or
narrates and analyzes human activities in the past and the changes that these had
undergone. In its broadest sense, history is the totality of all past events.
Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure. It involves the
description of languages, the investigation of their origin, the inquiry of how children
acquire language, and how individuals learn languages other than their own.
Linguistics also deals with the relationships between or among languages and with
the manner languages change over time.
Political science is a social science discipline that studies systems of government,
and the analysis of political activity and behavior. It is the systematic study of politics.
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It is “the
scientific study of behavior and the mind.” These cannot actually be seen, only
inferred from observable behavior.” The term psychology comes from two Greek
words: ‘psyche,’ which means “breath, spirit, or soul,” and ‘logos,’ 'the study of.'
Sociology is the scientific study of human social relations or group life. It primarily
deals with social interaction or the responses of persons to each other.
Demography is the interdisciplinary study of the size, growth, and distribution of
human populations. It examines statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the
incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations.
Main areas of inquiry include human population dynamics and human population
change. It also involves the study of the structure of populations and how
populations change over time due to births, deaths, migration, and aging.
Applied Social Sciences also called as practical social sciences are social sciences
that apply social scientific theories and knowledge from social sciences to the physical
environment or society. For instance, counseling applies the theories of Psychology and
other helping professions to empower individuals to make wise career choices. Both
basic or applied social science are required for human development. However, applied
social sciences cannot stand on their right but instead, relies on basic social sciences
progress. In reality, the industry and private organizations tend to focus more on applied
social sciences given their practical value, while Higher Education Institutions study both
basic and applied social sciences. There are three disciplines under Applied Social
Sciences, namely: Counseling, Social Work, and Communication.
Counseling comes from the Latin word “Consilium” meaning plan, council,
wisdom and advice. Counseling is a profession and a helping relationship that facilitates
the development of individuals, groups and families that are based on the principle of
empowerment that helps achieve personal, social, educational and career development.
This is contrary to our shared definition of counseling which focused advice giving, but
it more of a process which helps the client (counselee) clarify and address problems.
Goals of Counseling
Different individuals have various issues and concerns in life. Their reason for consulting
a Counselor or a Counseling Psychologist differs based on their problems and
concerns. Why are people coming to see a counselor or a counseling psychologist?
What is the goal of counseling?
c. Enhance coping skills and adjustment - There are a lot of pressures in life that a
person will face in his/her lifetime. It is the goal of counseling to empower individuals
that can enhance coping skills and adjustment to be able to adapt and survive in
this complex society we are living.
d. Improve relationship skills - Many people go to a counselor because of poor
self-esteem or inadequate social skills, some of them might be bullied by
classmates, and it is the goal of counseling to help the client improve the quality of
life by becoming more effective in teaching life skills and interpersonal skills to
improve relationships.
e. Facilitate counselee or client potential - one of the counseling goals is to help an
individual maximize his freedom and seek individual’s effectiveness by giving him
or her control over his environment and/or overcome. Counselors are working with
people with excessive smoking, depression, and aggression they help them to take
care better of their clients holistically: physical, psychological and spiritual.
In summary, it is the ultimate goal of counseling to help individuals realize their full
potential or become self-actualized, maintain an adequate level of development and
encourage them to verbalize an unexpressed feeling.
Scope of Counseling
Since all professions have scopes and limitations, counseling also a profession has a
scope which will be based on the law which regulates its practice. This practice may be
done individually, by the group and in the community by the provision of the law.
Individual Counseling
Identity problems, relationships, anxiety, depression, family problems, behavior
management, gender (identity and sexuality), grief/bereavement, relationships, sexual
abuse recovery, workplace stress and relationships, drug abuse, eating disorders, HIV,
spirituality, status and middle age syndrome.
Marital and Pre-marital Counseling
Marital and relationship dynamics, Relationship and fertility issues
Family Counseling
Children and adult behaviors, divorce/annulment and separation problems and
adjustments, family problems, life stages, transitions, parenting and remarriage
relationship counseling.
Principles of Counseling
There are principles of counseling that should be observed in a counseling relationship
and process. These basic principles are essential requirements for the counseling
relationship to be efficient and to achieve its goals. The basic principles are the
a. Listening skills - This is the number one skill that a counselor should always consider
in a counseling process. When listening attentively to the client to show that we are
interested and we respect him/her whatever situation he/she have right now. This
will result in emphatic understanding and can exploit develop a positive and healthy
interaction with the client.
b. Resistance - human behavior is very complex, and people respond to things
differently. It is important for counselors not to take client’s resistance personally
since some resistance to therapeutic change is natural.
c. Respect - Counselor should have respect for his/her client no matter how weird,
strange, peculiar, different the customer is with you. A counselor should be neutral
and must be objective no matter what. There are times that the counselor do not
like the customer, in that case, a counselor must put away personal feelings and
treat the client with respect. A counselor should always see him/herself on the
client’s situation, trying to put his shoe on the shoes of his/her client.
d. Empathy or Unconditional Positive Regard - This is based on the writings of Carl
Rogers, these two principles go along with particular and effective listening skills.
Empathy requires listening and understanding client’s feeling and their perspective.
This principle should be part of the counselor’s characteristics since the success of
counselee-counselor relationship will depend on the quality of rapport built along
the process.
e. Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation - These principles are techniques of
therapeutic intervention that are advanced. Clarification is an attempt by the
therapist to restate what the client is either saying or feeling so the client may learn
something or understand the issue better. Confrontation is a skill that can assist
clients to increase their self-awareness that can be used to highlight discrepancies
that clients have been previously unaware of while interpretation is when the
counselor tries to interpret the client’s situation based on noting and reflection of
their story.
f. Transference and Counter-transference - a process somewhat related to projection.
It is important to understand transference reactions for this help the client gain more
understanding of important aspects of their emotional life. Counter-transference
refers to the emotional and perceptional reactions the counselor has towards the
What’s More
2. If you will be given the chance to be one of the practitioners of counseling, how are
you going to assist individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations
like post-disaster, court hearing about separation of celebrity couple and cyber
Show through writing your understanding of the basic concepts of counseling and
apply it to only one situation stated above. Write your thoughts with at least one
paragraph containing not less than 100 words.
1. You are to answer the following five questions in paragraph form. One paragraph
each question. Each paragraph must contain not less than 100 words.
2. Your performance will be graded using the attached rubrics for individual work.
3. Note: 5% of the total score will be automatically deducted if your essay is less
than 100 words.
Makes use of
existing knowledge Automatic/superfic
Active and careful without an attempt ial responses with
Critically reviews consideration of to little conscious
existing knowledge, existing evaluate/appraise thought or
Reflection on questions knowledge and knowledge; reference to
Existing assumptions, and articulates new demonstrates existing
Knowledge articulates new understanding of understanding but knowledge;
perspectives as a knowledge as a does not relate to responses are
result of experience result of other experiences offered without
experience or personal reaction attempting to
understand them
connection between Demonstrates
clear connections Connects Connections are
experience and
between experience with not drawn
class content
Connection to (concepts/theories) experience and class content between
Academic and literature; class content (concepts/theories) experience and
Concepts evidence of (concepts/theories but remains class content
application of theory ); evidence of superficial or (concepts/theories
and reconstruction application of abstract ) or literature
of perspective theory.
Some words are inaccurate or
Consistently Mostly detailed
inaccurate or ambiguous
accurate and clear and mostly clear
Clarity ambiguous. wording, confusing
wording and writing and
Confusing sentence sentence structure.
sentence structure. sentence structure.
Adapted from: https://brocku.ca/pedagogical-innovation/wp-content/uploads/sites/53/Critical-Reflection-Rubric.pdf
What I Can Do
Task 6: Compare and Contrast Graphic Organizer
Directions: Classify the following disciplines and categorize them if they belong to the
Social Sciences or to the Applied Social Sciences.
Disciplines to be categorized:
Anthropology Psychology Communication
Political Science Social Work Sociology
Counselling History Demography
Geology Economics
Task 7:
Directions: Answers must be at least 3 sentences in each question.
1. How do Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences resemble and differ
from one another?
2. What is the importance of knowing the differences and similarities between
Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences?
Direction: After the chapter study. Read each statement carefully. Place a check mark
(√) if you agree with the statement and cross (X) if you do not agree
Statements √ or X
1. It is not important to know counseling because it helps people navigate
difficult life situations.
2. Listening skills is the number one skill that a counselor should always
consider in a counseling process.
3. Facilitate change of behavior to the client is one of the goals of
4. Individual and Family Counseling are considered as the scopes of
5. Counselling is a process which helps the client clarify and address
6. Linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure.
7. Psychology is a study of the past, principally how it relates to humans.
8. History refers to the study of humans.
9. Applied social sciences applies social scientific theories and knowledge
from social sciences to the physical environment or society.
10. Social science is defined as a branch of science which deals with the
study of society and the relationship of individuals to their environment.
Additional Activities
Direction: Based on your observation of any applied social science workers in your
community, describe the kind of work of the 2 professionals you observed.