Modifications Controlling RNA
Modifications Controlling RNA
Modifications Controlling RNA
1. Introduction
The expression of genetic information is tightly regulated in all cells. In eukar-
yotes, this is a very complex process regulated at multiple levels from chromatin
structure and transcription initiation, elongation and termination to pre-RNA
processing, RNA localization and decay. Additional layers of regulation operate
at the translational and post-translational levels.
Transcription produces both non-coding RNAs and messenger RNAs
(mRNAs). Eukaryotic mature mRNA molecules are generated through mostly
co-transcriptional processing reactions [1]. In the early stage of transcription,
the 50 end of mRNA is modified by a so-called m7G cap structure formed by
7-methylguanylate connected to mRNA via an unusual 50 to 50 triphosphate
linkage [2]. Additional internal chemical modifications of nucleotides occur
during mRNA biogenesis, such as the methylation of adenosines at position
6 (m6A) [3]. The exhaustive identification of the nature, extent and functions
of all modifications targeting mRNAs currently constitutes a very dynamic
and exciting field of investigations [4]. The body of the pre-messenger RNA
& 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
is also spliced to remove introns [5], which in some organ- mature miRNAs or nuclear non-coding RNAs. Such modifi- 2
isms constitute the predominant part of pre-mRNA cations can stabilize RNA molecules or induce their decay.
molecules. Finally, 30 -end processing generates a mature 30 Of note, the destabilization of RNA by nucleotide tailing is a
terminus, which is polyadenylated by canonical poly(A) conserved process across organisms and it was identified in
polymerases (ncPAPs) [6]. The only eukaryotic mRNAs Escherichia coli [27]. Although in bacteria, bulk RNA decay is
whose 30 end processing does not involve polyadenylation initiated by endonucleolytic events, the ends of RNA molecules
are the replication-dependant histone mRNAs in mammals also play an important role in controlling RNA fate. Secondary
[7]. Those particular mRNAs contain an RNA stem-loop structures may impede the progression of 30 to 50 exoribonu-
structure close to the 30 end of the mature RNA and are cleases and polyadenylation accelerates the degradation of
processed by a specific mechanism. In addition to producing RNA decay intermediates facilitating the action of 30 to 50 exo-
pre-mRNA, independent transcription units produce precur- ribonucleases. Moreover, the triphosphate moiety present at the
sors of several other functional RNA classes (e.g. pre-rRNA, 50 end of the primary transcripts restricts endonucleolytic clea-
[37], who describe how oligoadenylation facilitates RNA RNA uridylation are then explained. This description is not
decay in bacteria. Hajnsdorf and Kaberdin present the restricted to various degradative mechanisms but also
machinery responsible for the oligoadenylation of bacterial includes the role of uridylation in promoting maturation,
RNAs and their degradation. They focus mostly on the and possibly controlling localization or translation.
knowledge obtained in E. coli, because the seminal discov- De Almeida, Scheer et al. [46] focus on RNA uridylation in
eries in this field were made using this model organism. plants. The uridylation of various RNA substrates has been
Yet, work performed on evolutionarily distant bacteria is investigated in plants, from small RNAs and other non-
also mentioned. Hajnsdorf and Kaberdin summarize the coding RNAs, to mRNAs. Most of the knowledge on plant
known RNA targets of oligoadenylation in E. coli to define RNA uridylation was obtained using the flowering plant Arabi-
the impact of oligoadenylation on gene expression. dopsis thaliana, but seminal work was also done in the green
comprehensive. We are likely far from having an exhaustive
view of the types of modifications decorating the 50 and 30 Funding. D.G. acknowledges support from the Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and research grants from the
extremities of RNA, in addition to internal nucleotide Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) as part of the ‘Investments
modifications. Innovative technologies will keep fuelling for the Future’ program in the frame of the LABEX ANR-10-LABX-
unexpected discoveries in years to come, and we must be 0036_NETRNA and ANR-15-CE12-0008-01. A.D. acknowledges sup-
aware that we are just beginning to fully appreciate the real port from the ERC StG 309419 and NCN UMO-2013/10/M/NZ4/
impact of terminal RNA modifications in gene regulation. 00299 grant.
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