Synax200 Decentralized System For The Synchronization of Machine Axes Version 06 Sy06 Wa01 Rexroth Indramat

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LSA Control S.L. - Bosch Rexroth Sales Partner

Ronda Narciso Monturiol y Estarriol, 7-9
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Distribuidor oficial Bosch Rexroth, Indramat, Bosch y Aventics.

Decentralized System for the
Synchronization of Machine Axes
Trouble Shooting Guide

DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**- WA01-EN-P Indramat
LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01
About this documentation SYNAX

Title SYNAX Decentralized System for the Sychronization of Machine Axes

Type of documentation Trouble Shooting Guide

Document type code DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-WA01-EN-P

Internal file reference • Schuber 40-06V-EN

• SY106E_D.doc
• Document number 120-2200-B305-01 EN

The purpose of this This documentation supports trained maintenance personnel

• in the rapid identification of faults
• outlining carefully-directed steps for the quick elimination of faults
• to quickly and effectively take up contact with either the manufacturer
of the machine or INDRAMAT customer service

This document should be placed in the control cabinet where it can be

easily accessed by maintenance personnel.

Editing sequence Document designation of previous Status Comments

209-0061-4308-00 02.96 Version 02VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-03VRS**-WAR1-EN-P 07.96 Version 03VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-04VRS**-WAR1-EN-P 04.97 Version 04VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-05VRS**-WAR1-EN-P 02.98 Version 05VRS
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-WA01-EN-P 06.99 Version 06VRS

Copyright  INDRAMAT GmbH, 1999

Copying this document, and giving it to others and the use or
communication of the contents thereof without express authority, are
forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are
reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility
model or design (DIN34-1).

Validity All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation
and the availability of the product.

Published by INDRAMAT GmbH • Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 • D-97816 Lohr a. Main

Telefon 09352/40-0 • Tx 689421 • Fax 09352/40-4885
Dept. ESP (STS, TI)

Note This document is printed on paper bleached without the use of chlorine.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX About this documentation

Summary of Documentation - Overview

Functional Description:

Help familiarize the user with SYNAX

and the functions of SYNAX

Order designation:

Parameter Description:

Description of the SYNAX system parameters

Order designation:

Trouble Shooting Guide:

Explanation of the diagnostics states

How to proceed when eliminating faults

Order designation:

Firmware Version Notes:

Description of the new and changed

functions between SYNAX version 06VRS
and previous SYNAX 05VRS Order designation:
Order designation:

Project Planning:

Selection of units and hardware components

Basic control in cabinet construction

Order designation:

CD: SynTop

Win3 1 and
Collection of Windows help systems
SynTop, user interface for SYNAX
Order designation:


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

About this documentation SYNAX


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Contents I

1 SYNAX diagnostics 1-1
1.1 Summary of SYNAX diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Global SYNAX diagnostics................................................................................................................... 1-1
SynTop: Connection...................................................................................................................... 1-1
SynTop: Fault finding .................................................................................................................... 1-2
Diagnostics system ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Overview of the diagnostic displays .............................................................................................. 1-8
Interpreting the CLC diagnostics parameters................................................................................ 1-9
Clearing an error ........................................................................................................................... 1-9
CLC ready to operate.................................................................................................................. 1-11
CLC watchdog............................................................................................................................. 1-12
1.3 Error storage ...................................................................................................................................... 1-12
How error storage works ............................................................................................................. 1-12
Reading the memory contents .................................................................................................... 1-12
System time ................................................................................................................................ 1-13
1.4 Diagnostics display on the CLC-D ..................................................................................................... 1-14
7-segment display ....................................................................................................................... 1-14
1.5 Diagnosis on the dual port RAM ........................................................................................................ 1-16
Local error messages on the dual port RAM............................................................................... 1-16
Global error messages of the dual port RAM.............................................................................. 1-16
Procedure with an error............................................................................................................... 1-16
1.6 Diagnostics on the serial interface ..................................................................................................... 1-17
Diagnostics on 3964R ................................................................................................................. 1-17
Diagnostics on ARCNET............................................................................................................. 1-18
1.7 Diagnosis parameters ........................................................................................................................ 1-19

2 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D 2-1
2.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 2-1

3 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048)3-1
3.1 Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 3-1

4 Definition of the error messages 4-1

(16) "CLC EPROM defective" ................................................................................................... 4-1

(17) "CLC SRAM defective" ..................................................................................................... 4-1

(19) "CLC hardware defective"................................................................................................. 4-1

(25) "CLC in test mode zero bit stream" ................................................................................ 4-1
- - (26) "CLC in test mode continuous light" ................................................................................. 4-1


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

II Contents SYNAX

01 (01) "SERCOS interface - ring break" ..................................................................................... 4-2

02 (02) "SERCOS interface - no drives connected"..................................................................... 4-2
03 (03) Error on switching to phase 3 Example: "Parameter incomplete (-> S-0-0021)"......... 4-2
04 (04) Error on switching into operating mode Example: "Error master encoder".................. 4-2
05 (05) "SERCOS interface - double drive telegram failure"........................................................ 4-3
06 (06) "Fiber optic ring not closed" ............................................................................................. 4-3
07 (07) "Drive addresses not correct (see C-0-0002, C-0-0086)"................................................ 4-3
08 (08) "Max. number of drives exceeded" .................................................................................. 4-4
09 (09) "Emergency reaction ’Phase 0’ - mode change not possible" ..................................... 4-4
10 (10) "CLC-internal memory error" ........................................................................................... 4-4
12 (12) "CLC parameter exceeds min./max. value (see C-0-0068)"............................................ 4-5
13 (13) "CLC battery defective".................................................................................................... 4-5
14 (14) "CLC checksum error (see C-0-0068)" ............................................................................ 4-5
15 General procedure with this CLC display................................................................................ 4-5
15 (15) "CLC parameter not correct (see C-0-0068)" .................................................................. 4-6
15 (22) "Parameter value limits: min-limit > max-limit (see C-0-0068)" .................................... 4-6
15 (144) "C-0-0157/C-0-0158: Number of entries not equal"....................................................... 4-6
15 (145) "C-0-0157: Ident-number exists twice" .......................................................................... 4-6
15 (152) "Process data are invalid (C-0-0129 / C-0-0128 / C-0-0127 / C-0-0126 / C-0-0131 /
C-0-0132 and DBs)" ...................................................................................................................... 4-7
15 (153) "Parameter channel is not possible (see C-0-0126 and C-0-0129)".......................... 4-7
15 (154) "Multiplex channel is not possible (see C-0-0126/C-0-0129/C-0-0132) " .................. 4-8
15 (160) "More than one register controller per axis not possible" ............................................... 4-8
15 (161) "Winding axis must be in speed synchronization (A-0-0003, A-0-0146)" .................... 4-8
15 (162) "Elelctronic gear ratio must be 1:1 (see S-0-0236, S-0-0237)".................................... 4-8
15 (165) "C-0-0039/C-0-0040: Number of entries not equal"........................................................ 4-9
15 (166) "A-0-0008/C-0-0039: Activated analogue channel not linked"........................................ 4-9
15 (167) "More than one process controller per axis not possible"............................................... 4-9
15 (174) "A-0-0146: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/ P-0-0157)" ............................. 4-9
15 (175) "A-0-0030: Process control P-gain too high" ................................................................ 4-10
15 (176) "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process control not defined" ................................ 4-10
15 (177) "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for the process control not activated"........................ 4-10
15 (178) "Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. (A-0-0003, A-0-0087, A-0-0146)" ... 4-11
15 (179) "More than one tension controller per axis not possible".............................................. 4-11
15 (180) "Parameter A-0-0038 not correct" (in preparation) ....................................................... 4-11
15 (181) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address (see C-0-0002)"......................................... 4-11
15 (182) "C-0-0013: Synchronization mode not permissible (A-0-0003)" ............................... 4-12
15 (183) "C-0-0013: Addressed X-I/O not permissible (see C-0-0024/C-0-0033)" ................. 4-12
15 (184) "C-0-0013: Idle mode not permissible (see A-0-0009)" ................................................ 4-12
15 (185) "C-0-0013: Setup mode not permissible (see A-0-0009)" ............................................ 4-12
15 (186) "C-0-0013: Special mode not permissible (see A-0-0070)" .......................................... 4-13
15 (187) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible version of PARA.EXE"..................................................... 4-13
15 (188) "C-0-0013: Data integrity violated"................................................................................ 4-13
15 (189) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address (e.g., ECODRIVE)"................................ 4-13
15 (190) "CLC-link - other link master already active" ................................................................ 4-13
15 (191) "CLC link not possible (CLC hardware)"....................................................................... 4-14
15 (192) "C-0-0013: PLC-interface not allowed on CLC-D and CLC-P01" ............................. 4-14


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Contents III

15 (193) "No different feedbacks selectable (A-0-0003/A-0-0009/A-0-0070)" ........................ 4-14

15 (194) "Phase synchronization & absolute format not possible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)". 4-14
15 (195) "A-0-0003: Drive does not support selected sync. mode" ............................................ 4-15
15 (196) "A-0-0070: Drive does not support selected special mode".......................................... 4-15
15 (197) "S-0-0103: Modulo value = 0 is invalid (see A-0-0001)" ............................................... 4-15
15 (198) "Special mode only with CLC-P possible (A-0-0070/A-0-0071/A-0-0072/A-0-0073)"4-15
15 (199) "Pattern control & modulo format not permissible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)" .......... 4-16
15 (212) "Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159)". 4-16
15 (217) "Too many parameters in MDT configured" ................................................................. 4-16
15 (218) "Too many parameters in AT configured"..................................................................... 4-16
15 (220) "A-0-0025: Too many register controllers activated" .................................................... 4-17
15 (221) "Port A (X27) multiple assigned (C-0-0011/C-0-0033/C-0-0104/Jumper)" ............... 4-17
15 (222) "Port B (X28) multiple assigned (C-0-0011/C-0-0033/C-0-0104/Jumper)" ............... 4-17
15 (223) "Cam and register control not possible (see A-0-0003/A-0-0025)"........................... 4-18
15 (224) "Register cont. and oscilloscope not possible (see A-0-0025/C-0-0107)" ................ 4-18
15 (225) "Cam/register/osci. not possible (see A-0-0003/A-0-0025/C-0-0107)" ...................... 4-18
15 (226) "Drive does not support oscilloscope function"............................................................. 4-18
15 (227) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA28 not plugged in" ............................................................. 4-19
15 (228) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA29 not plugged in" ............................................................. 4-19
15 (229) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA30 not plugged in" ............................................................. 4-19
15 (232) "A-0-0009: Drive does not support selected set up mode" ........................................... 4-19
15 (233) "Drive locked with password (S-0-0267)" ..................................................................... 4-19
15 (234) "Electr. gear ratio not possible (s. S-0-0236, S-0-0237)".............................................. 4-20
15 (235) "A-0-0107: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/P-0-0157)" ............................ 4-20
15 (236) "Register control only possible with modulo axis (see A-0-0001, A-0-0025)"........... 4-20
15 (237) "Register controlled axis without synchronization (see A-0-0003)".......................... 4-20
15 (240) "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA4.1 not possible (C-0-0013, C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"... 4-21
15 (241) "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA28.1 not possible (C-0-0013, C-0-0049)".................. 4-21
15 (243) "Drive does not support DEA8.1 card".......................................................................... 4-21
15 (244) "Combination of used functions not possible (real time bits)".................................. 4-21
15 (245) "C-0-0013: Drive waypoints not possible (e. g. ECODRIVE)".................................... 4-22
15 (250) "Target axis must be phase sync or cam axis (A-0-0133) "....................................... 4-22
15 (251) "More than one group parameter per axis not possible"............................................... 4-22
15 (270) "A-0-0013: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/ P0-0157)"............................. 4-22
15 (271) "A-0-0153: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/ P0-0157)"............................. 4-23
16 (20) "Non-supported drive type ............................................................................................. 4-23
16 (21) "Non-supported drive firmware"..................................................................................... 4-23
17 (17) "Virtual master axis error" .............................................................................................. 4-23
17 (105) "Position value corrupted"............................................................................................ 4-24
17 (106) "Virtual master speed limit to high (see C-0-0030, C-0-0031)".................................. 4-24
17 (107) "Virtual master speed limit to high (see C-0-0055, C-0-0056)".................................. 4-24
17 (110) "C-0-0050 too short for selected HS-waypoints (C-0-0049)" ........................................ 4-25
17 (111) Too many DEA cards for HS waypoints activated (C-0-0049, A-0-0036)................. 4-25
18 (18) "Real master axis moved".............................................................................................. 4-25
18 (100) "Real master axis - master encoder error" ................................................................... 4-26
18 (101) "Real master axis - redundant encoder error" .............................................................. 4-26
21 (230) "SERCOS transmission error (no drive responds) ....................................................... 4-26


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

IV Contents SYNAX

21 (231) "SERCOS interface - transmission error during initialization"................................... 4-27

32 (140) "3964R Serial interface overrun"................................................................................... 4-27
32 (141) "3964R Serial interface parity error" ............................................................................. 4-27
32 (142) "3964R Serial interface transmission error (Frame)" .................................................... 4-28
32 (143) "ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration".................................................................. 4-28
33 (150) "Communication via the fieldbus is impossible"............................................................ 4-28
33 (151) "Non-supported firmware version of the interface board" ............................................. 4-28
34 (34) "DEA28: External power supply error ............................................................................ 4-29
35 (35) "DEA29: External power supply error ............................................................................. 4-29
36 (36) "DEA30: External power supply error ............................................................................ 4-29
40 (40) "CLC-link - transmission path defective"........................................................................ 4-29
42 (42) "CLC-link - master position fault (MDT)"........................................................................ 4-30
43 (43) "CLC-link - master position fault (AT)" ........................................................................... 4-30
44 (44) "CLC-link - selected link address not permitted" ........................................................... 4-30
80 (80) "More than one extension card not possible (CLC hardware)".................................. 4-30
90 General procedure with this CLC-D display .......................................................................... 4-31
90 (200) "Pattern control serial interface overrun" ...................................................................... 4-31
90 (201) "Pattern control serial interface parity error" ................................................................. 4-31
90 (202) "Pattern control serial interface frame error" ................................................................ 4-31
90 (203) "Pattern control data buffer overrun" ............................................................................ 4-31
90 (204) "Pattern data start byte faulty"....................................................................................... 4-32
90 (205) "Pattern data undefined target position" ....................................................................... 4-32
90 (206) "Pattern data error in number of axes" ......................................................................... 4-32
90 (207) "Pattern data checksum error"...................................................................................... 4-32
90 (208) "Pattern data not in order"............................................................................................. 4-32
90 (209) "Pattern data positive pattern limit exceeded" .............................................................. 4-32
90 (210) "Pattern data negative pattern limit exceeded"............................................................. 4-32
90 (211) "Pattern data limits between received target pos. exceeded" ......................................... 4-33
90 (213) "Pattern data transmission not in pattern control operating mode - in preparation... 4-33
91 (91) "SERCOS interface - ASIC: initialization error".............................................................. 4-33
92 (92) "CLC-P - DUAL PORT RAM error" ................................................................................ 4-33
93 (93) "DAQ: SERCOS interface - ASIC: initialization error".................................................... 4-34
94 (94) "CLC hardware version incorrect".................................................................................. 4-34
95 (4000+x) "Operating system error"......................................................................................... 4-34
96 "Fieldbus card - hardware failure" ......................................................................................... 4-34
97 (260) "PLC - firmware-version incompatible" ......................................................................... 4-35
97 (261) "PLC - cycle-counter is dead" ....................................................................................... 4-35
97 (262) "PLC reports an error" .................................................................................................. 4-35
98 (3000+y) Drive error Example: "Motor overtemperature".................................................. 4-35

5 SYNAX Reference List 5-1

5.1 Referenced firmware............................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2 Supplementary documentation ............................................................................................................ 5-2

6 Index 6-1

Directory of Custumer Service Locations


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-1

1 SYNAX diagnostics

1.1 Summary of SYNAX diagnostics

The diagnostics system of the CLC breaks down as follows:
• There are entities (master axes, system management, etc.) that can,
independent of each other, identify errors.
• These entities can directly overwrite binary inputs which are
exclusively allocated to them.
• They can simultaneously send diagnoses to the diagnostics system.

terminal diagnostics

internal system

logic CLC
drive other
diagnostics displays


Fig. 1-1: Diagnostics overview on the CLC

1.2 Global SYNAX diagnostics

SynTop: Connection
The standard displays in the SYNAX system are 1 or 2 place displays.
SynTop may have to be connected in order to be able to read diagnostics
parameters. This requires a serial cable and a PC (e.g., Notebook).
For further information, see appendix A, "SynTop".


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

1-2 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

SynTop: Fault finding

The following is the procedure for finding faults:
1. read display H4 on CLC-D
2. read display H1 on the DIAX03 drive controller
3. locate the relevant entry in diagnostics in section 4.
If the error has not been cleared with steps 1 to 3, then it is necessary to
read the diagnostics parameters (see page 1-12) .

Fault Cause Remedy

SynTop signals, at program start, Service cable not plugged, not Check whether the connector of the
the message "SERCOS module correctly plugged. service cable has been plugged into
does not respond"..."no the correct interface.
communication possible"
Service cable defective With the help of Fig. 1-1 of SynTop
description check to make sure the
service cable has no breaks.
Incorrect interface parametrization In upcoming dialog box, press
in SynTop button "setup" and check whether
the selected loop is configured for
the correct connection.
Incorrect interface parametrized to Switch power to CLC off and pull
CLC out. Bridge jumper S2 or I6 (at CLC-
P02). Switch on again and connect
service cable to X27. Check
parameter with SynTop: C-0-0011,
C-0-0033, C-0-0104. If SynTop is
communicating via X28 then set
C-0-0104 correspondingly. Switch
power to CLC off, remove jumper,
switch CLC on and plug-in service
cable to X28
SynTop signals, at program start, The selected part B is already in End all applications except SynTop
the message "COM-Port... in use or use by another windows application. and press the button "Retry". - or
cannot be initialized correctly"...."No - press button "Setup" in dialog box
communications possible." and change the selected loop in the
The interface configured in SynTop In the dialog box, press the button
does not exist. "setup" and change the selected
loop in the connection.
SynTop signals back the message CLC must be switched off and
"SERCOS module does not pulled out. Bridge jumper S2 or I6
respond"...."No Communication (at CLC-P02). Power up again and
possible" after phase switching connect service cable to X27.
Check parameter with SynTop: C-0-
0011, C-0-0033, C-0-0104. If
SynTop is to communicate with X28,
then set C-0-0104 accordingly,
switch CLC off, remove jumper,
switch CLC on and plug in service
cable at X28
At program start, SynTop signals The selected part is already in use End all applications except SynTop
message "hardware device is not a by another hardware device. This and then press the "Retry" button -
SERCOS module" ... device responds with correct or press button "setup" in dialog box
"Communication telegrammes protocol syntax. and change the connection in the
contain strange data" selected loop
SynTop suddenly signals during Individual bits in transmission Increase resistance to interference
operation the message protocol have been kipped so that of transmission path, e.g., by using
"transmission on the line the checksums are incorrect. a service cable that is both
disturbed"..."faulty communication SynTop recognizes this and has grounded and shielded
telegrams". requested the repeat telegrams
which were also faulty.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-3

SynTop signals during operation the Service cable no longer correctly Check whether the connector of the
message "SERCOS module does plugged. service cable is correctly plugged.
not respond"...."No communication
During a parameter request, the execute CLC reset and then press
drive was switched off or the fiber "Retry" button in dialog window.
optic cable removed.
Fig. 1-2: Fault clearance

Diagnostics system
The diagnostics system is active in every mode of the CLC.

Error messages to the diagnostics system

Every entity that detects an error, signals this to the diagnostics system.
An error is a negative diagnosis.
A message contains
• an internal diagnostics number
• the drive number (0 = CLC-System, 1..n = drive)
• a diagnostics text

The diagnostics system describes the diagnosis parameters C-0-0046,

C-0-0047, C-0-0048 and C-0-0163 with the relevant entries of the first
error to be generated. This first error is then also entered into the error
If this error is allocated to a drive, then the address of the drive is entered
in parameter "SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046).
If this error must be allocated to the CLC system, the diagnosis
information always contains the value 10000h.
Further incoming errors do not overwrite the above referenced
parameters, but are rather immediately written into the error storage.
Overwriting, i.e., deleting, an entry of the diagnostics parameters is only
possible with a positive diagnosis.

Positive diagnostics signalled to the diagnostics system

A positive diagnosis overwrites an existing error message, i.e., the error
message is cleared. Various entities produce positive diagnoses, e.g.:
• system management (e.g., "CLC parametrization mode")
• ...

A positive diagnosis is identified in terms of error number 0. A message

containing error number 0 means
• a positive operating mode has been achieved
• an error message has been cleared
• a cleared error message
for either an axis or the CLC system.
The diagnostics system then corrects the diagnostics parameters.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

1-4 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

Overview of the diagnostics system

The following depicts the logical sequence of the diagnostics system:


messages? no


positive no (error)
new entry in
yes, clear error storage
error message

old diagnostics no


overwrite diagnosis
"SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046)
"SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047)
"SYNAX - error number" (C-0-0048)
"SYNAX - time of diagnosis" (C-0-0163)



Fig. 1-3: Messages to the diagnostics system

Errors occuring before reaching operating mode

Errors that occur prior to reaching operating mode and can cause the
system to fail are primarily configuration errors, for example:
• hardware (connector not attached, no external voltage, etc.)
• parameter (incorrect number of drives or addresses, unacceptable
mode, etc. )
This type of error message means that the CLC cannot switch into an
operating mode.
The entity which detects the error also signals it to the diagnostics
The diagnostics system
• issues an error message using the available display media of the CLC
• describes the diagnostics parameter giving detailled information.
A re-start is necessary once the error is cleared.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-5

Re-start can be initiated by:

• switching supply voltage on and off
• switching into parameter mode and then back into opertaing mode
If additional configuration errors are still present after the re-start, then
these are signalled. Otherwise, the CLC will now assume operating

Error in operating mode

Once in operating mode, the occurrence of an error also means
• a binary input will be set,
in addition to the behavior just described. This can lead to a quick
reaction on the part of the entire system.
These outputs are set directly by the relevant entity. Every entity has I/Os
on which exclusively it may write.

Drive error
If the drive signals an error, of the SERCOS status class 1, then the
following ensues:
• the diagnostics system is activated
• the number of the drive issuing the first error is written into parameter
• parameter "diagnostic message" (S-0-0095) of the relevant drive is
copied into parameter C-0-0047
• parameter "error message number" (P-0-0009) is copied, after
receiving an offset of 3000, into parameter C-0-0048
• system time (C-0-0159) is written into parameter C-0-0163
• output drive error is set

Note: Only the error to occur first during fault-free operations is

entered into the diagnostics parameter. Only after this error
has been cleared is a new entry in the diagnostics parameters

Initialization sequence of the CLC system

The following figure depicts the initialization sequence of the CLC
system. The corresponding displays which appear on the 7-segment
display are also shown:


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

1-6 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

power up CLC

display: 0
CLC in initialization

checking check- error all invalid parameters

sums of all are set on defaults, but
CLC parameters remain invalid

Start up delay time


battery test error set internal marker for

(parameter storage, battery failure

EPROM error 16
checksum display: __
check CLC EPROM defective

switching to
initialization mode

SERCOS phase 0 error 1

error display: 01
display: 0 SERCOS
CLC in initialization mode ring failure

switch mode

SERCOS phase 1 error 2

error display: 02
display: 1 SERCOS
SERCOS phase 1 no drive connected


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-7

switch mode

SERCOS phase 2
display: P
CLC in parametrization mode

error 13
marker for battery display 13
failure evaluated CLC battery defective

checking all A and C parameters

- checksum
- min./max. values
- plausibility

error 14
display: 14
checksum error
CLC parameter
check checksum error
(see C-0-0068)

error 12
checking display: 12
min./max. values CLC parameter
exceeding min./max.
values (see C-0-0068)

error 15
display: 15
plausibility error
CLC parameter
check incorrect
(see C-0-0068)

SERCOS phase 3
display: 3
SERCOS phase3

error 12
display: 12
checking min./ error
CLC parameters
max. values exceeding min./max.
values (see C-0-0068)

SERCOS phase 4
display: 6
CLC in operating mode

error 12
display: 12
checking min./ error
CLC parameters
max. values exceeding min./ max.
values (see C-0-0068)

error 1
cyclical check of error display: 01
ring failure


Fig. 1-4: Initialization of a CLC-D


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1-8 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

Overview of the diagnostic displays

The system displays diagnoses at the following positions:
• 7-segment display H4 on the CLC-D (single-digit)
• 7-segment display H1 on the DIAX03 drive controller (two-digit)
• SYNAX system parameter (visible via various bus systems or auxiliary
commissioning aids)

diagnosis parameter
error storage

H4 flashes in the event of a fault

alternatively once at each position.




H1 flashes alternatively once at

two positions (e.g., F2/01).


Fig. 1-5: Diagnostic displays


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-9

Interpreting the CLC diagnostics parameters

See following figure.

C-0-0046 = 0 ?

No error

C-0-0047 may be read: status signalled

C-0-0048 < 3000 ?

CLC error

C-0-0046 = 10,000h: error allocated to CLC

C-0-0046 = n: error allocated to drive

C-0-0048 contains error number

C-0-0047 contains diagnostics text
C-0-0163 contains time of diagnosis
See SYNAX documentation for fault clearance

C-0-0048 < 4000 ?

Drive error
Operating system error
C-0-0047: "operating system error" C-0-0046 contains drive address
C-0-0048 contains 3000 + contents of P-0-0009
C-0-0047 contains diagnostics text
C-0-0048 read
(contents of S-0-0095)
C-0-0163 read
C-0-0041 read C-0-0163 contains time of diagnosis
C-0-0041 clear Recovery
Contact INDRAMAT See DIAX04 documentation for fault clearance


Fig. 1-6: Sequence diagram for CLC diagnostics

Clearing an error
Clearing a configuration error
If a configuration error occurs, then the CLC will not assume operating
Depending on the error, the CLC remains
• in initialization or
• parametrization mode


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1-10 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

The user must go through the following steps:

• the cause(s) of the configuration error must be eliminated
• with a hardware error, the machine must be turned on and off once
• if a parameter was corrected, then it is necessary to switch into
operating mode

Overview: Causes Action to be taken

Parameter faulty - correct parameter
- switch into operating mode
Hardware configuration error - eliminate error
(cable not connected, etc.) - switch power on and off
Fig. 1-7: Table overview

Clearing errors with an error in operating mode

If the CLC is in operating mode, then it is certain that a configuration
error did not cause the error message.
In operating mode, errors are eclusively cancelled via the relevant clear
error inputs which are ready by that entity that signalled the error.

Clear error
Cause Procedure
Master axis error _E:L01.16 Input clears master axis error. If a
master axis error was active in the
diagnosis, then it is cleared as well.
Drive error _E:F#.14 Input clears the drive error with
address #. If a drive error with address
’ was active in the diagnosis, then it is
cleared as well.
System error _E:C01.01 system error see table in section 2
Communication _E:C01.03 Errors associated with external
error (interfaces) communications via interface 3964R
can be cleared via this input.
CLC link _E:C01.04 This error serves to clear or
acknowledge an error on the CLC.
Pattern control _E:M01.01 Input clears error of the pattern control
error function. If a pattern control error was
active in the diagnosis, then it is
cleared as well.
Fig. 1-8: Table: clearing errors


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-11

CLC ready to operate

The system output "CLC ready timing signal" (_A:C01.01) is on the
CLC. It signals when the CLC is ready to operate. This signal is cyclically
toggled by the CLC once the CLC is ready to operate.

CLC ready (timing signal)

T < 100 ms

T < 100 ms SY6FB114.FH7

Fig. 1-9: CLC ready to operate (timing signal)

The toggling of this signal is interrupted, for example, if:

• the CLC is not in operating mode (Sercos phase 4)
• there is a break in the Sercos ring (CLC error reaction 01)
• there is a double drive telegram failure (CLC error reaction 05)
• there is an operating system error (CLC error reaction 95)

A detailed description about when this clocking signal is deactivated (or

not even activated) is outlined in the tables in section 2.

There is a circuit on the DEA4.1 (starting with circuit board 06) which
monitors this toggling on the hardware. The output of this circuit is
designated CLC ready to operate.

CLC ready timing signal (_A:C1.1, DEA4.1 pin 31 output 16)

CLC ready (DEA4.1 pin 32)


Fig. 1-10: CLC ready to operate (functional principle)


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1-12 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

CLC watchdog
There is a watchdog on the CLC. It monitors microprocessor functions. if
a processor error is signalled, then a dot - as seen below - appears on
the display of the CLC-D and the 7-segment display gets dark:

H4 CLC-D front plate


Fig. 1-11: Watchdog message on the CLC

1.3 Error storage

How error storage works

All generated error messages are stored on the CLC in a ring-shaped
error memory. The maximum number of entries equals 31, this means
that the “oldest” error message is always overwritten.
The error storage entries are only cleared by loading the basic
parameters of the CLC.
The following describes the sturcture of the error memory:

No. Date / time msec Error number Error source Diagnostic text
4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes variable length

The errors are stored chronologically in the ring memory whereby the last
signalled error is always in the last line (index no. 1).

Reading the memory contents

Using the commissioning software "SynTop" (from version 04V03) the
entire contents of the error storage can be displayed via parameter
The contents of the memory can be read out a line at a time via the PLC
as well. The following parameters can be used for this purpose:

• "Error recorder - index" (C-0-0153)

• "Error recorder - diagnosis message" (C-0-0154)
• "Error recorder - diagnosis text" (C-0-0155)


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-13

The data in parameter C-0-0153 determines the line to be read. Index "1"
always is the most recent entry, index "31" the oldest. The structure of a
line looks like this:

C-0- C-0-0154 C-0-0155

Index- Date / time msec Error number Error source Diagnostic text

For detailed information on the format of stored data, see document

"SYNAX Parameter Description", DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-PA01-EN-

System time
In diagnosis parameter C-0-0163 and in error storage, the system time of
the CLC is supplied in addition to the error message.
This system time can be read or set via parameter C-0-0159 by the
higher-ranking PLC or via SynTop (from version 04V03). The date and
time formats correspond to the time format of MS-Windows:

31 23 16 15 8 7 0

0-29 in
2 seconds steps
year (relative to 1980)

Fig. 1-12: Structure C-0-0159

As a result of this format, the resolution of the inputs and outputs is

limited to 2 seconds.
The CLC internal resolution equals:

Standalone CLC: 2 ms
CLC link: 8 ms

Given a CLC link, the "SYNAX - system time" (C-0-0159) can only be
changed or set in the link master. All link slaves then automatically
synchronize to this time.


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1-14 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

Switching the CLC on and off

With a shutdown, the CLC (master and slaves) store the system time in a
battery powered RAM, i.e., there is no real-time clock function with a
With the next powering up, all CLCs first generate an internal system
time which is asynchronous to the link. With the first valid MDT of the link
master, the slave CLCs synchronize to the system time of the link

Note: As soon as the CLC is switched off the system time stands
still. The system time can be updated after powering up by a
higher-ranking PLC real time clock as needed.

CLC clock pulse in seconds (_A:C01.09)

SYNAX uses an internal clock to record events. It can be read with the
help of parameter "SYNAX - system time" (C-0-0159) in Windows time
As the transmission of the time value read by the CLC comes time
delayed to a higher ranking control via a fieldbus connection by 2 second
steps (Windows time format), this output "CLC clock pulse in seconds"
(_A:C01.09) can be used to follow the actual course of the SYNAX
system clock. Given an uneven number of seconds, the CLC output is
set, in the reverse case it is deleted.

13:27:53 13:27:54 13:27:55 13:27:56 t


Fig. 1-13: CLC clock in seconds (funktional principle)

1.4 Diagnostics display on the CLC-D

7-segment display
There is a 7-segment display (H4) on the CLC-D. It displays the current
operating state.

H4 CLC-D front plate


Fig. 1-14: 7-segment display on the CLC-D


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-15

A differentiation is made between two types of displays which depict the

current operating state:
• the display of a static, single-position display (normal operating state)
• the display of a dynamic, two-position display (error state)

Normal operating mode display

If the CLC is in a normal operating state, then there is only one position in
the display which
• does not flash but remains static.

Example: Display Definition

P CLC in parametrization mode
3 SERCOS phase 3
b CLC in operating mode
0 CLC in initialization mode
1 SERCOS phase 1
Fig. 1-15: Table of a normal operating state

Displaying a faulty operating mode

The CLC indicates an error by issuing a two-digit error number on the
display. This means
• it displays the first position
• then there is a short break without display
• then the second position is displayed
• followed by a longer break without display
• and so on.
This is how the two-position display is communicated. For the viewer, this
appears to be blinking. The following figure depicts the chronological
sequence using the number 14 as an example.

200ms 200ms 700ms 200ms 200ms

100ms 100ms

Fig. 1-16: Example: an error is depicted using the number 14

The displays are listed in the tables in section 2.


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1-16 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

1.5 Diagnosis on the dual port RAM

Local error messages on the dual port RAM

Local error messages are triggered by communication errors. They do
not cause the diagnostics parameters to be overwritten.
An error interrupt is triggered on the dual port RAM.
The error number is then listed in register ERROR_REG.

Example: ERROR_REG Definition

0 see diagnostics parameters
6 error during required data transmission (see ERR_INFO)
7 error during phase switching (see ERR_INFO)
8 timeout 1 with required data transmission (see
9 timeout 1 with required data transmission (see
Fig. 1-17: Table: local error messages on the dual port RAM

Global error messages of the dual port RAM

To recognize errors in the CLC system, relevant error outputs are set on
the dual port RAM.
The diagnostics parameters can be read once these outputs respond.
The diagnostics parameters are available to the host computer for
Neither register ERR_INFO nor ERR_REG is relevant.

Procedure with an error

The following figure depicts how the dual port RAM evaluates an error:

ERROR_INT I/O error message

in operating mode

NO evaluating
_REG=0 ERROR_REG readout of
YES C-0-0047
readout of C-0-0163
before reaching
operating mode SY6FB119.FH7

Fig. 1-18: Error message on the dual port RAM


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-17

1.6 Diagnostics on the serial interface

Diagnostics on 3964R
The interface 3964R represents a point-to-point connection between the
CLC and an external NC control unit. A reaction telegram follows every
command telegram.

Local error message on 3964R

There is no global error message on the CLC in the presence of a
communications error at the 3964R interface. There is an error number
in each reaction telegram (byte no. 4). The error is signalled to the
external NC control.
This error number is stored in parameter C-0-0057 for diagnostics
purposes. This parameter is cleared upon successful completion of
In this case, the display of the CLC-D does not display an error.

Error number 3964R (local error)

Error Cause
1 the telegram head does not agree with the specification
2 a following telegram was received, but not expected or a
following telegram was expected but a normal telegram received
3 the number of usable data does not agree with:
the anticipated number (as is the case with following telegrams)
or the block length signalled (as is the case with normal
4 the following applies to the demand specified in the usable data
head: the demand is unknown or it is not yet supported
5 the demand cannot presently be performed, as the required data
queue is occupied
6 error upon accessing A/C parameters
7 error uon accessing S/P parameters
9 the data block indicated is not available
10 the length of the data block does not agree with the specification
14 error when writing I/O data (too man inputs)
Fig. 1-19: Table legend

Global error messages on 3964R

If communications at the hardware level are faulty, then a global error
message is used.

Example: "3964R serial interface parity error"

To be able to recognize a global error via the serial interface, which has
not affected serial communications (e.g., a drive error), it is necessary
• to read parameter C-0-0046 cyclically or after every transmission or
• to read error outputs via the serial interface.
If an error has occurred, then further information can be obtained via the
diagnostics parameter, after parameter C-0-0046 has been analyzed.


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1-18 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX

Diagnostics on ARCNET
ARCNET interface has a bus structure. In other words, the arrival of
received data is immediately either positively or negatively acknowledged
by the CLC. This makes the bus immediately available again.

Local error messages on ARCNET

If errors occur in the sequence, then these are stored in parameter "serial
interface error number" (C-0-0057). This parameter always contains the
status of the most recent transmission. It can also be read by the
external NC control unit.
It does not, however, have to be read.
• If the telegram received is correct, then there is a response telegram
with positive acknowledgement or, if necessary, with the requested
⇒ C-0-0057 = 0
• If the telegram received is not correct, then there is no response
⇒ C-0-0057 ≠ 0
• If a following error is discovered after a write command (e.g., S or P
parameters write protected), then there is no message.
⇒ Parameter C-0-0057 is set to ≠ 0.

Error number ARCNET (local error)

Error Cause
4 the following applies to the demand specified in the user data
head, namely, the demand is unknown or it is not supported
5 the demand cannot presently be executed because the queue is
6 error upon accessing A/C parameters
7 error upon accessing S/P parameters
8 switch mode not successful
9 the data block given is not available
10 data block length does not agree with the specification
14 error when writing I/O data (too many inputs)
21 the telegram header does not agree with the specification
22 a following telegram was received, but not expected or a
following telegram was expected but a normal telegram received
(Note: support of following telegrams)
23 the number of usable data does not agree with the expected
number (as is the case with following telegrams) or the expected
block length (as is the case with normal telegrams)
24 the ARCNET partner is sending excessive NAKs
25 the selected partner is not an ARCNET participant
Fig. 1-20: ARCNET error number (local error)


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SYNAX SYNAX diagnostics 1-19

Global error messages on ARCNET

If communications are malfunctioning at a hardware level, then no global
error message is issued.

To be able to recognize a global error via the serial interface, which has
not affected serial communications (e.g., a drive error), it is necessary
• to read parameter C-0-0046 cyclically or after every transmission or
• to read error outputs via the serial interface.
If an error has occurred, then further information can be obtained via the
diagnostics parameters, after parameter C-0-0046 has been analyzed.

1.7 Diagnosis parameters

number Parameter name
C-0-0041 Indramat service information
C-0-0046 SYNAX - error source
C-0-0047 SYNAX - diagnosis text
C-0-0048 SYNAX - error number
C-0-0068 List of invalid A and C parameters
C-0-0071 SYNAX - current mode
C-0-0105 CLC-link - MDT error counter
C-0-0153 Error recorder - index
C-0-0154 Error recorder - diagnosis message
C-0-0155 Error recorder - diagnosis text
C-0-0156 Error recorder
C-0-0157 Data blocks - configurable S-/P-parameters, ID-number
C-0-0159 SYNAX - system time
C-0-0163 SYNAX - time of diagnosis
A-0-0095 Drive type
A-0-0108 AT error counter
S-0-0021 IDN list of invalid operating data for communications phase 2
S-0-0022 IDN list of invalid operating data for communications phase 3
S-0-0095 Diagnostic message
S-0-0390 Diagnostic message number
P-0-0009 Error message number
P-0-0192 Error recorder , diagnosis number
P-0-0193 Error recorder, operating hours control section
Fig. 1-21: Diagnosis parameters


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1-20 SYNAX diagnostics SYNAX


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D 2-1

2 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the

display on the CLC-D

2.1 Overview
C-0-0048 C-0-0046
Dis- error C-0-0047 Diagnosis Binary Clear
play number diagnosis text of CLC system info output with
0 0 "CLC in initialization mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
1 0 "SERCOS interface - phase 1" 0 A:C01.01 --
P 0 "CLC in parameter mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
3 0 "SERCOS interface - phase 3" 0 A:C01.01 --
b 0 "CLC in operation mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
16 "CLC EPROM defective" 10000h A:C01.01 --

17 "CLC SRAM defective" 10000h -- --

19 "CLC hardware defective" 10000h -- --

25 "CLC in test mode zero bit stream" 10000h A:C01.01 --

-- 26 "CLC in test mode continuous light" 10000h A:C01.01 --
01 01 "SERCOS interface - ring break" 10000h A:C01.01 --
02 02 "SERCOS interface - no drive connected" 10000h A:C01.01 --
03 03 Ex.: "Parameter incomplete" n = address A:C01.01 --
Error after switch into phase 3 (-> S-0-0021)
04 04 Ex.: "master encoder error" n = address A:C01.01 --
Error with switch into operating mode, copy
parameter S-0-0095
05 05 "SERCOS interface - double drive telegram n = address A:C01.01 --
06 06 "Fiber optic ring not closed" 10000h A:C01.01 --
07 07 "Drive addresses not correct 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0002, C-0-0086)"
08 08 "Max. number of drives exceeded" 10000h A:C01.01 --
09 09 "Emergency reaction ’Phase 0’ - mode change 10000h A:C01.01 --
not possible"
10 10 "CLC-internal memory error" 10000h _A:C01.02 --
12 12 "CLC parameter exceeds min/max value 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0068)"
13 13 "CLC battery defective" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
14 14 "CLC checksum error" (see C-0-0068)" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 15 "CLC parameter not correct (see C-0-0068)" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 22 "Parameter value limits: min-limit > max-limit n = address -- --
(see C-0-0068)"
15 144 "C-0-0157/C-0-0158: Number of entries not 10000h -- --
15 145 "C-0-0157: Ident-number exists twice" 10000h -- --
15 152 "Process data are invalid (C-0-0129 / C-0-0128 10000h A:C01.01 --
/ C-0-0127 / C-0-0126 / C-0-0131 / C-0-0132
and DBs)"
15 153 "Parameter channel is not possible (see 10000h A:C01.01 --
C-0-0126 and C-0-0129)"


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

2-2 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D SYNAX

15 154 "Multiplex channel is not possible (see 10000h A:C01.01

C-0-0126 / C-0-0129 / C-0-0132)"
15 160 "More than one register controller per axis not n = address -- --
15 161 "Winding axis must be in speed n = address -- --
synchronization (A-0-0003, A-0-0146)"
15 162 "Electronic gear ratio must be 1:1 (see n=address -- --
S-0-0236, S-0-0237)"
15 165 "C-0-0039/C-0-0040: Number of entries not 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 166 "A-0-0008/C-0-0039: Activated analogue n = address A:C01.01 --
channel not linked"
15 167 "More than one process controller per axis not n = address -- --
172- reserved
15 174 "A-0-0146: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
15 175 "A-0-0030: Process control P-Gain too high" n = address A:C01.01 --
15 176 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address A:C01.01 --
control not defined"
15 177 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address A:C01.01 --
control not activated"
15 178 "Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. n = address -- --
(A-0-0003, A-0-0087, A-0-0146)"
15 179 "More than one tension controller per axis not n = address -- --
15 180 "Parameter A-0-0038 not correct" (in prep.) n = address A:C01.01 --
15 181 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address n = address A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0002)"
15 182 "C-0-0013: Synchronization mode not n = address A:C01.01 --
permissible (A-0-0003)"
15 183 "C-0-0013: Adressed X-I/O not permissible 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0024/C-0-0033)"
15 184 "C-0-0013: Idle mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
15 185 "C-0-0013: Set-up mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
15 186 "C-0-0013: Special mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
15 187 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible version of 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 188 "C-0-0013: Data integry violated" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 189 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address (e.g. n = address A:C01.01 --
15 190 "CLC link - other link master already active" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 191 "CLC link not possible (CLC hardware)" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 192 "C-0-0013: PLC-interface not allowed on CLC- 10000h A:C01.01 --
D and CLC-P01"
15 193 "No different feedbacks selectable n = address A:C01.01 --
15 194 "Phase synchr. & absolute format not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
15 195 "A-0-0003: Drive does not support selected n = address A:C01.01 --
sync. mode"


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D 2-3

15 196 "A-0-0070: Drive does not support selected n = address A:C01.01 --

special mode"
15 197 "S-0-0103: Modulo value = 0 is invalid (see n = address A:C01.01 --
15 198 "Special mode only with CLC-P possible n = address A:C01.01 --
15 199 "Pattern control & modulo format not n = address A:C01.01 --
permissible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
15 212 "Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv n = address -- --
impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159)"
15 217 "Too many parameters in MDT configured" n = address A:C01.01 --
15 218 "Too many parameters in AT configured" n = address A:C01.01 --
15 220 "A-0-0025: Too many register controllers n = address A:C01.01 --
15 221 "Port A (X27) multiple assigned 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 222 "Port B (X28) multiple assigned 10000 h A:C01.01 --
15 223 "Cam and register control not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025)"
15 224 "Register cont. and oscilloscope not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
15 225 "Cam/register/osci. not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
15 226 "Drive does not support oscilloscope-function " n = address A:C01.01 --
15 227 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA28 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 228 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA29 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 229 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA30 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 232 "A-0-0009: Drive does not support selected set n = address A:C01.01 --
up mode"
15 233 "Drive locked with password (S-0-0267)" n = address -- --
15 234 "Electr. gear ratio not possible (S -0-0236, n = address -- --
15 235 "A-0-0107: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
15 236 "Register control only possible with modulo axis n = address -- --
(A-0-0001, A-0-0025)"
15 237 "Register controlled axis without n = address -- --
synchronization (see A-0-0003)"
15 240 "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA4.1 not possible n = address -- --
(C-0-0013, C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"
15 243 "Drive does not support DEA8.1 card" n = address -- --
15 244 "Combination of used functions not possible n = address -- --
(relative bits)"
15 245 "C-0-0013: Drive waypoints not possible (e. g. n = address -- --
15 250 "Target axis must be phase sync or cam axis n = address -- --
15 251 "More than one group parameter per axis not n = address -- --
15 270 "A-0-0013: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
(P-0-0156, P-0-0157)"
15 271 "A-0-0153: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
(P-0-0156, P-0-0157)"
16 20 "Non-supported drive type " n = address A:C01.01 --


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

2-4 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D SYNAX

16 21 "Non-supported drive firmware" n = address A:C01.01 --

17 105 "Position value corrupted" 10000h _A:L01.03 _E:L01.16
17 106 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 10000h -- --
C-0-0030, C-0-0031)"
17 107 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 10000h -- --
C-0-0055, C-0-0056)"
17 110 "C-0-0050 too short for selected high speed 10000h -- --
cams (C-0-0049)"
17 111 "Too many DEA cards for HS-waypoints 10000h A:C01.01 --
activated (C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"
18 18 "Real master axis moved" 10000h _A:L01.08 _E:L01.16
18 100 "Real master axis - master encoder error " 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:L01.16
18 101 "Real master axis - redundant encoder error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:L01.16
21 230 "SERCOS transmission error (no drive 1000h _A:C01.02 --
responds)" A:C01.01
21 231 "SERCOS interface - transmission error during n = address A:C01.01 --
32 140 "3964R serial interface overrun" in prep. 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
32 141 "3964R serial interface parity error" in prep. 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
32 142 "3964R serial interface transmission error 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
(frame)" - in preparation
32 143 "ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration" 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
33 150 "Communication via the fieldbus is impossible" 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
33 151 "Non-supported firmware version of the 10000h _A:C01.03 --
interface board"
34 34 "DEA 28: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
35 35 "DEA 29: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
36 36 "DEA 30: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
40 40 "CLC link - transmission path defective" 10000h _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04
42 42 "CLC link - master position fault (MDT)" 10000h _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04
43 43 "CLC link - master position fault (AT)" n = Adresse _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04
44 44 "CLC link - link address set - not permitted " 10000h A:C01.01 --
80 80 "More than one extension card not possible" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
90 200 "Pattern control serial interface overrun" 10000h _A:M01.01 _E:M01.01
90 201 "Pattern control serial interface parity error" 10000h _A:M01.02 _E:M01.01
90 202 "Pattern control serial interface frame error" 10000h _A:M01.03 _E:M01.01
90 203 "Pattern control data buffer overrun" 10000h _A:M01.04 _E:M01.01
90 204 "Pattern data start byte faulty" 10000h _A:M01.05 _E:M01.01
90 205 "Pattern data undefined target position" 10000h _A:M01.06 _E:M01.01
90 206 "Pattern data error in number of axes" 10000h _A:M01.07 _E:M01.01
90 207 "Pattern data checksum error" 10000h _A:M01.08 _E:M01.01
90 208 "Pattern data not in order" 10000h _A:M01.09 _E:M01.01
90 209 "Pattern data positive pattern limit exceeded" n = address _A:M01.10 _E:M01.01
90 210 "Pattern data negative pattern limit exceeded " n = address _A:M01.11 _E:M01.01
90 211 "Pattern data limits between received target n = address _A:M01.12 _E:M01.01
pos. exceeded"
91 91 "SERCOS interface - ASIC: Initialization error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
92 92 "CLC-P - DUAL PORT RAM error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
93 93 "DAQ: SERCOS interface - ASIC: intialization 10000h A:C01.01 --


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D 2-5

94 94 "CLC hardware version incorrect" 10000h A:C01.01 --
95 4000 + x "Operating system error" (x = error number) 10000h A:C01.01 --
96 96 "Fieldbus card - hardware failure" 10000h -- --
97 260 "PLC - Firmware version incompatible" 10000h A:C01.01 --
97 261 "PLC - Cycle-counter is dead" 10000h A:C01.01 --
97 262 "PLC reports an error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
98 3000 + y Example: "motor overtemperature" n = address _A:F#.10 _E:F#.14
drive error status class 1:
copy of parameter S-0-0095
(y = error number P-0-0009)

A:C01.01: CLC operating ready timing signal does not toggle ( = 0 or =
1 static)
A:C01.01: CLC operating ready timing signal toggles
(CLC ready on DEA responds, if _A:C01.01 is on the DEA output


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

2-6 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per the display on the CLC-D SYNAX


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) 3-1

3 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault

number (parameter C-0-0048)

3.1 Overview
C-0-0048 C-0-0046
error Dis- C-0-0047 diagnosis Binary Clear
number play diagnosis text of CLC system info output with
0 0 "CLC in initialization mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
0 1 "SERCOS interface - phase 1" 0 A:C01.01 --
0 P "CLC in parameter mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
0 3 "SERCOS interface - phase 3" 0 A:C01.01 --
0 b "CLC in operation mode" 0 A:C01.01 --
01 01 "SERCOS interface - ring break" 10000h A:C01.01 --
02 02 "SERCOS interface - no drive connected" 10000h A:C01.01 --
03 03 Ex.: "Parameter incomplete" n = address A:C01.01 --
Error after switch into phase 3 (-> S-0-0021)
04 04 Ex.: "master encoder error" n = address A:C01.01 --
Error with switch into operating mode, copy
parameter S-0-0095
05 05 "SERCOS interface - double drive telegram n = address A:C01.01 --
06 06 "Fiber optic ring not closed" 10000h A:C01.01 --
07 07 "Drive addresses not correct 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0002, C-0-0086)"
08 08 "Max. number of drives exceeded" 10000h A:C01.01 --
09 09 "Emergency reaction ’Phase 0’ - mode change 10000h A:C01.01 --
not possible"
10 10 "CLC-internal memory error" 10000h _A:C01.02 --
12 12 "CLC parameter exceeds min/max value 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0068)"
13 13 "CLC battery defective" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
14 14 "CLC checkum error (see C-0-0068)" 10000h A:C01.01 --
15 15 "CLC Parameter not correct (see C-0-0068)" 10000h A:C01.01 --
16 "CLC EPROM defective" 10000h A:C01.01 --

17 "CLC SRAM defective" 10000h -- --

18 18 "Real master axis moved" 10000h _A:L01.08 _E:L01.16

19 "CLC hardware defective" 10000h -- --

20 16 "Non-supported drive type " n = address A:C01.01 --

21 16 "Non-supported drive firmware" n = address A:C01.01 --
22 15 "Parameter value limits: min-limit > max-limit n = address -- --
(see C-0-0068)"
25 "CLC in test mode zero bit stream" 10000h A:C01.01 --
26 -- "CLC in test mode continuous light" 10000h A:C01.01 --
34 34 "DEA 28: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
35 35 "DEA 29: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01
36 36 "DEA 30: External power supply error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:C01.01


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

3-2 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) SYNAX

40 40 "CLC link - transmission path defective" 10000h _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04

42 42 "CLC link - master position fault (MDT)" 10000h _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04
43 43 "CLC link - master position fault (AT)" n = address _A:C01.04 _E:C01.04
44 44 "CLC link - link address set - not permitted " 10000h A:C01.01 --
80 80 "More than one extension card not possible" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
91 91 "SERCOS interface - ASIC: Initialization error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
92 92 "CLC-P - DUAL PORT RAM error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
93 93 "DAQ: SERCOS interface - ASIC: intialization 10000h A:C01.01 --
94 94 "CLC hardware version incorrect" 10000h A:C01.01 --
96 96 "Fieldbus card - hardware failure" 10000h -- --
100 18 "Real master axis - master encoder error " 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:L01.16
101 18 "Real master axis - redundant encoder error" 10000h _A:C01.02 _E:L01.16
105 17 "Position value corrupted" 10000h _A:L01.03 _E:L01.16
106 17 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 10000h -- --
C-0-0030, C-0-0031)"
107 17 "Virtual master speed limit to high (see 10000h -- --
C-0-0055, C-0-0056)"
110 17 "C-0-0050 too short for selected high speed 10000h -- --
cams (C-0-0049)"
111 17 "Too many DEA cards for HS-waypoints 10000h A:C01.01 --
activated (C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"
140 32 "3964R serial interface overrun" in prep. 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
141 32 "3964R serial interface parity error" in prep. 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
142 32 "3964R serial interface transmission error 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
(frame)" - in preparation
143 32 "ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration" 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
144 15 "C-0-0157/C-0-0158: Number of entries not 10000h -- --
145 15 "C-0-0157: Ident-number exists twice" 10000h -- --
150 33 "Communication via the fieldbus is impossible" 10000h _A:C01.03 _E:C01.03
151 33 "Non-supported firmware version of the 10000h _A:C01.03 --
interface board"
152 15 "Process data are invalid (C-0-0129 / C-0-0128 10000h A:C01.01 --
/ C-0-0127 / C-0-0126 / C-0-0131 / C-0-0132
and DBs)"
153 15 "Parameter channel is not possible (see 10000h A:C01.01 --
C-0-0126 and C-0-0129)"
154 15 "Multiplex channel is not possible (see 10000h A:C01.01
C-0-0126 / C-0-0129 / C-0-0132)"
160 15 "More than one register controller per axis not n = address -- --
161 15 "Winding axis must be in speed n = address -- --
synchronization (A-0-0003, A-0-0146)"
162 15 "Electronic gear ratio must be 1:1 (see n = address -- --
S-0-0236, S-0-0237)"
165 15 "C-0-0039/C-0-0040: Number of entries not 10000h A:C01.01 --
166 15 "A-0-0008/C-0-0039: Activated analogue n = address A:C01.01 --
channel not linked"
167 15 "More than one process controller per axis not n = address -- --


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) 3-3

172- reserved
174 15 "A-0-0146: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
175 15 "A-0-0030: Process control P-Gain too high" n = address A:C01.01 --
176 15 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address A:C01.01 --
control not defined"
177 15 "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process n = address A:C01.01 --
control not activated"
178 15 "Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. n = address -- --
(A-0-0003, A-0-0087, A-0-0146)"
179 15 "More than one tension controller per axis not n = address -- --
180 15 "Parameter A-0-0038 not correct" (in prep.) n = address A:C01.01 --
181 15 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address n = address A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0002)"
182 15 "C-0-0013: Synchronization mode not n = address A:C01.01 --
permissible (A-0-0003)"
183 15 "C-0-0013: Adressed X-I/O not permissible 10000h A:C01.01 --
(see C-0-0024/C-0-0033)"
184 15 "C-0-0013: Idle mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
185 15 "C-0-0013: Set-up mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
186 15 "C-0-0013: Special mode not permissible (see n = address A:C01.01 --
187 15 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible version of 10000 h A:C01.01 --
188 15 "C-0-0013: Data integry violated" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
189 15 "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address (e.g. n = address A:C01.01 --
190 15 "CLC link - other link master already active" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
191 15 "CLC link not possible (CLC hardware)" 10000 h A:C01.01 --
192 15 "C-0-0013: PLC-interface not allowed on CLC- 10000h A:C01.01 --
D and CLC-P01"
193 15 "No different feedbacks selectable n = address A:C01.01 --
194 15 "Phase synchr. & absolute format not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
195 15 "A-0-0003: Drive does not support selected n = address A:C01.01 --
sync. Mode"
196 15 "A-0-0070: Drive does not support selected n = address A:C01.01 --
special mode"
197 15 "S-0-0103: Modulo value = 0 is invalid (see n = address A:C01.01 --
198 15 "Special mode only with CLC-P possible n = address A:C01.01 --
199 15 "Pattern control & modulo format not n = address A:C01.01 --
permissible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
200 90 "Pattern control serial interface overrun" 10000h _A:M01.01 _E:M01.01
201 90 "Pattern control serial interface parity error" 10000h _A:M01.02 _E:M01.01
202 90 "Pattern control serial interface frame error" 10000h _A:M01.03 _E:M01.01
203 90 "Pattern control data buffer overrun" 10000h _A:M01.04 _E:M01.01
204 90 "Pattern data start byte faulty" 10000h _A:M01.05 _E:M01.01


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

3-4 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) SYNAX

205 90 "Pattern data undefined target position" 10000h _A:M01.06 _E:M01.01

206 90 "Pattern data error in number of axes" 10000h _A:M01.07 _E:M01.01
207 90 "Pattern data checksum error" 10000h _A:M01.08 _E:M01.01
208 90 "Pattern data not in order" 10000h _A:M01.09 _E:M01.01
209 90 "Pattern data positive pattern limit exceeded" n = address _A:M01.10 _E:M01.01
210 90 "Pattern data negative pattern limit exceeded " n = address _A:M01.11 _E:M01.01
211 90 "Pattern data limits between received target n = address _A:M01.12 _E:M01.01
pos. exceeded"
212 15 "Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv n = address -- --
impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159)"
217 15 "Too many parameters in MDT configured" n = address A:C01.01 --
218 15 "Too many parameters in AT configured" n = address A:C01.01 --
220 15 "A-0-0025: Too many register controllers n = address A:C01.01 --
221 15 "Port A (X27) multiple assigned 10000 h A:C01.01 --
222 15 "Port B (X28) multiple assigned 10000 h A:C01.01 --
223 15 "Cam and register control not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025)"
224 15 "Register cont. And oscilloscope not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
225 15 "Cam/register/osci. Not possible n = address A:C01.01 --
(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
226 15 "Drive does not support oscilloscope-function " n = address A:C01.01 --
227 15 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA28 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
228 15 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA29 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
229 15 "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA30 not plugged in" 10000h A:C01.01 --
230 21 "SERCOS transmission error (no drive 1000h _A:C01.02 --
responds)" A:C01.01
231 21 "SERCOS interface - transmission error during n = address A:C01.01 --
232 15 "A-0-0009: Drive does not support selected set n = address A:C01.01 --
up mode
233 15 "Drive locked with password (S-0-0267)" n = address -- --
234 15 "Electr. Gear ratio not possible (S -0-0236, n = address -- --
235 15 "A-0-0107: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
236 15 "Register control only possible with modulo axis n = address -- --
(A-0-0001, A-0-0025)"
237 15 "Register controlled axis without n = address -- --
synchronization (see A-0-0003)"
240 15 "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA4.1 not possible n = address --
(C-0-0013, C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"
241 15 "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA28.1 not possible 10000h -- --
(C-0-0013, C-0-0049)"
243 15 "Drive does not support DEA8.1 card" n = address -- --
244 15 "Combination of used functions not possible n = address -- --
(relative bits)"
245 15 "C-0-0013: Drive waypoints not possible (e. g. n = address -- --
250 15 "Target axis must be phase sync or cam axis n = address -- --


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) 3-5

251 15 "More than one group parameter per axis not n = address -- --
260 97 "PLC - Firmware-version incompatible" 10000h A:C01.01 --
261 97 "PLC - Cycle-counter is dead" 10000h A:C01.01 --
262 97 "PLC reports an error" 10000h A:C01.01 --
270 15 "A-0-0013: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
271 15 "A-0-0153: Master drive gear not available n = address -- --
3000 + y 98 Example: "motor overtemperature" n = address _A:F#.10 _E:F#.14
drive error status class 1:
copy of parameter S-0-0095
(y = error number P-0-0009)
4000 + x 95 "Operating system error" (x = error number) 10000h A:C01.01 --

A:C01.01: CLC operating ready timing signal does not toggle ( = 0
or = 1 static)
A:C01.01: CLC operating ready timing signal toggles
(CLC ready on DEA responds, if _A:C01.01 is on the DEA output


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

3-6 Diagnoses and fault numbers arranged as per fault number (parameter C-0-0048) SYNAX


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-1

4 Definition of the error messages

(16) "CLC EPROM defective"

C-0-0048: 16 The EPROM test resulted in an error.

• Make sure the EPROMs are correctly positioned.
• Replace CLC and send it in to Indramat customer service.

(17) "CLC SRAM defective"

C-0-0048: 17 The check of the memory modules (SRAM) resulted in an error.

• Replace CLC and send in to Indramat customer service.

(19) "CLC hardware defective"

C-0-0048: 19 The hardware test of the CLC resulted in an error.

• Replace CLC and send in to Indramat customer service.

(25) "CLC in test mode zero bit stream"

C-0-0048: 25 The test mode "zero bit stream" was selected in parameter "SERCOS
interface - configuration" (C-0-0038). The CLC then sends zero bit
current and prevents progression.

• Correct C-0-0038 and enter intialization mode.

- - (26) "CLC in test mode continuous light"

C-0-0048: 26 The test mode "continuous light" was selected in parameter "SERCOS
interface - configuration" (C-0-0038). The CLC then generates a steady
light and thus prevents progression.

• Correct C-0-0038 and enter initialization mode.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-2 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

01 (01) "SERCOS interface - ring break"

C-0-0048: 01 There is a break in the SERCOS interface fiber optic cable ring.

• Switch machine off
• Repair SERCOS interface ring
• Switch machine on

02 (02) "SERCOS interface - no drives connected"

C-0-0048: 02 After powering up or progression into operating mode, the CLC attempts
to contact the drives via the SERCOS interface (LWL) ring. In this case,
the attempt was not successful. The LWL ring is, however, closed.

• there is no drive in the LWL ring
• drive address(es) is (are) set to "0"

03 (03) Error on switching to phase 3

Example: "Parameter incomplete (-> S-0-0021)"
C-0-0048: 03 An error occurred when running up the LWL (fiber optic cable) ring prior
to reaching an intermediate stage of communications phase 3. The drive
diagnoses the error and signals this diagnosis to its parameter
"diagnostic message" (S-0-0095). The CLC then reads this parameter
and copies it into parameter "SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047).

Note: "Error on switching to phase 3" is then in parameter "SYNAX -

diagnostics text" (C-0-0047) instead of, e.g., "parameter
incomplete" (-> S-0-0021)".

• See drive command error C1/xx

04 (04) Error on switching into operating mode

Example: "Error master encoder"
C-0-0048: 04 An error occurred when running up the LWL ring prior to reaching
operating mode. The drive affected diagnosis of the error and signals it to
its parameter "diagnostic message" (S-0-0095). The CLC reads this
parameter and copies it into parameter "SYNAX - diagnostics text"

• See drive command error C2/xx.

Note: "Error when switching into operating mode" will be in

parameter "SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047) instead of,
e.g., "error master encoder".


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-3

05 (05) "SERCOS interface - double drive telegram failure"

C-0-0048: 05 The telegram of a drive has failed at least twice.

• LWL ring is defective
• drive is defective

• repair SERCOS interface ring or
• replace the respective drive

06 (06) "Fiber optic ring not closed"

C-0-0048: 06 SYNAX checks, prior to phase progression, whether the LWL (fiber optic
cable) ring is closed or not. This diagnosis can only take place during
phase progression. SYNAX waits until (without timeout) the LWL ring is
If the LWL ring has closed once, then a break is evaluated as a failure. In
this case, the error message "SERCOS interface - ring break" (01) is

• The LWL ring is not closed.

• Drive controller not on, check power supply unit.
• Check fiber optic cable ring, make necessary adjustments.

07 (07) "Drive addresses not correct (see C-0-0002, C-0-0086)"

C-0-0048: 07 The list of drive addresses in C-0-0002 does not agree with the
addresses of the drive that are in the ring.

• The connected drive addresses do not correspond to the projected
drive addresses (C-0-0002).
• All projected drive addresses (C-0-0002) were deactivated (C-0-

• Correct the number of drives of the drive addresses set.
• Correct the drive addresses set in C-0-0002.
• Check the addresses set in C-0-0086 (generally an empty list!)
• Switch into initialization mode.
• Switch into operating mode.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-4 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

08 (08) "Max. number of drives exceeded"

C-0-0048: 08 The application has brought about a state where even an increase in the
SERCOS interface cycle time does not suffice to operate the number of
drives with the functions which have been set.

• Reduce the number of drives or
• reduce the functions of the drive, i.e., no setup mode, no tension
controller, no idle, fewer analogue channels, fewer process
controllers, etc.).

09 (09) "Emergency reaction ’Phase 0’ - mode change not

C-0-0048: 09 A serious SERCOS interface error has previously occurred in operating
mode. The CLC has generated the emergency reaction of switching
SERCOS to phase 0. Any further SYNAX mode progressions are not
A progression is now only possible by switching the CLC off and on.

• SERCOS interface - ring interrupt
• SERCOS interface - double drive telegram failure (e.g., due to loose
fiber optic cable connection, a too tight bend radius or a fiber optic
cable that is too long and so on.)

• See error 01 or error 05
• CLC must be turned off and on!

10 (10) "CLC-internal memory error"

C-0-0048: 10 The CLC monitors the areas of the RAM on a cyclical basis when in
operation mode. This error message is set when an invalid storage entry
is detected.

• The CLC internal storage monitor detects an invalid entry in the RAM.

• Replace CLC and send in to Indramat customer service.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-5

12 (12) "CLC parameter exceeds min./max. value (see C-0-0068)"

C-0-0048: 12 The value of a parameter exceeds its defined min./max. input value. The
affected parameters will be entered into the "list of invalid A and C
parameters" (C-0-0068).

• Read out parameter C-0-0068
• Correct the input value of the respective parameter.

13 (13) "CLC battery defective"

C-0-0048: 13 The battery on the CLC is dead.

Caution! Data could be lost!

⇒ Replace the battery immediately.


• Secure parameters.
• Have a replacement battery ready.
• Switch unit off.
• Pull out the CLC card.
• Remove old battery.
• Insert new battery no more than one minute later.

14 (14) "CLC checksum error (see C-0-0068)"

C-0-0048: 14 The CLC checks the validity of all A/C parameters by means of a
checksum. Every parameter that is challenged durng this sum is entered
in the "list of invalid A and C parameters" (C-0-0068).

• New CLC, parameters were not yet inscribed.
• Parameter loss (e.g., due to battery power loss).

• Load the parameter.
• Write into the challenged parameter, e.g., via a terminal.

15 General procedure with this CLC display

A list of errors indicating faulty parametrization is a series of subdisplays
to this display.
In this case, it is necessary to alter one or more parameters. To do so
requires connecting a user interface, e.g., a CLC terminal.
The diagnostics parameters C-0-0046 through C-0-0048 specify those
parameters which must be changed.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-6 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (15) "CLC parameter not correct (see C-0-0068)"

C-0-0048: 15 A number of parameters are acknowledged as invalid during the
plausibility check. The relevant parameters are entered into the "list of
invalid A and C parameters" (C-0-0068).

• Read out parameter C-0-0068.
• Correct the input value of the relevant parameter.

15 (22) "Parameter value limits: min-limit > max-limit

(see C-0-0068)"
C-0-0048: 22 The parameter value for the minimum limit value exceeds the value for
the maximum limit value.

• Minimum and maximum limit values must be changed.

15 (144) "C-0-0157/C-0-0158: Number of entries not equal"

C-0-0048: 144 While switching from phase 2 to 3, the CLC checks the number of entries
in C-0-0157 and C-0-0158. Given an unequal number of entries, this
error message is generated.

• Number of entries in C-0-0157 and C-0-0158 not equal.

• To each in C-0-0157 entered ID number, the corresponding data
length must be entered in C-0-0158 and converted.

15 (145) "C-0-0157: Ident-number exists twice"

C-0-0048: 145 While switching from phase to 3 the CLC internally sorts the number of
entries in "data blocks - configurable S-/P-parameters, ID-number"
(C-0-0157). If the CLC discovers a double number of ID numbers, then
this error message is generated.

• ID number double in C-0-0157.

• Clear the double ID numbers in C-0-0157.
• If needed, match number and allocation of entries in "data blocks -
configurable S-/P-parameters, ID-number" (C-0-0157).


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-7

15 (152) "Process data are invalid (C-0-0129 / C-0-0128 / C-0-0127 /

C-0-0126 / C-0-0131 / C-0-0132 and DBs)"
C-0-0048: 152 The configuration of the fieldbus via the CLC-D has triggered the
plausibility monitor.
The parameters which configure the fieldbus and/or the data module
have inconsistent values.

• A write-protected object is configured in "Fieldbus: object list of
process data output" (C-0-0128).
• An object was an unallowable length is configured in "Fieldbus: object
list of process data input" (C-0-0127) or "Fieldbus: object list of
process data output" (C-0-0128). This can occur in the case of an
unsuitable "Fieldbus: length of process data channel" (C-0-0126).
• An object configured in "Fieldbus: object list of process data input"
(C-0-0127) or "Fieldbus: object list of process data output" (C-0-0128)
is not parametrized in the relevant data module. For example, in the
case of an activated multiplex channel the base objects relegated to
the data modules must have as many elements as his parametrized in
"Fieldbus - multiplex size" (C-0-0131).

• Check all parameters for the configuration of the fieldbuses and the
data modules and correct, if necessary.

15 (153) "Parameter channel is not possible (see C-0-0126 and

C-0-0048: 153 A configuration of the fieldbus via the CLC-D has actuated the plausibility

• The parameter channel is parametrized in "Fieldbus - control word"
(C-0-0129). It requires six words of the process data channel. The
"Fieldbus: length of process data channel" (C-0-0126), however, is
smaller than six words.

• Set C-0-0126 to at least six words or delete parameter channel in


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-8 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (154) "Multiplex channel is not possible (see

C-0-0126/C-0-0129/C-0-0132) "
C-0-0048: 154 A configuration of the fieldbus via the CLC-D has actuated the plausibility

• The multiplex channel is parametrized in "Fieldbus - control word"
(C-0-0129). The "Fieldbus - start address of multiplex channel"
(C-0-0132), however, lies outside of the process data channel (see
"Fieldbus: length of process data channel" (C-0-0126)).

• Coordinate C-0-0126 or delete the multiplex channel in C-0-0129.

15 (160) "More than one register controller per axis not possible"
C-0-0048: 160 More than one register controller is working the specified axis.

• Deactivate register controller (A-0-0025)
• Correct register controlled axes (A-0-0087)

15 (161) "Winding axis must be in speed synchronization (A-0-0003,

C-0-0048: 161 The winding function (see "process control - control word 2", A-0-0146)
for the specified axis (see C-0-0046) is activated.
This winding axis must be speed synchronous.

• Deactivate the winding ("process control - control word 2", A-0-0146)
• parametrize the winding axis as a speed synchronous axis
("synchronization mode", A-0-0003).

15 (162) "Elelctronic gear ratio must be 1:1 (see S-0-0236,

C-0-0048: 162 The parametrization of the electronic gear is not permissible.
For winding control with dancer the parameters S-0-0236 and S-0-0237
must be parametrized to 1.

• Change parameter S-0-0236 or S-0-0237.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-9

15 (165) "C-0-0039/C-0-0040: Number of entries not equal"

C-0-0048: 165 The parameters
"analogue channels - select source parameters" (C-0-0039) and
"analogue channels - select target parameters" (C-0-0040)
are of unequal length.

• Correct the input value of the parameter.

15 (166) "A-0-0008/C-0-0039: Activated analogue channel not linked"

C-0-0048: 166 An analogue input activated in parameter "analogue channels - analogue
input control word" (A-0-0008) is not linked to parameter "analogue
channels - select source parameters" (C-0-0039).

• Deactivate the channel in "analogue channels - analogue input control
word" (A-0-0008) or
• Change "analogue channels - select source parameters" (C-0-0039).

15 (167) "More than one process controller per axis not possible"
C-0-0048: 167 More than one process controller has been activated, see "process
control - control word 1" (A-0-0025) or "process control - control word 2"
Each slave axis may only activate one process controller.

• Deactivate process controller ("process control - control word 1"
(A-0-0025) or "process control - control word 2" (A-0-0146)).

15 (174) "A-0-0146: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/

C-0-0048: 174 The master axis gear has been set as the target parameter for the
tension control with load cell in parameter "process control - control word
2" (A-0-0146).
This is not available in the drive (e.g., drive firmware ELS 05VRS).

• Replace drive.
• Replace drive firmware.
• Change A-0-0146.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-10 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (175) "A-0-0030: Process control P-gain too high"

C-0-0048: 175 An error in calculation would result from the value set in "process
controller - proportional gain 1" (A-0-0030) (value too big).

• Reduce parameter "process controller - proportional gain 1"

15 (176) "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for process control not

C-0-0048: 176 A process controller has been set in the relevant axis (for address see
"SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046)).
Via parameter "analogue channels - select target parameters"
(C-0-0040) the actual value for the process controller "process actual
value" (A-0-0027) must be allocated to an analogue input.

• Define an analogue input for the parameter "process actual value"
(A-0-0027) or
• Deactivate the process controller in "process control - control word 2"

15 (177) "A-0-0146: Analogue channel for the process control not

C-0-0048: 177 A process controller has been set in the relevant axis (for address see
"SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046)).
An analogue channel must be activated via parameter
• "analogue channels - analogue input control word" (A-0-0008),
• "analogue channels - select source parameters" (C-0-0039) or
• "analogue channels - select target parameters" (C-0-0040).

• Activate an analogue input for parameter "process actual value"
(A-0-0027) or
• Deactivate process controller in "process control - control word 2"


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-11

15 (178) "Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. (A-0-0003,

A-0-0087, A-0-0146)"
C-0-0048: 178 A tension controller (see "process control - control word 2", A-0-0146) is
activated for the specified address (see C-0-0046). The axes controlled
by this tension controller must be speed synchronous.

• Deactivate tension controller ("process control - control word 2",
• Parametrize the tension-controlled axes as speed synchronous axes
("synchronization mode", A-0-0003)

15 (179) "More than one tension controller per axis not possible"
C-0-0048: 179 More than one tension controller is working the specified axis.

• Deactivate tension controller ("process control - control word 2",
• Correct tension controlled axes ("process control - drive addresses",

15 (180) "Parameter A-0-0038 not correct" (in preparation)

C-0-0048: 180 When switching from parametrization into operating mode, the CLC
transmits the parameter "bipolar torque limit" (A-0-0038) into the drive
parameter "bipolar torque/force limit value" (S-0-0092). If this should fail,
then the above error message is generated.

• Read out parameter "bipolar torque/force limit value" (S-0-0092) from
• If parameter S-0-0092 is in the drive, then note the min./max. of this
value. Correct operating data of A-0-0038 and "bipolar torque limit -
reduced" (A-0-0037).
• If parameter S-0-0092 is not in drive, then contact Indramat customer

15 (181) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address (see C-0-0002)"

C-0-0048: 181 There are inputs and outputs of the DEA in the I/O logic, e.g., _E:D03.01)
which point to addresses of drives not accomodated for in the ring, see
"addresses projected drives" (C-0-0002).

• Remove the respective inputs in the I/O logic.
• Generate a configuration which contains the required addresses.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-12 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (182) "C-0-0013: Synchronization mode not permissible

C-0-0048: 182 Input "synchronization mode" (_E:F#.05) is not in the I/O logic, but the
synchronization mode of the relevant drive is deactivated (A-0-0003).

• Remove the respective inputs from the I/O logic.

15 (183) "C-0-0013: Addressed X-I/O not permissible

(see C-0-0024/C-0-0033)"
C-0-0048: 183 X I/Os have been used in the I/O logic, but none of the following
conditions have been met:
• The CLC is a PC plug-in card (CLC-P). The X I/Os, in this case, are
on the dual port RAM.
• Transmission via a serial interface (legal only with CLC-D) has been
set in "host communication - control word" (C-0-0033). The X I/Os, in
this case, are on the serial interface.
Parameter "CLC - hardware version" (C-0-0024) will tell whether this is a

• Remove the relevant inputs from the I/O logic.
• If necessary, correct parameter "host comumunication - control word"
• Contact Indramat customer service.

15 (184) "C-0-0013: Idle mode not permissible (see A-0-0009)"

C-0-0048: 184 The input "idle mode" (_E:F#.06) is in the I/O logic, but the idle mode of
the relevant drive has been deactivated (A-0-0009).

• Remove the relevant input in the I/O logic.

15 (185) "C-0-0013: Setup mode not permissible (see A-0-0009)"

C-0-0048: 185 Input "setup mode" (_E:F#.04) is in the I/O logic, but the setup mode of
the relevant drive has been deactivated (A-0-0009).

• Remove the respective input in the I/O logic.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-13

15 (186) "C-0-0013: Special mode not permissible (see A-0-0070)"

C-0-0048: 186 Input "special mode" (_E:F#.23) is in the I/O logic, but no special mode
has been set for the relevant drive (A-0-0070 = 0).

• Remove the relevant input in the I/O logic.

15 (187) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible version of PARA.EXE"

C-0-0048: 187 The source file of the I/O logic (*.TXT) was translated with the wrong
program (PARA.EXE). The file thus translated (*.ASC) will not run.

• Use the correct PARA.EXE version.

15 (188) "C-0-0013: Data integrity violated"

C-0-0048: 188 The I/O logic contains false data and cannot run.

• The I/O logic was not successfully loaded.
• Parameter "I/O assignment of internal/external I/Os" (C-0-0013) was
manually altered.

• Retranslate the I/O logic (*.TXT) with PARA.EXE.
• Load the translated I/O logic (*.ASC).

15 (189) "C-0-0013: Non-permissible DEA address

(e.g., ECODRIVE)"
C-0-0048: 189 Inputs and outputs are in the I/O logic, e.g., _E:D03.01 which point to
addresses of drives which do not contain a DEA.

• Remove the relevant inputs in the I/O logic or
• generate a configuration with a drive with DEA at the respective

15 (190) "CLC-link - other link master already active"

C-0-0048: 190 There are several link masters in the master axis link.

• Each link participant parametrized as a link master checks whether
another link master is already present or not. If there is, then this error
message is generated and the CLC remains passive within the CLC


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-14 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

• Check parameter C-0-0102 of all the CLCs. The LED H11 and H12
displays whether a DAQ has been configured as a link master or

15 (191) "CLC link not possible (CLC hardware)"

C-0-0048: 191 The hardware combination of CLC with plug-in card does not permit a
CLC link (e.g., CLC-D02.1M with DAQ01.2M).

• The function only available starting with CLC-D02.3M.

• change C-0-0102 (no CLC link)
• replace CLC hardware (CLC link)

15 (192) "C-0-0013: PLC-interface not allowed on CLC-D and

C-0-0048: 192 Cause:
The functionality is not available until CLC-P02.

• Change I/O logic: reload C-0-0013.

15 (193) "No different feedbacks selectable

C-0-0048: 193 It is not permitted to use different encoders to position control the drive.
Example: phase synchronization on the external encoder (A-0-0003 =
0x900B) and set-up on the motor controller (A-0-0009 = 0x13)

• Correct A-0-0003, A-0-0009 and A-0-0070.

15 (194) "Phase synchronization & absolute format not possible

(see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
C-0-0048: 194 Combining angle synchronization and a translatory format is illegal.

• Change parameter "axis type" (A-0-0001) or "synchronization mode"


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-15

15 (195) "A-0-0003: Drive does not support selected sync. mode"

C-0-0048: 195 The relevant drive will not support the synchronization mode specified in
A-0-0003 although the value parameterized in A-0-0003 was
acknowledged as correct by the CLC.
Example: An application of the external encoder was parametrized
although there is no external encoder.

• Check and change parameter "synchronization mode" (A-0-0003).

15 (196) "A-0-0070: Drive does not support selected special mode"

C-0-0048: 196 The relevant drive does not support the special mode entered in
A-0-0070 although the parametrized value in A-0-0070 was
acknowledged as correct by the CLC.
Example: An application of the external encoder was parametrized
although there is no external encoder.

• Check and change parameter "special operation mode" (A-0-0070).

15 (197) "S-0-0103: Modulo value = 0 is invalid (see A-0-0001)"

C-0-0048: 197 The modulo value in the drive may not equal 0 if modulo axis (A-0-0001)
is set.

• Check and change the parameter "modulo value" (S-0-0103).

15 (198) "Special mode only with CLC-P possible

C-0-0048: 198 A CLC-P is needed for the selected configuration of the special operating

• If special operating modes with real-time data exchange are
parametrized via the DUAL port RAM, then a CLC-P is needed.

• Correct parameters A-0-0070, A-0-0071, A-0-0072 and A-0-0073.
• Use a CLC-P.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-16 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (199) "Pattern control & modulo format not permissible

(see A-0-0001/A-0-0003)"
C-0-0048: 199 It is illegal to combine pattern control and modulo weighting.

• Change parameter "axis type" (A-0-0001) or "synchronization mode"

15 (212) "Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv

impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159)"
C-0-0048: 212 The simultaneous use of a pattern control gear and master axis
command value additive is not allowed.

• Change parameter A-0-0003 and A-0-0159.

15 (217) "Too many parameters in MDT configured"

C-0-0048: 217 The number of the parameters configured in the MDT (S-0-0024) is too

• Too many functions have been activated for this axis.

Minimize configuration of this axis with the following functions:
• register control
• winding control
• operating mode selection
• DEA04/DEA08

15 (218) "Too many parameters in AT configured"

C-0-0048: 218 The number of the parameters configured in the AT (S-0-0016) is too big.

• Too many functions have been activated for this axis.

Minimize configuration of this axis with the following functions:
• register control
• winding control
• analog channels
• drive cams
• DEA04/DEA08


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-17

15 (220) "A-0-0025: Too many register controllers activated"

C-0-0048: 220 Too many register controllers have been activated.

• Deactivate register controller (see A-0-0025).
• Runup into operating mode again.

15 (221) "Port A (X27) multiple assigned

C-0-0048: 221 There is a multiple allocation of serial interface A (X27) due to incorrect

Note: If a serial interface has been assigned more than once, then it
may be necessary to temporarily insert Jumper S2 or I6 (at
CLC-P02) to obtain access to the parameters with SYNTOP.

Change the parameters:
• "host communication - control word" (C-0-0033) or
• "serial service interface - control word" (C-0-0104) or
• "pattern data - source" (C-0-0011) or
• control / remove jumper S1 or I5 (at CLC-P02)/S2 or I6 (at CLC-P02).

15 (222) "Port B (X28) multiple assigned

C-0-0048: 222 There is multiple allocation of serial interface B (X28) due to faulty

Note: If a serial interface has been assigned more than once, then it
may be necessary to temporarily insert Jumper S2 or I6 (at
CLC-P02) to obtain access to the parameters with SYNTOP.

Change parameters:
• "host communication - control word" (C-0-0033) or
• "serial service interface - control word" (C-0-0104) or
• "pattern data - source" (C-0-0011) or
• control / remove jumper S1 or I5 (at CLC-P02)/S2 or I6 (at CLC-P02).


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-18 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (223) "Cam and register control not possible

(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025)"
C-0-0048: 223 The functions cam and register controller with time measurement cannot
be conducted simultaneously.

Change parameter:
• "operating mode" (A-0-0003) and
• "process control - control word 1" (A-0-0025).

15 (224) "Register cont. and oscilloscope not possible

(see A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
C-0-0048: 224 The functions register controller with time measurement and oscilloscope
function cannot be conducted simultaneously.

Change parameters:
• "process control - control word 1" (A-0-0025) and
• "oscilloscope function - control word" (C-0-0107)

15 (225) "Cam/register/osci. not possible

(see A-0-0003/A-0-0025/C-0-0107)"
C-0-0048: 225 The functions cam, register controller and oscilloscope cannot be
conducted simultaneously.

Change parameters:
• "synchronization mode" (A-0-0003),
• "process control - control word 1" (A-0-0025) and
• "oscilloscope function - control word" (C-0-0107).

15 (226) "Drive does not support oscilloscope function"

C-0-0048: 226 A drive was configured in parameter "oscilloscope function - drive
addresses" (C-0-0108) which does not support the oscilloscope function.

• Remove the address entered in "SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046)
from the parameter "oscilloscope function - drive addresses" (C-0-


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-19

15 (227) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA28 not plugged in"

C-0-0048: 227 The I/O logic contains DEA28 inputs and outputs
(e.g., _E:Z01.01) even though the DEA28 has not been inserted.

• insert DEA28 or
• remove the relevant instruction from the I/O logic

15 (228) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA29 not plugged in"

C-0-0048: 228 The I/O logic contains DEA29 inputs and outputs
(e.g., _E:Z02.01) even though the DEA29 has not been inserted.

• insert DEA29 or
• remove the relevant instruction from the I/O logic

15 (229) "C-0-0013: Addressed DEA30 not plugged in"

C-0-0048: 229 The I/O logic contains DEA30 inputs and outputs
(e.g., _E:Z03.01) even though the DEA30 has not been inserted.

• insert DEA30 or
• remove the relevant instruction from the I/O logic

15 (232) "A-0-0009: Drive does not support selected set up mode"

C-0-0048: 232 The relevant drive does not support the set-up parametrized in A-0-0009.

• Check and change parameter "configuration idle mode / set up mode"

15 (233) "Drive locked with password (S-0-0267)"

C-0-0048: 233 Using parameter "password" (S-0-0267) the drive can be locked against
parameter changes.
SYNAX needs drives that are not locked.

• Unlock password, see "password" (S-0-0267).
• Call Indramat.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-20 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

15 (234) "Electr. gear ratio not possible (s. S-0-0236, S-0-0237)"

C-0-0048: 234 It is not allowed to parametrize the electronic gear ratio.
S − 0 − 0237
The quotient is either too small (→ 0) or too large (→ ∞).
S − 0 − 0236

• Change parameter S-0-0236 or S-0-0237.

15 (235) "A-0-0107: Master drive gear not available

C-0-0048: 235 In parameter "register control - target parameter selection" (A-0-0107)
the master drive gear has been selected as target parameter of the
register controller.
This is not available in the drive (e.g., drive firmware ELS05VRS).

• Replace drive.
• Replace drive firmware.
• Change A-0-0107.

15 (236) "Register control only possible with modulo axis

(see A-0-0001, A-0-0025)"
C-0-0048: 236 A register controller axis (see A-0-0025) must be a modulo axis (see

• A-0-0001 or A-0-0025 must be re-parametrized

15 (237) "Register controlled axis without synchronization

(see A-0-0003)"
C-0-0048: 237 The specified axis is controlled by the register controller. This
necessitates the parametrization of a synchronization operating mode.

• Change the "Process control - drive addresses" (A-0-0087) of the
register controller axis.
• Change the "Synchronization mode" (A-0-0003) of the specified axis.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-21

15 (240) "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA4.1 not possible

(C-0-0013, C-0-0049, A-0-0036)"
C-0-0048: 240 High speed cams and I/O logic outputs were used on the same DEA 4.1

• Deactivate high speed waypoints (parameter "high speed cam
switches - control word", C-0-0049).
• Output high speed waypoints at different DEA 4.1, DEA 28.1
(parameter "digital I/O - configuration", A-0-0036; parameter "high
speed cam switches - control word", C-0-0049).
• Output I/O logic outputs to different DEA 4.1, DEA 29.1, DEA 30.1
(parameter "I/O - assignment of internal/external I/Os", C-0-0013).

15 (241) "HS waypoints and I/O to DEA28.1 not possible

(C-0-0013, C-0-0049)"
C-0-0048: 241 High-speed waypoints and I/O logic outputs were used on DEA 28.1.

• Deactivate high-speed waypoints (parameter "high speed cam
switches - control word", C-0-0049).
• Output the high-speed waypoint outputs at DEA drive (parameter
"digital I/O - configuration", A-0-0036; parameter "high speed cam
switches - control word", C-0-0049).
• Output the I/O logic outputs to different DEA 4.1, DEA 29.1, DEA 30.1
(parameter "I/O - assignment of internal/external I/Os", C-0-0013).

15 (243) "Drive does not support DEA8.1 card"

C-0-0048: 243 A DEA8.1 card was used for the specified drive in the I/O logic or in the
high-speed cam switch group.
The drive does not support this DEA8.1 however.

• Change I/O logic (e.g., DEA4.1) or
• do not parametrize the high-speed cam switch group to the DEA8.1.

15 (244) "Combination of used functions not possible

(real time bits)"
C-0-0048: 244 Socalled real-time bits are needed via functions
• cam axis (A-0-0003)
• oscilloscope functions (C-0-0108)
• register controller (A-0-0025)
• relative set-up (A-0-0070)
Of these, only two are present.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-22 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

Too many of the listed functions were activated for the specified drive
Only a maximum of two functions may be activated.

• Deactivate functions not required.

15 (245) "C-0-0013: Drive waypoints not possible

(e. g. ECODRIVE)"
C-0-0048: 245 The I/O logic (VKL) is trying to actuate drive cams (A:Wxx.yy). They are
not available in the drive (P-0-0135).

• Change VKL.

15 (250) "Target axis must be phase sync or cam axis

(A-0-0133) "
C-0-0048: 250 The group command value additive 1 (A-0-0132) can only affect phase-
synchronous axes and cam axes.
Axes have, however, been entered in parameter "Group command value
1 - drive addresses" (A-0-0133) that do not meet this condition.

• Correct the addresses in A-0-0133 or
• change synchronization mode in A-0-0003.

15 (251) "More than one group parameter per axis not possible"
C-0-0048: 251 Only one group parameter can effect an axis.
More than one group parameter link is, however, present for the
specified drive address.

• Check parameter "Group command value 1 - drive addresses"
(A-0-0133) of all axes and ensure that no drive address has been
entered or is listed twice.

15 (270) "A-0-0013: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/

C-0-0048: 270 The master axis gears have been set in parameter "jogging mode with
speed synchronization" (A-0-0013) as the jog variable.
This is not available in the drive (e. g. drive firmware ELS 05VRS).



LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-23

• Replace drive.
• Replace drive firmware.
• Change A-0-0013.

15 (271) "A-0-0153: Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/

C-0-0048: 271 The master axis gears have been set in parameter "jogging mode with
phase synchronization" (A-0-0153).
This is not available in the drive (e.g., drive firmware ELS 05VRS).

• Replace drive.
• Replace drive firmware.
• Change A-0-0153.

16 (20) "Non-supported drive type

C-0-0048: 20 A connected drive could not be identified.
The address of the relevant drive is specified in parameter "SYNAX -
error source" (C-0-0046).

• IMPORTANT: Read out the text of parameter "manufacturer version"
(S-0-0030) and make a note of it, e.g., "DSM2.3-ELS-02V03".
• Contact Indramat customer service.

16 (21) "Non-supported drive firmware"

C-0-0048: 21 The SYNAX firmware used is not compatible with the firmware in the
The address of the relevant drive is in parameter "SYNAX - error source"

• IMPORTANT: Read out the text of parameter "manufacturer version"
(S-0-0030) and make a note of it, e.g., "DSM2.3-ELS-02V03").
• Contact Indramat customer service.

17 (17) "Virtual master axis error"

C-0-0048: 17 The virtual master axis is signalling an error, e.g., E-stop of the virtual
master axis.

• Make a note of the error and investigate, if necessary, what, for
example, caused the E-stop (emergency stop).
• Clear the virtual master axis error.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-24 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

17 (105) "Position value corrupted"

C-0-0048: 105 The master axis position of the virtual master axis is checked but once
for validity upon reaching master axis mode (checksum).

• A new CLC was used with a non-initialized RAM memory.
• Data integrity was lost, e.g., as a result of a faulty RAM.

• "Real/Virt master - clear error" (_E:L01.16).
• If necessary, set position of the virtual master axis with "virtual master
enable" (_E:L01.06) or "VM preset position" (_E:L01.20).

17 (106) "Virtual master speed limit to high

(see C-0-0030, C-0-0031)"
C-0-0048: 106 The maximum allowable velocity command value of the master axis is
fixed with
1000 × 0,45 × 60
MAX = .
SERCOS cycle time
The SERCOS cycle time is displayed in parameter S-0-0002.
At least one limit value of the velocity command value (C-0-0030 or
C-0-0031) is greater than the maximum allowable velocity command
value as per the above formula.

• C-0-0030 or C-0-0031 must be decreased as per formula above.

17 (107) "Virtual master speed limit to high

(see C-0-0055, C-0-0056)"
C-0-0048: 107 The maximum allowable velocity command value of the master axis is
fixed with
1000 × 0,45 × 60
MAX = .
SERCOS cycle time
The SERCOS cycle time is displayed in parameter S-0-0002.
At least one limit value of the velocity command value (C-0-0055 or
C-0-0056) is greater than the maximum allowable velocity command
value as per the above formula.

• C-0-0055 or C-0-0056 must be decreased as per formula above.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-25

17 (110) "C-0-0050 too short for selected HS-waypoints (C-0-0049)"

C-0-0048: 110 The parameter "high speed cam switches - ON/OFF angle"
(C-0-0050) is checked for required length when progressing from
parametrization mode into operating mode.

• The parameter "high speed cam switches - ON/OFF angle" (C-0-
0050) is not as long as required by parameter "high speed cam
switches -control word" (C-0-0049).

• Enter a sufficient number of angles in parameter C-0-0050.
• Deactivate high speed cam in parameter C-0-0049.

17 (111) Too many DEA cards for HS waypoints activated

(C-0-0049, A-0-0036)
C-0-0048: 111 The cam function is activated in parameter "high speed cam switches -
control word" (C-0-0049). DEA cards are allocated to these cams in
parameter "digital I/O - configuration" (A-0-0036).
Too many DEA cards have been allocated to the number of cams

• Change C-0-0049.
• Change A-0-0036.

18 (18) "Real master axis moved"

C-0-0048: 18 When using a real master axis, the position of the real master axis, upon
switching the CLC on, is compared with the final value just prior to shut
down. If the difference is greater than the value "real master - position
window" (C-0-0025), then this error is generated.
This check is conducted until the input "RM position monitoring enable"
(_E:L01.15) is set.

• The master axis was moved while the machine was shut off.
• A new CLC was put into operation.

• Keep the following axes from synchronizing with the new master axis
• Clear error.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-26 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

18 (100) "Real master axis - master encoder error"

C-0-0048: 100 The encoder monitoring device was actuated with the use of a redundant
encoder for the real master axis. The master encoder is hunting.

• The coupling unit is defective.
• The encoder is defective.
• The encoder cable is defective.
• Monitoring window "real master - redundant encoder monitoring
window" (C-0-0073) too small.

• Check both encoders.
• Correct the parameter by using the parameter "real master -
redundant encoder max. position difference" (C-0-0074), if necessary.
• The error can only be reset with input "real/virtual master - clear error"

18 (101) "Real master axis - redundant encoder error"

C-0-0048: 101 The encoder monitoring device was actuated with the use of a redundant
encoder for the real master axis. The master encoder is hunting.

• The coupling unit is defective.
• The encoder is defective.
• The encoder cable is defective.
• Monitoring window "real master - redundant encoder monitoring
window" (C-0-0073) too small.

• Check both encoders.
• Correct the parameter by using the parameter "real master -
redundant encoder max. position difference" (C-0-0074), if necessary.
• The error can only be reset with input "real/virtual master - clear error"

21 (230) "SERCOS transmission error (no drive responds)

C-0-0048: 230 A SERCOS interface transmission could not be successfully concluded
(time out monitoring).
At the time of this transmission, one or several axes would not respond.
The SYNAX ring remains in initialization mode. A progression is only
posible if the CLC is switched OFF and ON.

• Fiber optic cable ring defective -or-
• Drive was switched off.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-27

• Switch drive and CLC off (reset possible with CLC-P).
• Check fiber optic cable ring.
• Contact Indramat customer service.

21 (231) "SERCOS interface - transmission error during

C-0-0048: 231-299 An error occurred during the transmission of a parameter to the drive
while initializing the SERCOS interface ring and drives.
This error may not occur with a system that is already successfully
operating. There is a problem in the transmission path, i.e., LWL ring, if it
This error can occur during startup if, for example, a drive used
• does not support a specific parameter or
• it does not permit the value of a parameter that is to be transmitted.
In this case, it is possible to start up the system by changing

• IMPORTANT: Read out the number from parameter "SYNAX - error
number" (C-0-0048) and make a note of it (e.g., 231).
• Contact Indramat customer service.

32 (140) "3964R Serial interface overrun"

C-0-0048: 140 An overrrun error has occurred at the interface.

• Clear error, restart transmission.
• If the error occurs again, contact Indramat customer service.

32 (141) "3964R Serial interface parity error"

C-0-0048: 141 A parity error occurred at the serial interface.

• First failure (e.g., due to EMC)
• Repetitive failure, e.g., due to faulty transmission path (e.g., defective

• Check transmission path.
• Clear error.
• Restart transmission.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-28 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

32 (142) "3964R Serial interface transmission error (Frame)"

C-0-0048: 142 A frame error has occurred at the serial interface.

• Incorrectly set data rate, parity and so on.

• Set data transmission correct, also see "Host communication - control
word" (C-0-0033).

32 (143) "ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration"

C-0-0048: 143 The ARCNET bus connection has completely broken down.

• The ARCNET bus connection has been interrupted.
• Strong EMC interference.

• - Check plug-in contacts for seating.
- Ensure that the end resistors (93 Ω) are in at both bus ends.
• In a highly polluted EMC environment, use cable RG 71 (in lieu of RG

33 (150) "Communication via the fieldbus is impossible"

C-0-0048: 150 Problems have occurred on the field bus which do not permit the
exchange of data.

• These problems are field bus specific.

Evaluate the diagnosis of the field bus master and eliminate the faults.
• Check the serial connection (connector and cable) or
• check the bus configuration of the master

33 (151) "Non-supported firmware version of the interface board"

C-0-0048: 151 The CLC-D has detected an invalid firmware version of the interface card
during initialization.

• The firmware version of the interface card is not that of the SYNAX
version used.

• Use the interface firmware that accords to the firmware configuration
of the SYNAX version.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-29

34 (34) "DEA28: External power supply error

C-0-0048: 34 The DEA28 has galvanically isolated inputs and outputs. To operate
these correctly, an external power source must be applied.

• The external power supply exceeds the +18V < Ui < +32V limits.

• Check the external power source.

35 (35) "DEA29: External power supply error

C-0-0048: 35 The DEA29 has galvanically isolated inputs and outputs. To operate
these correctly, an external power source must be applied.

• The external power supply exceeds the +18V < Ui < +32V limits.

• Check the external power source.

36 (36) "DEA30: External power supply error

C-0-0048: 36 The DEA30 has galvanically isolated inputs and outputs. To operate
these correctly, an external power source must be applied.

• The external power supply exceeds the +18V < Ui < +32V limits.

• Check the external power source.

40 (40) "CLC-link - transmission path defective"

C-0-0048: 40 The link participant has detected an LWL break in the link ring.

• Each DAQ monitors its optical inputs. With missing signals, an LWL
break is detected.

• Check LED H17 (ERR SERC) and H18 on the DAQ (warped display,
LWL break display).
• The LWL break is physically "before" that subscriber that signals this


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-30 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

42 (42) "CLC-link - master position fault (MDT)"

C-0-0048: 42 The transmission of the master axis position by the link master to the link
subscriber is experiencing problems.

• Data transmission interference (bit error) link MDT of two sequential
cycles is faulty.

• Check LED H17 (DAQ) and LWL, if necessary.

43 (43) "CLC-link - master position fault (AT)"

C-0-0048: 43 The transmission of the master axis position by the link slave to the link
master is experiencing interference.
The parameter "SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046) contains the affected
link address.
Only those master axis positions are monitored that are used in the own
SYNAX ring.

• Data transmission interference (bit error), link AT of a link slave of two
sequential cycles is faulty.

• Check LED H17 (DAQ) and LWL, if necessary.

44 (44) "CLC-link - selected link address not permitted"

C-0-0048: 44 In the case of the CLC link, the link address set on the DAQ may only
range between 1 and 32.

• The address switches are read and checked after powering up and
when progressing into phase 4.

• Change DAQ address.

80 (80) "More than one extension card not possible (CLC

C-0-0048: 80 It is not possible to operate the CLC-D with the plug-in cards.

• There are too many plug-in cards on the CLC. The given CLC
hardware stipulates that only one plug-in card can be operated.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-31

• Remove the plug-in cards
• Use a CLC-D02.3 or higher

90 General procedure with this CLC-D display

This displays a series of errors that only occur in conjunction with the
electronic pattern control.
The diagnostics parameters C-0-0046 through C-0-0048 supply more
precise information about the nature of these errors.

90 (200) "Pattern control serial interface overrun"

C-0-0048: 200 Overflow occurred at the serial interface to the electronic pattern control.

• Contact Indramat customer service.

90 (201) "Pattern control serial interface parity error"

C-0-0048: 201 A parity error occurred at the serial interface to the electronic pattern

• Defective line.
• Interference.

• Check the line.

90 (202) "Pattern control serial interface frame error"

C-0-0048: 202 A frame error occurred at the serial interface to the electronic pattern

• Incorrectly set data rate, parity and so on.

• Set data transmission correctly, see "pattern data - source"

90 (203) "Pattern control data buffer overrun"

C-0-0048: 203 The internal data buffer on the CLC has overflowed.

• Contact Indramat customer service.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-32 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

90 (204) "Pattern data start byte faulty"

C-0-0048: 204 Remedy:
• Correct the pattern data.

90 (205) "Pattern data undefined target position"

C-0-0048: 205 Remedy:
• Correct the pattern data.

90 (206) "Pattern data error in number of axes"

C-0-0048: 206 Remedy:
• Correct the pattern data.

90 (207) "Pattern data checksum error"

C-0-0048: 207 Over all of the data of a pattern data telegram, a longitudinal parity is
generated. The parity does not agree with the parity received by the CLC.

• Pattern computer has generated faulty parity.
• Transmission error.

90 (208) "Pattern data not in order"

C-0-0048: 208 Remedy:
• Correct the pattern data.

90 (209) "Pattern data positive pattern limit exceeded"

C-0-0048: 209 The value in the pattern data is greater than the value in "negative
pattern limit" (A-0-0039).

• Correction in pattern computer.

90 (210) "Pattern data negative pattern limit exceeded"

C-0-0048: 210 The value in the pattern data is greater than the value in "positive pattern
limit" (A-0-0040).

• Correction in pattern computer.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-33

90 (211) "Pattern data limits between received target pos. exceeded"

C-0-0048: 211 The increment widths specified in the pattern data have exceeded the
limits specifed in "pattern control - limits between received target
positions" (A-0-0049).

• Correction in pattern computer.

90 (213) "Pattern data transmission not in pattern control

operating mode - in preparation
C-0-0048: 213 A pattern data transmission has taken place but the drives were not in
"electronic master gearbox" mode.

• Check pattern data transmission.

91 (91) "SERCOS interface - ASIC: initialization error"

C-0-0048: 91 The check of the SERCOS interface - ASIC produced an error.

• The dual port RAM is defective.
• A time out error with a reset of the SERCOS interface - ASIC.

• Replace the CLC card.

92 (92) "CLC-P - DUAL PORT RAM error"

C-0-0048: 92 The check of the dual port RAM of the CLC-P generated an error.

• The dual port RAM is defective.
• The PC wrote into the dual port RAM during the check.

• Replace the CLC card.
• Change the PC program so that the PC cannot write during the dual
port RAM test.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-34 Definition of the error messages SYNAX

93 (93) "DAQ: SERCOS interface - ASIC: initialization error"

C-0-0048: 93 Once the CLC-D/DAQ is switched on
• a software reset and
• a dual port ram test
are exected.
If one of these operations should fail, then this error is generated.

• A hardware error occurred during the initialization of the DAQ.

• Replace DAQ.

94 (94) "CLC hardware version incorrect"

C-0-0048: 94 The hardware identification on the CLC is wrong.

• The CLC hardware does not match the DAQ application. A CLC with
a higher hardware version is needed or equal to 2.2.
• Incorrect EEPROM entry.
• EEPROM entry does not match hardware.

• Replace CLC card (hardware version higher or equal to 2.2).
• Contact Indramat customer service.
• CLC-card may have to be sent back to Indramat.

95 (4000+x) "Operating system error"

C-0-0048: 4000+x An operating systems error has occurred in the CLC system.

• IMPORTANT: Note number (e.g., 4001).
• Contact Indramat customer service.

96 "Fieldbus card - hardware failure"

C-0-0048: 96 The hardware test of the inserted fieldbus card (e.g., DBS, DPF) resulted
in failure.

• Replace CLC and fieldbus card and send to Indramat customer


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SYNAX Definition of the error messages 4-35

97 (260) "PLC - firmware-version incompatible"

C-0-0048: 260 SYNAX is trying to detect an Indramat PLC during runup.

• Firmware version of the CLC and that of the Indramat PLC are not

• Replace CLC and Indramat PLC firmware.

97 (261) "PLC - cycle-counter is dead"

C-0-0048: 261 SYNAX is monitoring the cycle counter of a closed Indramat PLC.

• The Indramat PLC is not running.

97 (262) "PLC reports an error"

C-0-0048: 262 Cause:
• The closed Indramat PLC is signalling an error.

98 (3000+y) Drive error

Example: "Motor overtemperature"
C-0-0048: 3000+y An error has occurred in the drive. The diagnosis parameter (S-0-0095)
of the relevant drive is copied into "SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047).
The "error message number" (P-0-0009) = y plus 3000 is copied into
parameter "SYNAX - error number" (C-0-0048). The address of the drive
is listed in parameter "SYNAX - error source" (C-0-0046).

Note: In parameter "SYNAX - diagnostics text" (C-0-0047) "drive

error" will not be listed but rather, e.g., "motor


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

4-36 Definition of the error messages SYNAX


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX SYNAX Reference List 5-1

5 SYNAX Reference List

5.1 Referenced firmware

Product: Product firmware Printed board firmware

(order designation): (EPROM labelling):
+ Profibus FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
+ Interbus-S FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
+ DeviceNet FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DSM2.3-ELS-05VRS-MS
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
drive family DIAX03 FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-HSM1.1-ELS-05VRS-MS
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DPF5.2-CP2-03VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DBS3.1-CI1-02VRS-NN
drive family DIAX04 FWC-DCF01*-CD1-01VRS-NN
Fig. 5-1: Referenced firmware

Note: The software with suffix -COPY may be copied.


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

5-2 SYNAX Reference List SYNAX

5.2 Supplementary documentation

Order text: Title:

DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FK01-EN-P SYNAX - Functional Description
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-PA01-EN-P SYNAX - Parameter Description
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-PR01-EN-P SYNAX - Project Planning
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-WA01-EN-P SYNAX - Trouble Shooting Guide
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-FV01-EN-P SYNAX - Version notes
DOK-SYNAX*-SY*-06VRS**-4001-EN-P SYNAX - Schuber 40-06V
SWD-SYNTOP-INB-04VRS-MS-D0600 General Support for SYNAX - Version 06VRS
DOK-DIAX03-ELS-05VRS**-50M1-EN-P DIAX03 - Schuber 50-05V
DOK-DIAX04-ELS-05VRS**-60M1-EN-P DIAX04 - Schuber 60-05V
DOK-ECODRV-SSE-03VRS**-57M1-EN-P ECODRIVE - Schuber 57-03V
DOK-ECODR3-SGP-01VRS**-7201-EN-P ECODRIVE03 - Schuber 72-01V
Fig. 5-2: Supplementary documentation


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Index 6-1

6 Index

3964R Serial interface overrun 4-27
3964R Serial interface parity error 4-27
3964R Serial interface transmission error (Frame) 4-28

Drive does not support selected sync. mode 4-15
Activated analogue channel not linked 4-9
Drive does not support selected set up mode 4-19
Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/P-0-0157) 4-22, 4-23
Too many register controllers activated 4-17
Analogue channel for process control not defined 4-10
Analogue channel for the process control not activated 4-10
Process control P-gain too high 4-10
Drive does not support selected special mode 4-15
Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/P-0-0157) 4-20
Master drive gear not available (P-0-0156/P-0-0157) 4-9
ARCNET - excessive bus reconfiguration 4-28

Addressed DEA28 not plugged in 4-19
Addressed DEA29 not plugged in 4-19
Addressed DEA30 not plugged in 4-19
Drive waypoints not possible (e. g. ECODRIVE) 4-22
Non-permissible DEA address (e.g., ECODRIVE) 4-13
Addressed X-I/O not permissible (see C-0-0024/C-0-0033) 4-12
Data integrity violated 4-13
Idle mode not permissible (see A-0-0009) 4-12
Non-permissible DEA address (see C-0-0002) 4-11
Non-permissible version of PARA.EXE 4-13
PLC-interface not allowed on CLC-D and CLC-P01 4-14
Setup mode not permissible (see A-0-0009) 4-12
Special mode not permissible (see A-0-0070) 4-13
Synchronization mode not permissible (A-0-0003) 4-12
Number of entries not equal 4-9
C-0-0050 too short for selected HS-waypoints (C-0-0049) 4-25
Ident-number exists twice 4-6


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

6-2 Index SYNAX

Number of entries not equal 4-6
Cam and register control not possible (see A-0-0003/A-0-0025) 4-18
Cam/register/osci. not possible (see A-0-0003/25/C-0-0107) 4-18
CLC battery defective 4-5
CLC checksum error (see C-0-0068) 4-5
CLC EPROM defective 4-1
CLC hardware defective 4-1
CLC hardware version incorrect 4-34
CLC in test mode continuous light 4-1
CLC in test mode zero bit stream 4-1
CLC link not possible (CLC hardware) 4-14
CLC parameter exceeds min./max. value (see C-0-0068) 4-5
CLC parameter not correct (see C-0-0068) 4-6
CLC SRAM defective 4-1
CLC-internal memory error 4-4
CLC-link - master position fault (AT) 4-30
CLC-link - master position fault (MDT) 4-30
CLC-link - other link master already active 4-13
CLC-link - selected link address not permitted 4-30
CLC-link - transmission path defective 4-29
CLC-P - DUAL PORT RAM error 4-33
Combination of used functions not possible (real time bits) 4-21
Communication via the fieldbus is impossible 4-28

SERCOS interface - ASIC

initialization error 4-34

External power supply error 4-29
External power supply error 4-29
External power supply error 4-29
Drive addresses not correct (see C-0-0002, C-0-0086) 4-3
Drive does not support DEA8.1 card 4-21
Drive does not support oscilloscope function 4-18
Drive locked with password (S-0-0267) 4-19

Electr. gear ratio not possible (s. S-0-0236, S-0-0237) 4-20
Electronic gear ratio must be 1
1 (see S-0-0236, S-0-0237) 4-8
Emergency reaction ’Phase 0’ - mode change not possible 4-4
Error master encoder 4-2

Fiber optic ring not closed 4-3
Fieldbus card - hardware failure 4-34


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Index 6-3

HS waypoints and I/O to DEA28.1 not possible (C-0-0013, C-0-0049) 4-21
HS waypoints and I/O to DEA4.1 not possible (C-0-0013, C-0-0049, A-0-0036) 4-21

Max. number of drives exceeded 4-4
More than one extension card not possible (CLC hardware) 4-30
More than one group parameter per axis not possible 4-22
More than one process controller per axis not possible 4-9
More than one register controller per axis not possible 4-8
More than one tension controller per axis not possible 4-11
Motor overtemperature 4-35
Multiplex channel is not possible (see C-0-0126/C-0-0129/C-0-0132) 4-8

No different feedbacks selectable (A-0-0003/A-0-0009/A-0-0070) 4-14
Non-supported drive firmware 4-23
Non-supported drive type 4-23
Non-supported firmware version of the interface board 4-28

Operating system error 4-34

Parameter A-0-0038 not correct 4-11
Parameter channel is not possible (see C-0-0126 and C-0-0129) 4-7
Parameter incomplete (-> S-0-0021) 4-2
Parameter value limits
min-limit > max-limit (see C-0-0068) 4-6
Pattern control & modulo format not permissible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003) 4-16
Pattern control data buffer overrun 4-31
Pattern control serial interface frame error 4-31
Pattern control serial interface overrun 4-31
Pattern control serial interface parity error 4-31
Pattern control with ELS masterposition additiv impossible (A-0-0003, A-0-0159) 4-16
Pattern data checksum error 4-32
Pattern data error in number of axes 4-32
Pattern data limits between received target pos. exceeded 4-33
Pattern data negative pattern limit exceeded 4-32
Pattern data not in order 4-32
Pattern data positive pattern limit exceeded 4-32
Pattern data start byte faulty 4-32
Pattern data transmission not in pattern control operating mode 4-33
Pattern data undefined target position 4-32
Phase synchronization & absolute format not possible (see A-0-0001/A-0-0003) 4-14
PLC - cycle-counter is dead 4-35
PLC - firmware-version incompatible 4-35
PLC reports an error 4-35
Port A (X27) multiple assigned (C-0-0011/C-0-0033/C-0-0104/Jumper) 4-17
Port B (X28) multiple assigned (see C-0-0011/C-0-0033/C-0-0104/Jumper) 4-17
Position value corrupted 4-24


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

6-4 Index SYNAX

Process data are invalid (C-0-0129 / C-0-0128 / C-0-0127 / C-0-0126 / C-0-0131 /

C-0-0132 and DBs) 4-7

Real master axis - master encoder error 4-26
Real master axis - redundant encoder error 4-26
Real master axis moved 4-25
Register cont. and oscilloscope not possible 4-18
Register control only possible with modulo axis (see A-0-0001, A-0-0025) 4-20
Register controlled axis without synchronization (see A-0-0003) 4-20

Modulo value = 0 is invalid (see A-0-0001) 4-15
SERCOS interface - ASIC
initialization error 4-33
SERCOS interface - double drive telegram failure 4-3
SERCOS interface - no drives connected 4-2
SERCOS interface - ring break 4-2
SERCOS interface - transmission error during initialization 4-27
SERCOS transmission error (no drive responds) 4-26
Special mode only with CLC-P possible (A-0-0070/A-0-0071/A-0-0072/A-0-0073) 4-15

Target axis must be phase sync or cam axis (A-0-0133) 4-22
Tension controlled axis must be speed synch. (A-0-0003, A-0-0087, A-0-0146) 4-11
Too many DEA cards for HS waypoints activated (C-0-0049, A-0-0036) 4-25
Too many parameters in AT configured 4-16
Too many parameters in MDT configured 4-16

Virtual master axis error 4-23
Virtual master speed limit to high (see C-0-0030, C-0-0031 4-24
Virtual master speed limit to high (see C-0-0055, C-0-0056 4-24

Winding axis must be in speed synchronization (A-0-0003, A-0-0146) 4-8


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Directory of Customer Service Locations

Kundenbetreuungsstellen - Sales & Service Facilities

Deutschland – Germany vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Ost SALES Vertriebsgebiet West SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany Centre Service Germany East Service Germany West Service Germany North Service


Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Str. 2 Beckerstraße 31 Harkortstraße 25 Kieler Straße 212
D - 97816 Lohr am Main D - 09120 Chemnitz D - 40849 Ratingen D - 22525 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (0)9352/40-0 Telefon: +49 (0)371/35 55-0 Telefon: +49 (0)2102/43 18-0 Telefon: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0)9352/40-4885 Telefax: +49 (0)371/35 55-333 Telefax: +49 (0)2102/41 315 Telefax: +49 (0)40/85 31 57-15

Vertriebsgebiet Süd SALES Gebiet Südwest SALES Vertriebsgebiet Mitte SALES Vertriebsgebiet Nord SALES
Germany South Service Germany South-West Service Germany Centre Service Germany North Service

INDRAMAT GmbH INDRAMAT GmbH Mannesmann Rexroth AG Mannesmann Rexroth AG

Ridlerstraße 75 Böblinger Straße 25 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Vertriebsniederlassung Region Nord
D-80339 München D-71229 Leonberg Lillistraße 14-18 Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT
D – 63067 Offenbach Schützenstraße 20
Telefon: +49 (0)89/540138-30 Telefon: +49 (0)7152/9 72-6
D – 30853 Langenhagen
Telefax: +49 (0)89/540138-10 Telefax: +49 (0)7152/9 72-727 Telefon: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-0
[email protected] Telefax: +49 (0) 62/82 00 90-80 Telefon: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 511/72 66 57-93

INDRAMAT Service-Hotline

Telefon: +49 (0)172/660 04 06
Telefon: +49 (0)171/333 88 26

- nur an Werktagen von 15 -18 Uhr -
+49 (0) 93 52/40 42 22

Kundenbetreuungsstellen in Deutschland - Service agencies in Germany


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

Directory of Customer Service Locations SYNAX

Europa – Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen, 0 nach Landeskennziffer mitwählen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code, dial 0 after country code!

Austria SALES Service Austria SALES Service Belgium SALES Service Denmark SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ges.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth G.m.b.H. Mannesmann Rexroth N.V.-S.A. BEC AS
Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Zinkvej 6
Hägelingasse 3 Industriepark 18 Industrielaan 8 DK-8900 Randers
A - 1140 Wien A - 4061 Pasching B-1740 Ternat
Telefon: +43 (0)1/9852540-400 Telefon: +43 (0)7221/605-0 Telefon: +32 (0)2/5823180 Telefon: +45 (0)87/11 90 60
Telefax: +43 (0)1/9852540-93 Telefax: +43 (0)7221/605-21 Telefax: +32 (0)2/5824310 Telefax: +45 (0)87/11 90 61

England SALES Service Finland SALES Service France SALES Service France SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Ltd. Rexroth Mecman OY Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT division Division INDRAMAT Division INDRAMAT
Broadway Lane, South Cerney SF-017 40 Vantaa Parc des Barbanniers 270, Avenue de Lardenne
GB - Cirencester, Glos GL7 5UH 4, Place du Village F - 31100 Toulouse
Telefon: +358 (0)9/84 91 11
F-92632 Gennevilliers Cedex
Telefon: +44 (0)1285/863000 Telefax: +358 (0)9/84 91 13 60 Telefon: +33 (0)5 61 49 95 19
Telefax: +44 (0)1285/863030 Telefon: +33 (0)141 47 54 30 Telefax: +33 (0)5 61 31 00 41
Telefax: +33 (0)147 94 69 41
Hotline: +33 (0)6 08 33 43 28

France SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A.
Division INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT
91, Bd. Irène Joliot-Curie Via G. Di Vittoria, 1 Via Borgomanero, 11 Via del Progresso, 16 (Zona Ind.)
F - 69634 Vénissieux – Cedex I - 20063 Cernusco S/N.MI I - 10145 Torino I - 35020 Padova
Telefon: +33 (0)4 78 78 53 65 Telefon: +39 02/92 36 52 70 Telefon: +39 011/7 50 38 11 Telefon: +39 049/8 70 13 70
Telefax: +33 (0)4 78 78 52 53 Telefax: +39 02/92 36 55 12 Telefax: +39 011/7 71 01 90 Telefax: +39 049/8 70 13 77

Italy SALES Service Italy SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service Netherlands SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Mannesmann Rexroth S.p.A. Hydraudyne Hydrauliek B.V. Hydrocare B.V.
Divisione INDRAMAT Divisione INDRAMAT Kruisbroeksestraat 1 Kruisbroeksestraat 1
Via de Nicola, 12 Viale Oriani, 38/A (P.O. Box 32) (P.O. Box 32)
I - 80053 Castellamare di Stabia NA I - 40137 Bologna NL - 5281 RV Boxtel NL - 5281 RV Boxtel
Telefon: +39 081/8 72 30 37 Telefon: +39 051/34 14 14 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51 Telefon: +31 (0)411/65 19 51
Telefax: +39 081/8 72 30 18 Telefax: +39 051/34 14 22 Telefax: +31 (0)411/65 14 83 Telefax: +31 (0)411/67 78 14
e-mail: [email protected]

Norway SALES Service Poland SALES Service Russia SALES Service Spain SALES Service

Rexroth Mecman AS Mannesmann Rexroth Sp.zo.o. Tschudnenko E.B. Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.
INDRAMAT Division Biuro Poznan Arsenia 22 Divisiòn INDRAMAT
Berghagan 1 or Box 3007 ul. Dabrowskiego 81/85 RUS - 153000 Ivanovo Centro Industrial Santiga
N–1405 Ski-Langhus N-1402 Ski PL – 60-529 Poznan Rußland Obradors s/n
E-08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda
Telefon: +47 (0)64 86 41 00 Telefon: +48 061/847 67 99 Telefon: +7 093/223 96 33
Telefax: +47 (0)64 86 90 62 Telefax: +48 061/847 64 02 oder/or +7 093/223 95 48
Telefax: +7 093/223 46 01 Telefon: +34 937 47 94 00
Telefax: +34 937 47 94 01

Spain SALES Service Sweden SALES Service Slowenia SALES Service Turkey SALES Service

Goimendi S.A. Rexroth Mecman Svenska AB INDRAMAT elektromotorji d.o.o. Mannesmann Rexroth Hidropar A..S.
División Indramat INDRAMAT Division Otoki 21 Fevzi Cakmak Cad No. 3
Jolastokieta (Herrera) Varuvägen 7 SLO - 64 228 Zelezniki TR - 34630 Sefaköy Istanbul
Apartado 11 37 S - 125 81 Stockholm
Telefon: +386 64/61 73 32 Telefon: +90 212/541 60 70
E - 20017 San Sebastian
Telefon: +46 (0)8/727 92 00 Telefax: +386 64/64 71 50 Telefax: +90 212/599 34 07
Telefon: +34 9 43/40 01 63 Telefax: +46 (0)8/647 32 77
Telefax: +34 9 43/39 17 99

Switzerland SALES Switzerland SALES

-East- Service -West- Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Schweiz AG Mannesmann Rexroth Suisse SA

Geschäftsbereich INDRAMAT Département INDRAMAT
Gewerbestraße 3 Rue du village 1
CH-8500 Frauenfeld CH-1020 Renens
Telefon: +41 (0)52/720 21 00 Telefon: +41 (0)21/632 84 20
Telefax: +41 (0)52/720 21 11 Telefax: +41 (0)21/632 84 21

Europäische Kundenbetreuungsstellen (ohne Deutschland)

European Service agencies (without Germany)


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Directory of Customer Service Locations

Außerhalb Europa - outside Europe vom Ausland: (0) nach Landeskennziffer weglassen!
from abroad: don’t dial (0) after country code!

Argentina SALES Service Argentina SALES Service Australia SALES Service Australia SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth S.A.I.C. NAKASE AIMS - Australian Industrial Mannesmann Rexroth Pty. Ltd.
Division INDRAMAT Servicio Tecnico CNC Machinery Services Pty. Ltd. No. 7, Endeavour Way
Acassusso 48 41/7 Calle 49, No. 5764/66 Unit 3/45 Horne ST Braeside Victoria, 31 95
RA - 1605 Munro (Buenos Aires) RA - 1653 Villa Balester Campbellfield , VIC 3061 AUS – Melbourne
Prov. - Buenos Aires AUS - Melbourne
Telefon: +54 (0)11/4756 01 40
Telefax: +54 (0)11/4762 6862 Telefon: +54 (0) 11/4768 36 43 Telefon: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 28
Telefon: +61 (0)3/95 80 39 33
e-mail:[email protected] Telefax: +54 (0) 11/4768 24 13 Telefax: +61 (0)3/93 59 02 86
Telefax: +61 (0)3/95 80 17 33
e-mail: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Brazil SALES Service Brazil SALES Service Canada SALES Service China SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth Mannesmann Rexroth Basic Technologies Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt.
Automação Ltda. Automação Ltda. Burlington Division Shanghai Parts & Service Center
Divisão INDRAMAT Divisão INDRAMAT 3426 Mainway Drive 199 Wu Cao Road, Hua Cao
Rua Georg Rexroth, 609 Rua Umberto Pinheiro Vieira, 100 Burlington, Ontario Minhang District
Vila Padre Anchieta Distrito Industrial Canada L7M 1A8 PRC - Shanghai 201 103
BR - 09951-270 Diadema-SP BR - 09220-390 Joinville - SC
Telefon: +1 905/335 55 11 Telefon: +86 21/62 20 00 58
[ Caixa Postal 377 ] [ Caixa Postal 1273 ]
[ BR-09901-970 Diadema-SP ]
Telefax: +1 905/335-41 84 Telefax: +86 21/62 20 00 68
Tel./Fax: +55 (0)47/473 55 833
Telefon: +55 (0)11/745 90 60 Mobil: +55 (0)47 974 6645
+55 (0)11/745 90 70 e-mail: [email protected]
Telefax: +55 (0)11/745 90 50

China SALES Service China SALES Service Hongkong SALES Service India SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (China) Ldt. Rexroth (China) Ldt. Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd.
15/F China World Trade Center A-5F., 123 Lian Shan Street 1/F., 19 Cheung Shun Street INDRAMAT Division
1, Jianguomenwai Avenue Sha He Kou District Cheung Sha Wan, Plot. 96, Phase III
PRC - Beijing 100004 PRC - Dalian 116 023 Kowloon, Hongkong Peenya Industrial Area
IND - Bangalore - 560058
Telefon: +86 10/65 05 03 80 Telefon: +86 411/46 78 930 Telefon: +852 22 62 51 00
Telefax: +86 10/65 05 03 79 Telefax: +86 411/46 78 932 Telefax: +852 27 44 02 78 Telefon: +91 (0)80/8 39 73 74
Telefax: +91 (0)80/8 39 43 45

India SALES Service Indonesia SALES Service Japan SALES Service Japan SALES Service

Mannesmann Rexroth (India) Ltd. PT. Rexroth Wijayakusuma Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd. Rexroth Automation Co., Ltd.
INDRAMAT Division Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 21 Service Center Japan INDRAMAT Division
Plot. A-58, TTC Industrial Area Pulogadung Yutakagaoka 1810, Meito-ku, 1F, I.R. Building
Thane Turbhe Midc Road RI - Jakarta Timur 13920 NAGOYA 465-0035, Japan Nakamachidai 4-26-44, Tsuzuki-ku
Mahape Village YOKOHAMA 224-0041, Japan
Telefon: +62 21/4 61 04 87 Telefon: +81 (0)52/777 88 41
IND - Navi Mumbai - 400 701
+62 21/4 61 04 88 +81 (0)52/777 88 53 Telefon: +81 (0)45/942 72 10
Telefon: +91 (0)22/7 61 46 22 Telefax: +62 21/4 60 01 52 +81 (0)52/777 88 79 Telefax: +81 (0)45/942 03 41
Telefax: +91 (0)22/7 68 15 31 Telefax: +81 (0)52/777 89 01

Mexico SALES Service Korea SALES Service Korea SALES Service South Africa SALES Service

Rexroth Mexico S.A. de C.V. Mannesmann Rexroth-Seki Co Ltd. Seo Chang Corporation Ltd. TECTRA Automation (Pty) Ltd.
Calle Neptuno 72 1500-12 Da-Dae-Dong Room 903, Jeail Building 28 Banfield Road,Industria North
Unidad Ind. Vallejo ROK - Saha-Ku, Pusan, 604-050 44-35 Yeouido-Dong RSA - Maraisburg 1700
MEX - 07700 Mexico, D.F. Yeoungdeungpo-Ku
Telefon: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 18 Telefon: +27 (0)11/673 20 80
C.P.O.Box 97 56
Telefon: +52 5 754 17 11 Telefax: +82 (0)51/2 60 06 19 Telefax: +27 (0)11/673 72 69
ROK - Seoul
+52 5 754 36 84
+52 5 754 12 60 Telefon: +82 (0)2/7 80 82 08
Telefax: +52 5 754 50 73 +82 (0)2/7 80 82 09
+52 5 752 59 43 Telefax: +82 (0)2/7 84 54 08

Taiwan SALES Service

Rexroth Uchida Co., Ltd.

No.1, Tsu Chiang Street
Tu Cheng Ind. Estate
Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telefon: +886 2/2 68 13 47
Telefax: +886 2/2 68 53 88

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa - Service agencies outside Europe


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

Directory of Customer Service Locations SYNAX

Außerhalb Europa / USA - outside Europe / USA


Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation
5150 Prairie Stone Parkway Central Region Technical Center Southeastern Technical Center Northeastern Technical Center
USA -Hoffman Estates, IL 60192-3707 USA - Auburn Hills, MI 48326 3625 Swiftwater Park Drive 99 Rainbow Road
USA - Suwanee USA - East Granby,
Telefon: +1 847/6 45 36 00 Telefon: +1 248/3 93 33 30
Georgia 30174 Connecticut 06026
Telefax: +1 847/6 45 62 01 Telefax: +1 248/3 93 29 06
Telefon: +1 770/9 32 32 00 Telefon: +1 860/8 44 83 77
+1 770/9 32 19 03 +1 860/8 44 85 95

Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation

Charlotte Regional Sales Office
14001 South Lakes Drive
USA - Charlotte,
North Carolina 28273
Telefon: +1 704/5 83 97 62
+1 704/5 83 14 86

Kundenbetreuungsstellen außerhalb Europa / USA

Service agencies outside Europe / USA


LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

SYNAX Directory of Customer Service Locations



LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

Printed in Germany



LSA Control S.L. [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01

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