College of Education Vision: Mission:: Guidelines For The Learning Enhancement 1

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College of Education

March 8, 2021
Vision:A premier Guidelines for the Learning Enhancement 1
multidisciplinary- A. Learning Enhancement 1.
technological The ED. 3212/ ED- LE 1: Learning Enhancement 1 is a course offered on the second semester of the
university.Mission: Th Third Year of All Education. The subject focuses on the Review Preparation for General Education
e University shall primarily Subject based from the coverage given by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC). It will be
provide advanced a one semester of virtual seminars, lectures, rationalizations and formative and summative exams. To
professional and technical keep track of your learnings, you will fill up the Self-Evaluation Form every after Examination Day.
instruction for special There will be a Learning Enhancement 2 to be offered on the first Semester of the Fourth Year that
purposes, advanced studies in will focus on Professional & Major Subjects.
industrial trade, agriculture,
The earlier exposures of the mind settings, possible questions, time management and simulation on
fishery, forestry, engineering,
aeronautics and land-based mock boards would be the best preparation for the board exam and the best time to do it is NOW.
programs, education, arts and #CoEdukados: Preparation Matters
sciences, health sciences, and B. Schedules and Attendance
other relevant fields of study.
It shall also undertake *Attendance will be checked in Google Form & our Group Chat: Learning Enhancement 1.
research, and extension Everyone in the section should be added in the GC, No One should be Left Behind. We
services, and production, and have FB Group Page: Learning Enhancement 1 for the instructors to post updates. You will
provide progressive have to Log in your names and other details on your schedule of classes for your
leadership in its area of
specialization.Goals: Th C. Mode of Classes
e University shall produce We will use coding for our classes so that we will be all guided.
scientifically and
technologically oriented
ST- Study TimeED- Examination Day & Self-Evaluation Form
human capital equipped with HR- Hand-out ReleaseMD- Major Exam Day/Mock-Board Day
appropriate knowledge, skills D. Nature of Class
and attitude. It shall likewise Virtual / Online Classes
pursue relevant research, E. Grading System
strengthen linkage with the
industry, community and
other institutions and
maintain sustainable
technology for the
preservation of the
environment. Outcom Director, College of Education
es:1. Relevant, effective
and quality education for
sustainable growth.2. Access
to quality education for the Noted: GRACE B. GIMENA, Ph.D., Dev. Ed. D.
underprivileged students.3. Dean of Instruction
Relevant research for
economic, environmental and
sustainable development.4.
Expanded community Approved by:
engagement.5. Effective and
efficient management of
resources. ELDIE V. ABENIDO, Ed. D.
Campus Director

Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), ISO Certification No.: AJA 03/6952,
State Colleges and Universities (SUC) Level 4 and Recommended by DBM Regional Office VII.

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