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1KHW001496fe Firmware Download For ETL600

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ABB Switzerland Ltd 1KHW001496-EN

Archive No.: Rev. Date:

Firmware Download for ETL600 - F 2008-02-08
Responsible Department: Prepared: Approved: Distribution: Lang.: Page:
PSND 2005-09-19 M. Buhl 2008-02-08 C. Leeb - EN 1/9
Valid for: Derived from: Replaces: Classification-No.: File:
- 1KHL016378-EN - - 1KHW001496fe Firmware
Download for ETL600.doc

Power Line Carrier Equipment: Series ETL600

Firmware Download for ETL600


1 Purpose of document 2
2 General 2
2.1 Necessity for a firmware download 2
2.2 Risks of a firmware download 2
2.3 Firmware download files 3
2.4 Firmware download parameters 4
2.4.1 Automatic firmware download 4
2.4.2 User controlled firmware download 4
3 Firmware download 4
3.1 Update of non-configured equipment 4
3.2 Update of already configured equipment 5
3.3 HMI600 detects an incompatibility while downloading the configuration 5
3.4 HMI600 detects an incompatibility after extending the equipment 6
3.5 HMI600 detects an incompatibility after exchanging a module 6
3.6 Unsuccessful or incomplete firmware download to P4LT/P4LU 7
3.7 R1LA firmware recovery 7

List of equipment:
PC with Windows 2000 or XP
HMI600 software
Firmware download files
PC Ù P4LT/P4LU cable (1:1 serial RS-232)

• Please refer 1KHW001490 for compatibility between software HMI600, firmware and hardware of ETL600.

We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to
third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. © 2008 ABB
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1 Purpose of document
This document describes the firmware download process for the equipment ETL600 Rel.1,
supported by the PC program HMI600.

2 General
The HMI600 supports firmware download for the modules P4LT/P4LU, R1LA, O4LE and G4AI.
The firmware download gives the opportunity to update the equipment to the latest release or to
modify a module ordered from stock to the actual release in the client’s equipment.
The automatic release detection in the HMI600 identifies incompatibilities between firmware
versions on the modules in an equipment before the configuration upload or download process is
executed. If any incompatibility is recognized, the HMI600 will indicate that a firmware update has
to be executed. In this case a configuration download is not possible. The automatic release
detection doesn’t detect if the latest release is installed. For information about available releases
and about compatibility between software, firmware and hardware of the ETL600 system please
refer to the document „Compatibility Requirements for ETL600“ (1KHW001490).
The firmware of module P4LT/P4LU is stored in a non-replaceable FLASH memory and will be
checked for integrity during the start-up procedure. Therefore, if a firmware download failed due to
a power or communication failure, this will be detected and a so-called “emergency firmware” will
be activated. This emergency firmware supports a firmware download only and is indicated by
sequentially blinking (in anticlockwise direction) of all LEDs of the module P4LT/P4LU.

2.1 Necessity for a firmware download

The automatic firmware download has to be used in the following cases:
1. Update of already configured equipment with automatic backup and restore of the
Typically, this might become necessary when firmware versions are available with new
2. Update of non-configured equipment with download of the configuration settings from a file.
Typically, this might become necessary after the assembly of the equipment.
3. HMI600 detects an incompatibility while downloading the configuration.
Possible situations are if a configuration is downloaded to virgin equipment or the HMI600 has
extended functionality, which is not provided by the firmware installed on the equipment.
4. HMI600 detects an incompatibility after extending the equipment.
5. HMI600 detects an incompatibility after exchanging a module.
6. If all LEDs of the module P4LT/P4LU blinking sequentially in anticlockwise direction. In this
case a corrupted firmware of the P4LT/P4LU itself was detected and an application is running
which allows a firmware update only.

2.2 Risks of a firmware download

The firmware download procedure should be performed exclusively by instructed service
personnel. The operator is not allowed to perform this operation.




Violation of this rule will produce a system with incomplete firmware on the
modules of type G4AI or O4LE, so that it will not work anymore. If this should
happen, the affected board(s) have to be sent back for repair, specifying the
firmware version(s) needed.
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Caution Should the communication to the equipment be interrupted during the

download process, correct the communication problem WITHOUT switching
off the power to the equipment and restart the firmware download.

Caution Firmware download should only be executed from PCs with a correctly
installed Windows operating system. Do not use PCs that show signs of
instability such as premature abnormal terminations of programs.

Caution To prevent interruptions of the communication during firmware download, it

is a good idea to:
- close all programs running on the PC except HMI600,
- stop any programs running on the PC in the background such as virus
- disable the screen saver of the PC,
before starting the firmware download.

Caution Hands should be kept away from keyboard and mouse while a firmware
download is in progress except when HMI600 prompts for interaction.

Caution If a firmware download has to be executed, always use the Equipment

address: 0 to logon the equipment. If the PC is connected to the RS-485
station bus, all ETL600 terminals except one have to be disconnected or
switched off for that purpose. Normally the PC is therefore connected directly
to the HMI interface (RS-232) on the front plate of the ETL600 terminal to be

Caution If the new firmware is incompatible with an already stored configuration, then
the P4LT/P4LU module will use the default configuration after completion of
the firmware download.
The serial data rate of the P4LT/P4LU default configuration is 57’600 bps. If
any other serial data rate was configured before the firmware download (on
the P4LT/P4LU module and in the HMI600) and the module starts up with the
default configuration, no further access via the HMI-COM port will be possible
until the serial data rate of the HMI600 is readapted to this default data rate of
the module (i.e. 57’600 bps).

2.3 Firmware download files

To perform a firmware download to the system, the download files supplied with the HMI600
software are needed. These files are stored in the release directory. The available releases can be
found in the directory 'Firmware'. Make sure that the highest release is used for updating the
Example for a release directory:
C:\Program Files\ABB\HMI600\Firmware\Release 3.0\*.ldr

Hardware module Firmware file Example

P4LT/U P4LT_***.ldr P4LT_305.ldr
O4LE O4LE_***.ldr O4LE_214.ldr
G4AI G4AI600_***.ldr G4AI600_312.ldr
R1LA R1LA_***.ldr R1LA_116.ldr
O4CV O4CV_***.ldr O4CV_120.ldr
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2.4 Firmware download parameters

The Firmware download dialog box contains a field with download parameters.
Either an automatic firmware download or - by deactivating the check box - a user controlled
firmware download can be chosen.

2.4.1 Automatic firmware download

This is the recommended method to download the firmware. The HMI600 executes all necessary
actions for a proper operation. The checkbox Automatic firmware download has to be ticked.
The download process compares the firmware version on the modules with the firmware version of
the selected download files. The download to a module is not executed if the versions are equal.
So only the modules are modified, which have not the same version as the selected download files.

2.4.2 User controlled firmware download

) Note: Only for authorized and properly trained persons.

The user controlled firmware download provides the opportunity to modify one selected module in a
system. Deactivating the checkbox for automatic firmware download enables the button Reset
system. Please follow the instruction in the “Download status & progress instruction” window.

3 Firmware download

3.1 Update of non-configured equipment

1. On the File menu click Open. This opens the Open dialog box. Select the configuration file
and click Open.
2. From the Equipment menu click Connect. This opens the Connect dialog box.
3. Click Read & Write access.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Equipment menu, click Commissioning and maintenance and then click Firmware
6. In the following message box click Yes if a malfunction of the PLC link is acceptable. This
opens the Firmware download dialog box. Otherwise click No.
7. The checkbox Automatic firmware download has to be ticked.
8. Click Start firmware download to start the operation.
9. The following message box indicates which download files are used. Be sure that all files are
from the same release directory.
Click Yes to accept these files. This starts the firmware download. The HMI600 automatically
performs the update and resets the system after the update is completed.
Click No to select other files. This opens a file open dialog box for each kind of download file.
Click Cancel to stop firmware download.

10. Wait until the Close button changes to the active state.
11. Click Close to leave the firmware download dialog box.
12. From the Equipment menu, click Download configuration. The license is checked and an
error message appears if it is not sufficient. Compatibility checks are performed to verify that
the firmware versions on the different modules in the equipment belong to the same release
as the HMI600. If not, an error message pops up. Depending on the message, an earlier
version of HMI600 must be used and/or the firmware of some modules must be upgraded.
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13. If the Download configuration operation is possible, a message box appears, which
indicates that the link will be cut off for a few seconds.
Click Yes.
14. The Test configuration time dialog box has been opened by the HMI600.
Click OK.
15. The HMI600 now compares the equipment identification from the file with the identification
stored in the equipment. If it is different, a warning message box appears.
Click OK. This starts the download configuration process.
16. A dialog box indicates, that the configuration has not been stored in the non-volatile flash
EPROM and asks to do so.
Click Yes.
The configuration data are now stored in the flash EPROMs. This process needs some
seconds. Please wait until the color of the stop button in the toolbar changes from red to grey.
The actual status of the process is displayed in the status bar.

3.2 Update of already configured equipment

1. On the File menu click New. This opens the Connect dialog box.
2. Click Logon, Equipment address: 0
3. Click Read & Write access.
4. Click Upload configuration.
5. Click OK. This opens a HMI600 child window
6. On the Equipment menu, click Commissioning and maintenance and then click Firmware
7. In the following message box click Yes if a malfunction of the PLC link is acceptable. This
opens the Firmware download dialog box. Otherwise click No.
8. The checkbox Automatic firmware download has to be ticked.
9. Click Start firmware download to start the operation.
10. The following message box indicates which download files are used. Be sure that all files are
from the same release directory.
Click Yes to accept these files. This starts the firmware download. The HMI600 automatically
performs the update and resets the system after the update is completed.
Click No to select other files. This opens a file open dialog box for each kind of download file.
Click Cancel to stop firmware download.

11. Wait until the Close button changes to the active state.
12. Click Close to leave the firmware download dialog box.
13. Click Download Configuration.

3.3 HMI600 detects an incompatibility while downloading the configuration

The HMI600 configuration download detects an incompatible firmware in the equipment and calls
for a firmware download.

1. The HMI600 alerts the incompatibility; in some cases the configuration is modified and
correspondingly indicated by the HMI600.
2. On the Equipment menu, click Commissioning and maintenance and then click Firmware
3. In the following message box click Yes if a malfunction of the PLC link is acceptable. This
opens the Firmware download dialog box. Otherwise click No.
4. The checkbox Automatic firmware download has to be ticked.
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5. Click Start firmware download to start the operation.

6. The following message box indicates which download files are used. Be sure that all files are
from the same release directory.
Click Yes to accept these files. This starts the firmware download. The HMI600 automatically
performs the update and resets the system after the update is completed.
Click No to select other files. This opens a file open dialog box for each kind of download file.
Click Cancel to stop firmware download.

7. Wait until the Close button changes to the active state.

8. Click Close to leave the firmware download dialog box.
9. Download the modified configuration. Please refer to paragraph 3.1 step 12.

3.4 HMI600 detects an incompatibility after extending the equipment

1. On the File menu click New. This opens the Connect dialog box.
2. Click Logon, Equipment address: 0
3. Click Read & Write access.
4. Click Upload configuration.
5. Click OK. This opens a HMI600 child window.
6. On the Configuration menu click Services and choose new services.
7. On the File menu click Save. This opens the Save as dialog box. Click Save.
8. Close the HMI600 window (File, Close).
9. Switch off the equipment.
10. Plug in the new modules.
11. Switch on the equipment.
12. On the File menu click Open. This opens the Open dialog box. Select the previously saved
configuration file and click Open.
13. From the Equipment menu click Connect. This opens the Connect dialog box.
14. Click Read & Write access.
15. Click OK.
16. From the Equipment menu click Download configuration. This process automatically
checks the firmware compatibility of the new modules. If an incompatibility is detected proceed
with chapter 3.3. If not, the firmware is fully compatible to the other modules in the equipment.

3.5 HMI600 detects an incompatibility after exchanging a module

If a module has to be exchanged in case of any damage, switch off the equipment, replace the new
module and switch the equipment on again. The last configuration stored in a file can be used to
update the equipment configuration.
The following steps describe connect and configuration download process with the HMI600.
1. On the File menu click Open. This opens the Open dialog box. Select the configuration file
and click Open.
2. From the Equipment menu click Connect. This opens the Connect dialog box.
3. Click Read & Write access.
4. Click OK.
5. From the Equipment menu click Download configuration. This process automatically
checks the firmware compatibility of the replaced module. If an incompatibility is detected
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proceed with chapter 3.3. If not, the firmware is fully compatible to the other modules in the

3.6 Unsuccessful or incomplete firmware download to P4LT/P4LU

If the HMI600 indicates to execute a firmware download, the following steps describe the process.

1. On the File menu click New. This opens the Connect dialog box.
2. Click Logon, Equipment address: 0
3. Click Read & Write access.
4. Click OK. This opens a HMI600 child window.
5. On the Equipment menu, click Commissioning and maintenance and then click Firmware
6. In the following message box click Yes if a malfunction of the PLC link is acceptable. This
opens the Firmware download dialog box. Otherwise click No.
7. Uncheck the checkbox Automatic firmware download.
8. Verify that the Slot ID: is set to N45 [P4LT/P4LU].
9. Click Start firmware download to start the operation.
10. This opens a Select firmware file for module P4LT dialog box. Browse to the folder where
the firmware download files are stored – refer to 2.3. Select the file P4LT_***.ldr and click
11. Wait approx. 10 minutes until the message box Firmware download successful will appear
and click OK.
12. Click Reset system and wait until the Close button is accessible.
13. Click Close to leave the firmware download dialog box.

3.7 R1LA firmware recovery

The R1LA firmware recovery procedure is required in case a regular firmware download via
HMI600 fails due to power loss during flash memory access.

Caution Disconnect your PC from the LAN before launching the program
“Tftpd32.exe”! Otherwise the PC will start to distribute IP addresses,
which disables other PCs from properly accessing the LAN.

Step-by-step instructions:
1. Turn off the ETL600 terminal.
2. Disconnect the PC from the LAN and connect it directly to the LAN port of the ETL600 using a
cross-over Ethernet cable.
3. Disable any running firewall on the PC.
4. Turn on the ETL600 terminal and wait 8 seconds.
5. Start “Tftpd32.exe” found in the folder “R1LA Firmware Recovery” in the HMI600 installation
6. Select the tab “DHCP server”, see Fig. 1.
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Fig. 1 Configuration of the TFTP tool

7. Make sure the “Server interfaces” field shows an IP address different from “”
(otherwise this might indicate that the Ethernet cable is not properly connected the LAN port of
the ETL600).
8. Set the “IP pool starting address” to the same address as displayed in the “Server interfaces”
field, but increment the last digit by one.
9. Turn off the ETL600 terminal.

10. Click “Save”. The Tftpd32.exe is now running.

11. Select the tab “Tftp Server”. Press the button “Clear”.
12. Turn on the ETL600 terminal.
13. Wait until the displayed log looks about as shown in Fig. 2. Now, the R1LA has successfully
recovered the firmware.
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Fig. 2 Successful R1LA firmware recovery

14. Stop “Tftpd32.exe” by pressing the close button (“X”) in the upper right corner of the window.
15. Reset the ETL600 device.
16. The R1LA is again ready for downloading the finally desired firmware via the regular HMI600
firmware download.

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