Nanosheet Self Heating 08344800
Nanosheet Self Heating 08344800
Nanosheet Self Heating 08344800
Abstract — With technology node scaling down to 5 nm, choice of the width of nanosheets (Wshs) for device per-
the narrow device geometry confines the material thermal formance optimizations [5]–[7]. Nevertheless, the nanosheet
conductivity and further aggravates the self-heating effect FETs suffer from serious self-heating effects (SHEs) with size
in gate-all-around (GAA) transistors. In this paper, we inves-
tigate the self-heating of horizontally stacked three-layer scaling down. The major reasons are listed as follows.
GAA nanosheet transistors by 3-D finite-element model- 1) Confined dimensional structure increases the phonon-
ing (FEM) simulation. The anisotropic thermal conductivity boundary scattering, which makes the thermal conduc-
of nanosheets with the dependence of silicon thickness tivity decrease rapidly [8].
and temperature is implemented in the FEM simulator to 2) Low material thermal conductivity results in lattice tem-
evaluate thermal behavior accurately. The impact of layout
design on thermal properties is investigated comprehen- perature rise, which in turn degrades the temperature-
sively from single device to device arrays with implica- dependent thermal conductivity [9].
tion on electrical performance. The results indicate that 3) Increasing power density adds the burden of SHE on
the width of nanosheet is the key parameter to make the device.
tradeoffs between self-heating and electrical characteristic. 4) Stacked topological structure makes the heat dissipation
Meanwhile, the optimizations of layout design are given
to suppress the thermal effects, including self-heating, become more difficult.
nonuniformity of temperature, and thermal crosstalk at With multilayer staked nanosheets wrapped all-round by
device level. This paper will provide guidelines for lay- gate oxide and dielectric layers, it will be a long path
out design, thermal management, device performance, and from heat source to bulk substrate or contacts.
thermal-aware reliability prediction in the GAA-stacked In addition, the self-heated lattice temperature makes the
degradation of carrier mobility and the skewing of thresh-
Index Terms — Gate-all-around (GAA) transistor, layout old voltage [10]–[12], which further introduce the thermal-
design, nanosheet, self-heating effect (SHE), thermal
crosstalk. aware reliability issues such as bias temperature instability,
hot carrier injection, and time-dependent dielectric break-
I. I NTRODUCTION down [13], [14]. Hence, SHE evaluation is important to design
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Siksha O Anusandhan University. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 12:20:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
and heat sink [27]. Other external boundary conditions are set
as thermal isolation.
To further investigate the degradation of electrical per-
formance by SHE, quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) mod-
els including extended Canali mobility model and Stratton
transport model [28] with equation of lattice temperature Fig. 3. (a) Heat flux diffusion in nanosheet FETs. (b) Asymmetrical
are used to obtain the current degradation. Based on [29], temperature differences in three layers along a–a’ direction. (c) Lattice
temperature profile along the channel direction. Peak temperature differ-
hydrodynamic method provide accurate results by taking into ence is about 7 K between layer 2 and layer 1.
account density-gradient correction model [30] for quantum
confinement effects in solving self-consistently the Poisson
equation, continuity equations, and energy balance equations.
In comparison to drift-diffusion and Monte Carlo methods,
QHD models reproduce velocity overshoot and provide the
better compromise between accuracy and computation time
for the sub-7-nm technology nodes.
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Fig. 5. Lattice temperature in nanosheet FETs with a different Wsh. aggravates heat generation. To sum up, below the turning
(a) Wsh=5 nm. (b) Wsh=15 nm. (c) Wsh=25 nm. (d) Wsh=50 nm. The point, with the same current density, nanosheet FETs have
substrate, interconnects, source, and gate contacts are hid deliberately
for clarity. advantages in both thermal properties and driving current
compared to nanowire FETs, see region I. Over the turning
point, although the increased Wsh enhances the current, SHE
becomes severe, as illustrated in region II. Therefore, Wsh
provides a choice to make tradeoffs between thermal properties
and electrical performance.
The asymmetrical distribution of temperature in multilayer-
stacked nanosheets is also investigated. Fig. 7 shows the
impacts of Wsh and the height of stacked nanosheets (H_NS)
on temperature differences. The higher H_NS has the longer
dissipation path from the middle layer to heat sink, which
increases the thermal resistance, thus elevating the lattice
temperature. Therefore, optimizations strategy in layout for
minimizing differences is decreasing Wsh and H_NS for less
self-heating and better heat dissipation.
Fig. 6. Peak temperature rise in nanosheet FETs with increased Wsh.
Inset: related mechanism. C. Layout Design for Multiple Stacks Correlated
With SHE
lattice temperature by SHE and another is the asymmetrical To achieve the target ON-state current, such as multifin in
temperature profile. In this section, the impact of layout FinFETs, the stacked nanosheet transistors are also fabricated
design on thermal behavior of single device is investigated. with multiple stacks. However, increased number of stacks
The temperature distribution in nanosheet FETs with fixed will aggravate the self-heating due to the rising drive current,
Hsh = 5 nm and a different Wsh is illustrated in Fig. 5. as shown in Fig. 8. The temperature trends to saturation when
The substrate, interconnects, source, and gate contacts are hid the number of stacks gets beyond 25. Whereas, the certain
deliberately for clarity. number depends on the device configuration and spacing
Fig. 5(a)–(d) shows that the continuously increased Wsh of stacks in layout design. It is important to note that the
aggravates SHE due to higher drive current. With the identical nonuniform temperature distribution exists in multiple stacks.
current density, 2 × Wsh may lead to about 40 K higher than From Fig. 8, it can be seen that temperature in center stack
1 × Wsh, as shown in Fig. 6. The self-heating of stacked is higher than that in corner stack. The differences are always
nanowire with the same 5-nm width and thickness is compared existent unless the number of stacks reduces to two stacks as
in Fig. 6. It is interesting to note that the self-heating of a result of symmetry.
nanowire FETs is much severer than the nanosheet FETs with Taking a 12-stack nanosheet FET as an example, we inves-
Wsh less than 20 nm. Here, a turning point can be observed tigate the lattice temperature nonuniformity with the impact
at Wsh = 18 nm, where the peak temperature in nanosheet of Wsh. Fig. 9 demonstrates that the thermal crosstalk affects
is equal to that in nanowire. The inset shows that the lattice the neighbor stacks, as a result, compared to corner stack,
temperature is attributed to the process of heat generation and the center stack with the worse heat dissipation to pad suffers
heat dissipation. With larger Wsh, thermal resistance (Rth) from the more heating, easily causing the problem of perfor-
decreases due to the better heat dissipation and the power mance degradation, and lifetime reduction in devices. What is
increases as a result of the improvement of drive current which more, adjusting the Wsh has slight effect on the temperature
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Siksha O Anusandhan University. Downloaded on April 09,2021 at 12:20:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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