Total Quality Management TQM 2
Total Quality Management TQM 2
Total Quality Management TQM 2
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Principles of TQM
Implementing TQM
6C’s of TQM
Advantages of TQM
“Quality means that a product meets
customer needs leading to customer
- Joseph Juran
A core definition of total quality
management (TQM) describes a
management approach to long–term
success through customer satisfaction.
In a TQM effort, all members of an
organization participate in improving
processes, products, services, and the
culture in which they work.
Management Commitment (PDCA)
1. Plan (drive, direct)
2. Do (deploy, support, participate)
3. Check (review)
4. Act (recognize, communicate, revise)
Employee Empowerment
1. Training
2. Suggestion scheme
3. Measurement and recognition
4. Excellence teams
Fact Based Decision Making
1. SPC (statistical process control)
3. The 7 statistical tools
4. TOPS (Ford 8D – team-oriented problem solving)
Continuous Improvement
1. Systematic measurement and focus on CONQ
2. Excellence teams
3. Cross-functional process management
4. Attain, maintain, improve standards
Customer Focus
1. Supplier partnership
2. Service relationship with internal customers
3. Never compromise quality
4. Customer driven standards
It enables organizations to:
a) attain higher profitability and increased market share
b) improve customer satisfaction
c) improve organizational productivity
d) improve employee morale and job satisfaction
e) create a positive work culture
f) undertake systematic problem solving and decision making
through project teams
g) improve teamwork
h) create a climate conducive to continuous improvement