Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer of Oscillating Gas-Liquid Flow in Ultrasonic Microreactors
Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer of Oscillating Gas-Liquid Flow in Ultrasonic Microreactors
Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer of Oscillating Gas-Liquid Flow in Ultrasonic Microreactors
DOI 10.1002/aic.15091
Published online November 17, 2015 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com)
Ultrasonic microreactors were used to intensify gas-liquid mass-transfer process and study the intensification mecha-
nism. Fierce surface wave oscillation with different modes was excited on the bubble. It was found that for slug bubbles
confined in smaller microchannel, surface wave oscillations require more ultrasound energy to excite due to the confine-
ment effect. Cavitation microstreaming with two toroidal vortices was observed near the oscillating bubble by a streak
photography experiment. Surface wave oscillation at the gas-liquid interface increases the specific surface area, while
cavitation microstreaming accelerates the interface renewal and thus improves the individual mass-transfer coefficient.
With these two reasons, the overall mass-transfer coefficient was enhanced by 3–20 times under ultrasonication. As for
gas-liquid flow hydrodynamics, ultrasound oscillation disturbs the bubble formation process and changes the initial bub-
C 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 62: 1294–1307, 2016
ble length and pressure drop. V
Keywords: ultrasound, microfluidic, Taylor flow, sonochemistry, acoustic cavitation
AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1295
Figure 1. (a) Design diagram of the USMR. The dashed lines represent the half wavelength standing wave resona-
tor. (b) Photo of the fabricated USMR. The scale bar in the figure is 10 mm. (c, d) The simulated vibration
displacement distribution of the whole USMR (c) and the upper surface (d) at a resonance frequency of
20.15 kHz.
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
has little effect. It indicates that power densities in the three leading to less regular geometric deformations and complex
USMRs can be considered the same for a particular input patterns. With further increasing of the acoustic pressure, the
power. The power density is from 0.07 to 0.3 W/mL at power bubble oscillations become highly distorted and disordered,
10–50 W, which is in the same range as that in conventional which is also called chaotic surface mode.52 The large surface
ultrasonic reactors (usually between 0.05 and 0.6 W/mL).27–30 undulations even lead to the formation of a liquid jet penetrat-
ing deep into the bubble, during which a droplet is sometimes
Bubble Oscillation and Cavitation Microstreaming pinched-off from the jet tip.50,53,54 When the acoustic pressure
Characteristics of the bubble oscillation rise to about 100 kPa, the vigorous oscillations would lead to
collapse of the bubble, generating several high energy phe-
Bubble oscillation behaviors under ultrasonic field have nomena, such as shock wave, light emission, and radical for-
been systematically studied in the domain of acoustic cavita- mation.22,34,46,47 These pulsations resulting in the breakup of
tion.31,34,46,47 A bubble in liquid can be viewed as an oscilla- the bubble are often called transient cavitation, while the for-
tory system, which can be driven by acoustic pressure mer oscillations persisting over many cycles are classified as
fluctuations. This bubble oscillator could undergo a number of stable cavitation.34 It is worth mentioning that all surface
different oscillations.48–51 At very low acoustic pressure, the wave modes in stable cavitation are capillary wave, for which
bubble oscillates radically with symmetrical pulsation of the the restoring force is provided by the interfacial tension. There
bubble volume, which is often called breathing (or volume) is a dispersion relation between the capillary wave’s wave-
oscillation. When the acoustic pressure exceeds a threshold,
length and frequency53,55,56
slight nonradial modes set in, which develop into shape oscil-
lation with many surface wave modes. The mode with the low- 2pr 3
est threshold is the Faraday wave, which appears as regular k5 2 (2)
f q
geometric distortion and oscillates at a frequency equal to one
half of the driving frequency. At higher acoustic pressure, The slug bubble does not collapse during the fierce oscilla-
multiple surface wave modes are excited and superimposed, tion in our experiment, implying that it undergoes stable
1296 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 AIChE Journal
Table 1. Width (W), Depth (D) of the Main Channel, Typical
Gas (QG), and Liquid (QL) Flow Rate in the USMRs
USMRs W (mm) D (mm) QL (mL/min) QG (mL/min)
MR1 1 1 3 6
MR0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.5
MR0.25 0.5 0.25 0.38 0.75
AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1297
amplitudes in the three USMRs increase distinctly with the
ultrasound power. The increase of the oscillation amplitude
for the three USMRs begins at different ultrasound powers,
which are the very threshold powers observed in Figure 5. The
maximum oscillation amplitude reaches 60–70 lm at ultra-
sound power 40–50 W.
Figure 5. Bubble oscillation behavior at different ultrasound power in MR1 (the first row), MR0.5 (the second row),
and MR0.25 (the third row).
The number labeled at the bottom of each picture is the ultrasound power (W). All scale bars in the figure are 250 lm. [Color fig-
ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
1298 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 AIChE Journal
Figure 6. (a) Surface wave oscillation at different time on the bubble tip. The number labeled at the bottom of
each picture is the time (ls). (b) A sine wave with a period of 100 ls, which is used to illustrate the peri-
odically oscillating behaviors of the surface wave in Figure 6a.
The pictures were taken at a frame rate of 80,000 fps in MR0.5, at power of 25 W. The scale bar in the figure is 200 lm. [Color
figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
images. It is worth noting that the streamlines in the streak significantly intensify the mass-transfer process at the gas-
photographs are all relative to the bubble’s motion. liquid interface.
The streamlines of the flow field near the bubble is shown The cavitation microstreaming was further quantitatively
in Figure 8. When the ultrasound is not present, two recircula- analyzed by measuring the particle velocity near the bubble.
tion loops were observed in the liquid slug, as shown in Figure The absolute velocity in the flow direction is shown in Figure
8a (see also video S1 in the Supporting Information). The 9. Without the influence of ultrasound, the velocity is almost
recirculation flow pattern agrees well with that reported in lit- the same along the center line of the liquid slug. At power of
erature.9–11,19 When ultrasound was turned on, the fierce bub- 30 W, the velocity decreases distinctly when getting close to
ble oscillation generates two additional streaming vortices in the bubble surface. This regular reduction of velocity is a good
the flow field, as shown in Figure 8b (see also video S2 in the reflection of the streaming pattern shown in Figure 8b, in
Supporting Information). The streaming vortices are similar to which the fluid near the bubble tip is pulled toward the bubble
the flow pattern around the resting hemispherical bubble as by the two vortices. When ultrasound power rises to 40 W, the
described above. With the increasing of ultrasound power, the velocity points scatter around the points at power of 0 W, due
two vortices get faster and larger. At power of 40 W, the cavi- to the frequently changing and direction-reversing of the
tation microstreaming becomes complex and volatile, leading streaming pattern. The discrepancy of the velocity increases
to relatively discontinuous particle streaks in Figure 8c (see when approaching to the bubble tip, indicating faster stream-
also video S3 in the Supporting Information). As the flow pat- ing near the bubble surface. The highest velocity reaches
tern is always changing and the flow direction reverses fre- 0.03–0.04 m/s at power of 30–40W. The range of the acoustic
quently, the blue lines in Figure 8c just illustrates a typical streaming extends to about 0.4 mm from the bubble surface. It
situation. Such vigorous and dynamic streaming would inter- is worth pointing out that the actual cavitation microstreaming
act with the recirculation motion within the liquid slug, and is a complex three-dimensional flow. Further research is
AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1299
caused by the fierce surface oscillations on the thin emerging
bubble. The changing of breakup point would significantly
influence the bubble formation process. Compared with
breakup point near the inlet, breakup downstream the main
channel results in a shorter expansion step, as the expansion
volume needed for the bubble tip to block the main channel is
smaller. This leads to smaller bubble length at lower ultra-
sound power, as you can see in Figure 11a. In MR0.5, as the
breakup point is a little downstream from the inlet, the effect
of rupture step accelerating and breakup point moving com-
pete with each other, leading to relatively small variation
extent of the bubble length with ultrasound power. As the for-
mation of a bubble is always accompanied with the formation
of a liquid slug, the effect of ultrasonication on liquid slug
length is similar with that on the bubble length, as shown in
Figure 11b. In all the three USMRs, the deviation of the
1300 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 AIChE Journal
Figure 9. The absolute velocity (UZ) of the tracer parti-
cle in the liquid slug at ultrasound power of
0, 30, and 40 W.
UZ is the particle’s velocity component in the flow direc-
tion. The horizontal axis is the distance from the meas-
ured point to the bubble tip. The particle velocity points
were measured from about 20 successive images, using
the high-speed camera control software PCC 2.14. The
chosen particles are all near the center line of the chan-
nel. Experiment condition is the same with that in Fig-
ure 8. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
bubble and liquid slug length generally increases with the ultra-
sound power (as shown in Figure 11), due to the fluctuation of
bubble formation process caused by the acoustic oscillation.
Pressure drop
Pressure drop is an important parameter for rational design
and application of microreactor.2,71,72 The total frictional pres-
sure drop of Taylor flow can be divided into three parts Figure 11. Initial bubble (a) and liquid slug (b) length at
according to its uniform structure.2,72–74 That is the inlet of the three USMRs under different
DPtot 5nS DPS 1nB ðDPbody 1DPcaps Þ (3) ultrasound power.
Each point was measured at least for nine times.
where DPS is the pressure drop in the liquid slug, DPbody the [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
pressure drop across the bubble body, and DPcaps the excess is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
Figure 10. Pictures showing the break-up of the gas bubble at the inlet of the three USMRs.
Pictures at each row were taken at different ultrasound power, as indicated on the left. Pictures at each column were taken in
different microreactors. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1301
ultrasound power, with a relatively small extent of 15% at
power 40–50W.
pressure drop over the bubble’s end caps. Due to the much
lower viscosity of gas than liquid, DPbody is negligible com-
pared with the other two parts. According to the theoretical
analysis by Bretherton,75 Wong,76 and Yue,2,72 the total pres-
sure drop can then be written as
L C LS qL US2 Lc r
DPtot 5 1DPcirculation 1 Ca2=3
The first term is DPS, which consists of the laminar pressure
drop under fully developed condition and the extra pressure
drop caused by the inner recirculation in the liquid slug
(DPcirculation). The second term is DPcaps, which is highly
dependent on the bubble and liquid slug length.
The effect of ultrasonication on pressure drop can be
summed up into two aspects. On the one hand, ultrasound
oscillation changes the length of bubble and liquid slug, which
would alter the pressure drop. If the length of bubble and liq-
uid slug is reduced by sonication, the pressure drop (mainly
DPcaps) would rise according to Eq. 4, as in the case of MR1
and MR0.5. On the contrary, the increase of bubble and liquid
slug length would lead to a decrease of the pressure drop,
which is the case for MR0.25. Conversely, the bubble surface
oscillations and acoustic streaming intensify the recirculation
in the liquid slug, leading to higher DPcirculation. In MR1, both
these two aspects lead to the obvious increase of the pressure
drop with ultrasound power. According to the experimental
measured results shown in Figure 12, the maximum pressure
drop increment with sonication reaches 1.2 kPa in MR1, about
34% of the value without sonication. In MR0.5, as the Figure 13. (a) The length of the bubble at different
decrease of bubble and liquid slug length under sonication is locations in the channel under different
less significant than that in MR1, the maximum increase of ultrasound power (MR1). (b) The measured
pressure drop is smaller, about 13% of the value without soni- overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient
cation. In MR0.25, the effect of the above two aspects on pres- in the USMRs at different ultrasound power.
sure drop is opposite. As the bubble and liquid slug length
The dashed lines are fitting curves according to Eq. 5.
increases distinctly under sonication (by 80–120% in maxi- The error bars were based on three times of measure-
mum), the influence of the first aspect would exceed the sec- ment. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
ond. This can explain the pressure drop decreasing with which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
1302 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 AIChE Journal
increments in MR0.5 and MR0.25 are smaller than that in
MR1, the absolute increments are all around 3–5.4 s21. Such
mass-transfer enhancement is much higher than that in con-
ventional ultrasonic reactors, which is usually between 10 and
110%.27–30 This can be attributed to the better control of gas-
liquid flow field and acoustic field in our USMR. A very inter-
esting phenomenon is that the increase of kLa begins at differ-
ent points of ultrasound power, which are around 5 W, 20 W,
and 25 W in MR1, MR0.5, and MR0.25, respectively, as
shown in Figure 13b. These threshold power values are the
very power that surface wave oscillation starts to be excited in
the USMRs, as discussed in the bubble oscillation section. It
indicates that the enhancement of kLa in USMR is highly
related with the bubble surface oscillation.
The overall mass-transfer coefficient at different flow rates
were also measured, as shown in Figure 14. When the ultra-
sound is not present, kLa increases with the total flow rate
(QTP), which has been reported in other literatures.9,11,12
When the ultrasound power is turned to 20 W, the mass-
transfer coefficient is enhanced obviously. The kLa line at
power of 20 W is almost parallel with the line at 0 W. It indi-
cates that the mass-transfer process can be effectively
enhanced by ultrasound at a relatively wide range of flow rate.
At a given QTP, the effect of gas-liquid flow rate ratio (QG/QL)
on kLa was also investigated, as shown in Figure 14b. When
the ultrasound is not turned on, kLa decreases slightly with
QG/QL. This trend can be explained by the fact that kLa
increases more remarkably with liquid flow rate than gas flow
rate.2,78 When QG/QL increases at a given QTP, the liquid flow
rate decreases, leading to the reduction of kLa. The changing
trend of kLa with QG/QL at power of 20 W is similar to the
line at 0 W, except the last two points, which increase signifi-
cantly at higher QG/QL. This abnormal change is probably due
to the very short liquid slug at high QG/QL. As shown in
Figure 14. (a) The measured overall volumetric mass- Figure 14b, the liquid slug length drops to 0.8–0.9 mm at the
transfer coefficient at different total flow last two power points. As the range of the cavitation micro-
rate (QTP) in MR1 (QG/QL 5 2). (b) The meas- streaming is about 0.4 mm from the bubble tip (as discussed in
ured overall volumetric mass-transfer coef- Figures 8 and 9), streaming vortices at the two sides would
ficient at different gas-liquid flow rate ratio interact with each other at such short liquid slug, which would
(QG/QL) in MR1 (QTP 5 9 mL/min). further enhance the mass-transfer rate.
The dashed line is the liquid slug length at power of 20
W. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,
which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]
The mechanism of mass-transfer enhancement
k a
2 jL x
In the above discussion, we have found that the mass-
LB 5m1 1m2 e L (5) transfer enhancement under ultrasonication is highly related to
the bubble surface oscillation and cavitation microstreaming.
where jL is the superficial velocity of liquid, and parameter m1
The detailed mechanism is further analyzed here.
and m2 only depend on the experimental conditions. By curve
The overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient is the prod-
fitting of the measured bubble length at different locations
uct of specific surface area (a) and individual mass-transfer
with Eq. 3 (as shown in Figure 13a), the overall mass-transfer
coefficient (kL). By assuming the Taylor bubble as a long cyl-
coefficient (kLa) can be determined from the exponential
inder with two hemisphere caps, the specific surface area can
decay rate (kLa/jL).77,78 It can be seen from Figure 13a that the
bubble length decay rate increases with the ultrasound power, be written as
indicating faster mass-transfer rate at higher power. pdB ðLB 2dB Þ1pdB 2
The overall mass-transfer coefficient in the three USMRs a5 (6)
was shown in Figure 13b. When the ultrasound is not intro-
duced, microreactor with smaller channel has higher kLa, where the numerator at right is the surface area of the bubble
mainly due to its higher specific surface area. When the ultra- (SB).20,79 When surface wave oscillation was excited on the
sound is present, kLa in all the USMRs was significantly bubble under sonication, the surface area of the wavy bubble
enhanced. The maximum kLa increment (relative to the kLa becomes larger, as shown in Figure 15. If we simplify the gas-
without sonication) is about 2000%, 300%, and 500% in MR1, liquid interface line at a cross-section as an oscillating sinusoi-
MR0.5, and MR0.25, respectively. Although the percentage dal wave
AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1303
kL 52 (11)
where t is the two phase exposure (or contact) time of the sur-
face element, which depends on the interface renewal
rate.10,13,81 According to Calderbank’s analysis,82,83 the expo-
sure time (t) in a bubbling system can be derived in terms of
the average bubble size (dB) and the average bubble slip veloc-
ity (US),13 so
Figure 15. Schematic illustrating the mechanism of
mass-transfer enhancement by ultrasound. kL 52 (12)
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which
is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.] The bubble slip velocity, the relative velocity between the
gas and liquid phase, can be estimated from the experimental
2pt 2px holdup and superficial gas and liquid velocities for a gas-
y5Acos sin (7)
T k liquid reactor with cocurrent flow13,84,85
where k is the wavelength and A is the oscillation amplitude of jG jL
US 5 2 (13)
the surface wave. The ratio of this sine line’s length to the rG rL
original straight line can be written as
ð ð
L0 1 2p 2p 2pA 2 2 2
b5 5 2 11 cos ðtÞsin ðxÞdxdt (8)
L 4p 0 0 k
1304 DOI 10.1002/aic Published on behalf of the AIChE April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 AIChE Journal
where rG and rL is the experimental hold up of the gas and microstreaming lead to higher pressure drops, which is also
liquid phase, which can be calculated from the bubble and liq- influenced by the changing of bubble and liquid slug length.
uid slug volume in our experiment.79 As acoustic streaming The mass-transfer coefficient at different ultrasound power,
also leads to a relative moving of the liquid element to the channel size, and flow rate were studied by an online measure-
bubble surface, it can be deduced that bubble slip velocity ment method. The overall volumetric mass-transfer coeffi-
under sonication should be the sum of the original US and cients in the USMRs were enhanced by 3–20 times (relative to
streaming velocity (UA) (see also Figure 15). Therefore, the the kLa in microreator without sonication), which is much
individual mass-transfer coefficient under sonication can then higher than that in conventional ultrasonic reactors (usually
be rewritten as between 10 and 110%) due to the better control of gas-liquid
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi flow field and sound field. The mass-transfer intensification
0 DL ðUS 1UA Þ can be attributed to two reasons: surface wave oscillations
kL 52 (14)
pdB increase the specific surface area, while cavitation micro-
streaming accelerates the interface renewal and thus improves
which can also be rearranged as the individual mass-transfer coefficient. Although based on
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi USMR, such mechanism would also be helpful for understand-
kL0 5 kL (15) ing mass-transfer processes in conventional ultrasonic equip-
ment. With a better understanding and control of the
Once we know the acoustic streaming velocity and bubble intensification mechanism, USMR would become an efficient
slip velocity, the mass-transfer coefficient under sonication method to enhance gas-liquid adsorption, reaction, and gas
can be calculated. Taking MR0.5 for example, the bubble slip agitation processes.
velocity calculated by Eq. 13 is around 0.02 m/s. As discussed
before (see Figure 9), the acoustic streaming velocity near the Acknowledgments
bubble surface is about 0.03 and 0.04 m/s at ultrasound power
The authors are grateful to Professor Cheng Wang (Mis-
of 30 and 40 W, respectively (and 0 m/s at power 0–20W).
souri University of Science and Technology) for his valuable
The individual mass-transfer coefficients calculated by insert-
advice in conducting the streak photography experiments
ing these values into Eq. 14 are also showed in Figure 16b.
and analyzing the bubble oscillation phenomena. Authors
The calculated results are close with the values estimated from
would like to thank Jiansheng Chu, Hengqiang Li, and Feng-
the experimental data, which verifies the rationality of Eq. 14.
jun Jiao (engineers in our research group) for their help in
However, the theoretical values are systematically higher than
manufacturing the microreactor and building the experimen-
the experimental results, which may be caused by the overesti-
tal setup. The authors acknowledge the financial supports for
mate of US.
this project from National Natural Science Foundation of
In conclusion, mass-transfer enhancement in our USMRs
China (Nos. 21225627 and 91334201).
can be attributed into two reasons, as illustrated in Figure 15.
First, the specific surface area is increased by surface wave
oscillation on the bubble. Second, the mass-transfer coefficient Notation
is improved by the cavitation microstreaming, which adds to A= oscillation amplitude of the surface waves
the bubble slip velocity and increase the surface renewal rate. a= specific surface area
a0 = specific surface area under sonication
The overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient under ultraso- Ca = two phase capillary number defined by (Ca 5 lL jTP/rL)
nication can be expressed as cp = specific heat
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi D= depth of the main channel
ðkL aÞ0 5 bkL a (16) DL = diffusion coefficient in the liquid
US dB = average equivalent diameter of the bubble
f= frequency
where the length ratio (b) and streaming velocity (UA) depend jG = superficial gas velocity
on the ultrasound power, bubble shape, and environment. jL = superficial liquid velocity
kL = individual mass-transfer coefficient
kL0 = individual mass-transfer coefficient under sonication
Conclusion kLa = overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient
(kLa)0 = overall volumetric mass-transfer coefficient under
To intensify the gas-liquid mass-transfer process and study sonication
the microscopic mechanism, three USMRs were built and LB = length of the bubble
characterized. A strong and uniform sound field with power P= ultrasound power
density of 0.07–0.3 W/mL was generated in the microreactor. Pth = acoustic power density
QG = gas flow rate
Under this ultrasound field, surface wave oscillations with dif- QL = liquid flow rate
ferent modes were excited on the slug bubble during the stable QTP = total flow rate (QTP 5 QG 1 QL)
cavitation process. A confinement effect was found that it SB = surface area of the bubble
needs more ultrasound energy to excite the surface wave oscil- t= two phase exposure (or contact) time
UA = acoustic streaming velocity
lation for bubbles confined in smaller channels. Cavitation US = bubble slip velocity
microstreaming with a velocity of 0.03–0.04 m/s was observed VB = volume of the bubble
near the oscillation bubbles. W= width of the main channel
The influences of ultrasonication on hydrodynamics of the x= distance from the bubble’s location in the channel to the
gas-liquid Taylor flow were investigated. Ultrasound oscilla- Y= admittance
tions change the rupture/expansion step time and the breakup DPtot = total frictional pressure drop of gas-liquid Taylor flow
point, resulting in a variation of the initial bubble length with DPS = pressure drop in the liquid slug
sound power. Bubble surface oscillations and cavitation DPbody = pressure drop across the bubble body
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AIChE Journal April 2016 Vol. 62, No. 4 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/aic 1307