Detailed Lesson Plan in Music
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music
College of Education
A.Y 2020-2021
I. Objectives
1. Define Tempo
2. Identify the difference between slow and fast tempo through beats and movements
3. Demonstrate slow and fast tempo through imitating animals’ movements
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory activity
a. Prayer
Stand up and let us pray, please lead the prayer, Angel of God my guardian dear to whom God’s
Reynelyn. love commits me here ever this day is at my side
to light and guide to rule and guard. Amen.
b. Greetings
Good Morning class! Good Morning Ma’am!
c. Cleanliness
Before we start our lesson pick all the trash that (Pupils will pick all the waste and threw it in the
you can see in your surroundings and threw it on trash can)
the trash can.
d. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody present? (Pupils will check if their seatmates are presents)
Check if your seatmates are there.
B. Review
Now who can recall our previous lesson, it is all Our topic last day is about timbre, timbre is the
about what? Rome. quality of the sound made by a particular voice or
musical instrument.
Very Good, Thank You, you may now take your (Pupils answer with unison)
sit, what is timbre again?
Very Good!
C. Motivation
In a video presentation:
D. Presentation
What did you notice about the beat of the song The beat of Twinkle, twinkle, little star was slow
that we sung? at first
What is Tempo?
It can be Fast
It can be Slow
It can be Fast
It can be Slow
For better understanding, we will watch a video
about tempo by Mr. Greg
E. Generalization
G. Application
IV. Evaluation
Group 1
Flying bird
Group 2
Running cat
Group 3
Jumping dog
Group 4
Walking turtle
Very good, everyone did well. Let’s clap our The pupils will clap their hands with slow and fast
hands for ourselves with slow tempo and fast tempo.
V, Agreement
Choose one nursery rhymes and sing it with fast and slow tempo.