Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: (Department of Secondary Teacher Education)
Roll no:
Hypothesis testing:
1. First, a researcher states a hypothesis concerns the value of the population mean. For
example, we might hypothesis that mean IQ for registered voters Pakistan is M=100.
2. Before a researcher actually selects a sample, he uses the hypothesis to predict the
characteristics that the sample should have, for example, if he makes hypothesis that
the population mean IQ=100. Then he would predict that the sample should have a
mean around 100. It should be similar to the population but there is always a chance
certain amount of error.
3. Next, the researcher obtains a random sample from the population. For example, he
might select a random sample from the population. For example, he might select a
random sample of n=200 registered voters to compute the mean IQ for the sample.
4. Finally, he compares the obtained data with the prediction that was made from the
hypothesis. If the sample mean consists of prediction, he would conclude that the
hypothesis is reasonable. If there is big difference between the data and the prediction,
he will decide that the hypothesis is wrong.
Q2. Explain types of ANOVA. Describe possible situations in which each type should be
An ANOVA test is a way to find out if survey or experiment results are
significant. In other words, they help you to figure out if you need to reject the null
hypothesis or accept the alternate hypothesis.
Situation 1: You have a group of individuals randomly split into smaller groups and
completing different tasks. For example, you might be studying the effects of tea on
weight loss and from three groups, black tea, green tea, and no tea.
Situation 2: Similar to situation 1, but in case the individual are split into groups based
on an attribute they possess. For example, you might be studying left strength of people
according to weight. You could split participants in weight categories (obese, overweight
and normal) and measure their leg strength on a weight machine.
QNO3: What is range of correction coefficient? Explain strong, moderate and weak
The connection coefficient addresses the relatedness of two factors, and
how well the estimation of one can be utilized to foresee the estimation of the other.
The relationship coefficient r runs between - 1 and +1. A positive r esteems shows that
as one variable increment so does the other, and a r of +1 demonstrates that knowing
the estimation of one variable permits ideal forecast of the other. A negative r esteems
demonstrates that as one variable expands the other variable declines, and a r of - 1
shows that knowing the estimation of one variable permits ideal forecast of the other. A
connection coefficient of 0 demonstrates no connection between the factors.
Strong relationship:
Weak relationship:
Value somewhere in the range of 0 and 0.3 (0 and −0.3) show a frail positive
(negative) direct relationship through an insecure straight principle.
Moderate relationship:
Q4. Explain chi square independence test. In what situation should it be applied?
4. If the information is shown in a possibility table, the normal recurrences mean every cell
of the table is in any event 5.
Correlation measures the degree and bearing to which two factors are connected.
It doesn't fit a line through the information focuses. It doesn't need to consider the reason and
impact. It doesn't matter which of the two factors is called ward and which is called free. Then
again relapse tracks down the best line that predicts subordinate factors from the autonomous
variable. The choice of which variable is calls ward and which calls free is a significant matter in
relapse, as it will get an alternate best-fit line if we trade the two factors, for example ward to
autonomous and free to subordinate. The line that best predicts autonomous variable from
subordinate variable will not be equivalent to the line that predicts subordinate variable from
autonomous variable.
Correlation is pre requisite of Regression Analysis: