Bell Nipple

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US 2015 0013994A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0013994 A1
Bailey et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 15, 2015
METHODS CPC ................. E2IB 17/02 (2013.01); E2IB 17/20
(71) Applicant: Nabors Drilling International Limited, USPC ......................... 166/381; 166/75.11: 166/384
Hamilton (BM)
(72) Inventors: Sean M. Bailey, Willis, TX (US); (57) ABSTRACT
Padira Reddy, Richmond, TX (US)
An apparatus including a bell nipple assembly defining a first
(21) Appl. No.: 13/942,500 internal passage that includes two sections forming first and
1-1. second internal passages that may be aligned by a flexible
(22) Filed: Jul. 15, 2013 connector disposed between first and second flanges in one of
Publication Classification the sections to at least partially adjust for an offset amount
caused by longitudinal axis misalignment of the othersection.
(51) Int. Cl. Methods of adjusting for longitudinal axis offset between two
E2IB 7/02 (2006.01) misaligned components, such as of abell nipple Zone, are also
E2IB 7/20 (2006.01) encompassed.


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105- 4-125 100
140 S-1

FIG. 1


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FIG. 5
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

BELL. NPPLEASSEMBLY APPARATUS AND (0010 FIG. 5 is another perspective view of the bell nipple
METHODS assembly of FIG. 1, according to one or more aspects of the
present disclosure.
0001. The disclosure is directed to an apparatus including
a bell nipple containment system, along with methods of 0011. It is to be understood that the following disclosure
using Such bell nipple containment system. provides many different embodiments, or examples, for
implementing different features of various embodiments.
BACKGROUND OF THE DISCLOSURE Specific examples of components and arrangements are
0002 While drilling, drilling fluids or drilling mud may be described below to simplify the present disclosure. These are,
delivered to the drill string through a washpipe system. From of course, merely examples and are not intended to be limit
atop drive and associated wash pipe, the fluids are transported ing. In addition, the present disclosure may repeat reference
and Supplied to the drill string. The drill string generally numerals and/or letters in the various examples. This repeti
extends through an opening in a rig floor, through a bell nipple tion is for the purpose of simplicity and clarity and does not in
assembly and through a blow out preventer before entering itself dictate a relationship between the various embodiments
into a wellbore. and/or configurations discussed. Moreover, the formation of a
0003. The bell nipple assembly and blow out preventer are first feature over or on a second feature in the description that
often coupled together below the rig floor. The bell nipple follows may include embodiments in which the first and
assembly, which funnels drilling tools into the blow out pre second features are formed in direct contact, and may also
venter or downhole, is generally located above the blow out include embodiments in which additional features may be
preventer. The blow out preventer is attached to an annular formed interposing the first and second features, such that the
near a wellhead. When the annular is cut at an angle, alon first and second features may not be in direct contact.
gitudinal axis of the blow out preventer that is attached to the 0012. The present disclosure is directed to apparatuses and
annular is often not coaxial with a longitudinal axis of the methods having a unique structural arrangement that adjusts
wellhead, which can result in an offset between longitudinal for any misalignment between a blow out preventer and the
axes. Additionally, the blow out preventer may be replaced drilling floor, while providing a positive seal between the
during a pause in drilling, or the bell nipple assembly may be blow out preventer and the drilling floor, to minimize or
moved to a drilling location that has a blow out preventer with prevent leakage and spills of drilling fluids.
a different connection height or connection diameter. This (0013 Referring to FIG. 1, illustrated is a schematic view
can require the removal or exchange of the bell nipple assem of an apparatus 100 demonstrating one or more aspects of the
bly for another bell nipple assembly that is compatible with present disclosure. The apparatus 100 is or includes a land
the new blow out preventer. Moreover, drilling fluids often based drilling rig. However, one or more aspects of the
escape at a location between the bell nipple assembly and the present disclosure are applicable or readily adaptable to any
rig floor. type of drilling rig, such as jack-up rigs, semisubmersibles,
0004. The present disclosure is directed to apparatuses and drill ships, coil tubing rigs, well service rigs adapted for
methods to address these problems. Thus, the present disclo drilling and/or re-entry operations, and casing drilling rigs,
Sure provides a unique structural arrangement adjustable to among others within the scope of the present disclosure.
different heights to couple the blow out preventer to the rig 0014. The apparatus 100 includes a mast 105 supporting
floor, while adjusting offset between the longitudinal axes of lifting gear above a rig floor 110. The lifting gear includes a
the blow out preventer and the wellbore and minimizing or crown block 115 and a traveling block 120. The crown block
preventing the drilling fluid from spilling out the bell nipple 115 is coupled at or near the top of the mast 105, and the
assembly or any gap between it and the rig floor. traveling block 120 hangs from the crown block 115 by a
drilling line 125.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS (0015. A hook 135is attached to the bottom of the traveling
block 120. A top drive 140 is suspended from the hook 135 as
0005. The present disclosure is best understood from the shown. In various embodiments, a quill 145 extending from
following detailed description when read with the accompa the top drive 140 is attached to a saver sub 150, which is
nying figures. It is emphasized that, in accordance with the attached to a drill string 155 that can be suspended within a
standard practice in the industry, various features are not wellbore 160 having a wellhead 165. Alternatively, the quill
drawn to scale. In fact, the dimensions of the various features 145, when present, may be attached to the drill string 155
may be arbitrarily increased or reduced for clarity of discus directly (not shown).
S1O. 0016 One or more pumps 170 may deliver drilling fluid to
0006 FIG. 1 is a schematic of an apparatus including a bell the drill string 155 through a hose or other conduit 175, which
nipple assembly according to one or more aspects of the may be fluidically and/or actually connected to, or pass
present disclosure; through, the top drive 140. The drilling fluid moves down the
0007 FIG. 2 is an exploded perspective view of the bell drill string 155 and then up the wellbore 160. A blow out
nipple assembly of FIG.1 according to one or more aspects of preventer 180 is shown connected to the wellhead 165 and
the present disclosure; attached to a bell nipple assembly 185.
0008 FIG. 3 is a side view of the bell nipple assembly of 0017 FIG. 2 shows an exemplary embodiment of the bell
FIG. 1, according to one or more aspects of the present dis nipple assembly 185 referenced in FIG. 1. In one embodi
closure; ment, the bell nipple assembly 185 couples to the drilling
0009 FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the bell nipple assem floor 110 and the blow out preventer 180 (FIG. 1). For
bly of FIG. 1, according to one or more aspects of the present explanatory purposes, the bell nipple assembly 185 is divided
disclosure; and into sections. Accordingly, as referenced in FIG. 2, the bell
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

nipple assembly 185 includes a containment housing section allow the drill string 155 to pass through the inner diameter of
200, a flex joint section 205, a bell nipple section 210, and a the first Surface 271 and the second Surface 275. The first
mounting section 213. In one embodiment, a blow out pre surface 271 has at least a plurality of bores 280a, 280b, and
venter 180 (FIG. 1) is coupled to the mounting section 213, 280c that are configured to couple to a plurality of bores (not
which is coupled to the bell nipple section 210, which is shown) located on the locking plate 267 in FIG.3. The second
coupled to the flex joint section 205, which is coupled to the surface 275 has at least a plurality of bores 287a, 287b, and
containment housing section 200, which is coupled to the 287c that are configured to couple to the bell nipple section
drilling floor 110. 210 in various embodiments.
0018. The following description references FIG. 2. In one 0020. In one embodiment, the bell nipple section 210
embodiment, the containment housing section 200 includes a includes an upper nipple tubular member 285 and a lower
containment housing 215 forming a fluid flow passage 220 nipple tubular member 290 that form a longitudinally tele
along an axis 225. An inlet 230 to the flow passage 220 is scoping pipe assembly. In one embodiment, the upper nipple
formed within the containment housing 215 and allows the tubular member 285 and the lower nipple assembly 290 are
drill string 155 (FIG. 1) to pass into and through the flow matching, and generally cylindrical, in shape and each forms
passage 220. In one embodiment, the containment housing an inner diameter and an outer diameter. In one embodiment,
215 is generally cylindrical in shape and has an upper con the upper nipple tubular member 285 defines an internal
tainment housing portion 235 forming an inner diameter and passage having a longitudinal axis. In one embodiment, the
a lower containment housing portion 240 forming an outer lower tubular member 290 defines another internal passage.
diameter. In one embodiment, the inner diameter of the upper The inner diameter of the upper nipple tubular member 285
containment housing portion 235 is sized to accommodate a and the inner diameter of the lower nipple assembly 290 are
rotary table (not shown) located on or in the drilling floor 110 each sized to allow the drill string 155 to pass through the
(FIG. 1). In one embodiment, the upper containment housing inner diameter of the upper nipple tubular member 285 and
portion 235 is flush with a containment pan or rotary table the inner diameter of the lower nipple tubular member 290. In
(not shown). In one embodiment, a containment pan or drip one embodiment, the outer diameter of the upper nipple tubu
pan is disposed above the containment housing 215. In one lar member 285 is sized smaller than the inner diameter of the
embodiment, the lower containment housing portion 240 is lower nipple tubular member 290 to allow for the upper nipple
configured to couple to a containment housing flange 245 tubular member 285 to be disposed at least partially within the
using at least a plurality of bores 250a, 250b, and 250c that are internal passage of the lower nipple tubular member 290. At
spaced along a lower flange 255 located on the lower contain least a plurality of bores 295a, 295b, and 295care disposed on
ment housing portion 240. In one embodiment, a flowline 260 a locking plate 300 that is located on an upper portion of the
is fluidically connected to the containment housing 215, and upper nipple tubular member 285. In one embodiment, the
in the exemplary embodiment shown in FIG. 2, extends radi plurality of bores 295a-295c correspond to the plurality of
ally from a side of the containment housing 215. In one bores 287a-287c of the flex joint section 205, respectively, to
embodiment, the flowline 260 allows for the drilling fluid to couple the upper nipple tubular member 285 to the second
flow out of the containment housing 215. The containment surface 275 at a lower portion of the flex joint section 205. In
housing flange 245 is generally circular in shape and includes one embodiment, locking bores 295a, 295b, 295c are dis
an inner diameter and an outer diameter. The inner diameter posed on the locking plate 300 and are configured to receive
of the containment housing flange 245 is sized to allow the the locking bolt 269.
drill string 155 to pass through the inner diameter. At least a 0021. A slip joint 305 is disposed on an upper portion of
plurality of bores 265a, 265b, and 265c that correspond to the the lower nipple assembly 290 in various embodiments. The
plurality of bores 250a, 250b, and 250c are located near the slip joint 305 is configured to allow for movement of the
outer diameter of the containment housing flange 245 to upper nipple tubular member 285 within the internal passage
couple the containment housing flange 245 to the contain of the lower nipple tubular member 290 along the axis 225. In
ment housing 215. However, the containment housing flange one embodiment, the slip joint 305 is an air slipjoint. In one
245 may be coupled to the containment housing 215 using embodiment, two or more slip joints are disposed on the
any of a variety of fasteners or fastening methods. Such as upper portion of the lower nipple tubular member 290. In one
bolts and screws, welds, pressure or Snap fits, rivets, etc., or embodiment, at least a plurality of padeyes 310a and 310bare
any combination thereof, available to those of ordinary skill disposed on the lower nipple tubular member 290. In one
in the art. In one embodiment, at least a plurality of padeyes embodiment, a flange 315 is located on a lower portion of the
266a, 266b, 266C, and 266d are disposed between the inner lower nipple tubular member 290. In one embodiment, at
diameter and the outer diameter of the containment housing least a plurality of bores 320a and 320b are located on the
flange 245. In one embodiment, a plurality of bores (not flange 315. The slipjoint 305 or alternative seals (not shown)
shown) are located on a locking plate 267 (shown in FIG. 3) may be used to inhibit fluid leakage from the bell nipple
located on a lower portion of the containment housing flange section 210.
245. Additionally and in one embodiment, locking bores such 0022. In one embodiment, the mounting section 213
as locking bore 268, are disposed on the locking plate 267 and includes an intermediate section 330 disposed between an
are configured to receive a locking bolt 269 (shown in FIG.3). upper flange 335 and a lower flange 340 that are spaced along
0019. In one embodiment, the flex joint section 205 the axis 225. At least a plurality of bores 345a and 345b are
includes a flex joint 270 disposed between a first surface 271 located on the upper flange 335 and are configured to couple
and a second surface 275 that are spaced along the axis 225. to the plurality of bores 320a and 320b. In all instances
In one embodiment, the first surface 271 and the second depicting and discussing the plurality of bores in this disclo
surface 275 are generally circular and each forms an inner sure, it should be understood that more or fewer may also be
diameter and an outer diameter. Each of the inner diameters of permitted in various embodiments. In one embodiment, the
the first surface 271 and the second surface 275 is sized to lower flange 340 is configured to couple to the blow out
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

preventer 180 (FIG. 1). In various embodiments, the interme coupled to the blow out preventer 180, the misalignment
diate section 330 has a frusto-conical shape to account for between the longitudinal axes continues to the upper nipple
different inner diameters of a lower nipple tubular member tubular member 285. In one embodiment, the flex joint sec
290 and a blowout preventer 180 (FIG. 1). In one embodi tion 205 adjusts to accommodate the offset between the lon
ment, the intermediate section 330 tapers inwardly along axis gitudinal axes. In one embodiment, the flex joint section 205
225 from the lower nipple tubular member 290 to the blow out adjusts for the offset, which equals the angle at which the axes
preventer 180. intersect. After the first surface 271 is coupled to the contain
0023 Referring to FIG. 3, the containment section 200 is ment housing section 200 and the second surface 275 is
configured to attach to the rig floor 110. In one embodiment, coupled to the upper nipple tubular member 285, a plurality of
the containment section 200 forms a portion of the rig floor locking bolts, including the locking bolt 269, secures the flex
110. In one embodiment, the drill string 155 and drilling fluid joint 270 using the locking bores 268 and locking bolts 269 to
pass through the fluid flow passage 220. In one embodiment, minimize or prevent damage to the flex joint 270. The flex
the inner diameter of the upper containment housing portion joint 270 may be formed of a pliable or elastic material that
235 (FIG. 2) is larger than the inner diameter of the contain may permit the first surface 271 and the second surface 275 to
ment housing flange 245 so that the containment housing 215 displace relative to one another. For example, the flex joint
may funnel the drill string 155 into the internal passage of the 270 may be formed of any known suitable pliable material,
upper nipple tubular member 285. In one embodiment, the including, for example, elastomers, such as butyl, neoprene,
flow passage 220 allows the drilling fluid to exit the contain nitrile, natural or synthetic rubbers, including chlorosul
ment housing section 200 through the flow line 260 and flow fonated polyethylene (CSPE) synthetic rubbers, fluoroelas
towards drilling fluid equipment (not shown). In one embodi
ment, when the containment housing 215 and the contain tomers, such as VITON, polymers, such as, polyurethane,
ment housing flange 245 are coupled together using the plu silicone, silicone-polyurethane, and ethylene propylene
rality of bores 250a, 250b, 250c and the plurality of bores diene monomers (EPDM), among many elastomeric or other
265a, 265b, and 265c, a positive seal is created between the types of materials, including combinations of materials.
containment housing 215 and the containment housing flange Other suitable pliable materials may include flexible metal
245. In one embodiment, coupling the containment housing materials, including without limitation, NITINOL or other
215 to the containment housing flange 245 encourages the Superelastic alloys. Further, combinations of Superelastic
drilling fluid to exit the containment housing section 200 alloys and non-metal elastomeric materials also may be Suit
through the flow passage 220 220 and out the flow line 260. able. In some aspects, the materials for the flex joint may be
That is, coupling the plurality ofbores 250a, 250b, 250c to the commercially available from general products based on vari
plurality of bores 265a, 265b, and 265c minimizes or prevents ous factors related to a particular drilling environment. Such
unwanted environmental spills of the drilling fluid. In one as PH, temperature, and pressure, for example.
embodiment, the plurality of padeyes 266a-266d are used to 0025. The telescopic nature of the bell nipple assembly is
Support the containment flange 245 during assembly of the described in greater detail with reference to FIGS. 4 and 5. As
bell nipple assembly 185. In one embodiment, cables strung shown, the bell nipple section 210 is configured to extend
through the plurality of padeyes 266a-266d are used to sup vertically along the axis 225. In one embodiment, the bell
port the containment flange 245, and may be used to Support nipple section 210 has an extended position, as shown tele
any connected sections, during assembly of the bell nipple scoped in FIG.4, and a retracted position, as shown in FIG. 5.
assembly 185. In one embodiment, the extended position is associated with
0024. In one embodiment, the flex joint section 205 is a first length of the upper nipple tubular member 285 extend
configured to couple the containment housing section 200 to ing within the internal passage of the lower tubular member
the bell nipple section 210. In one embodiment, the first 290. In one embodiment, the retracted position is associated
surface 271 is coupled to the containment housing section 200 with a second length of the upper nipple tubular member 285
using the plurality of bores 280a, 280b and 280c and the extending within the internal passage of the lower bell nipple
plurality of bores located on the locking plate 267 (not assembly 290, the second length being greater than the first
shown). In one embodiment the second surface 275 is coupled length. The bell nipple section 210 is configured to adjust the
to the bell nipple section 210 using the plurality of bores height (length measured along the axis 225) of the bell nipple
287a, 287b, and 287c on the second surface 275 and the assembly 185. In one embodiment, adjusting the height of the
plurality of bores 295a, 295b, and 295c disposed on the bell nipple assembly 185 allows for the bell nipple assembly
locking plate 300. In one embodiment, the longitudinal axis 185 to be used with multiple types of blow out preventers,
of the internal passage of the upper nipple tubular member each type of blow out preventer having varying heights. In
285 and a longitudinal axis of the containment housing sec one embodiment, activation of the slip joint 305 secures the
tion 200 are not coaxial (the axes are misaligned by an offset position of the bell nipple section 210. In one embodiment,
amount equaling the angle at which the axes intersect). In one activation of the slip joint 305 further minimizes or prevents
embodiment, the misalignment between the longitudinal axes drilling fluid from exiting the bell nipple assembly at the
is due to an annular at the wellhead 180 being severed at an connection between the upper nipple tubular member 285 and
angle. That is, if the annular to which the blow out preventer the lower tubular member 290. In one embodiment, a cable
180 connects is not in a plane perpendicular to a longitudinal may be strung through the plurality of padeyes 310a and 310b
axis of the wellbore 160, then a longitudinal axis of the blow to support the lower tubular member 290 during position
out preventer 180 will not be coaxial to the longitudinal axis changes of the bell nipple section 210. That is, by Supporting
of the wellbore 160. In other embodiments, the misalignment the lower tubular member 290 during position changes of the
is due to a lateral offset of longitudinal axes of the upper bell nipple section 210, at least a portion of the upper nipple
nipple tubular member 285 and the containment housing tubular member 285 will remain extending within the internal
section 200. When the upper nipple tubular member 285 is passage of the lowerbell nipple assembly 290. In one embodi
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

ment, the flange 320 is configured to couple to the mounting diameter is associated with the second tubular member diam
section 213 using the plurality of bores 320a, 320b, and 345a eter; and wherein the lower third section diameter is associ
and 345b (FIG. 2). ated with a diameter of an annular. In an aspect, the annularis
0026. In one embodiment, the mounting section 213 is associated with a blow out preventer. In an aspect, the upper
connected to the bell nipple section 210 using the using the third section diameter and the lower third section diameter
plurality of bores 320a, 320b, 345a, and 345b (FIG. 2) and differ. In an aspect, the third section comprises a frusto
coupled to the blow out preventer using the flange 340. In one conical shape that tapers inwardly from the upper third sec
embodiment, the bell nipple assembly 185 may include one of tion diameter to the lower third section diameter. In an aspect,
a plurality of mounting sections with each mounting section the first section is configured to couple to a rig floor. In an
213 associated with a blow out preventer diameter. In one aspect, the flexible connector is a flex joint. In an aspect, the
embodiment, a mounting section 213 is selected to be flexible connector entirely adjusts for the offset amount so
attached to the bell nipple assembly 185 from the plurality of that the first longitudinal axis is vertical.
mounting sections 213 based on blow out preventer 180. That 0030. In an aspect, the disclosure also introduces a method
is, if the blow out preventer 180 has a diameter of 15 inches, of adjusting for axial offset in a drilling rig, comprising:
a mounting section associated with a diameter of 15 inches providing a first section, a second section, and a flexible
can be selected and can be used to couple the blow out connection Zone forming a part of a first internal passage
preventer 180 to the bell nipple section 210. In one embodi below a drilling rig floor, the flexible connection Zone being
ment, the ability to choose from a variety of mounting sec disposed between the first and second sections, the first sec
tions 213 allows the bell nipple assembly 185 to adapt to blow tion having a first longitudinal axis and the second section
out preventers having a variety of sizes. This eliminates the having a second longitudinal axis; and providing a telescop
need for frequent replacement of the bell nipple assembly 185 ing section forming a part of the first internal passage, the
to another having a suitable diameter to match the blow out telescoping section comprising: a first tubular member hav
preventer 180 to which it will be associated in use. ing a second longitudinal axis; and a second tubular member,
0027. In another embodiment, a plurality of slipjoints 305 a length of the first tubular member telescopically extending
may be used, for example, adjacent to each other in a retracted within a portion of the second tubular member, wherein the
position and separated in an extended position when tele flexible connection Zone at least partially adjusts for an offset
scoped, to ensure that the position of the bell nipple assembly amount between the first longitudinal axis and the second
210 is secure. longitudinal axis.
0028. In view of all of the above and the Figures, one of 0031. In one embodiment, the offset amount is an angle
ordinary skill in the art will readily recognize that the present less than about 10 degrees. In varying embodiments, the
disclosure introduces an apparatus, that includes a bell nipple offset amount is an angle less thanabout: 8 degrees, 6 degrees,
assembly having a first internal passage comprising: a first 4 degrees, or 2 degrees. In another embodiment, the flexible
section forming a part of the first internal passage, the first connection Zone includes a flexible connector that seals
section comprising a first end portion and a second end por between the first and second sections to minimize or prevent
tion, the first end portion having a first longitudinal axis; and passage of a fluid therebetween. In a further embodiment, the
a flexible connector disposed between the first end portion connecting section is operably connected between the section
and the second end portion. The bell nipple assembly also at an upper end and a blow out preventer at a lower end.
comprises a second section forming a part of the first internal 0032. In a third aspect, the disclosure encompasses a
passage, the second section comprising: a first tubular mem method that includes providing a bell nipple Zone that adjusts
ber having a second longitudinal axis; and a second tubular an offset amount and defines a first internal passage that
member, a length of the first tubular member telescopically includes: providing a first section forming the first internal
extending within a portion of the second tubular member. The passage, wherein the first section has a flexible connector
flexible connector is configured to at least partially adjust for disposed between a first flange and a second flange; wherein
an offset amount between the first longitudinal axis and the the first flange is associated with a first longitudinal axis; and
second longitudinal axis. providing a second section including: a first tubular member
0029. In an aspect, the bell nipple assembly further com defining a second internal passage having a second longitu
prises: a containment housing forming a part of the first dinal axis; the second longitudinal axis misaligned from the
internal passage and having an upper portion and a lower first longitudinal axis by an offset amount; and a second
portion, the upper portion configured to receive a drilling tool, tubular member defining a third internal passage, a length of
drilling fluid, or both; a containment flange about the first the first tubular member extending within a portion of the
internal passage and configured to couple the lower portion of third internal passage; wherein the second internal passage
the containment housing to the first end portion; and a flow and the third internal passage form a lower portion of the first
line fluidically coupled to the containment housing; wherein internal passage; wherein the bell nipple Zone has a height
coupling the containment flange to the containment housing measured along the first longitudinal axis; wherein changing
forms a seal therebetween. In an aspect, the first internal the distance by which the first tubular extends within the third
passage is configured to receive a drilling fluid and wherein internal passage changes the height of the bell nipple Zone;
the seal minimizes or prevents the passage of fluids between and wherein the flexible connector at least partially adjusts for
the containment flange and the containment housing. In an the offset amount between the first longitudinal axis and the
aspect, the second tubular member has a second tubular mem second longitudinal axis.
ber diameter, wherein the bell nipple assembly further com 0033. In one embodiment, the method further includes
prises a third section forming a part of the first internal pas providing the bell nipple Zone with: a containment housing
sage and configured to couple to the second tubular member, Zone forming the first internal passage and having an upper
the third section having an upper third section diameter and a portion and a lower portion, the upper portion configured to
lower third section diameter; wherein the upper third section receive a drilling tool, drilling fluid, or both; a containment
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

flange about the first internal passage and configured to a first end portion and a second end portion, the first end
couple the lower portion of the containment housing Zone to portion having a first longitudinal axis; and
the flexible connector; and a flowline fluidically coupled to a flexible connector disposed between the first end portion
the containment housing Zone; wherein coupling the contain and the second end portion; and
ment flange to the containment housing Zone forms a seal a second section forming a part of the first internal passage,
therebetween. In another embodiment, the method includes the second section comprising:
configuring the first internal passage to receive a drilling fluid a first tubular member having a second longitudinal axis;
and the seal to minimize or prevent the passage of fluids and
between the containment flange and the containment hous a second tubular member, a length of the first tubular mem
ing. In a further embodiment, the second tubular member is ber telescopically extending within a portion of the sec
provided with a second tubular member diameter, and the ond tubular member,
method further includes providing to the bell nipple Zone a wherein the flexible connector is configured to at least
third section forming a part of the first internal passage and partially adjust for an offset amount between the first
configured to couple to the second tubular member, the third longitudinal axis and the second longitudinal axis.
section having an upper third section diameter and a lower 2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the bell nipple assem
third section diameter; wherein the upper third section diam bly further comprises:
eter is associated with the second tubular member diameter; a containment housing forming a part of the first internal
and wherein the lower third section diameter is associated passage and having an upper portion and a lower portion,
with a diameter of an annular. the upper portion configured to receive a drilling tool,
0034. In another embodiment, the method includes asso drilling fluid, or both;
ciating the annular with a blow out preventer. In a further a containment flange about the first internal passage and
embodiment, the upper third section diameter and the lower configured to couple the lower portion of the contain
third section diameter differ. In yet another embodiment, the ment housing to the first end portion; and
third section is provided a frusto-conical shape that tapers a flowline fluidically coupled to the containment housing:
inwardly from the upper third section diameter to the lower wherein coupling the containment flange to the contain
third section diameter.
ment housing forms a seal therebetween.
0035. In various embodiments, the first section is config 3. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein the first internal
ured to couple to a rig floor. In various embodiments, the passage is configured to receive a drilling fluid and wherein
flexible connector is selected to include a flex joint. In yet the seal minimizes or prevents the passage of fluids between
another embodiment, the flexible connector adjusts entirely the containment flange and the containment housing.
for the offset amount so that the first longitudinal axis is 4. The apparatus of claim 1,
vertical. wherein the second tubular member has a second tubular
0036. The foregoing outlines features of several embodi member diameter,
ments so that a person of ordinary skill in the art may better wherein the bell nipple assembly further comprises a third
understand the aspects of the present disclosure. Such fea section forming a part of the first internal passage and
tures may be replaced by any one of numerous equivalent configured to couple to the second tubular member, the
alternatives, only some of which are disclosed herein. One of third section having an upper third section diameter and
ordinary skill in the art should appreciate that they may a lower third section diameter;
readily use the present disclosure as a basis for designing or wherein the upper third section diameter is associated with
modifying other processes and structures for carrying out the the second tubular member diameter; and
same purposes and/or achieving the same advantages of the wherein the lower third section diameter is associated with
embodiments introduced herein. One of ordinary skill in the a diameter of an annular.
art should also realize that Such equivalent constructions do 5. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein the annular is associ
not depart from the spirit and scope of the present disclosure, ated with a blow out preventer.
and that they may make various changes, Substitutions and 6. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein the upper third section
alterations herein without departing from the spirit and scope diameter and the lower third section diameter differ.
of the present disclosure.
0037. The Abstract at the end of this disclosure is provided 7. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein the third section
to comply with 37 C.F.R. S1.72(b) to allow the reader to comprises a frusto-conical shape that tapers inwardly from
quickly ascertain the nature of the technical disclosure. It is the upper third section diameter to the lower third section
submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to 8. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the first section is
interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. configured to couple to a rig floor.
0038 Moreover, it is the express intention of the applicant 9. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the flexible connector
not to invoke 35 U.S.C. S 112(f) for any limitations of any of is a flex joint.
the claims herein, except for those in which the claim
expressly uses the word “means’ together with an associated 10. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the flexible connec
function. tor entirely adjusts for the offset amount so that the first
What is claimed is:
longitudinal axis is vertical.
11. A method of adjusting for axial offset in a drilling rig,
1. An apparatus, comprising: comprising:
abell nipple assembly having a first internal passage com providing a first section, a second section, and a flexible
pr1S1ng: connection Zone forming a part of a first internal passage
a first section forming a part of the first internal passage, the below a drilling rig floor, the flexible connection Zone
first section comprising: being disposed between the first and second sections, the
US 2015/0013994 A1 Jan. 15, 2015

first section having a first longitudinal axis and the sec 16. The method of claim 15, which further comprises pro
ond section having a second longitudinal axis; and viding the bell nipple Zone with:
providing a telescoping section forming a part of the first a containment housing Zone forming the first internal pas
internal passage, the telescoping section comprising: Sage and having an upper portion and a lower portion,
a first tubular member having a second longitudinal axis; the upper portion configured to receive a drilling tool,
and drilling fluid, or both;
a second tubular member, a length of the first tubular mem a containment flange about the first internal passage and
ber telescopically extending within a portion of the sec configured to couple the lower portion of the contain
ond tubular member, ment housing Zone to the flexible connector; and
wherein the flexible connection Zone at least partially a flowline fluidically coupled to the containment housing
adjusts for an offset amount between the first longitudi Zone;
nal axis and the second longitudinal axis. wherein coupling the containment flange to the contain
12. The method of claim 11, wherein the offset amount is
an angle less than about 10 degrees. ment housing Zone forms a seal therebetween.
13. The method of claim 11, wherein the flexible connec 17. The method of claim 16, which comprises configuring
tion Zone comprises a flexible connector that seals between the first internal passage to receive a drilling fluid and the seal
the first and second sections to minimize or prevent leakage of to minimize or prevent the passage of fluids between the
fluid therebetween. containment flange and the containment housing.
14. The method of claim 11, wherein the connecting sec 18. The method of claim 15,
tion is operably connected between the section at an upper wherein the second tubular member is provided with a
end and a blow out preventer at a lower end. second tubular member diameter,
15. A method, which comprises providing a bell nipple and which further comprises providing to the bell nipple
Zone that adjusts an offset amount and defines a first internal Zone a third section forming a part of the first internal
passage that comprises: passage and configured to couple to the second tubular
providing a first section forming the first internal passage, member, the third section having an upper third section
wherein the first section has a flexible connector disposed diameter and a lower third section diameter;
between a first flange and a second flange; wherein the upper third section diameter is associated with
wherein the first flange is associated with a first longitudi the second tubular member diameter; and
nal axis; and wherein the lower third section diameter is associated with
providing a second section comprising: a diameter of an annular.
a first tubular member defining a second internal passage
having a second longitudinal axis; the second longitudi 19. The method of claim 18, which comprises associating
nal axis misaligned from the first longitudinal axis by an the annular with a blow out preventer.
offset amount; and 20. The method of claim 18, wherein the upper third sec
a second tubular member defining a third internal passage, tion diameter and the lower third section diameter differ.
a length of the first tubular member extending within a 21. The method of claim 18, wherein the third section is
portion of the third internal passage; provided a frusto-conical shape that tapers inwardly from the
wherein the second internal passage and the third internal upper third section diameter to the lower third section diam
passage form a lower portion of the first internal pas eter.
Sage, 22. The method of claim 15, wherein the first section is
wherein the bell nipple Zone has a height measured along configured to couple to a rig floor.
the first longitudinal axis; 23. The method of claim 15, wherein the flexible connector
wherein changing the distance by which the first tubular is selected to comprise a flex joint.
extends within the third internal passage changes the 24. The method of claim 15, wherein the flexible connector
height of the bell nipple Zone; and adjusts entirely for the offset amount so that the first longitu
wherein the flexible connector at least partially adjusts for dinal axis is vertical.
the offset amount between the first longitudinal axis and
the second longitudinal axis.

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