Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial Resistance
Antimicrobial Resistance
Review Article
The global burden of antimicrobial resistance is rising and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in clinical and community
setting. Spread of antibiotic resistance to different environmental niches and development of superbugs have further complicated the
effective control strategies. International, national and local approaches have been advised for control and prevention of antimicrobial
resistance. Rational use of antimicrobials, regulation on over-the-counter availability of antibiotics, improving hand hygiene and improving
infection prevention and control are the major recommended approaches. Thorough understanding of resistance mechanism and innovation
in new drugs and vaccines is the need. A multidisciplinary, collaborative, regulatory approach is demanded for combating antimicrobial
Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance, Antibiotic, Control and prevention, Infection, Rational use
resistant cases to IPC, the physician can play a major role in the treatment of infections and contribute to the control of AMR
combating AMR [24]. Identifying and preventing situations that may [32].
act as nidus for infection may help curtail unnecessary infections
6.4 Innovation in new drugs and technology
and thereby AMR [12].
Concerns of increased antibiotic resistance lead to the urgent
5.2 Role of Nurses/health care providers need of concentrating on the issue of new drugs and vaccines
Since nurses/health care providers are in direct contact with the development to combat AMR. Collaborated efforts of national,
patients, they are amongst those related in either spread or control international, government and academic networks are needed to
of infection and AMR. Educating nurses and health care providers identify new classes of antibiotics and diagnostic technologies [15].
about the AMR and aseptic practices may help in control of spread Providing research funding for development of new antimicrobials to
of infections. Moongtui et al., have reviewed the role of nurses in pharmaceutical companies for diseases of public health importance
preventing AMR and reported the initiatives by Thailand like having can advance the new drug development.
Master’s programme in infection control nursing with other short In summary, it is necessary to enforce essential actions to be taken
training courses and involvement of nurses in AMR prevention and by government to inspire change by all stakeholders related to AMR
control programme [27]. as described in WHO policy package for combating AMR [13]. This
5.3 Role of Pharmacist policy package refers to:
McCoy et al., in their review discussed the Pharmacist-directed • Dedicate to a comprehensive, financed national plan with
antibiotic stewardship programs (ASPs) as an approach to improve accountability of each one involved and engagement of civil
the utilization of antibiotics. Pharmacists can counsel patients with societies
viral infections about the ineffectiveness of antibacterials and can • Improve and strengthen surveillance and laboratory capacity
recommend appropriate OTC medication for supportive care. and facilities
Referral to physician is must if a bacterial infection is suspected.
• Make sure uninterrupted wide access to essential medicines
Above all, most importantly, addressing patient and clinician
of assured quality
concerns related to antimicrobial and understanding of the
appropriate use of these agents, pharmacist can be an essential • Regulate and encourage rational use of medicines, even in
arm in preventing AMR [28]. Pharmacist is the key person to educate animal husbandry, and ensure proper patient care
patients about antimicrobial use and the importance of complying • Improvise on infection prevention and control
with the prescribed treatment regime. This may help to reduce the • Promote and pursue innovations and research and development
unnecessary use of antibiotics. for new tools
5.4 At patient level
(a) Aseptic protocol for any procedures. Conclusion
Antimicrobial resistance is a complex problem with many diverse
Parameswaran et al., reported that MDR microbes caused 30.2% of
contributing factors. It is major cause of health concerns adding cost
the catheter-related blood-stream infections and empirical treatment
to oneself and to the community, directly or indirectly. Prevention is
had no role in prevention of such infections [29]. This mandates
still the best tool to reduce the infection spread and thereby AMR.
use of aseptic protocol to minimize local or systemic infections
Along with rational use of existing antimicrobial drugs, development
associated with any procedures.
of new effective compounds and new diagnostic technology is
(b) Breaking the chain of infectivity [12]. the need. Joint efforts from patients, prescribers and individuals
By simple means like covering mouth while coughing or sneezing, to international regulators and policy makers are needed to fight
infection spread can be reduced. against the globally spreading antimicrobial resistance.
(c) Compliance to the antimicrobial regime and antibiotic.
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1. Consulting Physician, Department of Medicine, Holy Family Hospital, Bandra (W), Mumbai, India.
2. Director and Consultant Physician, Department of Medicine, Joy Nursing Home, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, India.
3. Assistant Manager, Department of Medical Services, Unichem Laboratories Ltd. Unichem Bhavan, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai, India.
4. Head, Department of Medical Services, Unichem Laboratories Ltd. Unichem Bhavan, Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai, India.