ST-EDUC3 Pre-Activity Ch7
ST-EDUC3 Pre-Activity Ch7
ST-EDUC3 Pre-Activity Ch7
Study the spelling and meaning of each word. These words are used in today’s
story. Match each word with its definition.
_______1. Menace
a. group
_______2. Pack
b. danger
d or threat
_______3. Prey
c. an animal raised
c in Australia
_______4. Sheep
d. something hunted
_______5. Tamed e. similar to a wild dog
_______6. Wolf f. not wild
One of the greatest enemies of sheep in Australia is a wild dog known as the
Australian dingo. The dingo’s face is similar to that of the wolf. It howls like a wolf, hunts
in a pack, and seems to kill for the sake of killing.
The dingoes are menace because they prey on sheep. They hunt the sheep by night.
They run silently through the grass and drive the sheep into a cul-de-sac. Now that the
sheep are trapped, they are easy prey. Being expert killers, the dingoes aim at their
throats. The Australian lose lunge sums of money each year on their sheep.
It is considered fair game to kill this wild dogs by shooting them, trapping them, or by
baiting them with poisoned meat. Hire wire fences surround thousands of a cres of
sheep grazing land. These fences keep the wild dingoes away from sheep.
If caught when puppies’ dingoes can be tarred. They can be trained to be loyal and
faithful companions. Sometimes the tarred dingoes help guard their masters, sheep
against wild dingoes.
A. FILL IN THE BLANKS using the information in today’s story.
5. These fences keep the wild dingoes away from the sheep.