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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Pregnancy
Volume 2015, Article ID 267923, 8 pages

Research Article
Using Community Informants to Estimate Maternal Mortality in
a Rural District in Pakistan: A Feasibility Study

Ali Mohammad Mir,1 Mohammad Saleem Shaikh,1 Siti Nurul Qomariyah,2

Gul Rashida,1 Mumraiz Khan,1 and Irfan Masood1
Population Council, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
Center for Family Welfare, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Jakarta 16424, Indonesia

Correspondence should be addressed to Ali Mohammad Mir; [email protected]

Received 31 July 2014; Revised 22 December 2014; Accepted 12 January 2015

Academic Editor: Vorapong Phupong

Copyright © 2015 Ali Mohammad Mir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Background. We aimed to assess the feasibility of using community-based informants’ networks to identify maternal deaths that
were followed up through verbal autopsies (MADE-IN MADE-FOR technique) to estimate maternal mortality in a rural district in
Pakistan. Methods. We used 4 community networks to identify deaths in women of reproductive age in the past 2 years in Chakwal
district, Pakistan. The deaths recorded by the informants were followed up through verbal autopsies. Results. In total 1,143 Lady
Health Workers (government employees who provide primary health care), 1577 religious leaders, 20 female lady councilors (elected
representatives), and 130 nikah registrars (persons who register marriages) identified 2001 deaths in women of reproductive age.
1424 deaths were followed up with verbal autopsies conducted with the relatives of the deceased. 169 pregnancy-related deaths were
identified from all reported deaths. Through the capture-recapture technique probability of capturing pregnancy-related deaths by
LHWs was 0.73 and for religious leaders 0.49. Maternal mortality in Chakwal district was estimated at 309 per 100,000 live births.
Conclusion. It is feasible and economical to use community informants to identify recent deaths in women of reproductive age and,
if followed up through verbal autopsies, obviate the need for conducting large scale surveys.

1. Background The Government of Pakistan has, in recent years, initiated

a number of major projects to improve maternal health out-
Pakistan is one of six countries that account for more comes in the country. In 2005, it launched a comprehensive
than 50% of the world’s maternal deaths [1]. According to maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) program that
Population Council estimates, each year, nearly 8.6 million aimed at improving access to Skilled Birth Attendance by
women become pregnant in Pakistan. Of these, 15%, that is, employing a new cadre of Community Midwives (CMWs)—
1.2 million women are likely to face obstetric complications. rural women who belong to the same community as their
Each year, there are nearly 14,000 pregnancy-related deaths clients.
(PRDs). According to the Pakistan Demographic and Health While maternal mortality has fallen from 533 per 100,000
Survey (2006-07) Pakistan’s MMR is 276 per 100,000 live live births (NIPS) in 1990-91 to 276 in PDHS 2006-07,
births [2]. Pakistan is unlikely to achieve its MDG target of reducing
Improving maternal health is one of the health-related maternal mortality to 140 per 100,000 live births [4]. To assess
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and targets a three- how far its efforts have been successful in terms of improving
quarter reduction in the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) access to community-based and facility-level interventions,
between 1990 and 2015 [3]. Pakistan has been identified it is important that recent estimates of maternal mortality are
among the 75 priority countries by the “Countdown to 2015 made available to policymakers and program managers.
Initiative” where an accelerated action on maternal, newborn, Although the MMR is accepted as an important devel-
and child health is required. opment indicator at the international and national levels,
2 Journal of Pregnancy

the range of simple, reliable, and feasible methods for measur- Malawi; and Lugufu and Mtabila refugee camps, Tanzania. It
ing maternal mortality is still limited, especially in developing was estimated that the informant method required an average
countries. Maternal mortality is difficult to measure for a of 29% less time inputs and 33% less financial inputs in all
number of reasons. First, maternal death is a rare event and four study sites when compared with retrospective surveys
difficult to capture; large samples are needed for it to be within a 6-month recall period [13]. A study piloted in Tigray,
reliable. For the same reason, it is also expensive to gauge. Ethiopia, used an identical approach where Traditional Birth
Second, at present there is no standard method that can be Attendants (TBAs), community-based health workers, and
universally applied for measuring mortality. According to midlevel providers (including nurses and nurses-midwives)
the World Health Organization (WHO), identifying maternal were trained to obtain timely data on maternal mortality and
deaths requires three elements: identifying (i) all deaths of distribution by cause of death [14] In Tanzania, a district
women of reproductive age (WRA), (ii) their pregnancy- level surveillance system was successfully implemented using
related status, and (iii) the cause of death. Without complete a network of community leaders complemented by verbal
vital registration systems and certification of the cause of autopsy questionnaires assessed by a panel of physicians [15].
death, all three components are difficult to measure accu- Another community informant based approach entitled
rately [5, 6]. “Maternal Death from Informants/Maternal Deaths Follow-
A vital registration system can most accurately estimate On Review (MADE-IN/MADE-FOR)” has been developed
maternal mortality if the system includes questions on by the Initiative for Maternal Mortality Programme Assess-
pregnancy-related status and cause of death. However, even ment (Immpact project) at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
where coverage is complete and all deaths medically certified, It enables the measurement of maternal mortality down to
maternal deaths are frequently missed or misclassified in the the community level, together with an analysis of the causes
absence of active case-finding [7]. of maternal deaths. It is also less costly than household sur-
Few developing countries have a vital registration system veys, especially in lower-fertility, lower-mortality contexts.
that ensures sufficient coverage and quality to enable it to The approach goes beyond simply counting deaths—it also
serve as the basis for assessing levels and trends in cause- develops an understanding of why they happened and how
specific mortality, including maternal mortality [8]. Instead they could have been averted.
most developing countries rely on household surveys that The MADE-IN/MADE-FOR technique has, so far, been
require large samples to produce reliable estimates with successfully applied by Immpact in two districts of Indonesia
reasonable confidence intervals [6]. [9]. Unlike some alternative methods, such as the sisterhood
In Pakistan, maternal mortality estimates have largely method, MADE-IN/MADE-FOR allows recording of all
been derived from household surveys. The Pakistan Demo- maternal deaths in a defined area, enabling more precise esti-
graphic and Health Survey (2006-07) [2] was the only nation- mates of maternal mortality in relatively small populations
ally representative survey that provided the MMR estimate of [16]. It also raises community awareness of maternal health
276 per 100,000 live births. issues and acts as an advocacy tool. Its limitations include
Keeping in mind the wide diversity among the four the possible underreporting of sensitive deaths, such as
provinces of Pakistan regularly updated maternal mortality those related to abortion, and overlooking of early-pregnancy
estimates, especially at the provincial and district levels, deaths. The approach, however, relies on the availability of
are now required to plan new initiatives, to monitor and existing networks within a community. Community-based
evaluate existing MNCH programs, and to introduce greater approaches to identify maternal deaths have also been applied
accountability. This information can also help in advocacy previously.
efforts to increase awareness about maternal health issues In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of applying this
among the public and increase the focus of policymakers technique in one district in Pakistan in terms of identifying
on this neglected area and maintaining pressure towards networks and their ability to identify deaths in women of
achieving the MDGs and the new goals beyond 2015. reproductive age, their potential to ascertain the pregnancy-
Most recently, new techniques using village informants related status of the deaths, and the potential to scale up the
to provide information on health-related events have been approach.
introduced in many countries, including Cambodia, Indone-
sia, and India [9–11]. A study carried out in India shows 2. Methods
that through community enquiries, maternal deaths were
identified by multiple informants and investigated by a doctor 2.1. Study Design and Participants. The study was conducted
leading to an estimation of maternal mortality at 230 per in Chakwal district—a predominantly rural district with only
100,000 live births. The study showed that retrospective 14% urban population (total population 1.4 million). Skilled
inquiry from multiple sources in the community is a rapid, Birth Attendance (SBA) coverage in the district is 75% [17].
simple, and low cost method to estimate the level and pattern Administratively it is divided into 4 tehsils (subdistricts),
of maternal mortality in countries where registration of vital namely, Choa Saidan Shah, Talagang, Kalar Kahar, and
events is grossly incomplete and investigation of causes is Chakwal. It has 3 secondary tertiary care health facilities and
unsatisfactory [12]. A similar method was employed in a 74 primary health care facilities (the district has 68 union
research study using key community informants to estimate councils—the smallest administrative unit of government).
maternal mortality in Kabul, Afghanistan; Mae La camp The study was conducted in all 68 union councils. The total
for Karen refugees, Thai-Burma border; Chiradzulu District, duration of the study was from November 2013 to March 2014.
Journal of Pregnancy 3

District coordination officer


District officer for community

organization (DOCO)

Tehsil municipal officer


Union council secretary

coordinator Naib Qasid
LHW Program

Community networks
Executive district
officer (EDO)

Nikah registrars
Lady health Councilors
Religious leaders (who record
workers (LHWs) (male and female)

Figure 1: Organizational structure: from union council to district level.

2.2. Ethical Approval. Ethical approval was obtained from the record marriages have access to information based on their
National Bioethics Committee of Pakistan. standing in their respective communities and the nature of
the work that entails frequent interaction with community
2.3. Calculating Live Births. We used existing data sources members.
such as age specific fertility rates and calculated the number
of live births. 2.4.2. Assembling the Networks (MADE-IN). The secretary
of the union council (a local government official) invited
2.4. Phases of the Study the informants to preparatory meetings that were held at
the office of the union council and health facilities. Separate
2.4.1. Identifying Networks. Working closely with key stake- meetings were held for each network in two steps, that
holders including government policy makers, researchers, is, preparatory meetings and listing meetings. During the
and program managers, we identified, from a range of pos- preparatory meetings, informants were briefed on the pur-
sible informant networks, four networks who could provide pose of the activity. Keeping in view ethical considerations,
reliable information. These included the Lady Health Work- the risks and benefits of voluntary participation in this
ers (LHWs) network that comprises village based primary activity were stressed. A detailed briefing on the maternal
healthcare providers. Each LHW serves a population of 1000. health situation in Pakistan, the Islamic injunctions on saving
She has to register and regularly visit 200 homes in her innocent lives, and the special status accorded to mothers
catchment area. The LHWs network is available throughout in a Muslim society were stressed. Informed consent for
the country; however, it covers only 60% of the population. participation in the study was obtained from all informants.
Religious leaders (Village Imaams) are universally available This helped in convincing the informants to participate in
and well reputed members of the community. They lead the study on a voluntary basis. Orientation was also provided
funeral prayers and they are knowledgeable about deaths in on filling in the WRA death listing form. Informants were
communities. Elected councilors and nikah registrars who required to collect information related to all deaths in women
4 Journal of Pregnancy

within the age group 12–50 years who had died in the Village informant networks (MADE-IN)
preceding two years, that is, January 2012 to December 2013. Recorded 2001 WRA deaths
They were asked to use the forms to document the following Address not found: 23
Refused: 12
information: whether the women had died during pregnancy, Duplicate: 97
delivery, or within six weeks postpartum and abortion; the
date and place of death; age, name of husband, and residential
address. Home visits (MADE-FOR)
There were no refusals for attending the listing meetings Total number of WRA death cases interviewed: 1869
by the LHWs, nikah registrars, and lady councilors. Only 3
percent of the religious refused to participate.
Out of criteria year: 278
Out of criteria age: 167
2.4.3. Follow-Up of Deaths (MADE-FOR). All reported
deaths were then followed up through home visits, where
Final list of cases
detailed information was obtained on each death from the Total number of WRA deaths followed up: 1424
next of kin, using the revised WHO VA questionnaire with Total number of PRD cases: 169
additional questions on the socioeconomic characteristics
of the family, health-seeking behaviour, and quality of care Figure 2: Flow of data capture.
offered at the health facility. The VAs were conducted with
the deceased’s next of kin. For the verbal autopsies the refusal
rate was 1.2 percent.
Subsequently, the VA forms were analyzed to deter- of the deceased, could be contacted for a VA; after autopsy,
mine the cause of deaths using a computerized algorithm we found that, in 167 cases, the deaths had not taken place
(InterVA-M software) [18] that is compatible with the WHO in the last two years. In 97 cases, the address was found to
questionnaire. Together, these two steps—MADE-IN and be a duplicate while 23 respondents could not be located
MADE-FOR—provided village-level estimates of the number as the address provided was incomplete. In 278 cases, the
of WRA deaths and in particular the number of PRDs and reported deaths were not within the specified age band of 12–
maternal deaths in a defined period. A PRD is defined as 50 years and hence were excluded. 12 respondents refused to
“the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days participate. In total, 1424 women deaths met the criteria for
of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the cause of inclusion in the study.
death” [18]. WHO defines maternal death as “the death of a
woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of
pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of pregnancy, 3.1. Probability of Each Informant Network Capturing Deaths.
from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or In the union councils of Chakwal where both the LHWs and
its management but not from accidental or incidental causes.” religious leaders’ networks were used to capture eligible PRDs
The definition implies the inclusion of maternal deaths from (i.e., within the set period and location), 72 eligible PRDs were
either direct or indirect obstetric causes of death [19]. identified by both networks. Of these, 62 cases were identified
by the LHWs network, 38 by the religious leaders’ network,
and 28 by both networks. A simple formula was used to
2.4.4. Estimating the Probability of Capturing Deaths by estimate the total number of cases: 𝑇 = 𝑁1×𝑁2/𝑀, where 𝑁
the Informant Networks. In tehsils where both LHWs and is the number of cases captured by LHWs or religious leaders
religious leaders’ networks were used, we were able to and 𝑀 is the number of cases captured by both networks.
identify whether the LHWs or religious leaders or both We calculated the estimated number of total PRD
had identified deaths. This enabled us to apply the capture- cases occurring in Chakwal tehsil by applying the capture-
recapture technique to estimate both the total number of recapture technique which gave us a figure of 84. Please see
PRDs in these tehsils and the coverage of each network, Figure 3.
that is, the proportion of the total deaths identified by each In Talagang, where again both networks were used, a total
network. Capture-recapture analysis is used in epidemiology of 45 cases were recorded. Of these, 37 were recorded by
to assess the completeness of reporting by analyzing the LHWs, 26 by religious leaders, and 18 by both. We estimated
overlap among different lists of events under investigation the probability of an eligible PRD being identified by applying
[20, 21]. the capture-recapture formula in Talagang to be 53.
Collectively, the four networks identified 2,001 WRA The probability of an eligible PRD being identified by
deaths during the period 2012-13. The next step was to con- the LHWs network in Chakwal was 0.73 (obtained by
duct VAs with the deceased women’s relatives, in most cases, dividing the number of deaths identified by a network by
their siblings, in-laws, parents, other relatives, or spouse. the adjusted number of deaths obtained from the capture-
recapture formula as seen above); in Talagang it was 0.45. The
3. Results probability of religious leaders capturing deaths in Chakwal
was 0.45 while in Talagang it was 0.49.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of respondents with whom To estimate the number of total deaths in the tehsils
VAs were conducted. Only 1,808 respondents, that is, relatives of Kallar Kahar and Choa Saidan Shah, where only single
Journal of Pregnancy 5

Table 1: MMR estimates for Chakwal district.

No. of live births 𝑛 Unadjusted 95% CI 𝑛 Adjusted 95% CI
PRMR 58522 169 289 247–336 186 318 274–367
MMR 58522 165 282 241–328 181 309 266–358
(2 years)
PMDF 1424 165 12% 10%–13% 181 13% 11%–15%
95% CI have been calculated treating maternal deaths as rare events.

Chakwal Talagang
were primary-educated women. Only a tenth had completed
higher secondary school.
LHW (N1 = 62) RL (N2 = 38) LHW (N1 = 37) RL (N2 = 26) Two-fifths of PRDs had taken place among women of
a lower socioeconomic status; a third had occurred among
34 28 10 19 18 8 women of medium socioeconomic status and only a quarter
M M among women of a higher socioeconomic status. To deter-
mine socioeconomic status, a wealth index was calculated for
Total cases recorded in Chakwal: 72 each household by running a factor analysis for 25 household
The estimate based on CRC is 84 T = N1 × N2/M = 62 × 38/28 = 84 amenities and consumer durable goods, energy sources, and
The probability of the LHWs network capturing a case: 62/84 = 0.73 ownership of agricultural land. This procedure is similar to
The probability of religious leaders capturing a case: 38/84 = 0.45 that used by [22].
Total cases recorded in Talagang: 45
The estimate based on CRC is 53 T = N1 × N2/M = 37 × 26/18 = 53
3.3. Determining Cause of Death. In disaggregating the
The probability of the LHWs network capturing a death = 37/53 = 0.70
causes of PRD, we found that 20% of these deaths were due
The probability of religious leaders capturing a death = 26/53 = 0.49
to indirect causes and 78% due to direct causes. Nearly 2%
Figure 3: Estimating total PRDs through capture-recapture tech- of deaths were accidental/incidental deaths: two were due to
nique. accidental causes, one was due to homicide, and one was a
Among the direct causes, obstetric haemorrhage was
network was used, we adjusted the number on the basis of identified as the leading cause of death. On disaggregating
the probability of LHWs reporting deaths in Chakwal, which obstetric haemorrhage, we found that, in 11% of the cases,
is 73%. women had died due to antepartum haemorrhages and 36%
The four networks captured in total 169 PRDs. By apply- due to postpartum haemorrhages. Nearly two-fifths of the
ing the capture-recapture technique, the adjusted number of deaths had occurred due to pregnancy-induced hyperten-
deaths that were captured was estimated to be 186. Therefore, sion, while in 5% of the cases, death was due to abortion-
the probability of reporting deaths through this study is related complications.
estimated to be (169/186 × 100) = 91% (95% CI 85%–95%).
Based on the pilot dataset, once all identified WRA deaths
3.4. The MMR Estimates. To estimate the MMR for Chakwal
had been verified and the VAs performed, we found that
district, we differentiated maternal deaths from PRDs by
the village informants had incorrectly classified 3 out of 169
excluding accidental and incidental causes. Both the adjusted
eligible PRDs as not being eligible. On the other hand, 18 out
(by using the capture-recapture technique to estimate the
of the 169 deaths were identified as eligible PRDs while they
total cases) and unadjusted numbers were used for calcu-
were actually false matches.
lating the MMR (see Table 1). The denominator, that is,
Using VAs to confirm the deaths identified by the infor-
number of live births, was estimated by calculating age
mants, we found that the sensitivity of the informants’ net-
specific fertility rate obtained from the Multiple Indicator
work was 98% while the specificity was 99%. To measure the
Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted for Punjab in 2011 and the
precision or agreement between the two sets of observations,
number of women of reproductive age was obtained from
we calculated the Kappa statistic, which was 0.93, signifying
the district level representative data of Pakistan Social and
almost perfect agreement. These findings can be used to
Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLSM) 2010-11. The
modify the methodology in the future.
adjusted MMR calculated for Chakwal district was 309 per
100,000 live births.
3.2. Sociodemographic Characteristics of PRDs. The mean
and median age of women who had died of pregnancy-
related causes was 29 years. Three out of five women were 3.5. Time and Place of Death and Care Seeking Behaviour.
multiparous, that is, had had more than one child, while a Nearly a third of all PRDs had occurred antepartum, a quarter
third were primiparous, that is, had been pregnant with their during the intrapartum period and up to 24 hours afterwards,
first child or had had one child. Nearly two-fifths of the deaths and two-fifths after 24 hours but within six weeks (up to 42
had taken place among women who were illiterate; a fifth days) postpartum.
6 Journal of Pregnancy

Nearly two-thirds of the pregnant women documented communicable disease trends, and provide continuously
had had more than three antenatal check-ups. More than updated information on pregnancies, births, and deaths in the
four-fifths had reported receiving care from a doctor. Only rural areas [10].
2% had received antenatal care from a TBA while nearly a In most developing countries with close-knit communi-
tenth had not sought antenatal care (ANC) at all. Of the 165 ties, community-based networks comprising religious lead-
maternal deaths reported in Chakwal, 37 women had died at ers, school teachers, and so forth already exist that have the
home, 113 died at a health facility, 15 died on their way to a potential to be used effectively in social mobilization activities
health facility. and for collecting community-based data, provided they are
properly briefed on the objectives of the endeavour and are
able to appreciate the perceived benefit of their contribution
3.6. Cost. We estimated the cost of implementing the
to the society as a whole.
community-based MADE-IN/MADE-FOR approach by cal-
According to the last Pakistan Demographic and Health
culating separately the logistical and administrative costs
Survey (PDHS) conducted in 2006-07, the maternal mortality
associated with the fieldwork. The cost analysis included
ratio for Pakistan was estimated at 276 per 100,000 live births.
expenditures incurred in training, salaries for enumerators,
Provincial estimates were also developed. The maternal
accommodation for field staff, travel, field-based monitoring,
mortality ratio, per 100,000 live births, was estimated for
supervision, and other general expenditures (supplies and
the province of Punjab at 227; for Sindh 314; for Khyber
services). The per-unit cost was calculated as the per-unit
Pakhtunkhwa 275; and for Balochistan 758. The maternal
WRA resident in the study area. The cost of applying the
mortality ratio for urban Pakistan was 175 while for rural
technique at the district level came to Rs 12.00, that is, $0.12
areas it was 319 per 100,000 live births. District level mater-
per WRA.
nal mortality estimates are, however, not available. Since
Chakwal district is predominantly rural, that is, 85% of the
4. Discussion population residing in the rural areas, our estimated maternal
mortality ratio of 309 (95% CI: 266–358) per 100,000 live
MDG 5 requires a 75% reduction in maternal mortality births is close to the rural MMR estimated by the PDHS 2006-
between 1990 and 2015. To gauge if progress is being made 07, which shows that the results obtained from the MADE-IN
towards achieving this goal, it is important to periodically and MADE-FOR methodology are according to expectation.
update estimates of maternal mortality, especially at the By introducing this methodology at the district level, we
subnational level, in order to identify specific geographic also focused on developing the capacity within the district
areas where interventions are required most and to assess at various levels to sustain this approach. By using local
the overall impact of existing ones. Since the 1987 Safe community-based networks to collect data, an additional
Motherhood Initiative was launched, new opportunities for benefit accrued was the effective sensitization of community
capturing data on maternal deaths have become available, on health issues through their leaders. For instance, the
been tested, and been used in different settings. orientation provided to religious leaders has helped them
This study has tried to assess the feasibility of applying the develop a better understanding of women’s health issues. They
community-based informant technique (MADE-IN/MADE- can now influence public opinion through their sermons
FOR) to capture maternal deaths at the community level. We and discussions with men. In the long run, these networks
have successfully identified potential networks that could be could be used to report additional events, such as births and
used at the union council level—the smallest administrative incidence of communicable diseases.
unit of the government—to collect data on a sustainable basis. As shown in Figure 1, we used the existing administrative
According to a study carried out in India, key informants structure to identify the community networks so that the
identified all births and deaths to women of reproductive age, same networks could be used in the future as well. The Dis-
prospectively, over a period of 110 weeks. For all deaths to trict Coordination Officer (DCO) who is the administrative
women of reproductive age, they ascertained whether they head of the district instructed the secretaries of the union
could be classified as maternal, pregnancy-related, or late council to identify and develop lists of religious leaders, nikah
maternal and to do so, verbal autopsies were conducted. registrars (who record marriages), and councilors (elected
This low cost key informant surveillance system produced representatives of the area). Using the already available
high, but plausible, birth and death rates in a remote area administrative apparatus the secretary of the union council
in India [11]. Another community-based surveillance study developed the lists of networks by sending out his subordinate
carried out in Cambodia assessed the performance of a officers called “Naib Qasids” to visit each and every village
community-based surveillance system that was developed in the union council. The identified network members were
to provide timely and representative information on major given a comprehensive briefing cum training in gathering
health problems and life events. Lay people were trained information on deaths among women of reproductive age
as Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) to report suspected and how to document this information. It is expected that
outbreaks, important infectious diseases, and vital events this systematic approach can be institutionalized and can
occurring in their communities. Local health staff analysed also help in improving the vital registration system. Since
the data and gave feedback to the volunteers during their these networks already exist and are well respected within
monthly meetings. Over 2 years of its implementation, the the communities, the approach can be sustained. The results
system was able to detect outbreaks early, regularly monitor of this pilot study were shared with the Provincial Managers
Journal of Pregnancy 7

who have expressed an interest in scaling up the methodology provided that the entire district administration supports this
to obtain provincial level estimates. effort and the networks realize that their work is beneficial for
The use of two networks allowed us to use the cap- the society as a whole.
ture/recapture technique making the survey self-calibrating Finally, we would emphasize that no single approach can
in estimating coverage as we know that a single network adequately meet all the requirements for estimating maternal
would not be able to capture all deaths [9]. mortality efficiently and with reliable precision. Complemen-
The cost of applying this technique to obtain maternal tary measurement options and opportunities such as the
mortality estimates at the district level was $0.12 per WRA; household census and periodic DHS surveys must remain in
the cost of undertaking a survey would have been several place to mutually validate results.
times higher. This will allow more frequent estimates to be
available to program managers to plan new initiatives and
evaluate existing ones. Abbreviations
This study has also identified specific areas that need ANC: Antenatal care
strong policy and programmatic interventions to improve CMW: Community midwife
maternal health outcomes. It confirms that maternal mortal- LHW: Lady Health Worker
ity remains a major public health issue in Pakistan and this MADE-FOR: Maternal death follow-on review
problem may be much larger than we assumed. MADE-IN: Maternal death from informants
The study raises important issues related to the quality MNCH: Maternal, newborn, and child health
of emergency obstetric care available at the facility level and MDGs: Millennium Development Goals
the lack of a functional referral system in rural districts such MICS: Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
as Chakwal. Disturbingly, the majority of deaths in Chakwal MMR: Maternal mortality ratio
district had occurred at the facility level and the major causes MNCH: Maternal and Neonatal Child Health
were obstetric haemorrhage and eclampsia. Both are easily Program
treated through simple interventions. If these women had NIPS: National Institute of Population Studies
been told where to obtain appropriate services in the first PDHS: Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey
place, precious lives could have been saved. PRD: Pregnancy-related death
Another aspect this study has highlighted is the suffering SBA: Skilled Birth Attendance
of poor rural women, reaffirming that economic barriers VA: Verbal autopsy
persist and affect poor women’s ability to access appropriate WHO: World Health Organization
care. In resource-constrained settings, the difference between WRA: Women of reproductive age.
the rich and poor in terms of ease of access to emergency care
is a major determinant of poor maternal health outcomes.
In most instances, these poor households are also located Disclaimer
farthest away from emergency care [23]. The two-fifths of The views expressed and information contained are not
PRDs had been taken place among women of lower socioeco- necessarily those of or endorsed by DfID, DFAT, or the
nomic status and three out of five respondents reported that Maternal and Newborn Health Programme, Research and
the cost of treatment of the deceased had been prohibitive Advocacy Fund (RAF), which can accept no responsibility or
and more than they could afford. Improving the quality of liability for such views, for completeness or accuracy of the
care in terms of providing at least comprehensive emergency information, or for any reliance placed on them.
obstetric care at the secondary tier would help poor families
access appropriate care, obviating the need to travel to wide
distances to access specialized care. Half of the respondents Conflict of Interests
felt that arranging for funds to treat the deceased had been
difficult; nearly two-thirds felt that the costs were prohibitive. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
These reasons may have compelled them to resort to a nearby regarding the publication of this paper.
facility irrespective of the services provided there.
Our findings are in congruence with the global evi- Authors’ Contribution
dence, which shows that most maternal deaths occur in late
pregnancy to about 48 hours after delivery [24]. Therefore, All authors contributed equally to this work. (i) Ali Moham-
policies and interventions must target this period and focus mad Mir was involved in conceptual design for this study,
on improving active management of the third stage of labour. interpretation of data, drafting of the paper, and critical
revision of intellectual content. (ii) Mohammad Saleem
Shaikh was involved in design of conceptual structure and
5. Conclusion supervised the training and data collection activities. He
also contributed in the draft of this paper. (iii) Siti Nurul
This pilot study has added to the available evidence that Qomariyah provided her inputs in the light of previously
shows reliable information on deaths among women of carried-out studies in Indonesia. (iv) Gul Rashida was
reproductive age can be obtained at a reasonably low cost involved in critically analyzing and reviewing the paper and
from community-based networks such as religious leaders, provided her meticulous feedback in the training material
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