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Havelock North Primary School Charter

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Principal’s endorsement:​ Nick Reed ​Board of Trustees Endorsement:​ Kelly Ives

Submission date to the Ministry of Education:​ 1 March 2021

Introductory Section
Havelock North Primary School is located close to the main business centre of Havelock North which includes the three Census area units of
Anderson Park, Iona and Te Mata. The Havelock North area is surrounded by the rural hinterland of Arataki, Longlands and Karamu. Hastings
City lies 5 km to the northwest and Napier City 20 km to the north.

HOME ZONE (Enrolment Scheme requirement)

The zone is the area comprised within those properties which have direct access to the following roads within the boundaries of Havelock
Road/St Andrews Road intersection, Havelock Road including St Andrews Road to St Georges Road, St Georges Road to Karamu Road
including Crosses Road to the north, Napier Road/Goddards Lane intersection, Te Mata Road/Carl Ave intersection, (not including Carl Ave,
Danners Street and St Hill Lane), Lindsay Street, Scannell Street, George Place, McHardy Street, Greenwood Road, Tauroa Road to the east,
Hikanui Drive, Tainui Drive, Tanner Street, Keith Sands Grove, Von Dadelszen Place, Keirunga Road, Glenpark Place, Toop Street, Pufflett
Road, Kopanga Road, Woodford Terrace to the south and Lucknow Road/Middle Road intersection and Te Aute Road Bridge 510 over
Stream to the west. 2008 saw the zone encompass the rural area around Arataki road and out on to the Waimarama Road and expanded to
(1) Napier Road (to Lawn Road), Lawn Road (from Napier Road to Te Mata Mangateretere Road), Te Mata Mangateretere Road (from Lawn
Road and including River Road), Waimarama Road (to Maraetotara Road including Tukituki Road to and including Craggy Range Road),
Maraetotara Road (to Waipoapoa Road), a line overland from Waipoapoa / Maraetotara Road junction to Rochfort Road and then overland to
Kopanga Road.
(2) Include the roads named but exclude the area within bounded by St Hill Lane (from Te Mata Road to Brookvale Road), Brookvale Road
(from St Hill Lane to Ayrshire), Ayrshire (includes Hanna Place and Olive Place), Russell Robertson Drive (from Ayrshire to Arataki Road –
includes Meissner to Karoola and Karoola only), Arataki Road (from Russell Robertson Drive to Te Mata Road), Te Mata Road (from Arataki
Road to Te Mata Mangateretere Road junction), Black Barn road, a line from the end of Black Barn Road to the top of Te Mata Peak Road, Te
Mata Peak Road, Simla Avenue (includes Franklin, Emerald Hill and Hereworth Grove) and Te Mata Road (from Simla Avenue to St Hill Lane).

In addition to the area defined above the following streets/roads are also included in the school’s home zone:
• Brookvale Road (from No 113 Brookvale Road to Arataki Road) including Whakatomo Place and Whittaker Place
• Arataki Road to Russell Robertson Drive (including Te Heipora Place, Devine Close, Albany Lane)

• Meissner Road (from Arataki Road to the intersection with Karoola Place) including Percy Berry Place.
NOTE: Urban Rochfort Road is outside our school zone.
In 2017, after much consultation, we changed our school vision to “Empowering Learners for Life”
As a school with history, we respect tradition. We’ve come a long way from the early days where the motto was “He carries his cross bravely”.
We love the fact that our school has a solid foundation – over a century and a half of passion and care for education. Tu Mana, Tu Kaha Tu
Tangata, is the new school motto. In 2017, the school’s vision, values and strategy were revised.
At the heart of our school are the children. Many of our school families have made the active choice to live in Hawke’s Bay, a stunning part of
NZ. Havelock North is a special place, nestled at the foot of iconic Te Mata Peak. We are lucky and proud to be the school that’s right here in
the midst of Havelock North – a great little village.
Our core values have been revised and are now represented by the 4 “Rs”: Resilience, Respect, Responsibility and Relationships.
Our school is a community of learners who respect and value each other and our place in Havelock North, our environment and the wider
At Havelock North Primary School every decision is based on: ​“How does this affect the learning of our students”

The Havelock North Primary School Board of Trustees undertakes to take all reasonable steps to achieve the purpose, aims and
objectives in this Charter, which has been approved by the Board following consultation with the community and to take full account
of the National Education Guidelines and all statutory obligations (NAG 6,7 & 8).

​Procedural Information

Annual Cycle

Havelock North Primary School will lodge a copy of the Charter and Strategic Plan with the Ministry of Education by 1​st​ March 2021 and report
on the achievements of the previous year.

Catering for Cultural Diversity

Havelock North Primary School acknowledges New Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of Maori culture (Education Standards
Act 2001). This is demonstrated through;

• School Policy and curriculum delivery

• Consultation with the Maori families (Hui)

• Consultation with Pasifika families

The Board will meet the request for instruction in and through Te Reo, to the best of its ability, dependent upon staffing and financial resources.

Consultation - 2020

● Full Community Survey

● Maori
● Year 7 (Year 6 programmes)
● Wellbeing staff consultation
● Well-being student consultation

Supporting Documents

● Havelock North Primary School Budget 2020

● Havelock North Primary School Curriculum Delivery Plan
● Havelock North Primary School Self Review Plan
● Havelock North Primary School Policies and Procedures
● Curriculum Achievement Reports based on overall teacher judgements (O.T.J’s) for the 2020 student cohort.
● 2020 Analysis of Variance
● Havelock North Primary School 2016 ERO Report

Personnel, Finance and Property

Havelock North Primary School Board of Trustees will:

● Act as a good employer to teaching and non-teaching staff.

● Provide Professional Development opportunities for all staff members.
● Prepare a budget to monitor and control school expenditure.
● Allocate funds to meet the school’s priorities so that student achievement is enhanced.
● Utilise the 5 year /10 year property plan to ensure the school’s facilities provide a safe, healthy learning environment.

Aim 1 Aim 3
To grow student achievement by providing To ensure a safe and caring optimal learning
quality teaching, where all learners are environment.
engaged, inspired and achieving to their
potential. (NAGS 3,4,5)

(NAGS 1, 2, 3,6)

Aim 2 Vision Aim 4

​To develop and empower well rounded and To develop a fully inclusive school culture
capable students who are confident and “Empowering Learners for Life” where whanau and community partnerships
engaged lifelong learners. are nurtured and strengthened.
(NAGS 1,2,5) (NAGS 3,4,5 )
“Tu Mana Tu Kaha Tu Tangata”

Our Values (we value)

Responsibility, Respect, Resilience,


New Zealand Curriculum - Key Competencies

Thinking, Using Language, Symbols and Text, Managing Self, Relating to Others, Participating and Contributing

ERO’s Evaluation Indicators of a Successful School

Our School

Senior Leadership Team Policies and Procedures Parents

● Gives high quality leadership to the school ● Are developed through consultation ● Feel welcomed, included and
● Supports, values and empowers others ● Meet legislative requirements well-informed
● Maintains effective communication between ● Are clearly stated and understood ● Encourage children in their schooling
home and school ● Are accessible to everyone ● Respect the professional judgment of the
● Ensures quality teaching and learning ● Are regularly reviewed staff
Monitors progress to ensure equitable ● Work in partnership with staff
outcomes for Maori learners ● Are supportive of the Board, staff and

Students Teachers Board of Trustees

● Take responsibility for their actions and ● Focusing on Literacy and Numeracy, while
learning providing a balanced programme. ● Meets requirements of the National
● Are actively engaged in their learning ● Use assessment to inform and review Education Guidelines (NEGS) and the
● Achieve to their potential planning and teaching programmes National Achievement Guidelines (NAGS)
● Are respectful, considerate and confident ● Are enthusiastic, and foster a love for learning ● Is a good employer and stays well
learners ● Plans individualised programmes based on informed
● Are proud of their school need ● Works alongside staff
● Feel safe and cared for ● Apply Teaching as Inquiry ● Ensures all resources are effectively
● Are encouraged and challenged ● Communicate the purpose of learning. managed
● Take pride in their achievements ● Receive appropriate support ● Plans for the future
● Accept leadership opportunities ● Are committed to professional growth ● Consults effectively with the community
● Have high expectations
● Demonstrate caring and supportive
interpersonal skills
● Provides needs based programmes
● Work in partnership with parents

Curriculum Support Staff Environment

● Balanced, high interest, challenging ● Are supportive of the school and its aims, ● Is inviting and attractive
● Integrated themes link all learning areas feel valued, and part of the team ● Supports learning programmes
● Reflect local contexts ● Care for the students ● Is safe and well maintained
● Include student voice ● Are positive and professional ● Child centred, interactive
● Literacy and Numeracy meets the needs ● Children’s work displayed and celebrated
of all children
● Is regularly reviewed and updated
● Fulfil national curriculum requirements

Strategic Section
The Board has a three year Strategic Plan, which outlines the strategic direction. This document is reviewed annually.
The base of this plan is the goals and a sound vision and philosophy for the school. Our Motto is​ “Tu Mana Tu Kaha Tu Tangata”​ which is a
statement we live by. We understand that people are our most important resource.

Gathering information which can be used to meet the learning needs of our Maori students and raise achievement will be demonstrated by:-
Recognition of Cultural Diversity and Dual Cultural Heritage

The ethnic composition of our school is as follows:

Te Ao Maori
The cultural diversity of New Zealand is recognised through every school curriculum plan which outlines cultural elements to be included within
the class programme.
Learning opportunities in Tikanga Maori and Te Reo are provided in every classroom. All teachers are required to include Maori perspectives in
curriculum planning wherever possible, and to introduce basic Te Reo Maori language into the classroom learning. Resources to support these
requirements have been purchased. The HNPS Board of Trustees will look to use both external and internal providers to provide professional
development opportunities to the staff.

Self Review Programme 2021 - 2023

Havelock North Primary School has a responsibility under the NAGs to review its performance and accountability documents. Self review plays
an important part in the development and improvement of our school.


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

● Achievement and Curriculum ● Maori ● Mid Point Target review ● Religious Education
● BOT Operations Consultation/Review ● Science programmes ● School Term dates
● Maths Programmes ● Health Consultation ● Discovery Learning ● Arts
● Gifted and Talented ● Student voice ● Year 7 review ● International students
Programmes ● Wellbeing review attestation
● Quick 60 review ● Inquiry Learning
● Etap review ● EOTC
● Learner Pathway ● Year 1 Transition
● Library review ● Communication
● Student Wellbeing survey ● School Uniform review


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

● Achievement and Curriculum ● Maori Consultation ● Mid Point Target review ● Religious Education
● BOT Operations ● Year 7 review ● Student Wellbeing ● School Term dates
● Whanau Hui ● Makerspace review review ● Teams review
● Structured Literacy review ● Digital Curriculum ● Gifted and Talented ● EOTC review
● Maori Achievement Plan ● International students
● PB4L review attestation
● Student Wellbeing survey


Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

● Achievement and Curriculum ● Maori consultation ● Mid Point Target review ● Religious Education
● BOT Operations ● Inquiry Learning mode ● Student Wellbeing ● School Term dates
● Whanau Hui ● Health Consultation survey ● Progress reports
● Writing programmes ● EOTC
● Sport/PE programmes ● international students

Havelock North Primary Strategic Plan 2021 - 2023

Aim 1 To grow student achievement by providing quality teaching, where all learners are engaged, inspired and achieving to their

2021 2022 2023

Complete Maths programme review Implement revised Maths programme

Kahui Ako (COL) collaboration begins Kahui Ako (COL) implementation Kahui Ako (COL) review

Gifted and Talented programmes Gifted and Talented programme review

Teacher Growth Cycle development Teacher Growth Cycle development embedded Teacher Growth Cycle development review

Quick 60 review

Structured Literacy Structured literacy review

Introduce the Literacy “The Code” to the Embed the Literacy “The Code” Review the Literacy “The Code”

Implement Maori Achievement Plan ( MAP) MAP review

Whanau group consolidation

Key professional development - Review Focus on reporting progress and tracking by

Well Being/Hauora & Digital Curriculum staff

Review current science initiative NZ Histories Curriculum NZ Histories Curriculum review

Coaching model -consolidated amongst 9 Coaching model embedded schoolwide Coaching model review
key staff members. Build capacity middle Growth cycle tied to coaching

leaders focus

Discovery (Year 3) review Implement Discovery changes

Review Inquiry model Localised curriculum introduction (Kahui) Localised curriculum review

Makerspace introduced Makerspace review

Implement Digital Curriculum Digital Curriculum review

Aim 2 To develop and empower well rounded and capable students who are confident and engaged lifelong learners

Strengthen cultural competencies; review Cultural competencies evaluation year 1; extend Cultural competencies Year 2 - Embed the base
set goals and build the base the base

Strengthen student voice in classroom Student voice review: Empowering choice & Goals setting and reflective practice. Teacher
practice: Feedback to teachers tracking student progress as coach /peer as coach

Wellbeing review Wellbeing Wellbeing

Arts performance -Term 3 / review Arts performance -Term 3

Strengthen Student wellbeing Student wellbeing review

Electives Year 5 & 6 Electives Year 5 & 6 review


Learner Pathway review

Aim 3 To ensure a safe and caring optimal learning environment.

Keeping Ourselves Safe programme review Keeping Ourselves Safe programme (KOS)

Health and Safety audit Health and Safety audit Health and Safety audit

Fundraise for the turf upgrade Turf Upgrade

Room 11-12 upgrade

Admin upgrade

Review school security

School garden review

Implement new PB4L programme Implement PB4L programme review

Prepare for new 5YA Begin 5YA spend

Review Library

Solar panel install - Stage 2 -60 panels

Aim 4 To develop a fully inclusive school culture where whanau and community partnerships are nurtured and strengthened.

Engaging Maori Families Engaging Maori Families -Hui /International Engaging Maori Families -Hangi & Hui/Matatriki
-Hangi/Hui/Matariki celebration (Term 3 - Food celebration
Friday 2nd July is Matariki)

Celebration (Individual cultures)

Visit Marae Term 1 (Year 5 & 6) Powhiri for local iwi Marae Visit

Conrad Waitoa (Maori boys) Conrad Waitoa (Maori boys) Conrad Waitoa (Maori boys)

Year 1 Transition review Transition to Intermediate Transition review

New families to school systems review Implement changes New families to school systems review

ETap review ETap

Work towards Enviro School Silver status Gain Enviro School Silver status Plan for Gold

Pou with school values Waharoa planning Waharoa installation

Termly School Whakatauki Termly School Whakatauki Termly School Whakatauki

Community consultation (full)

Review reporting to parents Implement new reporting system

Documentation review Documentation review Strategic plan is in place

School uniform review Implement adapted school uniform

Kapa Haka performance options increased


Aim 1
To grow student achievement by providing quality teaching, where all learners are engaged, inspired and achieving to their potential.

Expected Outcomes Action Responsibility Timeframe Monitoring

Maths programme review A review of current maths programmes will Bec/Nick S Term 1
take place and documentation refined.

Kahui Ako (COL) The Kahui will officially get underway and Nick Term 2
collaboration begins the schools will collaborate around ongoing
professional development and work

Gifted and Talented A review of content and time commitment Jenny/Rhys Term 1
programmes will take place

Teacher Growth Cycle The new appraisal system will be Shona Term 1
development introduced to the teaching team

Quick 60 review With structured literacy coming into play Shona Term 1/2
the worth of Quick 60 will be considered.

Structured Literacy Structured literacy will be introduced to the Annie/Amanda Term 1

Year 1 /2 teams.

Introduce the Literacy The “Code” will be looked at as a Raewyn/Jenny Ongoing

“The Code” to the Staff schoolwide spelling resource.

Maori Achievement Plan A Maori Achievement plan will be Nick/Greg/Jason Term 1
( MAP) developed
Whanau group A review of our school whanau
consolidation partnerships will be undertaken

Key professional Resources will be allocated to these two Greg/Nick Ongoing

development - Well key areas Karen/Fiona
Being/Hauora & Digital

Review current science We will look at the current Science Nick Term 3
initiative initiative with Trish and get feedback from
all stakeholders on this.
We will explore options through the House
of Science NZ who are currently piloting
programmes in the Hawke’s Bay

Coaching model Nine trained staff will continue their growth Nick Ongoing
-consolidated amongst 9 coaching development with termly
key staff members. Build sessions
capacity middle leaders

Discovery (Year 3) review This programme will be reviewed across Sue/Raewyn Term 3
the Te Rito team.

Review Inquiry / Learning The current model of Inquiry Learning in Toni/Shona/Annie/ Term 2
Through Play model Years 4-6 will be reviewed. Amanda

Current LTP in Year 0-2 practice will be
reviewed and refined

Makerspace introduced A Makerspace trolley will be introduced Fiona Term 1

that can be used across the school

Implement Digital This will be further embedded across the Fiona/Bec/Karen Ongoing
Curriculum school. In-house experts will be used to
build capacity to ensure success at the
Digi Awards

Aim 2
To develop and empower well rounded and capable students who are confident and engaged lifelong learners

Strengthen cultural Engage the services of Tash Jacobs Nick/Greg/Jason Term 1/2
competencies; review set (Momentum Learning) to work with the
goals and build the base staff on developing cultural
Complete the Whanau partnerships
review through Ruia

Strengthen student voice in Teachers will focus on whanaungatanga Shona Ongoing

classroom practice: and strengthen relationships with all
Feedback to teachers stakeholders.

Wellbeing review We will focus on strengthening wellbeing Nick/Greg Term 2
for students and teachers through our
review process.
PB4L programmes will be implemented
to assist with this development.

Arts performance -Term 3 The school will host an evening Shelley/ Shona Term 3
Arts review performance in Term 3. The Arts Think
Tank will coordinate and seek feedback
from the community.

Electives Year 5 & 6 The Year 5 & 6 team will offer a range of Jenny Term 3
activities to students during Term 3.
They will engage with local people and
resources to deliver quality opportunities
which our students can opt into.

EOTC Year 1-6 students will all be offered Greg Term 1/4
EOTC experiences throughout the
school year. Year 4-6 students will all be
offered an overnight camp during the
year. There will be a review of these

Learner Pathway review Staff and students will use the revised Shona Term 1
Learner Pathway and give feedback as
to its success.

Aim 3
To ensure a safe and caring optimal learning environment

Expected Outcomes Action Responsibility Timeframe Monitoring

Keeping Ourselves Safe The school will undertake the KOS Team Leaders Term 3
programme review programme in Term 3

Health and Safety audit The Health and Safety team will review Nick/Brenda Term 3
the Risk register

Fundraise for the turf upgrade The Home and School will focus their Home and School Ongoing
main fundraising on replacing the large team

Room 11-12 upgrade Room 11 and 12 will be renovated from Timely Consultants Term 1/2
mid March. These classes will need to
move to the hall during this time.

Admin upgrade Tenders will be sought for this project. Board /Timely Term 3/4
The Board will work with Timely
Consultants to engage the services of a
contractor to carry out this work.

School garden review We will look at the current plantings Robin Term 1
around the school and make plans to
upgrade accordingly.

Implement new PB4L The school will undertake Positive Greg Ongoing
programme Behaviour for Learning (PB4L)
professional development from the
Ministry of Education during 2021.

Review Library The current use of the space will be Amanda/Donna Term 1
previewed. This will include allocated Drake
librarian hours, the use of the Town
Library and exploring ways of utilising our
student librarians.

Solar panel install - Stage 2 The next phase of the solar installations Board Term 1
-60 panels will take place through Gavin Streeter .
Whanau will be asked to contribute
sponsorship as per Term 1.

Aim 4
To develop a fully inclusive school culture where whanau and community partnerships are nurtured and strengthened.

Expected Outcomes Action Responsibility Timeframe Monitoring

Engaging Maori Families The Kahui Ako will collectively promote Management Term 3
-Hangi/Hui/Matariki and support whanau through Matariki Kahui Principals
celebration (Term 3 - celebrations. These will include Hangi
Friday 2nd July is Matariki) and other Matariki ideas such as haka
performances etc. We are looking at the
six Kahui schools having a joint

Who am I? Term 1 As part of improving whanaungatanga Team Leaders Term 1

Celebration (Dress up day we will look to embrace individual Management
to show individual cultures) differences and have a cultural
celebration which includes foods and
dress significant to various cultures.

Marae Visits We will look to offer two different Mariae Nick, Raewyn, Sue and Term 1/2
experiences. Year 5 & 6 will go to Sonya Sedgewick
Mathiwi and Year 3 & 4 to Pakipaki.

Conrad Waitoa (Maori We will engage the services of Conrad to Nick/Greg/ Year 5 & 6 Term 1/2
boys) work with our Year 5 & 6 Maori students teachers
from a goal setting/wellbeing
perspective. They will have experience
including manaakitanga development,

developing whanaungatanga and
transitions to HNI.

Year 1 Transition review We will get feedback from whanau about Nick/Shona Term 2
the enrolment experience at HNP,
enabling us to make changes and be
more responsive.

ETap / Spotlight review Look at the way we are currently using Bec / Shona Term 1/2
our student management system (ETap)
and make it more user friendly for
teachers and more purposeful for

Work towards Enviro Having gained our bronze status in Sue J Ongoing
School Silver status 2019, we will continue to improve our
processes and operate a more
environmental lense across the school.
We would aim to secure our Silver status
in 2022.

Pou with school values We will erect four values Pou on the Jason K / Greg Term 1-2
school grounds displaying our values
and potentially house colours.

Termly School Whakatauki We will work with our Kahui Schools on Nick/Raewyn Ongoing

Review reporting to parents We will seek further feedback from our Nick / Shona / Bec Term 1-2
whanau and work with our Kahui school
on effective reporting to ensure there is a
degree of consistency amongst schools.
How can we use digital platforms to
secure quality feedback for all

Communication review Review all main school communication Nick/Board Term 2

methods so that whanau have more
streamlined information.
Tuesday Times, Facebook, School App
Charter and Website

School uniform review The board will appoint an ad hoc uniform Board Term 2
team to review the feedback from our
parent community in 2020. They will
make some recommendations moving

Kapa Haka performance We will look for ways to engage the Raewyn / Tara Ongoing
options increased Kapa Haka with more performance
opportunities though Kahui Ako
experience as well as in house
opportunities like assemblies.

Student Achievement Target 1 2021 - Writing
Overall aim:​ To accelerate the progress of all Year 1 – 6 learners in writing.
Background data:
● 89.3 % (542/607) of all students are at or above expectation
● 94.6 % (301/318) of all females are at or above expectation
● 97.3% (37/38) of all Maori females are at or above in expectation
● 95.9% (233/243)of all NZ European females are at or above expectation
● 92% (427/464) of all NZ European students are at or above expectation
● 94.8% (73/77) of all Year 2 students are at or above above expectation
● 41.7% (48/115) of Year 6 students are above expectation
● 83.4% of all male students are at or above expectation
● 78.6% of Maori male students are at or above expectation
● 87.3% of NZ European male students are at or above expectation
● 79% of Year 3 students are at or above expectation
● 75.4% of Year 3 males are at or above expectation
● 75% of Asian students were at or above expectation


● In 2020 80% of Maori males are at or above expectation. In 2021 we expect 85% of Maori males to progress to the expected level by
the end of the year.
● In 2020 76% of Year 3 males were at or above expectations in writing. In 2021 we expect 85% of Year 4 males to progress to the
expected level by the end of the year.
● In 2020 79% of Year 3 students are at or above expectation in writing. In 2021 we expect 85% of Year 4 students to progress to the
expected level by the end of the year.
● In 2020 82% of male students are at or above expectation in writing. In 2021 we expect 90% of male students to progress to the
expected level by the end of the year.

● In 2020 75% of Asian students are at or above expectation in writing. In 2021 we expect 85% of Asian students to progress to the
expected level by the end of the year.

Focus Aim 1
Area To grow student achievement by providing quality teaching, where all learners are engaged, inspired and achieving to their
potential. (NAGS 1, 2 2A, 3,6)
Aim 2
To develop well rounded and capable students who are confident and engaged lifelong learners. (NAGS 1,2,5)

Data: ● 89.3 % (542/607) of all students are at or above expectation
● 94.6 % (301/318) of all females are at or above expectation
● 97.3% (37/38) of all Maori females are at or above in expectation
● 95.9% (233/243)of all NZ European females are at or above expectation
● 92% (427/464) of all NZ European students are at or above expectation
● 94.8% (73/77) of all Year 2 students are at or above above expectation
● 41.7% (48/115) of Year 6 students are above expectation
● 83.4% of all male students are at or above expectation
● 78.6% of Maori male students are at or above expectation
● 87.3% of NZ European male students are at or above expectation
● 79% of Year 3 students are at or above expectation
● 75.4% of Year 3 males are at or above expectation
● 75% of Asian students were at or above expectation

Expected Action Timeframe Responsibility Budget

● Consider the writing opportunities there are for boys - are these appropriate Ongoing Shona, Raewyn & $1,000
contexts and genre to get boys engaged in writing. Jenny

● Discussion at team meetings every five weeks to discuss data and progress, Ongoing Team Leaders Nil
looking at what is working and what needs to happen next, in both teacher
practice and student learning.

● Introduce compliments of the structured literacy approach to Year 3 as a way of Term 1 Literacy Leaders $500
identifying some gaps in student learning. The structured literacy approach
provides explicit teaching lessons to help students with their interpretation of
sounds in words.

● Introduce the “Code” across the school so there is a consistent Term 1 Teachers $2040
spelling/language strategy being implemented. This resource will help with
reading too.

● Having writing opportunities across the curriculum for all students, rather than a Ongoing Shona, Raewyn & $1000
schoolwide focus primarily on memoir/narrative writing. Jenny

● Teachers confidently know the learning progressions - what comes before and Ongoing Shona, Raewyn & Nil
after where the student is learning at. Jenny

● Collect more student voice from our priority learners Ongoing Teachers Nil

● Accelerative teaching practice being timetabled so that the students who are Ongoing Teachers Nil
below / well below are taught for short periods, over and above the classroom

● Use the written language learning progressions and hexagons consistently Ongoing Teachers Nil
across the school

● Tash Jacobs from Momentum Learning is facilitating a Teacher Only Day and Term 1/2 Teachers $5000
two other follow up sessions in Term 1 /2 to help address the discrepancy
between our Maori achievement and non Maori achievement.

● Making more explicit links between reading and writing as many of these below Ongoing Teachers Nil
writers struggle with reading also.

● Moderation opportunities across the Kahui Ako. Term 3 Raewyn & Jenny Nil

Student Achievement Target 2 2021 - Wellbeing
Overall aim:​ To improve student wellbeing for specific groups across our school -Years 4-6

Background data:​ (From November 2020)

● 92% of Year 4-6 students treat each other with respect

● 79% of Year 4-6 students said students always stand up for other children if someone is being mean to them
● 86% of Year 4-6 students include others who are being left out.
● 80% felt they could ask other students for help if they had a problem

Specific target:
● Foster reciprocal learner centred relationships with students and whanau as a pathway for positive engagement in their child’s
● 95% of Year 4-6 students treat each other with respect
● 90% of Year 4-6 students said students always stand up for other children if someone is being mean to them
● 90% of Year 4-6 students include others who are being left out.
● 90% felt they could ask other students for help if they had a problem

Focus Aim 2
Area To develop well rounded and capable students who are confident and engaged lifelong learners. (NAGS 1,2,5)
Aim 3
To ensure a safe and caring optimal learning environment
Aim 4
To develop a fully inclusive school culture where whanau and community partnerships are nurtured and strengthened.

Baseline ● 92% of Year 4-6 students treat each other with respect
Data: ● 79% of Year 4-6 students said students always stand up for other children if someone is being mean to them
● 86% of Year 4-6 students include others who are being left out.
● 80% felt they could ask other students for help if they had a problem

Expected Action Timeframe Responsibility Budget

● Carry out the wellbeing survey in Term 1 2021 Term 1 Greg Nil

● Engage the services of Keri Benefield with some of our more challenging students in Term 2-3 Nick $3600
a counselling capacity

● Work with other schools in our Kahui around wellbeing and implementing the full Ongoing Nick/Shona Nil
NZCER survey and learn what the data is telling us. Currently we use an
abbreviated version of this survey.

● Continue to celebrate the good things (Empowered Learner Afternoon teas). Ongoing Greg,Shona,Nick $1600

● Introduce the PB4L programme which will be led by Greg (Pastoral care DP) and Ongoing Greg Nil
one member from each team.

● Continue with the same messages around bucket filling, being kind and don’t be a Ongoing Teachers Nil

● Continue to remind staff about the use of the ERO publication, “Wellbeing for Term 1 Greg & Nick Nil
Success” as a key resource.

● Use the ideas in the resource “Bullying Prevention and Response” Term 1 Greg & Nick Nil

● Place our Values on Pou in the main area of the school to make them more”alive” Term 1 Greg & Jason K $5000
for students”

Student Achievement Target 3 2021 - Reading
Overall aim:​ To accelerate the progress of all Year 2 Maori students in Reading
Background data:

● 9/14 Maori students were at or above standard at the end of 2020


● 9/14 Year 1 Maori students were at or above expectation at the end of 2020. In 2021 we expect 85% (12/14) to be at or above

Focus Aim 1
Area To grow student achievement by providing quality teaching, where all learners are engaged, inspired and achieving to their
potential. (NAGS 1, 2 2A, 3,6)
Aim 2
To develop well rounded and capable students who are confident and engaged lifelong learners. (NAGS 1,2,5)

Baseline 90% of all students were at or above in reading

Data: 9/14 (64%) of Year 1 Maori students were at or above standard at the end of 2020

Expected Action Timeframe Responsibility Budget

● Discussion at team meetings every five weeks to discuss data and progress, Ongoing Team Leaders Nil
looking at what is working and what needs to happen next, in both teacher
practice and student learning.

● Introduce compliments of the structured literacy approach to Year 2 as a way of Term 1 Literacy Leaders $5000
identifying some gaps in student learning. The structured literacy approach
provides explicit teaching lessons to help students with their interpretation of
sounds in words.

● Introduce the “Code” across the school so there is a consistent Term 1 Teachers $2040
spelling/language strategy being implemented. This resource will help with
reading too.

● Collect more student voice from our priority learners Ongoing Teachers Nil

● Accelerative teaching practice being timetabled so that the students who are Ongoing Teachers Nil
below / well below are taught for short periods, over and above the classroom

● Tash Jacobs from Momentum Learning is facilitating a Teacher Only Day and Term 1/2 Teachers $5000
two other follow up sessions in Term 1 /2 to help address the discrepancy
between our Maori achievement and non Maori achievement.

● Making more explicit links between reading and writing as many of these below Ongoing Teachers Nil
writers struggle with reading also.

● Moderation opportunities across the Kahui Ako. Term 3 Raewyn & Jenny Nil


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