Test Est Test
Test Est Test
Test Est Test
Given the business rule(s) you wrote in Problem 1, create the basic Crow's Foot ERD.
The DealCo relational diagram shows the initial entities and attributes for the DealCo stores, which
are located in two regions of the country. Identify each relationship type and write all of the business
One Employee can have many Jobs
Employee has a M-1 relationship with Jobs / Jobs has a 1-M relationship with Employee
The DealCo relational diagram shows the initial entities and attributes for the DealCo stores, which
are located in two regions of the country. Create the basic Crow's Foot ERD for DealCo.
The Tiny College relational diagram shows the initial entities and attributes for the college. Identify
each relationship type and write all of the business rules.
COURSE table has a 1:M relationship with Class. Class has a 1:M relationship with ENROLL.
ENROLL has a M:1 relationship with STUDENT.
COURSE can have many Class. Each class has one Course.
Class can have many ENROLL. Each Enroll has One Class
One STUDENT can have many ENROLL. Each ENROLL can have one Student
PATIENT can have many Order. Each Order has One Patient. One Order can have Many Medication. Each
Medication has one Order. Technically, Each Medication can have many ORDER as well in a real life
b. Create a Crow's Foot ERD that depicts a relational database model to capture these business rules.
United Broke Artists (UBA) is a broker for not-so-famous artists. UBA maintains a small database to
track painters, paintings, and galleries. A painting is created by a particular artist and then exhibited in
a particular gallery. A gallery can exhibit many paintings, but each painting can be exhibited in only
one gallery. Similarly, a painting is created by a single painter, but each painter can create many
paintings. Using PAINTER, PAINTING, and GALLERY, in terms of a relational database:
a. What tables would you create, and what would the table components be?
One PAINTER can have many PAINTING. Each PAINTING has ONE PAINTER. One GALLERY can have
Independent Tables could be related if they use the same field values. Maybe date of when the painting
is created? Not sure yet.
Using the ERD from Problem 10, create the relational schema. (Create an appropriate collection of
attributes for each of the entities. Make sure you use the appropriate naming conventions to name
the attributes.)
Describe the relationships (identify the business rules) depicted in the Crow's Foot ERD shown in
Figure P2.13.
PROFESSOR can have many CLASS. Each CLASS has one PROFESSOR. PROFESSOR can have many
Create a Crow's Foot ERD to include the following business rules for the ProdCo company:
One Publisher can publish many books, Each book can be punished by one Publisher.
One Publisher can submit many Contract, Each Contract can be submitted by one Publisher.
One Author can sign many Contract, One contract can be signed by one Author.
One Author can write many books, Each book can be written by one Author.
Write the business rules that are reflected in the ERD shown in Figure P2.17
Each Theater can show each Movie OR One Threater can show Each Movie/ One movie is showed in
Each Theater.
One Movie can receive Each Review/ Each review can receive One Movie
One Reviewer can write each Review/ Each review is written by one reviewer.