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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

3.5 MAIN ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES IDENTIFIED Waste heat recovery by providing De-super heater in ammonia vapor
compression based refrigeration system. Background
During vapor compression of ammonia, the ammonia hot gas at out let of ammonia
compressor is substantially hot (about 102°C). The heat drawn from IBT and work done by
compressor is thrown to condenser. If De-super heater is provided for harnessing the
waste heat from this hot ammonia gas, hot water up to 70 to 75°C can be harnessed. This
hot water can be used for CIP needs or for other hot water requirements such as
preheating of boiler makeup water. Benefit of Proposal
De-super heater to be provided on Reciprocating Chiller system to harness waste heat of
NH3 gas. De-super heater is installed on discharge side of NH3 compressor. The
temperature of NH3 gas observed to be 92 to 95ºC. It is standard practice to harness 12 to
15% of Waste heat rejected in condenser by providing De-super heater. The arrangement
of de-super heater can be by providing PHE or in case of small reciprocating NH3
compressor by providing shell and tube type heat exchanger. The hot water temperature
can be maintained up to 70ºC by proper design of de-super heater along with maintaining
flow rate. Apart from the direct energy saving after getting hot water, the heat load on
condensing coil or cooling system will be reduced which will further open possibilities of
downgrading the cooling water pumps.
The energy saving considered for implementation of De-super heater measure is 12%
(Only direct saving is considered. Though when de-super heater is provided, down
grading of condenser pump can be done or overall performance of condenser will
enhance resulting in increased in COP of refrigeration system.] Cost Benefit Analysis :
1) Capacity of Existing VC Cycle Compressor (Working or = 28.7 TR
on-load. But Actual average load may be lower due to
load modulation)
2) Working Hours for Compressor/day = 20 hrs/day
3) Ambient Water Temperature = 30 ºC
4) Temperature of Hot NH3 Gas available for WHR from = 91 ºC
5) Waste Heat Available from Desuper Heater (Considering = 2239 kCal/hr
12% WHR possible in De-super heater i.e. 12% of total kWh
consumed can be recovered)
6) Expected Temperature of Hot water from De-super = 65 ºC
heater (Considering Flow Rate and Design of De-super
heater to get 65ºC hot water for winter conditions)
7) Quantity of Hot Water Available = 64 ltrs/hr

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

8) Total Quantity of Hot water that can be generated from = 1280 ltrs/day
De-super heater
Thus Total Hot water at 65 ºC can be generated = 1.28 kill/day
9] Cost of Electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh
10] Expected Saving per Day (kWh energy for Compressor = 2.6 kWh/hr
recovered, considering above Working Hours)
11] Expected Saving Per Annum in kWh = 18720 kWh/annum
12] Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 Working = 102960 Rs./annum
13] Expected Investment Needed = 143500 Rs.
14) Simple Payback = 1.39 Year
17 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High Initial Cost. Improvement in steam & Hot water pipe line insulation to prevent
thermal energy loss. Background
During energy audit it was observed that the insulation for steam & hot water pipe line
are not scientifically (with economical insulation thickness) done across entire stretched
of pipe line carrying steam and hot water. The thermal insulation was found to be
damaged at many locations. The pipe fittings, flanges & other mountings are not
thermally insulated. Hot water pump casing and associated mountings are not thermally
insulated. Benefit of Proposal
Detailed inspection of entire pipe line for thermal insulation carried which suggest energy
saving opportunity exist if thermal insulation is provided for entire pipe line, along with
pipe fittings, mountings, accessories. Also scientific preventive maintenance of thermal
insulation will also result in energy savings. The estimated loss due to thermal insulation
varies from unit to unit depending on actual condition of thermal insulation. The general
observation for saving indicates saving from 7 to 12% by providing proper thermal
insulation for steam & hot water pipe line. Cost Benefit Analysis
Fuel Used = Wood
2) Average Quantity of fuel Consumed Per Month = 6000 kgs
3) Cost of Per Ltrs of fuel = 2.5 Rs./kg

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

Estimated area of existing thermal insulation = 35 m²

including pipe line, pipe fittings, mountings and
allied accessories.
4) Estimated area of thermal insulation that can be = 3.5 m²
additional provided, along with repair and
reconditioning of existing thermal insulation.
5) Estimated % Loss due to improper insulation and = 10 %
exposed area
6) Expected Saving by Improving Thermal insulation = 600 kgs/Month
for Hot water pipe line by considering improper
insulation and exposed area.
7) Expected Saving per Annum = 18000 Rs./annum
8) Investment Needed for providing additional = 28000 Rs.
insulation and improving thermal insulation for
hot water pipe line
9) Simple Payback = 1.56 Yrs
= 19 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure Improvement in chilled water pipe line insulation to prevent the heat
ingress and thus energy loss. Background
During energy audit it was observed that the insulation for chilled water pipe line is not
scientifically (with economical insulation thickness) done across entire stretched of pipe
line carrying chilled water. The thermal insulation was found to be damaged at many
locations. The pipe fittings, flanges & other mountings are not thermally insulated. Chilled
water pump casing and associated mountings are not thermally insulated. Benefit of Proposal
Insulation of chilled water pipe line found to be not scientifically done at few places. The
existing insulation provided is same as that of provided for hot water pipe line. It is
recommended to provide the proper insulation suitable for chilled water. Proper layers as
required for chilled water to be provided. Insulation to be provided to casing of pump, all
the pipe fittings, flanges and other mountings. Detailed inspections of chilled water pipe
line insulation suggest energy saving opportunities. Cost Benefit Analysis
Capacity of Existing VC Cycle Compressor (Working = 28.7 TR
or on-load)
2) Working Hours for Compressors/day = 20 hrs/day
3) Actual kWh Consumption of Compressor = 21.7 kWh/hr

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4) Estimated area of existing insulation for chilled = 40 m²

water including pipe line, pipe fittings, mountings
and allied accessories.
5) Estimated area of chilled water insulation that can = 3.6 m²
be additionally provided along with repairs and
reconditioning of existing insulation.
6) Estimated % Loss due to improper insulation and = 9 %
exposed area
7) Expected Saving by Improving Thermal insulation = 2 kWh/hr
for Chilled water pipe line by considering improper
insulation and exposed area.
8) Cost of Electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh
9) Expected Saving Per Annum in kWh = 14400 kWh/annum
10) Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 = 79200 Rs./annum
Working Days)
11 Expected Investment Needed for Improving = 28000 Rs.
Thermal Insulation for Chilled Water Pipe Line
12) Simple Payback = 0.35 Yrs
= 5 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure Energy Saving by Replacing Conventional V-belt with cogged belt. Background
V-belts use a trapezoidal cross section to create a wedging action on the pulleys to
increase friction and the belt’s power transfer capability. Joined or multiple belts are
specified for heavy loads. V-belt drives can have a peak efficiency of 95% to 98% at the
time of installation. Efficiency is also dependent on pulley size, driven torque, under or
over-belting, and V-belt design and construction. Efficiency deteriorates by as much as 5%
(to a nominal efficiency of 93%) over time if slippage occurs because the belt is not
periodically re-tensioned. Benefit of Proposal
Cogged belts have slots that run perpendicular to the belt’s length. The slots reduce the
belt’s bending resistance. Cogged belts can be used with the same pulleys as equivalently
rated Vbelts.
They run cooler, last longer, and have an efficiency that is about 2% higher than that of
standard V-belts. All the chiller compressors are provided with conventional V-belt drives.
It is recommended to replace these conventional V-belts with cogged belt to improve
transmission efficiency by 2%.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster Cost Benefit Analysis

Capacity of Existing VC Cycle Compressor (Working = 28.7 TR
or on-load)
2) Working Hours for Compressors/day = 20 hrs/day
3) Actual kWh Consumption of Compressor = 21.7 kWh/hr
4) Expected Saving by Providing Cogged belt in Place = 0.4 kWh/hr
of Conventional V-Belt (About 2%)
5) Cost of Electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh
6) Expected Saving Per Annum in kWh = 2880 kWh/annum
7) Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 = 15840 Rs./annum
Working Days)
8) Expected Investment Needed for Replacing = 8610 Rs.
Conventional V-belt with Cogged V-belt.
9] Simple Payback = 0.54 Yrs
= 7 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure Energy Saving by Replacing Reciprocating Air Compressor with Screw

Compressor with VFD. Background
Reciprocating air compressor for higher capacities (about more than 85 cfm demand) are
generally less energy efficient than that of Screw compressor. Also reciprocating air
compressor needs higher maintenances cost as compare to screw compressor. Benefit of Proposal
The specific power consumption of existing reciprocating compressor found to be higher.
Replacing these compressor with screw compressor with VFD which has considerable
lower specific power consumption, will result in energy saving. The reciprocating
compressors are prone to lower volumetric efficiency. Also the maintenance cost of
screw compressor is lower as compared to reciprocating compressor. Cost Benefit Analysis
Actual air FAD required = 68.5 cfm
2) Existing Specific Power Consumption = 0.26 kW/cfm
3) Average working hours per day = 20 hrs/day
4) Average existing consumption per hour = 17.8 kw/hr
5) Existing consumption per day for air compressor = 356 kWh/day

6) Cost of Electricity = 5.86 Rs./kWh

7) Specific Power Consumption of analogs screw = 0.18 kW/

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compressor (100 cfm capacity with VFD)

8) Average Saving for same consumption by screw = 246.6 kWh/day

compressor (with VFD)
9) Expected saving in kWh per day = 109.4 kWh/day
10) Expected saving in kWh per annum = 39384 kWh/annum
11) Expected saving in Rs. Per Annum = 230790 Rs./annum
12) Investment needed for screw compressor with VFD = 800000 Rs.

13) Simple payback period = 3.47 Yrs.

= 42 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High initial cost. Energy saving by providing condensate recovery system for Boiler. Background
Currently in many units the condensate recovery is not done or not as per required
standard they also returned condensate temperature is 50ºC, which is lower than higher
achievable temperature of about 60 to 65ºC by providing proper insulation for
condensate recovery pipe line along with condensate recovery tank in power section
(Combined condensate tank for powder section). Benefit of Proposal
Currently no condensate is recovered from the process. It is recommended to recover
maximum possible condensate as it will save considerable energy directly, auxiliary
energy consumption such as energy consumption for water softener; makeup water
pump etc will be saved. Energy audit team is of the opinion that at least 50% condensate
can be recovered from various processing section as mentioned above. Though in few
sections such as crate washer where open steam is used, condensate recovery is not
possible. Cost Benefit Analysis
Fuel Used = FO
2) Calorific Value of FO = 10500 kCal./ltr
3) Cost of Per Ltrs of fuel = 29 Rs./
4) Daily Steam Generation = 14 Tons/day
5) Condensate amount that can be recovered (40% = 7 Tons/day
condensate recovery at 70°C.)
6) Make up water temperature = 30 °C
7) Total kCal that can be saved per Day = 280000 kCal/day

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8) Boiler Efficiency = 83 %
9) Expected FO Saving per day = 32.13 ltrs/day
10) Expected FO Saving per Annum = 11566.8 ltrs/annum
11) Expected Saving in Rs. Annum = 335437 Rs./annum
12) Investment needed for Condensate Recovery = 425000 Rs.
10) Simple Payback = 1.27 Yrs
= 16 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High initial cost. Energy Saving by Reducing Operating Pressure of Compressed Air by

providing Ring Mains & properly sized Compressed Background
As operating pressure of compressor increases, specific power consumption increases. It
is observed that due to improper compressed air pipe line size, fittings & lack of ring
mains lead to higher pressure drop in compressed air system which results in higher
operating pressure. Benefit of Proposal
The existing operating pressure range of compressor is higher resulting in higher specific
power consumption for the air compressors. By reducing operating pressure by 1 kg/cm²,
6% energy can be saved. Provision of ring mains and allied mountings such as moisture
traps etc will enable to reduce the operating pressure. Cost Benefit Analysis

1) Existing Operating Compressed Air Pressure = 8 kg/cm²

2) Proposed Operating air pressure = 5 kg/cm²
3) Average working hours per day for compressor = 20 hrs/day
4) Average existing consumption per hour for air = 17.8 kw/hr
5) Existing consumption per day for air compressor = 356 kWh/day

6) Cost of Electricity = 5.86 Rs./kWh

7) Expected saving by reduction in operating = 0.53 kW/hr
pressure (6% energy saving for reduction in
operating pressure by 1 kg/cm²)
8) Expected saving in kWh per day = 10.6 kWh/day
9) Expected saving in kWh per annum = 3816 kWh/annum
10) Expected saving in Rs. Per Annum = 22361.8 Rs./annum

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11) Investment needed for providing ring main with = 89000 Rs.
proper size of compressed air pipe
12) Simple payback period = 3.98 Yrs.
= 48 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure Energy saving by interlocking agitator of Milk Cylo working with level of
milk inside cylo. Background
Various milk cylos are provided for storing in process milk. It was observed that even if
the cylos are empty, the agitator found to be working. This results in energy loss. Benefit of Proposal
The agitator for milk cylo is provided with motor along with reduction gear box. During
field study idle working of cylo agitator observed. By interlocking the working of agitator
with level of milk inside the cylo will avoided idle working of the agitator for average 5
hours per day resulting in energy saving. Cost Benefit Analysis

Expected Saving per day = 58.5 kWh

2] No of Days working per annum = 360 Days
3) Expected kWh Saving per Annum = 21060 kWh/annum
4) Cost of Electricity = 5.22 Rs./kWh
5) Expected Saving Per Annum = 109933 Rs./annum
6) Total Number of Agitators = 18 Nos.
7) Expected Investment for One agitator for = 20000 Rs./Machine
8) Total Expected investment = 360000 Rs.
9) Simple Payback Period = 3.27 Yrs
= 39 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster


PROPOSALS Provision of Soft Starter with Energy Saver for Ammonia Compressor. Background
Ammonia compressor motors are subjected to frequent part load operation due to
variation of load. Energy saving in Ammonia compressor motor can be done by providing
soft starter with energy saver. Benefit of Proposal
The ammonia compressors are subjected to load-unload due to change in no of cylinders
loaded. At part loads only one / two /three cylinders are working. The percentage loading
on motor may be lower up to 25% at times. At part loads, soft starter with energy saver,
by changing firing angle of thyrist0r, reduces the voltage till the current is not increased.
The saving up to 3% of consumption of compressor motor, which is primary energy
consumer in chilling center can be achieved. Along with energy saving, MD of the chilling
center can be controlled & overall life of components of compressor can be enhanced
due to soft starter feature. Cost Benefit Analysis
Rated capacity of existing VC Cycle refrigeration system = 735 TR
(Working on load)
2) Actual TR generated by existing VC Cycle Compressor = 472.5 TR
(Working or on-load)
2) Working Hours for Compressor/day = 20 hrs/day
3) Actual kWh Consumption of Compressor = 611.5 kWh/hr
4) Expected Saving by Providing Soft starter with energy = 18.35 kWh/hr
saver for VC Compressor Motor working on variable load.
(Expected Saving of 3%)
5) Cost of Electricity = 6.49 Rs./kWh
6) Expected Savings per Annum in kWh = 132120 kWh/annum
7) Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 Working = 857459 Rs./annum
8) No of Motors for Compressor on load = 9 Nos.
9) Expected Investment Needed for providing soft starter = 288000 Rs.
with energy saver.
10) Simple Payback = 0.34 Yrs
= 5 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster Energy saving by improving efficiency of pumps by providing the glass

flake coating. Background
Due to friction in impeller & casing substantial energy of pump is reduced. By providing
glass flake coating to impeller & casing this friction can be reduced resulting in higher
efficiency of pump. During glass flake coating the impeller is also dynamically balanced
which further improves performance of pump. Benefit of Proposal
Improving efficiency of pumps by providing the glass flake coating with proper mixing of
different resins to provide smooth coating on impeller and casing along with dynamic
balancing of impeller. Due to coating friction loss of fluid and impeller, casing reduces
resulting in lower power consumption. Glass Flake coatings have proven to be very
effective in extending the life of pumps and other components of system and improving
efficiency of pumping operation. The efficiency of pump can be improved by 6 to 12%
depending on actual pump condition. For saving calculation purpose we can consider
overall saving up to 4% of pump energy consumption. Cost Benefit Analysis
No. of pumps considered suitable for glass flake coating. = 6 Nos.

2] Combined consumption (at 70% average motor loading) = 111.9 Kw

3) No. of normal hours of operation per day = 20 hrs/day
4) Expected Saving by providing Glass Fake Coating to = 6.71 kW/hr.
pump impeller & to pump casing.
5) Cost of Electricity = 6.49 Rs./kWh
6) Expected kWh Saving Per Day = 134.2 kWh/day
7) Expected Saving in kWh/annum = 48312 kWh/annum
8) Expected Saving in Rs. Per Annum = 313545 Rs./annum
9) Expected Investment needed for all pumps = 270000 Rs./Machine
10] Simple Payback Period = 0.86 Yrs
= 10 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High initial cost of implementation. Energy saving by replacing conventional pneumatic pouch filling

machine with PLC based mechanical type pouch filling machine. Background

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

Conventional pneumatic type pouch filling machine requires compressed air for its
operation, which consumes extra energy. The latest PLC based mechanical pouch filling
machines are more energy efficiency as compared to conventional milk pouch filling
machine. Benefit of Proposal
Pneumatic pouch filling machine to be replaced by more energy efficient PLC based
mechanical pouch filling machines. The pneumatic operated pouch filling machine itself
consumes 2.5 HP along with 10 HP air compressors, working with pressure modulation as
long as the pouch filling machine works. The average consumption of pneumatic pouch
filling machine is 8 Kw. The PLC based mechanical pouch filling machine does not need
compressed air and its own consumption is 4.5 HP. The average consumption of PLC
based mechanical pouch filling machine is 2.5 Kw. Thus the expected saving is 5.5
kW/Hour. Cost Benefit Analysis

No. of Existing Conventional Pneumatic Pouch Filling = 2 Nos.

2] No. of Hours of operation per day = 8 hrs/day
3) Expected Saving per Machine = 5.5 kW/hr.
4) Cost of Electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh
5) Expected kWh Saving Per Day = 88 kWh/day
6) Expected Saving in kWh/annum = 31680 kWh/annum
7) Expected Saving in Rs. Per Annum = 174240 Rs./annum
8) Expected Investment for total machines = 1400000 Rs./Machine
9) Simple Payback Period = 8.03 Yrs
= 96 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High initial cost of implementation. Energy saving by providing thermal storage system in place of
conventional IBT tank for energy saving & availing TOD benefits. Background
The conventional IBT (Ice Bank Tank) System is provided in all the milk chilling center and
dairies. The conventional IBT Tank is civil constructed tank provided with all civil
constructed wall (except bottom side) thermally insulation. While top face of tank is open
and covered by wooden planks supported on MS angle fabricated support structure. The
IBT tank is not air tight and top portion of tank covered with wooden planks have many
gaps and thin spaces where outside atmospheric air comes directly in the contact of
chilled water inside the IBT Tank. These leakages are one of the major components of loss
of IBT tank. Individual standing on top of IBT tank feels the air conditioning effect in

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

surrounding. Mechanical stirrers (agitator) are provided (one in each section of IBT tank)
for creating forced circulation inside IBT tank for uniform cooling of water inside IBT
Tank. These stirrers also induce heat inside the IBT tank proportional to BHP of shaft of
stirrer at motor end. As the IBT tank is used in refrigeration system for making ice during
off peak hours and using this thermal stored energy during peak hours. The charging of
the IBT tank is done almost 20 hrs to 24 hrs per day depending on milk quantity received
and ambient conditions. Benefit of Proposal
Advantages of Thermal Storage System
1) Lower losses result in considerable energy.
2) TOD benefits or advantages provided by electricity company can be availed.
3) Compact and consumes very small space.
4) The compressor can be avoided to work on part load resulting in higher specific power
5) Agitator (Stirrer) which consumes additional energy and induces heat by way of churning is
6) Performance of refrigeration system can be improved by charging in night conditions which
results in lower specific power consumption.
7) Reliable and negligible maintenance.
8) Provision of latest thermal storage system will result in better housekeeping and safer
working condition.
9) Increased thermal storage capacity for 4 hours, will result in time space for preventive
maintenance of refrigeration system resulting in better consistent performance of the
entire system.
10) Through liquid overfeed system by operating at higher suction pressure, with screw
compressor with economizer and rust free water quality. Savings are about 15% to 20%
(Source of information IDMC) Cost Benefit Analysis

Total rated capacity of refrigeration system per hour = 35 TR

(Excluding Stand by)
2) Normal working hours of refrigeration system per day = 20 Hours
3) Actual refrigeration TR generated = 28.7 TR
4) Actual electricity consumption = 21.7 Kw
5) Specific Power Consumption based on actual = 0.76 kW/TR
performance and actual consumption
6) Expected Capacity in Hours for Thermal Storage System = 4 hrs/day
(Considering Working hours in peak milk received load
and Peak TOD tariff)
7) Thermal loss through conventional concrete constructed = 8 %
IBT tank with wooden plank cover and due to agitator
provided for water churning (Actual study carried at

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8) Expected losses in proposed thermal storage system = 1.5 %

9) Expected net saving in thermal losses by replacing = 6.5 %
conventional IBT tank with latest thermal storage
10) Expected saving in kWh by replacing conventional IBT = 1.41 kW/Hour
tank system with latest thermal storage system (Without
considering saving in power of agitators)
11) Expected saving in kWh per Day = 28 kWh/day
12) Cost of electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh.
13) Expected saving in kWh per annum = 10080 kWh/annum
14) Expected saving per day = 154 Rs./day
15) Expected saving per annum (Without considering TOD = 55440 Rs./annum
16) Expected saving per annum from TOD benefits of = 46872 Rs./annum
Rs.0.75/kWh for morning and evening peak hours.
17) Total expected saving considering TOD benefits = 102312 Rs./annum
18) Expected Investment needed for proposed thermal = 630000 Rs.
storage system (Rated demand for peak hours without
additional charging system)
19) Simple Payback period (Without TOD benefits) = 11.36 Yrs
= 137 Months
20) Simple Payback period (With TOD benefits) = 6.16 Yrs
= 74 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure
Ü High initial cost of implementation. Replacing metallic blades for cooling tower with FRP blade to save
energy. Background
Metallic blades for cooling tower are heavier. This results in more energy consumption of
fan motor. If the blades are retrofitted with lighter FRP Blades, lower energy will be
consumed. Benefit of Proposal
The existing aluminum Blades are heavier than the latest available FRP blades. Lighter
FRP blades will consume lesser energy for CT Fan motor. The saving of almost 15% can be
achieved by replacing CT Fan blade and subsequently down grading CT Fan motor.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster Cost Benefit Analysis

Expected Saving per day = 27 kWh
2] No of Days working per annum = 360 Days
3) Expected kWh Saving per Annum = 9720 kWh/annum
4) Cost of Electricity = 5.33 Rs./kWh
5) Expected Saving Per Annum = 51807.6 Rs./annum
6) Total Number of CT Fans = 2 Nos.
7) Expected Investment for two FRP Fans as specified = 65000 Rs.
8) Total Expected investment including installation & = 70000 Rs.
9) Simple Payback Period = 1.35 Yrs
= 16 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure. Methane Capture from Effluent & Utilization as fuel for boiler / Hot air
generator to save energy. Background
Effluents of typical dairy contain high COD & BOD contain. This results in suitable case for
anaerobic methane capture. Currently aerobic ETP treatment is carried using various
mechanical equipments which consume energy. Capture of methane results in energy
saving & benefit to environment. Benefit of Proposal
The bio-degradable effluent have high COD which results in liberation of methane gas in
to atmosphere which is not desirable. Conventional ETP method both consumes high
energy along with liberation of methane in the atmosphere. By various latest techniques
such as anaerobic digestion and various other processes, this methane can be captured
as fuel to be utilized either in boiler or hot air generator. Along with saving environment,
considerable energy can also be saved.

Untreated Effluent Data for Typical Dairy

1) BOD = 2500 mg/
2) COD = 5000 mg/
3) Effluent Quantity = 41666 ltrs/hr
(1 kg=1000000 mg & Considering for ETP, 1kg=1Ltr) Cost Benefit Analysis

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Calculations for Bio-gas Generation

1) COD Load per Day = 5000 kg/day

2) COD Reduction Percentage Considered = 80 %

3) Actual Reduced COD Load = 4000 kg/day

4) Bio-gas Generated = 0.5 m³/kg of Reduced
COD Load
5) Thus Actual Bio-Gas Generated = 2000 m³/day
6) Calorific Value of Bio-Gas = 4900 kCal/m³
7) Total heat that can be generated from = 9800000 kCal/day
8) Calorific Value of FO = 10000 kCal/
9) FO Equivalent of Bio-gas Generated = 980 kg/day
10) Cost of FO = 29 Rs./
11)Saving from Bio-gas Generation = 28420 Rs./day
12) No. of Working Days/annum = 360 Days
13) Total Expected Saving per Annum = 10231200 Rs./annum
14) Expected KLOE Saving Per Annum = 353 kloe/annum
15) Expected Investment for Civil Work, = 22500000 Rs.
Mechanical Works, electrical works etc
16) Simple Payback Period = 2.2 Yrs
= 26 Months
17) Expected FO Equivalent Saved per = 352800 KL/annum
Annum Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure.
Ü Higher Initial Cost.
Ü High awareness requirement. Replacing existing lower efficiency electric motor, with EFF1 or higher
level efficiency of motor. Background
Existing motors in many industries under cluster are lower efficiency type (EFF3) type &
many motors are old many time re-winded electric motor. These motors can be replaced
by technological superior EFF1 or higher level of electric motors. Benefit of Proposal
Electric motor having efficiency less than EFF1 level of efficiency, old many time rewound
electric motors to be replaced by electric motors of at least EFF1 or higher level of
efficiency. The reciprocating chiller compressor motors, condenser water pump motors,

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chiller pump motors, motors for can washing machine etc with efficiency less than EFF1
level can be replaced by EFF1 or higher level of electric motors. It is strongly
recommended to adopt standard rewinding practices along with standard rewinding
material to maintain the efficiency level of electric motors. The existing older motors are
of efficiency level of EFF2 or lower efficiency. Thus by replacing these motors with energy
efficient motors of EFF1 or higher level can result in energy saving up to 5% of electricity
consumption by major Non EFF1 electric motors. Cost Benefit Analysis
Capacity of Existing VC Cycle Compressor = 585 Kw
(Working or on-load)
2) Working Hours for Compressor/day = 20 hrs/day
3) Actual kWh Consumption of Compressor = 611.5 kWh/hr
4) Expected Saving by replacing electric motors = 30.58 kWh/hr
having efficiency less than that of EFF1 level
with EE motor having Efficiency level of at least
EFF1 or higher level (5% Expected)
5) Cost of Electricity = 6.49 Rs./kWh
6) Expected Saving in kWh/annum = 220176 kWh/annum
7) Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 = 1428942 Rs./annum
Working Days)
8) Expected Investment Needed for replacing = 2459000 Rs.
existing motor with EE motor.
9] Simple Payback = 1.72 Yrs
= 21 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure.
Ü High Initial Cost. Energy saving by replacing conventional motor & gear box based drive
for CT Fan by permanent magnet motor & Drive. Background
Cooling towers are subjected to mainly chillers system load. The nature of load is
fluctuating & continuously varying. There are lot of variables such as variation of chilled
water requirement load, seasonal variation, day & night condition variation etc. But
currently the cooling tower fan is continuously working at same rating. By providing the
permanent magnet motor with drive will make the cooling tower load responsive. Benefit of Proposal
Cooling tower fan currently works at same rating across year & also subjected to
transmission efficiency loss for reduction gear box (about 8%). Replacing these with

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permanent magnet motor (which is much higher efficient than conventional motor)
along with drive arrangement will result in energy saving for CT fan. The expected energy
saving is about 15% (8% transmission efficiency + 2% motor efficiency + 5% due to variation
in load using drive) Cost Benefit Analysis
Expected Saving per day = 17.55 kWh
2] No of Days working per annum = 360 Days
3) Expected kWh Saving per Annum = 6318 kWh/annum
4) Cost of Electricity = 5.33 Rs./kWh
5) Expected Saving Per Annum = 33675 Rs./annum
6) Total Number of CT Fans = 1 Nos.
7) Expected Investment for two FRP Fans as = 100000 Rs.
specified above.
8) Total Expected investment including installation = 105000 Rs.
& erection
9) Simple Payback Period = 3.12 Yrs
= 37 Months Issue in Implementation
Ü Lack of awareness on proposed energy conservation measure


ECM-1 Power Factor Improvement & Installation of APFC Panel
During the energy audit study of power sources, the power parameters of electricity
supply company for Gujarat were also studied and analysed to identify the deviation from
the rated and operational pattern as per installed
equipments and machinery in the plant and the applied
tariff for power supply. In this context, the power factor
was also studied at main incomer feeder of the unit. It has
been observed that the power factor at main comer is on
lower side. The units are not able to achieve full PF
incentives given by electricity supply company. It is
recommended to improve the power factor to unity at
main incomer level by applying the fixed capacitor banks
or automatic power factor controller. The electricity
supply company offers incentive of 0.5% for every percentage point improvement from
0.95 PF to Unity. Apart from incentive in electricity bill, improved PF reduces line losses
and improves voltage at load terminals. Maintaining unity PF in beneficial in all respects. It
is recommended to provide additional capacitors or Provision of APFC panel of proper
rating and setting will ensure Unity PF.

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1) Average Monthly Consumption = 24138 kWh/Month

2) Maintained PF as per last bill = 0.818
3) Expected Additional PF incentive by maintaining = 9 %
Unity PF (For Demand and Electricity charges only).
4) Cost of Electricity in Rs./kWh = 5.5 Rs./kWh
5) Estimated cost of Electricity for Demand & Electricity = 4.68 Rs./kWh
Charges (Excluding variable and fixed monthly Duty,
taxes, Meter charges, FAC etc)
6) Total Expected PF incentive per Month = 10166.9 Rs./Month
7) Total Expected Saving Per Annum = 122003 Rs./annum
8) Expected Investment Needed for maintaining Unity = 175000 Rs.
PF (Additional Capacitor / APFC)
9) Simple Payback = 1.43 Yrs
= 17 Months

ECM-2 Energy saving by providing Solar Water heater for boiler water pre-
heating & hot water requirements
Solar water heating system to be provided for hot water requirements. Hot water is
required for both process & for cleaning purpose. The properly maintained solar system
of 5000 ltrs/day capacity will result in hot water at 70ºC. Solar hot water system, do not
have any costly maintenance along with literally lowest operation cost.
The solar system can be effectively utilized for post heating hot water (65 ºC) obtained
from de-super heater to heat the water up to 85 ºC so that most of the fuel requirement
for boiler can be saved.

1] Heat energy saved by providing solar water heater = 215000 kCal/day

(5000 ltrs/day capacity providing hot water at 70˚C
from ambient water temperature from 27˚C)
2] Fuel used currently for hot water generator = Wood
3) Calorific Value of currently used fuel = 3000 kCal/kg

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4) Specific Gravity Considered for Fuel = 1

5) Expected Saving of Currently used fuel = 110.26 kg/day
considering hot water generator eff. Of 65%
6) Cost of Fuel on day of computation = 2.5 Rs./kg
7) Expected Saving of Fuel per Annum (Considering = 33078 kg/annum
effective full working day for solar system to be
300 days only)
8) Expected Saving of Fuel per Annum (Considering = 33078 ltrs/annum
effective full working day for solar system to be
300 days only)
9] Expected Saving in Rs/annum = 82695 Rs./annum
10] Expected Investment for Solar Heating System = 750000 Rs./Machine
with Insulated Storage Tank, Pipe lines and
associated insulation
11) Simple Payback Period = 9.07 Yrs
= 109 Months

ECM-3 Replacement of conventional tube lights with energy efficient ones

In maintenance & facility areas about 78 numbers Fluorescent TL with 40W and 36 W with
conventional ballast is provided. The conventional ballast consumes about 12 W, which is
nearly 33% of lamp wattage. The electronic ballast
consumes only 2W and has additional advantage of wide
voltage variation, enhances life of the Fluorescent tube.
Further the T5 lamp with electronic ballast would
consume about 30 W as against 52 W by fitting with
normal ballast, without compromise in the lux level.

1) Total Number of FTL with Conventional = 21 Nos.

Magnetic Ballast
2) Working Hours for these FTL/day = 12 hrs/day
3) Existing Consumption by these FTL = 13.1 kWh/day
4) Expected Saving by Providing Electronic Ballast = 3.28 kWh/day
/ T5 FTL / CFL (Expected saving of 25%)
5) Expected Savings in kWh/annum = 1181 kWh/annum
6) Cost of Electricity = 5.5 Rs./kWh
7) Expected Saving per Annum (Considering 360 = 6494 Rs./annum
Working Days)
8) Expected Investment Needed for Retrofit = 17850 Rs.
9) Simple Payback = 2.75 Yrs
= 33 Months

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The technology recommended in the detailed energy audit is easily available. Various
manufacturers of the energy efficiency improvement products, systems have already
been contacted & discussion held with them regarding the applicability, feasibility &
expected lines of implementation. The PCRA team does not foresee any problem in
availing the recommended technology within nation market itself. India is one of the
major dairy product producers in the world having good infrastructure for dairy
development & dairy technology. Batteries of manufacturers are available for
implementation of energy conservation as well as technological up gradation measures.
Details of the identified technology supplier/local service providers in Gujarat (Dairy)
SME Cluster are furnished as per Annexure 2


For selecting the technologies & products for DPRs, energy efficiency & technological up
gradation was prime criteria. Some measures are resulting in better saving of and some
measures on long term will induce a better technology in the units of cluster. During field
study and during discussion the feedback received from various unit managements was
also at the core of the selection of DPR. Various other factors such as cost of
implementation, possibility of capacity building of LSP etc was also considered while
selecting the technologies for DPR.

Item/Description Potential for

Replication in No.
of Units
Energy saving in Ammonia compressor motor by providing 21
soft starter with energy saver at part loads (During
modulation at lower loads due to firing of one or two cylinders
Energy saving by improving efficiency of condenser water 12
circulation pumps by providing the glass flake coating to pump
impellers and to pump casing.
Upgrading conventional pneumatic pouch filling machine by 6
PLC based mechanical pouch filling machine which saves
Energy saving in refrigeration system by providing Thermal 22
energy storage system in place of conventional IBT (Ice Bank
Tank) system.
Energy Saving by replacing existing heavier metallic cooling 7
tower blade with lighter FRP blades.
Methane Capture from Effluent & Utilization as fuel for boiler / 3

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Hot air generator.

Energy saving by replacing older lower efficiency electric 15
motor with energy efficient motor of at least EFF1 level.
Waste heat recovery by providing De-super heater in ammonia 14
vapor compression based refrigeration system.
Improvement in steam & Hot water pipe line insulation to 22
prevent thermal energy loss.
Improvement in chilled water pipe line insulation to prevent 22
the heat ingress and thus energy loss.
Energy saving by improving transmission efficiency in chiller 21
compressor and other machines by providing cogged belt in
place of conventional V-belt (For Reciprocating Chiller
Replacing reciprocating compressor (with higher specific 5
power consumption) by screw compressor with VFD to save
Maintaining unity PF to get maximum PF incentive along with 15
reducing line losses and improve terminal voltage.
Energy Saving by utilization of renewable solar energy for hot 12
water generation.(2)
Energy saving in lighting system by providing T5 type FTL and 22
or CFL in place of conventional FTL with magnetic ballast. Also
providing luminaries for improvement in lighting system
performance. Also Replacing Mercury Vapor Lamps with Metal
Halide Lamps.(deletion)

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Energy is one of the most important resources to sustain our lives. At present we still
depend a lot on fossil fuels and other kinds of non-renewable energy. The extensive use
of renewable energy including solar energy needs more time for technology
development. In this situation Energy Conservation (EC) is the critical needs in any
countries in the world.

Special importances of Energy Conservation are the following two aspects:

(1) Economic factors
(2) Environmental impacts Economic factors of Energy Conservation
Energy saving is important and effective at all levels of human organizations – in the
whole world, as a nation, as companies or individuals. Energy Conservation reduces the
energy costs and improves the profitability.
Notably, the wave of energy conservation had struck the Indian intelligentsia 3 years
earlier when a Fuel Policy Committee was set up by the Government of India in 1970,
which finally bore fruits three decades hence in the form of enactment of the much
awaited Energy Conservation Act, 2001 by the Government of India. This Act made
provisions for setting up of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, a body corporate
incorporated under the Act, for supervising and monitoring the efforts on energy
conservation in India.
Brief History of energy efficiency movement in India and associated major milestones are
as follows
Ü 1974: setting up of fuel efficiency team by IOC, NPC and DGTD (focus still on
Ü 1975: setting up of PCAG (NPC main support provider) : focus expanded to include
agriculture, domestic and transport
Ü 1978: Energy Policy Report of GOI: for the first time, EE as an integral part of
national energy policy – provided detailed investigation into options for
promoting EE
Ü Post 1980, several organizations started working in EC area on specific programs
(conduct of audits, training, promotion, awareness creation, demonstration
projects, films, booklets, awareness campaigns, consultant/product directories)

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Ü Some line Ministries and organizations like BICP, BIS, NPC, PCRA, REC, Ministry of
Ü State energy development agencies
Ü Industry associations
Ü All India financial institutions
The Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) on 1st March 2002
under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001. The mission of the Bureau of
Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-
regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy
Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the
Indian economy. This will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders,
resulting in accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors.

Private companies are also sensitive to energy costs, which directly affects their
profitability and even their viability in many cases. Especially factories in the industrial
sectors are of much concern, because reduced costs by Energy Conservation mean the
more competitive product prices in the world markets and that is good for the national
trade balance, too. Environmental impacts of Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation is closely related also to the environmental issues. The problem of
global warming or climate change is caused by emission of carbon dioxide and other
Green House Gases (GHG). Energy Conservation, especially saving use of fossil fuels, shall
be the first among the various countermeasures of the problem, with due considerations
of the aforementioned economic factors.


Every point in factories has potential for Energy Conservation. Total Energy Management
is implemented, by all the people’s participation, step by step utilizing “Key Step
Approach” in a systematic manner, as shown below:
(1) Top management policy/Goal

Ü Develop a policy statement

Ü Set targets
(2) Proper EC Organization including Assignment of Energy Manager

Ü Establish proper EC organization (utilizing SGA)

Ü Assignment of Energy Manager
(3) Data collection and Analysis

Ü Collect data on current energy use

Ü Analyze the collected data

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Ü Identify management strength and weakness

Ü Analyze stakeholders’ needs
Ü Anticipate barriers to implement
Ü Estimate the future trend
(4) Selecting EC Measures/Projects

Ü Selecting EC Measures
Ü Selecting EC Projects
Ü Make out a plan/program
(5) Prioritizing

(6) Developing an Action Plan

(7) Training the related members
(8) Awareness-raising and Motivation

(9) Implementing the Action Plan (including monitoring and controlling)

(10) Evaluation (Management review)
(11) Analysis for future planning (Standardization and Dissemination)

The following figure shows these Key Steps for implementing Energy Conservation
Each step is explained in this order as below:

4.3.1 Step 1 : Top Management policy/Goal

It is the most important for the success of Energy Conservation activities within
companies or factories to have clear and official commitment of top management –
either the corporate top (senior) management or factory managers. The top (senior)
management shall announce explicit commitment to the Energy Management (or Energy
Conservation) and behave along this line – for example, participate in EC (Energy
Conservation) events and encourage the people there for EC promotion.
This Handbook is primarily meant for Energy Managers for the use of EC promotion
within factories, on the assumption that top management has already committed to that.
However, there may be cases where top management would learn about Energy
Management (or Energy Conservation) by this Handbook, or Energy Managers would
make efforts to persuade top management to support or commit to Energy Management
(or Energy Conservation) with the help of this Handbook.

(1) Develop a policy statement

It is desired that the top (senior) management announces the “Energy Policy Statement”.
This is very effective to let people inside and outside the companies clearly know the
management’s commitment to Energy Management (or Energy Conservation). The
format of the energy policy statement is various, but it usually includes the goal or

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objective of the company and the more concrete targets in the field of Energy
Management (or Energy Conservation). It often shows the major measures and
timetables. The statement shall match the company’s mission statement or overall
management strategy plan.

(2) Set targets

The targets shall be concrete and specific so that everyone can understand it.

4.3.2 Step 2 : Proper EC Organization including Assignment of Energy Manager

In some countries, where the EC Promotion Act is in force, the designated factories have
obligation of assigning Energy Managers. In relation to Energy Management, however,
the word “Energy Managers” is here used as a Manager or a Coordinator, separate from
the above-said legal obligation, who works exclusively for Energy Management (or
Energy Conservation) purposes, ranging from gathering energy-related information to
drafting EC plans/programs and promoting or coordinating during implementation. To
the proper Energy Management, this type of Energy Manager is indispensable. How to
position this Energy Manager within the company organization is also an important issue
and needs careful decision. In some cases, Energy Committee, with members from the
major departments, may be formed to assure the company-wide or factory-wide
cooperation, as shown in the following figure.

Energy Conservation
Committee Chairman

Energy Conservation
Committee Vice-

Adjust Maintenance and

increase in Public relation

Delegates from Delegates from

Delegates from
production or all departments

Figure 3: Example of energy conservation committee’s

Actually there are many ways of forming EC organization, depending on the situation of
factories or institutions, such as the size, kind of business, etc. In any case, it is very
effective to utilize SGA (Small Group Activities) and there are also many ways to do that.
The important thing is to design and make out the organization carefully to meet the
purpose. In practical sense to do that, there may be the following five widely applicable
ways of establishing the organization.

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(1) Utilize Line (Formal) Job-related Organization for TEM purpose

(2) Use TPM Organization for TEM purpose
(3) Use TQM Organization for TEM purpose

(4) Add Employee Suggestion System to Energy Conservation Organization for

TEM purpose
(5) Utilize another organization for TEM purpose

The easy and practical way may be starting from easy form of TQM, or QCC (Quality
Control Circle) activities. Furthermore, because TPM is closely related to job-related
organization, (1) and (2) may be often give the same kind of results. (An example of this
form is shown in Part 3, 2 “How is SGA related to Energy Conservation?”

4.3.3 Step 3 : Data collection and Analysis

Before trying to make out any future programs or action plans, it is essential for the
company or factory management to understand the current situation in a proper and
accurate manner. This includes not only the status of their own operation but also other
relevant information such as competitors’ operation, circumstances around the company
and their trend in future, positioning the company itself in the local and global markets,
and so on.
The key steps for this purpose are shown below:
(1) Collect data on current energy use and analyze them
The current data of energy consumption shall be obtained by measurement, calculation
or estimation for the individual operation units (energy cost centers) with classification of
kinds of energy (fuels types, utility types, etc.). The data shall be gathered regularly and
arranged/summarized daily, weekly, monthly, by seasons or annually. Then the data shall
be checked for the past historical trend and interpreted with relation to operational
modes and production scales. That shall also be utilized for the forecast of future trends.
(2) Identify Management Strength and Weakness

Then the data shall be compared with the best practice data or benchmarks in the
industry. If such reference data are hardly available, the historical data of their own
operation and estimated data for the competitors would be utilized for this purpose. At
the same time, the strength and the weakness of the company shall be evaluated
considering the competitors’ situations in the local and global markets. This would serve
the purpose of making out a realistic Energy Management plan later.

(3) Analyze stakeholders’ needs

Stakeholders are top (and senior) management, middle managers, staff/engineers and
workers/operators. Other stakeholders in the normal business sense, such as the

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shareholders and lenders, need not be considered here for the moment. The needs and
intention of those stakeholders shall be summarized and taken into consideration.
(4) Anticipate barriers to implement

Making out a realistic and practical program also needs consideration of anticipated
barriers for the implementation of Energy Management program or action plan. Some
possible examples of such barriers are:
Ü Insufficient understanding and support by top management
Ü Insufficient understanding and cooperation of managers within factories
Ü Insufficient awareness of people to get successful results
Ü Insufficient capability of people due to lack of training
Ü Insufficient available technology due to lack of information
Ü Insufficient availability of manpower for EC activities within factories
Ü Insufficient budget for EC activities due to the company’s financial status
(5) Estimate the future trend
The future trend of energy supply-demand balance is estimated based on checking and
analysis of the historical data. That data of future trend would also be a basis of the
program of excellent Energy Management. In analyzing the collected data and
developing ideas of Energy Conservation, it is very often useful to think of the following
techniques of finding problems and solutions:
Suppress - Using during the time in which it is not necessary to use. Examples
include using electricity before or after working hours or when there is no one working.
Stop - Using equipment when it is not necessary. Examples include using all lightings
during break time.
Reduce - Amount, pressure, temperature, speed, or brightness, or quality that
exceed requirement. Examples include reducing intensity of lighting if not necessary.

Prevent - Prevent leakage or loss of energy. Examples include reducing space that
leads to outside in order to prevent the leakage of heat into air.
Improve - Improve or repair machines to increase efficiency or modify
manufacturing process to the one which enables us to conserve energy more. Examples
include changing transparent sheet over the roof.

Store - Re-use the discarded energy. Examples include re-using heat from exhaust fume
in order to reduce use of electric heater to warm heavy oil.
Change - Change how to use, type of energy, or energy sources to a
suitable one from technical or economic point of view. Examples include changing the
grade of heavy oil to an appropriate one or changing furnace systems or welding
machines to the ones that use gas.

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Increase production - Examples include improving production process. This will lead to
the reduction of energy usage per production amount.

4.3.4 Step 4 : Selecting EC Measures/Projects

Based on the aforesaid understanding of the current status and position of the company
(factory), various EC measures are studied and many EC Projects are proposed.
Comparison among these measures and projects are made with consideration of a lot of
factors, such as technical, economic, intangible, and so on.
Then a plan/program is developed based on these study results. To do this, it is very
important to consider the following issues:

The plan/program shall be realistic, practical and attainable with due consideration of
many related elements and management resources of the company or factory. It also
shall be expressed in terms of the measurable or quantifiable parameters, including Fuel
Usage Index, Electricity Usage Index, Energy Usage Index, etc. It usually includes a lot of
managerial measures of Energy Management (or Energy Conservation) promotion
activities such as motivation techniques, means to improve awareness, training, and so
on. In other words, the following items are often useful in comparing and selecting
alternative plans:
(1) Effects of energy conservation: Activities that can conserve energy more than others
are more promising.
(2) Investment amount: Activities that require less investment are more promising.
(3) Pay-back period: Activities with short pay-back period for investment amount in
equipment are more promising because all energy conservation will be profits after pay-
back period.
(4) Length of implementation: Activities that can be performed in a short period are
more promising because they do not influence production process of the factory.
(5) Number of personnel required: Activities that require a large number of personnel
tend to be burdensome.

(6) Importance to executives and reputation of the company: Some activities provide
little financial benefit but cause good image or reputation.

(7) Risk of the project: Some activities bring about big financial benefits but involve high
risk from various factors. In this case projects have less importance.

4.3.5 Step 5 : Prioritizing

Many EC measures and projects are prioritized based on the internal studies including
comparison among their alternatives, in the manner explained in the above.

4.3.6 Step 6 : Developing an Action Plan

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The priority consideration then gives birth to the Action Plan. The plan shall be clear,
practical and comprehensive with proper schedule and budgeting.
Shown below is an example of such a plan.
Table 8 : Example of energy saving plan

Length (Months) Person Bud Inspect

Detail of the plan
in get ed by
1 2 3 4 5 6 charge

1. Turn off Mr.Praya

electricity when t
there is no one
2. Turn off air- Miss
conditioner 30 Aom
minutes before
stop working
3. Reduce welding Mr.
machine’s current Matthay
according to the as
specification of the
metal used for
4. Close welding Miss
machine after Thanom
4.3.7 Step 7 : Training the related members

This issue is very important to secure the success of project Implementation, because the
people are the most important resources that determine the success of the plan.

4.3.8 Step 8: Awareness-raising and Motivation

To have the total power of “all members’ participation” combined together, it is also
very crucial how to raise awareness and motivation of related people within the company
(or factory).

Shown below is an example of awareness raising plan.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

Table 9 : Example of awareness raising campaign

Length Person Budg Inspecte

Detail of the plan
(Months) in et d by
1 2 3 4 5 6 charge
1. Display the results of * * * * * * Mr.Pray - Mr.
energy conservation every at Laaied
2. Evaluate every month * * * * * Miss - Mr.
Aom Laaied
3. Perform energy * * Mr. - Mr.
conservation activity every Mattha Laaied
6 months yas
4. Perform “Finding * * Miss - Mr.
measures” activity in order Thanom Laaied
to make energy
conservation plan
5. Provide rewards to * -
sections that have achieved
high efficiency

4.3.9 Step 9 : Implementing the Action Plan (including monitoring and


The organizational force established in the said planning step shall be utilized fully to
ensure smooth implementation of the program. Energy Manager and/or the committee
shall continue working to promote the activities and report to top management on the
status quo.
The actual records of implementation shall be closely watched and monitored. If some
problems arise, or some variance between the planned figures and the actual record is
observed, then necessary actions shall be taken immediately.

4.3.10 Step 10 : Evaluation (Management Review)

After the program is completed, the report shall be submitted to the top (senior)
management. The results shall be assessed and analyzed for any good and bad points.
The lesson shall be utilized as a feedback in the subsequent plan/program.

Thus the activities are repeated to form a cyclic movement. The result of evaluation must
be announced on the board in order to inform employees, so that they will be given
motivation for the next activities. Evaluation can be divided into 2 types as follows.
Ü Short-term evaluation for the follow-up of the performance

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Ü Long-term evaluation for the evaluation of the whole project that will be used for
the future planning
Evaluation can be made in the following 3 levels.

Self Audit: Self evaluation that is made in a small group or a department based on the
predefined form. (Inspection may be made every month.)
Upper Manager Audit: Evaluation that is made by the section/department manager
intended to raise performance of the activity. (Inspection may be made every 3 month.)

Top Management Audit: Evaluation made by the executives of the organization that will
be used for the evaluation of annual bonus. (Inspection may be made every 6 month.)

In some cases, top management could think of adopting external people (outside
consultants) to evaluate the results of Energy Conservation activities. Even in those
cases, internal evaluation should be made to gain the fruits as much as possible.

4.3.11 Step 11 : Analysis for future planning (Standardization and Dissemination)

The successful results and the lessons learned are to be analyzed and arranged into the
standard form which can be easily utilized by anyone in the factory. The standardized
documents or information are to be disseminated all over the company.
Moreover, Energy Conservation should be incorporated as a part of daily jobs and
performed continuously in a systematic manner. For this purpose, activities for energy
conservation must be incorporated as a part of company’s basic or business plan. If a
problem is found as a result of evaluation, improvement or modification will be done and
the objectives will be achieved. If the results reach or exceed the objective, information
must be gathered in order to set it as a “Work Standard,” which will be used in setting a
new activity plan.


Small Group Activity (SGA) gives employees the problem solving tools they need to
eliminate obstacles to Total Productivity, the culmination of zero break-downs, zero
defects, and zero waste. Enterprising employees identify the problem, are it in "man,
material, method, or machine," and develop cost-effective and practical methods for
solving the problem. Importance of SGA
SGA are activities by group of employees at operator (working Group) level. They aim to
solve problems that occur at the place taken care of by each employee and put emphasis
on participation and team work. Factories can apply small group activities to many kinds
of work along with normal work or other measures that are already underway. The
burden on employees will not increase because of small group activities. They are not
only bringing benefits to factories but also boosting the knowledge and ability in

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performing jobs of employees, improving communication among employees, increasing

creativity, and make it possible to express their own proposal with less hesitation to
management. As a result, employees will start to think “This is our problem.” This SGA
can be applied to Energy Conservation, too, with successful results, as shown in Figure 13. How SGA leads to Energy Conservation?
An excellent example of organizational structure that promotes energy management
emphasizing participation is that they form overlapping small groups as in figure 14. The
feature of this structure is that a small group for energy management is distributed to
various sections as in figure 15, which is a recipe for success of Total Energy Management
(TEM) and makes various communications and management of activities more efficient
and effective.

Figure 7 : Relationship of SGA and energy saving

Small group activities for total energy management (TEM) are the activities in which
employees of all levels in production or management, starting from the top to the
bottom, participate in order to reduce loss related to their own job by improving their
job. In order for the activities to succeed, management of all levels must provide support
in necessary training and equipment, communication of policies, and the setting of
problems to solve.

Small group activities for TEM can be divided into 4 or 5 levels depending on the scale of
the organization. This division is in order to emphasize the fact that everyone must
improve in their job under the responsibility to each other. It also enables us to make
improvement without overlapping. The following example shows utilizing the existing
job-related organization as much as possible, as already mentioned in Part 2, 2.”Strategy

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

for Improving the Efficiency of Energy Usage further”, Step 2 Proper EC Organization
including Assignment of Energy Manager (page 12). Example of Organizational Structure with Overlapping

Positioning of SGA in Main Job Structure Executives level
Ü Define the policy and target for Total Energy Management
Ü Follow-up and manage activities to make sure that activities are implemented
according to the policy
Ü Consider opinions and suggestions from the promotion office
Ü Consider reports from promotion committee from various levels Level of Total Energy Management promotion office
Ü Make sure that whole activities are done in the correct direction, without delay
and smoothly
Ü Find a suitable method that makes it possible to implement activities continuously
and without slowdown
Ü Listen to opinions and suggestions from small groups in order to use for
Ü Provide advice for Total Energy Management to various groups
Ü Persons in charge of the office must be those with good personal relationship,
friendly, and with spirit of good service Medium level
Ü Define the policies of each department that are consistent with the policy of the
Total Energy Management and the target of the company

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Ü Define numerical targets to sub-groups apart from the target of the company as a
Ü Follow-up the progress in order to provide to sub-groups
Ü Report the progress along with suggestions and opinions to upper level
committee periodically Workers/Operators level
Ü Implement small group activities with various themes and achieve target
Ü Report progress and problems encountered during implementation to upper
level committee periodically
Ü Ask for support, suggestions, and opinions from upper level committee Responsibility of Energy Conservation committee
Ü Gather and analyze information on costs related to energy every month
Ü Analyze and solve problems related to energy
Ü Find a method for energy conservation
Ü Prepare energy conservation plan
Ü Follow-up the result of implementing the plan
Ü Perform activities such as public relationship for encouraging employees to
Ü Offer training to small group in each department
Small group activities for Energy Conservation can be done by using “10 Stages for
Success”, based on “PDCA Management Cycle”, as shown below and in pictorial forms
Plan: Make an efficient plan in order to improve operation
Do: Implement according to the plan

Check: Check if implementation was according to

the plan
Act: Judge what to improve, what to learn and
what to do from what we have checked
Please note that these stages are substantially the
same as “Key Steps” explained earlier, but put
more stress on utilization of SGA. So readers could
read and use either method up to their preference.

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Stage 1: Define executives’ role

Stage 2: Define policy and target

Stage 3: Set up energy conservation


Analyze information
Stage 4: Personnel training and review the plan

Stage 5: Select appropriate activity

Stage 6: Evaluate feasibility of alternatives

Stage 7: Make energy conservation plan and raise


Do Stage 8: Implement plan

Check Stage 9: Follow up and evaluate results

Action Stage 10: Implement repeatedly Establish operation


Figure 8 : 10 Stages for Success

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster Stage 1: Define Executive’s Role

In promoting small group activities, support must be provided such as basic
environmental support. Therefore, executives must provide follow up support to
employees of their companies.
Ü Establish a special unit that provides support to small group activities
Ü Prepare a system for managing small group activities in the company
Ü Prepare annual plan for small group activities
Ü Prepare a venue for meeting, consultation, advice or suggestion
Ü Establish a system for giving rewards to high achieving employees
Ü Establish a reporting system starting from informing what to do until reporting of
the results
Ü Establish a fair system for evaluating results
Ü Establish a system for providing support and training to employees Stage 2: Define Policy and Target
Ü Executives must announce a policy of supporting small group activities.
Ü Energy conservation committee must act as an advisor in order to set a numerical
target that is consistent with total energy management (TEM) policy and the
target of the organization. Specific targets must be set for each group.
We can see that responsibilities in stages 1 and 2 are mainly those of executives and
committee. Responsibility of employees will become clearer from stage 3 and afterwards. Stage 3: Set up Energy Conservation Committee
The principle of small group activities (SGA) is to divide into groups based on the scope of
responsibility. The size of the group will depend on the size of organization. However,
size of the group should not be too large. Usually a size of 5 to 10 persons is considered
appropriate. It is important to define responsibilities clearly so that every member of the
group can have their responsibility and participate in the activities. Stage 4: Personnel Training
This stage will help employees to have more knowledge and understanding, have new
ideas, and have more belief in their own responsibility. Stage 5: Select Appropriate Activity
In doing small group activities, each member must be able to think, express their own
ideas, and make decisions based on reality and by investigating electrical equipment,
machines, and office equipment that exist in the area of their responsibility. Items to
consider include size, number, where to use, situation of usage, current situation, and the
number of hour’s usage per day. By this we can evaluate the current situation of energy
usage. Also by judging if there are more machines than needed, we can choose suitable
activities and real problems for the organization.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster Stage 6: Evaluate feasibility of alternatives (Analyze problems and

decide on the measures and activities in each point)
Each group will gather ideas on the reasons for the problems, obstacles, and how to
solve problems in order to decide on the problems, measures, and importance of
activities and thus evaluate on the feasibility of activities to do based on advice from
department manager. Basically, the following activities are not suitable for small group
Ü Highly technical issues
Ü Issues that require a long time or many people to implement
We have identified the following problems through small group activities.
Ü Issues on material quality or production that influence energy usage
Ü Behavior on energy usage
Ü Efficiency of machines or equipment that uses energy
Ü Awareness toward environment and energy usage
Ü Safety costs for energy conservation Stage 7: Make Energy Conservation Plan and Raise Awareness
Each group must prepare its activity plan. Generally, implementation for small group
activities takes 6 months to 1 year. Activities to be implemented should correspond to the
objectives of each group. Besides, it might help to listen to opinions of all organizations in
order to receive support from all other organizations. Stage 8: Implement Plan
Implement according to the plan of each group. Stage 9: Follow Up and Evaluate Results
After implementing the plan, each member of small groups will follow up and evaluate
the result by analyzing result, search for strong and weak points of activities, find a way
to improve the activities and report on general achievement. Stage 10: Implement Repeatedly
Energy conservation is an activity that must be implemented repeatedly. Therefore, it is
necessary to implement each activity repeated and make improvement to each activity. If
we are satisfied with the results, by achieving the objectives of activities, we should
provide rewards in order to give motivation for continuing the small group activities and
implement creative activities.
Dos and Don’ts in Energy Conservation
Ü Don’t emphasize the mistakes in the past. It is better to talk about the present.
Ü Don’t be worried about the theory or principles. Don’t spend too much time in
discussion or analysis of problems in meeting rooms.

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Ü Don’t think that an activity can be done perfectly from the beginning.
It is necessary to do the job continuously by having experiences and judging by
Ü Do start with an activity that requires small amount of investment.
Ü Do Raise awareness so that all employees understand the necessity and
importance of energy conservation and participate in it.
Ü Do start the activity now without postponing to tomorrow. Tools that are Used Often for Small Group Activities for Energy
Conservation 5S
5S is a contraction derived from the Japanese words Seiri, Seito, Seiso, Seiketsu, and
Shitsuke. It is simple methodology that is also extremely useful in practical and realistic
life. 5S is a set of actions to be followed through every day activities to advance the
operational surroundings and circumstances. 5S is made in order to provide fortification
to every personage in diverse profitable and industrialized fields. 5S is an extremely
practical contrivance and skill set for anyone who wants to generate a more prolific
environment within the workplace or who wants to make it their profession to make
other people's businesses more proficient and productive. 5S occupy a list of products
including eyewear, ear protectors and safety gears. Look into these different products
that make up the significance of an industrialized security supply.
Lean Six Sigma experts promise or guarantee for the efficiency of 5S as an enlightening
enhancement to better working surroundings in an association. If you dig up Six Sigma
guidance that is paid for by your company, you will be in a position to work for your
company and make things better for you as well as for everyone. 5S is very useful in lots
of industries and job markets, but can often fail simply because of the lack of recognition
concerning changes in the office.
5S consists of five steps that are crucial for the completion of 5S. The 5S steps are
described as follows-
1.Seiri / Sort- This is very logical term in, which identification of the contents take place,
data base of the products have been created and, then any kind of sorting take place just
to arrange the products and removal of unwanted items. Classification of the products is
necessary, which is called Red Tagging. It is important just to identify factors, right from
whether it is needed, existing amount obligatory amount, occurrence of necessity, and so

2.Seito / Systemize- This step in 5S process consists of removal of unwanted items

permanently and one more task that to be take place is decision that means you have to
decide that what is required to be in what place. Place the items in such manner that you
could retrieve them within 30 seconds of requirement.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

3.Seiso / Brush away/ Sweep-

Examine all the items on the
daily basis. The process is
not that much time
consuming, but essential to
clean up your workplace and
most required in 5S. The
conscientiousness to keep
the office clean should be
circulated between
everyone in the group.
4.Seiketsu / Homogenize-
This important step of 5S
involves the visual control,
which is important to keep
your organization well-
organized and clean. It is a complete evaluation to improve the working conditions.
5.Shitsuke / Self Control- This step is quite essential, but critical because it involves all the
discipline to ensure the 5S standards, it also takes charge of dedication and commitment. QCC (Quality control circle)
QCC (Quality control circle) means controlling quality through group activities. For this, it
is necessary to work hand in hand and achieve objective quality or customers’ request.
With this, we can find weak points, find the cause of problems, gather ideas for problem
solving and systematically prepare quality and thus, solve problems such as material loss,
production costs, working hours, or productivity. This is also a very useful tool to tackle
with Energy Conservation problem. So many factories or institutions are encouraged to
utilize this tool.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

One of the measure for capture of methane from effluent & its productive use as fuel,
recommended in the cluster development has CDM potential. The methane capture from
Effluent by anaerobic digestion results in methane generation which is used as fuel for
boiler. Methane is one of the undesirable gases from effluent. Along with direct hazard to
human health, methane is potent green house gas. While the contribution from dairy
effluent ponds is relatively small, increasing concern about climate change means that
reducing emissions of greenhouse gas is a priority wherever feasible. The opportunity to
capture methane and recover energy is becoming increasingly attractive. Every cubic
meter of methane captured and burnt reduces its global warming potential and yields
approximately 36 MJ or 10 kWh of energy. Around one-third of the typical dairy’s energy
consumption results from producing hot water. Biogas fired boilers are commercially
available and can convert 80 to 90% of the energy in the methane into thermal energy.
Natural gas boilers may be modified to run on biogas. As per recent data published by
International Institute for Energy Conservation, the opportunity of methane capture & its
productive use potentials are good.

The above figures are self explanatory regarding the potential of methane capture & its
productive use in dairy industry in India. Considerable amount of energy can be recovered
from methane & above all the hazardous methane emission can be reduced. The existing
aerobic type effluent treatment consumes electricity which is also saved in anaerobic
methane capture method. Recent data published by International Institute for Energy
Conservation suggest few following facts.

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Manual on Energy Conservation Measures in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

Though the methane captured can be utilized directly for boilers with some
modifications, other option such as electricity generation cannot be ruled out. For a
typical methane capture scheme, offering combination of electricity & process heat
option for a typical dairy can be explained by a schematic diagram given below-

India being largest producer of milk in the world with annual milk production of
approximately 98.3 million tons (Yr.2006), with annual growth rate of 4% has tremendous
potential in methane capture for productive use. The methane capture & productive use
have positive impact on environment & have currently CDM potential.

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The result of the cluster development is saving of 1176 per annum. The figure itself
indicates the effect of this on GHG emission, environmental impact and thus reduction in
pollution related issue. Various measures directly & many time indirectly results in
reduction GHG gases. All proposed energy conservation measures will have less energy
consumption or fuel consumption compared to conventional/existing
technology/equipment consumption, these automatically leads to reduction of GHGs
emissions. Reduction of GHGs emissions leads to improved environment and better
compliance with environmental regulations

After implementation of proposed energy conservation measures will reduce the grid
electricity consumption, natural gas and non renewable wood. Major GHGs emission
reduction due to saving of grid electricity and fuels is CO2, reduction of other GHGs are
Due to energy saving, utilization of renewable sources of energy, methane capture, use
of energy efficient products will have very good & positive impact on environment.
Indirectly it reduces Burdon on environment & helps in reducing Green House effect &
thus global warming. Before the Industrial Revolution, human activities released very few
gases into the atmosphere and all climate changes happened naturally. After the
Industrial Revolution, through fossil fuel combustion, changing agricultural practices and
deforestation, the natural composition of gases in the atmosphere is getting affected and
climate and environment began to alter significantly. By reducing energy consumption
we can reduce the effect of global warming.

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In this section summary of energy use and technology studies conducted in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster is discussed, which include identified energy
conservation measures, its energy & monetary benefits, payback period, issues in implementation are discussed. Details of the same are furnished in
table below:
Table 10 : Summary of Maintenance/General House keeping proposals in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

Housekeeping practices/No cost energy conservation measures Issues in implementation
1 Proper tightening/tensioning of belts in various drives Ü Lack of awareness EC measure
2 lubrications of gear systems Ü Lack of awareness EC measure

3 Cleaning of compressor filters regularly Ü Lack of awareness EC measure

4 Switch off the lights after completion of work Ü Lack of awareness EC measure

5. Continuous monitoring of Compressed air leakage Ü Lack of awareness EC measure

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Table 11 : Summary of energy saving proposals in Gujarat (Dairy) SME Cluster

SN Name of Measure Annual Annual Fuel Annual Implementation Simple Applicable to Annual Cluster
Energy Saving in Monetary Cost (Rs. lakh) payback number of Saving Potential of
Saving in kgs/annum saving (Rs. period units in particular EC
kwh/annum lakh) (years) cluster (Nos.) Measure (Rs. lakh)
1)Waste heat recovery by 1050782.4 -- 64.41 55 0.85 14 128.82
providing De-super
heater in ammonia
vapor compression
based refrigeration
2) Improvement in steam -- 186764.22 25.64 5 0.2 22 80.58
& Hot water pipe line
insulation to prevent
thermal energy loss.
3) Improvement in chilled 263376 -- 16.13 8 0.5 22 50.69
water pipe line
insulation to prevent
the heat ingress and
thus energy loss.

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4) Energy saving by 154512 -- 9.62 3 0.31 21 33.67

improving transmission
efficiency in chiller
compressor and other
machines by providing
cogged belt in place of
conventional V-belt (For
Reciprocating Chiller
5) Replacing reciprocating 91332 -- 5.42 25 4.61 5 9.03
compressor (with
higher specific power
consumption) by screw
compressor with VFD to
save energy.
6) Reducing operating 17510.4 -- 1.06 4 3.77 5 1.77
pressure of compressed
air system by providing
properly size
compressed air pipe line
along with ring mains,
primary and secondary
7) Energy saving by -- 25444.8 7.37 9 1.22 4 14.74
condensate recovery for

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