2018 - Course Syllabus SuperLearner V2.0 Udemy
2018 - Course Syllabus SuperLearner V2.0 Udemy
2018 - Course Syllabus SuperLearner V2.0 Udemy
Please save this document so you can easily access the links in each lecture.
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which includes all the links.
→ Introduction & Setting Yourself Up For Success
→ Understanding Your Memory (So That You Can Improve It!
WEEKS 2 - 3
→ The Incredible Power Of Visual Memory
→ Mental Markers: Visual Memory Meets Learning
→ Systems For Creating & Maintaining Long Term Memories
→ Pre-reading And Preparation
WEEKS 6 - 7
→ Read With Your Eyes, Not With Your Inner Voice
→ Let’s Speed Things Up!
→ Good Learning Habits
Students love to ask these types of questions, and the answer is always: “it depends.”
This outline serves as a rough timeline that will apply to the average student. The Daily
Training Log will give you more specific day-by-day exercises and tell you where you
should be. However, every student arrives to the course with different levels of training,
different learning challenges, and different bad habits. For this reason, different exercises
and milestones will take longer for different people.
In each step, we try to provide an indication as to when you’ll know it’s time move on, and a
suggestion along the side of the syllabus as to roughly where you should be week after
week. Follow along with the Daily Training Log to help map out what you should be doing
on every single day. Use your judgement, be a responsible student, and if you feel you
aren’t doing well at a particular game or exercise, spend more time on it, rather than
forcing yourself to move on. None of these guidelines are set in stone, and you know best
when you feel ready.
You could complete the course in the recommended 10 weeks, or you could take your time
and spend half a year on it, but generally speaking:
It’s all up to you, where you’re starting from, and the amount of work you put in, but above
In the first part of Week 1, we get acquainted, brief you on how things will work, and do some
important “prep” work to make sure you are set up to succeed in the course. Then, we waste
no time, diving deep into the first and most important part of superlearning ability:
understanding and improving your memory.
WEEK 1 4
Lecture 5 - Diagnostic Worksheet #1: Establish a baseline reading speed and retention
○ Homework:
➢ Complete Reading Diagnostic Worksheet #1 & save your results
WEEK 1 5
With the first week over, you should have a firm understanding of how memory works, and a good
idea of what is required to dramatically improve it. Though it may feel like you can’t actually use any
new skills yet, next week you’ll have a “Karate Kid” moment, where you learn how to use this
seemingly useless knowledge to do amazing things!
WEEK 1 6
In weeks 2 & 3, we’ll dive into the “meat” of the course - visual memory & markers. We’ll learn
how to apply the picture superiority effect to learning, and do extensive exercises and practice
to develop this all-important skill in your superlearning toolkit. This foundational skill is hugely
critical, so it’s best to take your time and master it. It’s our opinion that 60-70% of the value of
this course lies in the memory techniques, so don’t neglect it or rush to get to speed reading!
WEEKS 2 - 3 7
Generally, students train on these exercises for two weeks, and continue to practice them even
as they move on to Weeks 4+. Should you move on? Well, as long as you continue doing the
homework, no problem! When you can easily create visual markers for anything, and you have no
problem remembering new information, you can stop practicing the games above and focus on
the homework for weeks 4-5.
WEEKS 2 - 3 8
This week, we’ll put it all together by unlocking the world’s most powerful memory techniques, study
habits, and strategies. All this will prepare you to store the huge amounts of information you’ll soon be
capable of absorbing via speed reading using orderly, effective systems for long term memory.
While in the past, this section came after the speed reading sections of the course, we eventually
decided that it was too important to be left till the end. Please pay special attention to the Memory
Palace and Number Memorization Systems lectures, as they will reveal the techniques used by every
single memory champion and world record holder to achieve incredible feats of memory.
WEEK 4 9
At the conclusion of this week, you should have some experience playing around with Memory
Palaces (hopefully you’ve built one of your own), Mind Maps (ditto), Major Method, and Spaced
Repetition Systems like Anki. By combining visual markers & memory with these powerful tools,
you’ve already increased your memory and learning capacity by a factor of 5. Now, you’re ready to
start applying your skills to reading and speed-reading!
WEEK 4 10
While you might be eager to begin learning to speed read, there’s just one more step; pre-reading
- and it’s a big one. Pre-reading alone will offer you many of the benefits you’re probably looking
forward to gaining from speed reading. In Week 4, we will learn about pre-reading, why it’s
important, and how to do it properly. This means that you’ll finally start reaping some of the
benefits of SuperLearning in your daily life. Homework is intentionally light this week, to allow
you to tie up any loose ends or difficulties with the homework from weeks 2-4.
This week was a light week, because we know you are likely still sharpening your skills on the
games from weeks 2 & 3, and possibly still adjusting to the systems taught in Week 4. Week 6
will introduce a lot of new homework and daily exercises, which means that you’ll have a lot of
daily work to do if you don’t master the Week 2-4 exercises before then. Use this light week to
make sure you’re ready for the more challenging part of the course next week: speed reading!
WEEK 5 11
With both markers and pre-reading now firmly ingrained in our skill set, we are finally ready to
dive into speed reading. This can be challenging for some, so we take it step-by-step and
gradually ease into it over the course of 2 weeks. As always, it’s important to be responsible with
all of your homework, and to rely on the SuperLearner community if you get stuck!
Lecture 36: How to properly test your comprehension without fooling yourself
Lecture 37: Diagnostic Worksheet #2: Establish a new reading speed and retention
● Homework:
○ Complete Reading Diagnostic Worksheet #2 & save your results
Lecture 38 - Misconceptions Pre-Quiz V
Lecture 39 - How most people read: subvocalization
● Recommended Supplementary Materials
○ It takes just 13 milliseconds to recognize an image, scientists discover
Lecture 40 - Saccades: using your eyes as effectively as possible
● Homework: (ok to continue lectures, but don’t brush over homework or forget it)
○ Camera Mind Game: 5-10m/day, alongside others, till level 20
Lecture 41 - Improving your eye span: wider saccades
● Homework: (ok to continue lectures, but don’t neglect these exercises)
○ Schultz Table Exercises: 10m/day. This can replace the 10m/day you’re spending on
Short Term Memory Checker only if you’ve seen improvement
○ Advanced Schultz Table Exercises: Replace the exercise above with this one only
when the standard exercises become easy for you. (10m/day)
Lecture 42 - Using saccades across various devices and media
● Recommended Supplementary Materials
○ Chrome Web Store
○ Pocket
○ Instapaper
Lecture 43 - Final thoughts on saccades
● Homework:
○ Level 2 Short Term Memory Game: Replace CameraMind
○ Check out this article to better understand proper saccade width
WEEKS 6 - 7 12
Weeks 6 & 7 introduced a lot of new games and even more new skills. This stuff is challenging!
Plus, you may still be perfecting the skills you learned in Weeks 2 & 3. This is why we spaced it out
over the course of 2 weeks. You could have done it quicker, but to avoid frustration, it’s better that
you did not. Furthermore, your homework in Week 5 won’t be too time consuming, so that you can
remain focused on the games, skills, and exercises you’ve learned so far. In essence, it’s OK to
move on if you’re still not very confident at sight reading; it’s a gradual journey, and we will give you
more techniques and exercises to improve your skills in week 8.
WEEKS 6 - 7 13
You may still be struggling with comprehension while speed reading, and that’s ok. As we’ll
remind you in this section, we are using the “Progressive Overload” training methodology, which
means some hard work and soreness is expected! In Week 8, we will help you read faster and
faster, while gradually increasing your comprehension and marker-creation proportionally.
After Week 8, you have the knowledge to continue training on your own. If you’re not fully able to
speed-read yet, don’t worry - it comes with time and can be challenging for some students. Keep
practicing, don’t get discouraged, and check out the Facebook group for support from your peers!
You’ll get it. And once you feel comfortable, you should complete the third diagnostic worksheet
and share your results in the Facebook group!
As long as you keep practicing, you should continue to the next sections. As you become more
proficient in speed reading, you’ll want to apply tweaks to further enhance your learning efficiency -
and that’s what the next section is all about.
WEEK 8 14
Becoming a SuperLearner is about more than tricks and techniques - it’s also a way of life. In
this section, we learn how to design your learning environment, regimen, and life in a way that’s
conducive to optimal learning.
By now, you’re already a SuperLearner, and you can read without subvocalization & memorize
information with ease. From now on, your task is to learn how to apply your new skills to diverse
topics, and do so for the rest of your life!
WEEK 9 15
Though not all of these lectures will appeal to every student’s desires and goals, listen to them in
order to understand how you can apply your superlearning skills to anything and everything.
Some of the tools offered here are adaptable to many different areas.
Quiz #10: Can you apply your new skills to things besides reading?
Lecture 61 - Thank You & Congratulations
○ Become a Speed Demon: Hack Productivity & Automation to Have More Time
○ Branding You™: How to Build Your Multimedia Internet Empire
○ Creating a Meaningful Life & Developing Habits of Happiness
○ Please share this discount link with your friends: http://jle.vi/slshare
Lecture 62 - Bonus: Upgrade to the SuperLearner MasterClass & Continue Your Journey!
● Click this special link to credit your purchase towards the MasterClass
Note: you can also use this special link or coupon code “upgrade2” to redeem the same offer on our
Learning + Productivity bundle
If you’ve enjoyed this course and want to learn more, check out our Master Class,
which includes over a dozen additional lectures and advanced materials, or our
Learning + Productivity Bundle, which includes numerous courses, the
SuperLearner book in every format, plus both the Speed Demon MasterClass &
That’s it! You did it! Just remember; your skills will grow and develop the more you practice them.
Never stop!