Poetry 101
Poetry 101
Poetry 101
Simile Metaphor
• A figure of speech involving the • The term or phrase is applied to
comparison of one thing with something that cannot be literally
another of a different kind, applicable in order to suggest an unlikely
making the description more resemblance.
vivid. • Metaphors suggest a direct comparison,
• Similes are usually in a phrase without using “like” or “as”
that begins with “as” or like”
Hyperbole Onomatopoeia
• An extreme exaggeration used to make a point • A word that imitates a natural sound
“Splash!” “Roar!”
Water plops into the pond.
I’ve told you this a million times. Alliteration
• Two or more words that start with the
I was so hungry I could eat a rhino! same sound or letter.