Senior Vol.19 Issue 5 - 63447

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The Feasibility ABSTRACT

The primary objective of this study is to make a product for

packaging that combines the better characteristics of plastics and
paper: durability and degradability. In the process, the cost is reduced
and nonbiodegradable products are recycled.

The researchers utilized styrofoam as a source of polystyrene,

of Polystyrene-
which was used to coat the papers. The coated papers were tested for
their durability using breaking stress test. The water absorbency and
reaction to common substance of the product were also tested. Results
showed that the polystyrene-coated paper exhibited greater breaking
strength than the uncoated paper. They were more waterproof and
unreactive to hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid.

coated Paper as

Everyday, tons of garbage are collected in the metropolitan

areas alone. Uncollected garbage pile up everywhere from street
corners to canals and rivers causing floods, outbreaks of diseases,
and all kinds of pollution. Meanwhile, the dumpsites are overflowing
and neighborhoods are in danger of being swamped.

Nonbiodegradable materials, such as plastic and styrofoam,

a Substitute for
are the bulk of these garbage. Incineration of these wastes releases
toxic fumes harmful to both man and the environment. Instead,
people are urged to use biodegradable materials. The increasing
demand for paper, however, raises the issues of deforestation.

In response to this garbage problem, the researchers

proposed a product that combines the property of paper and

styrofoam in the hope of producing a more durable and
semibiodegradable product. This study promotes recycling of paper
and provides an alternative use for discarded styrofoams.

The investigators hope to add polystyrene to cellulose-made
Polymers are made up of macromolecules formed by paper to function as reinforcement with the paper as the matrix.
repetitive covalent bonding between monomers. One example of
common synthetic is polymer I polystyrene. Pure polystyrene
consists of covalently bonded carbon atoms surrounded by hydrogen Styrofoam used for cushioning sensitive cargo was the

atoms and bearing a benzene ring on every second backbone atom. source of polystyrene for this study. Six different papers were used:

It is a thermoplastic polymer because it softens again when heated. It linen, bond paper, newspaper, japanese paper, and yellow paper.

is soluble in aromatic or chlorinated solvents, such as benzene, Ten millilitres of toluene was used to dissolve every 2 grams
carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene. It is insoluble in alcohol of styrofoam. The polystyrene-toluene mixture was applied on both
and water. sides of 1 in x 5 inches paper samples. The paper samples were

Polystyrene is the basic component of styrofoam, which is coated, using paint brushes and then air-dried.

used for packaging home appliances and food items. It is ideal for Five replicates of each sample were used for every test
packaging because it is waterproof, has low density, and is a good namely, breaking stress, reaction to common substance, and water
thermal insulator. A propellant like chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is absorbency by mass. Uncoated samples were used as control.
added to polystyrene during the foam-making process.
For the breaking stress test each strip of paper sample was
Paper, on the other hand, is made up of matted and fetted held on both ends. A string attached to the middle of the paper was
sheets of cellulose fibers extracted from pulped wood. Cellulose is a tied with washers. The washers were added one by one until the
carbohydrate that makes up the structural framework of the plants sample broke. The weight of the washers over the area of the sheet of
cell wall. It has high strength and durability. Its swells when saturated paper is the breaking stress, expressed in Pascals.
with water.
For the water absorbancy by mass test, the samples were
weighed using the analytical balance. They were submerged in water
for three minutes. Water on the surface of the sample was allowed to
run off before they were weighed again. Water absorbency was
Table 1. Mean value (+5%) of breaking computed using the formula,
stress of paper samples
Breaking Stress(g)
Paper sample Uncoated Coated
Newspaper 244.0 335.0 Water = final weight – initial weight x 100%
Bondpaper 338.0 423.5
Crepe paper 484.0 632.5 absorbency initial weight
Japanese paper 194.0 339.5
Linen paper 1030.0 612.0
Yellow paper 549.6 634.0

Table 2. Mean values (+-5%) water absorbancy The polystyrene coated papers were proven to be less reactive
of the paper samples
to common substances, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and
Mass Absorbed
sodium hydroxide based on the results obtained. This showed
stability of the coated papers to acidic and basic substances. The
Uncoated Coated
change in color of the coated yellow paper was probably due to the
Paper sample 0.2877 0.0844
reaction with the coloring chemical used. The chemical decolorized
Newspaper 0.2048 0.1038
the paper strips.
Bondpaper 0.3367 0.0957
In general, based on the results obtained from the different
Crepe paper 0.2728 0.0926
tests done, the polystyrene-coated paper were more waterproof than
Linen paper 0.2148 0.1096
uncoated paper. They are stable in the presence of acidic and chemical
Yellow paper 0.3492 0.0748
substances and more durable. The researchers therefore concluded
that the polystyrene-coated paper are suitable for use in packaging.
To test for the reaction to common substances, each sample
was made to react with 6M hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and
sodium hydroxide. All visible changes were recorded.

The results on Table 1 showed that coated paper have higher Cruz, Moira Katrina C.

breaking stress than uncoated ones. The results were subjected to Lucela, Darwin M.

analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests. Except for the yellow paper and Miciano, Kathleen L.

linen paper samples, all showed a significant difference between the Policarpio, Pia Marie T.

breaking stress of uncoated and coated strips of paper, favoring the

coated strips. ADVISER
Ms. Jessamyn O. Yazon
There was no significant difference between the coated and
Philippine Science High School
uncoated yellow paper strips. The negative results were probably
due to the crudeness of the method employed in the test and the
uneven forces applied by different persons to the paper strips.
The results on table 2 were subjected to ANOVA tests. All the
No part of this article may be used or reproduced in any form
test results showed a significant difference between the coated and whatsoever without written permission from the Philippine Science
High School, Diliman, Quezon City, except in the case of brief
uncoated strips of paper samples in terms of water absorbency. citations as embodied in the laws of scientific articles and reviews.
Based on the results, the polystyrene-coated papers resisted water
better than the uncoated ones.


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