Currents in Japanese Cinema - Tadao Sato
Currents in Japanese Cinema - Tadao Sato
Currents in Japanese Cinema - Tadao Sato
In Japan
1#'!^ ;!f*
Publication of this book was assisted by a grant from
The Japan Foundation.
Translator's Introduction 10
Acknowledgments 13
The Japanese film industry began around the year 1900. Only
some three decades had passed since the Meiji Restoration of
1868, when Japan ceased being a closed feudal country on the
outer fringes of Asia. Although a modern, Westernized nation
was already in the making, the feelings of the population were
slower to change, and both literature and drama were stillsteeped
in traditionalism. Modern Western forms of drama were still at
the experimentation level, supported by a small faction of intel
lectuals. Since film had its origins as an entertainment form for the
masses, it drew heavily on traditional drama and literature for
material, especially from Kabuki and kodan ("historical tales").
The former usually concerned a samurai giving up his life out of
loyalty for his lord, and the latter a samurai avenging the death
of a parent. Thus early film contained a paradox: it was a new
means of expression but what it expressed was old. In primitive
cinema, themes had to be kept simple, thereby earning the long-
lasting scorn of intellectuals who found its subjects outmoded
and infantile, and its producers uncultured and uncouth.
The novelty of cinema, however, primarily excited children,
and when they grew up some of them wondered if new themes
could be expressed through the hew medium. And in the 1920s
these youths began making films. At that time Japanese society
looked down on this occupation, considering it mere socializing
with the masses, and sons who entered the film world were
quickly disowned by their upper- and middle-class parents. This
did not deter these young men, however, who were obsessed with
this Western medium and with liberal ideas. Thus began the
battle between the old and the new.
§ This battle had reverberations in the world of literature
^ and drama. Whereas new. Westernized ideas could be realized
§ through the support of a small number ofintellectual play lovers
S and readers, the cinema, on the other hand, had to cater to the
S populace at large, conservatives and intellectuals included. While
^ this condition resulted in compromises, frustrations, and the
> abandonment of ideals, it subsequently gave rise to new ideas
§ that appealed to a sufficiently wide audience, which cannot be
W said for similar reform movements in literature, where the use of
2 difficult language raised a permanent barrier before the masses.
W The film world, on the other hand, like the entertainment world
> of feudal times, had a closeconnection with yakuza, gangsters,
whose language was easily understandable. From its inception
the yakuza figured both in its management and its employees,
and this low-class image deterred many a graduate from enter
ing its ranks until the 1930s.
Besides the yakuza, studios were filled with ambitious young
men who only had the benefit of a primary education but were
possessed with a keen desire to learn. One of them was Kenji
Mizoguchi (1898-1956), who made his directorial debut in
1923. Another was Teinosuke Kinugasa (1896-1982), who made
Japan's first avant-garde film in 1926, the masterpiece A Crazy
Page (Kurutta Ippeiji)\ he had run away from home to join a
troupe of itinerant actors and became a star of the popular
theater. Still another was Hiroshi Inagaki (1905-81), winner of
the Grand Prix at the 1958 Venice Film Festival for The Life of
8 Matsu the Untamed [Muho Matsu no Issho)^ who had to help support
his family as a child actor and only learned to read and write
in dressing rooms.
In the 1930s college graduates began entering the film world.
Some were forced to leave college after their arrest for partici
pating in the communist movement during the years of the depres
sion. Unlike most enterprises, motion picture studios usually did
not discriminate against them, perhaps because the rightist ja-
kuza sympathized with fellow trouble-makers. Then, too, they
may have been welcomed simply because there had been few
graduates in the industry before. Or, again, it could have been
due to the lax standards in hiring applicants. In this way did some
of motion pictures' brightest directors—Akira Kurosawa, Tadashi
Imai,Satsuo Yamamoto—enter the film world. In the 1950s, too, ^
when graduates from top universities flooded the studios trying §
for assistant director jobs, their number included several activists, g
among them Nagisa Oshima, Shinsuke Ogawa, and Noriaki
Tsuchimoto, the latter two being pioneers of the antiestablish-
ment documentary film movement. By the 1930s the reputation of
film—as a result of the masterpieces produced then—had im
proved so considerably that university graduates were clamoring
for the privilege of working with master directors with the mini
mum formal education.
The film world of the 1930s was probably the most diverse
society in Japan—the self-educated, rightists, leftist intellectuals,
graduates—and studios became a sort of marketplace for sound
ing out the ideas of the intellectuals and the feelings of the com
mon populace. Always groping for new modes of expression,
the responsiveness of film to both intellectual movements and
popular sentiments created fads that were sometimes difficult to
account for.
One example was the fad for the so-called tendency films in
1930-31. Although Marxist thought was prevalent in book form
until then, tendency films disseminated its ideas to the populace
at large. This fad, along with other leftist movements, was com
pletely suppressed by the government. Then, in 1931, with the
occupation of Manchuria leading to war with China, film
makers, as suddenly as before and without the slightest trace of
embarrassment, created a new fad for films that glorified mili
tarism. Among their number were severaldirectors who had been
making leftist films. Thus, the battle between old and new had
its extremely erratic side. Yet however wildly cinematic modes
of expression may fluctuate, film is still rooted in the conscious
ness of the common people, where ideas do not change so easily.
Japan had cast off feudalism to embrace modernism with
such haste and vigor that repercussions of the battle between
old and new were being felt at all levels of society. However, as
the movements in the film world have been the most active and
lively, it is through film that we will witness the clearest tremors
of that battle.
TadAO Sato
Tokyo, 1982
In 1956 Tadao Sato drew the public's attention with the publica
tion of his first book, JVihon no eiga {Japanese Film), for which he
won the 1957 Critic's Award presented by Kinema Jumpo, the
leading film magazine. Since then he has published sixty-five
books on film—including volumes on Mizoguchi, Ozu, Kuro
sawa, and Oshima—and on other aspects of popular culture, such
as comic books {manga) and television, and on education. Most
of the essays in this collection are taken from Nihon eiga shiso-shi
{The Intellectual History of Japanese Film), published in 1970 and
reprinted seventeen times.
The publication of Nihon no eiga altered the course of film cri
ticism in Japan by introducing a new approach. Until that time
film critics could be roughly divided into two types, the ideo
logues and the aesthetes. The ideologues judged a film by
sociopolitical standards (usually "modernism," democracy, or
jQ communism) and, accordingly, criticized a Mizoguchi work on
the self-sacrifice of women for its feudalism. The aesthetes, on the
other hand, would praise the same film for its atmospheric effects,
its acting, and so on. Both types of critics were college graduates,
who, in a country as academically oriented as Japan, constitute
the elite class.
Tadao Sato, unlike them, never went to college and began
writing film reviews while working as a telephone repairman. He
felt that understanding the sentiments of a film was more impor
tant than its ideology or its conformity to aesthetic standards.
A large number of readers shared his view and felt that Sato was
better suited to understanding the sentiments of the people than
the college-educated intellectuals.
Sato's success also swept aside biases toward certain film ^
genres, for he reviewed films that were beneath the dignity ofthe ^
ideologues and aesthetes, for example, melodramas, slapstick ^
comedies, and chambara, or swordfighting, films. He felt that such h
works were significant because they reflected the feelings of the §
common people, and it was the critic's task to consider the ^
implications they aroused. Nowadays these genres are taken g
seriously by most Japanese film critics, and some even find value ^
in some of the soft-core pornographic films currently produced §
in abundance. ^
Given Sato's background and approach to film, he can be ^
called the common man's ally; however, as he is a firm believer §
in progress, he can also be critical of sentiments that he regards
as hoken-tekiy or feudalistic. Like many Japanese intellectuals he
uses the word in a derogatory fashion to refer to pre-Meiji period
ideas and sentiments that continue to exist today, especially feudal
sentiments that emphasize submission to one's superiors. While
he is similar to the ideologues in this respect, he believes that new
ideas can only gain wide currency if their expression is synchro
nized with the sentiments of the common people. In other words,
the ideas cannot be forced down people's throats by a few intel
lectual leaders. Until the invasion of television in the 1960s,
cinema, to him, was the best forum for the introduction of new
Sato's antifeudalistic stance leads him to assume an am
bivalent attitude toward the traditional culture of Japan and, in
this respect, he differs from Western critics such as Donald Richie, \ j
Joseph Anderson, Paul Schrader, Audie Bock, or Noel Burch.
All of them discuss Japanese film in terms of traditional aesthetics
and concepts, particularly Zen Buddhism, looking upon tradi
tion positively as a repository of alternate modes of thought and
perception that present a stimulating challenge to Western
thought. Sato, on the contrary, favors popular culture over
traditional in his treatment of Japanese film. While Sato appre
ciates the beauty inherent in traditional forms, he firmly rejects
their feudalistic contents, perhaps as a result of his own youth
when traditional concepts were used to inculcate submission
to the state and even resignation to death on the battlefield.
Moreover, as most of Japan's aesthetic heritage was fostered by
g the upper classes, it is not necessarily a reflection of thesentiments
^ of the common people of the past nor of the average Japanese
§ today.
So Sato's interest in the sentiments of the average man and his
§ own belief in human progress add a second dimension to his
approach to film criticism. The essays in this collection are just
^ as much about modern social history as they are about film, for
§ films mirror social developments and reflect how sentiments
w change or become further entrenched. This second dimension
may leave him open to criticism on methodological grounds. It
w seems that in the West, due to semiology, film criticism is be-
> coming more and more of an academic discipline, and Sato's
social concerns could be considered external to the study of the
mechanics of film. However, while semiology has its adherents
in Japan, its disciplinarian approach is not prevalent at present.
Sato can be as analytical in regard to cinematic technique as the
structuralist Noel Burch, but he regards structural analysis as
only one factor in a comprehensive approach that includes a
critical evaluation of social concerns. At any rate, it is the reader
who will benefit from Sato's comprehensive approach, for not only
will he obtain film evaluations that make interesting comparisons
with those of Western critics like Richie but he will also receive
a rare view of modern Ja^panese history.
In Japan, as in the West, most histories are written with an
emphasis on politics and economics, and since the leaders in
these fields take the spotlight, the view is usually from the top
12 looking down. The combination of Sato's concern with the sen
timents of the common people and his interest in intellectual
thought presents a view of history that can be best described as at
a gut level.
Gregory Barrett
Tokyoj 1982
The Influence
of Foreign Films
One quality that distinguishes modern Japan lies in the fact that
both traditional culture and imported Western culture coexist,
whether ingenuously or awkwardly. The two are mixed, however,
in such a complicated fashion that it is difficult even for the
Japanese to distinguish between them.
As I explained in Chapter One, the two main genres ofJapanese
film are period drama, which started from Kabuki and developed
more sophisticated themes, and contemporary drama, which began
with Shimpa and developed a more modern realism. Although
competition between these two genres, and the subsequent cross
over made by actors and directors from one genre to the other,
was a fundamental force behind its development, thfe influence
of foreign films is also a major factor to consider. As the West was
g literally far away, foreign films presented a stimulating and rare
^ opportunity for Japanese to make contact with Western civili-
^ zation, and Western ways of life were a continual source of sur-
^ prise and envy, particularly for young intellectuals opposed to
g the feudalistic anachronisms of their own society. In these films
they felt they could actually see free human beings and a free
^ society, where women were appealing simply because of their
§ activeness, unlike Japanese film heroines who usually behaved
w like obedient dolls.
G Foreign films have been imported since the very early days of
w Japanese cinema and their influence on Japanese film-makers was
> considerable. In the 1920s some Japanese films were modeled after
German expressionist films, and films from Denmark and Germany
stimulated the development of a domestic, everyday kind of real
ism. In the 1930s respect for the psychological realism of French
films encouraged film-makers to inject a delicate psychological
nuance into their work. Even Soviet films of the 1920s and 1930s,
which were either heavily cut or banned on account of strict
political censorship, had a large following among enthusiastic
students, who filled in the gaps through books and magazines.
Thus Eisenstein's montage theory came to exert a strong influence
on the leftist "tendency films" {keiko eiga) popular around 1930,
and resulted in a fad for an extreme style of editing. The neorealism
of Italian films also had a certain, though not necessarily strong,
effect, since their subject matter of social problems and their
documentary style had already been experimented with in Japanese
32 films of the 1930s.
However, the films that had the most profound influence on
the Japanese public and film-makers alike were the prewar Ameri
can films. Although Japanese scholars and statesmen had more
esteem for the civilizations of Germany, England, and France
than that of the United States, many youths detested the oppressive
atmosphere of their authoritarian society and longed for the liberal
spirit seen in American movies. Until around the late 1940s
it was common practice to model Japanese films on prewar
American hits, especially Ernst Lubitsch's The Marriage Circle,
\924:,^vdiuk^orz?igt's Seventh Heaven, 1927, F. W. Murnau's
1927, Edmund Goulding's GrandHotel, 1932, Josef von Sternberg's
The Docks of New York, 1928, and Frank Capra's Lady for a Day,
1933. Even Kurosawa claimed he got his idea for the love story H
of One Wonderful Sunday {Subarashiki Nichiyobi^ 1947), depicted W
amid the bombed-out ruins in Tokyo right after the war, from an S
old D. W. Griffith film. §
It was not merely the glamor or the affluent life-style ofprewar ^
American movies that attracted the Japanese audience. What g
they envied most were the heroes and heroines, who were ordinary O
people, the love stories, and the American freedom of spirit.
The initial influence came from the popular American "Blue- §
bird" movies of the 1910s, one ofthe many labels used by Uni- g
versal Studios in its sales distribution. Although regarded as B- ^
grade and now almost forgotten in America, these sentimental p
love stories that portrayed the daily life of poor but honest people %
appealed to the Japanese because of their homeliness and lyricism,
and because of the similar social conditions shown. America, like
Japan, was then undergoing rapid industrialization, and the films
portrayed the unease of the farmers as well as the spiritual beauty
of their lives in contrast to the iniquity of the cities. Eventually,
Japanese film-makers of the 1920s and 1930s, influenced by these
and other foreign films, turned to comedies and tragedies about
farmers and average city-dwellers, a definite advance on the
samurai period dramas and Shimpa melodramas.
One such director was Yasujiro Ozu, who, ever since he
set eyes on Thomas H. Innes's Civilization (1916), became so ab
sorbed in American movies that he failed to enter college and got
a job with a studio. Since most of the films he had seen were
American, his first film in 1927 as well as some later works were
based on ideas from American movies. With Passing Fancy [De-
kigokoro, 1933) and A Story of Floating Weeds {Ukigusa Monogatari^
1934), influenced by The Champ (1931) and The Barker (1928),
respectively, Ozu established a new film genre which accurately
portrayed the life of Japan's lower classes.
In those days Japanese audiences preferred American love
stories because of their optimism and cheerfulness, so different from
European films, where the themes were more gloomy. The inevi
tably happy ending was both a source of hope and envy, and a re
freshing contrast to Japanese films with their tragic endings, since
romantic love was regarded as immoral and frowned on.
What the American spirit of prewar films meant to the Japa-
§ nese was probably best summarized by the great director Man-
^ saku Itami (1900-46). In 1940, a year before the outbreak of
§ the Pacific War, he wrote ''The Life and Education of Movie
Actresses and Actors" {'^Eiga haiyu no seikatsu to kyoyo,'' from
§ Itami Mansaku zenshuy vol. 2), an essay on outside influences on
^ Japanese film. In those days it was said that the Japanese were
^ being contaminated by American movies, and Americanism was
§ pronounced as a source of frivolity and irresponsibility, a claim
W which Itami bravely refuted.
2 "The first thing we learned from American movies was a fast-
w paced life-style . . . the next, a lively manner and a readiness
> to take decisive action. Lastly, we learned to take an affirmative,
purposeful, sometimes even combative attitude toward life, and
to value dearly our pride as human beings, fearing no man—in
short, their first-class, tough philosophy on how to get on in the
"[The latter was] the strongest and best influence on us . . .
It was also the moral upheld by all the main characters in their
narrative romances and probably represents the American spirit
at its best."
(This declaration was certainly courageous in 1940, in the
midst of an ultra-nationalistic campaign. Itami added the fol
lowing, mentioning the dangers of servile adulation of the power
ful groups who ran Japanese society as they pleased.)
"Unless chronic vices are destroyed one by one, a healthy nation
cannot be born. Moreover, I think that it was American movies
2^ that first gave us the opportunity to reflect upon our ingrained
customs and manners. In any American movie I can hear some
one crying out: Young man, be dauntless! Have more pride and
backbone! Subordinates, don't be servile! Don't flatter!"
The influence of American films even affected the dichotomy
of the tateyaku and the nimaime, and this can be seen in Ozu's
early films, where the young, cheerful heroes belong to neither
type and where the love scenes are portrayed with a sense of
humor. In period dramas the tateyaku were always dauntless men,
lacking neither pride nor backbone, but the nimaime of contem
porary dramas were too often sad and spiritless. Thus audiences
came to idealize actors who were strong and active and could
also play love scenes, men who combined the positive sides of the
tateyaku and the nimaime. In response to this demand the following ^
contemporary drama stars arose: Denmei Suzuki in the 1920s, ^
Shuji Sano, Shin Saburi, and Den Ohinata in the 1930s, and §
Yujiro Ishihara and Tatsuya Nakadai in the 1960s. ^
Of these Nakadai is probably the best example of this syn- §
thesis, particularly in Masaki Kobayashi's major work, The §
Human Condition {Ningen no Joken, 1959-61, 6 parts, running O
time: 9 hours), where he plays a man who undergoes an odyssey ^
of suffering because he refused during World War II to slave-drive ^
Chinese prisoners in Manchuria and treated them humanely, g
As a result he was sent to the most trying fronts and detained in ^
a Soviet P.O.W. camp after the war, from which he escapes, to p
die in a desolate, snowy terrain. In adverse situations this strong, ^
samurai-like man remembers his beautiful wife and, by calling
out her name, is able to endure his suffering. Nakadai's perfor
mance was a revolutionary transformation of the traditional Con
fucian dictum that a noble man does not love a woman.
To claim that this synthesis of the tateyaku and nimaime^ which
occurred in 1959, was due to postwar influence of American films
would be inadequate. The Occupation authorities, in order to
pave the way for democracy in Japan, prohibited period dramas
depicting feudalistic thinking and ordered films with liberal,
"enlightened" themes, even encouraging kissing scenes. American
movies, too, were imported in great numbers. However, this
conscious attempt at Americanization was only partially successful
and not completely necessary since after the Occupation the
feudalistic period drama was reinstituted. Even during the
Occupation, leftists, who had been banned from making films
with a social theme due to the cold war, continued to make them.
Love stories had been encouraged by the authorities, but film
makers wanted to produce them anyhow, even before they had
been restrained by the militarists from 1930 to 1945.
A good example is Mansaku Itami, who wrote the script for the
best movie of 1943, The Life of Matsu the Untamed, the story of a
ricksha man who, at the request of the widow of an army officer
he knew, helps to raise her son. Eventually, however, he realizes
his love for the widow and one day (in a scene cut by the censors)
reveals this to her, with the result that he is forced to leave for this
breach of propriety. This theme of the platonic love of a man of
§ low social standing for a noble lady is rare in Japanese theater
^ and literature before'1910 and is clearly the outcome ofAmerican
§ and European movie influence. Thus, it can be inferred that if
w not for the militarists, love stories would have developed smoothly
§ in prewar Japanese films and the postwar ''guidance" of the
^ Occupation authorities was not crucial.
^ The influence ofpostwar American films, while not crucial, was
§ certainly considerable. During the Pacific War from 1941 to 1945,
w when no new American movies were imported and the showing
2 ofoldones prohibited, schoolchildren were taught that Americans
w were inhuman devils. Thus, in 1946, when American films were
> seen again, the boys and girls of that generation were shocked to
find that Americans were human after all and seemed to have
higher ideals and to be happier than the Japanese. In order to
use such films as lessons in democracy, the U.S. authorities reg
ulated their showings in Japan during the seven years of Oc
cupation, and only those exhibiting the positive side of America
j were shown. Films that took up social problems were not im
ported, such as Gentleman's Agreement^ which dealt with prejudice;
All the King's Men, whose main character was a political dema
gogue; The Ox-Bow Incident, about lynching; The Grapes of Wrath,
in which the poverty of farmers was depicted. Moreover, from 1941
to 1952, when the Occupation ended, most Hollywood movies
glorified democracy and the good qualities of the American way
of life, so obviously Japanese youths then thought of America
as the ideal country, a veritable heaven, economically, politically,
and spiritually. While a leftist minority assumed an anti-American
stance, the vast majority believed that their former enemies were
now their most respected friends.
I was about fourteen when the war ended. A year later, when
I saw the American movies His Butler's Sister and Madame Curie, I
was able to accept our defeat for the first time because I learned
that Americans were not devils, and I realized that Japan had suf
fered a moral defeat as well. Around this time Japanese directors,
and actors and actresses, who had been connected with militaristic
propaganda films during the war, were now making democratic
ones at the behest of the Occupation forces.
After 1945 Americanization advanced at an alarming rate. The
government was democratized and the economy eventually sur-
passed America's in some areas. One reason why this came about ^
so quickly is that thirty years ago Japanese boys made the startling w
discovery, through movies, that any American could own a car ^
and a refrigerator, and they endeavored to catch up. g
However, Americanization was by no means total. Even though §
the young Yasujiro Ozu mainly watched American movies and §
based some of his own films on American models, his works O
eventually bore no resemblance to them whatsoever, and he hj
became an original film-maker who can be considered purely §
traditional. Similarly, although modern Japan appears to be ex- S
tremely Americanized on the surface, in reality, it is still a society ^
with a completely different structure. The dichotomy of the two p
types of heroes also remains tenaciously. In films the tateyaku type ^
of character still enjoys great popularity, the only difference being
that the samurai is now replaced by a Mafia-type gangster.
The handsome, irresponsible nimaime type remains the current
favorite in television love stories and soap operas. Therefore,
Japanese movie fans, who are almost entirely young men who
prefer the tateyaku type, are completely different from television
audiences, who are mainly women. As women stopped going to
movie theaters, their idol, the nimaime, ceased to exist in films.
In spite of repeated attempts, from the 1930s to 1950s, to pro
duce a hero who synthesized the tateyaku and the nimaime as in
American films, the popularity of television only served to per
petuate this division.
Developments in
Period Drama Films
•s .
Over one hundred period dramas were produced every year from
the 1910s through the 1950s, with the exception of the 1940s
due to World War II and the Occupation. These tales of revenge
and loyalty centered around the old tateyaku-type hero and pre
served feudalistic sentiments and antiquated institutions. How
ever, in addition to Kurosawa's new postwar heroes mentioned
in Chapter One, a few new prewar hero types arose who were
not loyal toward their masters and who were central to refor
mative period dramas.
All Japanese movies were censored during the Occupation until
1949, and regulations concerning period drama were especially ®
severe. Swordfighting scenes were prohibited because they ran ^
counter to the aims of pacifism, and Chushingura, the perennial q
favorite, which would eventually be made into a movie about one ^
hundred times, was banned because it not onlyaffirmed feudalistic §
loyalty but also kindled a spirit of revenge through the victory of w
the loyal forty-seven retainers against the enemy of their dead lord. §
Even Kurosawa's The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail [Tora ^
no 0 0 Fumu Otokotachi, 1945) was not released until 1952, perhaps S
because it was the story of a defeated general who escapes. The o
Occupation forces actively encouraged the production of films O
critical of feudal society, but as with the case of love stories, this >
was not entirely necessary since some directors had ventured in this >
direction during the prewar years in spite of censorship by the 2
Japanese government. ^
The first noteworthy period drama of the immediate postwar
era was Daisuke Ito's The Paltry Ronin Forces His Way Through
{Suronin Makaritoru, 1947). The film is based on the famous story
of the imposter Ten'ichibo, who tries to succeed to the shogunate
by claiming to be the son of a woman in the shogun's past. In Ito's
version, however, Ten'ichibo is depicted as a sympathetic young
man who avidly desires to meet his real father at least once. In
censed by the feudalistic system which would not grant this natural
wish, the hero, Iganosuke (Tsumasaburo Bando), comes to his
aid, knowing that in so doing he seals his own doom.
Since a swordfight climax was ruled out, Ito employed his forte
—the equivalent of the chase in American movies. Pursued by a
throng of lantern-carrying policemen, Iganosuke leaps from roof
top to rooftop. Just before his inevitable arrest he suddenly stops
running and, raising himself to his full height, a tragic figure
against the night sky, he glares down at the insignificant policemen
below, silencing them with his glance. The next instant, in a mar
velous display of showmanship, he turns and jumps adroitly,
landing in their midst.
The image of Bando in that single scene is far more important
than the criticism of feudalism in the whole film. At that moment
Bando becomes the epitome of a samurai, and his image is central
to my own idea of Bushido. This character is a true follower of
the way of the warrior because he gives no thought to personal
g gain and goes to hisdeath for a just cause. This isstrength, but not
^ one based only on physical prowess; this character also possesses
^ compassion and will never do anything disgraceful. These attri-
^ butes alone constitute an exemplary samurai even though the
§ classical element of loyalty [chusei) is not shown.
^ Another film, The Yotsuya Ghost Story {Totsuya Kaidan^ 1949),
^ made by Keisuke Kinoshita and based on the famous Kabuki
§ play, presents the other side of the coin and debunks the popular
w myth of the samurai. The main character, lemon, a destitute
G samurai, reluctantly murders his wife, Oiwa, so he can marry a
w rich merchant's daughter, only to be haunted by his wife and
> driven to suicide. Kinoshita's lemon is a much weaker character
than the role in the original play, and this is poignantly conveyed
in those memorable scenes where his repeated attempts to kill
Oiwa are thwarted by her trusting looks. Through the faint-hearted
lemon we are shown that samurai can also be reduced to trem
bling wrecks in certain situations despite the airs they assume in
positions of authority.
Masahiro Makino's A Horde of Drunken Knights (Yoidore Hachi-
man Ki^ 1951), a remake of his prewar masterpiece The Street of
Masterless Samurai, is also important because it demonstrates that
even shiftless ronin can maintain a warrior's code of honor. For the
sake of a woman and their own sense of pride the ronin engage
the retainers of the shogun in a bloody battle that recalls the dark
gloom of a prewar nihilistic film.
All these films are critical of feudalism, but their real emphasis
^0 lies not in presenting an age that has passed but in depicting
characters who find themselves in adverse situations and have to
cope, whether gallantly, ineptly, or desperately. Since this prob
lem can exist in any society, feudal or modern, such films formed
the core of postwar period drama and the main theme of many
of the genre's masterpieces in the 1950s and early 1960s. This
theme also appeared in prewar films, such as Hisatora Kumagai's
The Abe Clan [Abe Ichizoku, 1938), based on Ogai Mori's short
story, where its connection with Bushido is revealed much more
The head of the Abe clan wants to commit self-sacrifice {junshi)
after the death of his lord because he had received favors from his
master during his lifetime. As his new lord won't permit this, he
abides by his wishes. However, his fellow samurai look down on O
him for being ''unfaithful," and, feeling disgraced, he commits <
suicide. The newlord regards this as an act of willful disobedience g
and punishes the whole family for it. The Abe sons, in turn, g
affronted by this, rise up to rebel against the lord, and the whole ^
clan, retainers included, are annihilated in the end.
In this film the absurdity of the feudal institution of self-im- g
molation upon the death of one's lord is exposed, and the bar- g
barity of samurai society is revealed in the ridiculing of a man 2
who is denied martyrdom. However, Japanese audiences were §
more impressed by the awe-inspiring manner in which the entire O
clan maintained its pride despite its absurd predicament and by >
the way the Abe sons relied on their sense of honor as samurai to >
face their inevitable doom. 13
During World War H, when I was a boy, we were taught that g
central to Bushido is loyalty and devotion toward one's superiors.
In The Abe Clan, which I saw after the war, it seemed that one's
sense of honor takes priority and must be maintained even at the
cost of abandoning this loyalty.
This sense of honor is not an attribute of the samurai class alone,
as we shall see in Mizoguchi's A Story from Chikamatsu {Chikamatsu
Monogatari, 1954). The young wife of a merchant and a clerk,
shocked by their master's false accusation of adultery (an affront
to their honor), run off together and bravely accept the fate of
crucifixion (the feudal punishment for adultery), rather than re
nounce their love. Their love affair is not a "handsome man meets
beautiful woman" encounter, however, for when they realize that
the merchant is their common enemy, the desire to fight him kin
dles a comradely affection that later blossoms into love. Although
they do not go through the exaggerated posturing of a warrior in
the same situation, their pride and honor are maintained through
their execution. The acceptance of public crucifixion is their act
of revenge because the disgrace of it brings about the downfall
of the merchant's house.
Nevertheless, it is usually easier to present the conflicts and
pressures involved in maintaining pride and honor if the central
character belongs to the samurai world. Furthermore, since pent-
up indignation usually erupts dramatically in a bloody, action-
packed swordfight, the audience can give vent to its own
^ frustrations. In fact, this is the real reason Japanese audiences
^ love the samurai in period drama—their appeal has nothing to
^ do with admirationfor the old rulingclass.
Proof of this rests in the fact that lords, or daimyo, and chief re-
§ tainers have seldom been portrayed as sympathetic characters.
^ More film heroes come from the ranks of lower samurai, with the
^ classless ronin^ who have no official status since they serve no
§ master, the most popular ofall. With the exception ofLord Asano
w in Chushingura, daimyo are hardly ever placed in a situation where
Q their honor is at stake. As for ronin^ however, while they possess
w the pride of samurai, they are usually as destitute as poor com-
> moners, and this disparity between their ideal and their reality
places them in situations where their pride and honor are most
subject to attack.
The most thoroughgoing treatment of this dilemma can be
found in Masaki Kobayashi's Harakiri {Seppuku, 1962). The story
is set in the Tokugawa period (1603-1868). A ronin, who calls
himself Hanshiro Tsugumo, appears at the Edo residence of the
lord of Hikone and requests the use of his courtyard to commit
ritual disembowelment since he is tired of the disgrace of having
to live in poverty. In those days this was a common ruse to obtain
money since the ronin would be paid to go away, thus preventing
gossip. The Hikone retainers, however, see the perfect oppor
tunity to punish those not worthy of the samurai name and so they
While preparations are being made for the ceremony in front
of an audience of Hikone retainers, Tsugumo requests that one
of their swordsmen be present to cut off his head after he has
pierced his own belly and begun the painful cut to the side. The
man is immediately sent for, but for some reason is unable to be
present. Tsugumo names two other retainers who are also sent
for but fail to appear. While everyone waits, Tsugumo relates
the story of his family.
He had once been a senior councillor of a lord, but the fief went
bankrupt through oppression from the shogunate. One of his
fellow samurai took responsibility for the bankruptcy and com
mitted harakiri, Tsugumo then assumed the care of his friend's
son, later giving the boy his own daughter in marriage. As this
young man is constantly in financial straits, he comes to the
Hikone residence one day and asks to be allowed to commit §
harakiri there, probably hoping for money. However, the Hikone ^
retainers decide they really want him to carry this out because q
they like true demonstrations of Bushido. g
When the young man hears this, he turns pale because he had §
already pawned his swords and wore only bamboo imitations. ^
His request to leave to collect his swords falls on deaf ears and in 5
the end he is forced to perform ritual disembowelment with the ^
short bamboo sword, killing himself eventually by biting off his S
own tongue. d
Tsugumo finishes his story by revealing why the swordsmen 2
he had requested could not attend. Outraged by this inhuman g
treatment of his son-in-law, he had secretly challenged each of >
the three men directly responsible and succeeded in cutting off 3
their topknots, a symbol of samurai status. Tsugumo then tosses ^
the three topknots onto the white sand of the courtyard. As he
has thus ridiculed all the Hikone retainers, there is no way for
him to leave the place alive. They come at him in droves, and
he cuts down several of them before his own death.
In this film we see the essence of samurai pride and honor, the
most important theme in period drama. Tsugumo had felt deeply
for his son-in-law, who had been placed in the predicament of
trying to commit harakiri with a bamboo sword. Worse than this,
however, was the fact that the Hikone retainers had not granted
him his request to leave to get real swords. Even after he had
given them his word as a samurai that he would return to carry
out this ritual act, they had looked down on him as a blatant liar,
a ronin completely devoid of the warrior spirit.
For Tsugumo, a samurai reduced to the status of ronin was still
a samurai. Although his son-in-law had disgraced himself by mak
ing such a request, he could not bear the thought that he had
been regarded as an outright fraud and beggar. He could not allow
this humiliation to go unpunished. For Tsugumo, this was the es
sence of Bushido.
As a rule, Japanese audiences do not find the ideal samurai as
appealing as the outcast, who is outside the confines of the ruling
class. A real samurai is one who struggles to maintain his pride
and honor, and thus real models from the samurai class are not
necessarily needed. People who have this spiritual quality and
§ find themselves in wretched straits are far more appealing, and
^ this isone reason for the popularity ofmovies about ^tViA^\.yakuz(l^
§ or outlaws.
So Takuza originate from the classes of farmers and craftsmen.
§ They become outlaws because they seek freedom from legal re-
^ straints, although they do conform to their own code of social order
^ based on ninkyodo, a Robin Hood-type of chivalric code. In reality
§ of course, feudal yakuza were merely gamblers, neither free men
w nor champions of ninkyodo. In films, however, chivz^rou^ yakuza
2 are imagined to rush to the defense of the common folk against
w samurai excesses.
1. A Crazy Page (Kurutta Ippeiji,
1926), directed by Teinosuke
Kinugasa. Japan's first avant-
garde movie depicts the life of in
mates at an asylum (see Preface).
7. What Is Tour Name? {Kimi no Na wa, 1953), directed by Hideo Oba. This
postwar box-officesuccessonce again demonstrates the popularity of sentimen
tal love stories centering on the nimaime lead (Keiji Sada) and the sorrowful
heroine (Keiko Kishi) (see Chapter 1).
8. The Life of Matsu the Untamed
{Muho Matsu no Issho, 1943), di
rected by Hiroshi Inagaki. Period
drama star Tsumasaburo Bando
(1901-53), as the uneducated rick
sha man, brought to contemporary
drama the spirit and pride that
was once reserved for samurai (see
Chapter 1).
11. Journey of a Thousand and One Nights {Matatabi Sen-ichiya, 1936), directed
hy Hiroshi Inagaki. The adventures of this carefree^aA:M2a gambler (Kan'emon
Nakamura, left) best manifest the new "free spirit" hero of the 1930s (see
Chapter 3).
12. Musashi Miyamoto series {Mi
yamoto Musashi, 1961-65), directed
by Tomu Uchida. This tale is of a
swordsman (Kinnosuke Naka-
mura) who excelled at his profes
sion and became the model hero
in war-time Japan (see Chapter 3).
21. Fujiko Yamamoto, a top star of the 1950s, is considered by the Japanese
to possess the most traditional type of beauty (see Chapter 4).
22. A top star from the late 1930s
to the 1950s, Setsuko Hara had the
image of a modern and intelligent
woman, qualities that endeared
her to Japanese audiences (see
Chapter 4).
27. Mud and Soldiers (Tsuchi to Heitai, 1939), directed by Tomotaka Tasaka.
Training scenes were important in war films, and here the battlefield provided
a training ground for the human spirit (see Chapter 5).
/ ' / ^
28. Carmen's Pure Love {Karumen Junjosu, 1952), directed by Keisuke Kinoshita.
Uneducated women working as strippers (Toshiko Kobayashi, left-, Hideko
Takamine, right) protest against Japan's postwar rearmament (see Chapter 5).
29. The Towerof Lilies {Himeyuri no To, 1953), directed by Tadashi Imai. The
antiwar theme of this successful film, which highlights the solidarity of the
common people, centers around a group of high school girls (Kyoko Kagawa,
center) who perish in the battle for Okinawa (see Chapter 5).
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Film Heroines
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Since the beginning of Japanese cinema the leading female role
was often either an entertainer, a geisha, or a prostitute, and sev
eral films with such heroines—such as some of Mizoguchi's works
—were masterpieces. Although such occupations are looked down
upon in society, paradoxically, respectable maids, factory hands,
and hardworking women in farming and merchant families have
seldom featured as film heroines. This was probably because the
choice of marriage partners rested with the parents and romance
between respectable men and women did not blossom of its own
accord. Japanese love stories in movies usually centered around
affairs with geisha or prostitutes that ended tragically because
society did not want these women to be happier than their re
spectable counterparts. Even these days, when romantic love
g between respectable people is accepted, more men and women
^ have marriages that are arranged by parents or company bosses.
^ One exception to the above rule was the nursing profession, the
first modern woman's profession to be extolled in Japanese film.
§ Since her job required her to help men, it wasnatural for gratitude
^ to turn into love, and popular acceptance of this situation is
^ evident from the success of Messenger from the Moon (Tsuki yori no
§ Shisha, 1934), about the love between a poornurse and a rich man,
w and of the 1938 The Compassionate Buddha Tree, which established
Q a new box-office record.
w Another profession where women could meet respectable men
> and even fall in love with them was that of teaching. This was the
case in Young People (Wakai Hito, 1937), with its triangle theme
involving the woman teacher, the man she loves, and one of their
students, a rather eccentric girl. This film created quite a sensa
tion, and, given the seriousness of the teaching profession, the
feelings of all concerned had to be expressed delicately and in
directly, and there was no explicit love scene.
In 1942 New Snow {Shinsetsu), a film about two young primary
school teachers who do their best to give their charges a good edu
cation, won the overwhelming approval of young movie fans.
The depiction of their love was so subtle that it was even passed
by the censors, who generally regarded all love stories as por
nography that distracted concentration from the war effort.
After defeat in 1945, the love story between a man and woman
as social equals became part of the process of democratization, and
one of the biggest hits was Blue Mountains (Aoi Sammyaku, 1949).
In it a woman teacher and her students try to convince the back
ward leaders of their provincial town that love is wonderful,
healthy, and respectable.
Office girls have often appeared in Japanese films, but their
initial portrayal was not favorable since, nurses, doctors, and
teachers excepted, it was popularly thought that a woman only
worked because she had to and the term "working woman" was
tinged with contempt. This attitude is even reflected in Mizo-
guchi's Osaka Elegy, where the switchboard operator for a small
company becomes the mistress of the boss to save her family from
destitution. By 1939, however, this attitude changed, as seen in A
Brother and His Younger Sister (Ani toSono Imoto, 1939). The secretary
(played by Michiko Kuwano, the most modern type of actress 3
then) demonstrates her competence by typing aletter into English S
while her boss is dictating it in Japanese. W
During World War II, Japanese women, like their counterparts g
elsewhere, entered many occupations new to them in order to fill g
the labor shortage. Although they subsequently returned to do- w
mesticity, it became customary for women to take a job after
school and before marriage. Thus more women had the chance
to seek their own sweethearts at their places of work, and the
opportunities for romance increased.
Some years ago an interesting experiment was undertaken for the
Japanese television program called "All the Earth Is Our Family."
The portraits of five Japanese actresses were shown on a university
campus in New Guinea, in a native village in the African bush,in
an Eskimo village in Greenland, to passersby in Paris and a city
in Brazil, amongst other places, and the people there were polled
as to which one they thought the most beautiful. The five actresses
were: Fujiko Yamamoto, the then acknowledged representative
ofJapanese beauty, Kaoru Yumi, an attractive dancer, Akihiko
Maruyama, a transvestite, Nijiko Kiyokawa, a middle-aged com
edienne who plays a kindly female gangster boss, and Ruriko
Asaoka, a sensitive modern type. Japanese audiences were sur
prised to find that the favorite was usually Ruriko Asaoka, not
Fujiko Yamamoto, who only ranked top in the African and
Eskimo villages, with Nijiko Kiyokawa, where Ruriko Asaoka
fared poorly.
The reasons for the choices are both revealing and interesting.
The criteria for beauty in the African village is a woman's health
iness, her capacity for hard work, a kindly disposition, and her
capacity for bearing many children. Thus Ruriko Asaoka was
not considered beautiful because she looked too frail. Although the
popularity there of the maternal Nijiko Kiyokawa is understand
able, that of Fujiko Yamamoto is something of a mystery. Ruriko
Asaoka's appeal in cosmopolitan cities is not surprising because
her popularity in Japan rested on her modernity. One Parisian
youth reportedly quipped: "Eh? Is this really a Japanese actress?
Isn't she a Parisian?" Evidently, her expression of ennui not only
g appears beautiful but conveys sentiments common to ail city-
^ dwellers. One New Guinea college student was asked why he
^ chose Akihiko Maruyama as the most beautiful. His replywas that
^ she/he struck him as being ''truly Japanese."
§ Another example of the gap between the Japanese concept of
feminine beauty and that of other peoples occurred several years
^ ago during a Franco-Japanese film production. The Japanese side
§ recommended Fujiko Yamamoto for the female lead in the pro-
w posed film, but were forcefully countered by the French, who
2 preferred Hitomi Nozoe, an actress mostJapanese do not consider
w beautiful at all. The Japanese probably thought that Fujiko
> Yamamoto, who comes from a well-to-do family, would be popular
among Europeans. However, since she was brought up by maids
who waited on her hand and foot, her calm, gentle disposition is
too different from the boisterous personalities that Europeans or
Americans are used to. Fujiko Yamamoto rarely asserts herself,
usually deferring to her male escort. This trait is probably only
appreciated by Japanese and other Orientals.
Setsuko Hara, one ofJapan's best-loved actresses and a woman
who was always considered a true Japanese beauty, is another
example. I know a young German who was so enraptured with
Ozu's films that he learned Japanese in order to come to Japan
and study them. He felt they were perfect except for one glaring
flaw: Setsuko Hara. Even Donald Richie, the foremost American
critic of Japanese films, once told me that he found her constant
and often incongruous solemnity strange,
gg Reflecting upon suchopinions, oneisforced to admit that Setsu
ko Hara's performance was too solemn and stiff. Although this
seemed unpalatable to Westerners, to the Japanese she embodied
that spiritual tenacity which made it possible for Japan to attain
the economic level of the West. She reminds us of the suffering of
Japanese who had to bear much psychological strain during the
modernization process. While such an aesthetic consciousness
might appear forced and pretentious to the more advanced
Westerner, to the Japanese such sincerity was the mark of true
beauty in a woman. Perhaps this aesthetic sense is exclusively
Japanese, for Setsuko Hara appeared most beautiful when she
played a schoolteacher, the role most symbolic of modernization.
Fujiko Yamamoto is another actress who gives the impression
of sobering sincerity. Both women have faces that show little 3
emotion, thus attesting to single-mindedness of purpose. These S
characteristics are said to be typical of the women of the old W
Japanese bourgeoisie, the upper- and upper-middle-class families, g
and the beauty of both women depends on the manner in which 5
they embody this personality, not on the shape of their nose or w
their eyes.
In modern Japan, where success in university entrance ex
aminations is the key to future success, a family's fortunes can
decline after a generation or two if the men fail in this fierce
competition. While the members of such a family may appear
nonchalant on the surface, they are all keenly aware of the ever-
present danger of downfall. Consequently, their women are not
only expected to have the spiritual strength necessary to endure
the insecurities of life but also the nobility and grace appropriate
to their station. These characteristics are a part of the unconscious
criteria of the Japanese in judging feminine charm, and when
all these qualities are integrated in one personality, such a woman
is called a ''bourgeois beauty." Together with the common-
woman type of beauty to be dealt with shortly, she reigned over the
hearts of all Japanese men.
Besides Fujiko Yamamoto and Setsuko Hara, Keiko Kishi,
Shiho Fujimura, Yoshiko Kuga, Kyoko Kagawa, and many other
successful actresses have absorbed this air of bourgeois anguish,
and consequently radiate an austere beauty—the result of
unwavering endurance of misfortune. When, for instance, Yoshiko
Kuga plays the wife in some mundane household, audiences as 89
sume she has suffered terribly because she has the image of a
well-born girl, and her uniquely Japanese beauty is apparent in
that subtle smile that transforms her anguish into tenaciousness.
Mieko Takamine was perhaps the first actress to convey this
beauty in such films as Kozaburo Yoshimura's Warm Current
{Danryu, 1939) and Ozu's The Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family
[Toda-ke no Kyodai, 1941). She and others like her were favorites of
young Japanese intellectuals from not very affluent homes. They
were probably dreaming of rescuing such a brave, gallant girl
from the inevitable downfall of her upper-class family.
In Warm Current a young man is torn between marrying a girl
from a declining bourgeois family (Mieko Takamine) or a nurse
§ (Mitsuko Mito) from his own class. He finally picks the nurse.
^ This was the romantic dilemma of the time; and Kurosawa's
§ No Regrets for Our Youth was a postwar example of this kind of
romance without the dilemma, for in it the daughter (Setsuko
§ Kara) of a famous university professor decides to marry an anti-
^ war leader from a farming family.
^ Since the social mobility in modern Japan allows lower- and
§ lower-middle-class families to pursue the dream of rising socially,
w the women of such classes are expected to show fierce determina-
2 tion and pride. Among those actresses who radiate these qualities
w are Kinuyo Tanaka, Isuzu Yamada, Machiko Kyo, and Ayako
> Wakao. Without exception, all of them made their debut as
sweet, virginal maidens. In time, however, as their acting ability
developed, they all glowed with determination on the screen.
With Kinuyo Tanaka this transformation is apparent in Mizo-
guchi's The Woman of Osaka {Naniwa Onna, 1940); for Isuzu Yama
da in Osaka Elegy; for Machiko Kyo in Yoshimura's Clothes of
Deception [Itsuwareru Seiso^ 1951); and for Ayako Wakao in Yasu-
zo Masumura's A Wife Confesses {Tsuma wa Kokuhaku Suru^ 1961).
They may not have come from lower-class families themselves.
Kinuyo Tanaka, for instance, was born into a wealthy provin
cial family that fell on hard times, and her successstems from her de
termination to restore the family name and recoup its losses. All that
is required is for these actresses to project the stubborn vitality
of the rising social classes.
The women portrayed by the above actresses are peculiarly
90 J^P^-nese. They complain bitterly of their hard lot as women, yet
do not despair over the egoism of their men. Instead, they actually
lead or goad them to make more money, or even to foment rev
olution. In prewar films this stubborn type was often a woman
who struggled against becoming the servile wife in a feudal
household. In postwar films, however, she took the negative form
of a geisha or bar hostess who refuses to give in to overbearing
men and actually makes a profession out of getting the better of
In Kon Ichikawa's Bonchi {Bonchiy 1960) and the television
version of Side Canal [Yokoborigawa^ 1966), there are startling por
trayals of the vitality of merchant wives who are more influential
in the family business than their husbands. This should come as
no surprise, since even in feudal times only samurai husbands had 3
absolute preeminence over their wives; a merchant husband ^
and wife often had to work side by side. The difference between W
merchant and samurai family backgrounds is exemplified by g
Kurosawa and Keisuke Kinoshita. The former was the son of a ^
military calisthenics instructor, and he created almost nothing but
male-oriented films, whereas the latter was the son of a wholesale
grocer, and specialized in films about women.
Since films nowadays are aimed at the young, the tradition
of the proud, determined merchant wife is only allowed to
flourish in family-oriented television drama. There, actresses like
Junko Ikeuchi, Masako Kyozuka, and Haruko Sugimura ex
hibit the powerful position and prestige of middle-aged women
in ordinary households, and the special charm they communicate
is something that had not existed before in dramas about women.
In the postwar era the distinction between the bourgeois and
commoner type of beauty was not always so clear. Still, the fol
lowing films best display the spirit of the modern Japanese wom
an, be it the fierce determination of the commoner, the perse
verance of the austere beauty, or both. Kinugasa's Actress {Joyu,
1947), Ozu's Late Spring [Banshun^ 1949) and other films starring
Setsuko Hara, Yoshimura's Night River {Torn no Kawa, 1956),
and Ichikawa's Her Brother {Ototo, 1960) are all films with heroines
who are beautiful because they embody all the virtues that their
men lack. This forms another kind of worship of womanhood,
and its last expression is seen in Yoshishige Yoshida's Akizu Hot
Springs [Akizu Onsen, 1962). gj
The hero of this film is a young intellectual who believes that
Japan's defeat in World War II is actually a liberation, but he
becomes a philistine and loses his ideals amid the turmoil and
confusion of the immediate postwar era. In contrast, the heroine is
a simple young girl who sincerely grieved over the defeat and
now grieves over his loss of ideals. She continues to watch over
him, until she loses all hope and commits suicide.
The denouement of this film is symbolic of a major change in
postwar Japan. Up until the early 1960s such dispirited men in
Japanese cinema were often contrasted with persevering heroines
who had a rather drab kind of courage. However, ever since the
Japanese realized that they had built an affluent society unparal-
§ leled by any in their past, this contrast ceased to appear. In
^ fact, it seemed to vanish with the suicide of this heroine. There-
§ after, the call for Japanese men to recover their self-confidence
S was increasingly heard in the mass media. However, this call for
S a rejuvenation of masculinity may simply be to cover up the fact
^ that Japanese men, like the hero in Akizu Hot Springs, have lost
> their humble aspirations of the immediate postwar period,
Japanese War Films
The Meaning of Life !
in Kurosawas Films 1
116 ^ith defeat in World War II, many Japanese, who had made
the objectives of the nation their objectives in life, were dumb
founded to find that the government had lied to them and was
neither just nor dependable. During this uncertain time Akira
Kurosawa, in a series of first-rate films, sustained the people by
his consistent assertion that the meaning of life is not dictated by
the nation but something each individual should discover for him
self through suffering. Ikiru is the clearest expression of not only
this assertion but also of the essence of Kurosawa because he used
his whole range of cinematic techniques to imbue it with all the
themes he felt deeply about.
Apart from the motif of suffering, which will be treated later,
Ikiru's four themes deal with how human beings should live in
order to die contentedly, with bureaucracy's petty rivalries and ^
its inefficiency and its irresponsibility—as well as with the ob- w
sequiousness of bureaucrats toward their superiors and their in- ^
difference to ordinary citizens—with the generation gap between ^
parent and child, and with postwar hedonism. The film centers §
around the major theme—the meaning of life—while the three q
minor themes support its inherent tension and strengthen it by ^
contradicting its idealism and suggesting that real life is different.
However, Kurosawa gives each of the secondary themes equal ^
attention and delineates them all with sharpness and acuity. ^
Take, for example, the theme concerning bureaucracy. Some cj
housewives are shown coming to the municipal office with a pe- O
tition that the sump in their neighborhood be filled and turned ^
into a playground. They are sent from the Citizens Department >
to the Departments of Public Works, Parks, Antiepidemics, and
so on, as one clerk after another refuses to take responsibility.
Probably no other satire on public officials is as acid as this se- ^
quence, nor is any attack on bureaucracy as intense as the scenes
of the wake for the main character. Here the pitiable baseness of
minor officials is revealed by their self-justifications and their
fawning on department heads. Still, it is not Kurosawa's intention
to put down public officials or gloat over them. He is simply dealing
with the meaning of life by forcefully relating how terrifyingly
empty life becomes when work is performed merely out of habit.
The theme of the rupture between parent and child is treated
just as powerfully in the film. An aging father, learning that he
has cancer and does not have long to live wants to relate this to j j y
his son, whom he loves most, and thereby share his sorrow. His
son, however, is only concerned about building a modern home
on his father's retirement pension, and when the father overhears
his son tell his daughter-in-law that they will live elsewhere if
opposed, he realizes he cannot count on his son any longer.
Without a word about his illness, the father goes to his room and
recalls the childhood and youth of his son—the days when a silent
but strong trust existed between them. This short sequence of
flashbacks, an unabashed praise of the bonds between human
beings and the inevitable sorrow therein, underlines the sudden,
postwar collapse of paternal authority and the increase in house
holds where the nuclear family is cherished above all else. Still,
Q Kurosawa is not simply making an emotional plea for the resto-
^ ration of love between parent and child and condemning the
§ egoism of the younger generation. Rather, he is demanding that
his main character cease griping about such things and realize
§ that he has no recourse but to rely on himself.
The treatment of the theme of frantic hedonism in Ikiru is no
^ less spectacular. It is graphically and concentratedly illustrated
§ in the sequence where the main character (played by Takashi
w Shimura), guided by a novelist he chanced to meet, makes the
G rounds of night spots to take his mind off his grief. In these succes-
w sive scenes of an apparently cheap form of degeneracy, Kurosawa
> captures the very shape of that breathless, desperate pleasure-
seeking that was an important aspect of the uncontrolled vitality
of a Japan still in the process of recovery. Japanese of that genera
tion felt that they should enjoy themselves to the utmost in order
to compensate for their war-time experiences and were thus the
forerunners of the so-called economic animals who challenged the
world markets twenty years later.
The hedonistic sequence in Ikiru lasts only about ten minutes;
yet it is as impressive and moving as Federico Fellini's treatment
of the same motif in La Dolce Vita, Although Kurosawa had re
ceived liberal funds from the resurgent film industry, the number
of extras at his disposal was still small compared with those in spec
taculars. With extraordinary skill he created scenes with texture,
conjuring up, amid packed dance halls and cabarets, the feverish
atmosphere of the pursuit of pleasure. The cabaret scene where
jjg Toshiyuki Ichimura plays the piano and Takashi Shimura sings,
is especially noteworthy. The rhythmic modulation of the cine
matic images that accompany the music is so well done that it
seems a pity Kurosawa never turned his hand to musicals.
In this sequence, however, Kurosawa is not simply depicting
the mores of that era. As an expression of the main character's
(and the director's) feverish attachment to life, this frenzied
portrayal of the times is interwoven with the main theme of the
film—the meaning of life. In this way the development of each
secondary theme almost constitutes a separate and powerful film
in its own right. Since these are then subordinated to the central
theme concerning the problem of life and death, Ikiru has the over
whelming effect of a grand symphony composed of several move-
ments. At the very start we are shown an X-ray of the main ^
character's cancerous stomach, and the tragic nature of life is ^
announced point-blank. In significance, this might be compared w
to the opening bars ofBeethoven's Fifth Symphony. ^
In contrast to the consummate skill with which Kurosawa ^
manages the secondary themes of Ikiru, his tone in expounding q
the film's central theme can be called somewhat paradigmatic, ^
moralistic, even didactic. His conclusion is simply that those who ^
sacrifice themselves and live wholeheartedly for other people
and society can die content no matter how plagued by anguish. ^
While true, it is rather embarrassing because it is so correct, and p
the viewer may feel like retaliating by bringing up problems in O
life that are not so easily settled. Kurosawa avoids such a reaction ^
by his subtle treatment of this conclusion. From the words of a sim-
pie, vivacious girl, the main character gets an inkling that the ^
purpose of life should be found in one's work. Thereafter, he be- g
comes animated, like one born anew, and by completely devoting ^
his services to the people who wanted a playground instead of a
sump in their neighborhood, he lives a life above reproach during
his final days and dies contented. These developments are not
depicted objectively, however, but subtly, through the recollec
tions of those who attend his wake.
If the presentation of this character, in all his acquired virtue,
had been direct, the viewer might feel overawed by his nobility of
purpose. However, as it is presented through the ordinary public
officials who attend his wake, we can empathize with those who
admit their own insignificance, wishing that they can share in his j jg
nobility. The fact that they are slightly comical because they have
been drinking makes it easier for us to recognize ourselves in them,
and we can hope to be like his assistant, Kimura, who vows to
carry out his superior's final wishes. Consequently, Ikiru has a two
fold conclusion: it is a powerful cry to us to emulate the virtuous
life of the hero, and it is a whisper to encourage us to at least pre
serve a feeling of respect for the way he lived. In the breadth of
this conclusion we can see Kurosawa's soft touch. He is by no
means making a monotonous moral sermon; rather, the director
himself is unable to make up his mind whether he is like the main
character or like his assistant, Kimura, and many viewers, myself
included, sympathize with his dilemma.
o Both the themes and narrative style of Ikiru have continually
recurred in his other films. The central theme of the purpose of life
^ .
w was taken up in, for example, No Regrets for Our Youth, The Quiet
^ Duel {Shizuka Naru Ketto, 1949), The Idiot {Hakuchi, 1951), Seven
Samurai, and Red Beard {Akahige, 1965). In my opinion its purest
expression was in No Regrets for Our Youth and The Idiot, in spite
^ ofthe simplicity ofthe former and the awkwardness ofthe latter.
§ The problem of bureaucracy appeared in Red Beard, where the
w main character, nicknamed Red Beard, is the head of a public
2 hospital during the latter part of the nineteenth century. In the
w original story by Shugoro Yamamoto, Kurosawa seems to have
> been struck by the vision that if the main character in Ikiru had
only lived with vigor from the start and earned a position of
respect, he might have resembled that noble doctor. In High and
Low {Tengoku to Jigoku, 1963) the bureaucracy shown is that of
a private enterprise, not of the government. Its main character,
an executive, single-handedly opposes his colleagues, who plan to
make cheaper products, and stakes his own position on the policy
of producing high-quality goods. He is very much the kind of
character Kurosawa loves because he rejects conforming to the
system and becoming impersonal. The police inspector in the film
is the other side of the coin. As a man who has adapted completely
to the systematized thinking of the modern police force, he be
comes a terrifying, almost grotesque, bureaucrat. However, Kuro
sawa's most forceful criticism of bureaucracy appeared in The
Bad Sleep Well (Warui Yatsu Hodo Yoku Nemuru, 1960), animpeach-
j2q ment of the corrupt ties between government and upper-echelon
The theme of rupture between parents and their children was
shown at its most extreme in the masterpiece Record of a Living
Being [Ikimono no Kiroku, 1955). Although this theme is secondary
to the one of protest against annihilation in a nuclear holocaust,
it managed to dominate and obscure the nuclear war theme,
thereby leading many to regard the film as a failure. However,
in the history of cinema, few, if any, films have presented the crisis
in human relations as well as Record of a Living Being, and for this
reason it should be given proper review and reevaluation.
Kurosawa's most vivid descriptions of the immediate postwar
period were Drunken Angel (Yoidore Tenshi, 1948) and Stray Dog
{Nora Inn, 1949). The first evokes the anarchistic vitality of the ^
black market district and the second the desolate cityscapes of ^
occupied Tokyo. In both Kurosawa not only grasped the desola- ^
tion of postwar Japan but also drew attention to the feeling of ^
liberation from war-time oppression andfrugality, thus outclassing S
the films ofhis contemporaries. As Japan recovered economically, ^
it became difficult for Kurosawa to pursue the anarchistic and
savagely vital aspect of reality in contemporary drama, and his §
preference for period drama deepened, particularly for those ^
epochs when life was at its most brutal. ^
The dramatic narrative style of Ikiru—the story changing gears C
midway with the death of the main character and the theme o
pursued through the subjective views of people at his wake— ^
had a powerful precedent in another masterpiece, Rashomon, >
Even the motifofsickness appears inmany films: in Drunken Angel ^
the young hoodlum has tuberculosis; in The Quiet Duel the young P
doctor inadvertently infects himself with syphilis while operating ^
on a soldier in a combat zone; the inept lawyer in Scandal {Sukyan-
daru, 1950) is practically an alcoholic but reforms upon the death
of his tubercular daughter; the main character in The Idiot is a
schizophrenic; in Record of a Living Being the protagonist is a
neurotic; in High andLow a horde of drug addicts appears; and even
in a period drama like Red Beard doctors and patients dominate.
The sickness motif may be the result of Kurosawa's experiences
during the immediate postwar era since both his first war-time
films, Sanshiro Sugata and The Most Beautiful, portrayed a lively,
innocent boy and girl, the epitome ofhealth. As will become evi- J21
dent, this motif is closely related to his main theme concerning
the meaning of life, and also has a bearing on Japan's recovery
from defeat.
After World War II Japanese intellectuals, Kurosawa in
cluded, pondered the rise of militarism, and one heated topic of
debate was whether militarism was the result of the weakness of
the Japanese in asserting themselves as individuals and their ten
dency to go along with the crowd. It was agreed that individuals
should build stronger egos and be more assertive, and Kurosawa,
judging from the following quote concerning his intention in mak
ing No Regrets for Our Youth in 1946 (taken from The Complete
Works of Akira Kurosawa [Kurosawa Akira zensakuhinshu']^ 1980),
g agreed. "I thought that for a new Japan to come into being,
^ women had to have a strong ego, too, and that is why I made the
^ main character a woman who had achieved the objectives she
had set for herself." During the production of this film, however,
§ it seems that Kurosawa's own attempt at self-assertion was hin-
^ dered.
^ At the Toho studios he was affiliated with, the communist-led
§ labor union had seized power and nomovie could be made without
w their consent. Kurosawa cooperated with them, and since he
2 himself, as many other intellectual youths around 1930, had par-
w ticipated in the Communist Party movement, it is not surprising
> that Mo Regretsfor Our Youth touched upon the communist antiwar
movement that lasted until 1945. In 1946, however, one of the
union activists wanted to make a film based on similar material
and union leaders put pressure on Kurosawa to stop working on
No Regrets for Our Youth. Although Kurosawa opposed them and
went on to make the film, he had to change the latter half of the
story as a compromise.
As a result of this experience, it became clear to Kurosawa
that not only militarists but powerful communists could also
crush individual freedom of expression, and he was thereupon
confronted with a dilemma. In Japanese society until the 1960s
communists formed the nucleus of those forces that opposed main
stream society. Most films criticizing social evils were made by
communists, or at least from that viewpoint, advocating that the
evil of the establishment be destroyed through "the solidarity of
^22 the people." However, Kurosawa learned that free self-assertion,
top, could be crushed in the process, and he began to make socially
critical films that rejected "the solidarity of the people."
Since Kurosawa believed it was the individual's responsibility
to criticize society, he was far from communist thought. Yet he
never ceased speaking out on social problems like the terrorism of
gangsters, bureaucracy, nuclear weapons, corruption in business
and government, and so on. He picked a difficult road as we
see .in The Bad Sleep Well, for example, when the main character
tries to fight alone against the evil of a bureaucratic structure, and
thus degenerates into a shallow terrorist. In High and Low, too,
when the police inspector tries to punish the kidnapper more out
of an individual, rather than legal, sense of justice, he lapses into
intolerable "heroism." In Record of a Living Being the plight ofa ^
man who tries to solve the nuclear weapons problem—one in ^
which anindividual solution is virtually unimaginable—proves its §
impossibility and leaves us with a strong, complex answer because ^
he goes insane in the end. 5
If an individual tries to tackle social evils alone, he inevitably q
invites self-annihilation, but at the same time this has a certain
beauty. This motif, appearing frequently in Kurosawa's films,
is another way ofsaying that those who try to assert themselves ^
forcefully should not fear their own destruction. Alack of fear ^
of death and an acute awareness of annihilation can make one act C
even more effectively for justice. This is the most important re- O
quisite for aKurosawa film hero, and it is best fulfilled by the main ^
characters in Ikiru and The Quiet Duel, men who sought to live >
justly while combating grave illnesses. The sick people who ap- ^
pear in his other works are variations of these characters. r
In Kurosawa's imagination the strength of an individual takes m
on the analogy of one who is fighting against grave illness. This
may be eccentric and sentimental, but it reflects a necessary pro
cess through which the Japanese can recover from the shock of
defeat and become independent individuals.
Kurosawa's heroes are often told by those around them that it
is difficult for ordinary people to understand their special way of
life, as in Mo Regrets for Our Youth, Ikiru, Record of a Living Being,
Red Beard, and Dersu Uzala. These main characters do not try to
"establish solidarity" with anyone. They decide for themselves
how they should live and suffer alone from an illness that belongs ^23
only to them. They are human beings who discover the meaning
of life by themselves, and who inevitably appear to others as
either abnormal or sick. Herein lie Kurosawa's criticism of the
Japanese tendency to toe the line and his suggestion that Japan's
recovery from defeat did not have to be only an economic one.
j24 In 1942 the National Board of Information selected Kurosawa's
script All Is Quiet {Shizuka Nari) as the winning entry for its annual
award given to scenarios with nationalistic themes. While never
made into a film, it is interesting to examine it since it reveals
several characteristics of his later films, particularly, the close
father-son relationship.
The hero, Keisuke Kikuchi, is a thirty-three-year-old chemist
at a research institute working on processing soybean products.
His father is a patriotic professor of Japanese architecture, who
is especially interested in the connection between the aesthetics of
the Nara temple of Horyuji and the spirit of the Japanese people.
Both father and son are completely immersed in their respective
On the day that Keisuke's conscription notice arrives, the whole ^
family hides the tension behind a veil of calmness. The father ^
comes home with a bottle of wine to celebrate the occasion. When >
Keisuke returns, father and son chat amiably as if nothing has p
happened. Because they are resigned to the inevitable both men
remain composed, not showing the slightest surprise, for this,
indeed, is the spirit of the Japanese people.
The only matter that disturbs Keisuke is not finding an appro
priate replacement at the institute. For Keisuke, such a man should
not only consider chemical research his duty but also his very
life: "A man who is so impassioned with even such a mundane
subject as soybeans that he is willing to sacrifice his life for it."
He finally decides on Igarashi, a colleague who has published a
treatise that embraced his own theory. The latter, however, as
a result of idle gossip, is suspicious of Keisuke's motives and the
two enter into a heated debate. Consequently, Keisuke spends his
last night before entering the army arguing with Igarashi, after
which they become close friends since they are able to confirm
each other's fervor concerning the processing of soybean products.
Keisuke's love for his sister's friend, Reiko, may also have
weighed on his mind, but during the war the following doctrine
prevailed: Thou shalt not indulge in personal feelings. However,
his mother and sister arrange a morning farewell meeting between
them, cut short because of his late night with Igarashi. Reiko,
therefore, resorts to playing the martial airs of Chopin's Polonaise
to encourage him. In comment, the young Kurosawa wrote,
"One can only wonder where such a brave spirit can have lain J25
hidden in the heart of this shy, young lady."
Keisuke is seen off by his stoic mother, his tearful sister, Yoko,
and Reiko, whose face is drained of color. He turns a street corner
and does not look back. At around the same time, his father is
giving a lecture at the university. "Those buildings idly placed
here and there have no national character," he says. "They are
not works of architecture, but ghostly apparitions. They are merely
boxes to put people in." In contrast, the five-storied pagoda in
Horyuji is an expression of the ideals of Prince Shotoku. "For
more than 1,300 years, this pagoda has given silent testimony to
the beauty inherent in the spirit of the Japanese people. It presents
us with a classical example of the superior qualities of the Jap-
§ anese. Due to its strength, it is silent to the bitter end." The
^ students applaud.
§ Kurosawa, following the rules of the war-time government,
M managed to avoid a show of fanaticism and presented this family
§ drama in a light, humorous vein. However, his insistence on his
characters repressing all their fears about the conscription results
> in some unnaturalness, rendering the work superficial and me-
§ diocre. However, its portrait of the father and the love between
w him and his son is central to all the major works of Kurosawa.
2 Dr. Kikuchi, through excellence in his profession, has become
w a man of elevated character, always able to remain calm in a cri-
> sis. Accordingly, the son becomes devoted to his own profession
and tries to be exactly like his father, aware that he is trying a little
too hard.
This ideal father-son relationship of militaristic Japan appears
in several other war-time films. The father in the home was a micro
cosm of the emperor in the nation: as the emperor was the em
bodiment of virtue, so each father should be a small model of vir
tue. This was hardly the case in reality, as often mediocre fathers
took advantage of this heaven-sent authority to play the tyrant
at home, alienating their children.
This ideal, thought to embody feudalistic thinking, changed
swiftly after the war, when several films were made in response
to the call to overthrow paternal authoritarianism. Yet Kuro
sawa continued to portray noble fathers, or father-substitutes,
even after the war. In his first film Sanshiro Sugata (1943), the judo
126 master Shogoro Yano (Denjiro Okochi) is even more unashamedly
idealized than Dr. Kikuchi. By mastering the secrets of his martial
art, he is able to face any crisis with tranquillity. His disciple
Sanshiro lives with him in the hope of both mastering the art of
judo and being morally influenced by him. Theirs is like an ideal
father-son relationship where the young man is modeling himself
after the old man. In Kurosawa's first film after the war, JVo Re
gretsfor Our Youth, Denjiro Okochi plays a liberal college professor,
who, on the basis of excellence in his profession, remains unper
turbed in times of trouble. Although oppressed by an increasingly
fascist government, he never wavers in his convictions and, after
resigning his university post, lives his life in retirement. His daugh
ter (Setsuko Hara) is so influenced by her father that she marries
a leader ofthe antiwar movement and is persecuted after his death. ^
Kurosawa returns to the fictive father-son relationship, i.e., w
teacher-disciple, in Drunken Angel. At first it is hard to detect any
higher goal in the relationship between the hard-drinking, middle- »—I
In contrast to Kurosawa, Yasujiro Ozu presents the dilemma of jgj
a supposedly noble father who disgraces himself in front of his
sons in his masterpiece I Was Born But. . . {Umareie wa Mita
Keredo, 1932). Two young brothers, who have long believed their
father to be faultless find out, through some home movies, that he
acts like a clown at work in order to curry favor with his boss.
They are indignant: "Father, you always tell us to grow up to
be fine and noble, but you don't have any nobility at all, do you?"
At first the father tries to calm them down, but as they are so
persistent, he angrily slaps them. Later he is filled with contrition
as his children have told him the truth.
In Ozu's 1933 masterpiece. Passing Fancy, the young son is teased
at school because his widower father is flirting with a young girl
g and vents his anger on his father's precious bonsai plant. The
^ father, after returning from the young girl's place, is enraged and
w sends the boy flying across the floor with a slap. The boy gets up,
walks toward his seated father and, without a word, starts slapping
g his father across the face with all his might. The father is startled
and simply stares at him in amazement. Suddenly he realizes the
^ reason behind this and is utterly dismayed. The boy, still con-
§ tinuing to slap him, breaks into tears.
w In his prewar films Ozu almost always portrayed this type of
G father, and The Only Son {Hitori Musuko, 1936) is no exception,
w Here the father is exposed by his own mother, rather than his
> children, and the comic relief present in Ozu's previous films is
almost completely absent. The main character is a night school
teacher in Tokyo who can barely support his wife and child.
Although he had a university education, he lowers his standards
during times of unemployment and becomes resigned to his lot.
His mother, who had made great sacrifices to send him to college,
comes to Tokyo to visit him. While outwardly acting pleased, deep
down she is disappointed at her son's spinelessness. In the end
she reprimands him while they are out on a walk together. The
son tries to use the hard times as an excuse, but he eventually
recognizes his own weakness, and his mother's bitter disappoint
ment chills him like the cold wind blowing across the desolate
.A t
37. Stepbrothers {Ibo Kyodai,
1957), directed by Miyoji
leki. This officer father (Ren-
taro Mikuni) takes advantage
of the prewar patriarchal
family system to act the tyrant
at home (see Chapter 7).
40. The Proud Challenge [Hokori Takaki Chosen, 1962), directed by Kinji Fuka-
saku. U.S. Army Intelligence officers assume the role of the villain in this
foreign policy intrigue (see Chapter 8).
41. Death by Hanging {Koshikei, 1968), directed by Nagisa Oshima. The sister
(Akiko Koyama) of the Korean prisoner facing execution and a police officer
(Fumio Watanabe) reenact the crime in this film, where the villain is portrayed
as society itself (see Chapter 8).
42. TAe Eternal Rainbow {Kono Ten no
Niji, 1958), directed by Keisuke Kino-
shita. The daily life of factory workers
(Teiji Takahashi, left-, Yusuke Kawazu,
right) at a giant enterprise reveals the
political apathy of Japanese workers
during the postwar recovery period (see
Chapter 8).
. -
iiiil ^
m rection (see Chapter 9).
48. Children of the Atom Bomb {Genbaku no Ko,
1952), directed by Kaneto Shindo. This story
of a schoolteacher (Nobuko Otowa) returning
to Hiroshima focuses on the endurance of the
survivors of the A-bomb attack (see Chapter 10).
50. Record of a Living Being {Ikimono no Kiroku, 1955), directed by Akira Kuro
sawa. Terrified by the news of a hydrogen bomb test, an old man (Toshiro
Mifune) goes insane in this film depicting the bomb as a destructive psycho
logical force (see Chapter 10).
51. Bad Boys (FuryoSlionen, 1961), directed by Susumu Hani. This portrayal of
juvenile delinquents, filmed entirely on location with an all-amateur cast,
exemplified the new dociunentary approach to film-making (see Chapter 11).
52. A Town of Love and Hope (Ai to Kibo no Machi. 1959), directed by Nagisa
Oshima. The bourgeois brother (Fumio Watanabe) shoots down the dove, sym
bol of sentimental humanism of films of the past, while his sister (Yuki Tomi-
naga) looks on—heralding the new wave in Japanese film (see Chapter 11).
'3 »
1' ^
61. The Realm of the Senses {Ai no Korida, 1976), directed by Nagisa Oshima.
In this hard-core porno masterpiece, the tradition of the nimaime is maintained
by presenting the hero's (Tatsuya Fuji) willingness to be killed in order to
gratify the woman he loves (Eiko Matsuda) (see Chapter 12).
* #
r/ e
<• „t
Kf 'v •
Keisuke Kinoshita's The Eternal Rainbow reveals the everyday
problems of the Japanese working people and their social conscious
ness, or lack of it. It is a thought-provoking movie about the life
of the employees at Yahata Iron Works, one of the largest enter
prises in Japan. Unlike war-time movies such as Hot Wind {Meppu,
1943, also filmed at Yahata), where increased production was
urged, here the relative contentment of the employees is stressed.
It does not focus on the solidarity among workers, as in postwar
leftist productions, because the workers here are more conscious
§ of the size oftheir company and the hierarchy of large enterprises
^ and exploited small and medium-sized ones. In other words The
§ Eternal Rainbow is a paean to big business and indirectly exposes
w the "double structure" of the Japanese economy—a postwar trans-
§ figuration of villainy—and also explains the political apathy and
conservatism of the Japanese worker in 1958.
^ Like an advertisement, The Eternal Rainbow begins with a brief
B montage introducing the entire operation of the factory. The main
w characters then appear, in their respective places of work, and
G more than documenting the nature and function of their jobs,
w the scale of the enterprise is revealed, creating the impression that
> it is just like one big, happy family, or an autonomous fief.
This impression deepens when everyone returns after work to
their well-furnished company housing units. Although young
romance spices the plot, the majority of the characters lead un
eventful lives. Everyone buys things at the company shop, eats in
the company cafeteria, and listens to the company orchestra in a
meeting hall. If workers get injured, they go for treatment at the
company hospital. On some nights the company provides special
entertainment, such as the water ballet performed by artists in
vited from Tokyo. Boys and girls date on such occasions and can
even rendezvous at the company's House on the Hill, which re
sembles an artificial park. In short, all the necessities of life, and
some luxuries, are provided in this little kingdom, and there is
practically no reason for workers to be concerned about anything
outside the company.
155 The most fortunate, apparently happy, couple to appear in this
movie are an engineer and his girlfriend, a clerk in the adminis
tration building. Although they cannot complain about their jobs,
they are not particularly absorbed in them either. Still, they make
full use of the company's amenities and enjoy a relatively un
troubled youth. Now they are talking about his future, since the
companyis sending him overseas. He seems to bethinking: "I could
probably marry a better girl than the one I'm dating now, but
then, when all is said and done, someone whose disposition you
know is probably best."
All the older workers have docile expressions that seem to say:
We're not really happy, but then, if you complain all the time,
you'll be punished. They are not aware of any world outside
Yahata Iron Works, and they'll all work here until they retire, H
continuing to live in their company housing units. Things may w
not be perfect, but they are satisfied. p
All is not bliss, ofcourse. A new factory worker, a country boy ^
fresh out of high school, senses that there is a barrier between the §
likes of him and the technicians and office personnel. His friend
and mentor once proposed to, and was rejected by, an office girl.
While there was not the slightest trace of ill-will or scorn, he feels
that his friend's rejection was a question of social class. Although
his friend was furious over the event, the boy feels that in the end
he will swallow it and adapt.
There are those more discontented than the country boy and
his friend, though, like the son of the foreman he is boarding with,
who, as a result of illness, fails the job entrance examination to
Yahata Iron Works. He wanders from job to job in small or me
dium-sized enterprises, but despairs when he realizes he is not
getting on. Thereafter, he loafs on the job, sponges on his friends,
and worries his parents. He picks a quarrel every chance he gets,
not only with his parents but with the country boy. He actually
envies the country boy, just because he has a job at Yahata Iron
Works, and measures his own misfortune by not being able to
enter its gates.
Eventually, the foreman's son goes to Tokyo and gets a job as
an unskilled worker in a subcontracting company for Yahata Iron
Works. While it is still a small enterprise, both he and his parents
are happy because it is connected with Yahata.
It is unfortunate that The Eternal Rainbow makes no attempt to j0y
present an accurate picture of a large company such as Yahata
Iron Works. The labor union, for instance, does not make an ap
pearance, and the issue of the large number of temporary workers,
who are paid much less, and their relationship with the union
is largely ignored. In addition, the considerable increase in ac
cidents and deaths due to poor working conditions is only dealt
with superficially. However, the film should not be overlooked
because it does provide us with an idea of the everyday problems
of the Japanese worker of 1958 and his social consciousness.
First, it shows the tremendous gap between large enterprises,
government offices, and public corporations on the one hand,
and the small and medium-sized enterprises on the other. Al-
§ though wages in the former are not especially high, unlike the
^ latter there is a social security system thatincludes retirement pen-
§ sions, housing, health care, and recreation facilities,
w Second, it shows how difficult it is to move from one big en-
§ terpriseto another, even if one has the necessary job qualifications.
^ Large enterprises usually givejob entrance examinations to young
> people, who work there until their retirement, and lifetime em-
§ ployment is provided for a fixed number ofnecessary employees,
w Economic fluctuations are regulated by the large number of tem-
2 porary workers who can be laid off easily. Their status is actually
w similar to that of an employee of a small or medium-sized company
> since they have no company benefits.
Given the above factors, if an employee at a large enterprise,
a government office, or a public corporation loses his job, he also
forfeits his lifelong security; and if a young person is unable to
land a job with a good company, he is more or less placed in the
status of a small or medium-sized company employee, like the
foreman's unfortunate son.
The above is largely a generalization and does not take into
account various more complex factors, but it is sufficient to reveal
an important psychological factor in the contemporary Japanese,
one brought about by the large versus small enterprise, what is
called the double structure of the Japanese economy.
This double structure originated with the collapse of the old
bourgeoisie after the war, when bureaucratic and management
posts were open to the masses. At the same time, the status of the
168 worker and farmer was elevated, and former differences in income
and education all but disappeared. This, in effect, meant that
there was no longer a social class that compared with the old
bourgeoisie, nor was there a class as low as the old proletariat,
making the so-called middle class swell greatly.
At first glance this bears some resemblance to American society,
where class consciousness and the inherent revolutionary spirit
both waned. The Marxist vision of the working class becoming
poorer and the bourgeoisie becoming more proletarian failed to
materialize, and the white-collar class,poised between the old bour
geoisie and the proletariat, became the main social class. Advocates
of a populist society correctly described this phenomenon as
"mass society," or "the age of middle-class culture."
As in America, Japan, too, turned more conservative and lost ^
the will to reform society through the rise in living standards, and ^
more Japanese joined the ranks ofthe middle class. However, the p
chief reason for the waning ofthe revolutionary spirit among Jap- ^
anese workers lies in the unique structural dichotomy of large §
versus small enterprises.
Immediately after the war Japanese workers, including those
in large enterprises, made revolutionary demands that were re
spected politically. However, during the period of relative stability
after the Korean War of 1950-53, it became difficult to organize
workers for any reforms other than the antidismissal one. There
were demonstrations against military bases and against a new
act giving more power to the police force, but these represented
a struggle to maintain the status quo, not to reform society. As
inferred from the antidismissal fight, workers were loyal to an
organized labor union that protected their jobs, not one with social
reform in mind.
Eventually, Japanese workers also became loyal to the company
which guaranteed their jobs. Just as job mobility between large
enterprises without a salary loss was rare, conversely, these large
enterprises and government offices, as a matter of policy, assured
even incompetent employees a livelihood. In these circumstances
it was difficult to nurture in such employees a sense of solidarity
transcending the boundaries of their company, and thus the
company became more important to them than their social class.
Even if workers in large enterprises get low wages, they still
believe they are better off than people who work for smaller en- 259
terprises, and therefore have no wish to unite with them on com
mon issues. This is the basis of their conservative attitude. On the
other hand, it is difficult to organize workers of smaller enterprises
into a powerful body because they are so scattered. They tend to
be politically apathetic, too, since they are aware of the weak finan
cial structure of their company and often will not strike for
fear of bankrupting it.
As Japanese workers are so fragmented within their respective
companies, they lack a unified social consciousness, with the result
that there is not much of a labor movement on a national scale.
This lamentable condition of the Japanese worker in 1958 was well
presented in The Eternal Rainbow. Although some of the characters
§ were dissatisfied, they could do nothing about it. Moreover, the
^ basis of their dissatisfaction was more the result of occupational
^ discrimination, that is, the prejudice against factory workers, than
w low wages.
§ The problem of occupational discrimination also appears in
Kei Kumai's Sun over the Kurobe Gorge [Kurobe no Taiyo^ 1968),
> although the strength of this film lies in its presentation of the ex-
§ ploitation of workers of smaller enterprises, thus revealing the
w villainy inherent in the ''double structure" of the postwar Japanese
2 economy.
g The subject ofthe movie, the fourth Kurobe dam, was one ofthe
> cornerstones of Japan's rapid economic growth in the 1960s and
major construction companies joined forces to build it. Through
vivid flashbacks we are also shown the construction of the nearby
third Kurobe dam. This was undertaken during the war, when
Koreans were forced to work on the project like slaves. Now the
responsibility for the most difficult task, the digging of the front
line, is borne by the workers from a small subcontracting com
pany. Even with the democratic, postwar reforms in labor condi
tions, their job is little different from what the Koreans had been
forced to do, and even resembles the suicidal missions given to
kamikaze pilots. At the end of the movie the names of the large
number of workers who perished on the project are shown in
scribed on a monument in front of the completed dam.
Kumai depicts this incident in such a way as to expose both the
exploitation of smaller enterprises by large ones and the spirit of
170 the economic animal, consistent with the double structure that
results in a number of sacrifices from the ranks of small sub
contractors. However, as the producer, and one of the stars, was
Yujiro Ishihara, the younger brother of the novelist Shintaro Ishi-
hara—now a politician in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party,
which was committed to large-scale economic development—the
project leaders, managers, and technicians are presented as heroes.
There is one scene showing the manager and the head techni
cian deciding upon the undertaking while taking a bath together,
which is not unusual in Japan. Here Kumai may have been sati
rizing the private way of decision-making by members of the
elite. However, throughout the rest of the film he makes these
two men appear as noble human beings.
Since the boldness ofthe project leaders is praised and they are ^
not held accountable for the men who died, the sacrifices them- w
selves inevitably become the result of a fanatical desire for eco- ^
nomic development pursued "militaristically," and the upholding ^
of the double structure of the Japanese economy. While it would §
be naive to present individual managers and technicians as amoral
villains, their portrayals as sincere, upright men of principle also
leaves something to be desired.
Yet, when director Kumai puts the finger of blame on the dou
ble structure of the economy rather than on the managers and
technicians, he was merely pursuing the widespread belief that evil
is inherent in the system. Even when those who live according to
the system realize the intrusion of evil in their work and in their
private lives, they defend themselves by claiming that this evil exists
in their position vis-a-vis the system, e.g., as a manager in a large
enterprise. Thus it became increasingly more difficult to portray
evil in individuals, and this is probably why film-makers turned to
those parts of the system where villainy was exposed, such as CIA-
type conspiracies and police brutality, or elsecontented themselves
with the \ma.gmz.vyyakuza world. There were even directors who
stopped portraying villains altogether; one example is Tadashi
After Imai's success at depicting classical villains—brutal police
officers in Darkness at Noon—he turned to movies with the under
lying philosophy that it is not the individual who is evil but the
social system, as in the following: Rice, about the hardships of
poor farmers; A Story of Pure Love, concerning a victim of atomic jyj
radiation disease; Pan Chopali {Are ga Minato no Hi Da, 1961),
dealing with the problems of Korean residents in Japan; and The
Old Women of Japan {Nippon no Obachan, 1962), about the hard
ships of the elderly. Evil is discovered in the inadequacy of
Japan's agricultural policy, the governments of America, South
Korea, and Japan, and the social welfare system.
Imai did not attack such evils head on—perhaps to avoid being
too ideological—but simply sympathized with the people who suf
fered from an evil beyond their control. These films may be sin
cere statements, but they sometimes border on masochism because
Imai only magnifies suffering without showing how people can
strike back. Even under the oppressive, anti-intellectual atmosphere
§ of prewar Japan, Mizoguchi's heroine in Osaka Elegy rebels
^ against her suffering by her criminal behavior.
§ Not all of Imai's films show the common people to be such
helpless, self-effacing beings. In Bushido—Samurai Saga {Bushido
5 Z'^nkoku Monogatari^ 1963), A Story from Echigo {Echigo Tsutsuishi
^ Oya Shirazu, 1964), and River without a Bridge {Hashi no Nai Kawa^
^ 1969), Imai shows people who are the very incarnation of evil
§ and how the good people rebel against them. Since these films
w are set in the feudal and prewar periods, however, they lack
2 contemporary relevance. Imai's masochistic images of the sad
g unfortunate are usually stronger than his depictions of evil in-
> carnate or righteous rebellion, and even when his characters
fight back, one is still left with the touching impression that they
are frail, helpless beings, or pathetic victims.
This view of evil inherent in the system led to a form of resigna
tion because the people who administered the system were shown
as sincere, upright individuals (e.g., Kumai's managers and tech
nicians in Sun over the Kurobe Gorge) or as pathetic victims them
selves (e.g., Imai's characters). Since no one is to blame, one can
only heave a sad sigh. Then, in the late 1960s, radical Japanese
students abandoned this indeterminate attitude toward evil,
charging that if the system was evil, so were its administrators.
They refused to overlook injustices in the system called the "uni
versity," despite the administrators' claim that these injustices
had existed with the founding of the universities and could not
be reformed overnight. The students stuck to their logic that if
^72 the system was evil, the persons in that system should take
responsibility and reform it.
Once these students took their stand, they were intractable.
Consequently, law-abiding college professors began to look like
villains, as if they themselves had evolved the evils in the univer
sities. The tolerant, humanistic attitude of "They are not to blame
because they are victims of the system themselves," was replaced
by one which said, "Those who have lived comfortably in the shade
of the system have to take responsibility for the evil in it."
A good cinematic expression of this attitude is Nagisa Oshima's
Death by Hanging [Koshikei^ 1968), a surrealistic drama about a
prison execution. At first none of the people connected with the
execution—the prosecutor, security officer, doctor, chaplain—ap-
pear to be villains. On the contrary, with the exception of a few ^
undisguised authoritarian figures, their sympathies lie with the ^
prisoner. Later, however, the prisoner does not die, even though p
all the steps of the execution are carried out, and the situation ^
calls for him to be killed, although it is now evident that the real g
murderer is the state itself. All of a sudden, good people like the
doctor and chaplain—people who have judged themselves and
others solely on the basis of loyalty to the system—are put to the
test concerning their responsibility for the evil therein. As a result,
they disgrace themselves by panicking and becoming incoherent
or by identifying with the system completely.
Death by Hanging was a new kind of social protest film that re
sembled the dialectical cross-examination by students of their
professors on responsibility. Oshima had already touched on this
in his very first film, A Town of Love and Hope {Ai to Kibo no Machi,
1959), in which a woman schoolteacher tries to help one of her
less fortunate students to find a job in a large factory. She has
made the acquaintance of the son of the entrepreneur and arranges
for her student to take the entrance examination. The boy does
not get the job, however, when his juvenile delinquent past is
revealed. The teacher tries to explain to the entrepreneur's son,
with whom she is in love, that the boy's past behavior was inevi
table because of his family's poverty. He agrees but says that
company rules, in other words, the system, will not permit such an
excuse. At this point the teacher concludes that it is the system
that has alienated her student, and those inside such a system must
also beconsidered her enemies. She then leaves her lover for good, jyg
Oshima, from the very start, did not view the system and people
as two separate entities. He was not the first Japanese director to
present this, however. As far back as 1952, in Ikiru and TheModerns
(Gendaijin) Kurosawa and Minoru Shibuya, respectively, had
stated that ''The evil in the system is none other than the evil in
human beings." The main character in Ikiru worked for over twen
ty years as a civil servant, and, just as the municipality, or the
system, becomes unwieldy through the increase in red tape and
the avoidance of responsibility, this man also becomes morally
debilitated. The main character in The Moderns^ also a civil
servant, accepted bribes, and the system which inevitably en
couraged graft could not help but bring about the downfall of
§ his humanity. Still, neither Kurosawa nor Shibuyawere as dialec-
^ tical in their approach as Oshima.
§ SoonafterDeath by Hanging theevil insociety and theevil inpeople
w were treated as a single, indivisible entity in Kumai's powerful
§ The Swarming Earth {Chi no Mure, 1970), about prejudice against
^ and among three of Japan's minority groups: resident Koreans;
> the victims of radiation diseases after Hiroshima and Nagasaki;
§ and the mikaiho buraku, outcasts, who are now discriminated
C/D ^ ^ ^
w against because they come from a specific geographical area, but
2 whose ancestors had been outcasts because their profession as
w leather tanners made them slaughter animals, a violation of Bud-
> dhist precepts. The main plot concerns the complications and ani
mosities that develop when a boy from the ghetto for the radiation
diseased is suspected of raping an outcast girl, and there is a
subplot revolving around the guilt feelings of the doctor, possibly
of outcast origins, who had made a Korean girl pregnant and
abandoned her, thereby triggering her suicide. In the beginning
of the film the characters from the mainstream of society seem
so good and upright that one is convinced that prejudice only
exists among the minority groups. However, later on, when their
position as members of the majority—and the implicit double
standard vis-a-vis minorities—is persistently questioned, they
cannot but reveal their underlying prejudices; and these scenes
form the significant crises of the drama.
In both Death by Hangingand TheSwarming Earth, evil is revealed
in apparently good people who break down when their position is
j questioned, and thus it is no longer the attribute of some archvil
lain who exists outside ourselves.
Compared with Oshima's and Kumai's view of villainy, that of
Satsuo Yamamoto—perhaps the most representative director of
the so-called socialist school—almost seems like a regression to
prewar days because Yamamoto excels in the realistic portrayals
of archvillains. His brilliant attack on the amoral entrepreneur
in A Public Benefactor {Kizudarake no Sanga, 1964), probably the
best depiction of an archvillain in postwar social protest films,
adds flesh and bones to the old evil-capitalist stereotype.
In Yamamoto's first filmafter the war. WarandPeace (codirected
by Fumio Kamei), he depicts a gang of strike breakers, but it
was censored by the Occupation authorities. He followed this
with other films ofvillains: the gangsters in Street of Violence; the ^
corrupt officers of the Imperial Army Home Corps in Vacuum w
^one (Shinku Chitai, 1952); the ruthless managers who try to «
break a prewar labor strike in The Sunless Street {Taiyo no J^ai ^
Machi, 1954); and in Uproar over a Typhoon {Taifu Sodoki, 1956), g
the local politicians who try to increase their disaster relief
compensation by tearing down the school—a caricaturization
resembling Gogol's The Inspector General. Yamamoto's list of
villains includes the CIA, brutal policemen, Nobunaga Oda (a
powerful sixteenth-century ruler), college professors—in short,
anyone who flaunts his power, becomes a pet of the powerful, or
is connected with power. In his films anyone who oppresses the
people is branded a villain, presented in his most despicable
aspect, and soundly beaten.
It is rare for any Japanese director to marshal such a colorful
assortment of villains and to continue to portray them as inter
estingly, skillfully, or consistently as Yamamoto. An important
characteristic of Yamamoto's films is that his villain frequently
becomes a charismatic figure, for instance, the capitalist in A
Public Benefactor, the professors who control the university medical
department in The Great White Tower, Nobunaga Oda in A Band
of Assassins, II {Pfku Shinobi no Mono, 1963). All of them show how
captivating a force power is to human beings, and an aura of in
toxication permeates their portrayal. The average leftist film
maker tries to conceal this fact, preferring to believe that his heroes
lead a revolutionary movement because of their wish to liberate
the people. However, by concealing this thirst for power their films ^
have a veneer of hypocrisy, which is why they are never as realistic
as Yamamoto's films.
Yamamoto's villains are tough, energetic, and intelligent. They
are men who also possess overwhelming personalities and are not
to be taken lightly. This point is illustrated in The Sunless Street
when the young female factory worker—a resolute fighter in the
struggle—suddenly decides to sell herself to a brothel because she
can no longer fight fair and square. The struggle is no place for
niceties and the workers are not angels. If the enemy is a monster,
you have to become one, too.
Yamamoto demonstrates the relationship between people and
power mostoriginally in The Song of the Cart[Nigurumano Uta, 1959),
§ a chronicle of the lives of a couplein a mountain village in central
^ Japan from about 1890 to 1945. The husband, a country drayman
§ (Rentaro Mikuni), has worked hard since his youth, and his wife
w had to make a great many sacrifices. However, late in life when he
§ gets his hands on a substantial amount of money, he takes a lazy
^ woman in her fifties for his mistress and forces the humiliation of
^ another woman in the same house upon his wife. The husband's
§ vision of the good life turns out to be only this parody of hap-
w piness.
2 After the war Yamamoto seized every opportunity to curse and
w revile power and all those connected with it. However, in The
> Song of the Cart, he detaches himself from this social problem to
observe the true face of the people, and comes up with this gro
tesque image. For Yamamoto, the people and those in power
are not really two different species of human beings. The indignant
attitude of the husband, when criticized by his family ("What's
wrong in taking a mistress?"), is not so different from that of the
entrepreneur when criticized for causing the people suffering
("What did I do wrong?"). They both have the power to do as
they please.
Yamamoto's realistic portrayals of people do not imply that a
"human revolution" should precede a social one, and this accounts
for the appeal of his grasp of the human condition. No matter how
foolish, the people must be supported; no matter how much cha
risma the powers that be have, they must be overthrown. The
energy to denounce the powerful as villains surely comes from
2^0 Yamamoto's definition of them as exploiters and oppressors.
Yet considering the transformation of the villain from the
leftist films of the 1930s, Yamamoto's films seem to lack something.
His villains, despite their vitality, still bear traces of the old capi
talist stereotype and are thus removed from modern realities.
Nowadays the responsibility for evil is borne by ambiguous
figures who do not appear to be villains at first glance. In this
age of the detective story, audiences need to see proof of the
villains' guilt, which cannot be seen through Yamamoto's devices.
Despite the appeal of Yamamoto's films it is Nagisa Oshima
who makes more representative films on the modern concept of
the complexity of evil. In the beginning of Oshima's career he
subscribed to the theory that delinquency is expressive behavior.
and he added a new dimension toJapanese crime movies because ^
all his criminals commit such acts to express some need or drive. ^
The college students in Night and Fog in Japan {Nikon no Yoru to p
Kiri, 1960) and the ronin and farmers who participate in a peasant ^
uprising in Shiro Tokisada from Amakusa {Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, §
1962) openly rebel against authority to fulfill certain needs, thus
transforming their behavior from criminal to revolutionary. In
The Town of Love and Hope^ once the boy's behavior is labeled
delinquent, he secretly decides to become a rebel. In these films
Oshima regards crime as a stepping stone to revolution, and at
the end of Cruel Story of Youth {Seishun Z^nkoku Monogatari^ 1960)
and The Sun's Burial {Taiyo no Hakaha^ 1960), he darkly suggests
that only by revolution can people realize their hopes and desires.
Pleasures of the Flesh {Etsuraku^ 1965) is the last film in which
Oshima still depicts the problem of dissatisfaction with a wretched,
hopeless existence in terms that anticipate a revolution. With
Violence at Noon {Hakuchu no Torima, 1966), he abandons such a
simple formula, for the sex crimes of its main character transcend
the bounds of social solutions and seem to be rooted in more fun
damental, even diabolic, human needs.
In Oshima's later films—A Treatise on Japanese Bawdy Song
{Nihon Shunka-ko, 1967), Japanese Summer: Double Suicide {Muri
Shinju Nihon no Natsu, 1967), Death by Hanging, Three Resurrected
Drunkards {Kaette Kita Yopparai, 1968), diuA Diary of a Shinjuku Thief
[Shinjuku Dorobo Nikki, 1969)—he seems to be experimenting
with the idea of a human craving for freedom that cannot be sat
isfied through social revolution, and he almost always repeats jyy
the despairing view that if people seek freedom, they can only
become criminals. The corollary of this, however, is the hope that
people ultimately cannot be domesticated, and if this is so, human
beings have the potential to become anything at all.
•l' ^
N / 9
278 Kenji Mizoguchi, considered a first-rate film-maker in the silent
movie era, was ranked with Yasujiro Ozu and Tomu Uchida as
one of the most important directors in Japan in the late 1930s and
early 1940s. However, despite the acclaim, his films were also
subjected to critically severe attacks, which increased in number
after the war, until The Life of Okaru {Saikaku Ichidai Onna, 1952)
achieved success in France.
One critic, Matsuo Kishi, dismissed Mizoguchi's Meiji-period
films, in subject matter and techniques, as "hopelessly old-fash
ioned" {Nikon eiga yoshiki-ko, 1937).
"No matter where we turn we see the freedom of artistic expres
sion being taken away from us. Mizoguchi's response to this phe
nomenon seems to be a return to the beauty of 'the old days.'
Since an interest in curiosities isall right, we mayengross ourselves Q
in contemplation of quaint lamps, antique porcelains, and old w
handwoven fabrics. Whoever visits Mizoguchi nowadays finds >
him absorbed in these antiquarian pleasures, and this strange ^
devotion to meaningless trivia is so surprising that we can only h
say, 'Well, Mr. Mizoguchi, you do seem engrossed in old things.' o
"Both Taki no Shiraito and The Jimpu Group {Jimpuren, 1934) §
[about the samurai rebellions from 1874 to 1878]. . . are admi- ^
rable for their historical accuracy, but there is nothing of interest S
in The Downfall of Osen {Orizuru Osen, 1934) and Oyuki the Ma
donna {Maria no Oyuki, 1935). In these, historical authenticity is
only an attempt to cover up a conspicuous lack of characteriza
tion.. . . . They are uninteresting because the director has for
gotten to depict the relationship between human beings and the
era. The two-horse carriages trotting back and forth. . . and the
paper money tossed on the tatami mat may be authentic, but they
are not sufficient by themselves. Mizoguchi has gone too far in his
addiction to . . . details."
Similarly, another critic, Tadashi lijima, made an oblique
assault on Mizoguchi's old-style cinematography in an essay on
the latter's geido mono, films dealing with traditional Japanese arts
(taken from Gekkan bunsho. May, 1941).
"It is already standard procedure for Mizoguchi to employ
long shots in his films. Other Japanese directors do this, too, and
in fact, compared with European and American movies, Japanese
movies tend to consist mostly of long shots. There is even a school
of thought that considers this a particular expression of the Jap- jyg
anese temperament, although it is by no means limited to
Japan. As a rather rudimentary technique, it is common in coun
tries producing second- and third-rate films, and the expressive
power ofthese shots is debatable. Indeed there are manyJapanese
films where the use of the long shot does not differ from that in
second-rate films. This cannot be said for Mizoguchi's movies,
however, for in his austere depiction of the narrow world of tra
ditional Japanese performing arts, his long shot actually serves
an extremely important function, and the amount of time he
spends in visual contemplation is amply justified by the nature of
his subject. Yet if his artistic world is to expand, he will certainly
have to shake himself loose from such old modes."
g Despite these harsh words, both Kishi and lijima regarded Mizo-
^ guchi's works highly. One critic, however, did not, and sub-
§ jected Mizoguchi to a much more severe judgment. In Film and
the Modern Spirit {Eiga to kindaiseishin^ 1947), Tadao Uryu dismisses
§ Mizoguchi's Kabuki-like subject matter as old fashioned and his
^ views of humanity and aesthetics as"premodern," and condemns
^ his penchant for depicting servile geisha. According to Uryu,
§ Mizoguchi makes no attempt to break free from feudal, anach-
w ronistic values to penetrate the essence of humanity, resting con-
2 tent with superficial social relations.
w "As a man without a foothold in the present age, Mizoguchi
> immerses himself in material unrelated to the modern spirit. Fur
thermore, despite his choice of an intrinsically modern medium,
he ultimately proves himself incapable of using it and inevitably
resorts to his highly touted specialty—the long cut with the long
or full shot as its center.
''By emphasizing human relations he neglects to examine Man
himself, as well as evading his responsibility to analyze and crit
icize ; this results in an inevitable plunge into the realm of emo
tion. When film is properly used the director designs a dynamic
human structure by dissecting and then reconstituting Man. In
creating such cinematic reality, he must be prepared to make bold
cuts at the cost of continuity in time and place. Whether or not
enough elements have been incorporated into any one scene is a
false concern that should be avoided altogether."
The target of Uryu's attack was mainly Mizoguchi's war-time
jgQ films on traditional performing arts, and his outspoken, critical re
jection, unparalleled even today, never gained wide currency even
then. Moreover, since it was written before Mizoguchi advocated
women's liberation in Women of the Night [Yoruno Onnatachi^ 1948)
and My Love Burns, Uryu may have since relented.
At that time, however, it was the general feeling that while
Mizoguchi's technique was a refinement of the highest order, his
films were not progressive, harking back to the old, formalized
aesthetics found in Kabuki and Bunraku puppet theater. Conse
quently, Mizoguchi's slow tempo was mistaken for an inexplic
able addiction to old-fashioned sentiments and atmospherics,
qualities that contemporary Japanese regard with ambivalence.
The oft-heard remark that contemporary Japanese first learned
of the virtues of their cultural heritage from Westerners is totally 2
fatuous. However, ever since the Meiji Restoration in 1868 most w
Japanese have felt the call to embrace "progress" and "modern- >
ism." As a result, old artistic traditions came to be seen as spir- q
itual fetters that have to be cut off and destroyed. Although H
Mizoguchi's genius brought traditional aesthetic consciousness to g
its highest cinematic expression, he was often made a victim of ^
this ambivalence. Revered in Japan long before his greatness was ^
recognized in France, his apparent conservatism still irritated the w
Japanese film community.
After his European success with TheLife.ofOkaru, Ugetsu, Sansho
the Bailiff, and so on, and the recognition of the tremendous impact
of Mizoguchi's film techniques on French nouvelle vague films,
audiences in Japan abandoned the notion that he was old-fash
ioned. I, for one, was one of his many fans in the postwar genera
tion, and I never missed any of his films and was deeply disap
pointed when My Love Burns did not make the top ten list. When
The Life of Oharu premiered in Japan, I was sure that this was
Mizoguchi at his best, and I saw the film over and over again. At
that time the thought never occurred to me that his style was
The close relationship between Mizoguchi's style and the old
performing arts is apparent, and only in this limited sense can
his works be called premodern. His characteristic "one scene
equals one cut" technique, for example, is like the musical ac
companiment in traditional dance, in Bunraku puppet theater,
in Noh, and in naniwa hushi, popular storytelling accompanied jgj
by the samisen. Unlike the dynamic, rhythmic movements of
European dance and ballet, Japanese dance emphasizes the
beauty of shape, for the dancer momentarily holds a certain pose
or gesture. These moments are called kimaru ("form resolution"),
and in moving from one to the next, the body changes its balance
in a smooth, flowing manner. Similarly, Mizoguchi's one scene,
one cut technique is sequential motion; motion changing from
one exquisite shape to another. Short cuts cannot possibly capture
this subtle, relentless flow, which can only be caught by complex
camera movements like panning and craning. Thus, far from be
ing static, Mizoguchi's long one cut is filled with visual restless
ness, interspersed with interludes of breathless anticipation for.
g even as we watch, the structure ofany single scene is always in
^ the process ofdynamic transformation.
w Doubtlessly, the aesthetics of Japanese dance are deeply related
to the Buddhist notion of society and human life being in con-
g stant flux. Reality can never be grasped firmly, it changes from
^ moment to moment.
^ The dramatic structure of Osaka Elegy^ The Story of the Last
^ Chrysanthemums [^angiku Monogatari, 1939), and The Life of Oharu
w lies in this tense apprehension of reality as a constant flow. Other
2 Japanese directors have used the same dramatic structure, but
w Mizoguchi isdifferent in as much as he knew how to distill its essence
> —its tenaciously spiritual core—through the one scene, one cut
technique. I once wrote the following about it.
''His pans and camera movements not only show the subject in
the best possible light or express his point of view, but they par
ticipate in the drama by moving in such a way as to entrance the
viewer. The following scene in TheLife of Oharu is a good example.
A low-ranking court attendant and bodyguard (Toshiro Mifune)
is about to be beheaded for his liaison ,with Oharu, then lady-
in-waiting (Kinuyo Tanaka). . . . There is an over-all shot of
the place of execution, enclosed within a bamboo fence. Then
the camera lingers on the full-length figures of Mifune, bound and
kneeling, and his executioner, squatting in the background.
After Mifune shouts his last words ('May there come a world
where love is not a crime!'), the camera leaves his face to pan up
to the executioner's sword, held aloft with water dripping off it.
2g2 A tilt-up pan of the sword follows and then the camera freezes.
This movement is comparable to a stroke in calligraphy, when
pressure is applied at the point where the moving brush stops.
It is similar to exhaling, and the camera freeze elicits this sensa
tion. In the next instant the sword flashes down without a sound,
but the camera remains immobile, staring out into space.
"Unwaveringly, the kimaru moment has been resolved. Later
the sword moves back into the empty frame. The executioner,
having finished, now holds it aloft in his left hand. The sword
lingers there a moment, as if the executioner is stilling his own
breathing, agitated by the execution. Then, as he slowly begins
to lower it, the camera follows in a downward pan, which is the
end of this long shot. In the final pan down, the camera seems to
be hanging its head in profound sadness. In this manner, Mizo- Q
guchi's camera moves, stops, then moves again, thereby evoking w
moods as subtle and various as those produced by a Japanese >
dancer as she moves her arms, legs, or neck. ^
"A following scene features Oharu and her family, who have all H
been banished from the capital. It is dusk and, standing on the g
embankment of a river, they have just taken leave of well-wishers g
who have accompanied them this far, carrying lanterns. Oharu's ^
party then begins crossing a nearby bridge and the camera, on S
the dry river-bed below, takes in this view at a slightly elevated
angle. After they have reached the far embankment and have
become tiny figures, the camera moves forward, all the way under
the bridge, and begins peering up at them between the pillars.
''Until then the camera was so still that the viewer had no idea
it was mounted on a rail, and its forward movement, while under
stated, fits the mood of this scene to perfection. . . .
"By staying motionless the camera seems to be viewing the sub
jects from a distance, as if to say, 'Abandon hope and depart, you
unfortunate ones.' Then, appearing to relent, it stealthily creeps
forward to take one last look at the exiles trudging out of sight.
Although the director appeared to be cold and aloof, this single
movement reveals that he has also been viewing the scene with
compassion. His camera almost seems to be extending a helping
hand from under the bridge, sympathizing with the fate of
those human dots disappearing into the distance. The gloomy
despair captured by the camera from this angle could never have
been conveyed had the director used cut-backs or a following 183
While there are advantages to this method, there is also the
obvious danger of structuring a film according to a sequence of
beautiful resolutions [kimaru)^ an overinvolvement with a static,
superficial beauty. This was especially true in A Picture of Madame
Tuki [Yuki Fujin Ezu, 1950), Miss Oyu {Oyu sama, 1951), and Lady
Musashino [Musashino Fujin, 1951),where the pattern of relationships
in bourgeois society are depicted as "things of fleeting beauty."
The enchanting, almost precious quality of these films contrasts
sharply with the merciless, grotesquerealism of Osaka Elegy, Women
of the Night, My Love Burns, and Street of Shame {Akasen Chitai, 1956),
and sometimes it is hard to believe they were made by the same
§ director. Still, both types share a common theme of women suf-
^ fering in a crisis, and even though they differ in content, Mizo-
§ guchi remains true to his technique of multiple pans within the
S framework of one scene, one cut.
S The critic Tadao Uryu may have rejected this technique be-
^ cause it only evokes mood and emotion without treating its sub-
> ject analytically. However, when Mizoguchi comes to grips with
w raw, contemporary realities as in Osaka Elegy and Street of Shame,
w it is obvious that atmospherics and emotional build-ups were not
2 the sole objective of his technique. Although he was little con-
W cerned with beautiful shapes in these films, he still adhered to his
> one scene, one cut principle, with transitions using pans from one
completed composition to another, a feature entirely consistent
with his other works.
Even when there are movements in a single composition, as
when a character enters or leaves a room, the unique length of
his shot prevents jumps in time and space. This, coupled with a
subject—usually a woman—in a difficult predicament, strengthens
the feeling of suffocation in a hermetically sealed environment.
The suffocating impression he evokes is akin to the suppressed sound
of the musical accompaniment to traditional Japanese storytelling.
In it lies the so-called strong beat of stoic endurance, and a good
example of it can be found in the following scene from The Story
of the Last Chrysanthemums,
The mistress has called the maid, Otoku, into the parlor to
reprimand her for having designs on Kikunosuke, the adopted
234 son of this famous family of Kabuki actors. Otoku argues that
when she was seen alone with the young master, they had only
been talking about his performance that night. She had been
slightly critical but he had taken it well, and even seemed pleased
with her honesty. Otoku insists on her innocence, but her protests
only serve to increase her mistress's anger.
Mizoguchi films this long scene with a single shot in which he
makes use of a number of pans. The camera, first concentrating
on Otoku and the mistress, suddenly does a turnabout, taking in
the adjacent room through open sliding doors, where several
maids are eavesdropping. It was they who told the mistress about
Otoku and the young master, and their expressions show that they
are censuring her. The camera then does another turnabout, and
our attention is again riveted on Otoku and the mistress. Q
The unbroken flow of Mizoguchi's one shot method—active even w
within the narrow confines of the two rooms—conveys the hostility >
between Otoku and the other maids, and their positions—she ^
has her back to them—shows us their psychological relationship, h
Thus Mizoguchi is able to show us all the characters involved. o
As Otoku defends herself to the mistress, she is, at the same iz:
2. OZU
Of all Japanese directors, Yasujiro Ozu has been considered the
most Japanese, to the extent that his films were not even entered
in international film festivals until near the end of his career. His
forte was a detailed, sensitive portrayal of the daily lives of average
or poor people—what the American film critic Donald Richie calls
g shomin geki ("dramas about common people") and considers a
^ unique Japanese film genre. As mentioned in Chapter Two, how-
^ ever, the American films about average people made in the 1910s
and 1920s had a strong influence on Ozu. When these richly emo-
2 tional portrayals of simple folk in American cinema gave way to
^ more glamorous productions in the 1930s, Ozu stuck to the con-
^ tent and forms he learned from America and refined them. By
§ then he was able to imbue them with truly Japanese sentiments,
w and his formal beauty of style managed to transcend national
2 boundaries.
w Ozu almost always used the contemporary Japanese home as
> his theme: the love between parent and child, the reconciliation
between husband and wife, or the mischief of children. On the
surface he presents a modern Japanese life-style, which to those
unfamiliar with it could be boring. Since swordfighting movies
are both more appealing and more entertaining to foreign audi
ences, it is only natural that the first Japanese films to be interna
tionally recognized were Kurosawa's period dramas.
Yet an Ozu film, with its brilliant use of cinematography, is
never a simple, haphazard presentation of Japanese customs. It
is through Ozu's superb cinematic technique that the humor and
sense of order and tension inherent in the skillfully conceived forms
can be understood cross-culturally. It is the distinctiveness of Ozu's
style that makes it rare even outsideJapan, a style that was polished
in the course of his long career. Perhaps it is best to list here the
features that make up his style.
The Low Angle Shot, Ozu positions his camera just above the floor
or ground—at most two feet or so in height—and shoots his
scenes from a slightly elevated angle hardly noticeable if one is
sitting on tatami mats in a Japanese room. His camera never looks
down on people, except for certain shots of a road from a window.
Early in his career he used to shoot a bird's-eye view of things
placed on tatami mats, but he gradually came to avoid such shots.
Ozu never explained the reason for this penchant. Perhaps he
thought human beings were more dignified when viewed from a
slightly elevated angle, or perhaps this showed the interiors of
Japanese houses at their most calm and beautiful. Once he settled
on this camera angle for the underlying tone of his shot composi-
tions, shots from above probably would have been disturbing, and Q
he improvised with props in order to maintain this uniformity, w
The Stability of the Size of Camera Shots. Even at the risk of going
against professional theory, Ozu was always more concerned with
making each shot a beautiful composition than with continuity,
a factor reflected in his determination of the size of shots. With
the exceptionof some extremely early films, Ozu never took close- jgg
ups, probably because they are unsettling no matter how well
done, and, apparently for the same reason, he never used telescopic
and wide-angle lenses. The basic sizes of his camera shots are:
distant view, full standing figure from the waist up, full seated
figure, and head and shoulders (the closest his camera ever moved
in). If there were as many as five characters in an intended shot,
he would move his camera back to include all five.
The above rules may seem simple, but it is exceedingly difficult
to adhere to them, especially when filming people sitting on tatami
mats in a Japanese room. If they are shot full figure and one of
them stands up, he or she would probably be partially out of the
frame. To avoid this ungainly image, Ozu would pull his camera
g backto include thestanding person in the frame. No other director
^ was as rigorous as Ozu in this, not only because ofthe tediousness
§ of the operation but also because if the seated person is the lead,
it is considered a mistake to reduce the frame size to accommodate
§ the movement of a less important role. The following is an ex-
^ ample from a scene in Early Spring,
^ At a dinner party an office girl is criticized by her friends for
§ flirting with one of them who is a married man. Indignant, she
w suddenly rises, and the camera quickly withdraws to take in her
2 standing figure. When a player becomes agitated, it is more com-
w mon to move the camera in on her: however, Ozu's camera move-
> ment is just the reverse since he dislikes fragmenting the frame size
and/or showing violent movements in the foreground.
Curtain Shots. This term was probably first used by the prewar
film critic Keinosuke Nanbu. In place of fade-ins and fade-outs
jQQ between sequences, Ozu always inserts a number of shots of sce
nery, which Nanbu compared to the curtain in Western theater.
These shots both present the environment of the next sequence
and stimulate the viewer's anticipation—be it the big red paper
lantern of a neighborhood bar or the curved line of a small hill
near a residential area. When Ozu's films are shown on Japanese
television, these curtain shots are usually cut, a pity since they are
indispensable for regulating the overall tone of an Ozu film.
Tempo. The sets for an Ozu film are always carefully constructed
to match the tempo of the performance. Tomo Shimogawara,
the set designer for The EndofSummer [Kohayagawa-ke no Aki, 1961),
relates the following in Tasujiro Ozu: The Man and His Work [Ozu
Tasujiro—Hito to Skigoto^ by Jun Satomi, Tomo Shimogawara, 2
Shizuo Yamauchi, et al., Tokyo: Banyusha, 1972). w
*'The size of the rooms was dictated by the time lapses between >
the actor's movements. If one party gets up to walk somewhere, g
there has to be the right number of tatami mats to last while shots H
of the other party are inserted. Thus. . . Ozu would give me g
instructions on the exact length of the corridor. He explained that g
it was part and parcel of the tempo of his film, and this flow of ^
tempo Ozu envisioned at the time the script was being written. S
When the set was being constructed he would go through the floor
plan in great detail, therebycreating precise pictorial continuity.
"If two people are in conversation and one goes to call someone
from the second floor, the other left in the room is allotted that
much time. Since Ozu never used wipes or dissolves, and for the
sake of dramatic tempo as well, he would measure the number
of seconds it took someone to walk upstairs and so the set had to
be constructed accordingly."
Since a movie consists of fragmentary shots, if the interval
between them is shortened, the speed of the performance is in
creased so that it is faster than actual human behavior, which does
not disturb the viewer. When an actor gets up to leave a room,
the walk down the corridor can even be omitted with the follow
ing shot showing him already in, say, the hall. This is said to ac
tually produce a faster tempo.
Ozu, on the other hand, dislikes this speeding up process in
consecutive scenes, perhaps because he wants to reproduce the
pace ofdaily life without recourse to editing techniques. Of course,
his tempo is an aesthetically contrived one, with no trivial dis
tractions and a splendid rhythm added. In contrast to so-called
cinematic tempo, it is a creation in which time is beautifully ap
prehended in conformity with the physiology of daily occurrences.
The first film to portray the devastation wrought by the atomic ^97
bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a Nichiei doc
umentary made shortly after the blasts. Although the film was
supposed to have been confiscated by the U.S. Army and taken to
America, it later appears that the production staff had concealed
some of it. When this was shown in 1952, the year the Occupation
ended, many Japanese saw for the first time some of the effects
of the holocaust.
In the Occupation years it was strictly prohibited to criticize
America's role in the tragedy, and the only way the subject could
be broached in film was sentimentally, as in The Bells of Nagasaki
{Nagasaki no Kane, 1950), the first feature-length Japanese film
on the A-bomb, based on the best-selling memoirs of Dr. Takashi
g Nagai, a former professor at Nagasaki Medical College who died
^ of radiation-induced leukemia in 1951. Dr. Nagai was a Roman
^ Catholic who regarded the atomic blast as a heaven-sent trial to
be endured, and the film version concentrates on Dr. Nagai's
g own perseverance in the face of tragedy. Its director, Hideo Oba,
^ circumspectly presents the explosion through the eyes of young
^ evacuees, who see it as a mushroom cloud rising between distant
§ mountains. Thus, the extent of the devastation was avoided, as
w was any criticism of America for dropping the bombs. However,
2 this latter prohibition may not have been altogether necessary in
w postwar Japan since many Japanese shared the feeling that war
> is cruel, that the Japanese military committed various atrocities,
and that Japan was also to blame for starting the war.
While The Bells of Nagasaki attempted a faithful portrayal of a
human being's resolve in the face of approaching death, Tomo-
taka Tdisaksi's ril Never Forget the Song of Nagasaki [Nagasakino Uta
wa Wasureji^ 1952) was pure sentimental rubbish. The heroine
(Machiko Kyo), the beautiful daughter from a good family, is
blinded during the Nagasaki blast and consequently loathes all
Americans. Along comes a young American, symbolizing the
pilot who dropped the A-bomb, who is sincerely contrite and seeks
forgiveness. Eventually, she discards her hatred and falls in love
with him, a gesture that symbolizes forgiveness of him and of
The film, with its absurd theme of ''let's forget our grudge
about the Bomb," served only to embarrass the viewer. Its lack
of reality may be attributed to the director, who himself was a
victim of Hiroshima and had been hospitalized for a long time.
However, his major theme—complete and utter loyalty and hu
manism consisting of a deep love for one's countrymen—without
the ingredient of objectivity, quickly degenerates into shabby
submissiveness to one's fate. The film only too clearly revealed the
gullibility of some Japanese.
Japan's first, real anti-Bomb film was Children of the Atom Bomb
(Genbaku no Ko^ 1952), in which penitence is finally transcended,
and the director, Kaneto Shindo—through flashbacks of events
before and after the Hiroshima blast—paints a lyrical portrait of
the quiet endurance of the living. In no way a contrite, romantic
melodrama, Shindo raises, for the first time, the important issue
ofJapan's responsibility inforsaking the living victims ofthe holo- ^
caust. The film was released during the Korean War of 1950-53, w
when threat of another atomic bomb attack on North Korea or o
China loomed, but itwas not sufficiently powerful to start an anti- ^
Bomb movement. To fill this gap came Hideo Sekigawa's Hiro- ^
shima {Hiroshima, 1953) (which was financially backed by theJapan ^
Teachers' Union). §
Sekigawa strove to reconstruct, as faithfully as possible, the w
horror of the holocaust, and this contrivance was its chieffailing. ^
Despite memorable, tragic scenes, such as the one where scorched >
victims dive into the river for relief (later included in Alain g
Resnais's Hiroshima Mon Amour), on the whole it lacked the polish ^
of an artistic statement. Nevertheless, Sekigawa's simple, forth
right approach struck a responsive chord in many Japanese,
temporarily uniting them in their antiwar sentiments.
Hiroshima crystallized anti-Bomb sentiments better than Children
of the Atom Bomb, which changed the Bomb from a historical
to a present-day problem by raising the issue of the victims suf
fering from radiation sickness. This issue was also treated in several
later Japanese films, notably Tadashi Imai's A Story of Pure Love
and Fumio Kamei's documentaries, IPs Good That We're Still Alive
{Ikite Ite Tokatta, 1956) and The World Is Terrified {Sekai wa Kyofu
Suru, 1957), but due to their old-fashioned, run-of-the-mill approach
there is no way of ascertaining the directors' views of the signi
ficance of the Bomb.
Kurosawa deals directly with the significance of the Bomb in
Record of a Living Being by treating it for the first time as a psy- ^gg
chological force devastating human life from within, rather than
simply as an outer force of destruction. As mentioned in Chapter
Seven, the small entrepreneur was prevented from emigrating by
his family, and his resulting insanity could be considered the
degenerative end of his fear of the Bomb. Moreover, the family,
a primary source of spiritual strength for the Japanese, is first
devastated from within by dissension and later symbolically ruined
when its head, the father, goes mad.
Record of a Living Being can also be further interpreted in the
context of the nation. Kurosawa may have been questioning the
issue paradoxically: everyone fears an atomic holocaust but no
one wants to flee from it because of his attachment to his country.
Q Even in the face ofpossible annihilation ofthe human race, people
^ go about their business in the usual way. When offered the chance
^ to escape they may become aware of the situation but are thrown
in a quandary whether to leave or stay. Although Kurosawa does
g not state this theme explicitly, he seems to be saying that as long
^ as people are completely satisfied with life in their country, they
^ will not be able to come to grips with the issue of the Bomb.
§ Viewed in this light, Kurosawa does not necessarily—as stated in
w Chapter Seven—confuse the issue of the Bomb with a family prob-
2 lem. The latter only arises out of love for one's own country. The
w real confrontation for him is between nationalism and the terror
> of the Bomb.
The significance of the Bomb was also taken up by Kaneto
Shindo in Lucky Dragon No. 5 {Daigo Fukuryu-Maru^ 1959), based
on a real incident concerning a Japanese fishing crew con
taminated by fallout in the Bikini Islands. Shindo presents the
Bomb as a quiet menace that infiltrates our daily lives. While
Lucky Dragon No. 5 cannot be counted among his masterpieces,
it is a powerful work devoid of romantic embellishment and flashy
sensationalism of any kind. It is a simple, straightforward por
trayal of the struggle between human endeavor and the con
taminating influence of the Bomb—a struggle that can only
be won if all human beings work together. Later, Shindo again
depicts this struggle in Lost Sex, about a man who becomes im
potent as a result of atomic radiation.
The word rashamen is a derogatory term applied to a Japanese
woman who becomes the mistress of a Westerner. The modern
equivalent is onri (''only"), which in the immediate postwar period
referred to a Japanese woman who devoted her attentions to only
one GI. Joint American-Japanese productions turned out movies
about such love affairs frequently after the war. Sayonara (Marlon
Brando and Miiko Ko), Teahouse of the August Moon (Glenn
Ford and Machiko Kyo), and Flight from Ashiya (George Cha-
kiris and Eiko Taki) are the best-known examples. While they
were successful abroad, in Japan these films were miserable fail
ures. It was almost as if Japanese audiences felt sorry for the
Japanese men in such films. Hence, this kind ofjoint production ^
came to be called rashamen movies. g
Rashamen was indeed a fitting term because such films made o
Japanese viewers uneasy, bringing home the parallel that Japan's ^
relationship with America had probably been that of geisha and ^
patron. However, theJapanese themselves were not above making ^
similar movies subsequent to the Sino-Japanese War of 1937, and a §
perfect example is Vow in the Desert [Nessa no Chikai^ 1940). The w
hero of this, a Japanese engineer, ispart of the work force building ^
a road from Peking to Mongolia. Although he claims the road is ^
for the Chinese people, it is obviously intended for military g
use, and communist guerrillas are constantly attacking it. The g
engineer's sweetheart, the daughter of a rich Chinese in Peking,
tries to turn her people against these guerrillas by convincing them
of the good intentions of the Japanese. She was played by Yoshiko
Yamaguchi, a Japanese actress who went by the Chinese name of
Li Hsian-lan (or Ri Koran, as the Japanese pronounce it), whom
audiences of the time thought was Chinese. Her lead was the
famous nimaime-iy^t actor, Kazuo Hasegawa.
This love story between a Japanese man from the conquering
side and a Chinese woman from the conquered side symbolized
the need for cooperation. Moreover, it rationalized events because
it allowed the conqueror to think that because he loved the con
quered, no force had been used to bring about submission.
The conquered side, however, felt both the physical pain of losing
and the psychological pain of serving the conqueror. The old
concept of the man conquering the woman in sexual intercourse 201
may also have played a part here, revealing the strong hold of the
idea of male dominance despite modern ideas of sexual equality.
Other Japanese films dealing with the same theme but with
different renditions include Song of the White Orchid [Byakuran no
Uta, 1939), China Night [Shina no Yoru^ 1940), and SuchowNight {Soshu
no Torn, 1941). There was even one made about a Japanese man
and an Ainu woman—the equivalent of a love story between a
white settler and an Indian woman in an American cultural
setting. In postwar rashamen movies Japanese and American roles
were simply reversed, with the Americans on top instead of the
For some time after the war Japanese film producers also made
§ rashamen-X.y^^ movies ostensibly to promote goodwill between
^ America and Japan. One curious example is the previously
§ mentioned Pll Never Forget the Song ofNagasaki, Strangely enough,
for this film an ultra-right scriptwriter, Tsutomu Sawamura, who
§ had promoted militarism and praised the war effort in prewar
^ and war-time scripts, worked with the director Tomotaka Ta-
^ saka, whose artistic war-time masterpieces like Five Scouts and
§ Mud and Soldiers emphasized the human side ofJapanese soldiers,
w When these two made a thoughtful film about the Bomb, they
2 came up surprisingly with a love story between an American
w man and a Japanese woman. In effect, their submissive attitude
> toward the prewar Japanese military was simply transferred to
a postwar, powerful America. The film's sentimental message
was that America's guilt in the sufferings of the Japanese would
make America assume a soft attitude toward Japan. In other
words, it is like the petulant wife, who, after being soundly beaten
by her husband, feels his love for her even more. In this mas
ochistic way of bringing up the subject of the Bomb, it was thought
that America's love for Japan, which does not bear any grudges,
would increase.
That men with such masochistic dispositions could make
some of the best Japanese war movies is enough to shatter the
manly, military stereotype, one that is mainly propped up by
submissiveness. In this way a large number of loyal Japanese
militarists during the war became equally loyal pro-American sup
porters after the war. They had not seen the error of their ways,
202 they suddenly been converted to a new way of thinking;
rather, they were like the widow who will marry any man she can
After ril Never Forget the Song of Nagasaki this submissive stance
toward America vanished completely from Japanese films about
the atomic bomb, as did Japanese rashamen movies themselves in
the 1960s. In 1961 America turned the rashamen theme around in
Bridge to the Sun, about a Japanese diplomat (James Shigeta) who
marries an American girl (Carroll Baker). The hardships they
endure in war-time Japan are depicted realistically and Carroll
Baker cut a gallant figure in the fields in her mompe, baggy
pants worn by Japanese women during the war. The director,
Etienne Perrier, was a Belgian and an independent director in
France. From France also came Alain Resnais's Hiroshima Man ^
Amour, another film that reversed the rashamen model. S
Resnais's story concerns a French actress (Emmanuele Riva) o
who comes to Hiroshima to make an antiwar movie. Her love ^
aflfair there with a Japanese man (Eiji Okada) brings back painful ^
memories of her own war experiences. In both films the mature ^
presentation of the contact between two equal individuals from §
different cultures served to emphasize the unreality of typical w
rashamen movies, where the man supposedly comes from a superior ^
country and the woman from an inferior one. ^
Perhaps because Japan's relations with China in the 1940s g
and with America in the postwar years were unequal, Japanese g
films could only portray love stories like Vow in the Desert and
rashamen movies. Friendship between Japanese and Chinese or
Americans of the same sex on an equal basis still seems unreal to
Japanese audiences today, even though the young do not have
any inferiority complex toward Americans, and a love story
between an American man and a Japanese woman, albeit an
noying, still appears more real.
In Japanese films of the 1960s, three films appeared that re
versed the rashamen theme. While American movies continued to
depict Japanese-American friendship by a love story between a
Japanese woman and an American man, Japanese films reversed
the trend by pitying Americans instead of being pitied by them.
The first was Black Sun [Kuroi Taiyo, 1964) by Koreyoshi Kura-
hara, about the relationship between a Japanese youth and a
black American soldier. The Japanese, a jazz aficionado, admires 203
American blacks for their talent in jazz. He meets a black soldier,
a farm boy who knows nothing about modern jazz, and when
shown photos of black musicians, simply says, "Those guys are
really making it in white society." The young Japanese is disillu
sioned but gradually comes to feel friendship for the soldier. In
one scene the Japanese, who seems to be going mad, puts white
powder on the black's face and they parade through the streets like
chindonya, Japanese street musicians who advertise store openings
and the like. They are eventually chased by American MPs and
Japanese police, their common enemies, and this episode seals
their friendship.
The second divergence from the rashamen syndrome is Hiro-
g michi Horikawa's to the Gang in Moscow {Saraba Mosukuwa
^ Gurentaiy 1968), where jazz again becomes an important element.
§ The hero (Yuzo Kayama), a pianist and ex-impresario, occa-
sionally gets his old group together for a jam session in some hole-
§ in-the-wall coffee shop. One day a tall, lanky American arrives
^ with a letter of introduction from a mutual Japanese friend in
^ New York. The American is a soldier in Vietnam on leave in
§ Tokyo and since he can play the piano, Kayama lets him join
w their session. ''You're pretty good," he says, "but your jazz is a
Q monologue. True jazz has to be a dialogue." The American takes
w offense. "When it comes to jazz, an American should know more
> about it than you." The drummer in Kayama's group retaliates
that jazz is no longer the exclusive domain of Americans, and the
American leaves in a huff.
On a rainy day before the American is due in Vietnam, how
ever, he comes around again and asks Kayama to let him play.
Kayama complies, and after the American finishes Kayama
acknowledges the plaint of a certain anger and pain in his solo
performance and expounds on the philosophy of jazz. "Yeah.
. . . You rzzw do a solo dialogue with jazz. . . . You just answer
yourself. . . . That's what your performance was. . . . Don't
forget what you did today." The young American is deeply
moved, and bows politely and leaves.
A Japanese teaching an American is rarely depicted in postwar
Japanese movies. It is plausible here since the Japanese is a top
pianist and the American still a fledgling. However, without the
2Q4 background of the Vietnam War it would loseits reality for Japa
nese audiences. That war allowed the Japanese to discard their old
inferiority complex, even if they were not deluded into thinking
they were morally superior. When Kayama looks pityingly at the
American going to Vietnam, he shows the extent to which the
postwar Japanese have regained their self-confidence.
In the film Kayama goes to Moscow to introduce Japanese
jazz to the Soviets. There he makes the acquaintance of a Russian
youth alienated by Soviet oppression, who can only find relief
in playing his trumpet at a'cafe where he hangs out with the rest
of his gang. Kayama goes there and forms a trio with a bass-
playing American tourist he meets in Red Square and a Japanese
diplomat who plays the clarinet, and through their jam sessions
he teaches the Russian kids what jazz is all about and establishes >
international solidarity. w
While fairly sentimental, the film is nevertheless epoch-making o
for it allows a self-confident Japanese to pity a Vietnam-bound ^
American and a freedom-seeking Russian—and, by analogy, to ^
pity the two most powerful nations in the world. ^
The third example of the reversal of the rashamen theme is §
Yoshitaro Nomura's OA, Your Love! {Aa Kimi ga Ai, 1967). The w
story is about a young, respectable doctor and his older sister, ^
who had supported his education by working in an office in the ^
port of Yokosuka. One day the brother learns that his sister has g
an American boyfriend, a sailor, presently on duty off Korea, g
A .letter arrives from him and the sister asks her brother to read it
as it is in English. In the letter the sailor asks her to marry him;
however, her brother lies and says it is from a fellow sailor in
forming her that her sweetheart was killed in action. Later, in
order to convince her, the brother goes to the U.S. Naval Head
quarters and gets a fake notification from an officer who frowns
on fraternization between enlisted men and Japanese women.
Thereafter, his sister turns to the botde, ruining her health,
eventually having to convalesce in the country. Her brother sends
her money until one day, as if to expiate his guilt, he confesses
to a forgery, thereby ruining his future, and leaves the city to
live together with his sister.
Despite its melodramatic overtones a thought-provoking poli
tical analogy can be made from the film. The brother represents
progressive Japanese intellectuals who are humiliated by Japan's 205
subordinate and dependent position vis-a-vis America, rein
forced by the sister's affair with an American. The submissive
attitude beneath rashamen movies—and the feeling of the people
in general—is represented by the sister who does not care if people
look down on her for being a GI's girl since she is better off
through her relationship with him. Her humiliated brother adopts
an anti-American stance by forcibly severing her relations with
the American, resulting in his sister's misfortune. The only thing
he can do for her is to give up his successful career and take care
of her. The tragedy reflects Japan's political dilemma, its ambi
valent position vis-a-vis America. The author of the original
novel, Ayako Sono, seems to be posing the following question to
0 progressive Japanese intellectuals: ''I can recognize a justifiable
^ emotional basis for your anti-Americanism; however, are you
g really sure that if you came to power, the Japanese people would
be better off?" This analogy might be a bit strained, however,
§ because although the American sailor never makes an appearance,
he is supposed to be as pathetic as the sister and brother, not some-
^ one who can be relied on.
§ The Japanese, who had been pitied by Americans ever since
w the Occupation, are now pitying Americans. This may have
2 pleased many Japanese, but reality is sacrificed here because it is
w doubtful whether American soldiers were really that pathetic or
> whether Japanese gained moral superiority by pitying them.
Perhaps one could make friends with the frail, lanky American
soldier in Farewell to the Gang in Moscow \ however, that boy, with
tears in his eyes, is on his way to Vietnam to kill, and that in itself
makes him an unlikely object of pity.
Japanese films which depicted friendship for American sol
diers through pity are actually based on the premise of self-pity,
as in Farewell to the Gang in Moscow^ where the self-confident pianist
suffers from a nameless frustration and reveals that he is not so
sure of himselfafter all. These movies are attempts to linkJapanese
sentiments of alienation with the most alienated segments of the
American population. This can succeed if any feeling of superi
ority on the Japanese side is avoided, for friendship between
alienated Japanese and Americans could develop through anti-
establishment sentiments. An example is the warmth some Jap
anese felt for Vietnam deserters, or for the black American who
claimed on Japanese TV that the American authorities dropped
the Bomb on Hiroshima because the Japanese were not white,
and that the common enemy of blacks and Japanese alike is
white racism. When such feelings of friendship gradually spread
and solidify, the rashamen genre might become a thing of the past.
The attitude upholding this genre will not die overnight, how
ever, judging from the Japanese view of other Asian countries
with whom Japan is supposed to have friendly relations. Japan's
''friendship" for them has already been demonstrated in several
joint movie productions with Thailand or Hong Kong. Without
exception these films are love stories of a Japanese man and the
foremost beauty there. Their Japanese heroes do not care a fig
for Japanese women, and by offering their love to Thai or Chi- ^
nese women, reveal Japan's sincerity of intent toward Thailand w
or Hong Kong. However, these movies could also be postwar o
editions of Vow in the Desert, in which imperial Japan offered its ^
love to China. ^
An important transition period in Japanese film history occurre
in the late 1950s, signaled by a new approaeh to direction and filn
making. This was first apparent in Children in the Classroom {Kjn
shitsu no Kodomotachi, 1955), a short documentary made at Iw£
nami studios for the Ministry of Education. Its director, Susum
Hani, was relatively unknown then and its documentary-style (
presentation introduced a fresh approaeh to film. Critics applaude
this innovative piece of work, and the following year Han
who had beeome famous overnight, made a similar doeumentan
Children Who Draw Pictures [E o Kaku Kodomotachi, 1956), whic
was billed with a feature, a rare distinction.
These two reeords of classroom behavior may seem ordinar
today because Hani had anticipated the methods used in teh
vision and other documentaries. However, when they were re- §
leased, audiences were struck by how natural the children were, ^
leading one critic to assume that a camera had been hidden in q
another room for the filming. However, Hani had set up the ^
camera in the children's classroom, made friends with them, §
and they gradually overcame their nervousness and appeared ^
completely uninhibited in front of the camera. §
After this success Hani went on to make Bad Boys {Furyo Shonen^ ^
1961), a full-length feature about juvenile delinquents on the w
streets of Tokyo, in detention areas, and in reform schools. In it c3
Hani combined his new documentary style with the use of ama- p
teurs, even incorporating some of their own experiences. This
came about completely accidentally because one day the boys
did not bring their script and refused to say their lines as directed.
At this juncture Hani explained the situation they were filming
and asked the boys what they themselves would say. They re
sponded enthusiastically and determined their own lines, gestures,
and movements, which Hani then proceeded to incorporate.
The documentary impression was thereby strengthened, as
though Hani had filmed their actual behavior with a hidden
camera. Moreover, his camera angle was always perfect and he
gave equal weight to all the necessary shots, thus creating a feature
film with a refreshingly new texture.
In the feature and the short documentaries, Hani's main con
cern was not to project what was in the script but to reflect reality
as accurately as he could. (Film realists also share this love for
realism, but they usually resort to fictionalizing after choosing 209
what they consider to be "realistic images.") Hani's approach was
to use the ideas of the subjects themselves, nonprofessional per
formers, and not to rely solely on his own imagination. He did
not see himself as a director "ordering" his performers but as a
friend, and the camera simply caught the results. Since the recorded
happenings were imbued with an air of amiability and harmony,
some viewers were even disappointed at the lack of a harsher
aspect of reality. Nevertheless, until Bad Boys, human behavior
had never appeared so genuine in a feature film, and Hani used
this approach again with tribal black Africans in TheSongofBwana
Toshi [Buana Toshi no Uta, 1965).
Between Bad Boys and The Song of Bwana Toshi, Hani made a
g "pure" feature. She and He {Kanojo to Kare, 1963), in which the
^ main roles were played by professionals. As in his documentaries,
§ he still attempted to capture reality in all its complexity, even
down to the actual surprise he experienced while filming, present-
5 ing ambiguity as ambiguity while intimating that something very
important lay therein. The theme of She andHe is relatively simple,
^ a comparison between the desolation of human relations in a
§ modern apartment building and the closeness of the poor in a
w ragpickers' slum, and Hani made superb efforts to capture the
2 feeling of loneliness experienced by the apartment dwellers. The
w seemingly meaningless shots of the walls inside an apartment, the
> urban scenes, the daily conversations and activities of the char
acters all take on a fresh texture and seem to be telling the viewer
Before the filming Hani and his scriptwriter, Kunio Shimizu,
only had a general format, adding lines as they went along. Words
limit meaning, and Hani consciously avoids a theme that can be
conceptionally summarized by words. He focuses on presenting
feelings and desires themselves, for to him the essence of human
beings lies in those needs that cannot be verbalized—a new percep
A second important change in Japanese cinema of the late 1950s
was the birth of a new young hero and the development of a
lighter, faster tempo in editing, as shown by Yasuzo Masumura's
first three films, made in 1957: Kisses {Kuchizuke)^ A Cheerful
Girl [Aozora Musume), and Warm Current [Danryu), At the time of
2jq its release, film critics ignored Kisses because it seemed to con
form to the well-worn genre of films about youth [seishun eiga).
However, as was later evident, Masumura rejected the old for
mulas of the genre, and his hero was neither mild-mannered, ro
mantic, nor especially good-looking, but rather audacious and
perpetually angry. He was not the first Japanese version of the
angry young man—rich, profligate youths had to some extent
raised hell before him—but he was the most significant because
he was a poor boy from the masses. In contrast to previous youth
ful heroes, he gives vent to his frustrations through exaggerated
actions rather than through languishing melancholically, for
sympathy was the last thing he wanted. Thus, there are no at
mospheric props or sentimental effects in Kisses, and the young
hero is going to fulfill his thwarted needs through action alone. §
Adults who do not understand him are simply caricatured by the ^
director, who is announcing his desire to make new films for and o
with the younger generation. ^
The freshness in Kisses becomes all the more vivid in A Cheerful §
Girl, where it takes on the garb of light comedy. Then Masumura m
did a remake of Warm Current, Kozaburo Yoshimura's prewar §
masterpiece that had come to be regarded as a classic love story. ^
By increasing the tempo to the violent pitch of an action film, ^
however, Masumura succeeded in surprising the audiences and S
in making them laugh. The characters were neither foolish nor o
absurd, but as they all behaved so frankly and acted so openly,
the comic effect was further heightened. There was also a thrill
in their audacious frankness, as in the scene where the heroine
sees her boyfriend off at the crowded railway station and shouts,
"I don't care if I only become your mistress; Til still be waiting
for you."
The scriptwriter for Warm Current, as well as A Cheerful Girl, was
the relatively unknown newcomer, Yoshio Shirasaka. When he
joined forces with Masumura to produce such bold, iconoclastic
films, the viewing public had the premonition that a new age
had dawned in Japanese cinema. In 1958 the Masumura-Shira-
saka team came out with Giants and Toys {Kyojin to Gangu); Shohei
Imamura made his directorial debut with Stolen Desire and Endless
Desire [HateshiNaki Tokujo); and newcomers like Kihachi Okamoto
and Tadashi Sawashima were also attracting attention. All these
new directors favored active characters brimming with vitality, 21I
and adeptly depicted exaggerated action—close to that in
musicals—and a fast, energetic tempo. Their methods often
induced laughterfrom their audience and thus sharply contrasted
with the old directorial school, whose effects were emotional,
passive, and introspective.
At first these new directors had more common points than dif
ferences; however, each would later develop his own methodolo
gies. As for Masumura, this was already evident in Giants and
Toys, where the hero continually resists becoming a mere cog in
the mechanism of modern society. A sense of anguish already
begins to show through the laughter, and in his later films this
deepens together with the almost abnormal and wild behavior of
§ his characters—people trying to overcome adversity. Masumura
^ went on to portray people with stronger egos, and through
§ their apparently mad behavior, he forces Japanese viewers to
ponder about the true nature of human beings.
§ Masumura antagonized some critics who claimed that he sac-
rificed reality, emotion, and atmosphere for exaggerated be-
^ havior. He retaliated in an essay, saying that these qualities had
H been overvalued in Japanese film previously. In films with "re-
w ality," social pressures were delineated in detail, and while they
Q made the viewer aware of "the evils of society," they suggested
w only resignation. When the film-maker sympathized with this
> resignation and shed gentle tears over the defeated, his films were
praised for their "emotion" and "atmosphere." Masumura re
fused to recognize this denouement, stating that he ignored social
environment on purpose so as to portray people who act like
maniacs, thereby calling attention to the ego and expressing him
self by exaggerating it.
Masumura claimed that he had learned the above during his
study at the Centro Sperimentale in Rome some years before.
However, here it is worthwhile examining the influence of the
controversial "sun tribe" {taiyozoku) films which preceded Masu
mura and in which the ego was emphasized. The sun tribe re
ferred to teenagers who hung around beaches during the summer
vacation. They were made famous by novelist Shintaro Ishihara's
early works, three of which were made into movies in 1956:
Season of the Sun {Taiyo no Kisetsu), Punishment Room {Shokei no
212 Heya), and Crazed Fruit {Kurutta Kajitsu). All three films created
a stir because they were rather raw and lurid portrayals of the
delinquent behavior of rich, aimless youths, and many felt they
had a bad influence on the public at large. Consequently, tighter
censorship was considered necessary, and the Japanese Board of
Censors, Eirin, was forced to disassociate itself from the film
industry and become independent.
In those days Shintaro Ishihara's message seemed to be: rather
than worry about the whys and wherefores of society, first run wild
and steep yourself in life's intoxication. While Season of the Sun,
directed by Takumi Furukawa, was simply a timely expose of
juvenile delinquents. Punishment Room was a fairly powerful, orig
inal film, since director Kon Ichikawa appended a serious.
moral question lacking in Ishihara's novel—namely, how can the §
older generation cope with the aimless protest of the younger ^
generation? Crazed Fruit was the first really faithful adaptation, q
for director Ko Nakahira captured the sense ofintoxication ofthe ^
original and expressed Ishihara's premonition that these rich §
youths, who had been raised without restraints, were the harbin- w
gers of an age of rapid economic growth and free sex. §
In an essay entitled Is This a Breakthrough? The Modernists in ^
Japanese Cinema {^'^Sore wa toppako ka?Nihoneiga nokindaishugishatachi^''
Eiga July, 1958), NagisaOshima, an assistant director at the cS
time, summed up the reverberations of the ''sun tribe" films as o
follows: "In July, 1956 Ko Nakahira said that the sun tribe had
been praised in Season of the Sun and criticized in Punishment Room,
However, I had merely sneered at them until [his] Crazed Fruit
made its appearance. Then I felt that in the sound of the girl's
skirt being ripped and the hum of the motorboat slashing through
the older brother, sensitive people could hear the wails of a seagull
heralding a new age in Japanese cinema. In May of the following
year, 1957, Yoshio Shirasaka's script for The Betrothed {JVagasugita
Haru) portrayed healthy, rational youths. He proved that a
superbly written script can transcend the ability of a director and
determine the style of the film itself. I was then aware that people
could no longer talk about Japanese film if they continued to
ignore this new wave. In July, 1957, Yasuzo Masumura's Kisses
used a freely revolving camera to film the young lovers riding
around on a motorcycle. I felt now that the tide of a new age could
no longer be ignored by anyone, and that a powerful irresistible 213
force had arrived in Japanese cinema."
took place, and Cruel Story of Youth came to symbolize the anger of
college students who were against military ties with the U.S., an
apparent violation of their postwar constitution. Although The
Sun's Burial and Cruel Story of Youth were not directly connected
with this political struggle, they ignited all the latent feelings to
ward it—the initial excitement and the despair and resentment
that came with defeat.
The Sun's Burial was shot on location in Kamagasaki, Osaka's
biggest slum, which Oshima presents as a place where men bare
their fangs and fight like wolves with their fellow beings. The
story unfolds like a scroll painting of hell, with the director
saying: Rip away the facade of peaceful, modern Japan and you
will find a dog-eat-dog philosophy. At the same time, he exhibits
a romantic yearning for a situation in which human beings can
express the violent side of their natures, exhaust it, and plunge
suddenly into an abyss of annihilation. 217
This is a film where only the strong survive, and even the strong
perish at the slightest show of weakness. The dead are then dis
posed of as though they are insects. If there is a message here, it is
probably simply that human beings have to be strong. Each scene
is filled with Oshima's assurance that 'T am strong," and it is
extremely hard to tell whether he is self-confident or self-
The setting sun, photographed in red-orange tints, dominates
the screen, slowly sinking behind what seem to be the ruins and
black-market area of Kamagasaki in 1945. In that image of the
fat, setting sun I see Oshima's self-projection, as though he is
saying grandly and contentedly: 'T will shine to my utmost
g over this scene of tragic sorrow." Braced by such an expansive
^ feeling ofself-esteem, or conceit, he may have felt a heroic urge to
g tackle more difficult situations, and the result was Night and Fog
in Japan, which he began working on soon after.
§ The idea for Night and Fog in Japan ran outside the currents
^ of Japanese commercial films and was only considered by Sho-
^ chiku because of the failure of their traditional films compared
§ with the unorthodox hits. Cruel Story of Youth and The Sun's Burial.
w Oshima, it seemed, could save the situation, especially since his
Q projected film focuses on a political debate between students who
W had participated in the Anpo struggle of 1960. Although the inten-
> sity of those days had been replaced by calm, studio heads
estimated that a film portraying this recent, vivid event would
still be controversial, and Oshima was given permission to go
Night and Fog in Japan begins with the marriage of a couple
who became acquainted during the Anpo demonstrations a few
months earlier. At their reception a member of the Japanese Na
tional Student Organization {Z^ngakuren) gives a volatile speech
highlighting the internal dispute between the mainstream faction
of the student movement and the breakaway factions opposed to
its leadership. A heated debate ensues, and each person present
argues for his or her view on how the struggle should be waged
thereafter. The debate then takes an unexpected turn.
The groom, a newspaper reporter, had been an active member
of the student movement of 1952 against the Subversive Activities
22g Prevention Bill, a conservative measure aimed to stem the some
times violent leftist demonstrations of the day. (This bill was later
passed and is similar to the Anti-Riot Acts of America.) His former
comrades are also present at the wedding and, drawn into the
confrontation of the present-day students, they begin to revile the
internal tyranny and corruption of the student movement's Sta
linist leadership in the 1950s. An endless, violent exchange erupts
over common issues within the student movements of these two
The generation of university students who waged the Molotov
cocktail struggle in 1952 belongs to that of Oshima and his co-
scenarist, Toshiro Ishido. Their self-portraits are filled with
such emotion-packed, dialectical exchanges and the resentment
they express is so powerful that a screen parallel cannot be found §
anywhere else. ^
In his usual way Oshima used the journalistic and political q
approach rather than the artistic because he first mulled over what §
the most important statement he could make in 1960 would be §
and then produced an opportunity to deliver it. Most film-makers w
quietly brew one idea or theme and express it when they are sure of S
themselves. For Oshima, however, art is not born of meditation. ^
It is a product of intentional action in a state of tension, amid an ^
awareness of the full exertion of one's powers for the most urgent cS
issues. o
§ In the late 1960s a number of film-makers drew attention to the
w existence of alienated minorities by independently producing and
Q showing documentaries of their struggles. The most famous was
w Shinsuke Ogawa, who became an independent after refusing to
> make sponsored PR films. His first effort was Sea of Youth [Seinen
no Umiy 1965), a short documentary about some part-time students
who began a protest movement against retrogressive reforms
by the Ministry of Education. Capital was collected by the
students themselves, and the object of the production was achieved
when Ogawa took the film on tour and showed it to part-time stu
dent groups nationwide.
Ogawa became widely known as a result of his next documen
tary, The Oppressed Students {Ansatsu no Mori^ 1967), about the long,
bitter struggle of a small number of students who managed to
occupy school buildings at Takasaki College of Economics. Ogawa
later showed it at universities throughout the nation, and this
record of the actual fighting as well as the passion of the students
left a strong impression on viewers. In retrospect, it seems to have
been a preview of the university riots throughout Japan in the late
Ogawa also dug in with the farmers of Sanrizuka in Chiba
Prefecture against the expropriation of their land for the new
airport. He made Summer in Sanrizuka: The Front Line for the
Liberation of Japan [Nihon Kaiho Sensen—Sanrizuka no Natsu, 1968),
and over the next five years made five more feature-length docu
mentaries while living with the farmers.
Through these independent productions and showings, Ogawa
and others broke with precedent, for news in the past was made by
mass communication networks and distributed by them to the
general public. Since it cost money to come out with a big news
paper or to make films, people did not question this state of af
fairs. Only small newspapers and clublike little magazines—low-
cost operations—could form a ''mini communication network." O
However, if they dealt with news of a probing nature—too hot <
for the mass communication networks to handle—issue was g
taken with them and they could only be published through the g
strenuous efforts of a few people. w
In the 1960s, however, through Ogawa and others it became
possible to form a "mini communication network" through cine- g
ma, and since films could be shown to large audiences, this was a H
distinct improvement over the limited communication of a small
magazine. Furthermore, ordinary citizens could become journal-
ists by bringing their own cameras to a demonstration and re O
A Chronology
Edison's Kinetoscope is imported.
The Lumi^re brothers' Cinematographe and Edison's Vitascope are
imported. Films are shown in Japan with a narrator (henshi), a system
that continues until talkies replace silent movies.
The first Japanese films are shown. Performances by Kabuki actors
Danjuro Ichikawa and Kikugoro Onoe in Maple Viewing are recorded
on film, and this is the oldest extant Japanese film. It was shown to
the public four years later.
With the Boxer Rebellion in north China, the first newsreels are made.
The American movie Robinson Crusoe is imported, marking the first
public showing ofa feature-length film in Japan. 24g
The first permanent movie theater is built in Tokyo.
Newsreels of the Russo-Japanese War prove very popular.
Japanese film producers venture on extensive film tours of Southeast
Asia, with the result that the word nippon (Japan) comes to mean
"movies" in Thailand.
The first "color" movie, with color painted onto the film, is shown to
the public.
Osaka's first permanent movie theater is built.
§ 1908
^ A Kyoto Kabuki manager, Shozo Makino, begins making period
W drama movies with Kabuki actors. He nurtures so many superstars
H in that genre that he is dubbed its father,
a 1909
Matsunosuke Onoe, Japan's first movie star, appearing in over 1,000
^ films, makes his debut in Shozo Makino's Tadanobu Goban (Goban
^ Tadanobu). Onoe came from Kabuki and specialized in playing heroic
^ warrior roles.
g The French detective film ^igomar the Eelskin scores a big hit. Some
^ Japanese youths imitate its criminal behavior, leading to the begin-
> nings of a form of censorship.
The first major film company, Nikkatsu, is established, and the Jap
anese film industry begins mass production.
Several Japanese crime movies modeled on ^igomar the Eelskin are
The Japanese film Katusha, based on Tolstoy's Resurrection^ draws large
audiences. The heroine is played by the onnagata Teijiro Tachibana,
since film followed the theater in having men play all female roles.
Teinosuke Kinugasa, the renowned director, begins training as an
onnagata with a Shimpa troupe.
American action serials gain popularity.
2^q The Italian historical drama Cabiria is a big hit. Intellectuals still prefer
foreign to Japanese films, which attract the common people.
America's "Bluebird Movies,"sentimental lovestories centering around
farm life, win over Japanese audiences, as do Charlie Chaplin's films.
Sentimental contemporaryJapanese dramas (Shimpa) are alsopopular.
Norimasa Kaeriyama starts a reform movement with two experimental
films. The Glow of Life {Sei no Kagayaki) and Maid of the Deep Mountains
(Miyama no Otome), both of which he produced, wrote, and directed.
One of the movement's objectives is to replace onnagata with actresses,
another is to reduce the role of the benshi by inserting subtitles. The
more famous benshi would insist that studios make movies with long
shots so they could talk as much as they wanted, and this often an
gered directors who were trying to improve Japanese film technique
by increasing the tempo. Until then, as many as four benshi would de- ^
liver the lines in one movie. As benshi are more popular than movie g
stars, they cannot be dismissed so easily, and the practice ofone nar- g
rator per film is agreed on. The two movies by Kaeriyama encourage ^
young progressive film-makers and fans, but as films they are mereimi- ^
tations of Western models.
Griffith's Intolerance and Chaplin's A Dog's Life are hits. During World
War I, Italian, Swedish, and Danish films ceased to be imported,
American films taking their place. Japanese film is still immature and
scorned by Japanese intellectuals, but youths such as Ozu, who were
deeply impressed by American movies, come to lead a movement to
improve Japanese cinema.
Amateur Club (Amachua Kurabu), styled after American comedies, is pro
duced with Junichiro Tanizaki writing the script and former Holly
wood actor Thomas Kurihara directing. Japan's second major film
company, Shochiku, begins production. It uses actresses instead of
onnagata, and introduces new techniques under the guidance of former
Hollywood cameraman Henry Kotani. Nikkatsu also begins using
actresses, and onnagata vanish completely from the film world in a
few years.
Director Kaoru Osanai, a leading figure in Japanese theater who intro
duced modern European drama, forms a film research center, which
produces Japan's first artistic experimental work. Souls on the Road
{Rojo no Reikon). Although immature and imitative, two of the young
men involved—Minoru Murata and Yasujiro Shimazu—soon became
leading film directors and set a standard of artistic quality. 25f
Young period drama actors such as Tsumasaburo Bando appear in
film and are very popular. In contrast to Matsunosuke Onoe's formal
ized swordfighting style, Bando's is violent and fast. The characters
portrayed by Bando are not Kabuki heroes but nihilistic outlaws who
rebel against traditional society. These new heroes are well received
among the young and remain popular until the early 1930s, when
such films are suppressed. Sumiko Kurishima, who plays the leading
roles in Shochiku's sentimental dramas, is the first actress to attain star
Minoru Murata directs Seisaku's Wife, a tragic antiwar love story set
in a farming village.
§ 1925
^ Censorship by the Ministry ofthe Interior becomes standardized, with
W the objectives of maintaining the dignity of the imperial family and the
H authority of the military, ofexcluding leftist thought, and of cutting out
g kissing scenes and other "erotica." Even foreign news films on scandals
among European royalty are prohibited. In the late 1920s leftist movies
^ become popular but they are frequently cut so much they are unintelli-
I gible.
g 1926
^ Teinosuke Kinugasa directs one of his masterpieces, ACrazy Page, an
g avant-garde film about the delusions of the insane in a mental hospital.
^ While not a commercial success, its artistic level, comparable to foreign
> films, is encouraging. Swordfighting films {chambara) on the struggle
between the followers of the emperor and the shogunal supporters
just before the Meiji Restoration become popular and form the most
important genre of period drama until 1945. With the emperor's sup
porters shown as the "good guys," these films encouraged ultranation-
alism in the form of emperor worship. The Woman Who Touched the
Legs {Ashi ni Sawatta Onna), a successful, slightly erotic light comedy
modeled on American films, is made by Yutaka Abe, a former Holly
wood actor.
Abe's brand of American modernism becomes increasingly popular
with the release of The Five Women Around Him [Kare o Meguru Go-nin
no Onna), All three parts of Daisuke Ito's period drama, A Diary of
Chuji's Travels, become hits, as young movie-goers support its outlaw
hero (Denjiro Okochi) in his fight against the authorities.
252 lead,continues to make successful period dramas with Okochi as his main
among them the Sazen Tange series about a one-eyed, one-
armed nihilistic super samurai. Despite this, period dramas generally
endorse feudalistic thought. Pro Kino (standing for the Japan Prole
tarian Motion Picture League) gains support from progressive intellec
tuals, students, and film-makers. Founded by leftist film critics such as
Akira Iwasaki and Genju Sasa, it records May Day demonstrations and
strikes with 16 mm cameras. One screening at Yomiuri Auditorium in
Tokyo draws such a crowd that many are turned away, resulting
in an impromptu illegal demonstration.
At the Shochiku studio in Kamata on the outskirts of Tokyo, under
studio head Shiro Kido, directors such as Ozu, Shimazu, and Gosho
create the new filmgenre of "everyday realism" [shomingeki), portraying
the lives of common people with humor and pathos. Shochiku is dubbed >
"The Actress's Kingdom" because of the number of actresses, such g
as Kinuyo Tanaka, it fostered. Mizoguchi's leftist film Metropolitan g
Symphony {Tokai Kokyogaku), reputedly a masterpiece, is only shown ^
publicly after being severely cut by the censors.
Shigeyoshi Suzuki's leftist film What Made Her Do It? {Nani ga Kanojo
0 so Saseta ka) is a hit. The leftist movement is now at its peak and since
such films make money, the studios encourage their production.
Gosho's The Neighbor's Wife and Mine {Madamu to Nyobo), with a jazz
musical score, is Japan's first successful talkie. Political suppression puts
an end to Pro Kino and the popularity of leftist films wanes, while a
fad for militaristic movies starts.
The first golden age ofJapanese cinema begins. Ozu directs / Was Born
But. . . , depicting the servility of the petit bourgeoisie in times of
hardship. Such films on the lives of average city-dwellers gain pop
Ozu directs Passing Fancy, a masterpiece about the lives of the com
mon people.
Shimazu directs Our Neighbor Miss Tae {Tonarino Tae-chan), a master
piece of the "home drama" genre.
The third major film company, Toho (formerly PCL) starts operation.
One of its big stars of slapstick and musical comedies is Ken'ichi Eno-
moto (Enoken).
Hiroshi Shimizu directs Mr. Thank Tou {Arigato-san), the first of a series
of lyrical masterpieces shot in impromptu fashion entirely on location.
Mizoguchi's Osaka Elegy and Sisters of the Gion establish realism in
Japanese film. Mansaku Itami directs Kakita Akanishi{Akanishi Kakita),
a masterly intellectual comedy. Sadao Yamanaka directs Soshun
Kochiyama, a period drama rich in emotions. Ozu makes The Only Son,
an example of Japanese "neo-realism." Sotoji Kimura directs Older
Brother, Younger Sister (Ani Imoto), a powerful neo-realistic drama about
the love-hate relationship of a working-class brother and sister. Under
the Bureau of Propaganda many beautiful and poetic documentaries
are directed by Kozo Akutagawa in Manchuria, trying to justify its
colonization. The finest is Forbidden Jehol {Hikyo Nekka).
g 1937
^ With the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, the government de-
W mands the cooperation of the film industry and bans films depicting
H the military comically or the cruelty of battle realistically, or portray-
g ing "decadent" pleasure-seeking. These demands are unopposed as
leftist and liberal antiwar elements have already been suppressed.
^ Yamanaka makes Humanity and Paper Balloons, a pessimistic masterpiece
^ showing a samurai as a pathetic, servile man who is out ofwork.
W 1938
^ War movies are made in abundance. The first famous one is Tomota-
g ka Tasaka's Five Scouts, which wins a prizeat the Venice Film Festival.
^ Kajiro Yamamoto directs the semidocumentary Composition Class {Tsu-
> zurikata Kyoshitsu), a depiction of everyday life of the lower classes,
based on the compositions of a poor girl in primary school. Hisatora
Kumagai directs his period drama masterpiece The Abe Clan, examin
ing the samurai spirit. Tasaka makes A Pebble by the Wayside {Robo no
Ishi), about a poor youth fighting adversity. As the Sino-Japanese
War threatens to continue for some time, the government intensifies
its demands for more patriotic and nationalistic films to counter the
individualistic and liberal influence of American and European movies.
The Motion Picture Law is passed, placing the film industry com
pletely under government control until the end of the war in 1945. All
scripts have to be passed by censors, and actors and directors have to
take an examination for a license to work. Mikio Naruse directs The
Whole Family Works, a low-key realistic treatment of the hardships of
the working class. Hiroshi Shimizu makes Four Seasons of Children {Ko-
domo no Shiki), the best lyrical film about country children. Kozaburo
Yoshimura's Warm Current is favorably received and students especially
are moved by his modern. Westernized version of romantic love. In
Earth, Tomu Uchida realistically depicts the lives of the poorest farm
ers. Mizoguchi directs The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, the tragedy
of a woman in the feudalistic world of Kabuki.
Fumio Kamei directs the documentary Fighting Soldiers, superficially
in support of the war efTort. When the censors note its antiwar ideas,
Toho withdraws it and Kamei is arrested the following year. Shiro
Toyoda directs Spring on Lepers' Island {Kojima no Haru), about a woman
doctor's devotion to her leper patients.
With the start of the Pacific War, all American and European (except
German) films are banned. Kajiro Yamamoto makes Horse {Uma),
a beautiful, poetic portrayal of country life, part ofit directed by his ^
assistant, Akira Kurosawa. Yamamoto had arranged for the Imperial ^
Army to order his studio to make it, and in return he provides a pa- g
triotic movie, in which the colt raised by a poor farm girl becomes an ^
army horse in the end.
In The War at Seafrom Hawaii to Malaya^ a '^National Policy Film,"
Yamamoto makes heroes of the pilots who attacked Pearl Harbor.
Kurosawa directs his first film, Sanshiro Sugata. Hiroshi Inagaki directs
The Life of Matsu the Untamed^ one of the most humanistic war-time
films. A 1958 remake of it later wins the Venice Film Festival's Grand
The subject matter of all films is the war effort.
Defeat. Lack of equipment results in the film industry being very
inactive. Motion picture companies are placed under the Occupation
forces, which prohibit films with themes of revenge or antidemocratic
As swordfighting scenes are banned, the superstars of period dramas
begin brandishing pistols instead of swords in movies modeled on
American gangster movies. Kissing scenes, encouraged by the Occu
pation forces, are very popular. Fumio Kamei's A Japanese Tragedy
{Nihon no Higeki), a documentary criticizing the imperial system, is
confiscated. But the Occupation censors' most urgent concern lies in
preventing the public from knowing the extent of the damage of the
atomic bomb explosions. Labor disputes occur in every motion picture
company. At Toho the union is strong enough to obtain the right to
participate in film planning and almost to have the studios under its
own management. Thus only a few powerful works were made there,
such as Kurosawa's somewhat leftist film JVo Regretsfor Our Touth, and
production of B-grade entertainment movies virtually ceases. Some at
Toho opposed the union and broke away to form a new company called
Shin Toho.
Toho continues under the control of the labor union and works of "demo
cratic enlightenment" are produced, for example, Kinugasa's Actress.
Toho's management tries to dismiss a number of union members, a
strike ensues, and union members occupy the studios. To disperse them.
Q both the police and the U.S. Army are mobilized, the latterusing tanks
^ and airplanes, and the union is defeated and its leaders driven from
W Toho. The U.S. motive may have been that the Toho union was one
H of the most powerful bases of the Japanese Communist Party, which
g had developed rapidly with the end of the war. The cold war era
was beginning, and it was probably a necessary show of suppressing
^ unions influenced by the Communist Party. The strike and its result led
^ the public to believe the U.S. Army would forcibly crush a leftist
^ movement. During this year, the harsh realities of postwar Japan
^ are depicted in the following: Kurosawa's Drunken Angel; Mizoguchi's
g Women of the Might; Shimizu's Children of the Beehive {Hachi no Su no
^ Kodomotachi); and Ozu's A Hen in the Wind. Inagaki directs Children
> Hand-in-Hand {Te o Tsunagu Kora), a masterpiece on the education of
the mentally retarded.
Ozu directs Late Spring, a masterpiece on the peaceful life of a middle-
class family that makes audiences feel for the first time that peace has
finally come to Japan.
Tadashi Imai directs Until the Day We Meet Again, the first successful
antiwar movie. Melodramas showing maternal love and sacrifice
{haha mono) become popular. Kurosawa directs Rashomon, an innovative
period drama with sexual and psychological themes and avant-garde
techniques. The Korean War begins. SCAP headquarters orders the
major motion picture companies to expel all communists and commu
nist sympathizers. Film-makers such as Kamei, Imai, Gosho, Satsuo
Yamamoto lose their jobs in this red purge.
Film-makers dismissed in the Toho labor dispute and the red purge
form independent production companies and begin making movies
again. The first is Imai's And Tet WeLive, which was strongly influenced
by De Sica's Bicycle Thieves. Rashomon wins the Grand Prix at the
Venice Film Festival, the first time a Japanese film becomes known in
ternationally. Mikio Naruse directs Repast(Meshi), a masterpiece on the
home life of a clerk and his wife. With Japanese Fuji color film, Kei-
suke Kinoshita makes Carmen Comes Home {Karumen Kokyo ni Kaeru),
Japan's first feature-length color movie.
The second golden age of Japanese cinema begins with the release of
masterpieces such as Mizoguchi's The Life of Oharu, Kurosawa's Ikiru,
and Naruse's Mother. The Occupation ends, and the theme of revenge
is immediately restored to period drama, as well as plenty of sword-
fighting scenes. Most representative ofthis is Masahiro Makino's Jiro- ^
cho: The Record of Three Provinces series of nine films made from 1952 g
to 1954. In Children of the Atom Bomb, Kaneto Shindo treats a pre- g
viously taboo subject. ^
Imai is invited to make a film at a major studio; the resultant antiwar
movie about high school girls who die in the battle for Okinawa, The
Tower of Lilies, is a big hit. Mizoguchi's Ugetsu and Ozu's Tokyo Story
are made. The love melodrama What Is Tour Name? establishes a new
box-office record. In Before Dawn {Toake mae) Yoshimura presents the
Meiji Restoration from the viewpoint of the common people, with the
hero going insane when he realizes the new government will not neces
sarily bring happiness to the masses.
Kinoshita's The Garden of Women depicts the struggle against the feudal
structure of a woman's college; he follows it with his great success.
Twenty-four Eyes, a sentimental pacifist film. Kurosawa makes Seven
Samurai, one of the greatest period dramas. Yoshimura's masterpiece
Cape Ashizuri {Ashizuri Misaki) portrays youths in the gloomy prewar
period. Naruse directs Late Chrysanthemum {Bangiku), a masterful drama
on the psychology of middle-aged women. Mizoguchi makes Sansho the
Bailiff, based on a medieval Japanese legend. The monster film God
zilla {Gojira) is a big hit and becomes a series.
Two masterpieces about a woman's steadfast love for a worthless man
—Naruse's Floating Clouds and Toyoda's Marital Relations [MeotoZ^nzai)
—are criticized by progressive critics as being "retrogressive." Tomu
Uchida directs A Bloody Spear at Mt. Fuji, a fine period drama with
lyricism, humor, and violent emotion. Kinoshita directs Tou Were Like
a Wild Chrysanthemum [Nogiku no Gotoki Kimi Nariki), a beautiful and
nostalgic love story. In Record of a Living Being, Kurosawa looks at the
possibility of nuclear war. Gosho directs Growing Up (Take-kurabe),
a nostalgic film about Meiji Japan.
Kon Ichikawa directs Harp of Burma {Biruma no Tategoto), an antiwar
film with a religious theme. In Darkness at Noon Imai takes up a mur
der trial in progress, attacks the court for its judgment, and both
the trial and the film become social issues. The defendants are even
tually found not guilty. Thereafter criticism of the courts, previously
taboo, was pursued. A series of successful movies is made on the de
linquent behavior of the "sun tribe," based on the sensational works
of the young novelist Shintaro Ishihara. Although some public opinion
g against these films is strong, their popularity continues and they be-
^ come an established genre, replacing love melodramas, which had
H been the most popular genre previously.
w The most profitable movies are the period dramas made by Toei, a
^ company that turned swordfighting scenes into spectaculars with such
^ box-office success thatToei becomes ona par with themajor film studios.
^ Kurosawa makes Throne ofBlood, a period drama based on Macbeth
W that includes Noh modes of expression. Miyoji leki directs Stepbrothers,
a criticism of the feudalistic nature of a military household in prewar
g Japan. Yuzo Kawashima's Sun Legend ofthe Shogunate's Last Days {Baku-
W matsu Taiyo Den) adds a new depth to traditional humor.
> 1958
Yasuzo Masumura directs Giants and Toys, a satirical comedy about the
senseless competition among Japanese businessmen. Yujiro Ishihara
becomes popular as a James Dean-type of rebellious youth; in the 1960s,
he is the leading star. In this year the average Japanese went to twelve
or thirteen movies, an all-time record. The Japanese film market is
monopolized by the six major studios—^Toho, Shochiku, Daiei, Shin
Toho, Nikkatsu, and Toei—each producing about one hundred films
Parts 1 and 2 of Masaki Kobayashi's The Human Condition, a tragedy
set in Manchuria during the latter part of World War II, are released.
When Part 6 is completed in 1961, it becomes the longest Japanese
film, with a total running time of about nine hours. Nobuo Nakagawa
directs The Totsuya Ghost Story on the Tokaido {Tokaido Totsuya Kaidan),
based on the classic thriller. Kon Ichikawa directs Fires on the Plain
An Interpretive Biography
by Gregory Barrett
Aa Kimi ga Ai, see O/i, Your Love! Ani to Sono Imoto, see Brother and His
Abe Clan, The (Abe Ichizoku), 46-47, 254 Younger Sister, A
Abe Ichizoku, see Abe Clan, The Annular Eclipse (Kinkanshoku), 262
Abe Yutaka, 101, 252 Ansatsu, see Assassination
A Bout de Souffle, see Breathless Ansatsu no Mori, see Oppressed Students,
Account of the Chivalrous Commoners of The
Japan, An (Nihon Kyokaku-den), 222 anti-war films, 22, 105, 108-09,
Actress (JoyuJ, 91, 255 112-13, 235, 256, 257
AdauchiSenshu, see Revenge Champion, The Antonioni, M., 229
Affair, The (Joen), 98 Aoi Sammyaku, see Blue Mountains
Ageof Irresponsibility in Japan, The ( Nip Aozora Musume, see Cheerful Girl, A
pon Musekinin Jidai), 259 Arega Minato no Hi Da, see Pan Chopali
Ahen Senso, see Opium War, The Arigato-san, see Mr. Thank You
Ai no Koriida, see Realm of the Senses, The Army (Rikugun), 104, 105, 109
Ai to Kibo no Machi, see Town of Love and Asaoka Ruriko, 87
Hope, A Ashi ni Sawatta Onna, see Woman Who
Aizen Katsura, see Compassionate Buddha Touched the Legs, The
Tree, The Ashizuri Misaki, see Cape Ashizuri
Akahige, see Red Beard Assassination (Ansatsu), 260
Akai Satsui, see Intentions of Murder atom bomb films, 197-200
Akai Tenshi, see Red Angel, The Atsumi Kiyoshi, 243; pis. 57, 58
Akanishi Kakita, see Kakita Akanishi authoritarianism, 263, 264, 266, 267,
Akasen Chitai, see Street of Shame 273
Akizu Hot Springs (Akizu Onsen^,91 -92,
98, 231, 259 Bad Boys (FuryoShonen), 209, 259; pi. 51
Akizu Onsen, see Akizu Hot Springs Bad Sleep Well, The (Warui Yatsu Hodo
Akutagawa Kozo, 253 Yoku Nemuru), 120, 122
All Is Quiet (Shizuka Nari), 124-26 Baker, Carroll, 202
"All the Earth Is Our Family," 87-88 Bakumatsu Taiyo Den,see SunLegend ofthe
All the King's Men, 36 Shogunate's Last Days
Amachua Kurabu, see Amateur Club Bakushu, see Early Summer
cynA Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, see Shiro Toki- Band of Assassins, A (Shinobi no Mono),
^ sada from Amakusa 259
Amateur Club (Amachua Kurabu), 251 Band of Assassins, H, A (Zoku Shinobi no
America: American-Japanese relations, Mono), 175
82, 197-207, 232, 259, 261; Anpo or BandoTsumasaburo, 19, 26-27, 39,45,
Security Treaty struggle, 217-18; as 251; pi. 8
villain, 164-65; influence of Amer Bangiku, see Late Chrysanthemum
ican movies, 32-37, 186, 250, 251, Banshun, see Late Spring
252, 254; Occupation (1945-52), 26, Barker, The, 33
27,35-37,44-45,104,165, 197,255, Battle at Kawanakajima, The (Kawanaka-
256, 264-65 jima Kassen), 43
America, America, 133 Battles without Honor and Humanity series
Ameyuki-san, 270 (Jingi Naki Tatakai), 242-43, 261
Anderson, Joseph, 11 Beautiful Yoshiwara and the Murder of
Ando Noboru, 53 Hundreds (Hana noYoshiwara Hyakunin
And Yet We Live (Dokkoi Ikiteiru), 107, Giri), 54, 55-56
256 Before Dawn (Yoake mae), 257
Ani Imoto, see Older Brother, Younger Sister Belle, The (Reijin), 161-62
BellsofNagasaki, The( NagasakinoKane), Kaeru), 256
197-98 Carmen's Pure Love (Karumen Junjosu),
benshi (silent movie narrator), 249, 105-6, 108, 113; pi. 28 W
250-51 Catch, The (Shiiku), 220
Bergman, Ingmar, 229 censorship, 26, 32, 35-36, 44-45, 76,
Betrothed, The (Nagasugita Haruj, 213 100-1, 104, 162, 197, 212, 229, 250,
Bicycle Thieves, 136, 256 252, 253, 254, 255, 262
Big- Time GamblingBoss (Socho Tobaku), Ceremony, The (Gishiki), 261
260 Chakiris, George, 200
Biruma no Tategoto, see Harp of Burma Champ, The, 33
Bitter SpiritjImmortal Love, The (Eien no Chaplin, Charlie, 250, 251
Hito), 241 Cheerjul Girl, A (Aozora Musume), 210,
Black Snow (Kuroi Yuki), 232 211
Black Sun (Kuroi Taiyo), 203 Chichi Ariki, see There Was a Father
Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji, A (Chiyari Chikamatsu Monogatari, see Story from
Fuji), 54-55, 257; pi. 16 Chikamatsu, A
"Bluebird Movies," 250 Chikamatsu Monzaemon, 114
Blue Mountains (Aoi Sammyaku), 74, 107 Chikuzan Hitori Tabi, see Solitary Travels
Bock, Audie, 11 of Chikuzan, The
Bonchi, (Bonchi), 90 Children Hand-in-Hand (Teo Tsunagu Ko-
Boro no Kesshitai, see Suicide Troops of the ra), 256
Watchtower, The Children in the Classroom (Kyoshitsuno Ko-
Boryoku no Machi, see Street of Violence domotachi), 208-9
Borzage, Frank, 32 ChildrenoftheAtomBomb(GenbakunoKo),
Boy Who SoldHis Pigeon, The,see Townof 198-99, 257; pis. 48-49
Love and Hope, A Children of the Beehive (Hachi no Su no
Brando, Marlon, 200 Kodomotachi), 256
Breathless (A Bout de Souffle), 216 Children Who Draw Pictures (F o Kaku
Brecht, Berthold, 227 Kodomotachi), 208-9
Bridge to the Sun, 202, 203 China Night (Shina no Yoru), 20\
Broken Drum ( Yabure-daiko), 133 Chi no Mure, see Swarming Farth, The
Brother and His Younger Sister, A (Ani to Chiyari Fuji, see Bloody Spear at Mount
Sono Imoto), 74-75, 140 Fuji, A
Brothers andSisters ofthe TodaFamily, The Chuji Kunisada (Kunisada Chuji), 39
( Toda-ke noKyodai),S9, 138, 139, 141 Chuji Tabi Nikki, see Diary of Chuji's
Buana Toshi no Uta, see Song of Bwana Travels, A
Toshi, The Chushingura, 45, 48
Bunraku puppet theater, 180, 181 cinematic techniques, 12, 19, 20-21,
Bunuel, L., 229 29-30, 32, 39, 54, 55, 79, 116, 117,
Burch, Nod, 11,12 275
118, 178-196, 208-9, 210, 211, 213,
Bushido, 16, 41, 44-51, 222 216-17, 221-22, 223, 226-27, 249,
Bushido—SamuraiSaga (BushidoZankoku 250-51
Monogatari), 172 Civilization, 33
Bushido Zankoku Monogatari, see Bushi Clothes of Deception (Itsuwareru Seiso), 90
do—Samurai Saga communism, 8-9, 40, 107, 110, 122,
Buta to Gunkan, see Pigs and Battleships 223, 256, 264, 265, 266, 267
Byakuran no Uta, see Song of the White Company Presidentseries (Shachoshirizu),
Orchid 163
Compassionate Buddha Tree, The (Aizen
Cabiria, 250 Katsura), 23-24, 74, 241; pi. 6
Call of Distant Mountains, The (Haru- Composition Class ( Tsuzurikata Kyoshitsu),
kanaru Yama no Yobigoe), 243, 244; pi. 254
59 contemporary drama films, 19-20, 21,
Cape Ashizuri (Ashizuri Misaki), 257 23-27, 31, 121, 133, 250
Capra, Frank, 32 Cooper, Gary, 18
Carmen Comes Home (Karumen Kokyo ni Crazed Fruit (Kurutta Kajitsu), 212, 213
a Crazy Page, A (Kurutta Ippeiji), 8, 252; Earth (Tsuchi), 55, 162, 254
pi. 1 Easy Rider, 43
critical realism films, 55, 162 Echigo Tsutsuishi Oya Shirazu, see Story
CruelStory of Youth (Seishun Zankoku Mo- jrom Echigo, A
H nogatari), 177, 215-17, 218, 230, 258 Echo School (Yamabiko Gakko), 107
economy: "double structure," 165-66,
Daibosatsu Toge, see Great Bodhisattva 167-69, 170-71; labor, 165-71,
Pass, The 255-56; postwar recovery, 26, 37,
Daigo Fukuryu-Maru, see Lucky Dragon 91-92, 118, 163-64, 213, 240-41,
No. 5 259, 263
IW Dai Satsujin, see Great Melee, The Edison, Thomas Alva, 249
Dakine no Nagadosu, see Sleeping with a Eien no Hito, see Bitter Spirit!Immortal
W Long Sword Love, The
Danryu, see Warm Current Eisenstein's montage theory, 32
Darkness at Noon (Mahiru no Ankoku), elitism, 268, 269
108, 162-63, 171, 235, 257 Embryo Hunts in Secret, The (Taiji ga
> Death by Hanging (Koshikei), 172-73, Mitsuryo Suru Toki), 232
174, 177, 230, 260; pi. 41 EndlessDesire (Hateshi Naki Yokujo),211
Dekigokoro, see Passing Fancy End of Summer, The (Kohayagawa-ke no
democracy: Taisho (1912-26), 40-41, Aki), 190, 191-92
94; postwar, 35-37, 104, 162-64, Enemy of thePeople, An (Minshu no Teki),
225, 247 105
"democratic" films, 104, 105, 107, 108, Enoken, see Enomoto Ken'ichi
255 Enomoto Ken'ichi (Enoken), 253
Den'en ni Shisu, see Pastoral Hide and Seek Enrai, see Distant Thunder
Dersu Uzala (Dersu Uzala), 28, 123 E 0 Kaku Kodomotachi, see Children Who
De Sica, Vittorio, 136, 256 Draw Pictures
Desperado Outpost (Dokuritsu Gurentai)^ Epitome (Shukuzu), 81
258 ErosPlus Massacre(Erosu Purasu Gyakusa-
De Vos, George A., 263-64, 272 tsu), 93-99, 231, 261; pi. 24
Diary ofa Shinjuku Thief (Shinjuku Dorobo Erosu Purasu Gyakusatsu, see Eros Plus
Nikki), 177, 261 Massacre
Diary of Chuji's Travels, A (Chuji Tabi Eternal Rainbow, The (Kono Ten no Niji),
Nikki), 39, 252 106, 165-67, 168, 169-70; pi. 42
Distant Thunder (Enrai), 262 Etsuraku, see Pleasures of the Flesh
Docks of New York, The, 32
documentaries, 197, 208, 209, 220, Family, The (Kazoku), 243
236-37, 238-39, 253, 254, 255, 260, Farewell to the Gang in Moscow (Saraba
261 Mosukuwa Gurentai), 203-5, 206
276 Fellini, Federico, 118, 229
Dog's Life, ^,251
Dokkoi Ikiteiru, see And Yet We Live "feminine culture," 271-73
Dokuritsu Gurentai, see Desperado Outpost Festival Across the Sea (Umi o Wataru
Dolce Vita, La, 118 Sairei), 43
Doro no Kawa, sec Muddy River feudal ideas and sentiments, 11, 23, 26,
Double Suicide (Shinju Ten no Amijima), 38, 126, 132, 134, 180, 245, 246
232, 261 FightingSoldiers (Tatakau Heitai), 100-
Double Suicide at Sonezaki (Sonezaki 1, 254
Shinju), 262 Fires on the Plain (Nobi), 258
DownfallofOsen, The ( Orizuru Osenj, 179 Five Scouts (Gonin no Sekkohei), 101-2,
Drum ofthe WavesofHorikawa, The ( Hori- 202, 254
kawa Nami no Tsuzumi), 114 Five Women Around Him, The (Kare o
DrunkenAngel ( Yoidore Tenshi), 120-21, Meguru Go-nin no Onna), 252
127, 130, 256; pi. 34 Flaming Sky (Moyuru Ozora), 101
Flavor of Green Tea over Rice, The (Ocha-
Early Spring (Soshun), 137, 190 zuke no Aji), 101, 138
Early Summer (Bakushu), 187 Flight Jrom Ashiya, 200
Floating Clouds (Ukigumo), 92, 93, 257; Grapes of Wrath, The, 36
pL 23 Graveyard of Honor and Humanity, The O
Flower Cards Match (HanafudaShobu), 75, W
( n o Hakaba), 262 X
76, 77, 78 Great Bodhisattva Pass, The (Daibosatsu
Forbidden Jehol (Hikyo Nekka), 253 Toge),play, 39, 40; movie, 54, 55; pi.
Ford, Glenn, 200 10
foreign film influence, 31-37, 250-51, Great Melee, The (Dai Satsujin), 260
254 Great White Tower, The (Shiroi Kyoto),
Forgotten Imperial Army, The (Wasure- 163, 175
rareta Kogun)^ 220 Griffith, D. W., 33, 251
Four-and-a-Half-MatRoom inBack—Soft, Growing Up ( Take-kurabe), 257
Secret Skin, The (Yojohan Fusuma no Gyangu Domei, see League of Gangsters
Urabari—Shinobi Hada), 245, 261; pi.
60 HachinoSu noKodomotachi, see Children of
FourSeasons ofChildren( Kodomo noShiki), the Beehive
254 Hadaka no Shima, see Island, The
Fuefukigawa, see River Fuefuki, The Hahako-gusa, see Mother-and-Child Grass
Fuji Junko, 75; pi. 15 Haha o Kowazu-ya, see Mother ShouldBe
Fujimura Shiho, 89 Loved, A
Fukasaku Kinji, 164, 165, 242, 261, 262 Hakuchi, see Idiot, The
Fukuda Eiko, 23 Hakuchu no Torima, see Violence at Noon
Fukushu Suruwa WareniAri,see Revenge Is Hanafuda Shobu, see Flower Cards Match
for Us Hana no Shogai, see Glorious Life, A
Furukawa Takumi, 212 Hana no Yoshiwara Hyakunin Giri, see
Furyo Shonen, see Bad Boys Beautiful Yoshiwara and the Murder of
Gabin, Jean, 18 Hani Susumu, 208-10, 229, 230-31,
Gable, Clark, 18 259
Garden of Women, The (Onna no Sono), Harakiri (Seppuku), 48-49, 259; pi. 13
106, 162-63, 257 Hara Setsuko, 88-89, 90, 91, 126, 139;
geido mono (films about traditional per pis. 22, 33
forming arts), 179, 180 Harp of Burma (Biruma no Tategoto),2bl
Genbaku no Ko, see Children of the Atom Harukanaru Yama no Yobigoe, see Call of
Bomb Distant Mountains, The
Gendaijin, see Moderns, The Hasebe Keiji, 83
Genealogy of Women (Onna Keizu), 222 Hasegawa Kazuhiko, 262
genre, see under name of each genre Hasegawa Kazuo, 24, 201
Genroku Chushingura, see Loyal47 Ronin of Hasegawa Shin, 42
the Genroku Era, The Hashi no Nai Kawa, see River without a
Gentleman's Agreement, 36 277
Giants and Toys (Kyojin to Gangu), 211, Hashimoto Shin, 108
258 Hataraku Ikka, see Whole Family Works,
Gion no Shimai, see Sisters of the Gion The
Gishiki, see Ceremony, The Hateshi Naki Yokujo, see Endless Desire
Glorious Life, A (Hana no Shogai), 259 Hatsukoi Jigoku-hen, see Inferno of First
Glow of Life, The (Sei no Kagayaki), 250 Love, The
Goban Tadanobu, see Tadanobu Goban Hawaii-Marei Oki Kaisen, see War at Sea
Godard, Jean-Luc, 216, 229 from Hawaii to Malaya, The
Godzilla (Gojira) , 257 Hayakawa Sessue, 19
Gojira, see Godzilla Head (Kubi), 163
Gonin no Sekkohei, see Five Scouts Heat Shimmer Theater (Kageroza), 262
Good Morning (Ohayo), 137 Hen in the Wind, A (Kaze no Naka no
Gosho Heinosuke, 139, 252-53, 256, Mendori), 142, 188, 256
257 Her Brother (Ototoj, 91, 258
Goulding, Edmund, 32 HereIs a Spring(KokoniIzumiAri^,107-8
Grand Hotel, 32 Hibotan Bakuto, see Red Peony Gambler,
o The Ikeuchi Junko, 91
c Hidari Sachiko, 262; pis. 43, 54 Ikimono no Kiroku, see Record of a Living
High and Low (Tengoku to Jigoku), 120, Being
w 121, 122, 130 Ikiru (Ikiru), 28-29, 116-20, 121, 123,
H Hikyo Nekka, see Forbidden Jehol 127-29, 130, 173, 235, 256; pi. 32
Himeyuri no To^ see Tower of Lilies, The Ikite Ite Yokatta, see It's Good That We're
Hi no Kuni no Onna, see Womanfrom the Still Alive
Land of Fire I'll Never Forget the Song of Nagasaki
> Hiroshima (Hiroshima), 199 (Nagasaki no Uta wa Wasureji), 198,
> Hiroshima Mon Amour, 199, 203 202
His Butler's Sister, 36 Imai Tadashi, 8, 105, 107-9, 114, 115,
C/i Hishakaku (Hishakaku), pi. 14 162,171-72, 199, 223, 235, 256, 257,
W historical films (rekishi mono), 43 266
History (Rekishi), 43 Imamura Shohei, 78, 81-87, 114, 192,
History of Postwar Japan as Told bya Bar 211,229,230,246,259,260,261, 262
§ Hostess (Nippon Sengo Shi: Madamu Impasse (Honoho to Onna), 98
> Omboro no Seikatsu), 114, 261 Inagaki Hiroshi, 8, 26, 27, 43, 255, 256
Hitori Musuko, see Only Son, The Inazuma, see Lightning
Hizakurige, see Shank's Mare independent film movements, 107, 220,
Hochschild, Arlie, 272 238-39, 246, 252, 256, 258-59,
Hokori Takaki Chosen, see Proud Challenge, 260-61
The InfernoofFirst Love, The(HatsukoiJigoku-
Home (Kokyo), 243 hen), 230-31
"home drama" films (centering around Innes, Thomas H., 33
a family), 139-44, 192-93, 236, 253 Insect Woman, The (Nippon Konchuki),
Honno, see Lost Sex 83-84, 114, 230, 260; pi. 54
Honoho to Onna, see Impasse Intentions of Murder (Akai Satsui), 84-85,
Horde of Drunken Knights, A (Yoidore 86, 230, 260; pi. 20
Hachiman Ki), 46, 222 Intolerance, 251
Horikawa Hiromichi, 203-4 Ishido Toshiro, 218
Horikawa Nami no Tsuzumi, see Drum of Ishihara Shintaro, 170, 212-13, 257
the Waves of Horikawa, The Ishihara Yujiro, 35, 170, 258
Hori Yasuko, 94 Island, The (Hadaka no Shima), 258-59
Horse (Uma), 254-55 Itami Mansaku, 34,35,41,196,222,253
Hot Wind (Neppu), 165 Ito Daisuke, 39, 45, 252
Human Bullet (Nikudan), 260 Ito INJoe, 94
Human Condition, The ( Ningen noJoken), It's Good That We're Still Alive (Ikite Ite
35, 258; pi. 9 Yokatta), 199
Humanityand Paper Balloons( Ninjo Kami- It's Tough To Be a Man series (Otoko wa
278 Jusen), 222, 254 Tsuraiyo), 243-44, 261; pi. 57
Human Wall, The ( Ningen no Kabej, 163 Itsuwareru Seiso, see Clothes of Deception
Hunger Straits (Kiga Kaikyo), 260 Iwasaki Akira, 102, 252
I Was Born But . . . (Umarete wa Mita
Ibo Kyodai, see Stepbrothers Keredo), 131, 136-37, 138, 141, 253;
Ichiban Utsukushiku, see Most Beautiful, pi. 38
The Izumi Kyoka, 78
Ichijo Sayuri—Nureta Yokujo, see Sayuri
Ichijo—Moist Desire Japanese Archipelago, The (Nihon Retto),
Ichikawa Danjuro, 15, 249 165
Ichikawa Kon, 90,91,212-13,257,258, Japanese Summer: Double Suicide (Muri
260 Shinju Nihon no Natsu), 177
Ichimura Toshiyuki, 118 Japanese Tragedy, A (Nihon no Higeki),
Idiot, The (Hakuchi), 120, 121 Kamei's, 255; Kinoshita's, 106, 114,
leki Miyoji, 133, 258 241
lijima Tadashi, 179-80 Japanese women's liberation move
Ikeru Ningyo, see Living Doll, A ment, 23, 270, 273
Jimpu Groups The (Jimpuren)^ 179 Katusha, 250
Jimpuren, see Jimpu Group, The Kawanakajima Kassen,see Battle at Kawa-
Jingi Naki Tatakai, see Battles without nakajima. The W
Honor and Humanity series X
Kawashima Yuzo, 258
Jingi noHakaba, see GraveyardofHonorand Kayama Yuzo, 130, 204
Humanity, The Kazan, Elia, 132-33
Jinruigaku Nyumon, see Pornographers: In Kaze no Naka no Mendori, see Hen in the
troduction to Anthropology, The Wind, A
Jinsei Gekijo, sec Theater of Life Kazoku, see Family, The
Jirocho of Shimizu (Shimizu Jirocho), 52 Kenka Ereji, see Violence Elegy
Jirocho Sangoku-shi, see Jirocho— The Re Kido Shiro, 214, 215, 252
cord of Three Provinces series Kiga Kaikyo, see Hunger Straits
Jirocho—The Record of Three Provinces Kiku and Isamu (Kiku to Isamu), 108
series (Jirocho Sangoku-shi), 222, 257 Kiku to Isamu, see Kiku and Isamu
Jissoji Akio, 261 Kimi no Na wa, see What Is Your Name?
Joen, see Affair, The Kimura Sotoji, 253
Journey of a Thousand and One Nights Kinkanshoku, see Annular Eclipse
(Matatabi Sen-ichiya), 42, 43; pi. 11 Kinoshita Keisuke, 46, 91, 104, 105-6,
Joyu, see Actress 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 133, 141-42,
Judge, The (Saibankan) ^ 235 162,214,223,235,241,256,257,258,
Junai Monogatari,see Story ofPureLove, A 266
Kinugasa T einosuke, 8,43,91,196,250,
Kabuki, 7,15-21,25-26,28,31,38,46, 252, 255
54, 75, 114, 180, 245, 254, 261, 262 Kishi Keiko, 89; pi. 7
Kaeriyama Norimasa, 250-51 Kishi Matsuo, 178-79, 180
Kaette Kita Yopparai,see ThreeResurrected Kisses (Kuchizuke), 210-11, 213
Drunkards Kiyokawa Nijiko, 87
Kagawa Kyoko, 89; pis. 29, 46 Kizudarake noSanga,see PublicBenefactor,
Kagemusha (Kagemusha) ,24:6,262; pi. 63 A
Kageroza, see Heat Shimmer Theater Kobayashi Akira, 226
Kagirinaki Zenshin, see Unending Advance Kobayashi, Hideo, 224, 225
Kaidan, see Kwaidan Kobayashi Masaki, 35,48,258,259,260
Kaigun, see Navy Kochiyama Soshun, see Soshun Kochiyama
Kaisha-in Seikatsu, see Life of an Office kodan ("historical tales"), 7, 18
Worker, The Kodomo noShiki, see Four Seasons of Chil
Kakita Akanishi (Akanishi Kakita), 253 dren
Kamei Fumio, 100-1, 105, 174, 199, Kofuku no Kiiroi Hankachi, see Yellow
254, 255, 256 Handkerchieves of Happiness, The
Kamigamino Fukaki Yokubo, see Profound Koga Masato, 102
Desire of the Gods, The 279
Kohayagawa-ke noAki,see End ofSummer,
Kamiyama Sojin, 196 The
Kanamori Bansho, 39 Kojima noHaru, seeSpringonLeper's Island
Kanashimi wa Onna dake ni, see Only Koko ni Izumi Ari, see Here Is a Spring
Women Know Sorrow Kokushi Muso, see Peerless Patriot
Kanojo to Kare, see She and He Kokyo, see Home
Kanto Mushuku, see Kanto Wanderer Kome, see Rice
Kanto Wanderer (Kanto Mushuku), 226- Ko Miiko, 200
27 Kono TennoNiji, see Eternal Rainbow, The
Kare o Meguru Go-nin no Onna, see Five Koshikei, see Death by Hanging
Women Around Him, The Kotani, Henry, 251
Karumen Junjosu, see Carmen's Pure Love Koyama Akiko, 219; pi. 41
Karumen Kokyo ni Kaeru,see Carmen Comes Kubi, see Head
Home Kuchizuke, see Kisses
Kataoka Chiezo, 54, 55; pi. 16 Kudo Eiichi, 260
Kato Tai, 75, 76 Kuga Yoshiko, 89
Katsu Shintaro, 259 Kumagai Hisatora, 46, 162, 254
o Kumai Kei, 165, 170-71, 172, 174, 225 (Genroku Chushingura), 43
Kumashiro Tatsumi, 244-45, 261, 262 Lubitsch, Ernst, 32
Kumonosujo, see Throne of Blood Lucky Dragon No. 5 (Daigo Fukuryu-Ma-
Kunisada Chuji, see Chuji Kunisada ruf 200
Kuragejima: Talesfrom a Southern Island, Lumiere brothers, 249
see Profound Desire of the Gods, The
Kurahara Koreyoshi, 203 MacArthur, Douglas, 265
Kurihara, Thomas, 251 Macbeth, 258
> Kurishima Sumiko, 251 Madame Curie, 36
> Kurobe no Taiyo, see Sun over the Kurobe Madamu to Nyobo, see Neighbor's Wifeand
Gorge Mine, The
W Mahiru no Ankoku, see Darkness at Noon
cn Kuroi Taiyo, see Black Sun
W Kuroi Yuki, see Black Snow Maid of the Deep Mountains (Miyama no
Kurosawa Akira, 8, 25, 28-30, 33, 38, Otome), 250
45, 50, 54, 90, 91, 105, 116-24, 125, Makino Masahiro, 39,46,102,222-23,
126-27, 128-31, 165, 173, 174, 186, 257
191,192,199-200,221-22,223,235, Makino Shozo, 18, 250
241,246,255,256,257,258,259,260, Man Vanishes, A (Ningen Johatsu), 260
262, 266 Man Who Left His Will on Film, The
Kurutta Ippeiji, see Crazy Page, A (Tokyo Senso Sengo Hiwa), 261
Kurutta Kajitsu, see Crazed Fruit Many People (Sobo), 162
Kuwano Michiko, 75 Mao Tse-tung, 268, 269
Kwaidan (Kaidan), 260 Maple Viewing (Momijigari), 15, 249
Kyo Machiko, 30, 90, 198, 200; pi. 35 Marei no Tora, see Tiger of Malaya, The
Kyoshitsu noKodomotachi, see Children inthe Maria no Oyuki, see Oyuki the Madonna
Classroom Marital Relations (Meoto Zenzai), 257
Kyozuka Masako, 91 Marriage Circle, The, 32
Kyupora noAru Machi, see StreetofCupolas, Maruyama Akihiko, 87, 88
A Marxism, see communism
Masaki Hiroshi, 235
Ladyfor a Day, 32-33 Masaoka Itsuko, 94
Lady Musashino (Musashino Fujin), 183 mass and "mini" media, 237-39
Lancaster, Burt, 18, 132 Mastroianni, Marcello, 18
Late Chrysanthemum (Bangiku), 257 Masumura Yasuzo, 90, 210-12, 229,
Late Spring (Banshun), 91, 142, 256 231, 257, 260, 262, 266-67
League of Gangsters (Gyangu Domeij, 165 Mata Au Hi Made, see Until the Day We
leftist films, 9, 32, 40, 55, 104, 161, 162, Meet Again
215, 252, 253, 267 Matatabi Sen-ichiya, see Journeyofa Thou
Leopard, The, 132 sand and One Nights
280 liberal period drama films, 40-43 Matsukawa Derailment Incident, The ( Ma-
Life of an Office Worker, The (Kaisha-in tsukawa Jiken), 163
Seikatsu), 190 Matsukawa Jiken, see Matsukawa Derail
Life of Matsu the Untamed, The (Muho ment Incident, The
Matsu no Issho), 1943 version, 26-27, Meiji period (1868-1912) films, 133,
35, 255, pi. 8; 1958 version, 8, 27 178, 257
Life ofOharu, The (Saikaku Ichidai Onna), Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail, The
178, 181, 182-83, 256; pi. 44 (Tora no 0 0 Fumu Otokotachi), 45
Lightning (Inazuma), 92, 195; pi. 47 Meoto Zenzai, see Marital Relations
Li Hsian-lan (Ri Koran), 201 Meshi, see Repast
Living Doll, A (Ikeru Ningyo), 55 Messenger from the Moon ( Tsuki yori no
LongSingleRoadAhead, The ( Toi Ipponno Shisha), 74
Michi), 262 Metropolitan Symphony (Tokai Kokyoga-
Lost Sex (Honnoj, 81, 200 ku), 253
"love melodrama" films, 23-24, 100, Mifune Toshiro, 19, 27, 127, 129, 130,
162, 241, 258 182; pis. 35, 36, 50
Loyal 47 Ronin of the Genroku Era, The Mikuni Rentaro, 176; pis. 37, 47
militarism, 43, 109, 111, 121-22, 126, Mud and Soldiers (Tsuchi to Heitai), Q
139, 140-41, 202, 223, 228, 263-64 103-4, 202; pi. 27 g
militaristic films, 9, 253 Muddy River.(Doro no Kawa), 262 W
Mimura Shintaro, 41-43 Muho Matsu noIssho,see Life of Matsu the
Minamata—Kanja-san to Sana Sekai, see Untamed, The
Minamata: The Victims and Their World Mujo, see This Transient Life
Minamata: The Victims and Their World Munekata Shimai, see Munekata Sisters,
( Minamata—Kanja-san toSono Sekai), The
239, 261 Munekata Sisters, The ( Munekata Shimai),
Minamata victims, 239 137, 188
minorities, 171, 174, 237-39 Murata Minoru, 21, 22, 251
Minshuno Teki,see Enemy ofthePeople, An Muri Shinju Nihon no Natsu, see Japanese
Mishima Yukio, 27-28 Summer: Double Suicide
Miss Oyu (Oyu-sama), 183 Murnau, F. W., 32
Mito Mitsuko, 90 Musashi Miyamoto (Miyamoto Musashi),
Miyama no Otome, see Maid of the Deep pi. 12
Mountains Musashi, see Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi, 43-44 Musashino Fujin, see Lady Musashino
Mizoguchi Kenji, 8, 10, 22-23, 24, 25, MyLove Burns( WagaKoiwa Moenu^, 23,
29, 43, 47, 73, 74, 78, 79-80, 81, 83, 24, 180, 181, 183
84,85,86,90, 162, 172,178-85, 191,
221-22, 241, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259 Nagai Takashi, 197-98
Mizu de Kakareta Monogatari, see Story Nagasaki no Kane, see Bellsof Nagasaki,
Written on Water, A The
Mizuki Yoko, 108 Nagasaki no Utawa Wasureji, seeTil Never
Moderns, The (Gendaijin), 173-74 Forget the Song of Nagasaki
modern action films, 221, 226, 229, Nagasugita Haru, see Betrothed, The
234-35, 237 Nakadai Tatsuya, 35; pis. 9, 13
modernization: catching up with the Nakagawa Nobuo, 258
West and the attendant inferiority Nakahira Ko, 213
complex, 9, 26, 37, 88, 181, 203, 204, Nakazato Kaizan, 39-40
240, 247; education system, 51, 89, Nanbu Keinosuke, 190
134-36, 138-39; Meiji Restoration Nani ga Kanojo o so Saseta ka, see What
(1868), 7, 20, 51, 257; sacrifices and Made Her Do It?
loss of traditional values, 27, 77, naniwa bushi (traditional storytelling),
78-79, 85-87, 97-99, 243-44, 246, 181, 184, 185, 235
272 Naniwa Freji, see Osaka Flegy
Mokuami, 76 Naniwa Onna, see Woman of Osaka, The
Momijigari, see Maple Viewing Naruse Mikio, 92-93, 133, 139-40, noi
Mori Ogai, 46 194-96, 254, 256, 257
Morishige Hisaya, 142, 191-92 "national policyfilms," 100-4,233-34,
Moritani Shiro, 163 254
Morningwith theOsone Family,A ( Osone-ke Navy (Kaigun), 104
no Asa), 105, 108, 141-42 Negishi Yoshitaro, 262
Most Beautiful, The (Ichiban Utsukushi- Neighbors Wife and Mine, The (Madamu
ku), 28, 121 to Nyobo), 253
Mother (Okasan), 195, 256; pi. 46 Neppu, see Hot Wind
Mother-and-Child Grass (Hahako-gusa), Nessa no Chikai, see Vow in the Desert
141 New Snow (Shinsetsu), 74
mother films {haha mono), 241-42, 256 Nichols, M., 229
Mother Should Be Loved,A (Haha o Kowa- Night and Fogin Japan ( Nihon no Yoru to
zu-ya), 192 Kiri), 177, 218-19, 220, 258
Moyuru Ozora, see Flaming Sky NightDrum (Yoruno Tsuzumi), 114-15;
Mr. Shosuke Ohara (Ohara Shosuke-san), pi. 31
27 Night River (Yoru no Kawa), 91
Mr. Thank You (Arigato-san), 253 Niguruma no Uta, see Song ofthe Cart, The
o nihilistic period drama films, 38-40 Okada Eiji, 203; pi. 46
d Nikon Kaiho Semen—Sanrizuka no Natsu, Okada Mariko, 231; pi. 24
see Summer in Sanrizuka: The Front Line Okami toButa to Ningen, see Wolves, Pigs
w for the Liberation of Japan and People
H Nihon Kyokaku-den, see Account oftheChiv Okamoto Kihachi, 211, 258, 260
alrous Commoners of Japan series, An Okasan, see Mother
:z: Nihon no Higeki, see Japanese Tragedy, A Okasareta Byakui, see Violated Women in
«—I Nihon no Yoru toKiri, see NightandFogin White
> Japan Okochi Denjiro, 19,26,27,39,126,252;
> Nihon Retto, see JapaneseArchipelago, The pis. 3, 10
Nihon Shunka-ko, see Treatise onJapanese Older Brother, Younger Sister (Ani Imoto),
t=^ Bawdy Song, A Kimura's, 253; Naruse's, 92, 133
w Nijushi no Hitomi, see Twenty-four Eyes oldest extant Japanese movie, 15, 249
Nikudan, see Human Bullet Old Women of Japan, The (Nippon no
nimaime (second lead), 17-18, 20, 21, Obachan), 171
w 22-24, 27, 34-35, 37, 201, 244-46 Olivier, Sir Laurence, 18
Ningen Johatsu, see Man Vanishes, A One Wonderful Sunday (Subarashiki Nichi-
NingennoJoken, see Human Condition, The yobi), 33, 241
Ningen no Kabe, see Human Wall, The Only Son, The (Hitori Musuko), 132, 138,
Ninjo Kami-fusen, see Humanity andPaper 139, 141, 241, 253; pi. 39
Balloons Only Women Know Sorrow (Kanashimi wa
Nippon Konchuki, see Insect Woman, The Onna dake ni), 81
Nippon Musekinin Jidai, see Age of Irre- onnagata (male actor playing female
spomibility in Japan, The roles), 16, 20-21, 250, 251
Nippon no Oba^an, see Old Women of Onna Keizu, see Genealogy of Women
Japan, The Onna no Sono, see Garden of Women, The
Nippon Sengo Shi: Madamu Omboro no Onoe Kikugoro, 15, 249
Seikatsu, seeHistory ofPostwar Japan as Onoe Matsunosuke, 18-19,39,250,251
Told by a Bar Hostess Opium War, The (Ahen Senso), 102
Nishizumi Senshacho-den, see Story of Tank OppressedStudents, The(Amatsu no Mori),
Commander Nishizumi, The 238
Nobi, see Fires on the Plain Origin of Sex, The (Sei no Kigen), 81
Noda Kogo, 102 Orizuru Osen, see Downfall of Osen, The
NogikunoGotokiKimiNariki, see Ybu Were Osaka Elegy (Naniwa Ereji), 22, 74,
Like a Wild Chrysanthemum 79-80, 90, 162, 172, 182, 183, 184,
Noh, 181, 185, 258 241, 253; pi. 19
Nomura Yoshitaro, 205 Osanai Kaoru, 251
Nora Inu, see Stray Dog Oshima Nagisa, 8, 172, 173, 174,
NoRegretsfor Our Youth ( WagaSeishun ni 176-77, 213-21, 223, 229, 230, 241,
282 KuiNashi),2^, 90, 105, 120, 121-22, 245-46, 258, 260, 261, 267, 268
123, 126-27, 255; pi. 33 Osone-ke noAsa,see Morning withtheOsone
Nozoe Hitomi, 88 Family, A
Nusumareta Yokujo, see Stolen Desire Osugi Sakae, 93-94
Otoko wa Tsuraiyo, see It's Tough ToBea
Oba Hideo, 198 Man series
Occupation (1945-52), see America Ototo, see Her Brother
Ochazukeno Aji,seeFlavorofGreen Teaover Otowa Nobuko, 81; pi. 48
Rice, The Our Neighbor Miss Yae (Tonari no Yae-
Oe Kentaro, 23 chan), 253
Oe Kenzaburo, 220 Ox-Bow Incident, The, 36
Ogawa Shinsuke, 8, 238, 260 Oyuki theMadonna (Maria no Oyuki),\19
Oguri Kohei, 262 Oyu-sama, see Miss Oyu
Ohara Shosuke-san, see Mr. Shosuke Ohara Ozu Yasujiro, 33,34,37,88,89,91,101,
Ohayo, see Good Morning 131,132,133,136,137,138,139,141,
Ohinata Den, 35 142, 178, 185-94, 195, 196, 214,
Oh, Your Love! (Aa Kimi ga Ai), 205-6 221-22, 241, 242, 251, 252-53, 256,
257 RedBeard (Akahige), 120, 121, 123, 130, H
260 O
pacifism, see anti-war films and atom Red Peony Gambler series. The (Hibotan W
bomb films Bakuto), lb
PaltryRonin Forces His Way Through, The Reijin, see Belle, The
(Suronin Makaritoru), 45-46 Rekishi, see History
Pan Chopali (Arega Minatono Hi DaJ, 171 Repast (Meshi), 256
Pasolini, P., 229 Resnais, Alain, 199, 203
Passing Fancy (Dekigokoro), 33, 131-32, Resurrection, 250
253 Revenge Champion, The (Adauchi Senshu),
Pastoral Hide and Seek (Den'en ni Shisu), 55
261 Revenge Isfor Us (Fukushu Suruwa Ware ni
patriarchy, 126, 129-30, 132-39 AriJ, 246, 262
Pebble bytheWayside, A (Robo noIshi), 254 Rice (Rome), 108, 171
Peerless Patriot (Kokushi Muso), 41 Richardson, Tony, 229
Penn, A., 229 Richie, Donald, 11, 12, 88, 185-86
period drama films, 18,20,21,24,25,26, Ri Koran, see Li Hsian-lan
27,31,38-56,114-15,121,133,162, Rikugun, see Army
186, 234-35, 252, 255, 256-57, 258, Riva, Emmanuele, 203
259, 260 River Fuefuki, The (Fuefukigawa), 258
Perrier, Etienne, 202 River without a Bridge (Hashi no Nai Ka-
Philippe, Gerard, 18 wa), 172
Picture of Madame Yuki, A (Yuki Fujin Robinson Crusoe, 249
Ezu), 183 Robo no Ishi, see Pebble by the Wayside, A
Pigs and Battleships (Buta to Gunkan), Rojo no Reikon, see Souls on the Road
82-83, 259 Ronin-gai, see Street oj Masterless Samurai,
Pleasures oftheFlesh (Etsuraku), 177,220, The
230 Ryu Chishu, 139; pi. 45
Pornographers: Introduction to Anthropolo
gy, The (Jinruigaku Nyumon), 260 Saburi Shin, 35; pi. 4
pornography, 11, 229, 244-46, 261-62 Sada Keiji, 24; pis. 5, 7
ProfoundDesireoftheGods, The( Kamigami Saibankan, see Judge, The
no Fukaki Yokubo), 85-87, 230, 260 Saikaku Ichidai Onna, see Life of Oharu,
ProudChallenge, The (Hokori Takaki Cho The
sen), 164-65; pi. 40 samurai: as heroes, 7, 16-17,18-19,26,
Public Benefactor, A (Kizudarake no San- 27, 28, 37, 38-39, 41, 42, 43, 45-49,
ga), 174, 175 50-51,54, 76,114-15,177,245,254;
Punishment Room (Shokei no Heya), 212, as social class, 16, 17, 50, 134-35
213 Sanjuro (Tsubaki Sanjuro), 28 npo
Sano Shuji, 35
Quiet Duel, The (Shizuka Naru Ketto), SanshiroSugata (SugataSanshiroj, 28,121,
120, 121, 123, 127 126, 130, 255; pi. 3
Sanshiro Sugata,Part 11(ZokuSugataSan
rashamen (Japanese mistress of a West shiro), 105
erner) films, 200-7 Sansho Dayu, see Sansho the Bailiff
Rashomon(Rashomon), 25,29,30,54,121, Sansho theBailiffSansho Dayu), 80, 180,
256; pi. 35 257
realism, 21, 25, 31, 33, 54, 79, 80, 209, Santo Juyaku, see Third-Class Executive
253 Saraba Mosukuwa Curentai, see Farewell to
Realm of the Senses, The (Ai no Koriida), the Gang in Moscow
245-46, 262; pi- 61 Sasa Genju, 252
Record of a Living Being (Ikimono no Sawada Shojiro, 39-40
Kiroku), 120, 121, 123, 129-30, Sawamura Tsutomu, 202
199-200, 257; pi. 50 Sawashima Tadashi, 211
Red Angel, The (Akai Tenshi), 231, 260; Sayonara, 200
pi. 56 Sayuri Ichijo—Moist Desire (Ichijo Sayu-
o n—Nureta Yokujo), 244, 261 juku Thief
Tange and the Pot Worth a Million Shinju Ten no Amijima, see DoubleSuicide
Ryo (Tange Sazen—Hyakuman-ryo no shinkokugeki (new national drama), 39-
w Tsubo), 222 40
H Sazen Tange series (Tange Sazen), 252, Shinku Chitai, see Vacuum Zone
259 Shinobi no Mono, see Bandof Assassins, A
Scandal (Sukyandaru), 121 Shinoda Masahiro, 217, 225, 229,
Schlesinger, John, 229 231-32, 260, 261
> Schrader, Paul, 11 Shinsetsu, see New Snow
> Sea of Youth (Seinen no Umi), 238 Shirasaka Yoshio, 211, 213
Season of the Sun ( Taiyo no Kisetsu), 212, ShiroiKyoto, see Great White Tower, The
03 213 Shiro Tokisada from Amakusa (Amakusa
t=tj Seinen no Umi, see Sea of Youth Shiro Tokisada), 177, 220
Sei no Kagayaki, see Glow of Life, The Shizuka Nari, see All Is Quiet
Sei no Kigen, see Origin of Sex, The Shizuka Naru Ketto, see Quiet Duel, The
w Seisaku no Tsuma, see Seisaku's Wife Shokei no Heya, see Punishment Room
> Seisaku^s Wife (Seisaku no Tsuma), 21- shomin geki (dramas about common
22, 251; pi. 2 people) films, 185-86, 214, 252-53
Seishunno Ishibumi,sGG: Tombstone to Youth, Shonin no Isu, see Witness Seat, The
A Sho 0Suteyo, Machie Deyo, see Throw Away
Seishun no Satsujinsha, see Young Murderer Your Books, Let's Co into the Streets
Seishun Zankoku Monogatari, see Cruel Shukuzu, see Epitome
Story of Youth Side Canal (Yokoborigawa), 90
Sekai waKyofu Suru, see World Is Terrified, Sisters oftheCion (CionnoShimaij, 22, 25,
The 79, 80, 253
Sekigawa Hideo, 199 Sleeping with a Long Sword (Dakine no
self-education {dokugaku), 265, 269 Nagadosu), 41
Sengo Zankoku Monogatari, see Tale of Sobo, see Many People
Postwar Cruelty, A Socho Tobaku, seeBig-Time Gambling Boss
Senso to Heiwa, see War and Peace social protest films, 122-23, 161-63,
Seppuku, see Harakiri 171-77
series, see under film titles Solitary Travels of Chikuzan, The (Chiku-
Seven Samurai (Shichinin no Samurai), 54, zan Hitori Tabi), 262
120, 257; pi. 36 Sonezaki Shinju, see DoubleSuicide at Sone-
Seventh Heaven, 32 zaki
sex films, 229-33, 236 SongofBwana Toshi, The (Buana Toshino
Shacho shirizu, see Company President series Uta), 209
She and He (Kanojo to Kare), 2\0 Song of the Cart, The (Niguruma no Uta),
Shibuya Minoru, 173-74 175-76, 258, 268; pi. 43
Shichinin no Samurai, see Seven Samurai Song of the White Orchid (Byakuran no
Shigeta, James, 202 Uta), 201
Shiiku, see Catch, The Sono Ayako, 205-6
Shimazu Yasujiro, 139-40, 161, 251, Soshun, see Early Spring
252-53 SoshunKochiyama (KochiyamaSoshunJ, 76,
Shimizu Hiroshi, 27, 253, 254, 256 78, 253; pi. 17 '
Shimizu Jirocho, see Jirocho of Shimizu Soshu no Yoru, see Suchow Night
Shimizu Kunio, 210 Souls on the Road (Rojo no Reikon), 25\
Shimogawara Tomo, 190-91 Sound ofthe Mountain ( Yama no Oto), 195
Shimozawa Kan, 42 Spring onLeper's Island (Kojima no Haru),
Shimpa, 20, 22, 78, 250 254
Shimura Takashi, 118, 127; pi. 32 Stepbrothers (Ibo Kyodai), 133, 135, 258;
Shina no Yoru, see China Night pi. 37
Shindo Kaneto, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86, Stolen Desire (Nusumareta Yokujo), 82,83,
198-99, 200, 228, 257, 258, 262 211
shingeki (modern drama), 20, 22 Story from Chikamatsu, A (Chikamatsu
Shinjuku Dorobo Nikki, see Diaryofa Shin- Monogatari), 47
Storyfrom Echigo,A (Echigo TsutsuishiOya Suzuki Shigeyoshi, 253 ^2!
Shirazu), 172 SwarmingEarth, The (Chi no Mure), 174 d
Storyof Floating Weeds, A ( Ukigusa Mono- swordfighting (chambara) films, 11, 40, W
gatari), 33 54, 186, 222, 252
Story of Pure Love, A (Junai Monogatari),
108, 171, 199 Tachibana Teijiro, 250
Story of Tank Commander Nishizumi, The TadanobuGoban (Goban Tadanobu), 250
(NishizumiSenshacho-den), 102; pi. 25 Taifu Sodoki, see Uproar over a Typhoon
StoryoftheLast Chrysanthemums, The (Zan- Taiji ga Mitsuryo Suru Toki, see Embryo
giku Monogatari), 182, 184-85, 241, Hunts in Secret, The
254 Taiyo no Hakaba, see Sun's Burial, The
Story of Zatoichi, The (Zatoichi Monogata Taiyo no Kisetsu, see Season of the Sun
ri), 259 TaiyonoNai Machi, see Sunless Street, The
Story Writtenon Water, A (Mizu de Kaka- Taiyo to Bara, see Sun and Rose
reta Monogatari), 98 Takahashi Hideki, 228; pi. 55
Stray Dog (Nora Inu), 29-30, 120-21, Takakura Ken, 244; pi. 59
127 Takamine Hideko, 93; pis. 23, 28, 47
Street of Cupolas, A (Kyupora no Aru Takamine Mieko, 89
Machi), 259 Takamure Itsue, 270, 272-73
Street of Masterless Samurai, The (Ronin- Takechi Tetsuji, 232
gai), 39, 46, 222 Takeda Taijun, 220
Street of Shame (Akasen Chitai), 183, 184 Take-kurabe, see Growing Up
Street of Violence (Boryoku no Machi), Taki Eiko, 2P0
162-63, 175 TakinoShiraito ( Taki noShiraito)
student movement, 53, 172-73, 217- 85, 179; pi. 18
19, 234, 238, 260, 267-68 Tale of Postwar Cruelty, A (SengoZankoku
Subarashiki Nichiyobi, see One Wonderful Monogatari), 232
Sunday Tamura Tsutomu, 220
Suchow Night (Soshu no YoruJ, 201 Tanaka Kinuyo, 24,90,182, 253; pis. 6,
Sugai Ichiro, 23 44
Sugata Sanshiro, see Sanshiro Sugata Tange Sazen, see Sazen Tange series
Sugimura Haruko, 91 TangeSazen—Hyakuman-ryono Tsubo,see
Suicide Troops ofthe Watchtower, The (Boro Sazen Tangeand thePot Wortha Million
no Kesshitai), 105, 109 Ryo
Sukyandaru, see Scandal Tanizaki Junichiro, 251
Summer inSanrizuka: TheFront Linefor the Tasaka Tomotaka, 101, 102, 103-4,
Liberation of Japan (Nihon Kaiho 141,198,202,254
Sensen—Sanrizuka no Natsu), 238, 260 Tatakau Heitai, see Fighting Soldiers
Sun and Rose (Taiyo to Bara), 106 tateyaku ("standing role" or main lead), npp;
Suna no Onna, see Woman in the Dunes 16-17, 18-19,23, 24-30,34-35, 37,
Sun Legend of the Shogunate's Last Days 38, 82, 244
(Bakumatsu Taiyo Den), 258 Teahouse of the August Moon, 200
Sunless Street, The (Taiyo no Nai Machi), television dramas, 26, 37, 90, 91,
175 142-44, 236, 242, 259, 269-71,
Sun over the Kurobe Gorge (Kurobe no Tai 272-73
yo), 170-71, 172, 224 television vs. cinema, 11,37,52,236-38,
Sunrise, 32 260
Sun'sBurial, The ( TaiyonoHakaba), 177, Tengoku to Jigoku, see High and Low
217-18 Te 0 Tsunagu Kora, see ChildrenHand-in-
"sun tribe" (taiyozoku) films, 212-13, Hand
216, 257-58 Terayama Shuji, 261
Suronin Makaritoru, see Paltry RoninForces Teshigawara Hiroshi, 260
His Way Through, The Theater of Life (Jinsei Gekijo), 133
Susukita Rokuhei, 38, 39 There Was a Father (Chichi Ariki), 138,
Suzuki Denmei, 35 141
Suzuki Seijun, 221-29, 246, 260, 262 Third-Class Executive (SantoJuyakuJ, 163
a This Transient Life (Mujo), 261 Tsurumi Shunsuke, 265-66
Three Resurrected Drunkards (Kaette Kita Tsuruta Koji, 53, 164, 165; pi. 14
Yopparai), 177 Tsuzurikata Kyoshitsu, see Composition
w Throne of Blood (Kumonosujo), 29, 258 Class
H Throw Away Your Books, Let's Go into the Twenty-four Eyes (Nijushi no Hitomi),
Streets (ShooSuteyo, MachieDeyo),26\ 109-14, 235, 236, 257; pi. 30
Tiger of Malaya, The (Marei no Tora), Twilight in Tokyo (Tokyo Boshoku),
102 137-38
> Toda-ke no Kyodai, sec Brothersand Sisters
> of the Toda Family, The UchidaTomu, 43,54-56,133,162,178,
iz: Toi Ippon no Michi, see Long Single Road 254, 257, 260
a» Ahead, The Uehara Ken, 24; pis. 6, 25
W Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan, see Yotsuya Ghost Ugetsu ( Ugetsu Monogatari),80, 181, 257
Story on the Tokaido, The Ugetsu Monogatari, see Ugetsu
iz: Tokai Kokyogaku, see Metropolitan Sym Ukigumo, see Floating Clouds
phony Ukigusa Monogatari, see Story of Floating
> Tokunaga Sunao, 140 Weeds, A
Tokyo Boshoku, see Twilight in Tokyo Ukiyoe-shi—MurasakiZukin, see Woodcut
Tokyo Drifter (Tokyo Nagaremono), 227 Artist
Tokyo Monogatari, see Tokyo Story Uma, see Horse
Tokyo Nagaremono, see Tokyo Drifter- IJmarete wa Mita Keredo, see / Was Born
Tokyo Olympiad (Tokyo Orimpikku), 260 But . . .
Tokyo Orimpikku, see Tokyo Olympiad Umi 0 Wataru Sairei, see Festival Acrossthe
Tokyo Senso Sengo Hiwa,seeMan Who Left Sea
His Will on Film, The Unending Advance (Kagiririaki Zenshin),
Tokyo Story (Tokyo Monogatari), 137, 55
193, 257; pi. 45 Until theDay WeMeetAgain ( Mata Au Hi
Tombstone to Youth, A (Seishun no Ishi- Made), 107, 108, 256
bumi), 220 Uproar over a Typhoon ( Taifu Sodoki),\lb
Tonarino Yae-chan, see OurNeighbor Miss Urabe Kumeko, 21; pi. 2
Yae Urayama Kiriro, 225, 259
Tora noOo Fumu Otokotachi, see Men Who Uryu Tadao, 180, 184
Tread on the Tiger's Tail, The Utsukushisa to Kanashimi to, sec With
Tora-san, see It's Tough To Be 'a Man Beauty and Sorrow
Tower of Lilies, The (Himeyuri no To), Vacuum Zone (Shinku Chitai), 175
109, 257; pi. 29 Valentino, Rudolph, 18
Town of Love and Hope, A (Ai to Kibo no Violated Women in White (Okasareta
Machi), 173, 177, 213, 214-15, 216, Byakui), 232, 260; pi. 53
286 220, 241; pi. 52 Violence at Noon (Hakuchu no Torima),
Toyoda Shiro, 254, 257 177, 220-21, 230, 260; pi. 53
Treatise onJapanese Bawdy Song, A ( Nihon Violence Elegy (Kenka Ereji), 228-29,
Shunka-ko), 177, 230, 260 260; pi. 55
Triumph of Wings, A ( Tsubasano Gaika), violence films, 233-35, 236, 237, 262
105 von Sternberg, Josef, 32
Tsubaki Sarijuro, see Sarijuro Vow in theDesert ( Nessa no Chikai), 201,
Tsubasa no Gaika, see Triumph ofWings, A 203, 207
Tsuboi Sakae, 112-13
Tsuchi, see Earth Waga Koi wa Moenu, see My Love Burns
Tsuchimoto Noriaki, 8, 239, 261 Waga Seishun ni Kui Nashi, see NoRegrets
Tsuchi to Heitai, see Mud and Soldiers for Our Youth
Tsuigoineruwaizen, see Zigeurierweisen WakaiHito, see Young People
Tsukiyori no Shisha, see Messengerfromthe VVakamatsu Koji, 229, 232, 260
Moon VVakao Ayako, 90, 231; pi. 56
Tsuma wa Kokuhaku Suru, see WiJ'e Con War and Peace (Senso toHeiwa), 105, 174
fesses, A War at Seafrom Hawaii to Malaya, The
(Hawaii-Marei Oki Kaisen), 102, 103, Yamagami Itaro, 39
109, 255, 264; pi. 26 Yamaguchi Yoshiko, see Li Hsian-lan O
war films, see "national policy" films Yamamoto Fujiko, 87, 88-89; pi. 21 W
Warm Current (Danryu), Masumura's, Yamamoto Kajiro, 102, 254-55
210, 211; Yoshimura's, 89-90, 241, Yamamoto Reizaburo, 133
254 Yamamoto Satsuo, 8, 105, 162, 163,
Warui Yatsu Hodo Yoku Nemuru, see Bad 174-77, 223, 256, 258, 259, 262, 266
Sleep Welly The Yamamoto Shugoro, 120
Wasurerareia Kogun, see Forgotten Imperial Yamamura So, 142
Army, The Yamanaka Sadao, 41, 75-76, 222, 253,
Watari Tetsuya, 227 254
Wayne, John, 18 Yama no Oto, see Sound of the Mountain
WhatIs Your Name? (Kimi noNawa), 24, Yamashita Kosaku, 260
241, 257; pi. 7 Yanagida Kunio, 77
WhatMadeHerDoIt? ( Naniga Kanojo oso Yellow Handkerchieves of Happiness, The
Saseta ka), 253 (Kofuku no Kiiroi Hankachi), 243, 244,
Whole Family Works, The (Hataraku 262
Ikka), 140-41, 195, 254 Yoake mae, see Before Dawn
Wife Confesses, A (Tsuma wa Kokuhaku Yoda Yoshitaka, 80
Suru), 90 Yoidore Hachiman Ki, sec Horde ofDrunken
Wild Youth (Yaju no Seishun), 226 Knights, A
With Beauty and Sorrow (Utsukushisa to Yoidore Tenshi, see Drunken Angel
Kanashimi to), 231-32 Yojimbo (Yojimbo), 29, 259
Witness Seat, The (Shonin no Isu), 163 Yojohan Fusiima no Urabari—Shinobi
Wolves, Pigs and People (Okami to Buta to Hada, see Four-and-a-Half-Mat Room in
Ningen), 165 Back—Soft, Secret Skin, The
Womanfrom theLand ofFire (Hi noKuni no Yokoborigawa, see Side Canal
Onna), 270 Yoru no Kawa, see Night River
Woman in the Dunes (Suna no Onna), 260 Yoru no Onnatachi,see Women of the Night
Woman of Osaka, The ( Naniwa Onna), 90 Yoru no Tsuzumi, see Night Drum
Woman Who TouchedtheLegs, The(Ashini Yosano Akiko, 270
Sawatta Onna), 252 Yoshida Yoshishige, 91, 93-94, 95, 97,
Women of the Night ( Yoru no Onnatachi), 98-99, 217, 229, 231, 241, 259, 261
180, 183, 256 Yoshikawa Eiji, 44
women's liberation movement, seeJap Yoshikawa Mitsuko, 192
anese women's liberation movement Yoshimura Kozaburo, 89, 90, 91,
"women's melodrama" films, 77-78, 102-3, 192, 211, 254, 257
213, 226, 236 Yotsuya Ghost Story, The ( Yotsuya Kaidan),
Woodcut Artist (Ukiyoe-shi—Murasaki 46
Zukin), 38-39 Yotsuya Ghost Story on the Tokaido, The 287
World Is Terrified, The (Sekai wa Kyofu ( Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan), 258
Suru), 199 Yotsuya Kaidan, see Yotsuya Ghost Story,
Yabure-daiko, see Broken Drum Young Murderer (Seishun no Satsujinsha),
Vagi Yasutaro, 108 262
Yaju no Seishun, see Wild Youth Young People (Wakai Hito), 74
yakuza (gangster) films; about feudal youth films [seishun eiga), 210, 219
outlaws and "wandering gamblers" You Were Like a Wild Chrysanthemum
{matatabi mono), 41-42, 49-51; in (Nogiku no Gotoki Kimi Nariki), 257
modern settings, 51-56, 75, 165, 226, Yuki Fujin Ezu, see Picture of Madame
227, 229, 234-35, 237, 242-43, 244, Yuki, A
259, 260, 261 Yumi Kaoru, 87
Yamabiko Gakko, see Echo School
Yamada Isuzu, 90; pi. 19 Zangiku Monogatari, see Story of the Last
Yamada Waka, 270 Chrysanthemums, The
Yamada Yoji, 243, 244, 261, 262 Zatoichi Monogatari, see Storyof Zatoichi,
g The Zoku Shinobi no Mono^ see Band of As-
^ Zigeunerweisen (Tsuigoineruwaizen)^2A^y sassins, II, A
^ 262; pi. 62 Zoku Sugata Sanshiro, seeSanshiro Sugata,
^ Zigomar the Eelskin, 250 Part II
Tadao Sato was born in Niigata, Japan, in 1930
and published his first book, Nihon no eiga {Japa
nese Film) in 1956. Since then he has written over
sixty others and has also served as editor-in-chief
of the film magazines Eiga hyoron and Shiso no
kagaku. From 1968 he has been chairman of the
Japan Film Pen Club, whose members include
leading Japanese film critics, television pro
ducers, and magazine editors. He is on the ad
ministration of the Tokyo National Museum of
Modern Art Film Center, a director of the Japan
Film Library Council, and a member of The
Japan Foundation's film committee. He has ap
peared as film commentator for NHK television
and his essays have been translated in noted film
magazines such as Sight and Sound and Cahiers du
HI 78 Printed in Japan
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rsBN j-a?oa,i-flis-3
ISBN4-7700-1315-9 C0074 ¥2200E (i n