Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Dielectric Propertie
Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Dielectric Propertie
Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles Dielectric Propertie
Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles: Dielectric
Properties, Surface Functionalization and
Improvement of Epoxy-Based Composites
Insulating Properties
Jaroslav Hornak 1, * ID , Pavel Trnka 1 ID , Petr Kadlec 1 ID , Ondřej Michal 1 ID
, Václav Mentlík 1 ID
Pavol Šutta 2 ID , Gergely Márk Csányi 3 ID and Zoltán Ádám Tamus 3
1 Department of Technologies and Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
University of West Bohemia, Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic; [email protected] (P.T.);
[email protected] (P.K.); [email protected] (O.M.); [email protected] (V.M.)
2 New Technologies-Research Centre, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen,
Czech Republic; [email protected]
3 Department of Electric Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Budapest University of Technology of Economics, Egry J. Street 18., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary;
[email protected] (G.M.C.); [email protected] (Z.A.T.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +420-37763-4530
Received: 9 May 2018; Accepted: 23 May 2018; Published: 30 May 2018
Abstract: Composite insulation materials are an inseparable part of numerous electrical devices
because of synergy effect between their individual parts. One of the main aims of the presented
study is an introduction of the dielectric properties of nanoscale magnesium oxide powder via
Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS). These unique results present the behavior of relative
permittivity and loss factor in frequency and temperature range. Following the current trends
in the application of inorganic nanofillers, this article is complemented by the study of dielectric
properties (dielectric strength, volume resistivity, dissipation factor and relative permittivity) of
epoxy-based composites depending on the filler amount (0, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 weight percent).
These parameters are the most important for the design and development of the insulation systems.
The X-ray diffraction patterns are presented for pure resin and resin with optimal filler amount
(1 wt %), which was estimated according to measurement results. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles
were also treated by addition of silane coupling agent (γ-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane), in the
case of optimal filler loading (1 wt %) as well. Besides previously mentioned parameters, the effects of
surface functionalization have been observed by two unique measurement and evaluation techniques
which have never been used for this evaluation, i.e., reduced resorption curves (RRCs) and voltage
response method (VR). These methods (developed in our departments), extend the possibilities of
measurement of composite dielectric responses related to DC voltage application, allow the facile
comparability of different materials and could be used for dispersion level evaluation. This fact has
been confirmed by X-ray diffraction analyses.
Keywords: broadband dielectric spectroscopy; dielectric strength; loss factor; magnesium oxide;
nanocomposite; relative permittivity; surface functionalization; voltage response
1. Introduction
Magnesium oxide, often called periclase [1] (from Greek word periklao, peri—“around”,
klao—“to cut”), is white hygroscopic solid mineral. Its empirical formula is MgO and its lattice
consist of Mg2+ ions and O2− ions, together bonded by ionic bond (Figure 1). Magnesium oxide is
generally produced by the calcination of magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 or magnesium carbonate
MgCO3 . Thermal treatment, used when calcination process occurs, affects the surface area and pore
size and also the final reactivity of formed magnesium oxide. Used temperature can be divided into
three groups, 700 ◦ C to 1000 ◦ C, where caustic calcined magnesium oxide is formed, 1000 ◦ C to 1500 ◦ C,
where lower chemical activity magnesium oxide is formed and calcination over 1500 ◦ C, where reduced
chemical activity type of refractory magnesium oxide is formed, that is mostly used for electrical and
refractory applications [2].
Figure 1. Structure of magnesium oxide crystal (Redrawn and adapted from [2]).
Physical properties (see [3]) make magnesium oxide a good candidate for various applications. It is
colorless to brown or black (based on the presence of iron or other foreign element). Considering the
surface structure, it is visible that MgO has simplest oxide structure, called Rock-Salt structure.
Its density is around 3.579 g/cm3 and hardness around 5 on Mohs scale. Thermal conductivity value
of sintered magnesium oxide is defined at T = 100 ◦ C as 36 W/(mK). Due to refractory properties,
the melting and also boiling points of magnesium oxide are very high (melting point: 2800 ◦ C,
boiling point: 3600 ◦ C). Value of electrical resistance is depended on the purity of magnesium oxide.
For high purity magnesia, the values of electrical resistivity can reach 1016 Ω·m. Specific resistance
is mostly depended on chemical purity, but for higher values of temperature, i.e., 2000 ◦ C and more,
the purity of magnesia does not have any influence on values of electrical resistivity. The dielectric
constant of magnesium oxide is in the range from 3.2 to 9.8 at 25 ◦ C and under frequency 1 MHz,
also values of dielectric loss for same conditions are around 10−4 .
Chemical properties and surface composition of magnesium oxide are also influenced by the
calcination procedure [4,5] (used temperature and used medium, i.e., air or vacuum) and also by the
source of the precursor. Based on the various result, physical adsorption of water only occurs if MgO
contains surface defects, such as high quantity of pores [6].
Applications of magnesium oxide includes various industry sectors. For their refractory
properties, it is a valuable fireproofing ingredient in construction materials. Also in applications
where corrosion [7] is not acceptable such as nuclear, chemical or superalloy industries. It has a usage
in medical applications [8], where MgO is used for relief of heartburn and sour stomach, as an antacid,
magnesium supplement, and as a short-term laxative. Other applications include insulators [9],
fertilizers [10], water treatment [11], protective coating [12], etc.
Currently, there are trends to use nanoscale fillers [13]. In general, the nanotechnology is the
production of functional structures in the range of 0.1–100 nm by various physical or chemical
methods [14]. This fact also applies to magnesium oxide. The sol-gel technique [15] or hydrothermal
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 3 of 17
technique [16] could be used for the production of nanoscale magnesium oxide. For an electrical
application, e.g., in high voltage insulation, the MgO represents a prospective filler. Especially, due to
wide band gap (7.8 eV) and high volume resistivity (1017 Ω·m). It is the highest value of volume
resistivity from commonly used nanoscale oxides [17]. For this research, the MgO (supplied by
NanoAmor [18]) with average diameter 20 nm, specific surface area more than 60 m2 /g and density
0.3 g/cm3 , was used.
A lot of studies have shown the effect of different types of nanofillers dispersed in epoxy-based
composites on the mechanical [19,20], thermo-mechanical [21,22] or electrical [23] properties. The use
of nanofillers has been also demonstrated to impove mechanical characteristics of many biomedical
materials, mainly used in orthopedics [24] and dentistry [25]. However, this paper presents the
unique results of nanoscale MgO dielectric properties itself, in the temperature and frequency range.
These results are complemented by changes of dielectric properties of epoxy-based composites
depending on the filler amount and by the effect of surface modification. These effects of surface
functionalization were studied by two special measurement and evaluation techniques, i.e., reduced
resorption curves (RRCs) [26] and voltage response method (VR) [27], which may be used as indirect
method for evaluation of filler dispersion.
Technologies, Fitchburg, WI, USA) in the first step. The second step is a pressing of the powder whereas
the amount of 200 ±1 mg of powder was loaded into the evacuable pellet press (PIKE Technologies)
with a pressing chambers diameter of 13 mm. Air is evacuated from the pressing chamber during a
compression. The evacuable pellet press is inserted between parallel pressing plates of the hydraulic
press H-62 (Trystom, Olomouc, Czech Republic). It was necessary to optimize the maximum applied
pressure in order to avoid a excessive deformation and a fixation of filler particles in pellet volume.
This pressure was set to a value of approximately 340 MPa (force of 45 kN applied to anvils) to
minimize the adhesion of the pellet surface to the anvils surface that may cause a damage of the pellet
during removal from the chamber [31]. This pressure was determined on the basis of self-optimization
of pellet preparation from MgO.
(a) (b)
The results of the analysis show significant increase in e0 and e00 values with the decreasing
of measuring voltage frequency and also with the increasing of temperature when the material is
heated in the delivered state. This trend of e0 and e00 development is visible for cooling too, but with a
different character. The results for the heating also denote the formation of noticeably visible peak in
the temperature dependencies of dielectric constant and loss factor. The 3D interpretation of results
of cooling shows a significantly smoother surface without visible peaks. In general, lower values of
e0 and e00 are recorded always for cooling, whereas primarily the loss factors decline by several orders
of magnitude compared with heating is detected for lower temperatures.
The increase of e0 and e00 caused by the frequency decreasing is primarily the effect of the
electrical conductivity of the tested material, which is commonly visible in the low frequencies
area of 3D interpretation of similar analysis results. The general cause of the most pronounced
increase of dielectric constant and loss factor in the highest temperatures area is a disordered thermal
movement of particles in the MgO pellet which is become more apparent under increasing temperature
not only for this material. The peak occurrence in characteristics is a result of changes in material
structure which are caused by the temperature rise during the measurement and which significantly
influence dielectric properties of MgO. Specifically, changes in structure are related to a process of
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 5 of 17
MgO dehydration. This material evidently contains a significant amount of water molecules in the
delivered state. However, these water molecules are with high probability only absorbed or very
weakly bonded in the volume of MgO powder if they are released at temperatures below 100 ◦ C.
The effect of dehydration of MgO (differences of e0 and e00 between heating and cooling) is significant
in the case of lower frequencies and mean temperatures which are the most important for the intended
application in electrical engineering. Differences in values of dielectric constant and loss factor for
selected temperatures and industrial frequency of 50 Hz are shown in Table 1. Results in this table
prove the fact that the usage of MgO without dehydration in composites with thermoset matrix (with
values of the loss factor lower by orders of magnitude than for MgO at evaluated temperatures) cured
at room temperature can have a significantly negative effect on dielectric properties of the composite.
On the other hand, after dehydration, MgO exhibits very similar or even lower values of the loss factor
than the pure thermoset at evaluated temperatures.
Table 1. Selected values of dielectric constant and loss factor for the industrial frequency of 50 Hz.
simultaneous heating (90 ◦ C, 300 rpm, 3 h). The epoxy resin mixture was further placed in dried Teflon
molds and cured under the same conditions as in the previous case.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Changes of dielectric properties depending on the filler amount. (a) dissipation factor—500 V
AC, 50 Hz; (b) relative permittivity—500 V AC, 50 Hz; (c) Volume resistivity—500 V DC; (d) Dielectric
strength—increase 1.5 kV/s AC.
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 7 of 17
Study [40] highlighted the positive effect of magnesium oxide of nanometric dimensions on the
reduction of trapped charge in the internal structure of the material at a fill volume in the range
0.5–2%. Due to the nature of the particles, when their volume resistivity is in the order of 1017 Ω·m,
the resistivity of whole composite may increased at low filling rates. This fact was confirmed by
performed measurements. An increase of volume resistivity of the composites can be attributed
to an increase in resistance to injection of the charge carriers and their generation in the internal
dielectric structure [41]. Dielectric breakdown phenomena of nanodielectrics is affected mainly due to
low quantity of agglomeration at low filler loadings [42]. Some studies [43,44] also shown the changes
of relation between the dielectric breakdown and free-volume in polymers. In these cases, also a
percolation threshold could plays a role, but not more works have been presented for percolation
threshold estimation in the case of dispersed nanoscale insulating particles, where the character of
added filler causes improvement of the electro-insulation properties of whole composite. On the
other hand, the behavior of dispersed conductive fillers is very-well known [45–48] and percolation
threshold could be estimated based on the significant increase of conductivity. However, the dielectric
parameters of basic material could be improved by addition of relatively low amount of nanofiller, as
is evident from our previous studies [49–51]. In connection with these claims, the study [52] describes
a theory of percolation and interfacial characterisation via breakdown voltage measurement. It may
be also used in this case for the confirmation of presented results (Figure 4d). In the case of pure
epoxy resin, deeper traps generally exist. It results in relatively easy charge capture. If the charge
carriers are released, the breakdown occurs due to their energy. The increase of breakdown voltage
can be attributed to increasing of shallow traps inside the material by addition of nanofiller up to
percolation threshold. The expected decrease will occur if the double-layers [53] on the particles
surface are overlapped. It leads to the easier movement of the charge carriers in double-layers. Due to
this fact, the conductive path will be formed [54] and breakdown can occur more easily. These effects
are better noticable on the values of volume resistivity (Figure 4c), which goes hand in hand with the
breakdown voltage measurement. According to the presented results, the percolation threshold could
be estimated greater than 1 wt %.
Taking into account the preliminary measurements of the basic electrical properties (Figure 4),
especially the volume resistivity and breakdown voltage, together with the the above-presented data,
the optimal weight ratio for further investigation was set to 1 wt %.
3.3. X-ray Diffraction of Epoxy Resin and Epoxy Resin with Dispersed MgO Nanoparticles
The X-ray difraction has been used for the characterisation of internal structure of the tested
material. These measurements were performed on a Panalytical X’Pert Pro (Malvern Panalytical)
automated powder X-ray diffractometer using an X-ray lamp (IKa1 = 0.154 nm, 40 kV, 30 mA) and a
semiconductor ultra-rapid PIXcel detector in the geometric Bragg-Bretan arrangement. The results
from the diffractometer were aligned with the Pearson VII curves. From the X-ray diffraction analysis
is visible the character of the amorphous material. This symbolizes very wide diffraction (6–8 degrees
in the diffraction angles 2-theta), which are shown in Figure 5.
These diffractions, resp. their positions on the x-axis, corresponding with the results of presented
studies [55,56]. On this diffractogram, only the diffraction pattern of MgO (200), (220) and (222) are
noticed. Other lines are weak, or we do not notice them at all. Analysis of the profile of diffraction
lines (200) showed that the size of the coherent dispersion region of X-ray crystallization (crystallite) is
in all cases about 23–25 nm and the micro deformation is relatively low (0.0022–0.0025).
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 8 of 17
The reaction of the γ-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane with the magnesium oxide filler can be
explained as follow and is illustrated in Figure 6. The corresponding silanol molecules are formed
after hydrolysis of the hydrolysable groups [68]. Furthermore, the process of chemisorption is going.
The hydrogen bonds are formed between silanol and –OH groups on the surface of magnesium oxide.
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 9 of 17
A polysiloxane layer bonded with covalent bonds to the surface of the magnesium oxide is formed
while water is released due to the condensation reaction [69,70].
H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2
3H2O 3 CH2 3CH3OH
OCH3 Hydrolysis OCH3
Hydrogen bond
Chemisorption forming
H2 H2 H2
H2 H2 H2 HO
CH2 CH O CH2 Si O O MgO particle
H2 H2 H2 HO
OH Polysiloxane
layer bonded with covalent
bond to particle surface
H2 H2 H2
H2 H2 H2 O HO
CH2 CH O CH2 Si O MgO particle
H2 H2 H2 O HO
The determination of the correct ratio [67] of the coupling agent can be based on the relationship (1)
X= · f, (1)
where X (g) is the amount of coupling agent to form the minimum cover layer, A (m2 /g) is the specific
surface area of the nanoparticle, w (m2 /g) is the wetting specific area of the coupling agent and f (g) is
the weight of nanoparticles. Formic acid or hydrofluoric acid may be applied first to the nanoparticle
to increase the electro-kinetic potential of its surface [74]. For the ability to react with different types
of matrices, γ-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane was chosen for this experiment. The density of the
selected coupling agent is 1.07 g/cm3 and the wetting specific area is 331 m2 /g. It is an epoxysilane
coupling agent, in particular, an organofunctional trialkoxysilane having a high reactivity between
epoxide rings and amino groups [63]. The amount of GLYMO was determined as 18.12% from the
total weight of nanoparticles according to Equation (1) and above-mentioned parameters.
4.1. Production of Epoxy-Based Nano-Composites Samples with Treated Surface of MgO Filler
In this case, the dried nanoparticles (1% of total weight of epoxy resin) were first added to a
solution of 96% ethanol 4% H2 O (10 mL) and ultrasonic mixed (30 min). The coupling agent GLYMO
(18.2% of total weight of nanoparticles) was then added to the mixture with re-application of ultrasonic
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 10 of 17
mixing (2 h). Treated nanoparticles were added to already heated resin. The following procedure is the
same as in the previous case.
4.2. Dielectric Properties of Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites with Treated Surface of MgO Filler
For comparison of the effect of the surface treatment, the measurement of dissipation factor
(500 V AC, 50 Hz), relative permittivity (500 V AC, 50 Hz), volume resistivity (500 V DC) and dielectric
strength (increase 1.5 kV/s AC) were repeated. The average values are shown in Table 3.
From the measurement results, it is clearly visible that the addition of coupling agent improved
dielectric properties of the whole composite in comparison previous case. The relative permittivity
was reduced approx. by 8%, due to the surface modification. The lower value of relative permittivity
also guaranties a lower level of local stress inside the electrical insulation system. For example, in the
case of an imperfect technological process during manufacturing of the insulating system of electrical
machines and equipment. Mentioned decrease of relative permittivity could be caused by a changes of
the degree of crosslinking due to the reaction of polymeric groups. They react with the coupling agent
molecules on the nanoparticle surface and form a linear polymer chains in the interphase region [75].
The results further show that the dissipation factor of the composite is not negatively affected by the
addition of the coupling agent, as confirmed other studies [39,75], as well. Addition of the coupling
agent results in higher volume resistivity values, which can be attributed to a higher degree of the
filler dispersion in the matrix and also to an increase of the energy levels of the electron traps [57],
which results in a higher resistance to charge accumulation in the inner structure of the material.
where x, y are transformed axes (-), t (s) is time, it (A) is current in time t, i15 (A) is current in
15th seconds. The main parameter for this investigation is the slope of the linear fit from transformed
data. The higher slope of the curve generally means better resistance to charge trapping. The adequate
interval length is important for appropriate linear fitting. In general, the interval between 15 and 300 s
is usable for this determination. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 7.
time (s)
Linear fit
The electrometer KEITHLEY 6517A with suitable electrode system KEITHLEY 8009 Resistivity
fixture was used for this measurement. The flat samples were conditioned (25 ◦ C, 35% RH) and
short-circuited in shielding room for 24 h before the measurement. After that, samples were charged
by DC voltage 1000 V for 3600 s. After charging, the resorption current was measured up to 600 s and
was recorded by the developed script in VEE Pro software. Transformation interval was set in the
range 15...300 s. Average values of resorption currents were transformed to reduced resorption curves
(RRCs) according to Equations (2) and (3). The RRCs are compared in Figure 8.
. .
. .
. .
From the results is clearly visible the slope increase of the trendline due to addition of filler resp.
filler and coupling agent. In the first case, the slope increase may be caused by the reduction of bulk
charge accumulation due to better resistance to charge injection and ionic carriers generation in the
bulk of dielectric [41]. The increase of the slope in the case of addition of silane coupling agent is caused
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 12 of 17
by better dispersion and by a higher level of miscibility between organic matrix and an inorganic filler.
The other reason is the increase of the trap depth which may contribute to charge recombination [81].
It means that the charge suppression is more effective. From this point of view, there is the higher
ability of the material to discharge the charge accumulated in the inner structure after dc voltage
charging, because a higher level of energy is needed for its trapping.
voltage (V)
time (s)
The initial slope of V d (t) (marked with Sd ) is directly proportional to the conductivity of the
insulation and the initial slope of V r (t) (marked with Sr ) is directly proportional to the polarization
conductivity, in other words to the intensity of the slow polarization processes. Therefore, the separate
investigation of conductive and polarization processes is ensured by the measurement of Sd and Sr
since they have the same information content as Ic conductive and Ip polarization component of the
leakage current, respectively [82]. The measured values can be seen in Table 4.
According to the measurement results, the pure resin had the highest conductivity and
polarization conductivity from all the samples. By adding MgO filler, the conductive and polarization
processes decreased significantly. However, the best results were measured after the addition of the
silane coupling agent.
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 13 of 17
4.4. X-ray Diffraction of Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites with Treated Surface of MgO Filler
In this case, also the X-ray diffraction analyse has been performed for confirmation of our
uttered assumptions. The X-ray diffraction signals of investigated materials have been deconvolute
and diffraction pattern of epoxy matrix has been removed (Figure 10).
MgO (200)
without treatment
MgO (220)
MgO (111)
MgO (110)
MgO (311)
MgO (400)
MgO (222)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
2-theta (degrees)
5. Conclusions
This paper presents a few unique results. From the measurement results is visible the effect of
dehydration on parameters of complex permittivity. This material evidently contains a significant
amount of water molecules in the delivered state. However, these water molecules are with high
probability only absorbed or very weakly bonded in the volume of MgO powder if they are released at
temperatures below 100 ◦ C. For this reason, it is necessary to dry nanoparticles to remove the surface
moisture content before their applications.
Following on the first measurement, the effect of filler loading has been tested for improvement
of epoxy matrix properties. The optimal filler loading was set to 1 wt % after dielectric parameters
measurement. There are significant changes in investigated parameters, especially in the case of
volume resistivity. The increase of volume resistivity is a consequence of the increase in resistance to
injection of the charge carriers and their generation in the internal dielectric structure.
The effect of silane coupling agent was also investigated on the optimal filler loading. For the
ability to react with different types of matrixes, γ-Glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane, has been used.
The verification of improvement of dielectric parameters were also carried out. The main reason,
why the parameters were improved, are due to a change in the degree of crosslinking due to the reaction
of polymeric groups which react with the coupling agent molecules on the nanoparticle surface and
form linear polymer chains in the interphase region. Also due to higher degree of dispersion of the
filler in the matrix and also to an increase in the energy levels of the electron traps.
Nanomaterials 2018, 8, 381 14 of 17
Two measurement and evaluation techniques (RRCs, VR) have been taken together in this paper.
The possibility of interconnection between these two different techniques is clearly visible from the
experimental results. In both cases, the effect of surface treatment of nanofiller was observed on the
dielectric response. From this point of view, this methodology can be used not only for evaluation of
dielectric parameters, such as conductivity or relaxation time of polarization mechanisms. According to
presented results and previous presumptions, these methods may be used for observation of the proper
dispersion of nanofiller in a polymer base.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.H., P.T. and V.M.; Formal analysis, J.H., P.K. and G.M.C.; Investigation,
J.H., P.K., P.Š. and G.M.C.; Methodology, J.H.; Supervision, P.T., V.M. and Z.Á.T.; Validation, P.T., V.M.
and Z.Á.T.; Visualization, J.H., O.M., P.Š. and G.M.C.; Writing—original draft, J.H., P.T., P.K., O.M. and G.M.C.;
Writing—review & editing, P.T., V.M. and Z.Á.T.
Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
under the RICE-New Technologies and Concepts for Smart Industrial Systems, project No. LO1607 and by
the Student Grant Agency of the West Bohemia University in Pilsen, grant No. SGS-2018-016 Diagnostics and
materials in electrotechnics.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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