Tim Rice: Ite R I Lif
Tim Rice: Ite R I Lif
Tim Rice: Ite R I Lif
Seven paragraphs
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(1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
I was ushered into the young man's drawing room, an
oasis of cultured sanity surrounded by what appeared The next day, back at my desk in the office where I
to be a quite shambolic cluster of rooms in which the was trai ning to become a solicitor, the brief certainty I
less enterprising members of the family operated. had enjoyed of a life in show business with Andrew
Moving from the kitchen to his parlour was an upgrade Lloyd Webber had faded somewhat. I would of course
from economy to business class. continue to keep an eye on the small ads in Melody
Maker for groups needing a vocalist, and would turn
out a few more three-chord songs tailored not to
1 _____________________________________ expose the limitations of my voice, but it was still odds-
on that eventually I would stagger through my exams
His name was Andrew Lloyd Webber. He had won a and wind up a respectable lawyer by the time I was
scholarship to Magdalen College, Oxford, to read twenty-five.
history, and he had nine months to kill before going up,
during which time he intended to become England's
answer to the composer Richard Rodgers. 5. _____________________________________
By then I would have surely grown out of pop My own ambitions were just as insane as his; I
music as my father had confidently predicted I wanted to be a pop star, for all the healthy reasons
would by the time I was twenty-one. This was - women, money and fame. The difference
worrying - if he was right I only had a few more between Andrew and myself was that my dreams
months of enjoying it. were never life or death to me, though it's easy to
say that now. They might have become so had I
C failed.
As he confidently continued to bash out selections
from some of the many shows he had written and G
produced at school, I was reminded of many of the On the other hand , Andrew's conviction of his
best show albums from my parenls' LP collection. score's precocious brilliance was infectious and
He needed a new lyricist for the outside world. not totally unjustified. What did I know about
musicals? As David Land, later to be my agent for
D over a quarter of a century, memorably (and
But it seemed to me that plenty of other blokes repeatedly) said, if there's a demand lor one
around my age (twenty) and not overburdened hamburger bar on the block, there is room for two.
with talent were making it and I wished to be of We could be the second hamburger joint.
their number. There were even guys from my
home town and from public schoot in the pop H
charts - Surely I had the qualifications. Here was the largest collection of records I had
ever seen, the first stereo record player and tuner
I had come across; and the astonishing evidence
that a teenager existed who had spent money on
Georgian wine glasses, pictures and furniture.