Calculation and Specification of Fire Main System: Design Iv Machinery System Department of Marine Engineering

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Calculation and Specification of

Fire Main System

Doc.No. 05 - 42 20 MA001 - FI

Prepared by Approved by
Rev. Date Remark
Anak Agung Madya K. D. Dr. I Made Ariana S.T. M.T.
Doc. No. 05 - 42 20 MA001 - FI
Calculation and Specification of
Rev. No. 00
Fire Main System
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NO Reference Parameter Design

The sea water requirements of all systems

supplied by the fire pumps are to be
considered to ensure that sufficient water is
available when firefighting systems are run
concurrently with other connected sea water
services. All firefighting and operational
scenarios identified in the concept of
operations for the vessel that place demands
ABS 2017 Part 4 on the fire pumps are to be considered.
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- The required fire pumps are to be capable of
1.3.1 delivering for firefighting purposes a quantity of
water, at the pressure specified in 4-7-3/1.7
not less than four-thirds (4/3) of the quantity
required under 4-6-4/5.3.2 to be dealt with by
each of the independent bilge pumps when
employed in bilge pumping, using in all cases L
= length of the vessel, except that the total
Capacity required capacity of the fire pumps need not
1 of Fire exceed 180 m3/h (792 gpm).
Each of the required fire pumps (other than any
emergency fire pump required in 4-7-3/1.5.3)
is to have a capacity not less than 80% of the
total required capacity divided by the minimum
number of required fire pumps, but in any case
not less than 25 m3/h (110 gpm) and each
such pump is to be capable, in any event, of
ABS 2017 Part 4 delivering at least the two required jets of
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- water. These fire pumps are to be capable of
1.3.2 supplying the fire main system under the
required conditions. Where more pumps than
the minimum of required pumps are installed,
such additional pumps are to have a capacity
of at least 25 m3/h (110 gpm) and are to be
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Calculation and Specification of
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Fire Main System
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of at least 25 m3/h (110 gpm) and are to be
capable of delivering at least the two jets of
water in 4-7-3/1.9.

There are to be at least two independently

driven fire pumps. For vessels less than 500
ABS 2017 Part 4
gross tonnage, only one of the required fire
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
Arrange- pumps need be independently driven. The fire
ments of pumps are to be certified in accordance with 4-
Fire 6-1/7.3.1.
2 Pumps Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service
and of pumps may be accepted as fire pumps,
Fire ABS 2017 Part 4 provided that they are not normally used for
Mains Chapter 7 Sect. 3- pumping oil and that if they are subject to
1.5.2 occasional duty for the transfer or pumping of
oil fuel, suitable changeover arrangements are
The capacity of the pump is not to be less than
40% of the total capacity of the fire pumps
required by 4-7-3/1.3.1 and in any case not
ABS 2017 Part 4
less than the following:
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
• for cargo vessels of 2000 gross tonnage and
upwards: 25 m3/h, and
• for cargo vessels less than 2000 gross
tonnage: 15 m3/h.
When the pump is delivering the quantity of
ABS 2017 Part 4
water required by 4-7-3/1.5.3i), the pressure at
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
any hydrant is to be not less than the minimum
pressures given in 4-7-3/1.7.2.

Any service fuel tank is to contain sufficient

fuel to enable the pump to run on full load for
ABS 2017 Part 4
at least three hours and sufficient reserves of
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
fuel are to be available outside the machinery
space of category A to enable the pump to be
run on full load for an additional 15 hours.
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Calculation and Specification of
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run on full load for an additional 15 hours.

The total suction head and net positive suction

head of the pump are to be such that the
requirements of 4-7-3/1.5.3i), 4-7-3/1.5.3ii)
and 4-7-3/1.7.2 are obtained under all
ABS 2017 Part 4 conditions of list, trim, roll and pitch likely to be
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- encountered in service. In selecting the
1.5.3(v) emergency fire pump, the minimum available
Emerge net positive suction head is to provide a safety
3 ncy Fire margin of at least the 1 meter (3.3 feet) or 30%
Pump of required net positive suction head of the
pump, whichever is less.

No direct access is to be permitted between the

machinery space and the space containing the
emergency fire pump and its source of power.
ABS 2017 Part 4 When this is impracticable, ABS may accept an
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- arrangement where the access is by means of an
1.5.3(vii) airlock with the door of the machinery space
being of “A-60” class standard and the other door
being at least steel, both reasonably gastight, self-
closing and without any hold-back arrangements.

An emergency fire pump is not required if the

two main fire pumps including their sources of
power, fuel supply, electric cables, lighting and
ventilation for the space in which they are
located are in separate compartments so that
a fire in any one compartment will not render
both main fire pumps inoperable. Only one
ABS 2017 Part 4
common boundary is allowed between the two
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
compartments, provided the common boundary
is A-0 class or higher. No direct access is
allowed between the two compartments,
except that, where this is impracticable, an
access meeting the requirements of 4-7-
3/1.5.3vii) may be considered.
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3/1.5.3vii) may be considered.

Relief valves are to be provided in conjunction

with all fire pumps if the pumps are capable of
developing a pressure exceeding the design
ABS 2017 Part 4
pressure of the water service pipes, hydrants
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
and hoses. These valves are to be so placed
and adjusted as to prevent excessive pressure
in any part of the fire main system.

4 Valves In oil carriers and fuel oil carriers, flammable

chemical carriers and gas carriers, isolation
valves are to be fitted in the fire main at poop
ABS 2017 Part 4 front in a protected position and on the tank
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- deck at intervals of not more than 40 m (132
1.5.7 ft) to preserve the integrity of the fire main
system in case of fire or explosion. Fire main
isolation valves are to be arranged in
accordance with 4-7-3/1.11.3.
The diameter of the fire main and water service
pipes is to be sufficient for the effective
distribution of the maximum required discharge
from two fire pumps operating simultaneously or
ABS 2017 Part 4 maximum specific vessel design flow through the
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- system, whichever is the greater.. However,
1.7.1 unless otherwise specified by the Naval
Administration, the diameter need only be
sufficient for the discharge of 140 m3/hour (616
ABS 2017 Part 4
r and
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- With the two pumps simultaneously delivering
5 1.7.2 through nozzles specified in 4-7-3/1.15 the
in the
quantity of water specified in 4-7-3/1.7.1,
through any adjacent hydrants, the following
minimum pressures are to be maintained at all
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i) Vessels of 6,000 gross tonnage and upwards:
0.40 N/mm2 (4.1 kgf/cm2, 58 psi);
ii) Vessels less than 6,000 gross tonnage: 0.27
N/mm2 (2.8 kgf/cm2, 40 psi).

ABS 2017 Part 4 The maximum pressure at any hydrant is not to

Chapter 7 Sect. 3- exceed that at which the effective control of a
1.7.3 fire hose can be demonstrated.

ABS 2017 Part 4 A valve is to be fitted to serve each fire hydrant

Chapter 7 Sect. 3- so that any fire hose may be removed while the
1.11.2 fire pumps are in operation.

Materials used for the fire main, hydrants and fire

main components (such as valves, expansion
joints, fittings, gaskets, etc., including filler
ABS 2017 Part 4
materials used for associated methods of
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
attachment) are not considered “readily rendered
ineffective by heat”, provided the components
made of such materials are capable of passing a
recognized fire test acceptable to ABS.

Isolating valves to separate the section of the

fire main within the machinery space
containing the main fire pump or pumps from
Pipes the rest of the fire main are to be fitted in an
and easily accessible and tenable position outside
6 ABS 2017 Part 4 of the machinery spaces. The fire main is to be
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- so arranged that when the isolating valves are
1.11.3 shut, all of the hydrants on the vessel, except
those in the machinery space referred to
above, can be supplied with water by another
fire pump or an emergency fire pump.
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Calculation and Specification of
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The number and position of hydrants are to be

such that at least two jets of water not
emanating from the same hydrant, one of
which is to be from a single length of hose, may
reach any part of the vessel normally
ABS 2017 Part 4 accessible while the vessel is being navigated
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- and any part of any cargo space when empty,
1.9 any ro-ro cargo space or any vehicle space in
which latter case the two jets are to reach any
part of such space, each from a single length of
hose. Furthermore, such hydrants are to be
positioned near the accesses to the protected
Fire hoses are to be of approved non-
perishable material (certified to a recognized
standard by a competent independent testing
laboratory), or approved by the Naval
Administration, and are to be sufficient in
length to project a jet of water to any of the
spaces in which they may be required to be
ABS 2017 Part 4 used. Fire hoses are to have a length of at least
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- 10 m (33 ft), but not more than:
1.13.1 • 15 m (50 ft) in machinery spaces;
• 20 m (66 ft) in other spaces and open decks;
• 25 m (82 ft) for open deck on vessels with a
maximum breath in excess of 30 m (98 ft) In
7 Fire Hoses interior locations, fire hoses shall be connected
to the hydrants at all times

ABS 2017 Part 4 In vessels of 1,000 gross tonnage and

Chapter 7 Sect. 3- upwards, the number of fire hoses to be
1.13.2 provided is to be at least one for each of the
hydrants required by 4-7-3/1.9. In vessels of
less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the number of
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less than 1,000 gross tonnage, the number of
fire hoses to be provided is to be at least one
for each 30 m (100 ft) length of the vessel and
one spare. However, the number of hoses is to
be in no case less than three.

Standard nozzle sizes are to be 12 mm (0.5

ABS 2017 Part 4 in.), 16 mm (0.625 in.) and 19 mm (0.75 in.) or
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- as near thereto as possible. Larger diameter
1.15.1 nozzles may be permitted, subject to
compliance with 4-7-3/1.7.2
ABS 2017 Part 4 For accommodation and service spaces, a
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- nozzle size greater than 12 mm (0.5 in.) need
1.15.2 not be used

For machinery spaces and exterior locations,

the nozzle sizes are to be such as to obtain the
ABS 2017 Part 4 maximum discharge possible from two jets at
8 Nozzles Chapter 7 Sect. 3- the pressure mentioned in 4-7-3/1.7.2 from
1.15.3 the smallest pump, provided that a nozzle size
greater than 19 mm (0.75 in.) need not be

All nozzles are to be of an approved dual

purpose type (i.e., spray/jet type) incorporating
ABS 2017 Part 4
a shutoff. Nozzles of plastic material such as
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
polycarbonate may be accepted, subject to
review of their capability and serviceability as
marine use fire hose nozzles.

ABS 2017 Part 4 All vessels are to be provided with at least one
Chapter 7 Sect. 3- international shore connection, complying with
1.19.1 provisions of 4-7-3/1.19.3.

ABS 2017 Part 4 Facilities are to be available enabling such a

Chapter 7 Sect. 3- connection to be used on either side of the
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Chapter 7 Sect. 3- connection to be used on either side of the
1.19.2 vessel.

ABS 2017 Part 4 Standard dimensions of flanges for the

Chapter 7 Sect. 3- international shore connection are to be in
1.19.3 accordance with 4-7-3/Table 1.
The connection is to be of steel or other
suitable material and is to be designed for 1.0
9 Shore
N/mm2 (10.5 kgf/cm2, 150 psi) services. The
flange is to have a flat face on one side, and on
the other site, it is to be permanently attached
to a coupling that will fit the vessel's hydrant
ABS 2017 Part 4
and hose. The connection is to be kept aboard
Chapter 7 Sect. 3-
the vessel together with a gasket of any
material suitable for 1.0 N/mm2 (10.5
kgf/cm2, 150 psi) services, together with four
16 mm (5/8 in.) bolts, 50 mm (2 in.) in length,
four 16 mm (5/8 in.) nuts, and eight washers.
Doc. No. 05 - 42 20 MA001 - FI
Calculation and Specification of Fire
Main System Rev. No. 00

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1. Calculation of Fire pump and pump capacity
The required fire pumps are to be capable of delivering for firefighting purposes a quantity of water, at
the pressure specified in 4-7-3/1.7 not less than four-thirds (4/3) of the quantity required under 4-6-
4/5.3.2 to be dealt with by each of the independent bilge pumps when employed in bilge pumping,
using in all cases L = length of the vessel, except that the total required capacity of the fire pumps need
not exceed 180 m3/h (792 gpm)
- ABS Rules for Building and classing Marine Vessel -4-7-3/1.3.1
𝑄= 𝑄
Qfp = 3 Where,
3 3
= 179.200 m /h Q bilge pump required = 134.400 m /h
= 0.050 m /s

Capacity of each fire main pump is not less than 80% of the total required capacity. Thus, the minimum
capacity of fire pump is:
Qf min = 0.8*179.2 /2
= 80.64 m3/h = 0.0224 m3/s
1.344 m3/min

2. Calculation of Fire main pipe

The diameter of the fire main and water service pipes is to be sufficient for the effective distribution of
the maximum required discharge from two fire pumps operating simultaneously or maximum specific
vessel design flow through the system, whichever is the greater.. However, unless otherwise specified
by the Naval Administration, the diameter need only be sufficient for the discharge of 140 m3/hour
(616 gpm).
- ABS Rules for Building and classing Marine Vessel -4-7-3/1.4.1
d = (( 4 x Q ) / ( π x v ))0,5 Q = A x V = (π d / 4) v
= (( 4 x 0,03) / (3,14 x 2.5))0,5 d = (( 4 x Q ) / ( π x v ))
= 0.1068 m
= 106.836 mm
= 4.2062 in
According to the calculation, specification of selected pipe :
Stainless Steel Pipes for Pressure Service Piping by ANSI ASTM Pipe B36.19M

Nominal diameter 5 Schedule 40

Inside diameter (dm) 5.047 inch 128.19 mm
thickness 0.258 inch 6.5532 mm
Outside diameter 5.563 inch 141.3 mm
The minimum wall thickness comply with ABS Part 4, Ch. 6, Sec.2

3. Calculation of Pump Head

H = Hs + HP + HV + total Head-loss
Hs = From Seachest to hydrant in the navigation deck
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= 21.5 m
Hp = Different pressure in suction side and discharge side

With the two pumps simultaneously delivering through nozzles specified in 4-7-3/1.15 the quantity of
water specified in 4-7-3/1.7.1, through any adjacent hydrants, the following minimum pressures are to
be maintained at all hydrants:
i) Vessels of 6,000 gross tonnage and upwards: 0.27 N/mm2 (2.8 kgf/cm2,40 psi);
ii) Vessels less than 6,000 gross tonnage: 0.25 N/mm2 (2.6 kgf/cm2, 37 psi).

Nozzle for pressure vessel > 6000

(P) GT= 0.27 N/mm²
= 270000 N/m²
Density sea water (ρ) = 1025 kg/m³
Gravity (g) = 9.81 m/s²
So head pressure is
Hp = ( Pdiscd - Psuct ) / ρg
= 270000 / (1025 x 9,81)
= 26.85 m

Hv = Difference speed between the suction side discharge. To head velocity in the fluid
velocity is assumed to discharge to the suction side of the same: and there is no
velocity difference between the sides.
= ( V2disch - V2suct ) / 2g
= 0 m

▪ Calculation head losses for suction side

Major losses = Re: ( D x V ) / υ
Where :
D = Inside diameter for main pipe
= 128.19 mm
V = Flow Velocity
= 1.74 m/s
u = 0,822/106
= 0.00000082 m2/scst pada 30o
Re = (0,1552 x 3)/8,2E-07 :
= 271455
If Re <2300,"laminer"
if Re >2300,"turbulen"
= turbulen

Major loss = λ x L x v² / (D x 2g)

Where :
λ = 0,02+0,0005/dh
= 0.024
L = Length of Suction Side
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= 17 m
v = 1.74 m/s
D = df
= 128.19 mm

Major loss = λ x L x v² / (D x 2g) 1.9

= 0.023 x 10 x 2.16² / (0,154 x (2 x 9,8))
= 0.49 m

Minnor losses (hl)

No Accessories n k nxk
1 Butterfly valve 4 0.86 3.44
2 Filter or strainer 2 2.5 5
3 Elbow 90 2 1 2
4 T-join 3 1.8 5.4
5 Gate Valve 2 1.15 2.3
Total 18.14

Minor loss = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g

= 18,14 x 2.16² /(2 x 9,8)
= 2.79 m

Total Head Loss for Suction Line

= Major Head Loss + Minor Head Loss
= 3.9
= 3.28 m

▪ Calculation of head losses at discharge line

Major loss = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)
Where :
λ = 0,02+0,0005/dh
= 0.024
L = Length of Discharge Side
= 136.5 m
v = 1.74 m/s
D = df
= 128.19 mm

Major losses = λ x L x v² / (D x 2g)

= 0.023 x 136.5 x 2.16² / (0,1552 x ( 2 x 9,8))
= 3.91 m

Minnor losses (hl)

No Accessories n k nxk
1 Elbow 90 8 1 8 4 3
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2 T-join 18 1.8 32.4 12 9
3 NRV 4 1.35 5.4 1 1
4 Angle Valve 26 2 52 1 1
5 Bulkhead Fitting 10 0.02 0.2 4 7
total 98 23

Minor loss = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g

= 98 x 2.16² /(2 x 9,8)
= 15.08 m

Total Head Losses pada Discharge Line

= Major Head Loss + Minor Head Loss
= 4.92 + 23.39
= 18.99 m

Head Total = Hs + Hp + Hv + Σ head losses (suction dan discharge)

= 70.62 m

4. Specification of Required Fire Pump

Q = 80.64 m /h
H = 70.62 m

Pump Selection of Spesification FI-BG Pump:

Merk = Shanghai SILI Pump Manufacture Co., Ltd
Type = 100CLZ-6
Qapacity = 60-88 m /h
Head = 68-84 m
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Motor Selection
Merk = Hoyer motor
Rpm = 2950 RPM
Freq. = 50 Hz
Phase = 3
V = 400
Pole = 2
Power Input = 37 kW

5. Calculation of Emergency Pump

The capacity of the pump is not to be less than 40% of the total capacity of the fire pumps required by
4-7-3/1.3.1 and in any case not less than the following:
• for cargo vessels of 2000 gross tonnage and upwards: 25 m3/h, and
• for cargo vessels less than 2000 gross tonnage: 15 m3/h.
Qefp = 40% . Qfp
= 32.256 m /h
3 3
So, Qefp = 32 m /h greater than 25 m /h

6. Calculation of emergency fire pump head

H = Hs + HP + HV + total Head-loss
Where :
Hs = From Emergency Seachest to hydrant in the navigation deck
= 21.5 m
Hp = Different pressure in suction side and discharge side
= According to ABS 2017 4-7-3/1.5.3(i), vessels of 6,000 gross tonnage and
= upwards: 0.40 N/mm2 (4.1 kgf/cm2, 58 psi);
= ( Pdiscd - Psuct ) / ρg
= 26.85 m
Hv = Different flow velocity suction side and discharge side
= ( V2disch - V2suct ) / 2g
= 0 m

▪ Calculation head losses for suction side

Major losses = Re: ( D x V ) / υ
Where :

D = Inside diameter for main pipe

= 128.19 mm
V = Flow Velocity
= 1.74 m/s
u = 0,822/10
= 0.00000082 m2/s
Re = (0.1552 x 3)/8,2E-07
= 271455
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If Re <2300,"laminer"
if Re >2300,"turbulen"
= turbulen

Major loss = λ x L x v² / (D x 2g)

Where :
λ = 0,02+0,0005/dh
= 0.024
L = Length of Suction Side
= 12 m
v = 1.74 m/s
D = df
= 128.19 mm

Major Loss = λ x L x v² / (D x 2g)

= 0.023 x 12 x 2.16² / (0,154 x (2 x 9,8)
= 0.34 m

Minnor losses (hl)

No Accessories n k nxk
1 Butterfly valve 2 0.86 1.72
2 Filter or strainer 2 2.5 5
3 Elbow 90 1 1 1
4 T-join 0 1 0
5 Gate Valve 1 1.15 1.15
total 8.87

Minor Losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g

= 8.87 x 2.16² /(2 x 9,8)
= 1.36 m

Total Head Loss for Suction Line

= Major Head Loss + Minor Head Loss
= 1.71 m

▪ Calculation of head losses at discharge line

Major loss = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)

Where :
λ = 0.02+0.0005/dh
= 0.024
L = Discharge Side length m
= 136.5 m
v = 1.74 m/s
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D = df
= 128.19 mm

Major losses = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)

= 0.023 x 136.5 x 2.16² / (0,154 x (2 x 9,8))
= 3.91 m

Minnor losses (hl)

No Accessories n k nxk
1 Elbow 90 8 1 8
2 T-join 18 1 18
3 NRV 4 1.35 5.4
4 Angle Valve 26 0.02 0.52
total 31.4
Minor Losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g
= 31.4 x 2.162 /(2x9.8)
= 4.83 m

Total Head Losses pada Discharge Line

= Major Head Loss + Minor Head Loss
= 7.5 + 4.92
= 8.74 m

Head total = Hs + Hp + Hv + Σ head losses (suction dan discharge)

= 58.81 m

7. Specification of Emergency Fire Pump

Required emergency fire pump:
Q = 32.26 m /h
HT = 58.81 m
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Pump Selection of Spesification Emergency FI Pump:

Merk = Shanghai SILI Pump Manufacture Co., Ltd
Type = 80CLZ-5A
Qapacity = 30-45 m /h `
Head = 49-61 m
Electric Motor Driven specification
Rpm = 2930 RPM
Freq. = 50 Hz
Phase = 3
V = 400 Volt
Power = 15 kW
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fr. No. 23 (P/S) &(S/B) Frame 22
(SB & PS)
Frame 29
(Wheel House)
(SB & PS)

Frame 15 Frame 21 Frame
Fr.22 Frame 29
No. 21 (P/S) &(S/B) Frame 30
(SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS) CL


Frame 16 Frame 24 Fr. No. 21 (P/S) & (S/B) Frame 28 Frame 30

(SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS)
Deck FI-AVH 10

Shore Frame 10 Frame 19 Frame 28
Connection (SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS)

Fr.37 ( P/S & S/B ) Outside Fr. No. 26 (P/S) &(S/B)

"A" Emerg.

Genset RM.

Fr. No. 67 (P/S) & (S/B) Fr. No. 67 (P/S) & (S/B) Fr. No. 96 (P/S) &(S/B) Fr. No. 124 (P/S) &(S/B) Fr. No. 152 (P/S) &(S/B) Fr. No. 152 (P/S) &(S/B) Fr. No. 210 (P/S) &(S/B)
Fire Control FI-AVH 16
From Air Receiver CO2-BVR-001


Frame 01 Frame 13 Frame 24

(SB & PS) (SB & PS) (SB & PS)

FI-BTV-001 FI-STR-002 FI-NRV-002


D FW tank Steering
Gear Room
FI-PI 06
FI-SV 03
FI-PI 05 Fr. No. 21 (P/S) &(S/B) Frame 9 Frame 18
(CL) (SB & PS)
Frame 28 Engine
(SB & PS) Control Room
FI-NRV 03 FI-BV-03


Fr. No. 21 (P/S) &(S/B)


FI-PI 03 FI-SV 02 FI-PI 04

FI-BV 02

FI-NRV 02 FI-F- 02
Fr. No. 21 (P/S) &(S/B) FI-P 01
FI-PI 01 FI-SV 01 FI-PI 02


FI-NRV 01 FI-F- 01

see. Dwg no. 02 - 42 20 MA001 - BG
BULKHEAD To/From Bilge System


TANK This drawing is used for educational purposes only. The authors do not
TOP recommend this drawing for industrial and commercial purposes. The author is not
LOW liable in the event of any accident resulting from the use of this drawing for
FI-F industrial and commercial applications. G


Angle Valve, Fire Hydrant 24 Pressure Indicator PI 6
Butterfly Valve 8 FI-BV; Main Fire Pump FI-P ; CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, self priming OIL TANKER / CHEMICAL TANKER ESP
Type Tanker
Safety Valve 2 Main Fire-Bilge Pump FI BG-P ; CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, self priming
FI-SV; Lpp 155 m
Non Return Valve Straight, INWATER SURVEY
3 FI-NRV; Emergency Fire Pump 161.2m
Screw Down
Gate Valve 3 FI-GV; B 25 m
S.W.Filter 6 FI-F ; H 13,5 m Prepared by:
Anak Agung Madya Kusuma Dewa
H International Shore connection 1 T 9.5 m KEYPLAN OF MAIN 04211841000001
Cb 0.812 FIRE SYSTEM Approved by:
Bulkhead Fitting / Flange 11 FI-BF; CENTRIFUGAL PUMP, self priming
Vs 13.5 Knot Dr. I Made Ariana S.T. M.T.
Sea Chest - S.W. Inlet 5 S/C ; Main Sea Chest & Emergency Fire Sea Chest
Dwg no. Sheet Scale Rev.
02 - 42 20 MA001 - FI 1 of 1 NTS

1 2 3 4

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