The Tempest: Revenge - Resonance Quote Literary Device Action Purpose

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The Tempest 

Revenge - Resonance
Quote Literary Action  Purpose

“The rarer action is in Contrast Shows the change in Emphasises sometimes

virtue than in vengeance” Prospero’s thoughts: plans have to be altered
wanted revenge at the to prevent destruction
beginning, now wants within a person or
equality in everyone people’s lives

“Your charm so strongly Visual Ariel reminds Prospero Shows that even being
works ’em That, if you Imagery the dominant impact his manipulated and
now beheld them, your power can deliver encouraged, choose what
affections Would become feels correct to do 

Gender Roles - Dissonance 

Quote Literary Action  Purpose

“Abhorred slave, Emotive Symbolises Miranda’s Showcases the limited number

which any print of Language  verbal strength and of people in which women
goodness wilt not how she defends her could use their verbal strength
take”. father on, in this case Caliban as he is
Propsero’s slave 

“Work not so Asyndeton  Expresses qualities Shows that at times women

hard… set it women had in perform tasks which are
down and rest Shakespeare’s time normally assigned to men

Power and Authority - Resonance

Quote Literary Action  Purpose

“All hail, great Emotive Emphasises Ariel’s Shows the effect Ariel
master! Grave sir, Language  commitment towards has although Propsero
hail!  Prospero, showcasing the has most power on the
consistency of Prospero’s island

“My high charms High Shows the extent of Expresses Prospero as

work, And these, Modality Prospero’s power, showing being the master
mine enemies, are Language the island belongs to manipulator: able to
all knit up”.  Prospero control his future position

Revenge - Resonance
Quote Literary Action  Purpose

“And let’s shove it Emotive Shows Felix’s feelings towards Portrays anger within
down the throat of Language Tony Felix, emphasising the
that devious, twisted want for immediate
bastard, Tony”.  revenge

“His magic garment Symbolism Felix preparing for his Symbolises the
is hanging in there revenge; uses his cape as a meaning the revenge
too... slowly coming symbol of ‘defeat’ which has towards Felix
alive.” reminds him of his past

Gender Roles - Dissonance

Quote Literary Device Action  Purpose

“I don’t blame High Modality Show’s masculine traits Forces audience to see her
them. Being a girl Language of Anne-Marie as a person with more than
is the pits” just as every other women
Shows Anne-Marie as a
person to stay away from:
“Man, she’s…
Exclamation Shows Anne-Marie’s her knowledge and
malignant, man!”
knowledge and strength  strength

“I would, sir, were Intertextuality  Shows how Miranda Shows dissonance of

I human”. reminds Felix she is a women having more
spirit, playing the role of knowledge and control

Power and Authority - Resonance

Quote Literary Action  Purpose

“My island, My Repetition Shows how Felix claims the Highlights how Felix is
domain. My place of of ‘my’ prison theatre to be his home able to control his
exile. My penance. and property future, gaining
My theater”. freedom 

“How quickly it has Contrast Shows how Felix was working Makes the audience
sped by. How much for someone before, whereas aware to take
of it has been people work for him now, advantage of what
wasted.” showing his succession  they currently have
Historical Context
The Tempest
The Tempest reflects the value of the Great Chain of Being, where punishments were
decreed by God depending on the rank and position of a person. It changes an individual's
perspective whether to continue their plot or to abort it. 

Gender Roles
The Tempest is based on a hierarchy containing ranks and positions which determines who
has more or less status compared to people in their society. It reinforces how women were
seen as the property of their fathers in the Elizabethan Era. 

Power and Authority

Shakespeare showcases how social hierarchy controls the power of characters. It
emphasises how the dramatic difference in power influences the daily lives of characters. As
a result, it portrays the values and beliefs of the Elizabethan Era. 

Historical Context
Social Classes
Austen emphasises the effect in which social class and wealth has on individuals which
reveals the inner person of a character. It reflects the value of elegance in claiming certain
achievements such as wealth. 

Gender Roles
Austen’s Emma is able to reveal the impact on women when they are treated differently by
both men and women. 

Character Development of Emma

Austen’s Emma highlights how Emma has changed as a person which reflects the value of
change as she gains new qualities through the tough experience she has within the novel.

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