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ECV Hemorragico RADIO

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H e m o r r h a g i c S t ro k e

Scott D. Smith, MDa, Clifford J. Eskey, MD, PhDb,*

 Hemorrhagic stroke  Intracerebral hemorrhage
 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
 Susceptibility-weighted imaging  Vascular malformation

When patients present to the emergency room addition, imaging strategies and recent work in
with sudden onset of focal neurologic symptoms specific imaging findings that may guide patient
or altered consciousness, hemorrhagic stroke is management in the future are discussed.
a major focus of emergency diagnostic evalua-
tion. The entities that compose hemorrhagic CLINICAL PRESENTATION
stroke are readily diagnosed with advanced
imaging. Emergency surgical or endovascular Rapid and accurate identification of hemorrhage is
therapies may be life saving. Hemorrhagic essential in acute stroke care, as the fundamental
stroke is defined as an acute neurologic injury therapies for the management of ischemic and
occurring as a result of bleeding into the head. hemorrhagic stroke differ markedly. Both ischemic
There are 2 distinct mechanisms: bleeding and hemorrhagic strokes are characterized by the
directly into the brain parenchyma (intracerebral relatively sudden onset of symptoms and neuro-
hemorrhage [ICH]), or bleeding into the cerebro- logic deficits, the type and severity of which will
spinal fluid (CSF) containing sulci, fissures, and vary according to lesion type, location, and size.
cisterns (subarachnoid hemorrhage [SAH]). Classically described presentations do exist.
Although both entities are less common than For example, nearly all patients with SAH able to
acute ischemia, they both convey greater converse will describe “the worst headache of
morbidity and mortality. Hemorrhagic stroke my life.” One in 5 may report a less severe sentinel
has well-studied and characteristic imaging headache in the hours or days leading up to the
features. Treatment can be challenging and event. The event may be accompanied by focal
substantially different from ischemic forms of neurologic signs or other symptoms such as
stroke. Some of the imaging principles relevant nausea/vomiting, loss of consciousness, or
to ICH and SAH can be applied to other forms seizure. ICH, on the other hand, is classically
of intracranial hemorrhage, but the entities of described as a gradual process, with worsening
subdural and epidural hemorrhage lie outside of symptoms over minutes to hours. Headache
the scope of this discussion. Current imaging and nausea/vomiting are more frequent in ICH
options for the detection of acute hemorrhage than ischemic stroke. Despite these differences,
and the expected imaging findings for each there remains enough overlap in the clinical
modality are reviewed. Common and unusual presentations that history and physical examina-
causes for each entity with attention to their dis- tion alone are unreliable in differentiating hemor-
tinguishing imaging features are discussed. In rhagic from ischemic stroke, and current

Department of Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH
03756, USA
Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, One Medical
Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Radiol Clin N Am 49 (2011) 27–45

0033-8389/11/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
28 Smith & Eskey

guidelines for each entity include brain imaging as knowledge no outcomes or cost-effectiveness
an essential early component of the work-up.1,2 studies have yet been performed evaluating MR
imaging as the initial imaging modality.
SELECTION OF IMAGING MODALITY At our institution, CT remains the initial imaging
modality of choice because of its proven sensitivity
Contemporary options for acute stroke imaging and specificity, availability, and speed. CT angiog-
include computed tomography (CT) and magnetic raphy (CTA) is performed soon thereafter in
resonance (MR) imaging. As recently as 2003, un- patients who are found to have ICH or SAH for
enhanced head CT was considered the imaging which the cause is not immediately apparent
modality of choice for the detection of acute intra- from the clinical history. Digital subtraction angiog-
cranial hemorrhage.3 Continuing advances in MR raphy (DSA) and MR imaging are performed to
technology have addressed several perceived evaluate for specific underlying causes (ie, aneu-
shortcomings and as a result MR is gaining rysm, vascular malformation, primary or
increasing acceptance as a first-line modality. secondary neoplasm, amyloid angiopathy, hemor-
CT remains in widespread use for both logistic rhagic infarction, or venous sinus thrombosis).
and diagnostic reasons. It is widely available on
a 24 hour basis. There are no absolute contraindi- INTRACRANIAL BLOOD PRODUCTS
cations to CT scanning, whereas approximately
10% of patients may be ineligible for MR imaging One of the primary objectives of early stroke
because of the presence of a pacemaker or ferro- imaging is the identification and characterization
magnetic foreign bodies. CT examination can be of hemorrhage. In the ideal setting, imaging will
completed in minutes (rather than 10s of minutes have been obtained within less than 3 to 6 hours
for MR imaging). The speed of image acquisition of symptom onset, so that blood products should
and relative ease of patient monitoring maximize be relatively fresh. However, this may not be the
both patient safety and the chance of good quality case in clinical practice. Hemorrhage evolution is
results, whereas in 10% of patients undergoing a dynamic process with imaging findings that
MR imaging other medical factors such as hypo- can change over time.
tension, agitation, or otherwise altered level of The molecular composition of extravasated
consciousness preclude the acquisition of diag- blood changes as the blood products break
nostic MR images.4 The conspicuity of blood down and are reabsorbed. Five stages are typi-
products is high on CT and their appearance is cally referenced: blood consists primarily of intra-
specific. For all these reasons, CT is better studied cellular oxyhemoglobin in the hyperacute stage;
than MR imaging in the setting of acute stroke and during the acute stage this gradually loses its
has been the primary modality for the largest trials oxygen to become deoxyhemoglobin; this is con-
in acute stroke intervention. The immediate CT verted to intracellular methemoglobin by oxidative
scanning of all patients with acute stroke has denaturation in the early subacute stage; in the late
been shown to be a cost-effective policy that subacute stage, cell lysis occurs resulting in extra-
results in improved quality of life outcomes.5 cellular methemoglobin; this is converted to hemo-
Increasingly, however, MR imaging is gaining siderin and ferritin by macrophages in the chronic
favor in the acute setting. Addressing some of stage. Although there is good agreement in the
the primary perceived deficiencies of the modality, naming of each stage and the molecular composi-
faster sequences have been developed with the tion of the associated blood products, discrep-
broader availability of higher field strengths, ancies persist amongst investigators in delimiting
stronger and faster gradients, and the application the exact time interval of each stage.6e8 This is
of ever-improving computing power. Studies a reflection of the dynamic nature of the break
have shown that specific MR sequences are down of blood products, a process that can occur
comparable with CT when used for the detection at different rates between patients or even within
of acute and subacute blood products. MR has separate areas of a hematoma.
also been found to be more accurate in the detec- Hemorrhages into the various intracranial
tion of chronic hemorrhage, the presence of which compartments demonstrate similar, although not
is believed to affect the risk of thrombolytic always identical, progression over time. Subdural
therapy. Other advantages of MR over CT in the and epidural hematomas evolve similarly to ICH,
acute stroke setting include the detection of small although they progress through each stage more
ischemic infarcts, the differentiation of acute from slowly because of the higher oxygen tension
chronic ischemia, and the identification of satellite conveyed by the adjacent vascularized dura.
ischemic lesions that might better characterize the Subarachnoid and intraventricular bleeds may
mechanism of stroke.2 Unlike CT, to our differ in initial CT density and MR characteristics
Hemorrhagic Stroke 29

depending on the degree to which they mix with days at which point it may be surrounded by
CSF. Their progression is also slow, again a halo of hypoattenuation representing perihema-
because of the relatively high local PO2.6 tomal edema.6
The conspicuity of a clot depends on several
ICH factors, including size, location, CT imaging
Epidemiology parameters, and the window and level settings
used for reading. Smaller bleeds may be more
ICH is the second most common cause of stroke, apparent on thin-slice imaging, and those located
accounting for 10% to 15% of all strokes.1,9 adjacent to the calvarium may be easier to detect
Although long term functional outcomes for stroke with a wider (150e250 HU) window setting. In
survivors are similar amongst hemorrhagic and some cases it may be difficult to distinguish
ischemic cohorts,10 ICH carries significantly higher between focal calcification and blood. Usually
mortality risks, with 30-day mortality estimates this can be resolved with appropriate windowing
ranging from 35% to 52%, a rate approximately and use of thin-section reconstructions. Alterna-
5 times greater than the mortality for ischemic tively, a dual kilovolt technique, which exploits
events.1,9 The survival difference is most the greater attenuation of calcium at lower tube
pronounced immediately after a stroke, with an voltage, can be used.12 Caution must be used in
initially 4-fold higher risk of death. This decreases the setting of extreme anemia, where blood may
to 2.5- and 1.5-fold at 1 and 3 weeks respectively, appear isodense to brain parenchyma because
and the increased mortality risk of ICH continues of low hematocrit. In the case of active extravasa-
to gradually decline such that no differences tion, liquid blood products can appear hypodense
between the 2 groups of survivors are seen 3 relative to surrounding clot, resulting in the so-
months afterwards.11 called swirl sign.”7 Similarly, acute hemorrhage in
the setting of coagulopathy may appear isodense
CT Findings
or may demonstrate a fluid/fluid level.7
The typical CT appearance of an acute hyperten- As the hemorrhage ages, the CT density gradu-
sive hemorrhage is a round or oval hyperattenuat- ally decreases by an average of 0.7 to 1.5 HU per
ing mass (Fig. 1). In the hyperacute setting these day. In a progression that begins at the periphery
typically measure 40 to 60 Hounsfield units (HU), and continues to the center of the hematoma, hy-
and can appear heterogeneous. As the clot orga- perdense clot first becomes isodense, and
nizes it appears more homogeneous and hyper- progressively becomes hypodense until it is
dense, increasing to 60 to 80 HU in hours to completely reabsorbed.6 In the absence of re-
days and 80 to 100 HU over the course of a few bleeding, the late sequelae of hemorrhage can
include hypodense foci (37%), slit-like lesions
(25%), calcification (10%), or no detectable abnor-
mality (27%).13

MR Findings
The appearance of ICH similarly changes over
time on MR imaging. Many variables influence
the signal characteristics. These include factors
intrinsic to the hematoma such as age, size, loca-
tion, and episodes of recurrent hemorrhage; tech-
nical MR factors such as pulse sequence selection
and parameters, magnetic field strength, and
bandwidth; also biologic qualities such as PO2,
pH, protein concentration, and integrity of
a blood-brain barrier.6 A detailed discussion of
the technical factors determining signal properties
at each stage is beyond the scope of this discus-
sion, but the MR signal of blood products reliably
correlates with each of the previously identified
stages. The resultant MR appearance is summa-
Fig. 1. A 73-year-old man on warfarin presented with rized in Table 1.
balance problems and headache. Noncontrast head Spin-echo T1- and T2-weighted imaging tech-
CT showed a 2.53.0 cm right parietal ICH. niques are known to be adequate for the
30 Smith & Eskey

Table 1
Evolution of intracranial blood products, CT and MR imaging appearance

Stage Main Product Time Frame6 CT T1/T2

Hyperacute Oxyhemoglobin First few hours Hyperdense Isointense/hyperintense
Acute Deoxyhemoglobin 1e3 d Hyperdense Isointense/hypointense
Early subacute Intracellular 3e7 d Hyperdense Hyperintense/hypointense
Late subacute Extracellular 4e7 d to 1 mo Isodense Hyperintense/hyperintense
Chronic Hemosiderin, ferritin >1 mo Hypodense Hypointense/hypointense

identification of subacute and chronic blood prod- (Fig. 2). Studies have shown that such 3D SWI
ucts, however their sensitivity is poor compared sequences are more sensitive than CT or even
with CT for hyperacute hemorrhage. Gradient other T2*-GRE MR imaging in the detection of
recalled-echo (GRE) imaging techniques with T2* both chronic microhemorrhage and small volume
weighting are substantially more sensitive to hemorrhage within an acute infarct.20,21
hyperacute hemorrhage.14e16 Unlike spin-echo
sequences, spin refocusing with gradient reversal Causes and Patterns of ICH
does not refocus static magnetic field inhomoge- The presence of ICH alone is enough to alter the
neity. The paramagnetic properties of blood prod- ongoing work-up and treatment plan of a patient
ucts induce local field inhomogeneity resulting in with acute stroke. In most clinical scenarios,
signal loss on T2*-weighted sequences. Several further characterization of the hemorrhage itself
studies have evaluated the accuracy of and adjacent structures helps to further shape
T2*-weighted GRE imaging compared with CT in diagnostic and therapeutic goals. There are
the detection of hyperacute ICH in all patients pre- numerous causes of ICH, and although several
senting with acute stroke (both excluded the eval- classic patterns of presentation have been
uation of SAH.) MR was found to provide equal described, there remains overlap among entities.
detection of acute ICH and to provide better The typical imaging appearance and potential dis-
detection of chronic hemorrhage.17,18 Newer tinguishing characteristics that can be of use in
three-dimensional (3D) susceptibility-weighted further directing care are reviewed.
imaging (SWI) sequences have also been devel-
oped which use a 3D fast low-angle shot (FLASH) Primary causes of ICH
technique with flow compensation. Although these Hypertension is the most common cause of spon-
were initially used as a tool for MR venography,19 taneous ICH in adults.22 The underlying mecha-
they are also useful in the evaluation of ICH nism seems to be related to the effects of

Fig. 2. A 44-year-old man with 2-week history of right frontotemporal headaches. (A) Noncontrast head CT (NCT)
with a crescent-shaped hemorrhage within an area of hypoattenuation in the posterior left temporal lobe. The
right transverse sinus contains high attenuation material (this hemorrhage was secondary to venous sinus throm-
bosis). (B) T2*-GRE MR with signal dropout at known crescent-shaped blood and smaller focus of blood anteriorly
not visible on CT. (C) SWI MR demonstrates further signal dropout representing blood products not seen on
Hemorrhagic Stroke 31

systemic blood pressure on small penetrating (IVH) at the various stages is similar to that of
arteries that arise from major intracranial vessels. ICH, although the progression from stage to stage
Specifically, these vessels are the lenticulostriate is typically slower.6 Like ICH, IVH appears hypoin-
arteries arising from the middle cerebral arteries, tense on SWI. Unlike ICH, IVH is readily identified
thalamoperforating and thalamogeniculate on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
arteries from the posterior cerebral arteries, and sequences, because of its marked T2 hyperinten-
the pontine and brainstem perforators arising sity relative to the adjacent dark CSF signal.
from the basilar artery. In response to hyperten- Another secondary finding that may be seen
sion, these small vessels can develop intimal more often in the setting of hypertensive hemor-
hyperplasia, intimal hyalinization, and medial rhage than other causes is the presence of micro-
degeneration, which predispose them to bleeds in the distribution of the small perforating
focal necrosis and rupture.23 Some investigators vessels. These are the sequelae of hypertensive
suggest that vessel injury can lead to microaneur- arteriopathy resulting in very small volume
ysms, termed Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms, bleeding that is generally chronic and often multi-
which are prone to subsequent rupture, resulting focal. These microbleeds are not typically de-
in micro- or macrohemorrhages.24 The classic tected by CT. The characteristic MR appearance
location of macroscopic hypertensive ICH also of a microbleed is that of a focal area of signal
reflects the territories supplied by these small loss (<10 mm) on a susceptibility-weighted
perforators, with 60% to 65% of bleeds in the pu- sequence. This finding has been pathologically
tamen and internal capsule, 15% to 25% in the correlated with the presence of hemosiderin-
thalamus, and 5% to 10% in the pons.7 Although laden macrophages adjacent to small blood
the deep locations are most characteristic, hyper- vessels.27
tension remains a significant risk factor for lobar
hemorrhage in the absence of other underlying Cerebral amyloid angiopathy Cerebral amyloid
causes.25,26 angiopathy (CAA) is another common cause of
Hypertensive hemorrhages originating in the spontaneous ICH. This is a disease with a strong
basal ganglia and brainstem have a propensity to predilection for advanced age, rarely seen in
extend into the nearby ventricular system patients younger than 60 years and with progres-
(Fig. 3). Intraventricular blood characteristically sively increasing incidence after the age of 65
appears hyperdense on CT, and can range in years. CAA is characterized by the deposition of
volume from a thin dependent layering to amyloid beta-peptide in the small- and medium-
complete filling of one or all of the ventricles. The sized vessels of the leptomeninges and cortex,
MR appearance of intraventricular hemorrhage with relative sparing of vessels in the basal ganglia,
white matter, and posterior fossa.28 The exact
mechanisms resulting in deposition are not well
understood, although there seem to be associa-
tions with specific mutations in an amyloid
precursor protein as well as specific alleles of the
apolipoprotein E gene. Affected vessels undergo
fibrinoid degeneration, necrosis, and microaneur-
ysm formation. These weakened segments can
subsequently rupture, resulting in either micro-
bleeds or larger hematomas. In contrast to hyper-
tensive ICH, CAA-related hemorrhages tend to
occur in the cortex and subcortical white matter.
Early descriptions suggested an equal distribution
throughout the supratentorial brain,28 although
later series have suggested that bleeding occurs
more often in the temporal and occipital lobes.29
As in hypertensive ICH, the microbleeds associ-
ated with CAA are not visible on CT, and are
best detected as focal areas of signal dropout on
T2*-GRE or 3D SWI MR sequences (Fig. 4). The
Fig. 3. A 48-year-old woman with hypertension pre- widely used Boston criteria for the diagnosis of
sented with sudden onset of left hemiparesis and CAA rely heavily on the imaging features of both
aphasia. There was ICH centered in the right lentiform macro- and microhemorrhages when pathologic
nuclei with intraventricular extension. evidence is not available (Table 2).
32 Smith & Eskey

Fig. 4. A 69-year-old woman who had an episode of acute vision loss a few weeks previously. (A) Axial T2-
weighted MR image shows subtle gyriform hypointense signal along the cortex of the right occipital lobe. (B)
Coronal T2*-GRE reveals marked signal dropout at site of right occipital hemorrhage and many small foci of
signal dropout compatible with amyloid microhemorrhage.

Secondary causes of ICH Cerebral vascular malformations Four types of

In the setting of acute ICH, imaging becomes the intracranial vascular malformations are classically
primary tool for the detection or exclusion of described. In order from most to least common,
many of the known secondary causes. Although these include developmental venous anomalies
some entities may have characteristic findings on (DVA), arteriovenous malformations (AVM), capil-
unenhanced CT or MR according to a stroke lary telangiectasias, and cavernous malformations
protocol, multimodal evaluation including vascular (CM). Of these, AVMs and CMs have potential for
evaluation and contrast enhancement can hemorrhage, whereas DVA and capillary telangi-
improve sensitivity for underlying lesions. The ectasia are generally considered benign.
most common of the structural lesions that can
result in ICH include vascular malformations, AVM The prevalence of AVM in adults is about
neoplasms, and hemorrhagic infarction. 0.2%, although they account for 4% of all primary

Table 2
Boston criteria for the diagnosis of CAA with ICH

Definite CAA Postmortem examination finding all 3 of

1. Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage,
2. Severe CAA
3. Absence of another causative lesion
Probable CAA with supporting Clinical data and pathologic specimen finding all 3 of
pathologic evidence 1. Lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage
2. Some degree of vascular amyloid deposition in specimen
3. Absence of another causative lesion
Probable CAA Clinical data and MR imaging finding all 3 of
1. Age 60 years
2. Multiple hemorrhages restricted to lobar, cortical,
corticosubcortical regions
3. Absence of another causative lesion
Possible CAA Clinical data and MR imaging findings:
Age 60 years AND
1. Single lobar, cortical, or corticosubcortical hemorrhage
without another cause OR
2. Multiple hemorrhages with possible but not definite
cause or with some hemorrhages in atypical location

From Greenberg SM, Edgar MA. Case 22-1996- Cerebral hemorrhage in a 69-year-old woman receiving warfarin. N Engl J
Med 1996;335(3):189e96; with permission.
Hemorrhagic Stroke 33

ICH and up to one-third of all ICH in young adults. shown 100% agreement with DSA in determining
The risk of hemorrhage is about 2% per year in an Spetzler-Martin grade.32 Small AVMs or arteriove-
unruptured AVM, and the risk for recurrent hemor- nous fistulae may not be visible on cross-sectional
rhage is as high as 18% in the first year.30 AVMs studies (Fig. 6) and DSA remains the gold standard
are characterized by a connection between arterial for evaluation of underlying vascular anomaly in
and venous systems through a nidus of abnormal the setting of spontaneous ICH. Occasionally, de-
vascular channels without an intervening capillary layed angiography can reveal vascular abnormali-
bed. They typically consist of enlarged feeding ties that were not appreciable on initial imaging.33
arteries, a tightly packed vascular nidus consisting In the setting of a negative initial work-up in
of shunt vessels with gliotic intervening brain a young patient, a second evaluation should be
parenchyma, and enlarged draining veins. Aneu- undertaken once the mass effect from the hema-
rysms may be present on feeding arteries or within toma has resolved.
the nidus. Pial arteriovenous fistulas are similar
CM The prevalence of CM is estimated to be
in many respects but lack the nidus present in
AVM, and are much less common. Independent between 0.3% and 0.6%.34 The lesion is charac-
predictors for AVM hemorrhage include hemor- terized by a cluster of thin-walled vessels without
rhagic presentation, advanced age, deep AVM elastic fibers or smooth muscle, typically with
location, and exclusively deep venous drainage.31 a rim of hemosiderin-laden gliotic tissue. The latter
is caused by chronic microhemorrhage, which is
Additional important features are those used by
universal, although the risk of clinically significant
Spetzler and Martin in creating a 5-point grading
de novo hemorrhage is relatively low, around
system for the estimation of surgical resection
0.4% to 0.6% per year.35,36 Most patients present
risk (Table 3).
When hemorrhage is absent, CT reveals a mass with seizures or neurologic deficit.34 In patients
who have already presented with hemorrhage,
lesion with the attenuation of the normal cerebral
vessels, often accompanied by calcifications. the risk of rebleeding is increased, at 4.5% to
However, after intracranial hemorrhage, the hema- 26% per year.35,36 The hemorrhage of a CM has
toma may obscure most or all of the AVM. been found to be typically smaller in volume than
Enlarged vessels nearby or calcifications within AVM or dural arteriovenous fistula, and as a result
the hematoma are a clue to the presence of under- these patients often present with less severe clin-
lying AVM (Fig. 5). CTA typically reveals the ical symptoms37 when the hemorrhage is not in the
vascular nidus and associated enlarged vessels. brainstem or spinal cord. The lesion itself typically
MR typically shows flow voids along the high- appears isodense to slightly hyperdense on unen-
flow feeding and draining vessels as well as within hanced CT and may contain calcifications. Faint or
the nidus itself. Recent advanced techniques peripheral contrast enhancement is sometimes
using 3-T time-resolved MR angiography have present, although not a reliable sign. MR imaging
is the modality of choice for the detection of CM.
Their classic appearance on T2-weighted imaging
Table 3 is that of a reticulated, or popcorn-like mass of
Spetzler-Martin grading scale for AVMa variable signal intensity, caused by blood products
in varying stages of evolution, with a hypointense
Graded Feature Points Assigned hemosiderin rim (Fig. 7). Sequences with greater
susceptibility weighting are more sensitive in de-
Size of AVM
tecting smaller lesions. In a population of patients
Small (<3 cm) 1
with multiple CMs, 3D SWI detected 1.7 times as
Medium (3e6 cm) 2 many lesions as T2*-GRE and 8 times as many
Large (>6 cm) 3 as spin-echo T2 sequences.38 Unlike the other
Eloquence of adjacent brain vascular malformations, CMs are classically an-
Noneloquent 0 giographically occult. If a CM is to be resected,
Eloquent 1 contrast-enhanced CT or MR imaging should be
performed to look for an associated DVA, which
Pattern of venous drainage
can be found in 8% to 33% of cases.39 The inad-
Superficial only 0
vertent resection of all or part of a DVA along
Deep 1 with a CM could result in venous infarction. The
typical appearance of DVA on contrast-enhanced
Grade 5 [size] 1 [eloquence] 1 [venous drainage]
From Spetzler RF, Martin NA. A proposed grading
imaging is that of a stellate arrangement of tubular
system for arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg veins meeting in a collector vein that drains to
1986;65(4):476e83; with permission. a sinus or ependymal surface.40
34 Smith & Eskey

Fig. 5. A 59-year-old woman with known large AVM presented with dysarthria and ataxia. (A) NCT shows large
left ICH with intraventricular extension. Irregular calcifications adjacent to blood suggest underlying vascular
malformation. (B) Prehemorrhage T2-weighted MR shows many flow voids of varying sizes in the nidus of a large
AVM. Large cortical and subependymal draining veins are present. (C) DSA with large left frontotemporal AVM
and multiple large early draining veins.

Neoplasm Hemorrhage as a result of a primary or may extend into the brain parenchyma and other
metastatic neoplasm accounts for 1% to 14% of compartments. On unenhanced CT or MR
ICH.41 The propensity for bleeding varies by histo- imaging, the resultant hemorrhage appears similar
logic tumor type; those most often presenting with to that from any other cause, although a few signs
macroscopic hemorrhage are listed in Box 1. The are believed to be suggestive of underlying
hemorrhage can be confined within the tumor or neoplasm. Hematomas caused by tumor are

Fig. 6. A 45-year-old man with sudden onset of expressive aphasia. (A) NCT with left frontal ICH and small halo of
surrounding edema. (B, C) Axial and coronal images from CTA were unrevealing for underlying vascular lesion.
(D) DSA revealed a pial arteriovenous fistula fed by a tortuous middle cerebral artery branch with an early drain-
ing vein. A small aneurysm (arrow) is present near the fistulous site.
Hemorrhagic Stroke 35

Fig. 7. A 47-year-old man with hypertension presents with 24 hours of headache, right-sided weakness, slurred
speech and confusion. (A) NCT with large left frontal ICH and local mass effect. (B) T1-weighted MR with slightly
hyperintense hematoma with relatively hypointense center. (C) T2-weighted MR with heterogeneous T2 prolon-
gation and susceptibility-related signal loss. There is a central lobulated structure with peripheral rim and central
popcorn hyperintensity, suspicious for cavernous malformation. (D) SWI MR with concentric areas of signal loss
consistent with blood in different stages of evolution.

associated with a greater degree of surrounding

vasogenic edema than nonneoplastic hema-
Box 1 tomas.42 Neoplastic hematomas have been char-
Brain tumors likely to hemorrhage acterized as relatively more heterogeneous and
Metastases (primary) have shown slower than expected degradation of
blood products. An irregular or incomplete hemo-
siderin rim on MR may also be an indicator of
Lung underlying mass.43 Complete evaluation should
Kidney include contrast-enhanced imaging regardless of
the imaging modality. Although minor enhance-
ment may be present about subacute hematomas,
Choriocarcinoma it is rarely present acutely. The presence of any
Primary brain tumors thick or nodular enhancement is suggestive of
Pituitary adenoma
the presence of underlying neoplasm (Fig. 8). As
in the case of vascular malformation, an underlying
Glioblastoma/oligodendroglioma tumor can be obscured, particularly if it is small in
Ependymoma/subependymoma relation to the hematoma size. Delayed imaging
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor should be strongly considered in the case of
a negative acute work-up.
Data From Osborn AG. Diagnostic neuroradiology. St
Hemorrhagic infarction Hemorrhagic infarction
Louis (MO): Mosby; 1994. (HI), also referred to as hemorrhagic transforma-
tion of an infarct, typically refers to bleeding into
36 Smith & Eskey

Fig. 8. A 42-year-old man with sudden onset right hemiparesis and slurring of speech. (A, B) NCT and noncontrast
T1-weighted MR imaging with irregular left thalamic hematoma. (C) Post-Gd T1-weighted MR with incomplete
peripheral enhancement that is nodular in areas. (D) 6-week follow-up NCT with decreasing density of blood
products. (E, F) T1-weighted pre- and postcontrast MR revealed an irregular enhancing mass markedly increased
in size. Pathology confirmed glioblastoma multiforme.

an area of preexisting arterial ischemia. An early occur primarily in gray matter structures (Fig. 9).
prospective study identified HI in 43% of Parenchymal hematoma secondary to ischemia
infarcts,44 and depending on the investigative can be difficult to distinguish from other causes
modality, incidence has been reported to be as of ICH on CT and MR imaging. The distinction is
high as 85%.45 These hemorrhages tend to occur most often made by history because the infarction
in 2 patterns: petechial hemorrhage and paren- usually precedes hemorrhagic transformation by
chymal hematoma.46 Petechial hemorrhage is of at least a few days. This reinforces the need for
little clinical significance by itself and whether it timely initial imaging. In some cases it is possible
should alter plans for anticoagulation is question- to distinguish a larger area of cytotoxic edema
able, whereas in parenchymal hematomas more affecting white matter and cortex outside the
than 30% of the ischemic area correlated with clin- area of hematoma. As with other types of hemor-
ical deterioration and poor outcome.47 HI usually rhage, MR performance is markedly improved
occurs around the second week following infarct with the inclusion of diffusion-weighted imaging
when presenting spontaneously; early hemor- and susceptibility-weighted sequences, which
rhagic transformation is more common in the when used detect both infarction and hemorrhage
setting of thrombolysis and mechanical clot with greater frequency than CT.48 The clinical
retrieval. value of this improved sensitivity in the setting of
The CT appearance of petechial hemorrhage is ischemia remains as yet uncertain. Most treatment
that of subtle increased density with indistinct studies to date have used CT findings. HI in the
margins, with the density sometimes appearing setting of thrombolytic therapy for ischemia
speckled or punctate. Signal intensity may vary remains an area of great clinical interest. There
on spin-echo MR imaging, but characteristic have been significant efforts to identify pretreat-
signal dropout is seen on T2*-weighted ment imaging characteristics that may help to
sequences. On both CT and MR imaging there is predict the incidence or severity of treatment-
a strong predilection for petechial hemorrhage to related hemorrhage.49e51
Hemorrhagic Stroke 37

Fig. 9. A 56-year-old man status post trauma with known right parietal contusion, developed left gaze prefer-
ence and right-sided neglect. (A) NCT with well-demarcated left occipital infarction. (B) NCT 5 days later with
new hyperattenuation in cortical pattern, consistent with petechial hemorrhage. (C) NCT with known right pari-
etal parenchymal contusion; note preservation of overlying cortical ribbon.

Other secondary causes of ICH associated hemorrhage.56 The imaging appear-

There are a large number of other rarer causes of ance of the hematoma itself can be nonspecific,
acute ICH. These disorders include cerebral aneu- thus the identification of secondary signs is essen-
rysm, venous sinus thrombosis, septic embolism, tial to making this diagnosis. A hyperattenuating
bleeding dyscrasia, supratherapeutic anticoagula- cortical or deep vein adjacent to the hematoma
tion, thrombolytic therapy, CNS infection, mycotic had greater than 97% specificity in 1 retrospective
aneurysm, moyamoya, vasculitis, and vasoactive study.57 Contrast-enhanced CT may show the
drugs. Often these entities are only suspected empty delta sign representing nonenhancing
because of key features in the patients’ clinical thrombus in involved sinuses.58 Associated
history. Sometimes they may be suspected from edema often precedes hemorrhage, follows
imaging findings. venous rather than arterial distributions, and is
generally greater than that seen with primary ICH.
Cerebral aneurysm Although most aneurysm MR sequences such as T2 or FLAIR may be
ruptures result in SAH, up to 34% are associated better able to demonstrate parenchymal edema
with ICH,52 and 1 series found that 1.6% of aneu- or ischemia. Venous thrombus has classically
rysm ruptures result in ICH without SAH.53 Such been described as T1 hyperintense, although the
cases likely result from rupture of aneurysms that signal characteristics can vary considerably over
are pointed into or embedded in cerebral paren- time and may be confusing.59 In the larger dural
chyma. Ruptured aneurysm is a treatable cause sinuses, the presence of uniform T1 isotense or
of intracranial hemorrhage, and studies have T1 hyperintense signal is suggestive of thrombus,
shown that early treatment results in better particularly when sinus expansion is present.
outcomes. Furthermore, conservative manage- Time-of-flight MR venography improves detection
ment of ICH from a ruptured aneurysm has been of sinus thrombus, although pitfalls in interpreta-
associated with mortality of greater than 80%.54 tion remain as a result of in-plane signal dropout
Whenever the hematoma extends from the base mimicking thrombosis and T1 bright thrombus
of the brain, and particularly when SAH is also mimicking flow. Contrast-enhanced and four-
present, rupture of a berry aneurysm should be dimensional MR venography techniques60 as well
considered in the differential diagnosis for ICH. In as CT venography further improve diagnostic
this setting, additional imaging to evaluate for accuracy.
aneurysm should be considered; both CTA and
MR angiography (MRA) are reasonable alterna- Dural arteriovenous fistula Dural arteriovenous
tives. The imaging features specific to cerebral fistulae (DAVFs) make up about 10% of all intracra-
aneurysms are discussed in the section on nial arteriovenous shunting malformations.61 This
subarachnoid hemorrhage. lesion consists of a direct connection between du-
ral arteries and dural veins without intervening
Venous sinus thrombosis Thrombosis of the intra- vasculature. Unlike AVMs, they are believed to be
cerebral veins or dural sinuses has an estimated acquired lesions secondary to trauma, surgery,
incidence of 3 to 4 cases per 1 million adults, infection, or venous sinus thrombosis. They
with 75% of cases presenting in women.55 In the produce intracranial venous hypertension and,
largest series to date, 39% were found to have when this becomes sufficiently severe, ICH.62
38 Smith & Eskey

Male sex, posterior fossa location and advanced Although outcomes generally worsen with
age are risk factors for hemorrhage.63 These increasing clot size, those measuring more than
lesions are typically difficult to see on noncontrast 60 cm3 in particular have been found to correlate
CT, although enlarged veins or transosseous chan- with poor outcomes.67 The proximity of the clot
nels may be visible. Standard MR imaging also has to the cerebral surface does seem to influence
poor sensitivity for this entity although dilated the relative outcomes of nonsurgical management
cortical veins and sinus thrombosis may be de- versus decompression; clots within 1 cm of the
tected.64 Time-of-flight MRA improves depiction cerebral surface had better outcomes with
of arterial feeders and fistula site.65 One study using surgical decompression.69
time-resolved contrast-enhanced MRA at 3 T
yielded 100% concordance with DSA in identifica- Hematoma expansion
tion of fistula site and venous collaterals although In addition to size at presentation, the possibility of
only 68% agreement for main arterial feeders.66 ongoing bleeding and hematoma expansion
As with AVM, DSA remains the gold standard for affects outcomes and may guide therapeutic inter-
both detection and characterization of DAVF. In vention. The incidence of substantial enlargement
a young patient with ICH of uncertain cause, of an ICH is controversial with some studies sug-
DAVF should be specifically sought with selective gesting that it is relatively common, occurring in
injection of vessels supplying the dural vasculature. 38% of patients within the first 24 hours in 1
prospective series,70 whereas other work has sug-
Specific Factors for Management gested that expansion after 24 hours is rare.71
Considerations Early expansion of a hematoma has been shown
Hematoma size to increase the risk of mortality and poor functional
There are imaging features of acute ICH that are outcome, with each 10% increase in hematoma
helpful in managing patients and predicting neuro- size resulting in a 5% increased hazard of death
logic outcomes. The location of hemorrhage and and 16% likelihood of worsening on the modified
involvement of vital structures are strong predic- Rankin scale of functional outcomes.72 These
tors of outcome and influence the use of surgical data suggest that repeat imaging is warranted for
decompression. For example, posterior fossa the detection of hematoma expansion. Imaging
hemorrhage carries a worse prognosis and more findings that predict expansion may also identify
often requires surgical decompression. The total the patients most likely to benefit from such inter-
volume of ICH is a strong predictor of 30-day ventions as Factor VII infusion.
mortality, particularly when combined with the
presenting Glasgow Coma Scale score.67 Hema- CTA spot sign
toma volume can be quickly estimated on cross- The presence of a 1- to 2-mm focus of intense
sectional imaging by using the ABC/2 method, enhancement within a hematoma on the CTA
where A is the maximum hematoma diameter, B source images has been labeled the spot sign
is the diameter measured at 90 to A, and C is (Fig. 10). It is believed to represent the presence
the approximate number of slices containing of a small pseudoaneurysm or active extravasa-
hematoma multiplied by the slice thickness.68 tion. This finding on CTA performed within 3 hours

Fig. 10. A 98-year-old man on warfarin presented with confusion. (A) NCT with heterogeneous right basal
ganglia hemorrhage extending to temporal lobe. (B) CTA with punctuate focus of hyperattenuation within
hematoma (arrow) not contiguous with another vessel: the spot sign.
Hemorrhagic Stroke 39

of symptom onset was independently predictive of Imaging Technique and Findings

hematoma enlargement.73 A contrast-enhanced
Noncontrast CT is highly sensitive for SAH in the
head CT immediately after the CTA may demon-
acute and subacute settings. The typical appear-
strate contrast leakage; that is, the delayed spot
ance of acute SAH is that of high attenuation mate-
sign, and when this finding is added to the CTA
rial conforming to the subarachnoid space. It may
spot sign, sensitivity and negative predictive value
be localized or diffuse and is present within the
for predicting hematoma expansion are
sulci, fissures, or basal cisterns. Initial sensitivity
is 98% within 12 hours of symptom onset.87 This
Another study included CTAs obtained any time
decreases over time, dropping to 93% 24 hours
within 24 hours of admission and included both the
after onset88 and continuing to decline thereafter
spot sign and the delayed spot sign if an imme-
as a result of dilution and evolution of blood prod-
diate contrast-enhanced CT was obtained. Three
ucts that combine to result in decreasing density.
factors were found to be independent predictors
A negative CT should reliably exclude larger
of hematoma expansion, including the number of
volume SAH such as that from an aneurysm
spot signs, the maximum axial dimension of the
rupture, but lumbar puncture with CSF analysis
spot(s), and the maximum attenuation of the
remains the standard with which CT is compared,
largest spot.75 These were incorporated into
and is strongly recommended to exclude
a spot sign score, and although this has not yet
a CT-negative SAH such as might be seen from
been independently validated, it has the potential
a sentinel bleed. Current guidelines recommend
to serve as a predictor of hematoma expansion
prompt CT scanning for the suspicion of SAH
in ICH independent from other factors such as
with strong consideration for lumbar puncture to
time of symptom onset and hematoma volume. A
follow if the CT is negative.84
second review of the same cohort found that the
MR has demonstrated added value in the diag-
spot sign score also served as an independent
nosis of subacute SAH. Hyperacute blood prod-
predictor of in-hospital mortality and poor func-
ucts in the subarachnoid space should appear
tional outcome among survivors at 3 months.76
hyperintense on T1- and proton densityeweighted
Intraventricular hemorrhage images as a result of the increased protein
A hematoma originating near a CSF space can content. Similarly, the signal in blood-containing
spontaneously decompress into the adjacent CSF fails to null on FLAIR sequences resulting in
intraventricular or subarachnoid space. The hyperintense signal in the affected CSF spaces
propensity for intraventricular spread is dependent (Fig. 11). When compared against CT, FLAIR and
on the size of the hematoma as well as its loca- proton densityeweighted sequences have been
tion.77 Intraventricular extension of ICH has been found equally sensitive for the detection of SAH
correlated with poor functional outcome and less than 12 hours from symptom onset.89 The
increased mortality in several studies,77,78 and sensitivity of FLAIR imaging does not seem to
has been incorporated into models for prediction drop off nearly as quickly as CT, and FLAIR
of outcomes.79,80 The association seems to be remains more sensitive than CT in the first 2
more robust when some measure of the volume weeks.90,91 The use of FLAIR in the diagnosis of
or degree of IVH is used, as several studies using SAH is limited by its low specificity (other CSF
a binary variable for the presence or absence of alterations from infection or increased protein
intraventricular blood have failed to show a strong content produce similar signal changes) and the
association with worsened outcomes.79,81,82 The presence of flow-related artifacts about the brain-
presence of hydrocephalus in the setting of intra- stem. Like CT, negative MR does not reliably
ventricular hematoma extension is a separate exclude low volume or dilute SAH, because
predictor of poor outcome.83 a review of patients with SAH who had negative
CT and positive lumbar puncture showed FLAIR
sensitivity of less than 20%.92
Epidemiology Causes of SAH
Slightly less common than ICH, SAH accounts for Aneurysm rupture
between 3% and 5% of all strokes.9,84 Much like The most common cause of spontaneous SAH is
ICH, outcomes following SAH are poor, with the rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, accounting
observed 30-day mortality in the range of 33% to for about 85% of SAHs.93 Cerebral aneurysms
45%.85,86 Most deaths caused by SAH occur early are present in about 2% of asymptomatic adults.94
in the time course of the disease, with 61% of Saccular aneurysms tend to occur at branch
deaths occurring within 2 days of the initial event.86 points along cerebral vessels, whether at
40 Smith & Eskey

Fig. 11. A 69-year-old woman with intermittent severe headache of several days duration. (A) NCT was read as
normal with no evidence of increased density in the subarachnoid space. (B) FLAIR MR imaging with marked hy-
perintensity of the CSF in the anterior interhemispheric fissure and sulci over the right cerebral convexity. (C) DSA
with lobulated right posterior communicating artery aneurysm.

a bifurcation or the origin of a side branch.95 Most tortuous vessels. MRA has shown similar sensitiv-
aneurysms (80%e85%) are located in the anterior ities (85%e100%) for aneurysms greater than
circulation, commonly at the origins of the poste- 5 mm, although dropping to 56% less than that
rior or anterior communicating arteries or the size.84 MRA at 3 T has shown promising results
middle cerebral artery bifurcation; posterior circu- with 100% sensitivity and greater than 95% accu-
lation aneurysms are most often seen at the basilar racy compared with rotational DSA.99 DSA has
tip or posterior-inferior cerebellar artery origin.96 been the gold standard for vascular evaluation
The annual risk of rupture for any given aneurysm for some time, although recent studies have
is about 0.7%. Rupture risk is predicted by aneu- shown further improvements in aneurysm detec-
rysm size and location, with risk increasing signif- tion with the addition of planar and 3D reconstruc-
icantly for aneurysms greater than 7 mm in tions derived from a 3D rotational acquisition.100
diameter, and an increased rupture risk for those In the patient presenting to the emergency
arising from the posterior communicating arteries room, the most common cause of SAH is
or posterior cerebral circulation.97
When spontaneous SAH is detected, the next
steps of the imaging work-up are directed toward
detecting a ruptured aneurysm or other underlying
cause. The pattern of SAH at presentation can be
of predictive value in localizing an aneurysm. For
example, a ruptured anterior cerebral artery aneu-
rysm is associated with a substantial amount of
blood in the interhemispheric fissure. Hemorrhage
pattern may be less helpful for other aneurysm loca-
tions.98 In some cases the aneurysm can be identi-
fied directly on unenhanced imaging (Fig. 12). On
CT an aneurysm may appear as a rounded or lobu-
lated mass within the hematoma. The presence of
mural calcification can help to locate an underlying
aneurysm, and portions may be of high attenuation
when there is intra-aneurysmal thrombus. Some
aneurysms may be detected on MR as a flow void
or a mass with flow-related artifact in the phase-
encoding direction.
Aneurysm detection is markedly improved with Fig. 12. A 72-year-old man with sudden onset severe
headache and confusion. NCT reveals diffuse
the use of dedicated vascular imaging in either
subarachnoid hemorrhage filling the basal cisterns,
modality. Review articles quote a sensitivity and interhemispheric fissure, and Sylvian fissures. A filling
specificity of CTA in the range of 77% to defect at the posterior aspect of the interhemispheric
100%.84,93 Sensitivity nears 100% for aneurysm fissure was found to be an anterior communicating
greater than 3 mm in size, although accuracy is artery aneurysm. Also note the small intraparenchy-
reduced in the case of small aneurysms or mal hematoma in the inferior left frontal lobe.
Hemorrhagic Stroke 41

craniospinal trauma. In most cases, the history is Hunt and Hess grading scale is based on neuro-
clear and the extent of SAH is small. In cases logic status at presentation and underlying
where SAH is prominent and the history of the medical comorbidities, and is used to estimate
injury suggests the possibility that the SAH may the mortality of aneurysmal SAH.103 A grading
have occurred first (and caused the trauma), scale developed by Fisher and colleagues104
a full evaluation for aneurysm is necessary. uses findings on the noncontrast CT at presenta-
tion, such as thickness of SAH, the presence of
Nonaneurysmal SAH subarachnoid blood clots, and intraventricular or
There are a variety of other conditions that can intracerebral extension to predict the likelihood
result in nontraumatic SAH, all of which are rare of cerebral vasospasm.
compared with aneurysmal SAH. There is some
overlap with lesions that can result in ICH, and
entities include intracranial or spinal vascular mal- SUMMARY
formations, neoplasm, primary vasculopathy, drug The timely and accurate identification of hemor-
abuse, sickle cell anemia, coagulopathies, and rhagic stroke is essential in the clinical manage-
pituitary apoplexy. Relevant clinical history can ment of patients presenting with acute stroke
be helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis in symptoms. Cross-sectional imaging should be
many of these settings. readily available and initial protocols should
An important entity not included in this list is non- include unenhanced head CT or dedicated stroke
aneurysmal perimesencephalic SAH. Accounting protocol MR imaging including blood-sensitive T2*
for between 21% and 68% of angiography- or 3D SWI and FLAIR sequences. When detected,
negative SAH,101 this is a specific entity first the appearance and location of hemorrhage can
described in 1985, with a characteristic distribution help to narrow the differential diagnosis, direct
of subarachnoid blood, negative angiographic additional advanced imaging, guide immediate
work-up, and a generally benign clinical course. management, and provide early prognostic infor-
The pattern of blood seen by CT or MR imaging is mation with regard to patient outcomes.
SAH centered immediately anterior to the midbrain.
This may or may not extend to the anterior part of
the ambient cistern or the basal portions of the Syl- REFERENCES
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