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Mark Will Be Visible in The Toolbar

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Microsoft Excel is a commercial spreadsheet Excel has a variety of viewing options that
application produced and distributed by change how a workbook is displayed.
Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. •To change worksheet views, locate the
commands in the bottom-right corner of the
It features the ability to perform Excel window and select:
basic calculations 1.Normal view
use graphing tools 2.Page Layout view
create tables 3.Page Break view
Program macros.
Normal view is the default view for all
EXCEL worksheets in Excel.
- has the same basic features as all Page Layout view displays how your
spreadsheet applications, which use a worksheets will appear when printed. You can
collection of cells arranged in to rows and also add headers and footers in this view.
columns to organize and manipulate data. Page Break view allows you to change the
- permits users to arrange data so as to view location of page breaks, which is especially
various factors from different perspectives. helpful when printing a lot of data from Excel.
Backstage view gives various options for
Working with the Excel environment: saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing
•The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar are your workbooks.
where the commands to perform common - Use the arrow to close Backstage view and
tasks in Excel are found. return to Excel.
•The Backstage view gives various options for - The Infopane contains information about the
saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing current workbook.
your document. - Create a New blank workbook or choose
from selection of templates.
- The Ribbon contains multiple tabs, each with - Open recent workbooks, as well as
several groups of commands. workbooks saved to your OneDrive or on your
-Adjust Ribbon display using the Ribbon computer.
Display Options. - Save and Save As workbook to the
•Certain programs, such as Adobe Acrobat computer or to the OneDrive.
Reader, may install additional tabs to the - Printpane change the print settings and
Ribbon. These tabs are called add-ins. print the workbook. User can also see
apreview of the current workbook.
THE QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR - Share allows one to invite people to view
- Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick and collaborate on the current workbook.
Access Toolbar allows access to common -One can also share the workbook by
commands no matter which tab is selected. emailing it as an attachment.
- By default, it includes the Save, Undo, and - Export workbook in another format, such
Repeat commands. You can add other asPDF/XPSorExcel 1997-2003.
commands depending on your preference. - Publish workbook toPower BI, Microsoft's
1.Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the cloud-sharing service for Excel workbooks.
Quick Access Toolbar. - Close the current workbook.
2.Select the command you want to add from - Account pane gives access toMicrosoft
the drop-down menu. Only those with check account information, modify the me and
mark will be visible in the toolbar. background, and sign out of an account.
- Options pane allows changes to various
HOW TO USE TELL ME? Excel options,settings, and language
- TheTell me box works like a search bar to preferences.
help you quickly find tools or commands you
want to use.
UNDERSTANDING CELLS •Click and drag the mouse to increase or
A cell is the intersection of arowand a decrease the column width.
column—in other words, where a row and •Release the mouse. The column width will be
column meet. changed.
oColumns are identified by letters(A, B, C), Note:
oRows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3). With numerical data, the cell will display pound
oEach cell has its own name—or cell address signs (#######) if the column is too narrow.
—based on its column and row. Example, the Simply increase the column width to make the
selected cell intersects column C and row 5, data visible.
so the cell address is C5.
AutoFitcolumn width:
oCell address also appears in the Name box in The AutoFit feature will allow you to set a
the top-left corner, and that a cell's column and column's width to fit its content automatically.
row headings are highlighted when the cell is •Position the mouse over the column line in the
selected. column heading so the cursor becomes a
oYou can also select multiple cells at the same double arrow.
time. A group of cells is known as a cell range. •Double-click the mouse. The column width will
Understanding Cells be changed automatically to fit the content.
oRather than a single cell address, you will To AutoFit column width:
refer to a cell range using the cell addresses of You can also AutoFit the width for several
the first and last cells in the cell range, columns at the same time. Simply select the
separated by a colon. columns you want to AutoFit, then select the
AutoFit Column Width command from the
CELL CONTENT Format drop-down menu on the Home tab.
oAny information you enter into a spreadsheet This method can also be used for row height.
will be stored in a cell.
oEach cell can contain different types of To modify row height:
content: •Position the cursor over the row line so the
1.Text:Cells can contain text, such as letters, cursor becomes a double arrow.
numbers, and dates. •Click and drag the mouse to increase or
2.Formatting attributes:changes the way decrease the row height.
letters, numbers, and dates are displayed. •Release the mouse. The heigh tof the
3.Formulas and functions: calculate cell selected row will be changed.
To modify all rows or columns:
Manipulating Cell Content Instead of resizing rows and columns
oTo insert content individually, you can modify the height and
oTo delete (or clear) cell content width of every row and column at the same
oTo delete cells time. This method allows you to set a uniform
oTo copy and paste cell content size for every row and column in your
oTo access more paste options worksheet
oTo cut and paste cell content
oTo drag and drop cells TO modify all rows or columns:
oTo use the fill handle •Locate and click the Select All button just
oTo continue a series with the fill handle below the name box to select every cell in the
Modifying Columns, Rows, &Cells Position the mouse over a row line so the
To modify column width: cursor becomes a double arrow.
•Position the mouse over the column line in the •Click and drag the mouse to increase or
column heading so the cursor becomes a decrease the row height, then release the
double arrow. mouse when you are satisfied. The row height
will be changed for the entire worksheet.
Inserting, Deleting, Moving, & Hiding 3.Select the column heading to the right of
To insert rows: where you want to move the column.
1.Select the row headingbelow where you 4.Click the Insert command on the Home tab,
want the new row to appear. In this example, then select Insert Cut Cells from the drop-down
we want to insert a row between rows 4 and 5, menu.
so we'll select row 5. 5.The column will be moved to the selected
2.Click the Insert command on the Home tab. location, and the columns around it will shift.
3.The new row will appear above the selected Note: You can also access the Cut and Insert
row. commands by right-clicking the mouse and
selecting the desired commands from the drop-
Format Painter: down menu.
When inserting new rows, columns, or cells,
you will see a paintbrush icon next to the To hide and unhide a row or column:
inserted cells. This button allows you to choose 1.Select the columns you want to hide, right-
how Excel formats these cells. By default, click the mouse, then select Hide from the
Excel formats inserted rows with the same formatting menu.
formatting as the cells in the row above. To 2.The columns will be hidden. The green
access more options, hover your mouse over column line indicates the location of the hidden
the icon, then click the drop-down arrow. columns.
3.To unhide the columns, select the columns
To insert columns: on both sides of the hidden columns. In our
1.Select the column heading to the right of example, we'll select columns B and F. Then
where you want the new column to appear. For right-click the mouse and select Unhide from
example, if you want to insert a column the formatting menu.
between columns D and E, select column E. 4.The hidden columns will reappear.
2.Click the Insert command on the Home tab.
3.The new column will appear to the left of the Wrapping text and merging cells
selected column. To wrap text in cells:
When inserting rows and columns, make sure oSelect the cells you want to wrap.
you select the entire row or column by clicking oClick the Wrap Text command on the Home
the heading.If you select only a cell in the row tab.
or column, the Insert command will only insert oThe text in the selected cells will be wrapped.
a new cell. oClick the Wrap Text command again to
unwrap the text.
To delete a row or column:
1.Select the row you want to delete. To merge cells using the Merge & Center
2.Click the Delete command on the Home tab. command:
3.The selected row will be deleted, and those oSelect the cell range you want to merge.
around it will shift. oClick the Merge & Center command on the
Note: Home tab.
It's important to understand the difference oThe selected cells will be merged, and the
between deleting a row or column and simply text will be centered.
clearing its contents. If you want to remove the
content from a row or column without causing More merge options:
others to shift, right-click a heading, then select oMerge & Center: merges the selected cells
Clear Contents from the drop-down menu. into one cell and centers the text
oMerge Across: merges the selected cells into
To move a row or column: larger cells while keeping each row separate
1.Select the desired column heading for the oMerge Cells: merges the selected cells into
column you want to move. one cell but does not center the text
2.Click the Cut command on the Home tab, or oUnmerge Cells: unmerges selected cells
press Ctrl+Xon your keyboard.
You'll want to be careful when using this - Press the F4 key on your keyboard to switch
feature. If you merge multiple cells that all between relative and absolute cell references.
contain data, Excel will keep only the contents Working with the Excel Formula
of the upper-left cell and discard everything - By combining a mathematical operator with cell
references, one can create a variety of simple
formulas in Excel. Formulas can also include a
combination of cell references and numbers.
To center across selection:
oSelect the desired cell range. The order of operations
oClick the small arrow in the lower-right corner Excel calculates formulas based on the following
of the Alignment group on the Home tab. order of operations:
oA dialog box will appear. Locate and select 1. Operations enclosed in parentheses
the Horizontal drop-down menu, select Center 2.Exponential calculations (3^2, for example)
Across Selection, then click OK. 3.Multiplication and division, whichever comes first
oThe content will be centered across the 4.Addition and subtraction, whichever comes first
selected cell range. A mnemonic that can help you remember the
order is PEMDAS, or Please Excuse My Dear
Aunt Sally.
Obtaining numerical information using
To create a complex formula using the order of
MS Excel Formulas
- Here, we want to calculate the cost of sales tax for
a catering invoice. To do this, we'll write our formula
- One of the most powerful features in Excel is the
as =(D3+D4+D5)*0.075 in cell D6. This formula will
ability to calculate numerical information using
add the prices of our items, then multiply that value
by the 7.5% tax rate (which is written as 0.075) to
- Just like a calculator, Excel can add, subtract,
calculate the answer.
multiply, and divide.
Mathematical Operators
- a predefined formula that performs calculations
- Excel uses standard operators for formulas, such
using specific values in a particular order
- includes many common functions that can be
- All formulas in Excel must begin with an equals
used to quickly find the
sign (=).
 Sum
 Average
Cell Referencing
 Count
- Creating simple formulas in Excel manually
 Maximum value
(for example, =2+2 or =5*5)
 Minimum value for a range of cells
- Making a cell reference
- A cell reference identifies the location of a cell in
The parts of a function
the worksheet.
The basic syntax for a function includes:
- There are three types of references that can be
 the equals sign (=)
used in spreadsheets and they are easily identified
 the function name (SUM, for example)
by the presence or absence of dollar signs ($)
 and one or more arguments. Arguments
within the cell reference:
contain the information you want to calculate.
- relative cell references contain no dollar signs
= A2 + A4;
Working with a Function’s Arguments
- absolute cell references have dollar signs
 refer to both individual cells and cell ranges
attached to each letter or number in a reference
 must be enclosed within parentheses
 can include one argument or multiple
- mixed cell references have dollar signs attached
arguments, depending on the syntax required
to either the letter or the number in a reference but
for the function.
not both =$A2+A$4
 example, the function
Absolute References
- designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar
sign ($). It can precede the column reference, the
row reference, or both.
Calculates the average of the values in the cell 1. Select the cell that will contain the function. In
range B1:B9. This function contains only one our example, we'll select cell B17.
argument. 2. Click the Formulas tab on the Ribbon to access
 Multiple arguments must be separated by a the Function Library.
comma. 3. From the Function Library group, select the
 Example, the function desired function category. In our example, we'll
=SUM(A1:A3, C1:C2, E1) choose More Functions, then hover the mouse
add the values of all of the cells in the three over Statistical.
arguments. 4. Select the desired function from the drop-down
menu. In our example, we'll select the COUNTA
Creating a Function function, which will count the number of cells in
There are a variety of functions available in Excel. the Items column that are not empty.
Here are some of the most common functions you'll 5. The Function Arguments dialog box will appear.
use: Select the Value1 field, then enter or select the
- SUM: This function adds all of the values of the desired cells. In our example, we'll enter the cell
cells in the argument. range A3:A12. You may continue to add
- AVERAGE: This function determines the average arguments in the Value2 field, but in this case
of the values included in the argument. It calculates we only want to count the number of cells in the
the sum of the cells and then divides that value by cell range A3:A12.
the number of cells in the argument. 6. When you're satisfied, click OK.
7. The function will be calculated, and the result
There are a variety of functions available in Excel. will appear in the cell. In our example, the result
Here are some of the most common functions you'll shows that a total of 10 items were ordered.
- COUNT: This function counts the number of cells The Insert Function command
with numerical data in the argument. This function  To use other Excel functions, you can use the
is useful for quickly counting items in a cell range. Insert Function button on the Formula bar.
- MAX: This function determines the highest cell  When you click the Insert Function button,
value included in the argument. Excel displays the Insert Function dialog box.
- MIN: This function determines the lowest cell  You can then use its options to find and select
value included in the argument. the function that you want to use and to define
the argument or arguments that the function
AutoSum Command requires in order to perform its calculation.
- allows you to automatically insert the most
common functions into your formula, including “Performing Computation usingMS Excel
SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, and MAX. Formulas & Functions”
- The AutoSum command can also be accessed
from the Formulas tab on the Ribbon. Formulas are the key to getting work done in
Entering function manually Objectives:
- If you already know the function name, you can •learn how to use formulas to manipulate text.
easily type it yourself. •learn how to troubleshoot, trace errors, and fix
-While there are hundreds of functions in Excel, the problems.
ones you'll use the most will depend on the type of •build valuable skills with Excel formulas
data your workbooks contain. today.
- If you have a problem recalling the function’s
correct syntax, use the Function Library on the FIND Function
Formulas tab to browse functions by category. - It returns the position (as a number) of one text
string inside another. When the text is not found,
The Function Library FIND returns a #VALUE error.
- To access the Function Library, select the Purpose:Get the location of text in a string
Formulas tab on the Ribbon. Look for the Function Return value: A number representing the location
Library group. of find_text.
- To insert a function from the Function Library Syntax: =FIND (find_text, within_text,
using the sample data : [start_num])
find_text-The text to find. =RIGHT(A1,A4-A2)
within_text-The text to search within. •Now, copy the formulas from A2 -A5to A6 –A13.
start_num-[optional] The starting position in the •Starting at A17, type the following formulas:
text to search. Optional, defaults to 1. =A3
In A2, type the formula to find the first period (.). =A11
=FIND (find_text, within_text, [start_num]) =A13
=FIND(“.”,A1) 51
LEFT Function It concatenates (joins) join up to 30 text items
It extracts a given number of characters from the together and returns the result as text.
left side of a supplied text string. Purpose : Join text together
Purpose : Extract text from the left of a string Return value : Text joined together.
Return value : One or more characters. Syntax : =CONCATENATE (text1, text2, [text3],
Syntax : =LEFT (text, [num_chars]) ...)
text -The text from which to extract characters. text1 -The first text value to join together.
num_chars-[optional] The number of characters to text2 -The seondtext value to join together.
extract, starting on the left side of text. Default = 1. text3 -[optional] The third text value to join
In A3, type the formula to get the number of Example:
characters starting from the left. =CONCATENATE(A3, A7, A11, A15)
=LEFT (text, [num_chars])
=LEFT(A1,A2) UPPER Function
Formulas are the key to getting work done in It returns a upper-case version of a given text
Excel. string. Numbers and punctuation are not affected.
Purpose : Convert text to upper case
RIGHT Function Return value : Uppercase text.
- It extracts a given number of characters from the Syntax : =UPPER (text)
right side of a supplied text string. text -The text thattoconvert to upper case.
Purpose : Extract text from the right of a string
Return value : One or more characters. LOWER Function
Syntax : =RIGHT (text, [num_chars]) It returns a lower-case version of a given text string.
text-The text from which to extract characters on Syntax : =LOWER (text)
the right.
num_chars-[optional] The number of characters to PROPER Function
extract, starting on the right. Optional, default = 1. It capitalizes the first letter in each word.
Example : RIGHT("apple",3) returns "ple". Syntax : =PROPER (text)

LEN Function
It returns the length of a given text string as the Visualizing data with CHARTS using MS Excel
number of characters. LEN will also count
characters in numbers, but number formatting is not
included. MS Excel Charts
Purpose : Get the length of text. Charts are used to display series of numeric data
Return value : A number representing the length of in a graphical format to make it easier to
the text. understand large quantities of data and the
Syntax : =LEN (text) relationship between different series of data.
text -The text for which to calculate length. To create a chart in Excel:
In A4, type the formula to find the text length. - Enter the numeric data for the chart on a
=LEN(text) worksheet.
=LEN(A1) - Plot that data into a chart by selecting the whole
•Let us divide the paragraph into sentences. table data and the chart type that you want to use
•Extracting the first sentence. from the Insert tab, in the Charts group.
•Extracting the sentences after the first one. 1. Select table data
2. Click Insert tab
3. Select Chart type: Combination Chart:
- Line Chart - a visualization that combines two or more chart
- Column Chart types into a single chart.
- Clustered Column Chart - ideal choice when you want to compare two
- Stacked Column Chart categories of each individual sub-item.
- Pie Chart - commonly used to create visualizations that show
- Bar Chart the difference between targets versus actual
- Area Chart results.
- Combination Chart XY Scatter Plot Chart:
- XY Scatter Plot Chart - Scatter charts in Excel (also known as XY scatter
- Bubble Chart plot charts) are excellent for showing correlations
between two sets of values. For example an XY
Get to know chart elements scatter plot can be used to illustrate the correlation
1. Chart area between employee performance and competency,
2. Plot area demonstrating that employee performance rises as
3. Data points competency improves. The x and y axes work
4. Horizontal (category) and Vertical (value) Axis together to represent data plots on the chart based
5. Legend on the intersection of x values and y values.
6. Chart and Axis Title Bubble Chart:
7. Data Label - a variation of an XY scatter plot
- Excel supports many types of charts to help you - show the correlation between two sets of data, the
display data in ways that are meaningful to your difference is represented by the size of each bubble
audience. in the chart
- When you create a chart or change an existing - used to show the relative impact of a quantitative
chart, you can select from a variety of chart types. data item
- You can also create a combination chart by using
more than one chart type in your chart. Modify a basic chart to meet your needs
Change the display of chart axes 
Chart Types
Line Chart: To modify axes, double click on the horizontal
- most frequently used chart types or vertical axis.
- used to show trends over a period of time - You can specify the scale of axes and adjust the
Column Chart: interval between the values or categories that are
- used to compare several items in a specific range displayed.
of values - To make your chart easier to read, you can also
Clustered Column Chart: add tick marks to an axis, and specify the interval at
- used to compare multiple categories of data within which they will appear.
individual sub-items as well as between sub-items
Stacked Column Chart: Add titles and data labels to a chart  
- Used to compare items in a specific range of - To modify titles and labels, double click on the
values as well as show the relationship of the axis or title.
individual sub-items with the whole. - To help clarify the information that appears in your
Pie Chart: chart.
- represents the distribution or proportion of each - You can add a chart title, axis titles, and data
data item over a total value labels.
- most effective when plotting no more than three
categories of data Add a legend or data table  
Bar Chart: To modify legend, double click on the legend.
- used to compare several categories of data - You can show or hide a legend, change its
- ideal for visualizing the distribution or proportion of location, or modify the legend entries.
data items when there are more than three - In some charts, you can also show a data table
categories that displays the legend keys and the values that
Area Chart: are presented in the chart.
- ideal for clearly illustrating the magnitude of
change between two or more data points
Apply special options for each chart type  3. The rows will be frozen in place, as indicated by
To apply special options, double click on the the gray line. You can scroll down the worksheet
horizontal or vertical axis.    while continuing to view the frozen rows at the top.
- Special lines (such as high-low lines and In our example, we've scrolled down to row 18.
trendlines), bars (such as up-down bars and error
bars), data markers, and other options are available To freeze columns:
for different chart types. 1. Select the column to the right of the column(s)
you want to freeze. In our example, we want to
Chart Elements - Add, remove or change chart freeze column A, so we'll select column B.
elements 2. On the View tab, select the Freeze
Chart Styles- Set a style and color scheme for Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from
your chart. the drop-down menu.
Chart Filter- Edit what data points and names are 3. The column will be frozen in place, as indicated
visible on your chart. by the gray line. You can scroll across the
worksheet while continuing to view the frozen
Add eye-catching formatting to a chart column on the left. In our example, we've scrolled
Fill chart elements You can use colors, textures, across to column E.
pictures, and gradient fills to help draw attention to * If you only need to freeze the top row (row 1)
specific chart elements. or first column (column A) in the worksheet, you
Change the outline of chart elements You can can simply select Freeze Top Row or Freeze First
use colors, line styles, and line weights to Column from the drop-down menu.
emphasize chart elements.
Add special effects to chart elements You can Other view options
apply special effects, such as shadow, reflection, If your workbook contains a lot of content, it can
glow, soft edges, bevel, and 3-D rotation to chart sometimes be difficult to compare different
element shapes, which gives your chart a finished sections. Excel includes additional options to make
look. your workbooks easier to view and compare. 
Format text and numbers You can format text and 1. Open a new window for the current workbook:
numbers in titles, labels, and text boxes on a chart Excel allows you to open multiple windows for a
as you would text and numbers on a worksheet. To single workbook at the same time.
make text and numbers stand out, you can even - Click the View tab on the Ribbon, then select
apply WordArt styles. the New Window command.
- A new window for the workbook will appear.
- You can now compare different worksheets from
the same workbook across windows. In our
Applying MS Excel Technics when Working example, we'll select the 2013 Sales Detailed
with Data Viewworksheet to compare 2012 and 2013 sales.
- If you have several windows open at the same
Freezing Rows and Columns time, you can use the Arrange All command to
- By freezing rows or columns in place, you'll rearrange them quickly.
be able to scroll through your content while - Sometimes you may want to compare different
continuing to view the frozen cells. sections of the same workbook without creating a
- Download and open Practice Workbook # 10. new window. The Split command allows you
In this example, we've frozen the top two rows, to divide the worksheet into multiple panes that
which allows us to view the dates no matter scroll separately.
where we scroll in the spreadsheet.
To split a worksheet:
1. Select the cell where you want to split the
To freeze rows: worksheet. In our example, we'll select cell D6.
1. Select the row below the row(s) you want to 2. Click the View tab on the Ribbon, then select
freeze. In our example, we want to freeze rows 1 the Split command.
and 2, so we'll select row 3.
2. On the View tab, select the Freeze 1. The workbook will be split into different panes.
Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from You can scroll through each pane separately using
the drop-down menu. the scroll bars, allowing you to compare different
sections of the workbook.
7. If you need more control over how your data is
2.After creating a split, you can click and drag the sorted, you can add multiple levels to any sort. This
vertical and horizontal dividers to change the allows you to sort your data by more than
size of each section. one column. Click Add Level to add another column
3. To remove the split, click the Split command to sort by.

Types of Sorting
When sorting data, it's important to first decide if
you want the sort to apply to the entire
worksheet or just a cell range.
Sort sheet organizes all of the data in your
worksheet by one column. Related information
across each row is kept together when the sort is
Sort range sorts the data in a range of cells, which
can be helpful when working with a sheet that
contains several tables. Sorting a range will not
affect other content on the worksheet.

To sort a sheet:
1. In our example, we'll sort a T-shirt order form
alphabetically by Last Name (column C).
Select a cell in the column you want to sort by. In
our example, we'll select cell C2.
2. Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click
the A-Z command to sort A to Z, or the Z-A
command to sort Z to A. In our example, we'll sort A
to Z.
3. The worksheet will be sorted by the selected
column. In our example, the worksheet is now
sorted by last name.

To sort a range:
In our example, we'll select a separate table in our
T-shirt order form to sort the number of shirts that
were ordered on different dates.
1. Select the cell range you want to sort. In our
example, we'll select cell range G2:H6.
2. Select the Data tab on the Ribbon, then click
the Sort command.
3. The Sort dialog box will appear. Choose
the column you want to sort by. In our example, we
want to sort the data by the number of T-shirt
orders, so we'll select Orders.
4. Decide the sorting order (either ascending or
descending). In our example, we'll use Largest to
5. Once you're satisfied with your selection,
click OK.
6. The cell range will be sorted by the selected
column. In our example, the Orders column will be
sorted from highest to lowest. Notice that the other
content in the worksheet was not affected by the

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