CHC33015-AC-Subject 6-AWB-FV-v1.2
CHC33015-AC-Subject 6-AWB-FV-v1.2
CHC33015-AC-Subject 6-AWB-FV-v1.2
Modifications include:
- Updated resource to
current style guide.
27 April 2018 - Minor changes in wording 1.2
and formatting.
- Updated ‘Instructions to
Student’ section
- Updated subject title
INSTRUCTIONS ...........................................................................................4
WHAT IS COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT ..................................................4
THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY ............................................................... 7
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT ........................................................................ 8
THE UNIT OF COMPETENCY ........................................................................ 10
CONTEXT FOR ASSESSMENT ....................................................................... 10
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... 10
ASSESSMENT METHODS .............................................................................11
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT .................................................... 12
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET...................................................... 13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT ........................................................................ 14
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT ........................................................................... 24
Instructions to Assessor ....................................................................................................... 24
Instructions to Student ........................................................................................................ 24
PART 1: PROJECT ASSESSMENT ................................................................... 25
PART 2: CASE STUDY ASSESSMENT .............................................................. 28
Case Study: Lisa Luther .......................................................................................................28
Scenario 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Scenario 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically
designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide
Web Consortium - W3C). It includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition
software, alternative keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert systems, digital note
The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required conditions for
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key assessment
1. Performance Evidence
- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit
2. Knowledge Evidence
- describes the knowledge that must be applied to understanding the tasks
described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition
- describes the environment and conditions that assessments must be
conducted under
Units of
Assessment Activities
Knowledge Assessment
Practical Assessment
This workbook uses the following assessment methods:
Please read the Candidate Declaration below and if you agree to the
terms of the declaration sign and date in the space provided.
By submitting this work, I declare that:
I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made
aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and
choose to be assessed at this time.
I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions that I can
make for each assessment, and I am submitting all documents required
to complete this Assessment Workbook.
I have organised and named the files I am submitting according to the
instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor will not assess
work that cannot be clearly identified and may request the work be
resubmitted according to the correct process.
This work is my own and contains no material written by another
person except where due reference is made. I am aware that a false
declaration may lead to the withdrawal of qualification or statement of
I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of qualifications
that I submit as evidence as well as the qualifications/evidence of
parties who verify my performance or observable skills. I give my
consent to contact these parties for verification purposes.
It occurs when there is damage to the nervous system, which includes the
brain and spinal cord.
These are conditions affect the ability to perform one or more mental
tasks. This includes but is not limited to problems with reading text,
memory, problem-solving, keeping focused (attention span), etc.
6. Match the following conditions to the examples listed in the table below by
writing the corresponding letters in the space provided in the first column.
Then in the last column, describe at least one (1) support practice you can
provide as an individual care worker for each of the listed condition.
a) Genetic disabilities
b) Physical trauma
c) Psychological trauma
d) Chronic lifestyle conditions
e) Acquired brain injury
Anxiety disorder
Fractured femur
Down syndrome
7. Briefly describe the following legal and ethical considerations in the context
of working with people with disability:
Guidance: Describe how each of the listed considerations impacts your role
as an individual care worker.
Legal and ethical Impact on individual care workers caring for people
considerations with disability
Codes of conduct
Dignity of risk
Duty of care
Informed consent
Privacy, confidentiality,
and disclosure
Ensuring that people with even the most significant disabilities have
ongoing, daily support to be engaged in a variety of life activities and
opportunities of their choice.
Focuses on the individual’s strengths and abilities and not their disabilities,
shifting the frame of reference in defining the methodologies for providing
9. List two (2) examples of strategies that assist people with disabilities to
exercise their rights.
10. List two (2) examples of strategies that assist people with disabilities to
support their independent action and thinking.
11. List two (2) examples of how technology such as laptops or tablets, help in
facilitating choice for people with disability.
13. Explain how to access and use complaint mechanisms for people with
14. List two (2) examples of indicators of abuse in relation to people with
Instructions to Student
This section of this workbook covers the assessment of your skills relevant to the
performance requirements included in this subject.
The assessment is divided into two (2) parts: The Project Assessment and the Case
The Project Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or
in an environment with conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
The Case Study Assessment is a set of hypothetical situations which will not require
you to have access to a workplace; although, your past and present workplace
experiences may help with the responses you provide.
This project requires you to complete a set of questions that will help you
demonstrate your commitment to empowering people with disability in a support
4. Describe two (2) ways society can affect the level of impairment experienced
by a person with disability.
6. Describe how you can adjust your own approaches to facilitate empowerment.
This case study will provide you scenarios and tasks that will test your knowledge
and skills relevant to the requirements of the unit covered in this workbook.
This case study is a hypothetical situation and will not require you to have access to
a care facility, although your past and present workplace experiences may help with
the responses you provide.
This is Lisa Luther. Lisa has been a resident in Lotus Compassionate Care for two
(2) years. Lisa moved to the centre after being diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer.
She loves staying in the centre as all the staff, and individual care workers are very
supportive in helping her cope with the difficulties brought about by the disease.
Lisa is also suffering from hearing and vision loss. Her left ear is completely deaf,
while her right ear has a moderate hearing loss. Lisa wears a hearing aid in her right
Both her eyes have cataracts that render her eyes with moderate visual impairment.
Lisa is a vegan and has been a vegan for the most of her life.
Scenario 1
1. How can you ensure that Lisa’s cultural needs are met?
Guidance: In your explanation, provide an example of such cultural needs
and what you can do to ensure it is accepted and upheld.
When you have completed assessing the assessment workbook, review the
candidate’s submission against the checklist below:
The candidate has completed all the assessments in the
Knowledge Assessment
Practical Assessment
Part 1: Project Assessment
Part 2: Case Study Assessment
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment tasks
to be awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this cluster.
To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject, the
candidate must successfully complete all the requirements listed above according
to the prescribed benchmarks.
End of Document