Task 1 Description
Task 1 Description
Task 1 Description
• To complete your learning portfolio, every few weeks we ask you to complete a set of tasks, document
them (usually by asking for screen grabs), and submit them online.
• In this first task we focus on the basics. This includes using filters, queries, adding data, creating tables,
more advanced queries, making relationships, indexes and forms.
• To create your submission download the files T01P.DOCX and T01C.DOCX. Paste the required screen
captures from the tasks below into these files.
• ALL listed tasks in each section MUST be completed for you to complete the Pass and/or Credit Level Tasks
• When complete, use the File / Export menu option to generate the files T01P.PDF and T01C.PDF.
Pass Tasks
Pass 1a
In Microsoft Access, data can be queried using the following methods:
Pass 1b
• Save the query. Call it T1PB_4567 (where 4567 is the final 4 digits of your student ID.)
• The next activity requires you to screen capture part of the screen.
Use a screen capture tools (such as the Snipping Tool in Windows Accessories) to capture only the
necessary part of the screen.
Please avoid using the PrintScreen key on your keyboard to capture the entire screen. This method often
captures such a large image that the when pasted into a document, the results are often too miniscule to
be read by your tutor.
• Screen capture the Query Design Grid (this is the screen where you specify criteria
etc). Paste the screen capture in the appropriate position in T01P.DOCX
Note: The table name in the screen capture must contain the final 4 digits of your student ID.
• Screen capture all of the rows that are displayed once this query is executed.
Paste the screen capture in the appropriate position in T01P.DOCX.
Note: The query name in the screen capture must contain the final 4 digits of your student ID.
Pass 1c
• It must display the MOVIENO, TITLE RATINGCODE, RELYEAR, RUNTIME, and TMDB_SCORE for all movies that
were made in the period 2000-2010 (inclusive), have a runtime less than 115 minutes, are rated "G" or "PG",
and have a TMDB score greater than or equal to 6.0. The list must be in ascending movieno sequence.
Note: This is ONE single query that does all of the above. It does NOT involve multiple queries.
Pass 1d
• The query must display all fields for movies that meet all of these criteria
• The movie must have one of the phrases man or boy or miss or girl or ms within the TITLE (E.g. Titles such
as 'Man from Mars', 'Batgirl', 'Zombie vs I.T. manager' would all be expected to appear).
• Hint: Between 20 and 30 rows should be listed, so please check your results.
Pass 1e
• Create a new table named Member_4567 (where 4567 is the last four digits of your student
id). The table must include 4 columns: Membid, Surname, Givenname and Birthdate.
Membid must be Numeric (not Autonumber)
type. Surname and Givenname are short text
datatypes. Birthdate is a date/time datatype.
Membid must be the primary key.
• The first 3 rows match the data below. The 4th row contains details of your favourite author or musician.
You can use any id you wish. The 5 row must contain data about you that Includes your name & birthdate.
Use your student ID as the memberID. (If your ID contains an "X" character, then omit the "X" from the
member id.
• Screen Capture the table design screen (the screen that shows the field names and datatypes)
You should be able to complete up to here by the end of Week01. Remaining tasks probably require you to
view the Lecture 2 materials.
Pass 1f
• Create Relationships for all of the tables in the database.
• At the conclusion of this task, you should have a diagram similar to this:
Pass 1g
• Create a Query that uses the MOVIE_4567, RATING_4567 and COLOURTYPE_4567 tables Note: You
may need to rename your tables to include the last 4 digits of your student ID
all movies beginning with the letter “F”.
• The list must appear in Ascending MOVIENO SEQUENCE
• Save the query. Call it T1PG_4567
• Screen capture the Table Diagram and the Query Design Grid.
• Screen capture all of the rows that are displayed once this query is executed:
• Paste the screen captures in the appropriate position in T01P.DOCX
Pass 1h
• Create a Query T1PH_4567
• This Query requires Totals to be included.
• The query must display the actor no, actor fullname, and the count of
CastId. The list must be in Descending Count sequence.
• Screen Capture the Query Grid Design and the first 15 rows (if there are that many) that are displayed and
paste into T01P.DOCX
Pass 1i
• Create a single Query called T1Pi_4567 (and not multiple queries)
• The query must display the total number rows for each gender value that appear in the Actor table.
E.g. Male 357
Female 231 Note: Your values may differ from these examples
• Screen Capture the Query Grid Design and all of the rows that are displayed and paste into T01P.DOCX
Pass 1j
• Modify the Access Actor table.
• Create an Index on the Surname field. Specify that duplicates are allowed.
• Screen Capture the Properties for this field after the index has been created and paste into T01P.DOCX
Pass 1k
Add a new row to the Actor table. Use your own details such as name, gender, country of birth etc. Use
your student ID as the ActorNo. (If your ID contains an "X" character, then omit the "X" from the actor no)
• Add a new row to the Movie table. Make up the details of about any movie (you may use a real movie or
make up your own e.g ‘The Zombies of Glenferrie Station’. Use a 7 digit movie no. so that you can be sure it
does not clash with an existing Movie No.
• Add at least 3 new rows to the Casting table. The first new row must specify that the Actor you created
(above) has been cast in the Movie that you created. (e.g. Allocate yourself to star in the movie).
Note: The CastID will be automatically be allocated to the new row (because the data type for CastId
is Autonumber). Simply enter an Actor No and the CastID field will be populated by the next number in
The second / third new rows (plus any others that you may want to create) must cast any other existing
actor from the Actor table into your new movie. E.g. You may want to cast Tom Hanks to be in your movie
with you.
• Finally create a query that lists the CastID, Movie No, Title, Relyear, RatingCode, Actor No, Actor FullName,
Date of Birth and Birth Country from the Movie, Actor and Casting tables of the Movie that you created
• Screen capture all of the rows that are displayed once this query is executed:
• Paste the screen captures in the appropriate position in T01P.DOCX
Credit Tasks
Credit 1a
• Important: Before you begin, you must rename the CUSTOMER table so that it now contains the word
CUSTOMER plus the final 4 digits of your student ID. E.g. If your id is 100234567 then the name must
be CUSTOMER4567.
• The query must display the Customer ID, surname, gender, loyalty pts, rating code and state for all
records that meet all of these criteria:
Credit 1b
• The query must display the Customer ID, surname, gender, loyalty pts, rating code, state, sales this year
and sales last year for all records that meet these criteria:
Sales this year must be less than
185 The Rating code must be 1
The state must be Tasmania
The loyalty points must be in the range 4000 to 5999
Sales this year must be greater than
500 The Rating code must be 2
The state must be South Australia
The loyalty points must be in the range 9500 to 9999
Note: This one single query must handle ALL 8 dot points above
Credit 1c
Credit 1d
Credit 1e
• Now download the database named product_sales.accdb
• This database contains sales of 80 products over a 5 year period. There are over 350,000 sales transactions.
• There are no details about individual customer who were involved in the sales. The database has only
recorded the gender and birthdate of the people who purchased products.
• Each product belongs to a product type.
• Each sales transaction belongs to a location in Australia.
• Using the Database Tools menu, create Relationships between the tables.
• The foreign keys are:
POSTCODE in the TRANS table
PRODID in the TRANS table
• Take a screen capture of the diagram.
• Paste the screen capture in the appropriate position in the document named T01C.DOCX
Credit 1f
• Create a single query named T1CF_4567 that:
Displays these columns: TranID, ProdID, Prodname, TypeDescription, Qty, TranDateIs in ascending
TransID sequence
Only shows records that meet all of these
criteria Qty greater than or equal to 9
TranDate = 02/02/2010
• Screen Capture the Query Grid Design and all of the rows that are displayed and paste into document
Credit 1g
• Create a single query named T1CG_4567 that:
• Displays these columns: TranDate, TranID, Prodname, SalePrice, Qty, Suburb, CustBirthYear in
ascending TransDate sequence
o Prodname is "Kancof" or "Zooflex"
• Only show records that meet all of these criteria
• Suburb is Lilydale
• Screen Capture the Query Grid Design and all of the rows that are displayed and paste
into document W01C.DOCX.
Credit 1h
The product Kancof has been sold over a number of years.
Answer these two questions: (you may use any means at your disposal (other than plagiarism) to
answer these questions)
• How many times has this product been sold?
• How many different prices has this product been sold for?
• Has the price of this product been increasing or decreasing over the years?
Credit 1i
• Create a single query named T1Ci_4567 that:
• Displays the sum of the qty sold for each week day.
• The list must be in decending qty sequence
E.g. Wednesday 245
Monday 231
Friday 193… (your values may differ)
• Screen Capture the Query Grid Design and all of the rows that are displayed and paste into document
Credit 1j
• Select ‘Create Form’ from the Access ribbon menu.
• Access will automatically create a Columnar Form for the Product
table using the Form Wizard. It will look similar to this:
• Modify the Form in the design view. Make these simple changes:
o Change the text in the Form Header so that it includes your name and student ID
o Use the Insert Image option from the Ribbon Menu to add a small image to the Form
o Change the prompts on the left side of the Detail Section to match
the text in the example below (e.g. ProdId becomes Product Id).
o You may make any other minor alterations (such as colours,
fonts, move text boxes etc) if you wish.
Screen Capture the Form Design View (the screen with gridlines) and paste into document W02C.DOCX.