Rings, Fields and Groups, An Introduction To Abstract Algebra (PDFDrive)
Rings, Fields and Groups, An Introduction To Abstract Algebra (PDFDrive)
Rings, Fields and Groups, An Introduction To Abstract Algebra (PDFDrive)
An Introduction to Abstract Algebra
R B J T Allenby
Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds
Edward Arnold
A division of I Iodder & Stotugliton
For Janet,
Elizabeth and
© 1991 R. B. J. T. Allenby
First published in Great Britain 1983
Reprinted with corrections 1985 and 1986
Reprinted 1988. 1989
Second edition 1991
or because, quite simply, the author thinks they are fascinating (or both!). In
particular, several complete sections are included more as light reading than as
essential material. Amongst these I include Sections 3.5, 3.9, 4.4, 5.2, 5.12 and
6.7. The present approach, therefore, is a mixture of the formal and the
informal. The author has certainly found this mixture acceptable in courses he
has given on both sides of the Atlantic. On the one hand we take an informal
approach to set theory because our concern is with the algebra; on the other
hand we do not want to throw all formal working to the wind, present day
algebra being, as it is, an axiomatic discipline. Indeed, one of the chief aims of
the book is to develop the reader's critical faculties and we believe it preferable
to begin this in Chapter 1 where, because of the student's (intuitive) familiarity
with much of its content, the critical approach seems all the more prominent.
(See also the Problems posed at the end of the Prologue.) Here formal
definitions are given when some readers might feel that informal ones would
suffice. (See, for instance, the development of the idea of polynomial from
Sections 1.6 to 1.8). Such readers should not need encouraging to read,
carefully, the reasons put forward for preferring the more formal approach.
We also use this chapter to try and answer, by example, a question often asked
by beginners, namely 'How much proof should I give?' The answer clearly
depends upon the knowledge and maturity of the people trying to correspond.
To help the reader through his first encounter with several of the proofs the
author has been more expansive than he would normally be in communicating
with a colleague. Those extra portions, which can be omitted as confidence
grows and which to some extent are the answers to the questions the reader
should be asking himself as he works through the text, have been put in square
We begin with a prologue in which we attempt to answer some of the
questions students seem afraid to ask: What is abstract algebra? How did it
develop? What use is it? The historical account of the development of algebra
will include many words not familiar to the beginner, but we feel that in a new
land it is preferable to possess a map, even one in a foreign language, than no
map at all. In placing this material before rather than after the main body of
the text we hope to whet the reader's appetite and heighten his sense of
excitement with a description of the discoveries and inventions made by some
of the mathematical giants of the past and that this excitement will fire him
sufficiently to read this book avidly even when (as it probably will) the going
gets a bit difficult.
The numbering of Chapter 0 indicates that we view it as a preliminary to the
text proper. Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 concentrate on algebraic systems known as
rings and fields (though these names are not formally introduced until Chapter
3) the concept of group not being mentioned until Chapter 5. A majority of
texts on abstract algebra offer a study of the theory of groups before a study of
rings, the reason often given being that groups, having only one binary
operation, are simpler to begin with than are rings and fields which have two.
The author (a group theorist!) feels that there is a rather strong case for
Preface v
reversing this order; the fact is that natural concrete examples of rings and
fields (the integers, polynomials, the rational, real and complex numbers) are
much better known to the beginner than are the equivalent concrete examples
of groups (mainly symmetries of 2- and 3-dimensional figures). (This author
will just not accept the complaint 'But the integers form a group under
addition': so they do but that is not the natural way to look at them. Indeed
the author rebels strongly against the argument which, briefly, runs: 'The
integers under addition form a group. Therefore we must study group
theory.') What in the author's opinion really clinches the argument for
studying rings and fields before groups are the several exciting applications
that can quite quickly be made to easily stated yet non-trivial problems in the
theory of numbers and of geometrical constructions. (See especially Sections
3.8 and 4.6.)
The placing of ring theory before group theory will, it is true, give rise to a
little more repetition of corresponding elementary concepts than might have
been the case with the more usual presentation. The author does not, however,
feel any need to apologise for that! (On the other hand Chapters 5 and 6 make
little essential use of Chapters 3 and 4, so they can be studied directly after
Chapter 2.)
Throughout the text problems, numbered only for ease of reference, have
been inserted as they have occurred to the author. Some are reasonably easy,
some solved later in the text and some are quite hard. I leave you to find out
which! The purpose of these problems is (i) to set you thinking and then
discussing them with a colleague or teacher; (ii) to get you into the habit of
posing questions of this kind to yourself. Active participation is always much
more exciting (and instructional) than passive reading!
In this book the numbering of theorems, lemmas, etc. in any one chapter is
consecutive, thus: Theorem 5.5.4, Example 5.5.5, Notation 5.5.6, Definition
5.5.7. When referring to a theorem, lemma, etc. given elsewhere in the text
usually only its number is given (e.g. 3.8.2). Reference to an exercise is
however given in full (e.g. exercise 3.2.14) except when the exercise referred to
is at the end of the section concerned. Thus, within Section 3.2, exercise 3.2.14
would be referred to as 'exercise 14'.
In producing this text I have received help from several people, especially
from the secretaries in the School of Mathematics in the University of Leeds.
In particular I should like to thank Mrs M M Turner, Mrs P Jowett, Mrs A
Landford and Mrs M R Williams. Several colleagues in Leeds and elsewhere
have offered helpful comments and gentle criticism on parts of the manuscript.
Here I especially with to thank Drs J C McConnell, E W Wallace and J R
Ravetz. For supplying me with photographs I thank the keeper of the David
Eugene Smith collection at Columbia University, New York, and especially
Prof Dr Konrad Jacobs of the University of Erlangen—Nürnberg who kindly
donated the pictures of Emmy Noether and Richard Dedekind.
Preface to the first edition
0.1 Introduction
0.2 Sets
0.3 Newsets from old 3
0.4 Some methods of proof 5
2.6 Functions
2.7 Binary operations
3 Introduction to rings
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The abstract definition of a ring
Biography and portrait of Hamilton
3.3 Ring properties deducible from the axioms
3.4 Subrings, subfields and ideals
Biography and portrait of Noether
Biography and portrait of Fermat
3.5 Fermat's conjecture (FC)
3.6 Divisibility in rings
3.7 Euclidean rings, unique factorisation domains and principal
ideal domains
3.8 Three number-theoretic applications
Biography and portrait of Dedekind
3.9 Unique factorisation reestablished. Prime and maximal ideals
3.10 Isomorphism. Fields of fractions. Prime subfields
3.11 U[x] where U is a UFD
3.12 Ordered domains. The uniqueness of Z
Bibliography 364
Notation 371
Index 373
Preface to the second edition
Some while ago I decided to inflict, on the mathematical community, yet
another algebra book. One reason was my belief that few texts, if any, then
available both proved how exciting abstract algebra is and showed the reader
'behind the scenes' of the subject. Indeed it is not as easy to do this on paper as
in the lecture theatre where one can laugh with or shout at the audience to
convince them what a good time they are having (and there is no literary
equivalent of enlivening the lecture by losing the chalk or falling off the
podium). Nevertheless, I found myself writing as if I were lecturing, occa-
sionally wanting to offer tit-bits of information or what I hoped would be
helpful asides. So it was most gratifying to learn that this style was acceptable
to many readers—students and teachers alike.
In asking me to prepare a second edition, the publishers kindly offered me
extra pages which, after some consultation, I decided to fill with (i) a brief
account of Galois Theory and (ii) hints/outline solutions to many of the 800 or
so exercises. (I hope, from the teacher's [students'] point of view, that I haven't
overdone [underdone] the latter.) Of course I have also taken the opportunity
to consider if my original text said what I had intended. Where it didn't I've
incorporated changes. The necessity of amending what Churchill might have
called 'terminological inexactitudes' was pointed out to me by many friends
and colleagues. In particular I should like to thank: Seymour Bachmuch (U.C.
Santa Barbara), Allen Bell and Ken Goodearl (University of Utah), Al Hales
(U.C.L.A.), Bob Gregorac (Iowa State University), John Meldrum (Univer-
sity of Edinburgh) and John Silvester (King's College, London) as well as
some of my colleagues at Leeds. (Special thanks are due to Bell, Goodearl and
Hales for sending me, unrequested, full solutions to the exercises they set in
class. If they were thereby hinting at something, I'm afraid I've failed to grasp
the message!) Incidentally I am not averse to receiving comments directly from
students and I thank all who have written, including one from the University
of Sana'a.
I have also updated the bibliography, including some books and papers
which have appeared since the first edition of RFG went to press. However I
(continue to) invite the reader to experience the pleasure of seeking out others
I haven't found room to mention.
Finally I must thank (most effusively!) my colleague John McConnell who
willingly surrendered the notes of his own successful lectures on Galois Theory
and then (wilfully?) misunderstood my invitation to 'look over Chapter 7',
taking it as a challenge to make me keep my account close to the way Galois
Theory should be presented! Without his help the new chapter might well have
contained more 'terminological inexactitudes' than did the whole of the
original text.
How to read this book
One more (obvious) point. Don't expect the various parts of solutions to
problems to occur to you in the 'right' order. (I can assure you that this book
was not written straight through from beginning to end!) Having got a rough
draft of a solution, now write it out neatly and in a logically developed manner
so that you will be able to read and understand your solution in 6 months time.
Finally may I say that I hope that (most days) you enjoy reading this book
as much as I (most days) enjoyed writing it.
In this prologue we discuss some of the questions which few beginners seem
to have the courage to ask and yet to which they would surely like some kind
of answer The questions considered are (i) what is algebra? (ii) what is its
history? and (iii) what is it good for? We urge the reader to dip frequently
into the historical outline below. The discoveries mentioned there of some
of the world's best mathematicians should whet the appetite for, and also
place in some kind of perspective, the mathematics covered in Chapters 1
through 6.
What is algebra?
The word algebra derives from the word al-jabr which appears in the title of
a book written in the 9th Century by the Persian mathematician Mohammed
Al-Khowarizmi (from whose name comes the word algorithm). This book,
in a Latin translation, had great influence in Europe. Its concern with problems
equivalent to those of solving polynomial equations, especially those of degree
2, led to the word algebra eventually becoming synonymous with the science
of equations. This state of affairs persisted into the 19th Century, Serret, in
1849, observing that 'Algebra is, properly speaking, the analysis of equations.'
One possible definition of algebra [1321* is that it is the study of operations,
of rules of computation. This is slightly unfair since, as we observe in Chapter
2, not all operations are interesting. In any case the word algebra is nowadays
often prefixed, to indicate different stages of development, by adjectives such
as classical, modern and abstract. Whilst there does not appear to be any
universal agreement on the precise meaning to be attached to these prefixes
(compare the definitions of modern algebra in [80, p. 669] and [92, p. 702)]
we can fairly safely say that classical algebra is the present synonym for the
theory of equations, a theory in which are manipulated symbols which invari-
ably represent numbers, be they complex, real, or rational. The term modern
algebra can then be used to describe that subsequent algebra, some of it
arising from more detailed investigations within the classical theory, in which
the symbols manipulated are no longer restricted to representing numerical
quantities. (Cauchy, in 1815, had defined multiplication of permutations,
whilst Gauss, in 1801, had combined pairs of binary quadratic forms and
also integers 'mod p'.) Finally, we give the name abstract algebra to that
Brackets such as these refer to the bibliography.
xiv Prologue
absurdities arising from the free use of intuitive geometrical arguments (see
problem 1) led to the so-called second great crisis and a call for analysis to
be made more rigorous; in other words based on arithmetic (whose foundations
were obviously (!) secure).
The publication by Lobachevsky in 1829 of a consistent (non-Euclidean)
geometry, in which Euclid's parallel postulate is denied, should perhaps have
turned mathematicians' attention back to a study of axioms, especially as it
had long been appreciated that Euclid's use of the axiomatic method was, to
say the least, inconsistent. ([121] contains stronger views.) However, this work
apparently attracted little attention for several years.
In due course the 'arithmetisation' of analysis got under way: Dedekind
insisted that 'what is provable should be proved', observing that even the
equality x '/3 = had not yet (1858) been satisfactorily estab-
Eventually the desire continually to express concepts in terms of yet more
'fundamental' ones led to Peano setting down in 1889 his symbolic and
axiomatic description of the set of integers (in terms of the undefined concepts:
set, belongs to, zero, number, successor of). Furthermore the whole numbers
themselves were shown to be definable entirely in terms of Cantor's new
notion of set (Section 0.1). Unfortunately Cantor's definition was too
wide-ranging: intuition had failed once again at the most basic level (see
Russell's Paradox in Section 0.2) and the third great foundational crisis was
at hand. One result was Zermelo's attempt (1908) to build a formal set theory
on an axiomatic basis.
One of the facets of 19th Century algebra, the ever-increasing number of
concrete structures of distinct outward form but with similar underlying
properties, encouraged their cataloguing and comparison by abstracting com-
mon features. Indeed Weber's book [40] of 1893 talks not just of (groups of)
permutations, matrices, etc., but of (groups of) 'things' (Din gen, in German).
Basing his proposals on the more commonly used properties shared by
permutations, matrices, etc., he postulated that his 'things' be subject to similar
rules (i.e. axioms). It would then follow (as Boole had said in 1847) that 'the
validity .. does not depend on the interpretation of the symbols .... Every
problem, in 1813, the credit for supplying the first generally accepted proof
of impossibility goes to Abel (pronounced 'Arbel') in 1824. Thus it was proven
that no universal radical formula for obtaining all the roots of every quintic
was available. Yet it was undeniable that such formulae were available for
certain special quintic equations (for instance the five roots of x5 — 1 are each
radically expressible; see exercise 4.6.6). In 1832 Evariste Galois described,
by associating with each equation a finite group, exactly which equations were
treatable. This result is a mere corollary to a much more general theory, still a
subject of research, called Galois Theory. (See Chapter 7). Galois, it is usually
said,* coined the word group at this time and introduced the concept of
normal subgroup. He was also the first to investigate fields with finitely many,
pfl, elements where p is a prime and (See Section 4.5.)
At the turn of the century other ideas, later to be seen as part of algebra,
were coming from the pen of Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the greatest
mathematicians who ever lived. Before he was 19, Gauss had constructed,
by straightedge and compass, a regular 17-gon, the first 'new' constructible
regular polygon for 2000 years, and in 1799 he gave the first satisfactoryt
proof (where Newton, Euler and Lagrange had failed) of the fundamental
theorem of algebra (4.8.1). Gauss' most influential contribution is probably
his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801), a work in which appear his 17-gon
(see Section 4.6), his introduction of the notation of congruence (see Section
2.2), his proof that all the roots of f' — 1 are expressible in radicals, and a
proof of the quadratic reciprocity law. (For an integer a and a prime r not
dividing a, define to be 1 or —1 according as the congruence
x or not. The reciprocity law states that, for distinct
odd primes, (!')Q')=(_ See, for example [42], Chapter 8.)
Despite the fact that at the turn of the century mathematicians were happily
(in most casest) using complex numbers, there was some residual disquiet
relating to them. First, although Wessel (1797) and Argand (1806) had tried
to make complex numbers a little more respectable by showing how to
interpret them, their addition and multiplication geometrically, there
remained, possibly because of doubts concerning the intuitive use of
geometrical arguments, the desire to put them ona firmer basis. Furthermore
there was still the problem 'What exactly is (see Section 4.4). Suffice
it here to say that this problem was finally dispensed with in 1833, by banishing
(!): Hamilton replaced the objectionable a + ib by the ordered pair
(a, b) of real numbers (see Section 4.4), thus duplicating an earlier (unpub-
lished) work of Gauss. Second, unease was caused by the continued manipula-
tion of letter symbols as if they were positive integers in situations in which
Kiernan [108] thinks it might have been Galois' teacher L Richard.
t Taking into account the somewhat less rigorous demands of the period.
t There were still some who thought negative whole numbers absurd!
xviii Prologue
they clearly were not. For instance, the equality (a —b)(c —d) =
ac + bd — ad — bc, acceptable to everyone whenever a, b, c, d were whole
numbers with b less than a and d less than c, appeared to remain valid when
particular irrational or complex numbers were substituted for the letters. In
addition, due to the efforts of Woodhouse, Babbage, Herschel and Peacock
from 1803 onwards, Leibniz' notation and methods in the calculus had
gradually replaced Newton's in England and as a consequence much of
continental analysis had become available to the English. In particular the
calculus of operations became an English preserve [109]. In this calculus one
combines functions as if one is dealing with algebraic quantities. Thus in the
differential equation + + 2y =0 one separates the 'operator'
to him at the age of 17 (Leibniz had had similar but less developed ideas as
early as 1666), but several subsequent writers (see [109, p. 235]) have indicated
that Boole's work on the calculus of operations in the early 1840s must have
at least influenced his approach if not actually initiated it. In this book we
have insufficient space to be able to do justice to Boole's ideas by indicating
applications to logic, probability and computer design. Fortunately there are
several introductory books on the subject; 1741 and [75] are just two of them.
Looking at the 19th Century development of number theory, we return to
Gauss and his reciprocity law. He was able to extend his law to cubic and
biquadratic residues but, to state his results elegantly, he found it helpful to
introduce numbers of the form a + pb and a + ib respectively where a, b are
integers, p is a complex cube root of unity and, of course, i is the usual square
root of —1. In this work he needed to know that these numbers factorised
uniquely into primes (3.7.13) just as do the ordinary integers. Kummer
endeavoured to study higher residues and considered, for the purpose, num-
bers of the form a0 + a + 2( where the a1 are integers and
p a prime. These numbers are also relevant for attempts to solve
Fermat's Conjecture (see Section 3.5) and indeed the FC would be solved if
only the uniqueness of factorisation theorem valid for numbers of the form
a +pb and a + ib extended to them. Unfortunately, as Kummer knew,* p =23
provided the first instance (of infinitely many) of the failure of unique factorisa-
tion. To try and get round the problem Kummer introduced extra 'ideal'
numbers (Section 3.9) to help him regain uniqueness of factorisation in many
cases. His analysis showed that the FC is indeed true for all prime exponents
p C 100, except for 'irregular' primes p = 37, 59, 67, which cases he dealt
with later.
Starting in 1871, Dedekind extended Kummer's ideas further. Any complex
number which is a root of an equation a0+a1x = 0 where the a1
. .
are integers will, said Dedekind, be called an algebraic number. (See exercise
3.2.14.) Those for which, in addition, = 1, will be termed algebraic integers
. . .
introduced the term number field (Zahlkörper, in German) to denote a
collection of complex numbers satisfying the field axioms to be found in
Definition 3.2.2(10). One can prove that the algebraic numbers form a field,
but not so the algebraic integers: given (algebraic) integers a, (3 we find that
a/$ need not be an integer. The concept introduced here, then, needs a
name. It was called number ring (Zahlring, by Hilbert, in 1897). Our present
concept of field grew out of Dedekind's work and also that of Kronecker, the
basic notions being present already in the work of Abel and Galois. Dedekind
looked at collections of numbers gathered into a completed whole, this concept
being essential in his construction (Section 4.4) of the real numbers on the
basis of the rational numbers. Kronecker would have none of this. He insisted
* There is some well known folk-lore relating 10 this. See [46, p. 801 and the references mentioned
Prologue xxi
In the same year Felix Klein, in his famous inaugural address at the
University of Erlangen, stated his aim of using group theory to bring a unity
to the various classical geometries that had been found since the announcement
of the first non-Euclidean one by Lobachevsky in 1829. Thus geometries
would be classified by groups of transformations which left certain geometrical
aspects invariant. (The concept of invariance was definitely the 'in' subject at
the time and it was later to provide a central idea in the theory of relativity.)
Since rotations and translations of the plane can be arbitrarily small the
notion arises of an (infinite) continuous group. In 1874 and 1883 Sophus Lie
(pronounced 'Lee', Norwegian) used the idea to attempt a classification and
simplification of the solutions to certain differential equations. In studying his
continuous transformation groups (groups whose elements depend upon a
system of continuously varying parameters satisfying certain differentiability
conditions) Lie was led naturally to study some non-commutative, non-
associative algebras subsequently named after him: Lie algebras. (In a Lie
algebra multiplication and addition satisfy a b = —b a and (a . b) . c +
(b c) a + (c . a) b = 0.) Lie groups and Lie algebras form a major com-
ponent of the present day theoretical physicists' armoury.
We note, in passing, that initially there was no universal agreement about
what exactly constituted a group. For example, whereas Cayley, in 1854,
specifically demanded that the associative law should be satisfied, Lie and
Klein, in their earlier work, did not feel obliged explicitly to mention the
requirement; in all cases of interest to them the condition was automatically
satisfied! As the group concept became yet more prominent, it became increas-
ingly desirable to standardise terminology. In 1882 H Weber gave a set of
postulates for abstract groups of finite order. These postulates are essentially
those in use today.
Two other directions taken in the 19th Century by the theory of groups
should perhaps be mentioned. One is Dyck's concentration on systems of
generators for a group and on relations satisfied by these generators. These
concepts came to be of prime importance with the introduction of non-abelian
groups into topology, specifically via the fundamental group of a topological
space. The second is the introduction of group representation theory in which
groups are represented (via homomorphisms) by groups of matrices with
complex number entities. Matrices have the advantage that they can be added
together and multiplied by scalar quantities; further the concepts of deter-
minant and trace are available to aid computation. This theory, developed
by Frobenius, Molien, Schur and Burnside (see [104]) is of vital importance
today ([104], [36, Chapter 12], [62]) in the theory of finite groups and also in
representing certain groups which arise naturally from symmetry consider-
ations in chemistry and physics.
Possibly inspired by Hilbert's (1899) full axiomatisation of Euclidean
geometry, the 20th Century began with many attempts to find independent
sets of axioms for fields and for groups, the main worker being E V Huntington
around 1902—5. In 1905 J H M Wedderburn proved that every finite division
ring is a field, a result which provides the only known proof that in a finite
xxiv Prologue
the construction of efficient (from the point of view of cost!) error detecting
and correcting codes in the area of data communications. Finite fields are
also of importance in statistics via their association with (sets of orthogonal)
Latin squares.
Finally, the algebra introduced by Boole to model logic mathematically has
found application to the design of computers and telephone switching circuits,
again via the very real problem of reducing construction costs.
The following problems are not algebraic in content. They are placed here
mainly for your enjoyment and for subsequent discussion with friends and
teachers. However, it is intended that they should extract from the reader
that kind of critical attitude with which he should read this book from Chapter
1 onwards.
1 Sketch the graph of y = I. Clearly this function is continuous everywhere
and fails to be differentiable only at the origin (i.e. x =0 is the only point at
which there is no tangent). Invent a function which is continuous for all x
and yet not differentiable whenever x is a whole number. Can there exist a
continuous function which is not differentiable for any x? (Try sketching such
a function and then use your intuition. Finally, ask your teacher.)
2 Euclid defined a point as 'That which has no part'. Criticise this definition.
3 Discuss: Given any two straight line segments, say , it is
obvious that there must exist some (perhaps very small) unit of length in
terms of which the lengths of the above lines are viz and ii units respectively,
m and n being whole numbers.
4 Draw a circle C. Call the interior of C 'the plane', each point inside C 'a
point' and each chord of C (except for its end points) 'a straight line'. Defining
two 'straight lines' to be 'parallel' if they do not meet in a 'point' (i.e. inside
C) show that: Given a 'straight line' L and a 'point' P, not on L, in the 'plane',
it is possible to draw through P infinitely many 'straight lines' which are
'parallel' to L.
Elementary set theory and
methods of proof
01 Introduction
In 1895, at the beginning of his work Beiträge zur BegrQndung der transfiniten
Mengenlehre, Georg Cantor* made the following definition:
By a set we understand any collection M of definite, distinct objects
in of our perception or of our thought (which will be called the
elements of M) into a whole.
Thus examples of sets are: the set 7 of all whole numbers, here called the
integers; the sets 0, R and C of all rational, all real and all complex numbers
respectively; the set M comprising all moons of Mars; and even the set H of
all ten-legged octopodes which visited Archangel last 1 April.
Cantor's need for such a definition had arisen around 1872 from his
investigations concerning the possible uniqueness of representation of func-
tions by trigonometric series. In due course it became apparent that all of
mathematics could be made to rest upon a set-theoretic base. In particular
Cantor and Richard Dedekind, in his Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (1872),
showed how the somewhat intangible irrational numbers (that is, those ele-
ments of R which are not in 0) could, using the set concept, be made
respectable in terms of 0 (see Section 4.4) and Gottlob Frege (1884) demon-
strated how the natural numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,... (on which 7 and ultimately 0
can be based — see exercise 4.4.17 and 3.10.5(iii)) could be defined in
set-theoretic terms. In addition, the concept of function can also be defined
set-theoretically (see Section 2.6).
It is therefore not surprising that the notations, terminology and simpler
notions of set theory now form an essential part of the language in which
contemporary mathematical discussions are conducted. The next two sections
introduce the simple set-theoretic ideas useful in this book.
0.2 Sets
We shall consider the words set, collection, aggregate as synonymous. The
elements of a set we shall sometimes call its members. If A is a set and if an
object a is an element of A we write a A. One usually reads the symbolism
a eA as 'a belongs to A'. If a is not a member of A we write and say
Oeorg Cantor (3 March 1845 —6 January 1918).
2 Elementary set theory and methods of proof
expression 'and so on', is sometimes used. Small finite sets can be exhibited
in several ways. We have, for instance, M = {x: x is Phobos or x is Deimos}
or again M = {x: x is a Martian moon}.
If A and B are sets and if each element of A belongs to the set B we say
that A is a subset of B or that A is contained mt B, and we write A c B (or
B 2A, the latter being read also as 'B contains A'). In particular A cA for
each set A and if A cB and B cC then A cC. Given A cB, if we know
(and if we care!) that B contains elements not in A then we will write A c B
(or B nA) or even A (B A is then
called a proper subset of B. Thus we write 7 c 0, 7 c Q or 7 0 according
to the emphasis required. If A is not a subset of B we write A B (B A).
Note that A B when and only when A contains at least one element which
is not in B. We say sets A and B are equal, and write A = B, when and only
when they contain precisely the same members. Thus A = B when and only
when both A c B and B c A hold simultaneously. It follows that a useful way
to establish the equality of two sets A and B is to prove both A c B and B c A.
Warning: Try not to confuse and c. Somewhat roughly stated: is used
in relating a set to its elements; c is used in relating a set to its subsets. To
illustrate this, suppose A = {1, {l}, 2, {3, 4}, 7}. Thus A is a set with five
elements, namely 1,{1}, 2,{3,4}andl. Hence 1€A,
{2}cA, {3,4}€A, leA, (Inci-
dentally, sets like {2} which contain exactly one element are called singletons.)
NowconsiderthesetsF={x: x €landx2<0}, G ={ }andH asmentioned
earlier. It appears that each contains no members at all. A set with no members
It is perhaps surprising that so simple a definition can give rise to contradictions. In fact even
Cantor realised this, although the best known example is due to the British mathematician/phil-
osopher Bertrand Russell who took P(x) to be the condition x x. Clearly I I and Z Z so that
R ={x: is surely non-empty. One can ask: 'Does R belong to R?' If so, then R satisfies
the condition (x x) for being an element of R. Hence R R. If not, then R fails the test x x and
we deduce R e R. Thus R a R when and only when R R. Various axiomatisations of set theory
(in particular Zermelo's; see Prologue, p. xv) have been proposed to exclude the appearance of
such paradoxes. The sets we shall consider will all be acceptable in Zermelo's scheme.
t Some mathematicians prefer to say 'included in' to avoid possible confusion with subsequent
use of 'A contains a' to describe a a A This dual use of 'contains' is bad but common. Cf. above
New sets from old 3
Problem 2 In connection with the first footnote on p. 2, can you think of a set
A for which AeA?
AnB—{x:x€A andxeB}
AUB—{x:xEA orxEB (orboth)}*
are called, respectively, the intersection and the union of A and B. Thus if
A ={3, 1, 4} and B ={ir, 4, Oliver Cromwell, 1} then A nB {1, 4} whilst
A uB ={3, 1,4, ir, Oliver Cromwell}.
It follows immediately that for sets A and B we have
AnA=A, AnB=BnA, An0=0
AuA=A, AuB=BuA, AuO=A
Intersection and union of sets can be thought of in terms of the shaded
regions in Fig. 0.1; such figures are called Vennt diagrams.
If we introduce a third set C and shade the region common to A u B and
C (Fig. 0.2) it appears that the sets (AuB)nC and (AnC)u(BnC) are
equal. This can be checked (exercise 5(b)) by an argument not depending
upon pictures. [Pictures can be deceptive. What value has this pictorial proof
if, say, CnBz= 0 or ifAcB? See [124].]
There is no difficulty in extending the definition of union and intersection
to larger finite or even infinite collections of sets. For example, if for each
nE we define
t 1 1
n n
In mathematics the word 'or' is taken to include the possibility of both. This is not always the
case in ordinary conversation, for example 'would you like tea or coffee (but not both)?'
John Venn (4 August 1834—4 April 1923).
4 Elementary set theory and methods of proof
Fig. 0.1
Fig. 0.2
fl Sn {O}, the set containing the one real number 0. Here we have 'indexed'
the various S with the elements of the set We can also use the elements
of lV (see exercise 6) or indeed the elements of any set (see 3.4.5(F)) as an
indexing set.
Another way of producing a new set from two old ones A and B is to
define their difference A\B = {x: x E A and x B}. In particular the set of all
non-zero real numbers is then denoted by* R\{O}.
The next definition is suggested by the way coordinates are introduced
into the real plane. Points in the plane are made to correspond to pairs of
Also denoted by R*.
Some methods of proof 5
real numbers and vice versa in such a way that if points P and Q are given
coordinates and (b1, b2) respectively then P and 0 coincide when
and only when a1 b1 and a2 = b2. In particular (1, 2) and (2, 1) correspond
to distinct points. Since the only distinction between (1, 2) and (2, 1) is the
order in which the numbers 1 and 2 are written down we refer to such pairs
of numbers as ordered pairs.
Much more generally we make
Notes 0.3.2
(i) The concept of ordered pair can be described in a purely set-theoretic
manner. See exercise 8.
(ii) In a like manner one can define the set A x B x C of ordered triples
(a, b, c) where a A, b B and c C. One can even form the Cartesian
product of a collection of infinitely many sets (see exercise 6.3.20).
Example 0.3.3 If A ={1, H}, B ={1, e, h} then A xB ={(1, 1), (1, e), (1, h),
(11,1), (H,e), (H,h)}. Note that AXB
and BXA each have 6 (=2.3=3.2)
elements but that A x B B x A. [Why not?]
Definition 0.3.4 Let A be any set. By we denote the set of all subsets
of A. 2P(A) is called the power set of A.
In symbolic logic much use is made of the signs 3 (there exists) and V (for
all), although we don't often employ these here. As an example, note that
one of the properties of the equality relationship on 1 used in the proof of
1.2.1(i) may be stated succinctly as (Vx)(Vy)(Vz)(x = y xz = yz), whilst
axiom A3 in Section 1.2 includes the statement that (3x)(Vy)(x + y = y).
Finally note that the negation of (3x)(P(x)), that is —4(3x)(P(x))), is
and that, similarly,
1 Which of the following assertions are true?
(a) kz; (b)(ir+i)2eC\R; (c)* (d) (e—ir)2eR\R4;
(e) ir —e eR
2 Let A = {ø, {ø}, 1, {1, ø}, 7}. Which of the following are true?
(i) ØEA; (ii) {ø}eA; (iii) {1}eA; (iv) (v) 7cA;
(vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) {ø,{ø},{1, ø}}cA;
(x) {{ø}}cA.
AnB, BnC, AnBnC, AuB, (AuB)nC, (AnC)u(BnC). Draw a
Venn diagram involving A, B and C.
4 LetA={(x,y):xeR,yeR,x2+y2=1},B={(x,y):xeR,yeR,y2=4x},
C = {(x, y): x eR, y eR, y2 = x3}. Find the intersections and unions asked for
in exercise 3.
5 (a) ForsetsA andB showthatAuB=B iffAcB andthatAnB=A
(b) For sets A, B and C prove that (i) (AuB)nCc_(AnC)u(BnC);
(ii) (AnC)u(B nC)c_(A¼JB)nC. Deduce that (iii) (A uB)nC=
(A n C) u (B n C). (Cf. exercise 3.)
io How many elements has PP(A) if: (i) A has 10 elements? (ii) A = 0?
11 Let m €1. Prove that: if in2 is even then in is even.
12 Give another example of assertions A, B where A 4' B is true but B 4' A
is false.
13 Prove that e 1+
+ + is
irrational as follows. Suppose e = —.
/ 11 1
But t=—+---—
1! 2. n!i n+1 (n+1)(n+2)
—2--- + = —, a contradiction. What kind of proof have we used
n+l (n+1) n
14 What kind of proof did we use in proving that 0 c A for each set A?
15 Letx,y andzel.Showthatx2+y2+z2cannotbeoftheform8k+7
when: (i) exactly one of x, y, z is odd; and (ii) all of x, y, z are odd. Deduce
that no integer of the form 8k + 7 is expressible as a sum of three integer
squares. What method of proof have we used here?
16 Write in words the following assertion, where x, y, z C
(Vx)(Vy)(3z)(xy =z2). Is the assertion true? Write symbolically: For all x
and y in 1 for which x cy, there exists z such that x + z = y.
17 Write in words the following assertions, in which x, ye!:
(i) (Vx)(By)(y >x); (ii) (By)(Vx)(y >x). Deduce that one may not
necessarily be able to interchange V and B without the risk of changing the
Numbers and polynomials
1.1 Introduction
As implied in the Prologue, one of the central concepts of modern algebra
is that of 'ring', two of the most fundamental examples being the ring 7
of all integers (Sections 1.2 to 1.5) and the ring Q[xJ of all polynomials in the
'indeterminate' x with coefficients in the field Q of rational numbers (Sections
1.6 to 1.11). The terms ring and field will be defined formally in Chapter 3.
The main objectives of this chapter are as follows.
(1) To present some of the simpler properties of the sets 7 and O[x] in such
a manner as to emphasise their similarities (and their differences!). Thus we
shall have to hand important concrete examples and theorems which will help
motivate, and can act as test-cases in, our later development.
(2) To introduce some terminology and notation in common use in the
following chapters. One advantage of doing this at this stage is that the reader
will probably feel able to devote a little extra effort to learning this terminology
as the statements of the theorems themselves will take little remembering—
many of them should be fairly familiar already.
Finally and by far the most important is:
(3) To introduce into this familiar setting a few notes of caution. Here we
hope to develop the reader's critical faculties by showing, especially in relation
to O[x], that not everything is quite as straightforward as might be expected
(see in particular Section 1.6). We hope the reader will examine proofs of
theorems with one question continually in mind, namely 'Why can he (the
author) say that'?
As promised earlier, many of the proofs in this chapter are written in
expansive style with square brackets indicating those portions of proofs that
could, without great loss, be omitted. The threefold purpose of these brackets
is detailed in the preface.
is mainly interested in the fact that these integers, whatever they may be, are
added and multiplied together, two at a time, according to the following
axioms (where we use the symbol to denote multiplication).
For every three integers a, b, c (distinct or not) we have:
Al a+b=—b+a Ml
A2 (a+b)+c =a+(b+c) M2 b) c=a . (b
A3 There exists in 7 a unique M3 There exists in 7 a unique
integer, namely 0, such that integer, namely 1, such that
A4 To each a in 7 there exists a
unique integer, namely —a,
such that
a +(—a)=(—a)+a =0
a non-empty subset N such that
(i) each element of 7 belongs to exactly one of the sets N, {0}, —N
where —N denotes the set {—x: x E N},
(ii) for alla, b eN we have a +b eN and a beN.
I If U is a subset of N such that I U and such that a + I U whenever
a U then U = N.
(i) The axiom Al is called the commutative law of addition in 7L: Ml is the
commutative law of multiplication. A2 and M2 are the associative laws of
addition and multiplication respectively. A3 and M3 announce the existence
of additive and multiplicative identity (or neutral) elements. A4 asserts each
integer has an additive inverse. D lists the distributive laws.
(ii) The reader will probably have recognised N as having properties usually
ascribed to the set of positive integers and I as being the principle of math-
ematical induction.
(iii) Despite the fact that the algebraist is not interested in the nature of the
integers themselves he certainly gets joy out of the fact, to be proved later
(see Section 3.12), that there is essentially only one system of objects satisfying
the above axioms Al through to I. (The idea of two algebraic systems being
'essentially the same' will first be defined formally in 3.10.1. Before that, part
(ii) of the Remark in Section 1.8 might prove helpful.)
(iv) It is notable that for the set 7 there is no multiplicative analogue of
A4. However, as is well known, the sets* 0, R, C do all satisfy a near analogue
of A4, viz:
M4 To each non-zero a in 0 (or or C) there exists in 0 (or R or C) a
unique number, namely a1, (also written such that a a' a= 1.
We temporarily use 0, R and C intuitively for illustrative purposes only. We shall construct
them formally in Sections 3.10 and 4.4.
12 Numbers and polynomials
Problem I Assuming, for the moment, the truth of the assertion of unique-
ness made in Remark (iii) above, one deduces that, amongst the axioms listed
for 7, there must be at least one which cannot be satisfied by Q. Can you
identify which axiom(s) from Al through to I are not satisfied if one attempts
to apply them to Q instead of 7?
Lemma 1.2.1*
Comment If these results seem rather too trivial to bother about, let's see
if we can make them more impressive (and less 'obvious'?) by stating their
conclusions in words:
(i) The product of the additive identity with any integer always yields the
additive identity.
(ii) The additive inverse of a product [that is —(a . b)] is equal to the product
of the additive inverse of the first [that is —a] with the second [namely b].
A lemma is a result which helps in the proof of a future theorem (cf. the German word Hilfsatz)
but is not deemed to be of sufficient importance by itself to warrant the title Theorem' (German
The basic axioms. Mathematical induction 13
(iii) The additive inverse of the additive inverse of a given integer is equal
to the given integer.
(i) [From the property of 0 as stated in A3 we have, on setting a = 0,]
o+00 (A3)
[Multiplying each side by c we have]
c c (using the property x =y =yz of equality)
[Now using the second axiom in D on the left-hand side of this equation]
[By A4 the element —(0 c) certainly exists: we add it to each side. Reflecting
the fact that on the left-hand side it is being added to the element 0 c + 0 c
we write]
and so
(0 c +0 c)) =0 +(—(0 c))
(using the property x = y 4' x + z = y + z of equality)
[Now using the associative law on the left-hand side]
It follows that
0 c +(0 . C +(—(0 c))) = 0 c +(—(0 .
. c)) (A2)
[And replacing 0 c +(—(0 c)) by 0 on using A4 once on each side]
O'c+O=O (A4twice)
[Finally using A3 on the left-hand side]
0c=0 (A3)
as required.
(ii) Given a we obtain successively
a+(—a) =0 (A4)
(a + b =0 b (property of equality)
a =0 (Donlhs;(i)onrhs)
But ab+(—(a•b)) =0 (A4)
(—a) b = —(a . b) [since both are additive inverses for a b
and] by A4 [there is a unique such
14 Numbers and polynomials
[Now the unique additive inverse of any element x is denoted by —x. Hence
the unique additive inverse of —c is denoted by —(—c). But c is this additive
Hence —(—c)=c.
(i) If the reader feels we have gone to a lot of trouble to establish a result
which is 'obvious' we ask him on what grounds he bases his belief in this
result? Is it merely 'experience'? Or has he had it 'on good authority' that it
is true? What we have done is to show that the semi-mystical assertion that
times minus is plus' is deducible as a consequence of other ('more
obvious') axioms of arithmetic.
In later chapters we shall prove several results of the above type where the
symbols used will not necessarily stand for integers. Then, assertions of the
above type will certainly be far from 'obvious', since we will lack the appropri-
ate 'experience'.
(ii) We were trying to find out exactly what we needed to assume in order
to prove 1.2.2. Including the (necessary) Lemma 1.2.1 it appears that our
proof of 1.2.2 depends on various properties of the = symbol together with
several applications of A4, A3 and D together with just one application of
A2. Notice that Al, Ml, M2 and M3 were not called upon.
Note 1.2.3 One other thing 1.2.2 does for us is to prove that 7 can contain
only one subset N with the properties listed in axiom P. (If M is a subset of
The basic axioms. Mathematical induction 15
The reader who is beginning to doubt the author's sanity should note that
there is something needing proof here. The innocuous looking set S =
{a + b'12: a, b_c Z} can support two distinct such Ns, namely the subset N1
of all a + b which are_positive real numbers in the usual sense and the
set N2{c +d'12 C
P(i) then says that each integer is either positive or zero or negative (and
never has two of these properties simultaneously).
P(ii) says that the sum and the product of positive integers are both positive.
I says that any subset of positive integers which contains 1 and which
contains a + I whenever it contains a is precisely the set of all positive
One can use axiom P and 1.2.4 to establish all the familiar properties of
the < sign. We treat just a couple, place some in the exercises and leave the
rest for the reader to prove for himself or look up in, for example, [32].
Theorem 1.2.5 If a, b,c €7 are such that a <b and b Cc then a Cc.
Proof [To say a <b is,] according to 1.2.4, [to say that] b—a eN. [To say
b Cc is,] similarly, [to say that] c — b N. [But] from P(ii) we [can then] deduce
[that b—a+c—b€N, that is*,] that c—aeN. Thus [using 1.2.4 again this
simply says] a Cc, as required.
Theorem 1.2.6 If a, b, ccl are such that ac b and 0 < c then <bc
Proof (Briefly) We are given that b — a and c are both in N. Hence, by axiom
P(ii), (b—a)ceN. It follows* that bc—ace N, that is ac < bc.
From now on we shall often write ac (etc.) in place of a.c. (etc.)
These are a couple of points which need care. See exercises 1, 2 and 3 following.
16 Numbers and polynomials
Ial=O if a=O
IaI=a if 0<a (i.e.ifaeN)
Ial=—a if a<O (i.e.iffae—N).
Also called absolute value.
The first acceptable statement of the principle is often credited to Blaise Pascal (19 June
1623 — 19 August 1662) after whom Pascal's triangle is named.
t Leonardo Fibonacci lived in the period c. 1170—1240.
The basic axioms. Mathematical induction 17
Theorem 1.2.9 The statements 1, W are equivalent. That is, each implies
the other two.
(i) On the face of it, it looks as if we have six results to prove, namely:
14W, W4'I; W In fact we only need to prove
I I which we can write in abbreviated form as I 4.
W I. (Compare this with the deduction of a = b = c given that a b, b c
and c a, a, b, c E /.)
(ii) W is also expressed by saying 'The positive integers, taken in their natural
order, are well-ordered'. W is called the well-ordering principle—hence the
letter W! W is manifestly untrue when applied to 0 and R. [Why? And what
about C?]
We shall use W a lot in this chapter in particular and call upon in 1.10.1.
Note 1.2.10 Despite the remarks above on economy of effort we shall prove
here only the equivalence of I and W. We leave the reader to prove that
1 Let a, b, c, d e 1. Show that using axiom A2 alone one can prove
((a + b) + c) + d = (a + (b + c)) + d = a + ((b + c) + d) = a + (b + (c + d)) =
(a +b)+(c +d).
[This shows that the 5 different ways one might set about working out the
sum of the four integers a, b, c, d all yield the same answer which can therefore
be unambiguously denoted by a + b + c + d. More generally one can show
(2.7.7) that the sum of n integers a1, a2,. . . , can be denoted unambiguously
by a1 Similar remarks apply to products.]
2 Use the same sort of reasoning, together with careful use of axiom Al, to
show that b +(—a)+c +(—b) —c +(—a), as asserted in 1.2.5.
3 Prove, with the same degree of detail, that —(a+(—b))=b+(—a), and
that (a —b) c =a c—b 'c. [For this second part think what a—b means.]
4 Show that the second axiom D is a consequence of the first axiom D and
5 Prove that property C is a consequence of property Z (and which axioms?).
6 Using the style adopted in the comment following 1.2.1 state the result
of 1.2.2 in words.
7 Let C[0, I] be the set of all real valued continuous functions* defined on
the interval [0, 1]. For 1' g E C[0, 1] define, for each x E [0, 1], (f+g)(x) =
f(x) +g(x) and (f. g)(x) =f(x)g(x). Show that with these definitions of +
and C[0, 1] satisfies Al, A2, A3, A4, Ml, M2, M3, D but not Z. Thus Z
is not a logical consequence of Al through to D alone.
8 Prove, in full detail, that if a, b, c E / are such that a <b then a + c <b + c.
9 Prove that if ae/ and if a$0 then a. Deduce that 0<1.
10 Prove directly from A3 and A4 that —0=0. Show also (Lemma 1.2. 1(u)
might be helpful) that if a $0 and b $0 then ab $0. (That is, prove property
Z from axioms Al through to I.)
11 Showthat(i)ifa1>biandifa2>b2thenaia2+b1b2>a1b2+bia2;and
that (ii) if a1 >b1 >0 and if a2>b2>0 then a1a2>b1b2>0.
12 Prove that, for all a, b 7, (i) jab I Ia . lb and
(ii) a + b I Ia I + lb I.
[In problems 13 and 14 you are meant to get your hands dirty by experiment-
ing. Just try any example that comes into your head—if it turns out to be no
good, throw it away and start again! Why not try {3n +1: n E 7} for a
13 Can you find a non-empty set of numbers which fails to satisfy I but
satisfies all of the remaining axioms from Al through to I?
A formal definition of function is given in 2.6.1. You are asked to proceed informally here.
The basic axioms. Mathematical induction 19
14 What about the same problem with A3, A4, M3, P(i) false (and the rest
15 Let K denote the set {E, 0}. On this set define addition (+) and multipli-
cation (') by
E+E=0+0=E; E+00+E=0
F E=E 0=0 E=E; 0 * 0=0
Which of the axioms Al, A2, A3, A4, Ml, M2, M3, M4, D, Z are satisfied
in this case? [Have you any ideas why we chose letters F, 0 rather than, say,
a, 1,?]
16 Prove by induction (using principle I) that, for all positive integers n,
(i) l+2+3+ 2
(ii) '+(2n—l)=n2;
12+22 + = n(n + 1)(2n + 1);
(iv) '+n3=(l+2+' .
17 Can you prove by induction that, for all positive integers n, 1 + + +
n ii
18 Can you prove by induction that, for all positive integers ii, 1+ +++
[17 shouldn't cause you any trouble if you know something about the harmonic
series, but a proof of 18, by induction on n, might cause you a few headaches.]
19 Prove, from principle I, that: for each positive integer n, 1 n. Deduce
that there is no integer c such that 0cc <1 and that, for each positive integer
k, there is no integer it such that k <it <k + 1.
20 Suppose a, b e 1 with a >0 and ab = 1. Show that a = 1. [This assertion
is called upon in Section 1.3. Hint: Since 0<a and 0<1 we have 0<b. Hence
a, 1 b (by exercise 19) and hence 1 a ab = 1.]
22 What is wrong with the following 'proof' that all triangles in the plane
are pairwise congruent? Let S(k) be the statement 'In every set of k triangles
in the plane all the triangles are congruent to one another.' Clearly S(l) is a
20 Numbers and polynomials
true statement since every triangle is congruent to itself! Now suppose S(n)
is a true statement if n=k and let T1,..., Tk+ be any k+ 1 triangles in the
Examples 1.3.2 31—12, 12k 18, 010 [is this one correct? I might be teasing
to see if you are awake!], 510, 0t2. Note that 12118 in 0.
Definition 1.3.3 If a, b, d €7 are such that dia and dlb then d is called a
common divisor of a and b.
Proof Since dla there exists u €7 such that du = a. Since dlb there exists
v €1 such that dv =b. Then sa +tb =sdu +tdv —d(su -3-tv) so that dlsa +tb,
as required.
The next definition, which we formulate from a desire to get at the funda-
mental building blocks as far as multiplication in 7 is concerned, is intentionally
unconventional, introducing, as it does, a familiar concept in an unfamiliar
way. The reader will recall that one of the author's main aims in this chapter
is to encourage a critical attitude on the part of the reader to statements made
in this book. The main reason for adopting this definition will reveal itself in
Sections 3.6 and 3.7.
Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in 1 21
Definition 1.3.5
(i) If u e Z is such that ul 1 (in 1) then u is called a unit.
(ii) If a C 1 is neither 0 nor a unit we say that a is irreducible if, whenever
a is expressed as a product, a be with b, c €1, it follows that either b
or c is a unit. [Both can't be units. Why not?]
(iii) If a C Z is neither 0 nor a unit we say that a is prime if, whenever a
divides a product, that is, a lbc where b, c C 7 it follows that a lb or ale
(or both).
(iv) If a, be 7 are such that a = bu, where ii is a unit, then a and b are associates.
Remarks The reader's first comments on the above definition might well
(1) What is the point of making 1.3.5(i) when the only two integers satisfying
the property are 1 and —1?
(2) I thought the concept of primeness was defined by (ii) and that (iii)
describes a well-known property of prime numbers.
(3) What is the point of introducing the two definitions, namely (ii) and (iii),
when they express precisely the same concept?
(4) I can see why you exclude a =0 from (ii) and (iii) but why debar a from
being 1 and —1?
(5) I find from (iii) that —3 is a prime. Surely you don't allow negative numbers
to be primes?
Points (1), (2) and (4) will be commented on later (see Remarks (i) after
1.9.3, Theorem 1.4.10 and the Remark following 1.5.1 respectively). For the
moment we dismiss (5) with the answer 'Yes we do'! Regarding (3) we offer
the reader the
Challenge: Are you absolutely sure these concepts are the same? If you are
50 sure, a proof shouldn't be hard to come by. So, go to it before reading on!
(i) Note that under the assumption that a lb we have shown that c is a unit.
If you think that we should now give another proof of the same length to
show that the possibility that a Ic leads to the conclusion that b is a unit, you
have cheated yourself in that you have accepted the statement we
can suppose a Ib' above as a valid one when you don't even understand what
it says! If you've been caught out here please do not be so careless again.
(ii) The word 'irreducible' is a good one for elements with the property
listed in 1.3.5(u) since according to that definition an irreducible element is
one which cannot be represented as a product of two properly 'smallef
elements. Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building
blocks with respect to multiplication for the system 7.
Let us suppose for the moment that we have shown that in 7 irreducibles
and primes are the same thing. A natural question, to which you probably
know the answer (but not a proof?) is
Lemma 1.3.9 Let a be an integer such that I <a. Then a can be expressed
as a product of finitely many positive irreducibles (i.e. primes).
Without I.oss Of Generality. Roughly speaking this means: We need show you the proof only
in one particular case. All other cases can be dealt with in an identical manner with only the
most trivial modifications.
Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in 1 23
(i) We extend the usual meaning of product to include the case of single
numbers standing alone. Thus whilst 2 3 and 3 2 are the two ways of writing
6 as a product of (positive) irreducibles the expression 7 is regarded as the
required product decomposition for the integer 7.
(ii) It follows immediately from 1.3.9 that if a and if a <—1 then a is
expressible as a product of primes, one of which is negative.
proof of Lemma 1.3.9 [We use the principle W.] Let S be the collection of
all those integers (greater than 1), if any, which are not expressible in the
desired form. [If S = 0 the required result is immediate—there are no 'nasty'
integers.] If S 0 then [S is a non-empty set of positive integers and]
principle W asserts that S has a least member. Let this member be called m
[m for minimum?]. Then m cannot itself be irreducible [since such an m
would have a product decomposition of the required kind, namely m itself].
Thus m can [definition of irreducible] be expressed as a product, say m =
mlm2, where 1<m1<m and 1<m2<m. But [since m is the least element
of S we have] m1 and m2 can be expressed as
products of (positive) irreducibles, m1 = k 1k2. . k,, m2 = .say. It follows
. . .
Remark Whilst this proof uses the 'contradiction method' it gets to this
contradiction by supposing the existence of a counterexample, hence, by
principle W, a smallest counterexample and thence the contradiction. Accord-
ingly this type of proof might be called proof by minimum counterexample.
We can now answer Question 1.3.8, giving a proof essentially due, to Euclid.*
The proof is yet another 'by contradiction'. Recall that we are temporarily
assuming that irreducibles and primes are one and the same thing in 7.
Proof Suppose there is only a finite number, n, say, of positive primes. Let
them be listed in increasing order as Pt, P2,. . , p,, [so that Pi = 2, P2 = 3, etc.].
tlPm. Then . .p,, and Hence [by 1.3.4, with s=—1 and
1= 1,we see that] That is, pmII. [But this is absurd
Not much seems to be known about Euclid except that he taught mathematics in Alexandria
c. 300 BC. He was supposedly a modest and kindly man who is alleged to have given money to
a student who asked the use of studying geometry 'since he must make gain of what he learns'.
24 Numbers and polynomials
since by definition a prime cannot be a unit.] This absurdity completes the
As an entertaining diversion and one on which you can again get your
hands dirty we consider a small point which naturally arises here, namely: Is
it in fact the case that each of the numbers is itself a prime? After all with
Pt = 2, P2 = 3, p3 = 5, p4 = 7,..., etc. we get, successively, N1 3, N2 = 7,
N3 = 31, N4 = 211, N5 = 2311, all of which are primes. We make a
Can you amend the proof of 1.3.10 to obtain a proof of this conjecture—or
can you supply a single counterexample which will kill off the conjecture?
I Show that if a lb and b a in 1 then a, b are associates.
2 Show that if a = bu where u is a unit in 1 then b = av where v is a unit
in 1.
3 Use the method of induction to prove that if a is a prime in 1 and if
4 and 31y.
[Hint: If 3 then x can be written in the form 3t + 1 or it — 1. Similarly
for y.]
S Show that if x, y, z €7 and then SIx or Sly or 51z.
6 Let H be the set of all positive integers of the form 4k + I where k €7.
Thus H ={1, 5, 9, 13,. .}. Call an H number h H-irreducible iff h 1 and h
Some work on this conjecture by an American undergraduate student can be found in volume
26, p. 567, of the Mathematics of Computation journal. See also volume 34, p. 303.
Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in 1 25
1.4 GCDs
To get to the standard proof of 1.5.1 will take a while. We begin with
Notation 1.4.2 The positive gcd of a, b (not both of which are zero) is
denoted by (a, b).
Examples 1.4.3
(i) (60, 24)= 12; (17, —42)= 1.
(ii) For a, b E/
(not both zero) we have (a, b) = (b, a) = (Ia lb I). Thus we
only ever need consider pairs of non-negative integers (see exercise 3 fol-
Problem 2 It seems rather obvious that any pair a, b of integers (not both
zero) must possess a unique positive gcd. Surely one simply takes from the
set of all positive common divisors d of a and b the largest? It should be
easy to prove that d is the required gcd. You may not even think there is a
problem at all since the words 'greatest' and 'largest' are synonymous in the
English language. Notice, however, that for us 'largest' is to be interpreted
in the sense of ordering whereas 'greatest' (as used in 'greatest common
divisor') is used in the sense of division. Bearing in mind these remarks you
might try to prove here and now that the numerically largest common divisor
d of a and b, as described above, is indeed their (positive) gcd. (Warning:
GCDs 27
your proof had better not apply to the H-numbers introduced above (see
exercise 15 below) nor to some of the number systems introduced in Section
3.6 (see exercise 3.6.12) where this assertion on gcds is false!)
Theorem 1.4.4 Any two integers a, b (not both zero) have a unique positive
gcd. Further, if this gcd is denoted by c, we can find s, t E I such that c = sa + it.
To help prove this theorem we shall need to call upon the following result,
which is known as the Division Algorithm.
Examples 1.4.6
(0 With a=17 and b=—5 we find in=—3 and r=2 so that 17=
(—3)(—5)+2. Note that in El, rEl and
(ii) With a =—19 and b =—12 we find in =2 and r=5 so that —19=
2(—12) + 5.
Our intuition and experience tells us that the division algorithm is clearly
true. After all we have been working examples like this since age seven or
so. However, let us note that the verification of 1.4.5 in as many as 20 million
cases by no means establishes the truth of the theorem for all possible cases
(cf. the remarks in Section 0.4 on sums of four squares). Furthermore, intuition
is not always a good guide, as problem 3 in the Prologue demonstrates.
One difficulty the beginner might find on being asked to prove 1.4.5 is that
of deciding exactly what to write down. It seems difficult to explain so obvious
an assertion in simpler terms. A proof using a may occur to the reader:
Choose in €1 such that in is the greatest integer not exceedingThen
trivially ci so that a —nib cb (assuming for the moment that 0<b).
Setting a — nib = r we see that a = mb + r where 0 r <b. This proof suffers
from a slight defect in that one of our later aims is to show how to construct
Q on the basis of I so that officially 0 does not yet exist. Another defect is
28 Numbers and polynomials
raisedby the question 'How do you know that the stated m exists?' (Exercise
3.12.10 gives an example not so unlike 0 in which no such m can be found.)
We base a proof on principle W.
Assuming for the moment that 0 a and 0< b we give
Proof of Theorem 1.4.5 LetS be the set of all non-negative integers belonging
to {a — rnb: m e Z}. Then S is not empty since a E S. By the obvious extension
of principle W from 1 to 7 u{0}, S has a least member, which we shall
denote by r. Thus r = a —m1b for some m1 €7. We claim: r <b. For otherwise
0<bcr. It then follows that a—(m1+1)b=r—b is an element of S smaller
than the smallest element r of S. This absurdity leads us to conclude that
r <b. Thus mi and r are such that a = m + r where 0 r <b.
If a <0 we can, by the above, find m, r such that —a = mb + r where 0 c r <b.
Then a=(—m)b—r where —b<—rEO. But then a=(—m—1)b+(b—r).
Clear!y —m — 1 7 and 0< b — r <b if 0< r. (If r = 0 there is nothing to prove
since then a = (—m)b +r where immediately.)
The proof of 1.4.5, in the case where b <0, and of the assertions of
uniqueness we leave to exercises 8 and 9.
We can at last give the
Proof of Theorem 1.4.4 Let S denote the set of all positive integers of the
form ma +nb where m, n are free to range over the whole of 7. Then clearly
at least one of a, —a, b, —b belongs to S. [Why?] Thus S is not empty. Invoking
principle W we see that S contains a least member—let us call it c. We claim:
c is the required (unique) positive gcd of a and b.
In proving that c is a common divisor of a and b we in fact prove rather
more, namely: if w €5 then ciw.
Indeed, let w S and use the division algorithm to write w = kc + r where
k, r 6 7 and 0 r <c. Noting that if r = 0 we have nothing left to prove, we
may assume that 0 < r. Since w and c can be expressed in the forms ua ± vb
and m0a + n0b respectively, where u, v, m0, n0 7 we see that r =
(u — km0)a + ft — Thus r [being greater than zero and of the correct
form] belongs to S. But this contradicts the choice of c [as the least member
of 5; this contradiction shows that the assumption 0< r just cannot hold].
Thus r = 0 and hence ciw, as required. It follows readily that cia and clb.
Finally, c is a gcd for a and b. For, if dia and dib then dlmoa±nob=c
[Lemma 1.3.4].
The uniqueness of c is left to the exercises.
(i) The author would like to think that the reader got some enjoyment out
of reading over that proof. It is a rather tidy kind of argument with no loose
(ii) Whilst being a very agreeable proof of the universal existence of gcds
the above proof is not very helpful in determining (a, b) for any particular
GCDs 29
pair of integers a and b. To do this we call upon the procedure known as the
Euclidean Algorithm*. In order to clarify the procedure we work the 'general
case' first and only then give a couple of concrete examples.
Suppose, then, that a, b €7 are given and that, to avoid trivialities, neither
a nor b is zero. We use the division algorithm repeatedly as follows:
At step (1) we find tn1, r1 €7 such that a = in1b +r1 where <Ib!
At step (2) we find m2, r2 E 7 such that b = m2r1 + r2 where 0 r2 < r1
At step (3) we find in3, r3 7 such that r1 = rn3r2 + r3 where 0 r3 < r2
and in general
Atstep 0') we find in,, r,€7L such that r,_2—=m,r, 1+r, where
Since b > r1 > . and all the r1 are non-negative we must eventually
reach a first integer I for which r1 = 0. Thus the lth step in the above then reads:
At step (1) we find m,,r7e7 such thatr1 2=in1r,_1+0
This last equality implies rj_11r1 2 and as a consequence r1 = (r1_2, r1 ').
Now it is not difficult to see that (a, b) = (b, r1) (exercise 13) and that
similarly (b, r1) (r1, r2) = . . (r, 2, r1_1) = r1_1. Consequently we see that
(a, b) = r1 which can (except in the case where bla, that is where r1 0) be
Examples 1.4.7
(i) Find (10 113,21 671).
We apply the above procedure to the pair 21 671, 10 113. Successively we
10113= 1445+1443
1445= 1443+2
1443 2-143 the last non-zero remainder.
2= 1+0
Ihus (10 113, 21 671) = 1. (Note that in fact neither of the given numbers is
Itself prime, since 10 113 = 3 3371 and 21 671 = 1667.
(ii) Find (30 031, —16 579).
Obtained by Euclid in Book 7 of the Elements. Euclid's work was by no means concerned
Solely with geometry.
G Lamé, whom we meet again in Section 3.5, proved that the number of steps required to
find the gcd is at most 5 times the number of digits in the smaller of the two given numbers.
See [56, p. 43].
30 Numbers and polynomials
=1443-721(1445 —1443)=722(1443)—721(1445)
=722(10113—6 1445)—721(1445)=722(10113)—5053(1445)
=722(10 113)—5053(21 113)
Remark The above working of the Euclidean Algorithm in the general case
is easily seen to provide another proof of the existence of and the formula
for the positive gcd of any two integers (not both zero). However, I am sure
everyone would agree that the proof of 1.4.4 is much, much sweeter, the
proof based on the Euclidean Algorithm being somewhat ungainly. Thus we
have the interesting situation of having two proofs concerning gcds. The first
offers a beautiful proof of existence but is fairly useless for calculations. The
GCOs 31
Table 1.1
sa+tb s t
21671 0 1
10113 1 0
1445 —2 1
1443 13 —6
2 —15 7
1 10828 —5053
second is perfect for specific calculations and also gives a proof of existence.
On the other hand this proof seems to have little aesthetic merit.
Finally in this section we prove (at last!) that every irreducible element in
1 is necessarily a prime element so that the concepts of primeness and
irreducibility coincide in 7. We need a definition and a trivial consequence.
Definition 1.4.8 Two integers a, b are said to be relatively prime (or coprime)
iff(a,b)= 1.
Combining this definition with 1.4.4 we obtain immediately
Theorem 1.4.9 Let a, b 8 7. Then a and b are relatively prime if there exist,
in 7, integers s and t such that sa + tb = 1.
At last we have
Proof Suppose b, c e 7 and a bc. [We want to show that a b or a c (or both).]
If a tb. It follows that (a, b) = 1. [Since a is
irreducible its only divisors are a, —a, 1, —1, and since atb the only divisors
a can have in common with those of b are 1 and —1.] Thus by there
exist s, t 7 such that sa + tb = 1. But then sac + tbc = c. Now a sac [you can
see that it does] and a'tbc [because. why?]. Thus aic, as required.
. .
[In summary: we have proved that either aib or, failing that, alc. Thus by
1.3.5 (iii), a is a prime element in 7.]
2 Show that if c and d are gcds of a, b then c and d are associates. Deduce
that (a, h) is unique (as implied by the Remark and by 1.4.2 on p. 26).
3 Show that for all a, b (not both zero) we have
4 Showthatif(a,c)=(b,c)=lthen(ab,c)=1.[Usel.4.9.]
5 Show that if cia +b and if (a, b)= 1 then (a, c)=(b, c)= 1.
6 Prove or disprove: For a,b,cE7L (with (a,(b,c))=((a,b),c). [If
the equality holds we could unambiguously denote either gcd by (a, b, c).]
State and prove the analogue of 1.4.4 for three integers a, b, c.
7 Show that for each nE7L (5n+2,12n+5)=1. [Hint: c=(a,b)4'
cil2a —Sb.]
8 Show that once a, b are given, the values m, r in 1.4.5 are uniquely
determined. [Hint: Suppose a = rn1b +r1 +r2.]
9 Complete the proof of 1.4.5 by proving it in the case of b <0.
10 Let S be a non-empty set of integers such that a E 5, b ES a — b E S.
Prove that either S comprises 0 alone or else S contains a smallest positive
member c and S comprises precisely all the integral multiples of c.
11 Show that when we write c =sa +11,, where c = (a, b), then (s, t) = 1.
12 Given that sa + tb = 1 prove or give a counterexample to each of the
following assertions
(i) (sa, tb) = 1; (ii) (sb, ta) = 1; (iii) (st, ab) = 1.
13 Show that if a = nib +r, as in the division algorithm, then (a, b) = (b, r).
14 Find (527, 901) and write it in the form 527s+901 t. Find that pair of
integers s, t for which s is as small as possible positive. Prove there is no
solution s, it for which 25 <s <50.
15 Let H be the set of numbers defined in exercise 1.3.6. Show that 21 is
numerically the largest common H-divisor of 441 and 693 but show that there
is no gcd in the sense of 1.4.1.
is a prime and (ii) 2k-1(2k — 1) is a perfect number. [An integer greater than
1 is called perfect if is equal to the sum of all its positive divisors, including
Theorem i.5.V (The Unique Factorisation Theorem for /; also called the
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic) Let a be a non-zero element of 7.
Then either a is a unit or a can be expressed as a product of a unit and
finitely many positive primes. Further, if a = uptp2. . . Pr = vqtq2. . . q, where
u, v are units and Pt, . . . . . , are positive primes then u = v, r = s
and the and the q1 can be paired off in such a manner that paired primes
are equal.
Proof Half of the theorem has been proved already: Lemma 1.3.9 and
Remark (ii) following it show that every integer greater than I (respectively,
less than —1) can be expressed as a product of (respectively, —1 times a
product of) finitely many positive irreducibles (which we now know to be
Now suppose there exists an integer a with decompositions as above but
in which the and q1 do not pair off. If a is a negative integer then lal is a
positive integer with the same nasty property, and the set S of all positive
nasty as is non-empty. Thus S contains a smallest member. WLOG let it be
lal. Now . .and clearly ptIq'q2. .By exercise
1.3.3 we deduce [because Pt is prime] that for some i. But is irreducible
and so Pi = 1 or —1 or qi or —qi. Since Pt is not a unit and since Pi and qi are
both positive we are forced to conclude that p i = q. Thus the above equality
reducestop2p3.. . Pr =qiq2.. . . q5.[Whyarewe allowed tocancel?]
. .
But this integer is clearly smaller than a and so it does not lie in S. That is,
unique factorisation does apply to this smaller integer and we can deduce
that the remainingp2,. , Pr and qi,. , q1 -1, qi + 1, . , pair off (in particular
. . . . . .
r 1 = s — 1 so that r = s) in the manner described in the statement of the
theorem. Since Pt and q1 have already been paired off in the appropriate
manner (i.e. they are equal!) we find that is not a nasty integer after all.
That is, S is empty, and this proves the theorem.
Before closing this section we offer a delightful second proof of this last
theorem in which (the reader is invited to verify) no use is made of the concept
of primeness. The reader is also invited to ponder which of the two proofs
gives him the greater personal satisfaction. (The author's preference should
be obvious!) This time we shall work throughout with decompositions of
integers into products of positive irreducibles.
Second proof of Theorem 1.5.1 Once again we quote 1.3.9 (which makes no
use of the primeness property) to establish the existence of a decomposition
(into irreducibles) in each case. To establish the uniqueness of this decom-
position we proceed as follows.
If the assertion relating to uniqueness is incorrect then there exists a smallest
positive integer c, say, such that c is expressible in two essentially distinct
ways. Suppose indeed that c =P1P2. . Pr =qlq2.
. . . where the p1 and q1 are
(positive) irreducibles. Since [by the minimality of cJ no can be equal to
any q1, we may assume [WLOG] that Pi <q1. Set d . . so that d Cc.
Now c—d=(q1—p1)q2. . w,q2. . where w1w2... is the
decomposition of qi —PI into irreducibles. (If q1 = 1 we get c —d =
q2q3. . . q5.) Now piIc and pild. Hence piIc —d. This means that c —d has a
decomposition [into irreducibles] of the form c — d = P1VIV2 . . t',,, where
Remark In Section 3.6 we shall discuss number systems in which the concepts
of prime and irreducible definitely do not coincide and in exercise 3.7.16 we
shall ask the reader to criticise the application of the above proof (since it
leads to a manifest contradiction!) to these systems. See also exercise 2 below
and exercise 3.11.1.
I Is 71 103 = 53 73? [Unhelpful hint: Both integers end in
a 7.]
2 Consider once again the set H of exercise 1.3.6. Clearly H satisfies
principle W. Every element of H has at least one factorisation into
H-irreducibles and 441, for example, has the two distinct decompositions
9 49 and 21 21 into H-irreducibles. Determine where the above second
proof of 1.5.1 fails for the set H.
3 Provethatifd=(a,b)then(a/d,b/d)=1.
Polynomials—what are they? 35
Prove that if ajbc and if (a, b) = 1 then aic.
Prove that if C2 = ab where (a, b) = 1 and where a, b
are both perfect squares.
t then a and b
=a0b0+(a0bi+aib0)x +•
Before continuing we might just stop to clarify a few apparently trivial points.
(i) Are we to consider 2 +x2 as being of 'the same form' as 2 +Ox + 1x2 +0x3
or not?
(ii) What actually isx?
(iii) In the above definition of addition it seems that the + sign which is being
defined (that is, the one between the brackets) is being defined in terms
of itself! (Witness the same + signs inside the brackets.) Am I right? Is
this fair?
It would appear then that not everything in the garden is quite as rosy as
'night have been suspected. Certainly one would like the answer to (i) to be
and in fact that's easily arranged. And (iii) causes no real problem. One
Just changes the sign between the brackets to $ and proceeds a little more
carefully. Point (ii) however is a bit more problematical. To say that x is
an 'indeterminate' is no good. (What on earth is an indeterminate?) No
'nore can x be 'something which stands for a number' since one could
Cqually well imagine it standing for a matrix or even the differential operator
36 Numbers and polynomials
Definition 1.6.1
(i) A polynomial with coefficients in 0 is an infinite* sequence (a0, a1, a2,...)
in which the a, all belong to 0 and in which all the a, are equal to 0 from some
point onwards. (More formally: all the a, belong to 0 and there exists N eZ
such that 0 N and = 0 for all n such that N n. Of course N is allowed to
vary from one sequence to another.)
The set of all polynomials with coefficients in 0 will, for reasons which will
emerge in Section 1.8, be denoted, as usual, by 0[x].
(ii) The polynomial (b0, b1, b2,...) and the above polynomial
(a0, a1, a2,...) are said to be equal if a, = b, for all non-negative integers i.
(iii) Addition is defined by
where, for each non-negative integer i, d, = a0b, + a 1b,_1 . . + a,!,o. That is,
we putt d,
= k=O
(i) The symbols $, 0 (the first of which is often calledt 'hot cross plus'!) are
used in preference to + and to distinguish them from the signs by which we
Wouldn't finite sequences be better? Think about it!
t means 'sum'. Thus Wk is shorthand for w1 + w2 + w3 + w4.
in Section 1.2 hold for the set Q[x]. We shall check a few and leave the rest
for the reader. For instance:
For A2 (in great detail): Here we are given A = (a0, a1,.. . , . .), B =
did I think of trying I? Answer: I asked myself 'What polynomial g(x) (in
the old-fashioned sense) is such that, for all polynomials f(x), we always have
f(x)g(x) =f(x)?' The answer, g(x) = was obvious, and I is the sequence
version of the polynomial 1 + Ox + Ox2 The point being made here is.
that, whilst one is forbidden to use intuition to prove theorems, one can use
any means, and intuition is a good means, to feel one's way to an answer or
proof. Once an outline has emerged it is often not too difficult to fill in the
Note that I exists only by kind permission of 0, I e 0. That I has the
properties asked of it is due entirely to the fact that in 0 we know that. . . what9
We can 'order' the members of 0[x] so that P(i) and P(ii) are satisfied,
although one could not expect 0[x] to satisfy all the axioms Al through to
I. [Why not?] We shall leave this to exercise 4.
For the moment we concentrate on showing that property Z holds in 0[x].
are the last non-zero terms in A, B respectively. Setting A 0 B
(do, d1, . . . ,
Note that 0[x] satisfies Z essentially by kind permission of the fact that 0
itself does.
Note 1.7.1 Although we don't need it just now we note that if we look at
the terms for s + t <i, in the above product, we see that each is equal to
0. Thus d,, is the last non-zero term in the above product.
Finally for M4: With A, B as above, we have seen that d5÷, 0 if a, and b,
are respectively the last non-zero terms of A and B. Thus if a1 0 for any i
The 'new' notation 39
1 Prove that for all u, v E 0[x] we have u v v u. That is, prove that e
satisfies axiom Al.
polynomials (a, 0,...) and (b, 0,...) we note that, according to 1.6.1, their
sum and product are respectively (a + b, 0,.. .) and (a b, 0,. .). .
We see, then, that the brackets, commas, zeros and dots are just so much
dead wood in that, if we write (a, 0,0,...) more briefly as a, then the
above addition and multiplication can be written much more briefly as a 3b =
a +b and a
40 Numbers and polynomials
We achieve even more economy by giving the name 'x' to the polynomial
(0, 1, 0,. .). For then we observe that
= a1 S x in our new notation
and in generalt
n xs here
®a19x $. . GxOxQ • Gx
and so, if we replace the $ sign by +, if we simply drop the C sign and if we
then agree to write x C x '0 x as x we establish a notational way of
writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with! That
is, we are now proposing to write (a0, a1,. , 0,...) more intelligibly as
. .
(i) The reader who feels both exhausted and cheated at this outcome (if any
such reader there be) will perhaps comment: 'What a waste of time. All that
just to get back to where we started.' In fact we haven't quite got back to
where we started. We have shown that polynomials can be thought of in the
way we have always thought of them, secure in the knowledge that uncomfort-
able questions about x can be circumvented. -
(ii) In recognising that the sets Q acted upon by + and ' and 3 acted upon
by $ and C are essentially the same, we are meeting for the first time a
concept of prime importance in algebra, namely that of isomorphism. This
concept can perhaps be more readily appreciated by looking at Fig. 1.1 which
also clearly indicates that whilst the elements of 0 are totally distinct from
* The triple product is unambiguous sinct 0 is associative (exercise 1.7.3). Similar remarks apply
to the other multiple products. See exercise 1.2.1, Theorem 2.7.7 and exercise 1 below.
± Note the neat sidestepping of a proper proof by induction. See exercise 1 below.
The 'new' notation 41
those of Q[x), nonetheless Q[x] contains the subsystem C which to all intents
and purposes is the 'same' as 0 so that, if it proves conNenient, 0 may be
identified with it. Such identification of the elements of 0 with those of 0 is
in exactly the same spirit as the identification of the elements of 1 with certain
elements of 0 (see Fig. 1.2), an identification to which you've probably never
previously given much thought. (For more on this see Sections 3.10 and 5.9.)
Fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.2
(iii) At this point we should like to draw the reader's attention to a second
aspect of polynomial algebra which is sometimes badly dealt with. The question
arises: What are we to make of the equality x2—3x +2 = 0? Since the left-
and hence the right-hand sides of this equality are polynomials they are simply
shorthand for (2, —3, 1, 0,.. .) and (0, 0,. . .) respectively. Hence 1.6.1(u) tells
us to deduce that 2 = 0, —3 =0 and 1 = 0 in 0! We leave the reader to think
about this until we reach Section 1.11.
Note however that the assertion x2+2 = (x — 1)(x —2)+3x is certainly one
which is meaningful—and also happens to be true! These remarks indicate
that, if nothing else, we ought to proceed with circumspection.
42 Numbers and polynomials
1 Since by exercise 1.7.3 polynomial multiplication is associative, we see (cf.
exercise 1.2.1 and Theorem 2.7.9) that the definition of x' as ihe product
x S x S. S x with n occurrences of x' is unambiguous. In particular we
can write as x" x. Using this equality prove, by induction, that, for each
non-negative integer t, xt is the polynomial (0, 0,. . ., 1, 0,. . .) with all entries
equal to 0 except for the lone 1 in the (t + 1)st place.
2 Using the set Q[x] rather than the set 0 to form sequence-type poly-
nomials, define the concept of 'polynomial in two letters x and y with
coefficients in 0'. Prove from your definition that xy yx. [The set of all such
polynomials we naturally denote by (0[x])[y] — more briefly, 0[x, y]j
Definition 1.9.1 (cf. 1.3.1) Let f, g 0[x]. We say that f divides g (or that
f is a divisor of g) and we write if there exists h e 0[x] such that g =fh.
If! does not divide g we write ft g.
Examples 1.9.2
(ii) x +2tx +2x —4x + 12 (try it by long division!)
Definition 1.9.3 (cf. 1.3.5)
(i) If u e 0[x] is such that u 1 then u is called a unit.
(ii) If f e 0[x] is neither the zero polynomial 0 nor a unit we say that f is
irreducible if, whenever f is expressed as a product, f = gh with g, h C
it follows that either g or h is a unit. A non-zero non-unit polynomial f will
be called reducible if it is not irreducible.
(iii) If feQ[x] is neither 0 nor a unit we say that f is prime if, whenever f
divides a product, that is, where g, he Q[x], it follows that or (or
(iv) If f, g e 0[x] are such that f = gu, where u is a unit, then f and g are
(i) We emphasise that the requirement ull in 1.9.3(i) demands that we find
an element v in 0[x] such that uv = 1. Thus according to 1.7.2 the units in
Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in QExI 43
Q[x] are precisely the non-zero constant polynomials—and there are infinitely
many of them. It follows that each non-zero element of O[x] has infinitely
many associates.
(ii) Instead of Q{x] we could equally well have considered Z[x], C[x],
each defined in the obvious way. Note that in Z[x] the only units are the
polynomials 1 and —1 and that whilst 2 +2
in Z[x].
(iii) Whether or not a polynomial is irreducible depends upon which set of
polynomials it is considered as belonging to. For example, the polynomial
2x2+2 is irreducible in Q[x] and R[x], but reducible in Z[x] and in C[x].
Can you see why in each case?
Notes 1.9.4
(i) In Section 1.5 we proved that each non-zero non-unit element of /
factorises into a product of irreducibles in an essentially unique way. We
naturally enquire whether or not the corresponding result holds in Q[x].
Analysis of 1.5.1 shows that it does if O[x] satisfies analogues of 1.3.9, 1.4.10,
exercise 1.3.3 and property C of Section 1.2. Now 1.4.10 calls upon 1.4.4
which itself uses 1.4.5 which. The energetic reader is invited to supply
. . !
We now ask the obvious question: Which polynomials in Q[x] are irreduc-
ible? The best reply we can give is: There is a test (see exercise 1.11.11) due
to Kronecker* which will always tell in a finite number of steps (which may
easily be large enough to require a computer) whether or not a given element
of Q[x] is irreducible. Otherwise there is a criterion (1.9.16) which is easy to
apply in practice and which describes infinitely many (but not all) polynomials
irreducible over Q[x]. Other tests are given by the remark following 1.11.7
and 4.2.10(u).
To establish 1.9.16 we make some definitions and proofs relating to Z[x].
For ease of recognition we denote polynomials in Z[x] by capital letters.
Example 1.9.6
. . .. 72x3 +2x —42x +8 is not.
lOx2 + 15x +6 is primitive, 2
Such a gcd always exists and is unique. A word for word copy of the proof
of 1.4.4 shows this gcd is equal to the smallest positive integer in the set
Proof I'll leave you to outline this. The following example shows you the way.
some common prime divisor p, say. Now p doesn't divide all the nor all
the z1. [Why not?] Let s and t be the least suffices for which p .f' Ys and p ,f' Zt.
Consider* = y0z5±1+y1z5+1_1+'' +YS±IZO. Nowp iF'y5z1 [since
p '1'Ys' p z1 and p is a prime]. On the other hand [by choice of s, it] p does
divide every other term in the above equality including itself. [This
manifest contradiction shows that the assumption that PG is not primitive is
untenable.] Thus FG is primitive, as required.
For the next theorem we need two definitions. First
Remark The real meat in this theorem lies in the equalities of the degrees
of G and g and of H and Ii. Without these equalities the theorem is true but
absolutely trivial.
(i) We first suppose that F is primitive and write g = G and h = H where
(ii) If now F is not primitive, write F = zF1 where z is the content of F and
where F1 is primitive. Then, from F = gh we get F1 = h. Hence, by (i),
F1 =01111 and consequently F = (zG1)H1 where 01, zG1 and 111 E Z[x].
As an immediate corollary we obtain a result you might have stumbled on
in your researches into Problem 3.
Proof Suppose FIGH where 0, HE 71[x]. [We must show that FIG in Z[x]
or FIH in Z[x].] Now F is irreducible in Z[x]. Thus, if deg F 1, F is primitive
and is also irreducible in Q[x] [by 1.9.15]. Anticipating the proof (see 3.7.2
(ii) and 3.7.8) that in Q[x] irreducibles are necessarily primes we see that F
is prime in Q[x]. Hence [by the definition of primeness] either FIG in Q[x]
or FIH in Q[x]. Suppose WLOG the former. Then there exists s EQ[x] such
that Fs = 0. Writing s = 5, where a, b et, (a, b) = 1 and SE Z[x] is primi-
tive, we obtain aFS bG. Equating contents [noting that FS is primitive] we
see that a = b (content of 0). Thus
in Z[x].
. t whence s c 7L[x]. This proves FIG
We now come to the first of the simpler tests for irreducibility over Q[x].
This one is generally ascribed to Eisenstein.* As implied by 1.9.8 we can do
all our working in 7[x].
F G M Eisenstein (16 April 1823 — ii October 1852), a pupil of Gauss. Gauss placed Eisenstein
in the top three mathematicians of all time.
Divisibility, irreducibles and primes in Ok] 47
(ii) p24'a0,
then F is irreducible in O[x].
Example 1.9.17
(i) f=k—3x+1r2—x3+Lv4+hx5 is irreducible in O[x]. For: We writef=
Noting that 313, 3145,. ..,3k2 and
32k 3 we see that Eisenstein's theorem tells us that the polynomial in brackets
is irreducible in Z[x]. Consequently so isf, in Q[x].
1—(1+x) —x
C Hence there are no h - 1' k_1 e Q[x] (except trivial ones) whose product
is C. Thus C is irreducible, as required. [All right?]
(i) One might try to employ this sort of manoeuvre (exercise 10(c)) on any
given polynomial one suspected of being irreducible. One trouble is that one
wouldn't know for which integers a, if any, the replacement of x by x + a
would change the given polynomial into Eisenstein form.
(ii) Eisenstein's criterion shows that there exist in Q[x] infinitely many prime
(i.e. irreducible) polynomials of each degree 1.
(iii) As we did with the integers (1.3.9) we can use induction (but this time
on the degree) to show that every non-zero non-unit polynomial in Q[x] can
be expressed as a product of a finite number of irreducible ones. As implied
in note 1.9.4(i) an analogue of 1.5.1 can be established in Q[x]. This analogue
* A polynomial in O[x] is rnonic ill the coefficient of its greatest power of x is +1.
The division algorithm 49
9 State (be careful!) and prove any relationship you can find involving degf,
degg, deg(f+g), g) wheref,geQ[x].
to Determine whether or not the following polynomials are irreducible in
(a) x3+2x2+4x+2; (b) x3+2x2+2x+4;
(c) x4+6x3+12x2+12x±7.[Hintlookatf 1.]
11 Use Eisenstein's method and the method of example 1.9.17(u) to prove
that x4 + 1 is irreducible over 0.
12 Show that +x°' is irreducible in 0[x], p being a
prime in 71.
13 Prove the back-to-front Eisenstein test viz:
If plan, plan_i,... ,pta0 and in 71 then is
irreducible in Q[x]. [Hint: you might care to look at +. +a0y"
where y Hence prove that 7x4+12x3+12x2+6x +1 is irreducible in
0[x] (cf. exercise 10(c)).
14 Give a counterexample to show that the following converse to Eisenstein's
test is false. (Students often seem to believe this 'converse' at examination
Let . Suppose there is no prime p in 71
satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) of 1.9.16. Then F is not irreducible in Q[x].
15 Give an example to show that the conclusion of Eisenstein's test cannot
be replaced by: '. . then F is irreducible in Z[x]'. Identify where a proof of
Iheorem 1.10.1 (The Division Algorithm) Letf, g E Q[x] be such that g #0.
50 Numbers and polynomials
(1) If f = 0 we write 0 = Og +0 which is clearly of the required form.
(2) Suppose f=ao+aix+. and where
22 ifs 24 3x3 —x
11 2 7 15
11 4 3 2
—TX TX flX
Roots and the remainder theorem 51
14 3 1 2 1
14 3 7 2 7
52 5 1
5 2 15 15
125 19
x +
125 19
Thusm3X 3 2 7
11 15
Withf,gasgiven,findm,r€Q[x]asin 1.10.1.
f=4x 43332
2 1
f=3x —2x 5 13473929
—3x2 —x+4.
2 Give an example off, g e Z[x] (g 0) such that there do not exist m, r e 7L[x]
such thatf=mg+r with either r=0 or deg r<deg g. [Thus there is in general
no division algorithm in Z[x] except when g is monic.]
Show that there do exist M, R Z[x] and z E such that zf = Mg + R where
either R =0 or R and degR <degg. [Hint: work in Q[x] and get rid of
3 Imitate the process of the Euclidean algorithm as defined for / (p. 29) to
find the unique monic gcd in Q[x] of the following pairs of polynomials:
(a) x5+2x4+x3+x2+2x+1,3x4+9x3+10x2+Sx+1.
(b) x6—6x4+12x2—8,x3—x+2.
[The proper way to define the gcd concept should be obvious. It's a word for
word copy of 1.4.1. The existence of the gcd is given by exercise 1.9. 17.]
4 The Euclidean algorithm for Q[x] can be used, as in the case of 7, to
arrive at a proof of unique factorisation. Can unique factorisation in Q[x] also
be proved by copying the second proof of 1.5.1 on p. 34? [Recall that the
elements in C[x] can be ordered; see exercise 1.7.4.] If not, identify the first
place the proof breaks down. [Look, in due course, at exercise 3.11.1.]
to the perversity of the author but is rather due to the dual role that the
public at large expects x to play. In popular language these two roles are
those of 'indeterminate' and 'variable' respectively. This is perhaps best
illustrated by considering the assertion that 'one way to show that x —2 is a
factor of x2—3x +2 is to put x = 2 in x2—3x +2 and show that the result is
0'. We can 't put x = 2 or anything else for that matter: x is the infinite
sequence (0, 1, 0,. . .). [Nor can we apparently 'substitute 2 for x' since the
result, namely 2 2®(—3, 0,0,. .) C 2+(2, 0,0,.. .), is meaningless. On the
other hand we can get round these difficulties, so that we can talk (loosely)
as above without fear of any difficulties arising, by doing something which
looks very much like substitution. In what follows we shall let J stand for
any one of 7, Q, or C.
Definition 1.11.1
(i) Let us, for brevity, denote the polynomial a0+a1x in J[x]
byf For each c €J we define the value of f at c to be the element a0+a1c +
•+ We denote it briefly by f(c) and refer to the process of obtaining
f(c) from f in this way by the ill-chosen but universally familiar expression
'substitution of c for x in f' since on the face of it we have just replaced every
occurrence of x in f by c. It is then easy to check that, for f, g e J[x] and for
c e J, we have (f g)(c) =f(c)g(c) and (1+ g)(c) =f(c) + g(c).
(ii) If it J is such that f(t) =0€ J we call it a root or zero off in J.
(iii) The expression 'Solve the equation a0+a1x + . +a,,x" = 0 inf' means:
Notes 1.11.2
(i) What we are actually doing in 1.11.1(i) is to associate with the sequence
(a0, a1 0,. . .)and the element c€J the elementa0+a1 c+ in J.
(ii) In the expression a0 + a ix + the a1 are abbreviated notations
for infinite sequences; in a0+a1c + the a1 are actual elements
of J.
(iii) The assertions that one can solve x2 — 3x + 2 = 0 in 7 and that one cannot
solve x2 + 1 0 in 0 should now be completely unambiguous (and both are
We can now prove a result which is often stated and proved in a rather
casual manner. In order not to obliterate its intuitive meaning, and yet satisfy
ourselves that we are not falling into a subtle trap, we denote the constant
polynomial (a, 0, 0,...) in J[x] once again by a. It might be quite instructive
for the reader to select an algebra text at random and see how many, if any,
holes he can pick in the proof of the following theorem given therein.
Theorem 1.11.3 (The Remainder Theorem) Let f J[x] and let a J. Then
there exists meJ[xj such that Further x—alf in J[x]
Roots and the remainder theorem 53
Theorem 1.11.4 Let J be any one of 0, R, C and let fef[x] such that
degf=n>0.Thenfhasatmostn rootsinJ.
Proof We proceed by induction on n. 1ff has degree 1 then f has exactly
one root in I. Now suppose f is a polynomial of degree k + 1. If f has no root
in I then since 0 k + I the result holds. Otherwise suppose b is a root of f
in J. Then, by 1.11.3, x—h is a factor off in J[x]. Write f=(x—h)'g, where
is chosen as large as possible and g(eJ[x])'has degree n — t. By the
induction assumption g has at most n — t roots in J. Hence f has at most
Theorem 1.11.6 (The Rational Root Test) If r/s is a rational root of the
Polynomial z0+z1x+ €Z[x]where
. then
*Why can we use it? Cf. exercise 1.10.2.
54 Numbers and polynomials
Example 1.11.7 If x4+2x3 +2x2 +x —2 has a rational root r/S with (r, s) = 1
then rI—2 and sil. Hence r/S has four possible values, namely 1, —1, 2 and
—2. Substituting each of these in turn in the given polynomial never gives the
value 0. Hence x4+2x3+2x2+x —2 has no rational root.
And as a corollary,
1 Complete the proof of 1.1 1.3.
repeated root in C.
5 Let f and g be polynomials of degree n in 0[x]. If q1,q, . are
. .
distinct rational numbers such that f(q,) =g(q) for all i (1 i n + 1) show
thatf=g in0[x].
6 Let u1,. , u,,÷1 be distinct rationals and v1
. . be rationals (not
necessarily distinct). Show that there is exactly one polynomial f€ 0[x] such
that (i) degfn and for each i
[Try definingf to be
(x —a1) . .. (x —Ui 1)(x . . (x
—u1). . . . .
[x] here denotes the greatest integer not exceeding x.
Binary relations and binary
21 introduction
If we let X stand for any one of the sets 7, Q, R, C, Z[x], etc. mentioned in
Chapter 1, then the operations of addition and multiplication defined on X
may be described as binary operations on X in that, to each pair of elements
of X, both + produce a unique entity which is again an element of X.
As remarked in the prologue, present-day algebra might be defined as the
study of (n-ary) operations on sets (n = 2, but also 0, 1, 3, 4,... etc.).* This
would, however, be a little unfortunate since only relatively few n-ary oper-
ations are either interesting or important. In later chapters we shall investigate
in depth some of those binary operations which have, by their repeated
occurrence and usage, shown their importance. (For the sake of illustration
we shall also introduce some which, to say the least, are of little significance!)
The general concept of binary operation on a set is defined in terms of that
of 'function'. No doubt the reader can give what he feels is an adequate
definition of 'function'. (Indeed we invite each reader, here and now, to make
such a definition and compare his proposal with ours, given later.) However,
in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1, and
because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a
set-theoretical base (the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists)
we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect.
Any reader worried by the prospect of such formality will be pleased to see
how, as with polynomials in Section 1.8, the more informal notation to which
he is more accustomed is soon restored.
The formal approach requires that we start with a study of binary relations.
modulo [more briefly, mod]n. Thus 7 —3 (mod 5) whilst 111 40 (mod 5).
Working modulo 5, then, we see that certain pairs of integers are related (by
being congruent mod 5) whilst other pairs are not so related.
There are other more familiar ways in which certain pairs of integers appear
to be related whilst other pairs are not. For example, since 3<7, the ordered
pair* (3, 7) is related by < whereas the ordered pair (7, 3) is not. The symbol
'=' yields another relation on 7, two integers being related this time if and
only if they are equal. As an example of doubtful mathematical value consider,
on the set P of all human beings alive at, say, 10.05 a.m. (GMT) on 7 April
1978, the relationship 'is greatgrandfather of'. Still thinking aloud it appears
that the relationships (mod 5), <, =, and 'is greatgrandfather of' can be
interpreted as subsets of 7 x 7, 7 x 7, 7 X 7 and P x P respectively. For
example, <can be identified with the subset of 7 x 7 comprising all ordered
pairs (a, b) for which a <b. Similarly = can be identified with the subset
{(a, a): a 7} of 7 x 7 and a (mod 5) with the subset of all those (a, b) for
which a a b (mod 5). That these identifications are circular (equality in 7 being
identified with the set of all pairs (a, b) for which a and b are equal!) is
unimportant at the moment since we are still informally trying to feel our
way. Now, being formal, but motivated by the above, we make
One easily solved and one unsolved problem in number theory are
included in
Examples 2.2.2
(i) ThebinaryrelationR1 ={(x, y): XE t, ye y andf = yX}isafinite
set comprising just the two elements (2, 4)and (4, 2). [Challenge: Prove it!]
(ii) The relation R2 ={(x, y): X€! ,y€ 7 ,y =X +2 and X, y both primes}.
Thus R2 contains the pairst (3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13), ..., (1706595x2"235-i-l),
[It is an unsolved problem of number theory as to whether or not R2 is a
finite set. Each pair {X, y} is called a pair of twin primes.]
(iii) The relation R3 = {(X, y): X P, y P and X is greatgrandfather of y}.
It seems unlikely that many readers will find themselves as first member (that
is, in the x-place) of any element of R3. (The author would certainly be pleased
to hear from any such greatgrandfather! May 1991: I'm still waiting!)
See 0.3.1.
tAs of September 1990.
Congruence mod n Binary relations 59
On any given set few (if any!) binary relations will have mathematical
significance. Indeed, those binary relations occurring most fiequently in
practice possess special properties including some or all of:*
Properties 2.2.4
(r) VxeA xRx
(s) Vx,yEA
(t) Vx,y,zeA
(a) Vx,yEA xRyandyRx4.x=y
Definition 2.2.5
If R satisfies (r) we say that R is a reflexive binary relation.
If R satisfies (s) we say that R is a symmetric binary relation.
If R satisfies (t) we say that R is a transitive binary relation.
If R satisfies (a) we say that R is an antisymmetric binary relation.
If R satisfies (r), (s) and (t) we say that R is an equivalence relation.
If R satisfies (r), (t) and (a) we say that R is an order relation.
Note 2.2.6 To remember these latter two definitions the author uses the
mnemonics rEst and rOta. You will, of course, remember your own mnemonics
all the better.
Examples 2.2.7
(i) Since for all x, y, z El we have: (r) x (mod 5); (s) If x (mod 5)
Problems 1
(i) Equality (on 7, say) satisfies (r), (s), (t) and (a). Is it the only such binary
relation on 7?
(ii) Does the relationship 'is greatgrandfather of' on P satisfy (a) or not? [If
not there must surely exist x, y E P such that xRy and yRx but x y?]
1 Show that on a finite set with n elements it is possible to define distinct
binary relations.
2 Let a,b,c,d,m,ne7L with n.>O. Show that if a=—c (modn) and if b—=
d(modn) then (fl (ii) (iii)
ma (mod n) show that a ac (mod n) if n)= 1.
Give a specific example showing this conclusion can be false if (m, n) 1.
Decide what it means to say that x +3x +x +5x
5 4 3 2
x4 + 2x + 1 (mod x2 +x + 1) and then decide if you believe this assertion.
4 For each of the following find, if possible, at least two solutions.
(i) (ii) 4xa7(mod8); (iii)
(mod 31).
5 Which of the properties in 2.2.5 are satisfied by the following relations R
on 7?
(i) aRb itla<b; (ii) aRb (iii) aRb ifiab=O; (iv) aRb if!
6 Find binary relations R1, R2 on 7 such that R1 satisfies (s) and (t) but not
(r), whilst R2 satisfies (r) and (t) but not (s).
7 Which of (r), (s), (t), (a) does R ={(1, satisfy?
8 An equivalence relation E on A = {1, 2, 3, 4} contains the pairs (1, 1),
(1, 2), (2, 3). Find E given that not the whole of A xA.
9 Find as small a non-empty subset R of 7 x 7 as possible so that R is not
(r), not (s) and not (t).
10 What is wrong with the following 'proof' that each symmetric and
transitive binary relation on a set A is an equivalence relation?
aRb 4 bRa (by (s)), aRb and bRa 4 aRa (by (t)), therefore aRa so that
R is (r). QED.
[Hint: look at your solution to R1 in exercise 6 above.]
11 Let X be a non-empty set and the set of all its subsets. Show that
the relation c of inclusion between the elements of 9P(X) is an order relation
on eP(X). Let X = {a, b, c, d}. How many elements (i.e. ordered pairs) does
the relation c on £?P(X) have? Find u, v e £?P(X) such that neither a c v nor
V U.
Equivalence relations and partitions 61
Definition 2.3.1 Let A be any non-empty set and let be any collection of
non-empty subsets of A such that (i) the union of the sets in C is A and (ii)
each distinct pair of sets in C has empty intersection. Then C is called a
partition of A.
Examples 2.3.2
(i) The subsets of even integers (include 0) and of odd integers define a
partition of 1.
(ii) The sets of all males, of all females and of all joggers do not form a
partition of the human race.
(iii) The concepts of similarity and congruence define partitions on the set
T of all triangles in the plane.
(r) Each a in A lies in some subset of A belonging to 41 Then aRa follows
immediately [since a lies in the same element as does a!].
(s) is also immediate. [If a belongs to the same element as b then b
belongs to the same element as a.] Thus aRb 4 bRa.
(t) If a belongs to the same member of C as b and if b belongs to the same
member of C as c then... [can you finish it?]. That is, aRb and bRc 4' aRc.
On the other hand, each equivalence relation (e.r. for short) gives rise
naturally to a partition.
Proof Let a eA. We know that aRa [why?]. Hence [immediately from the
definition] a eá. [Thus satisfies condition (i) of 2.3.1.] Next suppose a and
b are such that a n b 0. Then there exists c E d n b. It follows that cRa
and cRb and consequently that bRc [why?]. Now, for each d e b we have
dRb. But then dRb and bRc and cRa 4'dRa [Why? See exercise 8] whence
d a. Since d was any element of b we have shown that b ç a. An identical
argument* shows that a c b and the equality a = S follows.
Problem 2 We've seen that every partition on a set A gives rise to an e.r.
on A and vice versa, each in a natural way. Suppose I give you a partition,
you construct the corresponding e.r. and then I construct the partition corres-
ponding to your e.r. Do I obtain the partition I began with?
Examples 2.3.6
(i) The relation R defined on the plane by setting (x1, y 1)R(x2, Y2) if! x +y =
+is an e.r. The equivalence classes are the circles with centre the origin.
(ii) The relation R defined on Q[x] by setting fRg if! f(O) = g(O) is an e.r.
on Q[x]. Each class comprises all those polynomials with a particular constant
1={... —9,—4,1,6,11,...}
3={... —7,--2,3,8,13,...}
4={... —6,—1,4,9,14,...}
As an old schoolteacher of mine (DTC) used to say: 'Let symmetry work for
Z,, 63
Note that
(i) two integers a, b lie in the same (equivalence) class if a (mod 5), that
ill —b or, again, if a =b±Sk for some k EL; and that
(ii) although the notation 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 is most natural, these equivalence
classes can also be denoted, respectively, by, for instance, ¶öì,
Define on Z a binary relation (other than (mod 5)) which also has exactly
5 equivalence classes. [This exercise is supposed to help substantiate the claim
in the opening sentence of Section 2.3!]
2 Define, by means of a partition, an e.r. on 1 which has, for each positive
integer n, exactly one equivalence class with n elements. Describe this
equivalence relation in the form 'xRy if. . .'.
2.4 Zn
Let n be any positive integer. Form the set of equivalence classes determined
by the e.r. (mod ii). We call this set Zn. We now show how to manufacture
very interesting 'number' systems by introducing a kind of addition and
multiplication into These number systems are not mere curiosities. Indeed
certain of them have found application in coding theory and in statistics as
well as being important in geometry and in algebra itself. ([7], [61], [26] and
Using the notation of 2.3.4 let St and I be two elements of Zr,. Thus i and
1' are equivalence classes of integers mod n. We define their 'sum' and
For z = x + iy, z denotes the modulus of z, that is zI =
+ y2.
64 Binary relations and binary operations
'product' i 0 1 by
Definitions 2.4.1
set =s+t
S 'Li t = S • t
Note that, whatever else, f1'I and C? are certainly elements of!,1.
Taking the specific example of n = 7 we see that 456 = 10 = 3 whilst
6 06 36 1. Information such as this is conveniently stored in the form
of addition and multiplication tables as follows.
1234560 00000000
0 4 6 0 4 6
1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5
2345601 2 0246135 1
4 4560123 4 0415263
6 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 6 5 4 3 2 1
Notes 2.4.2
(i) Our notation i is bad (but customary). It's bad because it does not
indicate which 7,, one is looking at. However the context usually makes a
more explicit notation (such as iJ unnecessary.
(ii) Corresponding tables for any other (fairly small) positive moduli n are
easily constructed. What has perhaps escaped your attention is that our
definitions of S and S might not make sense! The problem is this: In 77, say,
we have seen that 4$6=10=3 and that 606=36= 1. Now 4 and 6 also
go under the names and for instance. Thus, according to our
and so, unless and are just other names for and 1 we are in
the intolerable situation that a sum or product of two classes depends not
only on which the classes are hut also on what we choose to call them!
proof Suppose á=ê and b=d in 1,,. Then a—c±un, b=dtvn for
suitable u, v E 1. It follows that
a +b —c +un +d+vn =c +d+(u =c
ab =(c+un)(d+vn)=cd-f-(cv+ud+unv)n =cd
as required.
We now see which of the (analogues of the) axioms Al, A2,. . , M3, M4, .
and property Z, listed in Section 1.2, hold for and 0 on in. (We leave
axioms D, P and properties C, M of Section 1.2 to exercise 11.)
For Al we take any two a, b in in and ask: Is â$b =b®á? Indeed it
is. for a +b =b +a
in i, we have 21TB = bTi in in as required. The proof of Ml is similar. Let
us offer a streamlined proof that M2 holds. We leave to the reader the
explanation as to why each of the asserted equalities holds.
For all a, b, S in we have
o a 0(1;
The proof of A2 is similar.
Note 2.4.4 The rather pedantic observation that (ab)c = a(bc) is included
here only to emphasise that the associativity of 0 depends heavily on that
of in i. Otherwise such pedantry relating to i was left behind as
long ago as 1.2.5.
012345 0012345
0 012345
123450 0 000000
2 345012
234501 2
4 450123
5 501234 4
It is clear that O and I are again the (unique) elements required by axioms
A3 and M3. Further: (i) and O whilst 0 = = O, and there (ii)
is no element 2 €16 for which 202 = 1. Thus both M4 and Z fail in 16.
What about M4 and Z for other 4s? It is pretty clear that the reason Z
fails in 16 is that 6 is a composite integer.* It is equally clear that Z fails in
4 whenever n is composite. Further, if n =n1n2 with n1>1 and n2>1 it is
immediate that there can be no 2 €4 such that e11 02 1.
We have, therefore,
(a) First let a 4
where a O. Then p t a in 71. [Why not?] Hence (p, a) = 1
[why?]. Consequently, by 1.4.9 there exist r, s €71 such that rp + sa = 1. There
71,, satisfies M4.
(b) Now suppose b, e i,, are such that 6o =0. Then either b =0 [in
Problem 4 You may, even at first reading, have an uneasy feeling that the
proof of (b) was not quite what you were expecting and that a more direct
proof should be available. Indeed there is such a proof. Can you find it? (The
reason for giving the present proof will appear in exercise 3.3.5.)
A composite integer? Any integer which is different from 0, 1 and —1 and is not a prime.
74 67
Remarks We have just seen that in some ways the number systems 7,,,
where p is a prime, are more like Q, R and C than is 7 itself in that all of
Al, A2,.. . , M3, M4, D, Z hold in each of them whereas M4 does not hold
in 7. Indeed 74, 0, R, C are all examples of fields (see 3.2.2(10)) whereas 7
is not.
1 Compute the ® and 0 tables for 12, 73, 74. In the tables for 72 replace
every occurrence of O by the letter F and every occurrence of I by the letter
0. Compare the result with exercise 1.2.15. Are you surprised? Should you
9 Find an n and elements á, 6,ê in 74 such that none of ci Oh, hOe and
C 0 ci is equal to 0 and yet ci 0 b 0 C =0.
10 Find, if possible, a multiplicative inverse for in each of (i) (ii) 113;
(iii) 121; (iv) 734; (v)
11 True or false?
,— -.-——---... —,
k1) 17 has elements —3, —2, —1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and the elements 1, 2, 3 show
that 77 satisfies P of Section 1.2.
(ii) Each 74 satisfies property M and axiom D.
('ii) Each 74 satisfies property C. [Hint: try n composite.]
68 Binary relations and binary operations
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1 July 1646— 14 November 1716). Great mathematician and
Philosopher. Regarded as being a cofounder with Newton. his contemporary, of thc calculus.
70 Binary relations and binary operations
Theorem 2.5.3 Let a and m be positive integers such that (a, m) = 1. Then
I (mod m).
results. One, which asserts that to each s E there corresponds k (s) 7 such
that each positive integer is expressible as a sum of at most k (s) positive integral
5th powers, was first proved by Hilbert (in 1909!). There is a nice article on this in
the Amerkan Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 78, 1971, pp. 10—36. We mentioned
in Section 0.4 that Lagrange proved k (2) =4 in 1770. In 1771 he proved another
of Waring's assertions suggested to Waring by one of his students, John (later, Sir
John) Wilson.*
To make the proof easier to follow we first prove it in the case p = ii. In
we have
and, of course,
151=1 .
. . .
. P
It follows that (mod 11) as required.
Proof of 2.5.4 The cases p = 2, 3 are easily dealt with directly. So we may
assume p 5. We consider the p —3 elements of the setS = {2, 3,. . , .
and we prove
(i) if deS then there exists 6€s such that andt db = i, and
(ii) if d6 = = I then 6 = That is, the element b of (i) is unique.
We may then deduce that the elements of S resolve themselves into
pairs, whose product in each case is 1. And since p — 1 = —i in 4 we shall
be finished.
So let us prove (i) and (ii).
(i) Given ii €5 we know from 2.4.6(a) that there exists b 4 such that
db = 1. Clearly 6 I and 6 [why not?] and so 6 ES. Further b a. For
SUppose it were. We should then have âá = 1, that is a2 I (mod p) or, again,
pIa2—i. Thus pla+1 or pla—i in 7. Recalling that we
see that the alleged divisions are impossible. This contradiction ensures b ci.
John Wilson (6 Augusi 174 1—18 October 1793).
+tFor brevity we omit the multiplication sign 0.
72 Binary relations and binary operations
1 (i) Find x such that 360=29rn+x where [Hint: 328_9
(mod 29).]
(ii) Find x such that cl8 and xm2'°° (mod 19). [Hint: 2100=
264 . 232. 2k.]
2.6 Functions
We have so far met several examples of what the reader would probably
regard as a 'function', but we have as yet given no definition, formal or
otherwise, of the concept. The reader may feel he can get along quite nicely
without any definition! If so, we should first remind him that we shall be
interested here in functions other than those between two sets of numbers.
Further, he might find it interesting (and salutory) to read (see, for example,
[80], [131]) how such great mathematicians as Euler, d'Alembert* and Daniel
Bernoullit came, around 1750, to arguing about their respective solutions
to the 'vibrating string' problem essentially because their ideas as to
what constituted a function did not coincide. In 1755 Euler wrote: 'If some
quantities depend upon others in such a way as to undergo change when the
latter are changed then the former are called functions of the latter.' For
Euler the quantities were numbers: today we have need to discuss functions
between more general sets.
The study of functions was originally an offshoot of the study of properties
of curves, geometrically defined, so it is interesting to see how a modern
definition of function, expressed in terms of the set concept, is equivalent to
what you would, in the case of a real valued function of onereal variable,
naturally think of as the graph of the function.
One definition of function often found in present-day texts is: 'A function
is a rule which associates with each element of some set A a single element
of a second set B.'
You might care to discuss with your friends:
(i) Is the word 'rule' any more self-explanatory than the word 'function'?
(ii) Can different rules lead to the same function?
We thus eschew the word 'rule' and opt for a moret precise definition of
the function concept.
le Rond d'Alembert (17 November 1717 - 29 October 1783).
Daniel Bernoulli (8 February 1700— 17 March 1782). Son of John Bernoulli; nephew of James
Bernoulli. The Bernoullis were probably the most illustrious family mathematics has produced.
t A somewhat stricter definiton of 'function' can be found on p. 5 of L21, vol. II.
74 Binary relations and binary operations
(i) The words map, mapping and transformation reflect the geometric origin
of the function concept.
(ii) The words map and mapping seem to have gained greater favour in
algebra than the word function; from Chapter 3 on we shall almost invariably
use one of these two words.
Examples 2.6.2
(i) The set {(x, x2+ 1): XE R} is a function from R to It
(ii) The set {(x, X2+ 1): x E is also a function from R to
(iii) The set {(w, first letter of w): w E W}, where W is the set of all words
in the English language, is a function from W to the set L of all letters of
the alphabet.
(iv) The set {(X, x3): x E R} is a function from R to R.
(v) The set {(a, 4), (b, 2)} is a function from {a, b} to {1, 2,3,4, 5}.
(vi) If J is any one of 1, Q, R, C, 4, i[x] etc., addition and multiplication
are functions from J x J to J.
(vii) {(a, 4), (b, 2)} is not a function from {a, b, c} to {1, 2,3,4, 5}. [Why not?]
(viii) {(a, 4), (b, 2), (a, 1)} is not a function from {a, b} to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. [Why
Several technicalities arising from 2.6.1 will be needed throughout the text.
We do not try to motivate them but simply gather them together for ease of
Notations 2.6.3
(i) If f g A x B is a function from A to B we emphasise this by writing
Notes 2.6.4
(i) Which of the notations introduced in 2.6.3(u) is used is merely a matter
of personal preference.* On the whole, algebraists seem to have a slight
preference for the latter whilst analysts tend to prefer the former, perhaps
because of tradition. The latter has an advantage when discussing compositions
of functions (see 2.6.7) but as both are in common use we shall encourage
the reader to use both by using both ourselves! We invite the reader, in his
In 1.2.7 we have a function symbol (namely I I) which straddles its in 2.7.3 we
introduce function symbols which bisect their arguments!
Functions 75
verbal communications, to refer to the symbols f(a) and af as the value off
at a or, simply, f of a and the image of a under f respectively.
(ii) It then becomes rather palatable to describe f as the function given by
a b or again as the function given by af = b, for all a e A.
(iii) 2.6.3(u) emphasises the difference between the symbol f denoting the
function and the symbol f(x) denoting the value of the function f at the
elementx of A.
Note 2.6.6 The terms surjection and injection are sometimes used to describe
maps which are respectively onto and 1—1. If f : A -* B is both 1—1 and onto,
f is then called a bijection.
76 Binary relations and binary operations
Fig. 2.1
We have
Note 2.6.9 We now see one advantage of placing the function symbol to
the right of the element it operates on, namely that the combined effect of f
followed by g is naturally denoted by f o g. Putting the function symbol on
the left leads to writing g(f(a)) as (g o f)(a) so that g of denotes, once again,
the action of f followed by g. This 'backwards' notation seems somewhat
unnatural when dealing with permutations (see 5.3.6).
1 Which of the following subsets of R x are functions?
(i) {(x,y):x+y=5}, (ii) {(x,y):x2+y=5};
(iii) {(x,y):x+y 2=5}; (iv) {(x,y):x +y
. 2 2
Functions 77
2 (a) Let A {1, 2, 3}, B {a, b}. Which of the following subsets of A x B
are functions?
(i) {(3,a),(1,b),(2,b)}; (ii) {(1,a),(2,a),(2,b),(3,a)};
(iii) {(1, a), (2, a), (3, a)}.
(b) How many functions can be defined from A to B? From B to A?
3 Let h=
{(x, x ): x €1 }c 1 xl . Determine which of the functions f, g, h are 1—1
and which are onto. What are the ranges of f, g and h?
and h:R-÷R given by xh =x if x is a rational number, xh = 1—x if x is
irrational. Which of the functions f, g, h are 1—1, and which are onto?
[Hint for g : xg = (x — + 3 so its graph (over R) is not unlike that of
14 For x E R let [x] be the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Let
f ={(z, 2z)} and g ={(z, [z/2])}c 7 x 7L. Showf ° g = 1, but that g of$ 1,. Can
you find a similar example in which 7 is replaced by a finite set?
15 It is clear that two finite sets A and B have the same number of elements
if! there exists a bijection f A -* B. Taking this over to infinite sets we say
sets A and B are equinumerous if there is a bijection g A -* B. Show that
the sets 7 and 7 = {x x E 7 } are equinumerous. (This was observed by
+ (2) 2 +
Galileo, 1564—1642.)
Any set equinumerous with is called countable. It can be shown that U is
and R is not countable (see [5, pp. 359—61]). Show that 7 is countable.
Show that and the interval Ocx <1 are equinumerous.
Examples 2.7.2
(i) Addition, multiplication and subtraction on each of 7, 0, R, C, 7[x],
0[x], 4, etc. are binary operations. Division is not a binary operation on
any of these sets. [Why not?] Regarding as subsets of C, each is
closed under the addition and multiplication on C but none is closed under
Notation 2.7.3
(i) According to 2.7.1 and 2.6.3(u) we should find ourselves writing
(3, 5)+ = 8 instead of the more usual 3+5 = 8. Since, due to familiarity, we
are more at home with the second notation than the first we shall adopt it
for all binary operations. That is, given p as in 2.7.1 we shall, from now on,
write apb rather than (a, b )p.
(ii) If, as in 2.7.1, S is closed under p it follows that pISxS is a binary
operation on S. For psychological reasons and to stop pedantry getting out
of hand, we replace p5 x S by the technically incorrect but intuitively more
A diagram is worth ten thousand words (AW, Physics master).
Binary operations 79
Examples 2.7.2
(ii) On the set V of all vectors in 3-dimensional space define p by: for all
Vt, V2E V, V1PV2 = V1A v2, the vector product of v1 and v2.
(atp. .pa1)p(a÷ip.
. . . .pa1)p(a,+ip. .pa,,)
. (2.7.8)
z = a1÷1p.. . Now x, y, z are unambiguous by induction hypothesis. Thus
2.7.8 is valid provided that xp(ypz) = (xpy)pz. But this follows from the
associativity of p, and the proof is complete.
At the back of this proof is another logical subtlety. See the remarks concerning the definition
of the Fibonacci sequence in Section 1.2 tp. 16).
Binary operations 81
Finally we establish the so-called laws of exponents for positive integral
powers. Writing a2, a3, etc. instead of apa, apapa, etc., 2.7.8 leads to
Notes 2.7.10
(i) Of course, when A = /
and p is multiplication, the above merely repeats
results we've known and used for a long time. The same is true when p is
taken as addition except that, of course, a" is then written na.
(ii)2.7.9 will in general fail if the hypothesis of associativity is withheld. An
example, already known to you from examples 2.7.2, is given in the following
I Show that the subset of odd integers of 7 is closed under multiplication
but not under addition. Can you find a subset of 7 which is closed under
addition but not under multiplication?
2 Confirm the assertions made in 2.7.5.
3 With p as in 2.7.2(iii), show that (xpx)px =xp(xpx) iffx = 1 orx =2.
4 With p as in 2.7.2(v), show that p is commutative if X has exactly one
5 Check the first assertion made in 2.7.7 about multiple products by
removing all but the last two pairs of brackets from
((a ip(a2pa3))p(a4pas))p(a6p(a7pas)).
6 Show by giving actual concrete examples that subtraction is neither
commutative nor associative on 7.
7 For each of the following binary operations on say whether or not it
is associative, commutative, and whether or not it has an identity element.
(i) a *b=2a+b2;(ii) a *b=thelargerofa andb; (iii) a *b=thesmaller
ofaandb;(jv)a * b= 1;(v)a * ba;(vi)a * b=Ia—bI+1;(vii)a * ba2b.
82 Binary relations and binary operations
8 The following table defines part of the binary operation r on the set
{a, b, c, d}. Given that r is commutative complete the table. [Hint: arc = a so
cra =7]
rabc d
b 7cc c
? ? a
9 Show that there are, on a set containing n elements, precisely binary
operations. How many of them are commutative operations?
10 Let S be the set {a, N, x} and let the operation * on S be given by the
table below. Determine whether or not * is commutative, associative and
whether or not it has a neutral element.
* a Nx
a a Nx
Nx a N
x Nx a
11 £ is a binary operation on the set W. Given that £ is commutative is it
true that for all a1, a2, a3, a4 in W? A
proof or a counterexample is required.
12 On /xZ define & by (a,b)&(c,d)=(ac,bc+d). Check & for
associativity, commutativity and identity element.
introduction to rings
3.1 Introduction
In the Prologue we indicated some of the advantages of employing the
abstract-axiomatic method in attempting to gain anything more than a
superficial understanding of the many concrete examples (of numbers, of
polynomials, etc.) which arise in an algebraic setting. A famous application
of this method is found in the long and important paper The Algebraic Theory
of Fields written by E Steinitz in 1910. In this paper Steinitz, beginning with
an abstract definition of the concept of field,* attempted to bring some order
to the multitude of concrete fields previously studied and set himself the task
of finding all possible types of fields and the relationships between them.
Aside from 0, C and all the 74, the known fields included the algebraic
number fields of Dedekind and the rational function fields of Kronecker
(exercises 3.2.14 and 3.2.15), as well as the algebraic function fields of
Dedekind and Weber and the fields of p-adic numbers of Hensel which we
shall not consider here.
We observed in Section 2.4 that the set 1 of all integers does not qualify
as a field and there are many other concrete examples, each equipped with
two binary operations of types akin to + and on 7 which also fail for one
reason or another to be fields. Amongst these are the sets Z[x], Q[x], etc., of
polynomials, all the Lm (m composite), Dirichlet's algebraic integers (exercise
3.2.14), the quaternions of Hamilton and the matrices of Cayley (Section
3.2), the algebras of Lie (exercise 3.2.3), Hensel's p-adic integers and the
more general algebras of Grassmann and Peirce mentioned in the Prologue.
Motivated by Hensel's and by Steinitz' work, A A Fraenkel in 1914
inaugurated a general investigation of the abstract structure underlying several
of these examples. Such a system he called a ring,* following Hilbert's use of
the term Zahfring (number ring) for sets of the form Z[E] = {a + bE: a, b E L}
where E2 +AE+B = 0 with A, BE 7. (Since = —AE—B we see that
'closes up' (like a circle!) under multiplication.)
We shall begin our axiomatic study with a look at rings. After the remarks
at the beginning of Section 2.6, it should not surprise you that little in
mathematics is of totally permanent nature; even definitions are susceptible
to change! Thus the notion of ring as currently defined is more general than
that considered by Fraenkel. Since, however, technically speaking, the very
Definition 3.2.2.
84 Introduction to rings
important Lie algebras do not qualify as rings (more accurately they are called
non-associative rings) it may only be a matter of time before the present
definition of ring is widened to incorporate them too.
To summarise briefly some features of this chapter: we begin with a formal
definition of the concept of a ring and of several of its derivatives, including
that of field. A long list of concrete examples indicates, in the spirit popular
in the period 1900—1910, the independence of the axioms listed; although
the real reason for giving this list is to show the reader that our theory does
cover a multitude of essentially different concrete examples. In Section 3.3 we
see first how a single abstract theorem can both summarise and verify a host
of facts already intuitively known (3.3.1); and at a different level of sophistica-
tion supply an incisiveness hard to achieve by considering concrete examples
alone (3.3.4). Later we shall see how the process of abstraction, by eliminating
inessentials, suggests new concrete results which might otherwise have been
overlooked, hidden by a mass of detail. We then apply these results to establish
three assertions of the great number theorist P de Fermat. Finally, in Section
3.12, we shall see how the abstract method encourages us to ask the question:
'In what sense, if any, are the integers unique?' and how it helps us to supply
a precise answer.
Al a+b=b+a Ml a
A3 BzeSsuchthat M3 BeES such that
e To each a a z
The abstract definition of a ring 85
Definitions 3.2.2 Let R be any non-empty set equipped with binary oper-
ations +
SI SI SI SI SI SI — — — commutativering
3 SI SI SI SI SI SI' — SI — — ringwithunity
4 SI SI SI SI SI SI — — — SI
5 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI — — ringwith unity
6 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI — — SI commutative ring with no zero divisors
— SI — SI ring with unityand nozerodivisors
Many concrete examples are given in 3.2.7 and in the exercises below.
Notes 3.2.3
(i) A ring, then, is a triple comprising a set R and two binary operations +
and . satisfying at least the six axioms indicated. Frequently one 'forgets' the
+ and . and talks of the ring R. This is bad since R is only the underlying
set. Further, R could well be the underlying set for two different rings (exercise
2). However this laziness is customary and rarely leads to confusion.
(ii) We have temporarily replaced the symbols 0, 1, —a, a -1, of Section 1.2
by z (for zero), e (for einheit—a German word), a* and a' initially to help
us avoid unconsciously attributing unproven properties, based on our intuitive
feelings about the numbers' 0, 1, —a, and a -1, to corresponding elements of
a general ring (exercise 3.3.9(a)). On the other hand these changes should
not be overdone (exercise 3.3.9(b)). After 3.3.2 we shall return to using 0,
Do not confuse the words unity and unit (see 1.3.5(i) and 3.6.1(iii)).
+ Meaning: no zero divisors apart from z itself.
§See 3.2.3 (iv).
86 Introduction to rings
I, —a, a1 for all rings. Theorems 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 should encourage us to use
our intuition, but with care.
(iii) Any ring R satisfying M4 (respectively A4) must of necessity satisfy
M3 (A3). It is less obvious that if R satisfies M4 then it must of necessity
satisfy Z (exercise 3.3.5). These two remarks explain why the above table
contains only 10 rows and not
(iv) In any ringR satisfying A3 and M3 we usually insist that e z. Otherwise
R is a ring with only one element (exercise 3.3.4). In particular, integral
domains, division rings and fields are always assumed to have at least two
(v) Despite the examples listed in Section 3.1 we do not insist that a ring
must satisfy M3 (see 3.2.7(v)).
(vi)Why are the axioms Al, A2, A3, A4, M2, D taken as basic? Why not
some other set? The answer is that a large enough number of important
examples satisfy each of these axioms. The somewhat 'smaller' number of
examples satisfying all ten axioms are of sufficient importance and richness
for a similar independent study to be worthwhile. At the other extreme the
theory of systems satisfying Al and M3 (and possibly no more) would be
very wide ranging but would include few more, if any, important examples
than does the more restricted but structurally richer class of all rings.
As a matter of fact, at this very moment a theory of those systems satisfying
A2, A3, A4, M2 and one of the axioms in D (systems which go by the name
near-rings) is in the process of establishing itself as worthy of independent
study. See [30] and [33], for example.
(vii) The reader will perhaps have noticed that in A3, M3, A4, M4 the word
'unique' has been dropped (cf. Section 1.2). In fact each uniqueness is given
to us, gratis, with the compliments of the other axioms (Theorem 3.3.1).
Fig. 3.1
First we make
such matrices,A =
an) andB =(flui P12)wedefinetheirsumA®B
a21 a22 /321 /322
88 Introduction to rings
(allfSll+a121321 a11012+a12$22
AGB \a21j3i1 +a221321 a21/312+a22322
The set of all these matrices we denote, fairly naturally, by M2(C).
Theorem 3.2.6 (M2(C), e, 0) is a ring.
Proof The most arduous part of the proof is the checking of axiom M2. To
do this, let A and B be as above and set C = Then
721 722/
Zi = (a211311+a22f321)yll+(a211312+a221322)721,
T1 = (a211311 +a221321)712+(a211312+a221322)722,•
1 With the usual definitions of addition and multiplication, do the following
Sets form rings, integral domains, fields? Check the axioms in the order given
in 3.2.2 and stop as soon as you come to the first (if any) which fails.
(a) The set
(b) The complex fourth roots, 1, i, —1, —i, of 1. [What is 1+1?]
(c) The set of all a+ib where a, beQ.
See the end of the Notation Section.
90 Introduction to rings
15 Show that the set of all 'fractions' 1 wheref, g O[x] forms a field under
the obvious definitions of +
(. f
hfk+gh f
k gk 'g
[This example will be considered more formally in Section 3.10.]
least one. But is there always exactly one? In every ring? Surely! How could
it be otherwise? But where is the proof? Here it is; and a little more besides.
Theorem 3.3.1 Let (R, +, be a ring. Then R contains exactly one element
satisfying axiom A3. Further, to each a E R, there corresponds exactly one
element a* as given by A4.
a z is similar.
[How are you going? Read the proof of (i) again if there was any step you
didn't follow.]
(ii) By definition, (a*)* denotes an additive inverse, unique by 3.3.1, of a*
But a*+a =a +a*=z. Hence a also satisfies axiom A3 for a*. Thus
a=(a*)*, by uniqueness.
(iii) By definition, (a b)* is the unique additive inverse for a b in R. We
show a* 'b is too! Now
a .b+a*.b(a+a*).b [Why?Whichaxiom?]
= z [Why?]
= z [Why?]
One can prove similarly (or use axiom Al) that a* b +a b = z. Thus
a* b is a (and hence the) unique additive inverse of a b. That is, a* . b =
(a .b)*.
We leave proof that (a b)* = a b* to the reader.
Did the statements and proofs just given leave you asking 'What does all
this mean? How did he think up the statements in the first place and how did
he then find the proofs?' The answers are easily seen if, despite the fact that
Our elements may not be numbers—indeed their nature may not be specified—
we replace the z, e and a * notation by the symbols 0, 1, —a. In
this notation statements (i) through (iii) above become (i) 0 a = a 00;
(ii) —(—a)=a; (iii) b =a (—b)—(a . b); whilst (vi) becomes
(—1) . (—1) = 1. This illustrates how I allowed my knowledge of Z and the
94 Introduction to rings
proofs in 1.2.1 to suggest the statements and proofs of 3.3.2 and shows the
advantages (when treated with care) of a suggestive notation. One disadvan-
tage (for the beginner) is highlighted in exercise 9(a).
We summarise our new notation and introduce more in:
Notation 3.3.3 From now on the symbols z, e, a*, a' of 3.2.1 will be replaced
by 0, 1, —a, a1. Further, a +(—b) will be shortened to a —b. [It is then easy
to show that c (a—b)=c ja—c for all a, b, ceR (exercise 1(b)).] We
shall also lapse into writing ab in place of a b.
Proof [Since an integral domain satisfies all the field axioms except possibly
M4 we only need show that J necessarily satisfies M4.]
Let the elements of J be labelled a0(=0), a1(=1), a2,. . . , Select any
element a1 other than a0. Consider the list a0a1, a1a1,.. . , of elements,
all in J. Suppose, for suffices f, k (where 0<1 k n) we have a1a1 = akal.
[Since J is a domain] it follows that a1 = ak [exercise 1(b)]. This means that
the list of a1a1s comprises n + 1 distinct elements of J; that is, all of J. Since
1EJ there is an 1 such that a1a1=1. But then aa1=a1a1=1 and a1 has a
multiplicative inverse in J. [Thus axiom M4 holds, as required.]
Note 3.3.5 A much deeper result is: Every finite division ring is a field. This
result, proved by Wedderburnt in 1905, supplies a proof of the geometrical
assertion that every finite projective plane which is Desarguian is necessarily
Pappian. (Prologue, p. xxiii.)
1 (a) In the manner of 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 prove that in any ring (i) the equality
a + c = b ± c implies the equality a = b; (ii) a + x = b has the unique solution
x = a * + b; (iii) the elements e and a' of axioms M3 and M4 are unique—when
they exist; (iv) if a' exists then (a')' exists and (a')' = a.
(b) Prove carefully, using the less suggestive notation, that c (a —b) =
(That is, prove that c.(a+h*)=c.a+(c.h)*.) Deduce that ift
c an integral domain J then a=b in J.
Does (v) suggest any further identity? Still assuming that R has a unity element
e show each ma (where mel, aeR) can be written as r a for suitable reR.
[Hint: r=me is suitable.]
3 Let(R, +, a ring. On R xl define $ and® by:
(r1, zi)®(r2, z2) = (r1 +r2, z1 +z2)
(r1,z1)Q(r2,z2)=(r1 . r2+z1r2+z2r1,z1z2).
Show that <R xl, $, 0> is a ring with unity element (OR. I).
4 Prove that if R satisfies (A3 and) M3 and if e = z then R is a ring with
one element. [Hint: For a R, a = a e = a z =?] (See exercise 3.2.4.)
S Prove that if R satisfies M4 then R satisfies Z. [Hint: generalise the proof
of 2.4.6(b).)
6 Fraenkel,t in his definition of a ring, insisted that R should satisfy M3
but not necessarily Al. Expand (e +e) . (a 4-b) in two ways and using A3,
A4, D show that a +b = b +a. That is, Al is automatically satisfied in
Fraenkel's rings.
7 Let (I?, be a ring in which x2=x x =x for all x eR. Prove that R
is a commutative ring in which 2x = x + x = [Hint: expand (a + a )2 and
(a +b)2.] Note: exercise 3.2.5 gives an example of such a ring.
8 Prove, or give a counterexample to, the assertion: for all x, y in any ring
R, (x+y)2=x2+2xy+y2.
9 (a) Use the elements a and b = (? of Q to show that
(a . C9b'. Hence pinpoint the error in the following
denotes the zero element or the ring J(R).
t Adolf Abraham Fraenkel (17 February 1891 15 October 1965).
96 Introduction to rings
(a) lfa,beSthena+beSanda'beS
(13) JfaeSthen —aES (Here —a is the inverse ofain R.)
To prove the 'only if' part of this we shall need
Remark This lemma is so obvious it doesn't need proof. Right? And just
as obvious is the remark that if S and R have unity elements and then
= Ig. Since this latter assertion is false (see 3.4.4 (iii) and exercise 7) we'd
better take 3.4.3 seriously and offer proof.
only if
Proof of 3.4.2 Since S is a subring of R, (5, +,) is a ring. Hence for
a, beS we have a+b€S, a and (—a)5€S. But (—a)s—(—a)R——a.
This is enough.
'& [We assume conditions (ci) and (/1).] First, (cx) implies that S is closed
under + and Since there exists s€S. By (j3), (—s)g€S. By (a),
= s + (—s )R €5. Clearly is the element required, by A3, to be in S. Also
foreach a €5, (—a)R ES by (f3). Clearly (—a)R is the element required by A4
tobe in S. Finally, each of Al, A2, M2 and D holds for all elements of R;
hence, in particular, all elements of S. [Thus we have shown that + and are
binary operations on S and that (5, +, is a ring.]
Examples 3.4.4
(i) Q is a subring of (M2(C), 0). For, given x, y Q, it is easily seen that
x®y, x Dy and ex are also in Q.
(ii) On 2/ define + as usual, but ED by: for all a, b 2/, a ED b 0. Then
Theorem 3.4.5 Let S1, S2 be subrings of the ring R. Then the set-theoretic
intersection nS2 is also a subring of R.
Proof Since 051 = = 052 we see that 51 n 52 0. Now suppose x, y E
S1nS2. Then xe51 and y and —x all lie inS1 [by
3.4.2]. Similarly x +y, x y and —x all lie inS2 and hence inS1 nS2. By 3.4.2,
51 nS2 is a subring of R.
This result clearly extends to intersections of arbitrary (possibly infinite)
sets of subrings of a ring I? (exercise 5).
There are important analogues of 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.5 for fields. We have
Definition 3.4.1(F) A subfield of a field F is any non-empty subset T of F
such that (i) T is closed with respect to the binary operations + and defined
on F and such that (ii) (T, +, ) is a field.
Theorem 3.4.2(F) Let T be a non-empty subset of a field F. Then T is a
subfield of F if T has at least two elements and both (a) and (/3) below hold.
(a) Ifa,bETthena+bETanda
(/3) 1eT
Theorem 3.4.5(F) Let {Ta: a e A} be a set of subfields of the field F.
Then the set-theoretic intersection fl Ta is also a subfield of R.
In particular the intersection P of the set of all subfields of F is a subfield
(clearly the unique, smallest one in F) called the prime subfield of F. Clearly
°F and lp lie in each subfield of F and hence in P. [Aren't you just a bit
suspicious about iF? See Example 3.4.4(iii) above and exercise 3.4.9.] The
exact nature of P is somewhat restricted (see 3.10.9).
In the theory of rings a special kind of subring arises in two disparate ways.
Asking you to wait until Section 3.9 and 4.2.7 for motivation we make
Definition 3.4.6 Let I be a non-empty subset of a ring R. Then I is called
an ideal of R if and only if (i), (ii) and (iii) below hold.
(i) Ifa,belthena+beI
(ii) Ifaelthen—aeI
(iii) IfaelandreRthenraandarel
Clearly each ideal is a subring (in (iii) r can be any element of I). Note that
a r and r a may well be unequal; we demand that both belong to L
Further, since each product ar and ra gets swallowed up by I we can think of I
as a sort of ring-theoretic 'black hole'!
Examples 3.4.7
(i) Let s e 7. Then the set {sz: z e Z} is an ideal of 7. In fact every ideal—
indeed every subring—of 7 has this form, for suitable s. (See 3.7.16.)
Subrings, sub fields and ideals 99
(ii) Let feQ[x]. Then the set {fm: m €O[x]} is an ideal of Q[x]. In fact
every ideal, though not every subring, of Q[x] has this form. (See 3.7.16
and exercises 1(b) and 13.)
(iii) In any ring R the subsets {OR} and R are ideals. If F is a field then {O}
and F are its only ideals (exercise 14).
(iv) Let R be any ring and let a1, a2,.. . , am R. Then the set of all ele-
ments of the form z1a1 + L s,a1 + a1t1 + ukaevik) where
m, n1 Z, s1, 4, Uj,k, R is an ideal. In fact it's the smallest ideal
of R which contains a1,... , am. Hence it is called the ideal generated
by a1,... , am.
R is commutative and has a unity the above set reduces to the set
1 Establish, using 3.4.2, whether or not the following subsets of the given
rings are subrings:
(a) All positive integers in (1, +, .).
(b) All polynomials with integer constant term in (Q[x], +,).
and °): zE in (1
1k): a, b, CE R}, e,
(d) All integers not divisible by 3 in (2, +,.)
(e) All polynomials of degree in (Q[x], +, .).
(f) All numbers a +bi where a, b €2 in the field (C,
(g) The set {75a +30b: a,b €l}in (2,
(h) All zero divisors in (214, 0); in $, 0).
2 Find the smallest subring S of U which (i) contains 1 [Hint: Clearly
1 7 S. But 7 is a subring.]; (ii) contains and
3 Let S be a non-empty set. if A show that {ø, A} is a subring of
®, 0) (see exercise 3.2,5).
4 Show that a non-empty subset S of a ring R is a subring if and only if for
alla, b €S, a—b €S and a b €5 (cf. 3.4.2).
5 Copying the proof of 3.4.5, extend it to arbitrary sets of subrings.
Subrings, sub fields and ideals 101
6 Show that the union {2m: in eZ}u{3n: n €Z} of two ideals of 7 is not
even a subring of 7.
7 Copy the proof of 3.4.3 to identify where a proof that = 1R would break
8 Prove,using3.4.2(F),thatthesubset{a + Oi: a eR}isasubfieldof(C, +,•).
9 Let T be a subfield of a field F. Show that iT = iF and that, for a T
(a$OT), (a')T=(cC1)F (cf. 3.4.3 and exercise 7 above.)
10 Prove 3.4.2(F) and 3.4.5(F).
11 How many different subfields can you find in (i) (Q, (ii) (li, +,
[For (ii) recall all the a where a, b EQ.]
12 Showthat,inl,[15,21]=[3]. Is[15, 35, —77]=Z?
13 Which subsets in exercise 1 above are ideals? [(b) tells you that, unlike
in Z, not all subrings of Q[x] are ideals.]
14 Show that if I is an ideal in the field F then either I = {O} or I =F. [Hint:
If I {O} then there exists x E I such that x 0. Then x1 exists in F and
I = xx 'EL] Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Show that R is a field
if and only if R has 32 elements and {0} and R are the only ideals. Exhibit
infinitely many subrings of 0 which contain 7.
15 Let I be an ideal in the ring R. Show that 1[x]=
{ao+a,x+. . .+a/:aEJrEZ+u{0}}isanidealofR[x]
16 Prove all the assertions in example 3.4.7(iv).
17 Foridealsl1,I2inaringRdefinef1+I2tobetheset{a+b:aeI,,b€12}
and '1'2 to be the set {a1b1+' . nc7C, b1c12}. Show that
+ '2, 1112 are ideals of R. If R is commutative with
and I, n 12
unity, if 11=[a,,... ,am] and if 12=[b1,... show 1112=
[a1b,,a1b2, a2b,,. ,
. . . . .
1 Show that if z1, z2,. . ,. z, n e1 are such that (z, z,) = I when i
and if ZIZ2. .. = z' then each z1 is an nth power.
2 Look up a proof (you'll find one in, for example, [42] on pages 149150) of
the assertion that every solution of the equation x2 +y2 =z2 is of the form
x = s(a2 — h2), y = 2sah, z = s(a2 + h2), or the same with x and y interchanged,
where s, a, be!.
3 Show that to prove FC one only (!) needs to prove it for n =4 and for n
an odd prime. [Hint: If (x0, y0, z0) is a solution when n = u c then (xc,
is a solution for n = v.]
Lemma 3.6.3
(i) If cx then N(cx) is a non-negative integer.
(ii) N(cx) = 0 if and_only if cx = 0.
(iii) For cx, $e QhJd], N(cxfl)=N(cx)N(fl).
Hence u = 1 or —1.
If d>0 the situation is quite different, for it is known (see [42]) that the
equation s2 — =I has (for d not a perfect square) infinitely many solutions.
For example, u is a unit in since 1.
Further, the powers u" are distinct and yet each is a unit (exercise 3).
Noting that for d <0 the elements listed are indeed units in the appropriate
Z['JdJ we have, summarising the above,
Exercises (Assume here that all rings mentioned, except matrix rings,
are commutative.)
1 (a) Prove that if aib and bic in the ring R then aic in R.
2 Let c e R c REx], R being an integral domain. Prove that c is a unit
(respectively prime, irreducible) in REx] if and only if c is a unit (respectively
prime, irreducible) in R.
3 Let u =2—13. Show that the set {uM: n el} is a set of infinitely many
distinct units in
4 Find all the units in M2(IU, in M2(l) and in l[x,y]. Is a
unit in 14k]? Show that, for any field F, is a unit in
the power series ring (exercise 1.7.5) if and only
(110) Foralla,b €R withb 0 there exist m,reR such thata =mb +r
Examples 3.7.2
(i) 7 is an ER if we set 8(z) = Izi for each non-zero z E/.
(ii) Q[x] is an ER if we set 8(f) = degf for each non-zero fE Q{x].
(iii) Each field F is an ER if we define 8(a) = 1 for each non-zero a E F.
Notes 3.7.3
(i) A ring may well be Euclidean with respect to more than one norm
(compare 3.7.2(i), (ii) with exercises 1(d), (e) below).
(ii) Another way of defining Euclidean rings, this time with Q[x] as its model,
is given in exercise 2.
We now set about obtaining those results which will indeed show that every
ER has the uniqueness of factorisation property (3.7.13). Keeping one eye
on the proof of the corresponding result (1.5.1) for 1 we begin with
Theorem 3.7.5 (cf. 1.4.4) Let R be an ER with respect to the norm 8. Any
two elements a, b not both 0 have a gcd c, say, expressible in the form
c = so + it for suitable s, e I?. If, further d is a also a gcd of a and b then c
Proof Let S denote the set of all elements of R expressible in the form
ma +nb where m, n eR. Since la +Ob and Oa + lb belong to S we see that
S does not comprise 0 alone. From all the non-zero elements of S choose
one, c = m0a +n0b, say, with 8(c) as small as possible. Now suppose w =
ua + ob eS. By 3.7.1(11) there exist k, r eR such that w = kc +r where either
r=0 or 8(r)<8(c). Now r=w—kc=(u—kmo)a+(V—kn0)beS. Thus the
possibility r 0 and 6(r) c 6(c) is untenable [why?] and we are forced to deduce
that r=0. But then w=kc. Consequently c divides every element in 5; in
particular cia clb. Thus c is a common divisor of a and b.
Next, if Ci R is such that c
e and c 11b then c iimoa + n0b = c. This shows
that c is a gcd of a and b.
Finally if c and d are gcds of a and b then c = xd and d = yc for suitable
x, y e R. It follows that c = xd = xyc, whence 1 = xy. Thus x is a unit, as
See footnote p. 63.
110 Introduction to rings
Notes 3.7.6
(i) Applied to Q[x], R{x], etc., 3.7.5 lies at the heart of the proof of the
well known results on partial fraction decomposition (see [32, pp. 165—70]).
(ii) For actually finding gcds in specific cases the analogue of the Euclidean
Algorithm in Section 1.4 and exercise 1.10.3 is more useful than 3.7.5.
91+ 781
(Here we write as (1 +i)+ since 1 and 1 are the nearest integers
to and respectively.) Multiplying up by 8+ i we get
10+lli=(1+i)(8+i)+(3+2i) (i)
8+i=(2—i)(3+2i) (ii)
Thus, as in the case of 7, the last non-zero remainder, in this case 3 + 2i, in
the sequence (i), (ii),... of division algorithms is a gcd of 10 + lii and 8 + i.
The others are, of course, —2+ 3i, —3— 2i and 2— 3i [because. . why?]. .
This is the theorem which will tell us that decompositions into products of
irreducibles are unique. All we need now is to prove that such decompositions
exist! For this we shall need
Proof Assume the desired result false! Then from amongst the non-empty
set S of non-zero, non-unit elements a of R which are not expressible as
products of irreducibles select one m, say, for which 8(m) is as small as
possible. Now m is certainly not irreducible [why not?] and so m = uv for
suitable non-units u, v ER. By 3.7.9 we find 8(u)<8(uv)=8(m). Similarly
8(v)'8(m). Hence and v are expressible as products
of irreducibles. But then so is m [being equal to the product of these two
products!], a contradiction.
We are now ready to prove the analogue for ERs of Theorems 1.5.1 and
1.9.18. Notice the change in format compared with the statements of 1.5.1
and 1.9.18. The reason for the change is given in the Remarks following the
Remark The format of 1.5.1 and 1.9.18 could have been preserved in the
statement of 3.7.11 if we had, in advance, selected within each set of associate
elements in R a representative. In Z and in Q[x] obvious representatives
stand out—namely positive integers and monic polynomials. In a general ER
no such natural choice presents itself and the slight change of format seems
preferable to having to choose a system of representatives at random.
It must be admitted straight away that 3.7.13 is not the best general
theorem In example 3.4.7(iv) we introduced the notion
that can be proved.
of principal in which every ideal is a principal ideal
ideal. An integral domain
is called (naturally enough!) a Principal Ideal Domain (PID). We give a very
quick proof (see if you can follow it through) of
(i) Let a,beR, R being a PID and Then [a,b]=[d] for some d=
a a and b. Following 3.7.8 we see that
every irreducible in R is a prime.
(ii) Let a e R be a non-zero non-unit. If a is not a product of irreducibles
then, certainly, a is not itself irreducible and so a = a 1b1 where not both the
non-units a1, b1 can be (products of) irreducibles. If a1 (say) is not a product
of irreducibles then a1 = a2b2 where not both the non-units a2, b2 are (products
of) irreducibles. Continuing in this way produces a sequence [a]c [ai] c [a2]c
of ideals in R. The set-theoretic union of this sequence is again an ideal
(exercise 3.4.19) and therefore principal, [z], say. But z E [z] and hence z E [a1]
for some f. Thus [z] [a1] c [a1+1] [z] and [a1] = [a1+i] follows. In particular
a141 = ap (for some r ER). But a1 = a1+1b1+1, hence a141 = a14 1b1±1r. It follows
that b1+1 is a unit—contradiction. Hence every non-zero non-unit a E R is a
product of irreducibles.
Repeating the proof cf 3.7.11 we obtain the desired result.
* F[x] is pretty clearly an integral domain and we define 8(f) = degf just as for Q[x].
Euclidean rings 113
Proof 3.7.2 and 3.7.4 indicate that all these rings are Euclidean.
Remark If you re-read the proof of 3.7.15, keeping in mind exactly what
demands are made on the ring R, you may be in for a surprise. For nowhere
do we seem to have used the fact that condition 3.7.1(I) holds in R. That is,
every integral domain for which 3.7.1(11) holds is necessarily a PID and hence
(by 3.7.14) a UFD; the specially incorporated condition 3.7.1(1) is redundant!
Observations of this kind have been at the basis of research papers written
as recently as 1971 [119].
In 3.7.15 and 3.7.14 we proved that every ER is a PID and every PID is
a UFD. These assertions demand that we consider the converse questions as
to whether or not every UFD is a PID and every PID is an ER. In fact the
answer to each question is 'no'. Indeed we have already seen (exercise 3.4.22)
that the ring 7[x] is not a PID whilst exercise 14 below invites you to prove
that Z[x] is a UFD.
Problem 3 Here is a very short proof that Z[x] is a UFD. Is it a valid proof?
Proof: Z[x] is a subring of the UFD Q[x]. Hence Z[x] is a UFD immediately.
To see that there are PIDs which are not ERs (no matter how skilfully one
tries to choose the mapping b) one can consult an expanded account [130]
of a result of Motzkin [113] which says that the set of all
114 Introduction to rings
I Show that the following rings together with the given norms are ERs:
(a) +, where 8(a +ib)=a2+b2;
(c) +, .) where 8(a = 1a2—2b21;
(d) (1, +, .) where* 8(z) is the number of digits in a binary representation
of zI (thus 8(—6) = 3 since, in binary notation, 110 represents 6);
(e) (Q[x], +, .) where 8(f) =
(f) where aix') is the smallest ifor which a1 0;
8(a +b(1+ =a2+ab+2b2;
Taken from [119, p. 289].
Euclidean rings 115
2 The following definition, clearly modelled upon Q[x], has been given ([32,
p. 147]): Let R be an integral domain. Then R is called a Euclidean ring if and
only if there exists a map {0} such that, for and h#0 in
1?, (i) i(ab)=ij(a)+q(b); (ii) ii(a+b)Cmax{n(a),i,(b)} if also (iii)
there exist m,reR such that a=mb+r and either r=0 or (n#0 and
Is it true that a ring Euclidean in this sense is also Euclidean in the
sense of 3.7.1? What about the converse question? That is, are the definitions
3 Apply the technique of 3.7.4 and 3.7.7 to find in, r satisfying 3.7.1(11) when
(i) a=29+20i,b=2+l9iinZ['J—1];
(ii) a= 10+ 181—2 in i[.J—2].
Find the gcds of each of these pairs of elements.
4 Show that —4+i(--1+i)[5+3i]+j i)=—1[5+3i]+(1-4-4i). Deduce
that, in the division algorithm for in and r are not unique. (They
are in 1: exercise 1.4.8.) Can you explain this?
5 Prove that if f,geO[x], where degffl and deggel, and if (f,g)=1
then there exist r, s e Q[x] such that rf+ sg = I and deg r 'C deg g and deg s C
deg f.
8 Corollary 3.7.16 says that 7 and Q[x] are PIDs. Find two distinct values
of z and a monic polynomial f such that (i) [z]={77z1+91z2+143z3:
zi,Z2,Z3e7}, (ii) [f]{(x3+2x2+3x+2)g+(x4+x3+3x2+4x+l)h:
g, Ii eQ[x]}.
A C = 0 whilst ABC =
Recalling that we see that irIABC and hence ir3IABC.
Next /3 = —pA +p2B and -y —p2A —pB so that (A, B)= tin Z[p].
wise we would have in Z[p].] Thus from A+B+C=0 we find
(B,C)(C,A)1 in Z[p]. =
From (A, B) (B, C) = (C, A) = 1 and ir3IABC we deduce that (i)
except for the possible presence of units, A, B, C are all cubes in Z[p] (cf.
exercise 3.5.1) and (ii) IT divides exactly one of A, B, C— let us suppose C.
Set A = u1b3, B = u2x3, C = u3tfi3 where u1, u2, u3 are units in Z[p]. From
A+B+C=0 we get, on multiplying through by u71, q53+u4x3+u51130
where u4, u5 are units. Since ir3lC we have (mod it3). Since
and irtx we may write (mod ir3) and (mod ir3). (For
each element v, say, of Z[p] is of the form z1 + z2p and hence of the form
Z3+Z4IT where Zl,Z2,Z3,Z4EZ. From ir,l'z3+z4ir we deduce that -rr-4'z3.
Since -irl3 we see that z3 is not a multiple of 3, in 7. Hence or
—i (mod 3) in 7. It follows that z3, and hence s, is congruent to 1 or
—1(modir) in Z[p]. From u=±i+air (uEZ[p]) we find p3=±i+3uir±
(mod it3), as required.) We deduce that, mod ir3,
But, by exercise 3.6.6, u4=±1, ±p or ±p2. The conS
gruence (mod it3) shows that u4— I or U4= —1 are the only
possibilities. Since u4=u11u2 we find u2=±u1. But u1u2u3 is a unit and a
cube. Hence U1U2U3=±i whence
u1u2 U1
Thus the equalities A + B + C 0 and ABC = ( —) yield the equations
3 3 3
q5 ±(±x) +(±tfi) =(—
Finally note that if the total number of irs (or associates of it) occurring
in the decomposition of af3-y into a product of primes is n then, since they
all occur in a,.their total number in is n —1. Repeating the above process
a further n—i times we arrive at a solution to x3+y3+z3=0 in which no
irs are present. But this contradicts the remarks of the first paragraph of this
The third result, again due to Fermat and mentioned in a letter of 1657 is
Theorem 3.8.3 The only positive integer solution to the equation x2 + 2= y3
isx =5, y =3.
Proof We consider the uationinside the ER where we may
factorise x2+2 as (x +'J—2)(x Assume iris a prime
ible) in which divides both x and x Then
irl(x = = Since is irreducible in
we see that IT=%JTi (or —V—2). [Why no other possibilities?]
This means that = ii-Ix whence and hence 2jx2, all in
Since x e 71, the assertion 21x2 in implies the assertion 21x2
in 1. [Why?] Thus x E 271 whence x2 E 41. This means y is even so that y3 E 87/.
Since x2 + 2 871 [why not?]Ljhe assumption on ir is false. That is,
(x + — = 1 in l[v'—2LNow using uniqueness of factorisation
in it follows that x and x are cubes* in
Setting for suitable a,be7L we find x—'J—2=
It follows [why does it?] that x =
a3—6ab2=a(a2—6b2) and that —1 =3a2b—2b3=b(3a2--2b2). From this
latter equality b = ± 1 and hence 3a2 —2 = T 1. Then, necessarily, b = —1 and
a = ±1. We deduce that x = ±1 (—5) so that x, being positive, is equal to 5,
as required.
1 Show that if n = u2+v2 is an odd integer then n 1 (mod 4)..
2 Show that tor each positive prime p of the form 4k + 1, 1/p—i\
(Use 2.5.4.)
3 Show that each positive prime in 71 of the form 4k +3 remains prime when
regarded as an element of Is the same true of any of the positive
primes of the form 4k + 1?
4 For a=a+ib and in find N(c43), N(a) and N(13).
Deduce that if x and y are integers each expressible as a sum of two squares
then so is xy. Hence write 11 009 as a sum of two squares. [Hint: Factorise
II 009 as a product of primes.]
5 Show that (xo, is a solution to x +y +z =0 if (xo, Yo,
. 3 3 3
—zo) is a
solution to x3+y3 =
6 Using the fact that every solution of the equation x2+y2 = z2 is of the
form given in exercise 3.5.2 prove that the equation x4 + y4 = z2 has no solution
Does ii? What about the possibility that x and x are of the form ux3 where
XE and u is a unit in
120 Introduction to rings
in integers (other than those for which xyz 0) using Fermat's method of
descent as follows.
Suppose u4+v4= w2 where u, v, w €7, uvw and w is as small as pos-
sible. Then
(i) (u, v) = (v, w) = (w, u) = 1 [otherwise a solution with smaller ii' can be
(ii) We may assume u, v, w and that not both u, v are odd [no square
is of the form 4k +2].
(iii) Assuming u is odd, use exercise 3.5.2 on (u2)2+(v2)2 = to deduce
u2=a2—b2, v2=2ab, w =a2+b2.
(iv) (a, b) = 1 and one of a, b is even, the other odd [w is odd].
(v) a must be odd [a even and b odd implies —1 (mod 4), whereas
u2 1 (mod 4), a contradiction].
(vi) Useexercise3.5.2onu2+b2=a2togetu=12—m2,b=21m,a=12+m2
where (1, m) = 1.
(vii) v2=2ab=41m(12+m2)and(l,m)=(m,12+m2)=(12+m2,l)=1.
(viii) Henceeachofl,m,12+m2 isasquare, l=r2, m 12+m2=t2, say.
(ix) r4 + = t2. But rst 0 and t C w so we have a new 'smaller' solution of
the given equation, a contradiction.
Deduce the FC for n =4. [Hint: rewrite x4+y4=z4 as x4+y4= (z2)2.]
7 Following the line of argument given in exercise 6 try to prove directly
that 1' + y4 = z4 is impossible when x, y, z €7 and xyz 0. That is, start with
a solution u4 + = w4 and try to obtain a smaller. [This is another
example where a desired result is more easily obtained as a corollary of one
stronger than that sought. An earlier example ocurs in exercise 1.2.18 which
can be proved by establishing I + + = 2— first.]
G(p) = Z[pJ = Q[V'—3] (see 3.7.4 and exercise 3.2.14 for notation). Show
that if a=ao+a1p+a2p2=b0+b1p+b2p2=f3 then IlaII==IIPII and that if
M =ö(u+vp)=
denote a1 more briefly by (3, 0—1). Similarly a2, /3i, 132 are replaced by
a2 "(3,0 + 1), b1 (7,0+3), b2 '(7, 0—3). One then naturally defines
={9z1 +(30 +3)z2+(30 —3)z3+(—6)z4: z1, z2, z3, Z4E l}
and this is easily seen to coincide with {3y1 + 30y2: Y2 = 3(1, 0) = 3D.
Thus 3D =a1a2. Similarly Dedekind finds 7D =b1b2, (1+20)D =a1b2,
(1 — 20)D = b1a2, so that uniqueness of factorisation is restored via
a1a2 b1b2—3D (1—20)D
Dedekind noted that for each pair of numbers x, y e a1 and for each d e D
the numbers x +y, x —y and xd again lie in a1. -That is a1, and similarly a2,
b1, b2, aD, $D, ,aD, vD, satisfies the properties called for by 3.4.6. Because
of their close relationship to Kummer's ideal numbers Dedekind called his
subsets ideals.
To describe Dedekind's main result we first observe, given the ideal [n] in
7, where n 0, 1, —1, that n is a prime in 7 if and only if whenever a, be 7
are such that abe En] then either a E [n] orb e [n] (exercise 1). This motivates
where each is principal ideal, [ir1] say. It follows that [a] = [rrt]k . . . [7r1]k =
and hence (exercise 3) that, apart from units, a is uniquely
expressible as a product of irreducible [?] elements in R. Since for rings of
algebraic numbers the converse can also be proved we have
Theorem 3.9.6 Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Each maximal ideal
of R is a prime ideal.
1 Show that if nEZ and if n 1,—i then n is a prime integer if? [n] is a
prime ideal in 1. Show that [0] is a prime ideal, but not a maximal ideal in 1.
2 Show that in Z[x,y,z] the ideals [x]c[x,y]c[x,y,z] are all prime, but
none is maximal. [Hint: For the first part work directly from the definition.
For the second, consider the proper ideal [x, y, z, 2].]
3 Let R be an integral domain and let a, b eR. Show that [a] = [b] if and
only if a, b are associates. Deduce that if [a] is a prime ideal then either a = 0
or a is irreducible.
4 Let R be the direct sum Z®Z (see exercise 3.2.9). Let a be the element
(1, 0). Show that [a] is a prime ideal in Rand yet a=(l, 0) is the product
of two non-unit elements. Doesn't this contradict the last assertion in exercise
5 Show that in Q[x] a non-zero ideal is prime if? it is maximal. [Cf. 3.9.6.
Corollary 3.7.16 might help.]
Unique factorisation reestablished. Prime and maximal ideals 125
6 In check:
(i) 1 are all irreducibles;
3, 7,
(ii) that [3, 1] is not a principal ideal. [Hint: suppose it is, [a], say.
Then 3 = ay and 1 =at5 for suitable y, S E
(iii) setting A = [3, —1], B = [3, ij, c = [7, +3],
D=[7,v'—5—3] it follows that [3]=AB, [7]=CD,
9 Show that in the ring of even integers the ideal {4z:ze7L} is maximal but
not prime. (Thus 3.9.6 may fail if the condition that R has a unity is omitted.)
10 Show that if 12 are ideals in a ring R and if '2 and '2 then
L n12 is not prime in R.
11 Let A, B, P be ideals with P a prime. Show that: (AB c P A c P or
B c P). [This condition is actually equivalent to 3.9.2 in the commutative
case. Furthermore it is taken as the definition of prime ideal in non-
commutative rings where 3.9.2 iS too restrictive.]
12 Let (7, +, s) be the integers with the usual +, but with multiplication
a b e 7. Show that the subset 27 is a maximal ideal which is
not prime. Doesn't this contradict Theorem 3.9.6?
14 Theorem .3.9.6 says that in each 7,,, each maximal ideal is prime. Do
there exist integers m for which 7,,, has primes which are not maximal?
15 Prove that each non-zero ideal in has the form [x"] for some
nG 7' u {0}. Deduce that has just one maximal ideal.
126 Introduction to rings
is also a UFD. One feels instinctively that the answer must be 'yes' (how
could it be otherwise?) but since, for n F[xi,x2,. . . ,xj
is not a PID (cf.
exercise 3.4.22), there is no chance of applying 3.7.14 directly. On the other
hand Z[x] is equally not a PID (exercise 3.4.22) and yet it can be shown to
be a UFD (exercise 3.7.14) essentially by journeying into the UFD Q[x]. We
answer the question concerning F[x1, X2,.. . , in Section 3.11. In this
section we set up the apparatus for the job.
Now we can think of F[xi, x2 x,,] as the polynomial ring where
R =F[x1,x2,. . . For n R is, like 1, an integral domain which is
not a field. So we are led to ask: Can we enlarge R to some field R°, say,
just as I can be enlarged to 0? We show that it can. To help us do this
properly we introduce the following idea which is of fundamental importance
throughout algebra.
Suppose (R, +, ) is a ring with elements a, b,.. . and that (R', $, 0) is a
ring with elements a', b',. . in 1—1 correspondence (see 2.6.5) with those of
Fig. 3.2
lsomorphism. Fields of fractions. Prime subfields 127
Note 3.10.4 In case D the field F1, will be nothing more than C. Indeed,
we model the proof of 3.10.3 on our understanding of how C is obtained
from /. Intuitively, elements of C are of the form where r, se7L and
we have and
{A . C, B D}? In fact everything turns out all right. [Prove it!]
We next check that (F0, $, C) is a field.
Al: Let {a,b}, {c,d}eF0. Then {a,b}${c,d}={ad+bc,bd} whilst {c,d}®
{a, b}={cb +da, db}. [Why?] Since ad + bc = cb +da and bd = db in D [why?]
The observant reader will note that 3.10.3 does not strictly fulfill our promise
to 'enlarge D to a bigger (but nicer) ring'. The algebraist is happy since he
can't see any difference between D and D*. Exercise 9 below should satisfy
the uneasy reader.
Notes 3.10.5
(i) The field F0 is called the field of fractions or quotient field of the integral
domain D. If we think of D rather than D* as lying in F0, we can then denote
the element {a,b}={a, 1}C{b, 1}1 of F0 by the symbol aCU' or, more
briefly, by ab1, or even by
(ii) If D1 and D2 are isomorphic domains then their corresponding fields of
fractions F0, and F02 arc isomorphic. (How could it be otherwise?) Further,
if F is any field and if D is a subring of it then the subset F = {ab 1: a, b ED,
b 0} of F is a subfield of F such that P Summarising: a given domain
D can always be embedded in a field F, say. If D cannot be embedded in any
propert subfield of F then F F0. F0 is unique (up to isomorphism).
A subfield (subring) is called proper 1ff it is not the whole field (ring).
130 Introduction to rings
(iii) Even when applied to 1 itself our construction is not devoid of interest.
For in Section 3.12 we show that 1 is the unique (up to isomorphism) well
ordered integral domain. Thus (ii) will allow us to define 0 as the (unique)
field of fractions of the unique well ordered integral domain.
(iv) Dropping the commutativity of D it seems clear 3.10.3 will prove for
us that every 'non-commutative domain' can be embedded in a 'non-
commutative' field, that is, a division ring. In fact this assertion is false (exercise
15). Moreover there exist non-commutative domains which cannot be embed-
ded in division rings no matter what method may be tried. The Russian
mathematician A I Malcev* found such an example in 1937.
(v) Thinking of D as a subring of FD leads one easily to think of D[x] as a
subring of FD{x].
for suitable r, s EQ. We thus see that, in the notation of exercise 3.2.14, the
field of fractions of is the field Notice that is the
smallest (sub)field (of which contains 0 and Similarly one sees readily
that the field of fractions of = {a + b +c a, b, c E Z} is the
smallest (sub)field (of R) containing 0 and What is less obvious (but
true, see 4.3.4) is that this field of fractions coincides with the set {u +vJ2+
w(J2)2: u, w E Q}. The big surprise here is that multiplicative inverses of
numbers of this form are again of this form. (Try writing {2+J2-4(J2)2}'
in the form u ± vJ2 + where u, v, w EQ.)
Although we shall not need it until 4.5.7, now seems an appropriate time
to present the following embedding theorem first proved in E great
paper of 1910. It shows that the vast totality of all fields is built around a
rather restricted collection of 'basic' fields, namely the prime (sub)fields.
Theorem 3.10.9 Let F be any field and p(F) the intersection of all subfields
of F. Then p(F), the prime subfield of F, is isomorphic to 0 or to one of the
finite fields 74.
Sketch of proof Let D ={m iF: m Z}. Since 1F €p(F) we see that D cp(F).
There are two possibilities: (i) for m, n 1, m n in 1F n 1F; (ii) for some
pair in, neZ, with m#n, we have in lF=n 'F'
In case (ii) suppose WLOG that m > n. Since (in — n )1F = °F there exists a
smallest positive integer r, say, such that riF = O,. It follows that r is a prime
in 1. For, if not, then r = St where 1 <s t <r and we would have (s lF)(tiF) =
rlF=OF. Since F is a field it would follow that either or =°F,
both of which would contradict the choice of r. Consider then the subring
D ={m iF: in e Z}={klp: k cr} of F. It is not difficult to check—mind the
well-definedness—that the map 0: 74—÷D given by ñO=n 1F is an isomorphism
from Zr onto D. Since r is a prime Z,, and hence D, are fields. Since D cp(F)
and since p (F) cannot have any proper subfields [can you prove this?] we see
that p(F)=D
In case (i) it is not difficult to check—no well-definedness problem arises—
that the map 0:1 -÷ D given by zO = z 1 F is an isomorphism between 1 and
D. Then, by 3.10.5(u), the subfield F={(,nlF)(niFYt: m,n eZ,n is a
subfield of F isomorphic to field of fractions, namely 0. Further, since
p(F) is afield, we have Pcp(F). Thus, as above, as required.
1 Are the following maps isomorphisms between the given rings?
(i) given by (a =a
(ii) 0:21-'3lgivenby(2n)0=3n;
(iii) 0:C-Cgivenby(a+ib)0=b—ia;
(iv) 0:K5-+K5 given by (ao+a1A +a2A2+a3A3)0 =(ao—a2)+(a3—a2)A +
(a1—a2)A2—a2A3=a0+a1A2+a2A4+a3A whereA isacomplexfifthrootof
1 and the a1 1. [K is for Kummer—see Section 3.9];
Ernst Steinitz (13 June 1871 —29 September 1928). Crelle's Journal, Vol. 137, pp. 167—309.
132 Introduction to rings
find a field actually containing it, whilst for each ring R we can find a ring S
with unity such that R c S.]
10 Describe other than in form the fields of fractions of the domains:
that he will have the motivation to reread the appropriate proofs very care-
fully—to ensure the author isn't cheating!) An alternative proof is described
in exercise 1.
We begin with proofs of parts of exercises 3.7.12 and 3.7.10.
Theorem 3.11.3 In a UFD D every two elements a, b, not both zero, have
a gcd unique except for units. So then does every set of n elements, not all zero.
of a and b. [This seems pretty obvious. Let us see what is required by way
of proof.] If gig where gla and Sib then for suitable A, B and G in D we have
5 = Gg, a = Ag = AGg, b = Bg = BGg. Comparing these factorisations of a
and b with those above it quickly follows, by uniqueness of factorisation, that
either G is a unit or G = WIiTQ = . . . where A, ji 1, wl
. . .
and W2 are units in D, the 6 M\I and the e N\J. Applying uniqueness of
factorisation to G in this case we see that is an associate of some
But this contradicts the definition of I and J. Thus G is a unit in D and g is
a gcd, as required.
The uniqueness of g to associateW and the extension of the result to
sets of ii elements are immediate.
Question In connection with the above proofs, why did we not just say 'Copy
the proofs of 1.4.4 and 1.4.10'?
isprimitiveif(z0,z1 zn)l.
U[x] where U is a UFO 135
Proof In 1.9.10 alter '(other than 1 and —1) in 1' to '(other than units) in
U' and note that every irreducible element in U is prime—by 3.11.2.
Definition 3.11.7 (ci. 1.9.11) Let F = z0+z1x + e U[x]. Each gcd
is called the content of F.
Theorem 3.11.10 (ci. the solution to Problem 3 in Section 1.9) Let FE U[x]
be irreducible (in U[x]). Then F is prime (in U[x]).
I Prove 3.11.1 by copying the second proof of 1.5.1 as follows. Assuming
U[x] is not a UFD let F P1P2. . Pr = qlq2 . . . q5 be a polynomial of smallest
5 State the analogue for U[x]of 1.11.6. Hence write x3+yx2+(y —2y2)x —
as a product of a linear factor and a quadratic in x with coefficients in
Z[y]. Treating it as a polynomial in x with coefficients in Z[y] find the content
C of P—y2x3+y3x +y3x2—y4—2y4x—x3—yx2—yx+2y2x+y2. Hence
factorise P completely into irreducibles in Z[x, y].
6 Show that if F1, F2 U[x] and if F1, F2 have a common divisor of degree
greater than zero in Fu[x] then they have a common divisor of degree greater
than zero in U[x].
7 Let f, g be polynomials in R[x, y] having no common factor except units.
Show that there exist polynomials s, t y] and u R[x] such that u =
sf + tg. [Hint: Let K be the field of fractions of R[x] and think of f, g as being
in K[y]. By exercise 6,f, g have no common divisors other than units in K[y].
Thus there exist v, w K[y] such that 1 = vf + wg.]
Deduce that if a,b€R are such that f(a,b)=g(a,b)=O then u(a)=O.
Show that there are at most finitely many pairs (a, b) R x R such that
f(a, b) = g(a, b) = 0. (This result is used in algebraic geometry to determine
the so-called irreducible varieties in the plane R X It)
8 Is a UFD? What about and These latter two
rings are isomorphic, aren't they?
Examples 3.12.2
(i) According to Section 1.2, 7 is an ordered domain. Intuitively, so are the
fields Q and It
(ii) The ring 7NJ2] of all a + where a, b 7 sustains two distinct sets
of positive elements as was noted in 1.2.3. So does the ring 7[x] (exercise 2
Theorem 3.12.4 Let (C, +,.) and (D, +,) be two well ordered domains*.
Then (C, +, +,•)..
Proof Since C is a domain, C has a unity element 1c such that 1c
Since C is ordered, C contains a subset of positive elements. Hence either
For simplicity we use ± and . for each ring.
138 Introduction to rings
1 Is the (integral) domain of Gaussian integers (p. 108) an ordered domain?
2 Prove the assertion made in 3. 12.2(u) about Z[x]. [Hint: Letf a1x' +
a1x' where a1 0, a1 0 and where 0 i j be a typical element of Z[x].
Define subsets P1, P2 of Z[x] by P1 = {f: a1 >0 in 1} and P2 = {f: >0 in 7}.
Show that P1 and P2 are subsets of positive elements of l[x] in the sense of
3.12.1. Show that P1 P2.] Can you find a third such subset distinct from Pi
and P2?
Ordered domains. The uniqueness of 7 139
9 7 can be ordered in only one way (1.2.3). Is the same true of 0? (One
way to order 0 is given in exercise 8.)
4.1 Introduction
In Chapters 1, 2 and 3 we have given examples of fields. In this chapter we
introduce the concept of ring homomorphism to help us make a deeper study
of field structure. Our main objectives are:
(i) to describe the structure of all finite fields and then to complete the
algebraist's dream as far as these fields are concerned by giving a simple
criterion for telling any two of them apart (see 4.5.8);
(ii) to prove the impossibility of solving affirmatively the old Greek problems
of angle trisection and cube duplication (see Section 4.6);
(iii) to give an almost totally algebraic proof of the Fundamental Theorem
of Algebra (see 1.11.8 and 4.8.1).
On the way we shall take time off to show (Section 4.4) how one can
construct the field R without making any assumptions other than that we
already have to hand the field 0 of rational numbers and how, in the same
spirit but very much more easily, one can produce C using only known
properties of It Having already indicated (Section 3.10) how to construct 0
from / we shall have built C on the same foundations as those of /. Further
discussion can be found in [48] and [112].
regarding ir? Why study such problems when irrational numbers do not exist?'
Nevertheless Kronecker showed how to create irrationals like in a way
acceptable to him by employing the same method Cauchy had earlier used
to introduce (see Section 4.4). The same ideas can be taken further
and so the following theorem is usually credited to Kronecker.
Terminology 4.2.2 E is a good letter to use for this new field since one may
regard F as an extension (field) of F.
Definition 4.2.3 Let (R, and (5, $, 0) be rings and 0 :R -+S a map. 0
is called a homomorphism or homomorphic mapping from the ring (R,
(in)to the ring (5, e, 0) if! the following conditions hold for all a, be R:
(i) (a+b)0=aoebo;
(ii) (a
(i) The requirements of a homomorphism are thus similar to those of an
isomorphism (3.10.1) except that there is no insistence on 0 being 1—1 nor onto.
(ii) Even if 0 maps R onto S we do not say (cf. 3.10.1) that 'R and S are
homomorphic' nor that 'S is homomorphic to R'. The symmetrical nature of
the binary relation 'is isomorphic to' is missing in the case of homomorphisms.
Examples 4.2.4
(i) The map 0 1-÷ 1,, given by mO = th defines a homomorphism from
(1, +, onto (Zn, S, 0). The only homomorphism from (Zn, $, 0) to (1,
is the trivial homomorphism, that is the map i/i 1,, -. Z given by =0.
(ii) The map 0 : 118 -*13 given by rh = ph3 (where rh1 denotes, temporarily,
the element th of defines a homomorphism from $, 0) onto
(13, $, 0).
(iii) The map 0 1 -* I given by zO = 2z is not a ring homomorphism from
(1, +, .) into itself. [Why not?]
(iv) The maps 0,tfr:Q[x]-*Q defined by .
Notes 4.2.5
(i) 0 R -÷5 is above all a map from the set R to the set S. We shall however
talk briefly of 'the homomorphism 0 from the ring R to the ring 5' or write
at length 0 (R, +, -÷ (5, $, 0), whichever seems more hdpful.
(ii) The subset RU = {rO: r e R} of S is called the (homomorphic) image of
R under 0. RU is easily shown to be a subring of S (exercise 4).
(iii) The reason for insisting on some 'preservation of structure' as in (i) and
(ii) of 4.2.3 (rather than looking at, say, arbitrary mappings from R to 5) is
dealt with in the following Remarks and in exercise 7.
(iv) One can describe a homomorphism 0 :R pictorially as in Fig. 4.1.
Fig. 4.1
(i) Homomorphic images have well been likened to photographs ([18, p. 511,
[37, p. 69J). Just as in a photograph of some object certain information
present in the original—that round the back of the object—is lost, so in a
homomorphic (as distinct from an isomorphic) image RU of a ring R some
information present in R (essentially that contained in ker 6—see 4.2.8) is
lost. On the other hand; the information remaining in RU might, if R0 is a
'simpler' ring than R, be more readily extracted than from the original R. Of
course, to be useful, RU will have to bear some structural similarity to R—hence
the demands made for the preservation of structure in 4.2.3(i), (ii). The point
Return to roots. Ring homomorphisms. Kronecker's theorem 143
At this point ideals (see Section 3.4) enter again. We see that they are
intimately related to homomorphisms by proving
Definition 4.2.8 The above ideal K is called the kernel of 6. We often denote
it by ker 6.
144 Factor rings and fields
Applications 4.2.10
(i) A nice application of homomorphisms and kernels yields another proof
of 1.9.10.
Suppose that and . are
primitive in i[x] but that every coefficient in their product is divisible, in 1,
by p. The homomorphism 0 :1 -+74 defined by zO = I clearly 'extends' to
the homomorphism defined by (a0+a1x +.. =
74+7f1x Clearly ker 6* comprises all polynomials in Z[x] whose
every coefficient is divisible by p. Apply 0* to the product fg. Since p divides
all the coefficients of fg we see that =0 in But (fg)9* zf0*gO*.
Since is an integral domain (same proof as for Q[x]; see p. 112) we
deduce that 10* = O or gO* = O. Thus f (or g) belongs to ker 0*. That is, in
1, each of the as (or bs) is divisible by p, a contradiction.
(ii) f = + x3 +1 is irreducible in i[x]. For if = gh in Z[x] then (notation
as in (i)) fO*=gO*h0* in 12[x]. Clearly x5+x3+I has no root in £2 so
h0* must be of degrees 2, 3 respectively. But this is impossible by inspection.
(Try it!) Hence is irreducible in 12[x], whence so is f in 71[x]. [Why is it
better to map i[x] onto 12[x] rather than onto 13[x]?]
Problem 1 Can you prove Eisenstein's test using the same technique?
Remark For a quick proof of exercise 1.9.12 using the abovç methods see
[38, p. 181].
Ideals are very useful in helping us construct new rings from old, as our
proof of 4.2.1 will show. The following theorem is invaluable. The proof will
take a while.
Theorem 4.2.11 Let (R, +,.) be a ring and I an ideal of R. Then there
exists a ring (S, $, C) and a homomorphism 0 : R S such that ker 0 = I,
Next we need
Notes 4.2.15
(i) r1 +1 is called the coset of I in R determined by r1. We shall meet a
similar concept in the theory of groups in Section 5.7.
(ii) 4.2.14 says that any two cosets are either identically equal or else totally
(iii) Since each r R lies in the coset r +1 which it determines, we see that
the various cosets of I in R entirely 'cover' R and, by (ii), do it in a pairwise
non-overlapping manner. Does this remind you of something studied in
Chapter 2? If not read Section 2.3 now. For an alternative way of presenting
the coset concept see exercise 15.
Problem 2 Why would the last sentence be redundant if its last four words
were omitted?
146 Factor rings and fields
Theorem 4.2.16 Let (R, and Ru be as above. Then the set Rh can,
by appropriately defining operations of 'addition' and 'multiplication', be
made into a ring (later to be taken as the ring S in 4.2.11).
AxiomAl Fora+I,b+IeR/Jwehave
(a+1)$(b+I)—(a+b)+1=(b+a)+J=(b+1)$(a+1),as required.
Examples 4.2.18
(i) If R 0[x] and if! =[x2—2] then every element of RI! can be written
in the form a+bx+I (where a, bcQ). Further, is clearly (?;
exercise 20) isomorphic to the field of all real numbers of the form a +
b a
* Some authors prefer the quotient ring. We avoid this since it would otherwise be too
easy to confuse this concept with that of quotient field. (3.10.5(i).) In any case quotient fields
comprise quotients (i.e. fractions); factor rings, despite the (standard) notation Rh, do not.
Return to roots. Ring homomorphisms. Kronecker's theorem 147
(ii) If R = l[x, y] and if I = [x2, y2± 1]—the ideal of l[x, y] generated (see
3.4.7(iv)) by x2 and y2+ 1—then every element of has the form a +bx +
cy+dxy+I. Here KR/I, H, El> is isomorphic to the ring of all quadruples
(a, b, C, d) where a, b, c, del, where addition H is defined componentwise and
multiplication by (a, b, c, d) H fi, y, ö)=(acx—cy, ba+afl—dy—c5,
ccx +ay, dcx +c/3 +b'y+aS).
Prohlem 3 Am I right here in (ii)? Can you see how I can be fairly sure I'm
right even before I check anything. (At first glance it might not be apparent
that the quadruples even form a ring under the given H and H!)
Lemma 4.2.19 Let KR, +, ), land (R/I, 0> be as in 4.2.16. The mapping
o:R -* RI! given by rO = r +1 is a homomorphism from R onto RI! and
ker 0 =! exactly.
Proof Since every element of RI! has the form a +! where a e R and since
aO=a+l by definition, it is clear that 0 maps R onto R/I.
Remarks The passage from the ring (R, to the ring (RI!, 0) (via
the homomorphism 0) achieved by ! to zero' can be colourfully
described as the process of killing off I. The elements of!, and they only, are
sent to the zero element of RIl, but do note that this does not necessarily
imply that if a and b are distinct elements of R which are not in! then aO, bO
are distinct in RI! (see Fig. 4.1 on p. 142). For it may be that a, b lie in the
samecosetof!inR inwhichcaseaO=a+!=b+!=bO.
We now give the
Remark Part of the above result can be represented pictorially by Fig. 4.2.
Fig. 4.2
The remarkable thing about the proof is not that we can make a structure
S in which b0+b1x + is zero—this is easily arranged by killing off
b0 + + brnx is that, when one does this killing, S is a field which
furthermore contains an undamaged replica (i.e. isomorphic copy) of F as a
This use of rather than S is not common, but the author feels it renders this particular proof
more easily understood than that usually given.
Return to roots. Ring homomorphisms. Kronecker's theorem 149
Problem 4 0 has no roots of either x2+1 or x2+x +1. Let I be the ideal
of 0[x] generated by x2 + 1 and x2 + x + I. Then surely 0[x]/I is a field
containing the required roots. Am I right?
Although we shall have no need of it until Section 4.5 it seems now
appropriate to obtain the
Corollary 4.2.20 Let E F[x], F any field. Then there exists a field F such
that F 2F and in E[x] f factorises completely into linear factors.
Proof (Outline) If f = . . expresses f as a product of polynomials
irreducible over F, find F1 as in 4.2.1 so that has a root a1, say, in F1.
Then, in Ei[x], f has at least one linear factor, x —a1. Factorise f into
irreducible polynomials in Fi[x] and repeat the process, with F1 in place of
F. After at most deg f steps we arrive at a field F with the desired properties.
Is the field F of 4.2.20 uniquely determined? By no means: take f = x —1
and F =0 whence F can be 0 or or C.... But if we insist that F be as
small as possible then we do indeed have
Theorem 4.2.21 Letf E F[x], F any field, and let F1, F2 be extension fields
of F such that
(i) f factorises into linear factors* (x—cx1)(x— . (x— in E1[x] and
. .
I (a) Let 0 and i/i be maps 0[x]-* 0[x] defined by
(a0 + a1x + )0 = a0 + a3 (x + 2) . + a,, (x +
'+a,,x )ili=ao+aix 2
Determine whether or not 0, ifr are homomorphisms.
(b) Are the maps zO——z on Z and (x+iy)ifi=x from C to R
*we also say thatf splits in E1[xl (or over E1).
150 Factorrings and fields
2 Describe all possible ring homomorphisms (i) from onto 74; (ii) from
712 into 78; (iii) from "2 into (iv) from 7 into 7. Can you, from (i), (ii),
(iii), decide precisely when there exists a homomorphism from 7,,, onto 7,,?
(a b)
3 Is the map 0 from (M2(7), e, 0) to (7, +, by =ad—bc =
det a homomorphism?
be a a homomorphism
from R onto (5, $, 0). Prove that (5, ®, 0) is a commutative ring with a 1.
Is this proof still valid if 0 is not assumed to be onto 5?
7 Let (R, +, be a ring and let (5, ®, 0) be a ring which is not commutative
and does not possess a 1. Given that there exists a mapping from the set
R onto the set S what can you say about (R, +, Can you say any more if
you are told is a homomorphism?
8 Let L2(l) be the set of matrices of the form ( °) where a, b, c e 7.
Define 0 :L2(l)-*l by ( °) =a. Show that 0 is a homomorphism onto 7
and that L2(1) is not a commutative ring.
9 DefineO:Q[x]-*Cby
(a0 + a1x + = a0+ . + + 7.)n
Find ker 0. If Q[x] is replaced by l[x]—so that all the a1e 1—how is your
answer changed?
10 Show that a homomorphism 0: <R, +, )—*<S, $, 0) is I — I if and only
if ker 0={OR}.
11 Let F be a field. Use exercise 3.4.14 to describe all possible homomorphic
images of F.
12 Write the coset 9 + 2x + 2x2 +7x3 +4x5 +1 where I = [x2 + 5] in the form
a +bx +1. Write down three more elements of this coset.
13 For the ideal! and the elements r,, r2 of the ringR show that r, +1 = r2 +1
iff r,=r2+j for suitable icL Deduce that if a+bx+cx2+dx3+I=
The isomorphism theorems 151
multiplicative inverse of 2+ 2x + +1 in the field —y---'' being the principal
Extension Fields
Theorem 4.3.1 (The First Isomorphism Theorem) Let C : (R, +, .) (5, +,.)
be a homomorphism from R onto S with kernel L Then the ring (5, +, .) and
the factor ring (Rh, €, C) are isomorphic.
Remark This result tells us that all homomorphic images of a ring R are of
a special kind—they are all (up to isomorphism) obtainable as factor rings R/L
Proof We let the reader check the statement about L Define the map
0 :R/I-*R/K by (r+I)0 =r+K. 0 is a well-defined map since from r1+I =
r2+I we get r1—r2e1 c K whence r1+K=r2+K. Clearly 0 is onto. Again
we leave you to check that 0 is a homomorphism. From 4.3.1 it follows
that R/K Now every element of Rh is of the form r + I (r e R) and
ker 0
(r+I)ekero if! r+K=0+K=OR/K. But this is the case if! rEK. Thus
ker 0 ={k +1: k eK}=K/L In particular K/I is an ideal of R/I (by 4.2.7)
and R/K by 4.3.1.
'B n A
Fig. 4.3
Examples 4.3.5 — —
Genuine and significant applications of 4.3.3 at the level of this text seem
less easy to find (although see exercise 6.2.12 and 6.5.8). One sees immediately
from the statement of 4.3.3 that an ideal M of a ring R is a maximal ideal
(see 3.9.5) if! RIM is a simple ring (exercise 3.4.20). But it really is more
natural to deduce this assertion from exercise 4.
1 Let C : R -. S be a homomorphism not necessarily onto S. Show that
ker C
V. [Hint: 1—mess is not too hard. To prove onto show that, given B c 5, BC1
(see 2.6.5) is a subring of R containingl and that (BC1)€J B.] Show that, under
this correspondence, ideals of R which contain I correspond to ideals of S.
Deduce that M is a maximal ideal of R if RIM is a simple ring. If R is
a commutative ring with unity show that M is a maximal ideal if RIM is a
field. [Exercise 3.4.14 might help.]
5 Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Show that an ideal P R) is a
prime ideal if RIP is an integral domain.
6 Use exercises 4 and 5 to reprove Theorem 3.9.6.
7 (i) Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Show that if P is a prime
ideal such that RIP is finite then P is a maximal ideal.
(ii) Show that in F[x, y] the ideal [x] is prime but not maximal. Is the ideal
[x, y] aaximal in F[x, y]? [Cf. exercise 3.9.2.]
8 .Useexercise
[x +x+1]
9 Let F c F be fields and let a, /3 e F be such that Ma = M8. Show that the
fields F(a) and F($) are isomorphic.
for instance, 1,
14141 \
and (7, 3,
6aaa \
also seem to be
candidates for '12 and To identify precisely which infinite sequences of
rationals are of interest to us and to get round the insufficiency we proceed
as follows.
The infinite sequence (a1, a2,.. .) of rational numbers is said to be Cauchy
convergent if and only if, to each positive rational number h >0, we can find
a positive integer H (which will in general depend upon h) such that for all
integers i,j>H we have <h. Two convergent infinite sequences
(a1,a2,.. .), (b1,b2,...) are then said to be equivalent if and only if,
given any rational k >0, we can find a positive integer K >0 such that
<k for all s> K. [If these ideas are new to you, you may find you
need to read them very carefully twenty times or more before they begin to
The set § of real numbers then comprises, by definition, the totality of all
equivalence classes (see exercise 3) of Cauchy convergent sequences. Addition,
$, and multiplication, 0, are defined as you would expect [and how is that?]
and S can be shown to be a field containing (an isomorphic copy of) 0 as a
subfield. In S the analytic deficiencies apparent in 0 are absent.
This method, using Cauchy sequences, is due to Cantor. Using the ter-
minology of Section 4.2 we may proceed as follows. Under componentwise
® and 0 the set C of all Cauchy convergent sequences becomes a ring in
which the subset of all those sequences which are equivalent to the zero
sequence (0, 0, 0,. . .) form an ideal N (N for 'nought' or 'null'?). The above
set S is nothing more than the factor ring C/N.
A second method of defining R, this one due to Dedekind, is based on the
informal observation that every real number r appears to split 0 into two
disjoint subsets: (i) all rationals less than or equal to r; (ii) all those greater
than r (!!) This dissection is called a Dedekind cut, the subsets (i) and (ii)
being called, respectively, lower and upper sections. Clearly r corresponds to
the upper section of all those rationals greater than r but, of course, one
cannot define r to be this upper section since such a definition (of r in terms
of r) would be circular! Thus we have to find an honest way of defining the
term upper section in 0 solely in terms of 0. Assuming the familiar ordering
158 Factorrings and fields
Theorem 4.4.3 LetfE R[X] be of odd degree. Then f(c)= 0 for some c ER.
Proof See exercise 7 below and then [50].
that 2 i = 2? Gauss and Hamilton got round the problem by noting that
each complex number a + ib determines and is determined by the (ordered)
pair (a, of real numbers. Noting that we would ideally like a + ib = c + id
ifandonlyifa = c andb = d,(a +ib)+(c +id)= (a +c)+i(b +d)and (a +ib)x
(c + id) = (ac — bd) + i(bc + ad) they defined a complex number to be a pair,
In technical terms, 0 is countable, is uncountable (exercise 2.6.15).
160 Factor rings and fields
Note 4.4.4 The reason for returning to the a + ib notation is one of con-
venience only. It seems easier to work with than does the ordered pair notation,
simply because most of us have been used to working with it for so long
(recall exercise 1.6.4 and see exercise 10 below).
1 Based on our intuitive picture of 0 as the real line R with gaps we define,
formally, for any ordered field (F, <) a gap to be a pair of subsets A, B
ofF such that (i) A 0, B 0; (ii) A uB —F; (iii) reA, s EB4'r<s; (iv)
3 (i) Show that the relation of equivalence on the collection of all Cauchy
convergent sequences is indeed an equivalence relation.
(ii) How should one define ® and C on the set § in order that the result is
a field modelling our intuitive grasp of
(iii) Let s = (x1, x2,. . .) be the sequence defined by x1 = 1 and, for each n 1,
= Show that s is a Cauchy sequence. Which real number is
represented by the equivalence class containing s?
4 As stated in the text, the set C of all Cauchy convergent sequences in 0
can be turned into a ring by defining $ and C componentwise. Show that the
subset N of C comprising all sequences equivalent to the zero sequence forms
an ideal. Show that the factor ring C/N is a field, by showing each non-zero
element of C/N has a multiplicative inverse in C/N.
5 Let V,Wbetwouppersectionsin0.Define V+Wtobe{v+w:veV,
w e W}. Show that V + W is an upper section in 0. In order to make a
field out of this set of upper sections we shall need to identify a zero element
and an additive inverse for each upper section V. Can you do that? [Be careful
over e V. Keep upper sections corresponding to and to —12 in mind.]
6 Working informally show that (i) 0(12) can sustain two sets of positive
eleriients (cf. 1.2.3); and that (ii) 0 and R can each sustain only one set of
positive elements. [Hint: All of 0 is determined by the fact that 1 E Ot In
r ill r is non-zero ahd a square.]
7 . .+a0€R[x]andn is odd then
Hence deduce that 4.4.3 follows at once if only we can prove: if g is a function
continuous on the closed interval [a, b] and if g(a) <0 and g(b) >0 then there
exists c such that a <c <a5 and such that g(c) = 0. [How might you prove this
result? Bolzano* (1817) found he didn't know enough about the real numbers
to prove this to his satisfaction.]
8 Check that with respect to ® and C as defined above the set C of ordered
pairs (a, b) of reals do form a field.
9 Show that the field of exercise 8 is isomorphic to the field ( ®, a).
[x +1]
10 Solve for x,y; (i) (3,5)C(x,y)=(1,1) formally; (ii) (3+5i)(x+iy)=
I + i informally. Which way is easier? Why?
11 On the set S of all ordered pairs (a, b) of reals define ® and C by:
(a, b)®(c, d) = (a +c, ,5 +d), (a, b) C (c, d) = (ac, bd). Is(S, ®, C) a field?
12 With S as in exercise 11 define $ as in exercise 11 and C by
(a, b) C (c, d) = (ac + bd, bc — ad). Is (5, $, C) a field?
13 Apply the definitions of® and C of the text to ordered pairs (a, b) where
a, b lie in the fields (i) C; (ii) (iii) Is the resulting system always a field?
14 Does the map O:R-*C defined by aO=(0,a) embed in C? (See
3. 10.2(v).)
15 Let f = ax 2 + bx + c 6 R[x] be irreducible. Then is necessarily a field.
Proof In 4.2.20 take F = 7,,, f=x" —x and E to be any field containing 7,,
and in which —x factorises into p" linear factors, f' —x =
x(x —t1). .. (x say. Now all the are distinct. For, as in exercise
1.11.2, we can argue that if = t1 where i then is a root of the formal
derivative f' —1 of f. But then f' = —1 since 7,,, £ and hence £[x]
have characteristic p (see exercise 3.10.18). Thus t1 cannot possibly be a root
of f.
Let T be the above set of roots (including 0). For t, e T we see easily
= tr —tr = t,—t1 and that (t1t
-1 = =
(exercise 3.10.18) that (t1
Hence and t,t71 T and thus T is a subfield of F (by 3.4.2(F))
containing exactly p" elements.
Question I Do there exist fields with other than a prime power number of
Or at least
Question 4 What relationship, if any, is there between two fields with the
same number of elements?
To help answer these questions we introduce some concepts which are used
time and again throughout the whole of mathematics and its applications to
problems in the real world; for example in differential equations, statistics,
linear programming and even in modelling an economy (see [67]). The proper
mathematical setting for these concepts is the subject of Linear Algebra, of
which they, along with matrices, constitute the life blood. For reasons of space
we take the development only as far as required in this text. Since, however,
the machinery to be developed will also find application in Section 4.6, we
164 Factor rings and fields
save effort by working, even here, in terms of general fields rather than with
just finite ones. We begin with
Notes 4.5.3
(i) It is clear that if F is a finite field and if F is any subfield then a spanning
set (as in (i)) for F over F certainly exists; the set of all elements of F
constitutes such a set. —
if and only if f' = gi, = g2,.. . = (exercise 2). (Roughly stated: in terms
of a given basis different looking elements are different.)
Our first result relates the respective sizes of spanning sets and independent
Theorem 4.5.4 If {Ui,.. . , UT} spans F over F and if {vi,. . . , v5} is linearly
independent over F then s r.
that v1 =fiiui 4" +firur. Since v1 °E [why not?]f1, 0,- for at least one i.
WLOG we can assume i = 1. Then we have firur).
It follows [prove it now] that {v1, u2,.. . , uj spans F over F and hence that
there aref21,f22 f2r in F such that v2=f21v1+f22u2+.. +f2,Ur. Here, at
least one of the 121 with j 2 is non-zero. (Otherwise we should have v2 Sf21 V1 =
0 which is impossible whether or not 121 = °F [why?].) WLOG, we suppose
Then we may write u2=f {—f21v1+v2—f23u3—. so that
Vi, V2, U3 Ur} spans F over F. One can continue in this manner replacing,
at each step, a u1 by a v1 [why never a vk(k <i) by a v,?] until all the u1 have
been replaced by v1, v2 Vr, thus showing that {v1,... v,} spans F over
Corollary 4.5.5 Let F E F be fields such that F has a (finite) spanning set
over F. Then F has a (finite) basis over F and any two such bases contain
the same number of elements.
Notation and Definition 4.5.6 This unique number of elements in any (finite)
basis forE over F is denoted by [E:F]. We call [E:F] the dimension of E over F
and say that E is a finite-dimensional extension of F.
It is now an easy matter to answer Question 1 above.
Proof Since F is finite the prime subfield of F must be 74 for some prime
p (3.10.9). By 4.5.3(i) and 4.5.5, F has a basis w1,. . ., say, over 74. Then
166 Factor rings and fields
4.5.3(iii) tells us that the pt elements fiwi +f,w1 where the are in 74
are pairwise distinct.
To answer (affirmatively) Questions 2 and 3 raised above we first observe
(exercise 4) that in any field F with p" elements every non-zero element
satisfies the equation x — 1 = 0. Using exercise 5 we deduce that the set
This still leaves Question 4. The answer is quite amazing: Every two fields
with precisely p" elements are isomorphic! Given 4.2.21 this is not difficult:
for each field with p" elements is easily seen (exercise 4) to be a splitting
field for the polynomial x'" —x over 4 and the uniqueness then follows from
4.2.2 1.
To give a specific example we note that f= x3 + x + 1 is irreducible over
(Being a cubic it suffices to check that f has no root in (cf. Remark
after 1.11.7).)
Thus is a field whose elements are of the form a0+ aix +a2x2 +[f]
where a0, ai, a2 e Z2. Denoting this element briefly by aoaia2 we find that
the multiplication table for is [can you complete it?] as follows.
We denote the elements of hy I) and I.
Finite fields 167
Theorem 4.5.8
(i) Every finite field is of the form where f is a polynomial irreducible
in In particular every finite field has p" elements for some prime p and
it El.
(ii) To each such p and n there exists a field with p" elements.
(iii) Two finite fields are isomorphic ill they have the same number of
1 Show that the set Li, i, is linearly independent over 3. Do the
same for Does one retain independence on extending this
set to include the various products ho, 130?
2 (i) Prove 4.5.3(iii).
(ii)Prove that if {ui,..., Urn } spans F over F and if Urn is a linear combination
of UI,.. , Urn_i then {u . .,
. spans F over F.
4 Prove that in a finite field with p" elements each non-zero element satisfies
the equation — I = 0. [Hint: Follow the method of proof of 2.5.3.]
Deduce that each such field is a splitting field for xr —x over 74.
5 Prove that the multiplicative group of non-zero elements in a finite field is
cyclic as follows. Let F be a finite field with q =pfl elements and let e F where
$0. We know (exercise 4) that 2q - = I. Let k be the smallest positive integer
such that cxk= 1. Show that I. (Exercise 2.5.7 might help.) We call k the
order of Show that if fi have coprime orders k, I then has order ki
(exactly). Now suppose F has no element of order q — 1. Let y be an element of
largest order e, say, in F and let ö be any element of F, of order m, say.
Suppose rn-Fe. Then, for some prime r, rn=r"rnt and e=re1 where b>c, r+rn1
Finite fields 169
and Deduce that 5miyPc has order r"e1(>e), a contradiction. Thus mle. It
follows that 5C = 1. Thus the equation f = I has q — solutions in the field F, a
[x —x—1]
8 H= [x13[x]
Fig. 4.4
Constructions with compass and straightedge 171
In any construction problem of the above type we are given points, lines,
circles, etc. and are required to construct (or show the impossibility of con-
structing) further such objects. To prove that a construction can be performed
one only needs to describe a method for doing it. To prove it cannot requires
us first to list the complete 'rules of the game'. We adopt the following rules.
Let a finite set P1 of points be given in the plane. Joining all pairs of points
in P1 by straight lines of arbitrary length and drawing each circle which has
a point of P1 at its centre and a point of P1 on its circumference, we augment
P1 with the (finitely many) points of intersection of all these straight lines and
circles. Calling this new (finite) set P2 we repeat the procedure to obtain sets
P1 c P2 c P3 c. of points in the plane. The totality P of points so obtained
To prove that the v1u1 are also linearly independent over F one essentially
reverses the above procedure. The details are left to exercise 2.
In the notation of 3.10.7 (see also 4.3.5(u)) we have
Examples 4.6.2
(i) [0(i, 0] = [0(i, 'h): 0] = 2 2 4.
(ii) [0(42,43): 0] = [0(42,43): 0(42)][0(42): 0] =2 3=6.
Returning to constructible points, suppose we have labelled two points in
P1 as Pi=(O'O) and P2=(l'O) and suppose is the
(n + 1 )th point of a sequence constructible from P1— including the given points
Pi,...,PrOf Pi.
The straight line joining and (1 I 4 n) has equation
(a1 —a,)(y — b1) = (b1 — b,)(x — a1) whilst the circle centre Pk and passing through
2 2
has equation (x — ak) + (y — bk) = (a, — ak) 2 + (b, — bk) 2 . These equations can
be rewritten ax +by +c = 0 and x2+y2+2fx +2gy +h = 0 where a, b, c, f, g,
h =tO(a3, b3,. , .ba). Now it is easy to check (exercise 3) that if Pp.41
is obtained as the intersection of two distinct lines then ap.÷1, bp. eQ whilst
if Pn÷i is obtained as the intersection of a line and a circle, or of two distinct
circles, then either + + e Op. or—at the worst—an ÷ +1
where deOp.. Thus for each we have or 2. There then
Theorem 4.6.3 If p1 =(a1, b1) is a point constructible from P1 = {Pi pr}' as
above, then there exists a sequence Or+ ç. 0, of subfields of l1 such
. .
We can now prove the impossibility of solving the three classical problems
of the Greeks.
(A) Duplication of the cube Here we are given a line segment of unit length.
Equivalently_we are given P1 {(0, 0), (1, 0)}. We are asked to construct the
point p = (J2, 0). If p is constructible then according to 4.6.3 we see that
'ö2 lies in some subfield of 1k where [0,:O]=2"' for some m. But by 4.6.1
2m=[Ot:0]=[Ot: 0] whilst = 3 (exercise 4.5.3).
This contradiction shows that p is not constructible from (0,0), (1,0) alone.
(B) Angle trisection Of course some angles can be trisected, 90° and 27°
for example.* The point is that, if we exhibit just one angle which cannot be
trisected, this suffices to quash the assertion that every angle can be trisected
by straightedge and compass. We claim that 60° is not trisectible. Thus (see
Fig. 4.7) we are given three points (0, 0), (1, 0) and one other which we may
take as v-). [Why may we? Cf. Problem 9.]
1 fi2' 2
(0,0) (1,0)
Fig. 4.7
Problem 9 Is cos 20° constructible if we are given the points (0, 0), (1, 0),
(cos 20°, 20°)? What if we are given this latter point—but not told its
coordinates? Does this mean we can trisect 60°?
* can't prove it yet!
27°? 1 bet you
174 Factor rings and fields
(C) Squaring the circle To show that p = ("Jir, 0) is not constructible (given
P1 = '[(0, 0), (1, 0)}) we argue that if it were constructible so would be (n, 0).
[Why? See Fig. 4.8.] We now cheat by stating Lindemann's result (see p. 140)
that it satisfies no polynomial equation at all with rational coefficients. As a
consequence it cannot lie in any of the fields 0,. (For a proof see [38, p. 74}.)
Fig. 4.8
distinct Fermat primes. The necessity of this condition was not proved by
Gauss. It was first proved in 1837 by Wantzel* in a paper in which he also
showed the impossibility of the trisection and duplication problems by the
methods indicated above (viz, every constructible quantity satisfies an equation
of degree 2'for some t). (See exercise 8(b). For the sufficiency use exercise 8(a)
and 7.6.6).
For details about alternative construction problems, for example those
using a 'rusty' compass (!) or no compass at all see, for example, [84].
1 (a) Given points (0, 0) and (1, 0) show how to construct (0, 1), Use ideas
from Fig. 4.8 to construct o) and then where 0.
There is an article on Wantzel in the Bulletin of the American Math. Soc., Vol. 24, 1917/iS,
p. 339.
Symmetric polynomials 175
(b) Show that (1, in) is constructible from {(0, 0), (1, 0)} where
I i— - and m=
(c) Prove that the set {a:ae l1 and (a,b) is constructible from {(0, 0), (1, 0)}}
is a subfield of lit
8 (a) Show that, if a (regular) m-gon and a (regular) n-gon are constructible
and if (m, n) = 1, then a (regular) mn-gon is constructible.
(b) Let p be an odd prime. Show that: (i) no p2-gon is constructible; (ii) if a
p-gon is constructible then p = + 1 for some n. [Hint: Use the technique of
exercises 6, 7 to deduce that constructibility implies: (i)P(P2 must
Now consider the ring F[xj, x2,. . . , x,j of polynomials in the (commuting)
letters x1, . , Setting
. .
Si =
I t it
we call the ith elementary symmetric polynomial in F[xi,. . , x,,I.
By a symmetric polynomial in F[xi,. . , x,,] we understand any element I
ill a5 <b, where s is the least integer for which a1 b1. Thus, for
example, in Q[x1, x2, x3, x4] we would have
6 (1 3 ii 6 0 4 2
7x1x2x3x4 <—3x1x2x3x4
2 Given that the equation x3 + 3x2 + 7x —2 has roots a, b, c find the poly-
nomial with roots
(i) a2, z52, C2; (ii) a +b, b +c, c +a; (iii) 1/a, 1/b, 1/c.
178 Factor rings and fields
3 Prove that the are algebraically independent, that is: For each n 1, if
f(y1,.. , y,,) is a non-zero polynomial in O[x], then f(s1,. . ,
. is also .
.. ,x,,. . . , 0, .. . , 0) =0
Use these results to find r0,'r1,r2,r3,-r4,where x1,x2,x3 are the roots of
of degree n in x2. Since n is odd it follows from 4.4.3 that tn(f3) = 0 for some
/3€l%. Hence where lies in C. Thus
See 3.7.5.
180 Factor rings and fields
is a root of h (x) and hence of f(x) or 7(x). This completes the proof
of the theorem in the case where n is odd.
So assume n where w is odd and s and let t1, . , be the
. .
distinct roots of f(x) in the splitting field F for f(x) over C. We proceed by
W —1)
induction on 5. Forming k (x) as before we have deg k (x) =
and k (x) e C[x]. Consequently, by induction hypothesis, there exists c 6 C
such that t1 + = c for some i, f.
Formfi(x) =f(x andf2(x)=f(—x Thenfi(x),f2(x)are irreducible
over C and as above we can deduce [can we?] that (f1(x),f2(x)) 1 in C[x].
It follows that fi(x) = ef2(x) where e 6 C. Thus f(x ef(—x and
Notes 4.8.2
(i) The complex numbers play a somewhat lesser role in algebra today than
in their heyday (namely the majority of the 19th Century) and in the alge-
braists' armoury the fundamental theorem has been replaced by the result
that to every field F one can find an algebraically closed extension field E.
To say that a field F is algebraically closed is to say that each polynomial
f e E[x] has a root in F. (This is equivalent to saying that each polynomial
in E[x] factorises into linear factors in E[x].) Thus 4.8.1 says that C is
algebraically closed.
(ii) C is not the smallest subfield of C which is algebraically closed. In fact
one can prove [49, Vol. 2, p. 40] that the set of all algebraic numbers (exercise
3.2.14) forms a field which is algebraically closed. Of course C is the smallest
algebraically closed field containing It
(iii) The above algebraic proof of 4.8.1 is quite long. There are short (once
the machinery has been set up!) proofs using complex analysis. For a nice
heuristic argument see [5, p. 107]. See also [101].
None! If you've worked hard on this section you deserve a break.
Basic group theory
5.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces, and Chapter 6 examines more deeply, the third of the
three main types of algebraic systems that we study in this text, namely that of
group. We begin by outlining how Lagrange's investigations into the problem of
finding an algebraic formula yielding the roots of the general polynomial of
degree n led, naturally, to the introduction of what we now call permutations.
The culmination of these investigations, namely the remarkable result of the 20-
year-old Evariste Galois, which explains precisely when a polynomial equation
is soluble by radicals, is obtained in Theorem 7.10.5.
Following Section 5.2 we first introduce to the reader many concrete
examples of groups and then the basic tools and concepts of group theory.
Several of these concepts are the analogues of concepts already introduced
for rings and fields. This is not really so surprising. Homomorphisms, kernels,
cosets, subsystems, etc. are concepts of a general algebraic nature: we are
merely meeting their specialisations to rings, fields and now groups. We
close Chapter 5 with a rather sketchy description of the kinds of ideas
involved in the first application of group theory to a problem from outside
Within the next two chapters there are the occasional references to Chapters
3 and 4. The reader who has not studied Chapters 3 and 4 will lose nothing
if he simply ignores references to earlier definitions and takes on trust the
very few references to earlier theorems. On the other hand the reader is
assumed to be acquainted with the concept of binary operation (see 2.7.1).
In addition, reference to Section 3.1 and Remarks in Section 3.10 may help
the reader to understand the algebraist's general philosophy.
5.2 Beginnings
We give here a brief account of the ideas involved in Lagrange's explanation
of why, by 1770, the quest for a formula for the roots of the general quadratic,
cubic and quartic equations had proved successful whilst that for the quintic
had not.
In the introduction to his paper Réfiexions sur la Resolution Algébrique des
Equations (published in two parts in the years 1770 and 1771) Lagrange
182 Basic group theory
writes (*R206)
'I propose in this memoir to examine the different methods that have
been found for the algebraic solution of equations, to reduce these
to general principles, and to show a priori why these methods succeed
for the third and fourth degree and fail for higher degrees.'t
Rxyz indicates page xyz of Volume 3 of Lagrange's Oeuvres edited by T-A Serret.
± This doesn't mean that the quintic can't be solved, merely that it can't be done this way.
Beginnings 183
Lagrange found that all the methods proposed by del Ferro, Tartaglia, Ferrari,
Descartes,* Tschirnhaus, Euler and Bezout found previously for the solution
of the cubic and quartic equations depended essentially on the same principle.
As he wrote at the beginning of the fourth section of his paper (R355)
'...all the methods are reducible to the same general principle,
knowing how to find functions of the roots of the proposed equation,
which are such: 1° that the equation or the equations by which they
are given, that is of which they are the roots (equations which are
commonly called the reduites), have themselves degree less than that
of the proposed equation or are at least decomposable into other
equations of a degree less than that.
First note that the substitution y = x + M/3 reduces the equation x3 + Mx2 +
[six + P =0 to y3 + ny + p =0 for suitable n and p. The method of solution
proposed by Hudde (R207) tells us to put y = z +t whence y3 + ny +p =0
becomes z3 + + p + (3zt + n) (z + t) =0 and this will certainly be satisfied if
we arrange for z3+t3+p =0 and 3zt+n =0. From these two equations we
get =0, that is This equation, the reduite of
we have put q = + for brevity. Thus z can take any one of six possible
values,_namely a, wa, w2a, j3, o43 and w2f3 where a is one of the cube roots
we have
or wa+w2(3 (ii)
3wa 3w/3
* René du Perron Descartes (31 March 1596— 11 February 1650).
or y=y3=wa— 2
2 =w/3————=wa+w/3 (iii)
3wcr 3co/3
1 2
w y1+coy3)
Thus one sees why (R215) the reduite is necessarily of degree 6. (There is
one root corresponding to each of the six permutations of the 3 'letters' Yi,
Y2, y3.) Further, one sees that the reason the reduite is a quadratic in z3 is
that the expression (y 1+ w 2Y2 + coy3)3 takes on only two distinct values when
the roots yi, Y2, y3 are permuted in all six possible ways.
A second method, in which we meet another 2-valued function, is that due
to Tschirnhaus (R222). The idea here is to determine constants a and b such
that, on solving the equation x2 = bx + a + y simultaneously with the given
equation x3 + mx2 + nx +p =0, we are reduced to an equation of the form
+ C =0. Then y can be found directly and x from the quadratic above.
Making the substitution required it is a few lines work to check that a and b
have to satisfy the equations
3a—mb—rn2+2n=0 (i)
Substituting for a from (i) into (ii) we find a quadratic which must be satisfied
by b (whence the necessary value of a is immediate from (i)).
We suppose that the roots of y3 + C = 0 are labelled
Yi Y2 y3 = —co2 If the corresponding xs are x1,
X2, x3 we have
= bx1 +a
x3=bx3+a—w 2 3C
Beginnings 185
whence it follows that b = so that a, too, is found. The six
X1+WX2+CU 2 X3
apparent values of I' (all of which are equally valid since b is surely independent
of the order in which we choose the roots of the given equation!) reduce, in
fact, to two.
Thus we see once again how the solution of the cubic depends upon being
able to find functions of the roots x1, x2, x3 (of the given equation) which
yield only two distinct values when the x1, X2, x3 are permuted in all 3! = 6 ways.
As regards the quartic equation x4 + nix3 + nx2 +px + r = 0, it is soluble (by
radicals) essentially because there exists a 3-valued function of four variables,
namely x1x2+x3x4. Under the 4! = 24 different permutations of x1, x2, x3, x4
the only values this function takes are =x1x2+x3x4, —x1x3+x2x4, g3 =
x1x4+x2x3. For then the cubic (y—gI)(y—g2)(y—g3) is a cubic with
coefficients which can be determined from the coefficients of the given equation
(exercise 1).
If we then set Zi =x1 we see that
z = (x, + ÷ x3 +x4)2 —4(x1x2 + x1x3 1x4 -'- x2x3 + x2x4 + x3x4) +4(x 1x2 + x3x4)
Hence the two possible values of z, can be found. In a similar manner one
can find the two possible values of Z2=Xi—X2+X3---X4 and z3=
Recalling, finally, that —m =x1+x2+x3+x4 we can deduce
x1= —*m+*(z1+z2+z3)
x2= —Im+t(z1—z2—z3)
x3= +z2—z3)
Each Xi has 2 = 8 different values but once again it can soon be deter-
mined which the correct four are. The point to be observed is that solving
the given quartic reduces to solving a cubic (because there is a 3-valued
function of x1, x2, x3, x4 and hence a cubic whose coefficients are obtainable
from the coefficients of the given equation) and three quadratics, whose
coefficients involve (i) the coefficients of the original equation (m and n above)
and (ii) a quantity which is expressible, using radicals, in terms of the
coefficients of the original equation since it is a root of the above cubic.
Thus Lagrange saw that to obtain, in like manner, the solution (by radicals*)
of the general quintic, he would have to begin by finding a function (equivalent
to above in the case of the quartic) of x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 which under the
* That is, by means of a formula involving +, -' —, ± and various / and the coefficients of the
given equation. See 7.7.2 for an 'official' definition.
186 Basic group theory
1 Given that X2, 13,14 are the roots of x4+mx3-Fnx2+px+r=0 find
the coefficients of the equation whose roots are 1112 + 1314, 1 1X3 + 1214, x t14 +
2 Show that under the 24 permutations of x1, x2, X3, 14 each of the functions
(x1-i-x2)(x3+x4) and (xl—x2+x3_x4)2 is three-valued.
Find, in each case, the corresponding cubic equation.
(A) The associative law: that is, for all a, b, c e G we have (a o 1,) ° c =
a ° (b ° c);
(N) Existence of neutral or identity element: that is, there exists in G an
element e, say, such that for all a G, e o a = a ° e = a;
(I) Existence of inverses: that is, to each a 6 G there exists in G an
element denoted by such that a =a1 oa =e.
(i) (cf. 3.2.3(i)) It is common practice to talk of the group G rather than
the group (G, o) We shall follow this practice except when seeking extra clarity.
(ii) (cf. 3.2.3(u)) The letter e (an abbreviation for the German word einheit)
is used here rather than the symbol '1' for the identity element to remind
the reader that the most important applications of group theory are to systems
of elements which are not numbers.
(iii) According to our definition of binary operation on G (see 2.7.1) it is
automatically the case that, if x, y 6 G then x ° y 6 G. One often emphasises
this fact, however, by saying that G is closed under If one denotes this
property by C (for closure) a mnemonic for recalling the group axioms is
given by the name CAIN.* This is particularly appropriate in view of
Notation and Terminology 5.3.3 (cf. 3.3.3) It is usual, in dealing with groups
in general, to replace o by , or even to omit the dot altogether and simply
juxtapose the elements being combined. The method of combination is called
multiplication with a b (or a b or ab) being called the product of a and b.
When the group one is dealing with is known to be abelian one sometimes
(but not always) replaces o by +, and refers to the binary operation as addition
and to a +/, as the sum of a and b. In this latter case we also write 0 rather
than e, —a rather than a' and, of course, (a+b)+c rather than or
To show that there do exist objects to which the theory we are going to
develop does apply, we now give an extensive list of specific groups of different
kinds. The examples given can be used by the reader as test cases on which
to try out the theorems we prove as well as the various questions which might
naturally occur to him.
Examples 5.3.4
(a) (1, +), where + indicates the usual addition on 7, is an abelian group.
The identity element is, of course, 0 and the inverse of, say, —3 is +3.
(b) +) and where is ordinary multiplication, are abelian groups.
* This is taken from the book [65, p. 291.
188 Basic group theory
Remark (a), (b) are rather trivial examples and there would be no need of
a theory of groups if these were the only examples. Indeed we learn nothing
we didn't know already about these three groups from our theory, although
there is an interesting structural similarity, which we shall uncover in 5.9.5
between the two groups in (b) which is perhaps not apparent at first glance.
Examples 5.3.4
(c) (Generalising (a) and (b).) Let (R, +, be a ring and (F, +, be a field.
Then (R, +), (F, +) and (Fx,.) are all abelian groups. (For any field F the
set of non-zero elements of F is usually denoted by F><.)
It might be wise, before going further, to give examples which fail to be
(d) (7 —). In fact it's a bit unfair even to write down (t, —) since — is not
a binary operation on For instance,
(e) (7, —). This time — is a binary on the given set 7 but axiom
A fails. [What about N and I? Do they hold or not?]
(f) (7, +). Here N fails since the only conceivable candidate, namely 0, is
not in 7'-.
(g) Here I fails. For instance 2€?'- but there is no x €7 such that
2 x= 1(1 being the clear candidate to satisfy N).
(h) Let n €t and let M(n) denote the set of all equivalence classes, modulo
n, of integers which are coprime to n. Then (M(n), 0) is an abelian group
with qS (n) elements. As we saw in Section 2.4, 1 acts as the identity element
Remark We do not use the additive notation with this abelian group. The
multiplicative notation is much more suggestive and certainly less confusing.
Reminder 1ff, g are two 1—i functions from K onto K then their composition
f ° g is defined by x(f g) = (xf)g for all x K and is itself i—I and onto. (See
2.6.7 and exercise 2.6.9(u).)
Example 5.3.4
(j) If P(X) denotes the set of all permutations on K then (P(K),°) is a
group. For, we have just remarked that is a binary operation on P(X);
composition of functions is associative (see 2.7.6); the identity function,
I:X—.X given by xI=x, for all x€X, acts as the identity element of P(X)
with respect to and, finally, given f P(K) the function acts as an inverse
tof (see 2.6.5 and exercises 2.6.11, 2.6.12).
Axioms and examples 189
(i) When K is a finite set with n elements the set P(X) is often denoted by
The group (more accurately, the group (Sn, o)) is called the symmefric
group on n symbols since leaves fixed each of the n (formal) elementary
symmetric polynomials on the elements of X (see Section 4.7). Clearly Sn
contains exactly n! elements.
(ii) (h) gives the first (specific) example in this chapter of a finite group, that
is a group with only a finite number of elements. ((a), (b) give examples of
groups with infinitely many elements, otherwise called infinite groups.) (j)
gives, in the case when X has more than two elements, our first example of
a non-abelian group. For example, if X = {a, b, c} and if
af=c ag=b
bf=a bg=a
cf=b cg=c
then a(fog)=(af)g =cg =c whereas a(g of)=(ag)f=bf —a. Thusfog and
g of have different effects on a E K; hence f ° g g of, immediately.
For practice, and to assist with 5.3.6, you might care to confirm that
b(fog)=b whilst c(fog)=a.
Notation 5.3.6 If we express f and g in the form suggested by Cauchy,
a b c\ a b c\
namely f and g then their product f ° g is, accord-
= ( c a lv ( b a cl
(12 IT).
ing to the above calculations, expressible as f o g can be calculated
quite quickly according to the following self-explanatory scheme
f '= (' whkh may be expressed as if desired.
(A still more economical way of working with permutations will be developed
in Section 5.5.)
Definition 5.3.7 The number of elements in the group (G, o) is denoted by
GI and is called its order.
Thus we can talk of 'a group of order 6' (for instance the group 53 just
dealt with) or 'a group of infinite order' (as for example in 5.3.4(a)).
190 Basic group theory
To show that there exist groups of every finite order n (ii E we note
Examples 5.3.4
Fig. 5.1
Consider, for instance, the regular n-gon (drawn in Fig! 5.1 for ii = 8). We
label the vertices solely to keep track of them under various rigid motions.
Now any isometry of the plane which preserves the overall position of the
n-gon clearly must send the vertex 1 to one of the vertices 1, 2,. . , n. If we .
suppose that 1 is mapped to the vertex K then the isometry must, since it is
distance preserving, send 2 and n to K — 1 and K +1 (or K +1 and K — 1)
respectively. Whichever of these two possibilities occurs the positions of the
remaining vertices (and indeed all points in the planet) are then automatically
determined. Thus there are exactly 2n distinct isometries of the plane which
'preserve' the regular n-gon. This group of isometries is called the dihedral
group of order 2n. We denote it by
We look a little more closely at this example in the case of n = 8. Let a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8'.
denote the isometry determined by the permutation (2
3 4 6 7 8 i)
Abraham de Moivre (26 May 1667 —27 November 1754).
t Since an isometry is completely determined once the images of three non-coilinear points are
known ([68, p. 140]).
Axioms and examples 191
that a is an anticlockwise rotation through in4 and let b denote the reflection
in the vertical line through the mid-point of the sides 1—2 and 5—6. Thus b
is completely determined by the permutation (2
12345678 Using the
1876 4
same letters for the permutations as for the isometries they correspond to,
we see, using the notation introduced in 2.7.9, that
a 2 =a°a=ç3
f12345678\ a
3712345678\ etc.,
4 5678 1 2)' 5678 1 2 3)'
whilst a8 is the least positive power of a equal to the identity permutation
(or isometry). It is not difficult to check that the 16 (=2n) symmetries of
the regular octagon can be expressed (omitting the a signs) as
I,a,a2 a7,b,ba,...,ba7
where I is the identity permutation and ba for example, denotes (the isometry
determined by) the permutation
2 3 4567 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\_(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
½ 1 8 7 6 54 3R4 5 6 7 8 2 3)k5 4 3 2 8 7 6
1 1
Fig. 5.2
Examples 5.3.4
(n) (i) Let V1 = {1, —1, i, —i} and let ° denote (ordinary) multiplication of
complex numbers.
(ii) Let
(1 (? with o taken as
matrix multiplication.
(iii) Let V3
={(i n 14} with o taken as matrix multiplication.
(p)* The set of all invertible (i.e. non-singular) n X rz matrices with
coefficients in the set X, where X=Z, C, C or 4, forms a group with
respect to matrix multiplication. (By definition, the element A of MJX) is
invertible if! there exists B e such that AB = BA = h, the identity
matrix of Thus A is invertible if! detA = I or —1, and
A€Mn(lm) is invertible if! detA is a unit in 7,,,. For X=Q or or C,
A is invertible ill.. . what?)
(q)* For each X above the subset SL,, (X) of M,,(X) comprising those
matrices with determinant + 1 forms a group with respect to matrix multipli-
Groups of this kind are, for X = R or X = C, of interest to physicists and
chemists. They are special instances of so called Lie groups. These are
essentially groups L in which (i) the elements can be labelled by r-tuples of
continuously varying real number parameters so that (ii) some sort of 'near-
ness' condition (a 'near' c in L and b 'near' d in L is to imply ab is 'near' cd
in L) holds. As another example
(r) The set all mappings of R to of the form
Ta,,, (x) = ax + b constitutes a group with respect to composition of mappings.
Each real number pair (a, b) with a 0 provides a group element. The identity
element is T10. For products and inverses see exercise 10.
I Are the following sets, together with the given multiplication, groups? If not,
list the first of the axioms C, A, N, I which fails.
(a) M2(75): matrix multiplication;
(b) all elements of M2(4) with determinant I: matrix multiplication;
(c) (Z,°)wherea°b=a+b—37;
If anything in this example is unfamiliar to you look it up now. For cf. 3.2.5. GL and
SL stand for general linear (group) and special linear (group) respectively.
Axioms and examples 193
(d) (R,o)whereaob=a+b_ab;
(e) ({2, 4, 6, 8}, 0) where 0 is multiplication mod 10;
(f) the set of all rotations about the origin of 3-dimensional space which
permute the unit vectors ±i, ±k: composition of rotations;
(g) the set of all isometries of 3-dimensional space leaving a given cube
'unchanged': multiplication of isometries of 3-space (cf. 5.3.4 (1));
(h) the set of all permutations on {1, 2, 3, 4} which send 1 to 3 or send 2
to 3: composition;
(i) the set of all vectors in 3-dimensional space: vector product;
(j) {a +bv'2: a, b Q}: ordinary addition;
(k) the non-zero elements of exercise (j): ordinary multiplication;
(I) the six functions fi(x)=x, f4(x)=1, f5(x)=
— — 'N
Fig. 5.3
(iv) There are at least two lines. Figure 5.3 gives a pictorial representation
of an affine geometry with 4 points and 6 lines.
A collineation of an affine geometry is a permutation of the points
of X which maps lines to lines. Show that the set of all collineations
194 Basic group theory
be F, (a + b)t/i = at/i + bc/i and (a b)t/i = at/i bc/i. Show that, under composition,
Theorem 5.4.1 (cf. 3.3.1) In any group G there is exactly one identity
element. Further, to each a e G there corresponds exactly one inverse.
Deductions from the axioms 195
Proof 1a')=((ab)b)a'=(a(bb'))a1—(ae)a=aa'=e.
= (ab) follows.
196 Basic group theory
(i) The fact that, in general, a is just a fact of life that the
beginner must learn to live with. In particular the reader should refrain from
using the notation preference to a ', as many beginners are then tempted
1 Show that if G is a group and if xe G is such that x2 = x then x = e.
2 Show that a group G is abelian if for alla, beG we have =a
3 Let G be a group such that X2 = e for all X e G. Prove that G is abelian.
4 Given a, b, c elements of the group G, show that there exists in G a
unique element x such that aXb = c.
lawsof exponents hold; that is, for all U, V e 7, = a" + V and (a7 = a"".
Show that if G is abelian and if a, b e G then (ab)' = a'!" for all tel.
7 Give a specific example of a semigroup S and elements a, b, c C S
such that ab = ac but b c [You've had examples already in this chapter!]
8 Try to prove the formula in 5.4.6.
Definition 5.5.1 Let f be a permutation on the set X = {1, 2,.. ,n} and let
On the other hand, except for variants of this type, and those arising from
noting that, for example, 13)=(7,3, 13, 13, 1,7)=
(13, 1, 7, 3), the way of representing f is clearly unique.
Notation 5.5.6
(i) It is usual to omit cyclic permutations involving only one element. Thus,
one more way of writing f above is as follows:
f=(6, 12)(8, 15)(2, 10, 9)(1, 7, 3, 13)
(ii) Commas too are often omitted within the cycles.
Theorem 5.5.9 Let the permutation f on the set X = {1, 2,. . , n } be expres- .
(x2—x3). . .
Finally, since the product of two even permutations is now clearly even,
since the identity permutation is even and since the inverse of an even
permutation is even, we have
Theorem 5.5.11 Let X = {1, 2,. . , n}. The set of all even permutations on
Proof The only part left to be proved is that A,,j = Now every permutation
on X is either even or odd. Let pi, P2,.. . Pr be the set of all even permutations
and . ., q5 be the set of all odd permutations [so that r +s = n !]. The
permutations (l2)pi, (l2)P2,. . . , (l2)p. are all odd, are pairwise unequal
[why?] and there are clearly r of them. Thus r s. Similarly the permutations
(12)qi, .. . , (12)q, are all even, pairwise unequal and there are s of them.
Thus s r. Consequently r = s
I The set S of all functions from X = {1, 2, 3} to itself is, with respect to
composition, a semigroup (see exercise 5.3.13) with 27 elements. Show that
it is possible to find a EX andfeS such that af =af' with i Cf but af''
[Hint: Look for a, f such that a, af, af2 are distinct but af =af' if
5x is used as an alternative to P(X).
tSee 3.1O.2(iv).
The symmetric and the alternating groups 201
123456785); 1234567
(2 416837 (1 4 2 7 5 3
3 Express as a product of disjoint cycles:
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7\ (1 2 3 4 5\ (b)
64725 3
36 4 63
Using only the double row notation find XY, YX, Y 'XY. Can you see any
relationship at all between X and Y - 'X Y?
5 Repeat exercise 4 using the single row notation.
6 (i) Prove that if f is any permutation on X and if Xi, x2,.. ,.t, are distinct .
elements of X . ,xr)f=(xif,x2f,.
. ,xj). . .
(ii) Show conversely that if u and v are cyclic permutations of the same
length on X then f'uf= v for some fE
7 (i) Show that the orbit of the permutationf on X determined by a is
equally well determined by af, by af2, etc.
(ii) Prove that if k is the smallest positive integer such that at = a then for
each I El such that 1> k, af' {a, af,. , afk_i}. [Hint: use the division
. .
E (1(c1) — 1) (mod 2), where 1(c,) is the length of c. Deduce that a product of
202 Basic group theory
is odd. It is this which lies behind the fact that the numbers 1, 2,. .., 15 in
the well-known '15-puzzle' cannot (without cheating!) be rearranged in the
reverse order.
In the 15-puzzle can the position
r 14 11
[6 5'lO 4
13 1
8 3 15
be changed (legally!) to
12 13
4 11 3 14
- 7
6 9 8 10
5 2 1
5.6 Subgroups. The order of an element
In studying rings and fields certain subsets, namely subrings and subfields,
arose in a natural way. A similar situation exists in group theory where,
amongst all the subsets of a group G, those which are groups in their own
right, the so-called subgroups of G, stand out as worthy of consideration. A
special type of subgroups, normal subgroups, plays a role analogous to that
played by ideals in the theory of rings at least as far as their connections with
homomorphisms are concerned. On the other hand it seems fair to say that
the concept of subgroup is more important in group theory than is the concept
of subring in ring theory.*
Of course in field theory subfields are more important than ideals (see exercise 3.4.14 and
Theorem 3.10.9).
Subgroups. The order of an element 203
We begin with
Definition 5.6.1 (cf. 3.4.1) A non-empty subset S of the group (G, o) is called
a subgroup of G if! (a) the restriction of ° to S x S is a binary operation on
5, and (13) (5, 3) is a group.
If S is a subgroup of G we shall write S c G. If we know (and if we care)
that S G we can denote this fact by S C G.
Examples 5.6.2
(i) Consider the group S4 of all permutations on the set X = {1, 2, 3, 4}. Thus
54 comprises the 4! 24 elements d) where a, b, c, d are the
integers 1, 2, 3, 4 in some order. (The method of combination, composition
of permutations, is, from now on, understood.) According to example 5.3.4(m)
the subset V comprising the four permutations, I (the identity), (12), (34),
(12)(34), is itself a group with respect to composition of permutations. Thus
The subsets U={s:seS4andd=4} and W={s:seS4and{b,c}={2,3}}
are subgroups of orders 6 and. . . what?. . of S4. A4 is a subgroup of
. of
order 12.
(ii) In the group M = GL,, (C) the subset S of all those n X n matrices with
determinant +1 or —1 and the subset T of all matrices with determinant +1
are subgroups. Thus SCM and T CM. Further, regarding S as a group in
its own right, T <S. This raises the question: Is each subgroup T of each
(sub)group S of a group R necessarily a subgroup of R? We leave this to
exercise 7.
(iii) Let (G, o) be a group. The subsets G and {e} are two (extreme) subgroups
of G. {e} is called the trivial subgroup, any subgroup S {e} is called a
non-trivial subgroup of G and any subgroup S other than G is called a proper
subgroup of G.
(iv) Let (G, o) be a group. Let x E G. Let C = {x k Z}. It is not difficult
to check that C is a subgroup of G. It is called the cyclic subgroup of G
generated by x.
204 Basic group theory
Note that we may have x r = x5 for some r, s E 7 with r > s (as, for example,
when G is a finite group). In this case x'5=x'x5=4_5—e. That is,
some positive power of x coincides with the identity element. This leads us
naturally to
Examples 5.6.4
(i) In (C, .), —1 has order 2, i has order 4, and de Moivre's Theorem tells
(iii) 5 has infinite order in (7, +); 5 has order 2 in $) and order 11 in
Theorem 5.6.5 (cf. 3.4.2 and 3.4.2(F)) Let (G, o) be a group and S a
non-empty subset of G. Then S G ill for all a, b e S we have both
(i) aobeS
(ii) a'eS.
Proof If S is a subgroup of G, so that (5, o) is a group, then clearly, from
a, b e S we deduce a o b e 5, since S is closed under [It is not quite so
straightforward to prove (ii).] Since S is a group it has an identity element f,
say, which is such that f of = f. It follows from exercise 5.4.1 that f coincides
Subgroups. The order of an element 205
(i) We ask the reader to show in exercise 2 that if G is known to be a finite
group then even 5.6.5(u) can be dispensed with since it is then a consequence
of 5.6.5(i). That is, a non-empty subset S of a finite group G is a subgroup of
G if S is closed under the operation on G.
(ii) Some texts define a subgroup of a group G to be a non-empty subset
for which conditions 5.6.5(i), (ii) both hold. Since 5.6.5 is an if and only if
theorem such a definition is equivalent to 5.6.1.
We leave the reader to re-do 5.6.2 in the light of 5.6.5 and pass on to
several of its consequences. First we invite the reader to prove, with the
aid of 5.6.5, the group-theoretic analogue of exercise 3.4.5 and Theorem
3.4.5(F), namely
(The reader who has not read Chapter 3 will lose little by taking this result on
trust. Equally it will not harm him to try to prove it!)
Definition 5.6.8
(i) Let a, b G be such that ab = ba. We then say that a and b commute.
(ii) Put C(G) = {x: x E G and xg = gx for all g E G}. C(G) is called the centre
of G. In words, ((G) is the subset of G comprising those elements which
commute with every element of G.
Proof Clearly e E C(G) so that C(G) is not empty. Let a, b C(G) and let
geG. [Then ag=ga and bg=gb.] It fol!ows that (ab)g=a(bg)=a(gb)=
Also a that
is ga' = atg. Thus a' E C(G) so that C(G) is a subgroup of G. Finally, C(G)
is abelian. For, let a, b be any two elements of C(G). Then ag = ga for all
g E G; in particular when g = b.
Examples 5.6.10
(i) The group with 16 elements in example 5.3.4(1) has centre comprising
the two elements a4 and e. For, as observed there, every element of the group
can be expressed in one of the 16 forms a' or ba (i = 0, 1,. , 7). Now. .
Any group whose centre is no bigger than the trivial subgroup is called a
group with trivial centre or even a group with no centre!
a set of generators for (U). If (U) = 0 then {a, b, c,. .} is described as a set
Examples 5.6.13
(i) (7, +) has, amongst infinitely many others, the generating sets {1}, {—1},
{2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}. The first two are the only one-generator subsets; the third
has two elements, neither of which is redundant.
(ii) .) has, as one of its generating sets, the set of all (positive) primes.
has no generating sets with only finitely many elements (see
exercise 22).
Proof By 5.6.6 fl
is a subgroup of G containing U and hence <U). The
remaining details are left to you (see exercise 24).
Remark We see that 'the cyclic subgroup generated by x' of 5.6.2(iv) has,
according to 5.6.11, a generating set comprising just {x}. Thus 5.6.11 gen-
eralises the notion of generator for a cyclic (sub)group.
I Let S be a non-empty subset of a group G. Show that S is a subgroup of
G if for all a, b eS we have ab1 €5 (cf. exercise 3.4.4).
2 Let 5 be a non-empty subset of a finite group G. Show that S is a subgroup
of Q if for all a, b S we have ab €5. Show, using the simplest infinite group
you know, that this result is in general false for subsets of infinite groups.
specific example to show that G =A uB uC where A <G, B <G, C<G is
possible. [Hint: 5.3.4(m) has three suitable subgroups of order 2.]
208 Basic group theory
4 Show that in an abelian group G the set of all elements of finite order
forms a subgroup. (This conclusion may not be valid if 0 is not abelian; see
exercise 12.)
5 Show that the set of all elements of S15 which fix the symbols 3 and 7 and
permute 4, 9, 13 amongst themselves forms a subgroup T of S15. Find 1TI.
6 Let S be the subset of all elements of which map 5 to 7, 7 to 13 and
13 to S. IsS asubgroupof 0?
7 Given that (5, 3) (G, o) and given that (T, (5, 3) (where is the
restriction of 3 to T x T) show that (T, c (0, o) (This proves that a subgroup
of a subgroup of 0 is a subgroup of 0.)
8 (a) List all the subgroups of the group of order 16 in example 5.3.4(1).
[Lagrange's theorem in Section 5.7 would help a lot here!]
(b) List all the subgroups of order 4 in S4 and all those of order 5 in S5.
9 Show that S7 has an element of order 12, but 56 does not. [Hint: 12=3 . 4.
See 5.6.4(v).]
10 (i) Show that if for all a, b G we know a2b2 = (ab)2 then 0 is abelian.
[Hint: aabb = abab is given.]
(ii) Find elements a, b €53 such that a2b2 (ab)2.
Show that every element of this group is of finite order and that for any
E there exists an element of order exactly n.
17 Show that for eachn
18 Find the centre of 0L2(R). [Hint: If g is in the centre it commutes with
1) and (1
We begin with
Examples 5.7.2
(i) The group S3 comprising the 3! = 6 permutations on the set X = {1, 2, 3}
contains the subset H = {I, (1 2)} as a subgroup. One easily checks that there
are three distinct left cosets of H in 53, namely:
plane K passing through the point (3. Se, 4v2) and parallel in of to H.
Remark Certain general facts about cosets are reflected in (i) above. There
we have:
(A) (23)H ={(23), (123)}#{(23), (132)}=H(23);
(B) H(23) = H(132) even though (23) (132);
(C) all the cosets—on right and left—contain the same number of elements
(in this case 2);
(D) H is always one of the left cosets and always one of the right cosets.
Cosets of subgroups. Lagrange's theorem 211
Lemma 5.7.4 (cf. 4.2.14) Let H G and let g2 G. Then either g1H =
g2H or g1H n g2H = 0. (That is, any two left cosets of H in G are either
identical or miss each other completely.)
Proof Suppose g1H n g2H is not empty and let c be an element common
to both cosets. In particular c giH and so c = g1h * for suitable h * H. Then
cH{ch: h €H}={gih*h: h €H}={gih: R€H} (see exercise 3)=giH. In a
like manner, since c g2H we deduce that cH = g2H. Thus g1H = cH = g2H,
as claimed.
Now it is trivial to note that each element of G lies in some left coset of
H in G; indeed g = ge gH. Thus we see that G is the set-theoretic union
of a number of left cosets of H. From 5.7.4 and 5.7.3 we see that distinct
cosets are mutually disjoint and contain the same number, namely HI, of
elements. Thus if G is a finite group and if G is the union of r distinct left
cosets of H in G we see (by counting!) that GI = rIHI. An identical argument
for right cosets shows that if G is the union of s distinct right cosets of H in
G then al = sIHI. It follows that r = s. This leads to
Definition 5.7.5 Let H c G with I°I finite. The number of right cosets of
H in G (which is equal to the number of left cosets of H in G) is called the
index of H in G. It is denoted by IG:HI.
We then have
think this assertion is true? If so, try and prove it; if not, try to find a
counterexample. [As the answer to the problem will be given later, don't spend
more than an hour at it. You might begin by looking at a few specific
examples—in theory you have infinitely many permutation groups at your
Problem 3 Can you say anything significant about a group G which is known
to have order 107?
1 List the left and right cosets of the subgroup S = {I, (123), (132)} in A4.
2 List the left and right cosets of the subgroup V = {I, (12)(34), (13)(24),
(14)(23)} in A4.
{gh: heH}=gH. Deduce that h*H=H=Hh*.
4 Show that, for c,dEG, cH=dH if C1ceH. Deduce that cH=H if
c E H.
9 Let ga,. . . , gr be a set of elements, one from each of the r left cosets
of H in G. Show that gi', . . . , g1 is a set of elements one from each
of the r right cosets of H in G.
10 Let G be a finite group. Show that for all g G one has = e. [Hint:
the order of an element....]
11 A finite group 0 contains elements of every finite order up to and
including 12. Find the least possible value of 10!.
Cyclic groups 213
-i2 + 2
• +
2 2
Fig. 5.4
Fig. 5.5
* A group may have all its proper subgroups cyclic of prime order and yet be infinite. See
Mathematical Reviews, Vol. 80i, review 20013.
214 Basic group theory
Remark We show in 5.9.3 that the above prototypes are essentially the only
examples of cyclic groups of orders 6 and infinity respectively.
We know (by 5.3.4(k)) that for each n E there exists at least one cyclic
group of order n. We illustrate the power of Lagrange's Theorem by showing
that, if n is a prime, then all groups of order n are cyclic. (In particular we
answer problem 3 above.)
(i) Since it is clear (exercise 1) that every cyclic group is necessarily abelian
we see immediately that there can be no non-abelian groups of order n when
n is a prime.
(ii) In a group of prime order any element, other than e, can be taken as a
Not only are cyclic groups simply defined but their subgroup structure can
be completely described. (Such a description is out of the question for most
If G is a finite cyclic group with generator x and if IG1 j k where ke
then it should be reasonably clear that the element x' generates a (cyclic)
subgroup S of G of order k and index j (see exercise 2). Similarly, if G is an
infinite cyclic group with generator x, it is clear that, for E t,
the elements
x' and x generate the same (cyclic) subgroup S of G, that S is an infinite
cyclic group and that 6:51=!.
We amplify these observations in
Cyclic groups 215
Theorem 5.8.2
(i) Each subgroup S of a finite cyclic group G is a (finite) cyclic group whose
index in G divides IGL Further, given any j such that I IIGI there exists
exactly one subgroup of G with index j.
(ii) Each subgroup S (other than S = {e}) of an infinite cyclic group G is an
infinite cyclic group of finite index in G. Further, given any f t there exists
exactly one subgroup of G with index j.
Proof Let S be a subgroup of the [finite or infinite] cyclic group G = (x). If
S = (e) then S is certainly cyclic, generated by e. Assuming S (e) choose a
to be the smallest positive integer such that €5. [Why does such an a
exist?] Now suppose that (/3 1) also lies in S. By the division algorithm
there exist integers m, r €/ such that /3 = ma + r where 0 r <a. Since x3 €5
and since (x")m €5 we see that f ES. By the choice of a, we see
that r =0 whence /3 = ma and x13 = (x")m. Thus S is the cyclic subgroup of G
generated by x2. Further use of the division algorithm* shows that in either
case G is the disjoint set-theoretic union of cosets 5, xS Thus
JG:SI=a is finite and, in case IGI is finite, G:SIHGI.
To complete the proof we note that the discussion preceding this theorem
shows that in each case there is certainly at least one subgroup of the desired
kind. Suppose now that 5, T are (in case (i) or in case (ii)) subgroups of the
same index in G and let u, r denote respectively the smallest positive integers
such that €5 and xT T. Then, whether G be finite or infinite, a = jG :SI =
G: TI = r follows, as required.
Remark In the infinite cyclic group generated by x the single subgroup of
index 12 can be generated only by x12 or x 12 whereas in the cyclic group of
order 120 the single subgroup of index 12 can be generated by x 12, by x36,
by x84 and by x108 [See exercise 3 if you don't understand why.]
Another way of phrasing part of 5.8.2 is to say: Each subgroup of a group
which can be generated by a single element can itself be generated by a single
The reader may care, after considering a few specific examples, to try and
Problem 4 Let G be a group which can be generated by two elements. Is
it necessarily the case that every subgroup of 0 can be generated by (at most)
two elements? [Exercise 5.6.25 looks helpful.]
In these exercises will denote the cyclic group of order n with generator x.
1 Prove that every cyclic group is abelian. Give an example of an abelian
group which isn't cyclic. [Hint: search examples 5.3.4.]
Do you recognize this argument? See 3.7.15, 1.4.4, 4.3.4.
216 Basic group theory
7 Show that if the group G (e) has no subgroups apart from (e) and G
then G is finite and has prime order. (You are not meant to assume G is
finite. Prove that first!)
8 List all subgroups of C120. (To see relative difficulty now try to list all the
subgroups of
9 Give an example of a finite group G such that all proper subgroups of G
are cyclic but G is not even abelian and, hence, certainly not cyclic. (You do
know of such an example.)
10 Is (0, +) cyclic? Let a, b e 0. Is the subgroup (a, b) of 0 cyclic?
11 Is ({a a, b 0}, +) cyclic?
12 Is ({a +b'12: a, b E0; a, b not both zero}, cyclic?
13 It has been conjectured* that 2 is a primitive root of infinitely many
primes. Show that 2 a primitive root
of 41.
14 Let P={x:xEC and for some nEt,x"=l}. Show that is an
infinite group. Show that P is not cyclic but that every proper subgroup of P
is a finite cyclic group of order ptm for some vn.
15 What can you say about a group with 391 581 x 2216193_I elements?
Fig. 5.6
Examples 5.9.2
(i) The map 0: (1, +) -÷ (2/, +) given by zO 2z is an isomorphism between
these two groups. (Comparison with 3.10.2(vii) is interesting!)
(ii) In the group of all permutations on the set {1, 2,. . , n} the subgroup
e a b C
e e a b c
a a e c b
bbc ea
c c b a e
Our working tells us that, apart from the cyclic group of order 4 there can
exist, up to isomorphism, at most one other group with four elements. Such
a group does exist as we already know (example 5.3.4(m)). Note that, in
particular, every group with four elements must be abelian.
We leave the reader to check (exercise 14) that there is, up to isomorphism,
only one group of order 3 and likewise that there are only two groups of
order 6. (And you already know of a concrete example of each type.)
This sort of analysis can be carried out on groups of higher order: the
reader might care to try to show there are (up to isomorphism) five distinct
groups of order 8, three of which are abelian.
The usefulness of multiplication tables, other than for purposes of exposi-
tion, is just about nil! You can convince yourself of this by writing out the
256 entries in the multiplication table of the group in 5.3.4(1) and then
observing that in fact the group appears to be summarised by the assertions
(i) that group is generated by two elements, a and b; (ii) all relationships
between the various elements can be deduced from three basic ones, viz,
a8=e, b2=e, V'ab=a'. This description of the group, presented in the
lsomorphism. Group tables 219
form (a, b; a8 =e, = e, b 1ab = a S'), is clearly much more economical than
a 16 x 16 multiplication table. Such 'presentations' have obvious advantages
in the case of infinite groups; furthermore groups tend to make their
appearances in terms of presentations in certain branches of mathematics,
in particular in topology.
We now give three instances of the isomorphism concept in action. Firstly
we confirm the essential uniqueness of cyclic groups of a given order.
Theorem 5.9.3
(i) Every cyclic group of finite order n is isomorphic to the multiplicative
group of all complex nth roots of 1.
(ii) Every infinite cyclic group is isomorphic to the group (/, +).
Proof We shall prove part (i) only (leaving (ii) to exercise 1), using the
additive notation for the given cyclic group.
Thus let (G, +) be a cyclic group of order n with generator a [say, and
consequently elements 0, a, 2a, . $ . , (n — 1)a]. Let (Ca, denote the group of
nth roots of 1 under multiplication. We know the element cos i sin
It is now a small step to prove that every two cyclic groups of order n (vi
finite or infinite) are isomorphic to each other. Clearly we need
Proof Let p, a be the 1—1 mappings from G onto H and from G onto K
which show that G and G aK. Since p is 1—1 and onto there exists the
inverse mapping p -I H -÷ G and it is easy to check is an isomorphism
between H and G (exercise 2).
Now define the map r: H -÷ K by r = p"' °a (where o denotes composition
of functions). We already know that i- is 1—1 and onto K (exercise 2.6.9(u))
and we leave the checking of the remaining property to exercise 2.
Remark The above proof was kept to a minimum in order to impress the
reader with its brevity. You might argue that I ought to show that ui is 1—1
and onto, but these facts together with the third requirement, which is nothing
more than the fact that for all x, y eR we have =eX ?, I feel I can leave
to you solely because the proposed mapping is such a familiar one. In the
case of a less familiar, or more awkwardly defined, mapping between two
groups I would probably feel obliged to go into more specific details in order
to convince you of my claim.
1846 rather than take the Holy Orders necessary for prolonging his
stay. He turned to the Law and during 14 years at the bar produced
almost 300 mathematical papers. Whilst at Lincoln's Inn he became
friendly with J J Sylvester who, like Cayley, was pursuing
mathematics and law simultaneously. Together they essentially
founded the theory of invariants. They were so prolific in this area
that they were given the name 'Invariant Twins'. In 1863 Cayley took
the Sadlerian chair at Cambridge where he remained until his death.
Cayley, who was a good linguist with a keen interest in painting and
mountaineering, wrote 966 papers. Only one book* (on elliptic
functions) bears his name; but he willingly helped in the writing of
several others.
Cayley contributed greatly to the geometry of curves and surfaces.
In 1854 he introduced the concept of abstract group. He also wrote
on matrices, determinants, quaternions, the theory of equations,
dynamics, and astronomy.
Theorem 5.9.6 (Cayley's Theorem) Let (G, *) be any group. Then (G, *) is
isomorphic to a group of permutations on the set G.
Remark This theorem, proved by Cayley in 1854, showed that the new
'abstract' theory of groups was subsumed under the theory of permutation
groups from which the abstract theory was emerging. Since the theorem says
that every finite group of order n is (isomorphically) contained in it is
sometimes remarked that the study of finite group theory is reduced to the
study of the subgroups of every But can one really hope to find out very
much about the five groups of order 8, for example, by looking at the subgroup
222 Basic group theory
1 Show that each infinite cyclic group is isomorphic to (1, +). Deduce that
all infinite cyclic groups are pairwise isomorphic.
2 Show (i) that for each group 0 the identity map i: 0 (see 2.6.5) is
an isomorphism; (ii) that if p: 0 onto H then
H (see 2.6.5) is an isomorphism from H onto 0; (iii) that if a: G -*H
and r: H -* K are isomorphisms then a ° r: 0-* K is an isomorphism. Deduce
that 'is isomorphic to' is an equivalence relation on the class of all groups.
3 Is A6a55? (A proof, or a reason why not, is required.)
4 Show that 56 has an abelian subgroup and also a non-abelian subgroup
each of order 6. Are these subgroups isomorphic?
5 Is the map x -* 3x an isomorphism (i) of with itself; (ii) of (Q, +)
with itself?
6 Is 4, S, ?}, 0) — numbers mod 10 and mod 8 respec-
7 Is (M(14), ®)?
8 ob =a+b—7?
9 Show that the set of all non-zero matrices of the form ( in M2(R)
forms, under matrix multiplication, a group isomorphic to (CX,.)
10 Show that for every a, b and every n E t there exist x, y e such
/ x i a b
that( =(
\—y xl
\—b a
11 (a)
Is ({a +b',12: a, bEQ; a, b not both zero},
12 Is +)? (Cf. 5.9.2(v).) Is (0, .)? (Cf.
13 Let cv be a complex cube root of unity and the real cube root of 2.
Is (Q(J2)\{O}, (4.3.4 may help.)
14 Prove that there is, up to isomorphism, only one group of order 3 and
just two groups of order 6. Write out their multiplication tables.
It's not enough to say n/i = e' is not an isomorphism (since e' may not belong to 0). You must
allow the possibility that a very peculiarly defined map may establish the isomorphism.
Homomorphisms. Normal subgroups 223
of vital importance, as we shall see. Apart from uses within group theory of
the kind just described for the case of rings, many of the applications of group
theory to physics and chemistry involve 'representing' groups by mapping
them homomorphically onto groups of matrices (see, for example, [62], [72]).
With no more motivation we give
Definition 5.10.1 (cf. 4.2.3) Let (G, o) and (H, *) be groups. A mapping
i/i: G -÷ H from the set G into the set H is called a homomorphism itT for all
a,beG wehave(a ob)ilj—_(aifr)*(bil'j).
(i) As with 4.2.3 we do not insist that i/i is 1—1, nor that it is onto. Of course,
if it is both 1—i and onto then il' is an isomorphism between G and H.
(ii) The subset Gui = {gufi: g E G} c H is easily shown to be a subgroup of H.
[Show it!] We refer to the group Gil' as a homomorphic image of G. Because
'homomorphic image of' is not a symmetrical binary relation on the class of
all groups we do not use expressions such as 'Gil' is homomorphic to G'.
(iii) You may picture a homomorphism as in Fig. 4.1.
Examples 5.10.2
(i) The map r Z —>74 given by zr = 2 is a rather simple example of a
homomorphism from (Z, +) onto (Zr, r is clearly not 1—1.
(ii) The map r: (R) -> R>< given by Mr = det M is a homomorphism which
is onto and, for n not 1—1.
(iii) The following generalises Cayley's theorem, 5.9.6. Let G be any group
and H any subgroup. Let C0(H) be the set of all right cosets of H in G. For
each a E G define Pa to be the permutation of C0(H) defined by Hga.
Letting S denote the group of all permutations on C0(H), the map -r: G—>S
defined by ar is a homomorphism (exercise 19).
(iv) The map r from the group with 16 elements in 5.3.4(1) to the group
comprising the four matrices
xr=ko i) ifxe{I,a ,a ,a }
. 2 4 6
xrç0 —i)
ifxE{a,a ,a ,a }
- 3 5 7
Homomorphisms. Normal subgroups 225
if xe{ba,ba3,ba5,ba7}
is a homomorphism.
Theorem 5.10.3 (cf. 4.2.6) Let i/i be a homomorphism from the group G
into the group H. Then (i) ec$/I=eH; (ii) For all geG, (We
use the notation ec, eH for the identity elements of G and H in order to
distinguish them more readily.)
(i) e0 = eGea. Hence ea* = (eGeG)Lff = (e0*)(e0i/i). From exercise 5.4.1 it
follows immediately that eQ* = eK.
by 5.4.1.
The reader should have little difficulty in proving that ker i/i is a subgroup
of G (exercise 10).
To qualify as a kernel of some homomorphism a subgroup must have special
qualities. We introduce these in
Theorem 5.10.6 Let i/i: 0 -*H be a homomorphism. Then ker i/i is a normal
subgroup of 0.
Proof Ker i/i is a subgroup, by exercise 10. Suppose n E ker i/i and let g E 0.
Then (g1ng)tfi=(gtcfr)' (gtfi)=(gt/i)' eH (gcfi)en. Thus g1nge
(n&fi) .
ker tf, for all n e ker q',. Thus for each g E 0 we have g1Ng N. In particular,
for each g €0, (g')'Ng1 c N whence N c g1Ng (see
exercise 11). Thus g - 'Ng = N for each g e 0, as required.
This concept was introduced by Galois.
226 Basic group theory
Examples 5.10.7
(i) If is an isomorphism, or more generally if iJi is 1—1, then ker /i = (e0).
Clearly (eG)clG.
(ii) If i/i is defined by gil' = eH for all g E G then ker i/i = G. Clearly G c G.
(iii) The kernels of the homomorphisms described in 5.10.2 are respectively
Theorem 5.10.8 Let G be a group and N < G such that IG : Ni =2. Then
Proof Let g be any element of G which is not in N. Since there are just two
left cosets of N in G we conclude that G = NC gN (the dot indicating disjoint
union). But also G = NC'Ng for the same reason. Thus the subsets gN and
Ng of G are identical. That is Ng = gN, whence (by exercise 11) g 'Ng N.
On theotherhandifg EN then gN =N =Ng (exercise 5.7.3)so that g tNg =
N in that case too.
We finish this section by proving a result we shall call upon from time to time,
Remark The conclusion in (iv) is not necessarily true if i/i is not onto H (see
exercise 7).
Proof of 5.10.10
(i) First note that Si/i 0 since S 0. Now let h1, h2 E Si/i. Then there exist
elements g1, g2 ES such that = h1 and g2i/i = h2. Then h1h2 = g1t/i g2(// =
(glg2)t/'ESI/' since gI,g2ES Also hI1 =(giifrYt=gI1i/ieSi/' since
g1ES and by 5.6.5.
(ii) First note that Ti/F1 0 since eG E Ti/F'. Now if E Ti/F' then there
existhi, h2e Tsuchthatgii/i=hiandg2q!i=h2.Butthen(g,g2)&i' . =
h1h2€ T since h1, h2e T and Thus g1g2E Ti/F'. Also =
(iii) Let ge G and let k Ti/F'. Then gi/i€H and ki//€ T. Thus (g'kg)i/i =
(gi/r)'ki/,(gi/i)€ T (since TcH). Thus TI/F' and hence Ti/i 'cG.
(iv) We leave to the reader.
1 Show that the maps defined in example 5.10.2(i) and (ii) are
2 Let (A, +) be an abelian group. Show that for each m €1 the map
defined by aCm = ma, for all a A, is a homomorphism of A to itself. If m > I
can still map A onto itself?
3 Show that every homomorphic image of an abelian group is abelian and
of a cyclic group is cyclic. Show that under a homomorphism an element of
finite order n maps to an element of order m dividing n. Give a specific
instance where m n.
4 How many pairwise non-isomorphic groups can you find which are
homomorphic images of 53?
S Find, or prove the impossibility of finding, homomorphisms (i) from
®)onto<Z6, ®>;(ii)from<112, e>onto<15, ®);(iii)from<Z, +>
onto <M(14), 0).
6 Let be the complex plane augmented by an extra point 'oo'. Let
a,b,c,d€C Definef:C -*C by:
az+b d
f(x') =
228 Basic group theory
and by
az +b
Show that (i) under composition these mappings form a group G; and (ii) G
is a homomorphic image of GL2(C). [Hint: -÷ t.] Is this homomorphism
an isomorphism?
7 Find groups G and H, a subgroup S of G and a homomorphism i/i: G -÷ H
such that ScG but SP+H.
8 Give an example of a homomorphism from <S,,, onto <{ — 1, 1 }, >.
9 Let U be a set of generators for a group G. Let /i:G-÷H be a homo-
morphism. Explain why, for each x e G, xg!i is completely determined once
ut/i is known for each u E U.
10 Show that the kernel of any homomorphism is a subgroup.
11 Show that if M c G and N c G and if g e G then (i) gN = Ng itT =
12 Show that in an abelian group all subgroups are normal. Find an example
of a non-abelian group G in which all subgroups are normal. [Hint: example
5 .9.2(iv)j
13 (a) Show that the subset I, a2, a4, a6 forms a normal subgroup of the
group of 5.3.4(1).
(b) Show that ((12)) is not a normal subgroup of S3. Thus H <G and
G: Hj = 3 are together not enough to imply H ciG. (Cf. 5.10.8.)
14 Show that every subgroup of C(G) is normal in G.
15 Show that if G has just one subgroup S of order 20 then SciG. What
significance has the integer 20?
16 ShowthatifHciGandKciGthenflnKciG,and(HuK).cG.
17 Show by example that H cK G and K .cG do not necessarily imply
HciG. [Hint: A4j
18 Show that for every group G we have Inn (G)cAut (G). (See
exercise 5.9.18.)
19 Let H c G with G: HI = r and let Hg1, Hg2 Hg. be the distinct right
cosets of H in G. For each g G let be the map sending each Hg to Hg1g.
Show that each is a permutation on the set X = {Hg1 Show that
the map fr: G -+ defined by gØ = is a homomorphism whose kernel is
Factor groups. The ffrst isomorphism theorem 229
fl g
'Hg. Deduce that fl
gtHg is the largest normal subgroup of G to
be found in H.
20 Use exercise 19 to show that if a finitç group G with more than 24
elements has a subgroup of index 4 then G has a normal subgroup N such
that (e) <N < G. (We shall use this idea later in the case when IGI = 36.
See 6.6.3.)
21 Let i/i: G—÷M be a homomorphism of the group G onto a (multiplicative)
group of matrices. Given g, he G show that det (hi/i) = det ((g 1hg)i/i) and that
trace (hi/i)=trace ((g1hg)ifr).
(N) N(=eN) is clearly such that eN aN=aN eN=aN for all aNeG/N;
(1) GiveriaNeG,/Nweseethata 'N=eN=Nsothat
a'N = (aNfl', as required.
For the 'only if' part of this theorem see exercise 1 below.
Definition 5.11.2 The group just constructed is called the factor group* (or
quotient group) of G with respect to N.
Sec the footnote to 4.2.17.
230 Basic group theory
see that does contain an element yN, say, of order p. Thus (yNY = ec,N = N.
It follows that yP eN (exercise 3) and hence that y" =xt for some r. Con-
sequently y = x = e. Thus y" has order p or order 1. But C has no elements
of order p and so =e. But then yN has order dividing it (exercise 5.10.3)
so that p In after all. This contradiction shows no such counterexample C can
exist and so the theorem is proved.
And now for the converse of Lagrange's Theorem for finite abelian groups.
(See Problem 2.)
Theorem 5.11.5 Let G be a finite abelian group. For each m Ct such that
m IGI, G has a subgroup of order m.
* We occasionally write — as an alternative to C/N.
Factor groups. The ffrst isomorphism theorem 231
We have seen in 5.11.3 that every group of the form GIN, where N G,
is a homomorphic image of G. We now show that, conversely, the set of all
homomorphic images of G is essentially restricted to groups of this type.
Applications of this theorem are given in exercise 6 below, and in exercises
6.2.17, 6.3.16 and 6.3.17.
Proof Define a map 6:H—*G/K by: If h =gi/ set h6'=gK. We must first
check that 6 is indeed a map.* Thus suppose h = if' = g21/I. Then (g =
so that g1 e ker i/i = K. Consequently g1K = g2K so that 6 is well defined.
[Do you understand that? Are you sure?]
Clearly B is onto G/K. [If gK G/K then hO = gK if we choose h = gq'i.]
g2K. Thus =ker i/i. Therefore g1ifi=g2Ø; that is h1 =h2.]
a homomorphism. [With notation as above h10 h20 = g1K
o is =
g1g2K = ((gig2)ifi)O = (g1ifr = (h1h2)O, as required.]
That is, we must check 0 is well defined.
232 Basic group theory
1 Show that if one is to make a group out of the left cosets of the subgroup
N of the group G by defining, for a, b e G, aN bN = abN, then it is necessary
that N be normal in G. [Hint: aN = cN, bN = dN imply a - 1c E N and
Hence if b
a be any element of N, c = 1 and b any element of G.
Cf. exercise 4.2.16.]
2 Prove that V={I,(12)(34),(13)(24),(14)(23)} is a normal subgroup of
54. To which group, with which we are already familiar, is 54/ V isomorphic?
[Hint: What is 154/V1?]
3 Let NcaG. Show that if gN has order n in GIN then gtm eN if! nim.
4 Let T be the set of all elements of finite order in the (possibly infinite)
abelian group A. Show that T is a (normal) subgroup of A and prove that
A/T has no elements of finite order (other than the identity element).
6 Show that, for each group G, Inn (G) G/C(G). [Hint: map G -÷ Inn G
by g (see exercise 5.9.18) and show that the kernel is C(G). Now use
7 (a)
The Second Isomorphism Theorem is proved in Section 6.5.
Space groups and plane symmetry groups 233
Fig. 5.7
* Western authors tend to credit A Schönflies and W Barlow with their independent discovery.
In fact it appears both Fedorov and Schönflies made errors which were eliminated by their
corresponding with one another.
234 Basic group theory
(i) (ii)
Fig. 5.8
. •ps2r1. • • •
• • . •pst •pst2 •
•p(1 •p •pt •
S • • S
Fig. 5.9
Fig. 5.10
See [132, p. 286].] Suppose t moves c0 to c1 (Fig. 5.10) and that r moves c1
to c'1. Now the isometry t' r - 'tr, which clearly belongs to G, is a translation
which sends c0 to c'1 ([69, p. 102]). Then 1t' is a translation sending c1 to
cL Since t was chosen as small as possible we see that the distance is
no shorter than c0c1. It follows that angle c1c0c1 is at least 60°. Thus
n 3
whence n 6. The reader is invited to prove that the case n = 5 is also
impossible ([69, p. 111]). We thus have
A consequence of 5.12.2 is that there are only 5 basic types of lattice which
can underlie a plane symmetry group. Let us first consider what possible
symmetries, apart from translations, a lattice of points as in Fig. 5.9 may
have. Clearly every lattice has rotational symmetry through angle IT (so-called
diad rotation). Next suppose L is a lattice possessing rotational symmetry of
order 3. There are clearly two cases, Fig. 5.11(i) and (ii), depending on whether
(1) (ii) (iII) (iv)
Fig. 5.11
or not the rotation centre C is or is not a lattice point. In fact the two cases
give rise to identical lattices* comprising equilateral triangles. Clearly this
lattice has 6-fold rotational symmetry about each of its lattice points—and in
fact any 'hexad' lattice must be of this type ([69, p. 112]). A similar analysis
shows that a lattice with 4-fold rotational symmetry must be a square lattice
(Fig. 5.11(iii) and (iv)).
Lattices possessing reflectional symmetry in a line (which need not contain
any lattice point) must be made up of rectangles or rhombuses ([69, p. 112]).
In this latter case the lattice is often thought of as 'centred rectangular' (Fig.
5.12). Finally, if a lattice has glide-reflectional symmetry it is necessarily of
centred rectangular type ([69, p. 113]).
Thus there are only 5 kinds of lattices when we distinguish them by their
symmetries, namely those in Fig. 5.12. These are the 2-dimensional analogues
of the 14 Bravais lattices mentioned earlier.
• . . • S • . S S S
S • • S S • S S • • S
S S • . S • S S S S
• S S S S S S S
• S S
• • • S S S S S
• S S
• S S S S S S
We now make
In any such group there can be neither translations nor glide reflections
(why not?). Consequently either all the elements of K are rotations or one
half of them are rotations and the other half reflections (cf. the proof of
5.5.11). It follows from 5.12.2 that K is (isomorphic to) one of the cyclic
groups or one of the dihedral* groups where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6.
We now show how each plane group G determines a crystallographic point
group as a homomorphic image. We choose some point 0, say, in the plane.
Note that if p is any isometry of which moves the point 0 to the point a
and if t is the translation of R2 moving 0 to a then s = moves 0 to 0,
that is, s is either a rotation about 0 or a reflection in a line through 0.
Further we may write p = st. Moreover the subgroup T of translations of
is a normal subgroup of E (cf. the proof of 5.12.2). It is then immediate that
H = T n G, that is, the subgroup of translations in G is a normal subgroup
of G.
Now suppose that = s1t1 and g2 = s2t2 are elements of G written in the
above form. (Note: it isn't asserted that either or t1 lies in G.) Then
glg2=sls2 t2. Here is a translation (cf. the proof of 5.12.2),
whilst fixes 0 (since both and do). In a similar manner gj' =
may be written siGtsI1, being a rotation about 0, sttisi' being a
translation. We thus see that the set of all s which appear as 'rotation-reflection
components' of elements of G forms a group K fixing the point 0. Further
the map O:G-K given by g10=(sit1)O=s1 is a homomorphism of G onto
K with ker 0 = H. Finally let the elements of H be applied to the point 0 to
produce the lattice L. Suppose a L so that a = Ot for suitable t H. Let
s K. Then there is g G such that g = st1 for suitable t1 T. Then as = Ots =
the lattice into itself. Thus as = Og - 'tg is a point of L. Thus K G/H is a point
group mapping the lattice determined by H and 0 to itself.
The above analysis shows how we should be able to find systematically all
possible plane groups starting from the five lattices and the ten point groups.
The method is indicated in [70] and [120]. Bearing in mind the remark in
[120] that 'the passive contemplation of wallpaper patterns ... is not mathema-
tics' we invite the reader whom we have managed to interest to read [73] or [120]
and look at the 3-dimensional case in [70]. A more geometrical approach is
given in [69] (see also [63]).
There follows a description of the 17 plane groups in pictorial terms and also
in terms of generators and relations (see [10]).
D,, is, for each n c the group of 2n symmetries of a regular n-gon (see 5.3.4fl)). The 1-gon
and 2-gon are pictured respectively as '—.—-' and
238 Basic group theory
Ii) p1 (ii) p2
generated by two translations generated by three half turns
<x,y t12=t22 =t32 = = I>
3j, F
(iii) pm (iv) pg
generated by two reflections and a translation generated by two parallel
<r1,r2,y:r12=r22=1,r1y='yr1,r2yyr2> glide reflections
<p,q p2 =q2>
(vii) pgg
generated by two perpendicular
glide reflections
<p,q: (pq)2 (p1q)2 = 1>
Fig. 5.13
Space groups and plane symmetry groups 239
94p J
F 9 F [ 9 F
E. —
E Fr E rr E rr
9 .1J 9 .Lt 9
E rr E Fr
.u 9 .u -U 9
E E Fr E Fr
-U 9 .u 9 .u
E Fr E Fr E Fr
u-F £F'\
7[iiy u-F
-U 9
E Fr E Fr E Fr
(xvii) p6m
generated by reflections in the sides
of a (30°, 600, 90°) triangle
<r1,r2,r3 : r12 =r22 orj1 = (r1r2)3 = (r2r3)6 = (r3r1)2 1>
Fig. 5.13 (cont.)
Space groups and plane symmetry groups 241
In each part of Fig. 5.13 the shaded region is a fundamental region in the
sense that when the elements of the group in question are applied to it the
resulting regions completely fill the plane without overlap. No doubt you will
be able to think of different systems of generators and relations to those given.
In view of the remarks at the end of Section 6.1 it is worthwhile reiterating
the earlier remark that the enumeration of the 230 space groups was completed
more than 20 years before the assumption of regularity of crystal structure
on which it was based was confirmed ([64J).
Exercise Try to find all frieze patterns. These are the 2-dimensional repeating
patterns whose symmetry groups are discrete and infinite but also leave a line
in fixed. In such groups the subgroup of translations must be isomorphic
to the infinite cyclic group. There are seven distinct frieze patterns; their
symmetry groups fall into four isomorphism classes. We give you two of the
seven to get you started (see Fig. 5.14). The first has translations and the
<t,r <g,r
Fig. 5.14
second has glide reflections, and not vice versa. Although their symmetry
groups are abstractly isomorphic there is (trivially) no isomorphism between
the groups under which isometries in one group map to isometries of the same
kind in the other group. This finer analysis distinguishes the symmetry groups
of these patterns and hence the patterns themselves.
A derivation of these patterns can be found in [69].
Structure theorems of group
6.1 Introduction
In much of what we have done so far, applications of the work have been at the
backs of our minds. In Chapters 2 and 3 we gave applications of algebra to
number theory whilst in Chapter 4 we applied our theory to geometrical
construction problems and to polynomial equations over C. In Chapter 5 we
saw the beginnings of a connection between solving equations by radicals and
groups of permutations, a theme we shall greatly enlarge upon in Chapter 7.
In this chapter we offer the reader a different point of view. Putting thoughts
of immediate applications aside we adopt the attitude of many a research
algebraist, for whom the discovery of the deeper properties of rings, fields,
groups, etc. is both the sole aim and the complete reward. This is not to imply
that the results obtained are inapplicable. Far from it. Indeed we shall see how
mere intellectual curiosity leads us, quite naturally, to the concept of soluble
group (Section 6.5)—which, to aid his researches, Galois would surely have
pounced on (see 7.9.3, 7.10.5) if only he hadn't been obliged to invent it for
himself (see 6.5.7) some decades earlier.
We invite the reader to pause from time to time to experience a sense of
wonderment that such deep and beautiful results as are described here are
hidden in the very simple list, 5.3.1, of axioms.
(ii) By Lagrange's Theorem any finite group of order p" is a (finite) p-group.
Example 6.2.2 53 is not a 2-group, nor a 3-group. For each prime p the
multiplicative group of all complex pth power roots of I is an infinite p-group.
Problem 1 Can you show that a finite p-group must have order a power of
p? (This can't be difficult—or can it?)
Definition 6.2.3
(i) Let H be a subset of the group G. The subset g1Hg —{g1hg: h eH}
is called the conjugate of H by g in G. We denote f1Hg briefly by IV.
(ii) If H, K are subsets of G we say that K is conjugate to H in G if there
exists in G an element g such that =K. It then follows that Kr' =H.
Hence we may fairly say that H and K are conjugate in G.
(iii) If = K where H (and hence K) has one element, H = {x}, K = {y}
say, we write y rather than ={y} and say that y is conjugate to x in
G. Copying (ii) we see that x is then conjugate to y in G and say briefly that
x and y are conjugate in G.
(iv) The subset N0(H)={g: g G and =H} is called the normaliser of
H in G. If H comprises the single element x we have ({x}) = {g: g E G and
g1xg—x}={g:geG and xg=gx}. We call NG({x}) the centraliser* of x in
G and denote it by C0(x).
(i) Conjugacy, as defined in 6.2.3, determines an equivalence relation on
the set of all subsets of G and also on the set of all subgroups of G.
6.2.3 (iii) determines an equivalence relation on G (exercise 3). In each case
the corresponding equivalence classes are called conjugacy classes.
(ii) It follows easily that Nc(H)EG. If then NG(H) is the unique
largest subgroup of G in which H is a normal subgroup (exercise 6). C0(x)
is also a subgroup of G.
Examples 6.2.4
(i) In 53 the subsets {(12)}, {(23)}, {(31)} (equivalently, the elements (12),
(23), (31)) are conjugate since (1311(12)(13)=(23) and (12)_l(23)(12)
(31). [What about the pair (12), (31)?]
(ii) In 54 the normaliser of V = {I, (12), (34), (12)(34)} is ((12), (34), (1324)),
a subgroup of order 8.
(iii) In 54 the centraliser of (123) is ((123)), a subgroup of order 3.
(iv) Any normal subgroup is conjugate only to itself.
(This equality is called the class equation of G.) But each of the C1j divides
(by 6.2.5) and hence is a power of p, possibly p°. Now and pllCd
Theorem 6.2.9 Let 0 be a finite group. Then 101 for some a if and
only if the order of every element of 0 is a power of p.
Remark From 6.2.6 and 6.2.9 every finite p-group (other than the trivial
group) has non-trivial centre. There do exist infinite p-groups with trivial
centre. The first example was constructed by A G Kurosht in 1939.
We may assume G non-abelian—if it is abetian use 511.5.
Aleksandr Gennadievich Kurosh (19 January 1908 — 18 May 1971).
246 Structure theorems of group theory
Examples 6.2.11
(i) The Sylow 2-subgroups of 53 are {I, (12)}, {I, (23)}, and {I, (31)}. There
is just one Sylow 3-subgroup, namely that generated by (123). For each other
prime there is only one Sylow p-subgroup, namely the trivial subgroup.
(ii) The Sylow 2-subgroups of all have order 8. One such is the subgroup
in 6.2.4(u). Another is the conjugate of this by the element (13). In fact, as
the following theorem shows, 54 has precisely 3 Sylow 2-subgroups which are
moreover conjugate to one another.
Remark The important part of Sylow's First Theorem says that, in every
group 0, Sylow p-subgroups do exist. Lagrange's Theorem, on the other
hand, assures us that in a given group certain types of subgroup don't exist!
Thus Lagrange's Theorem gives necessary conditions and Sylow's First
Theorem sufficient conditions for the existence in a group of subgroups of
certain types.
Theorem 6.2.12 Let 0 be a finite group of order pas where (p, s) = 1 and
let P be a Sylow p-subgroup. Then each Sylow p-subgroup of 0 is conjugate
(and hence isomorphic) to P. Further, the number of such conjugates divides
blip" and is congruent to 1 (modp).
Proof of Theorem 6.2.12 Let P be as given and let K ={P = P0, P1 Pr}
denote the set of distinct conjugates of P in G. Clearly each is a Sylow
p-subgroup of G. We place an equivalence relation on K by writing —P1
for some aeP. Then {P} is an equivalence class. However, no other
is: otherwise we should have for each heP and hence (a
contradiction) by 6.2.13.
Next the number of conjugates of Pk (k 0) under P is, by 6.2.14,
JP: PnNC(Pk)I and this is a power of p bigger than p° [why?]. Thus we see
immediately that the conjugates P1,. , Pr split into classes each with a
. .
One of the main uses of the Sylow Theorems is to prove, for certain special
n, that no group of order n is simple. We give three examples.
1 Show that a subgroup and a factor group of a p-group is again a p-group.
Show that if H c G and if H and G/H are p-groups then so is G.
2 Give an example of a finite group G generated by two elements of order
2 but where G is not a 2-group.
3 Show that conjugacy determines an equivalence relation on (a) the set of
all subsets of a group G; (b) the set of all subgroups of G; (c) the set of
elements of G.
Normaliser. Centraliser. Sylow's theorems 249
16 Exhibit, for some prime p, a non-abelian group of order p3. [Hint: try
p =2.]
17 Let 0 be a group and S a subgroup. Define C0(S), the centraliser of S
in 0 by C0(S)={g:geG and gx=xg for all xeS}. Show that C0(S) is a
subgroup of 0 and that C0(S) -c N0(S). Prove that NG(S)/CG(S) is isomorphic
to a subgroup of Aut (5). (See exercise 5.9.18.)
250 Structure theorems of group theory
We easily prove
Proof We define H1 to be the set {(e,.. , e, h1, e,.. , e): h1 . . G1}. It is easy to
check that H1 is a subgroup of G. The map (e,.. , e, h,, e, . . . . , e)—.h1 is clearly
an isomorphism from H1 onto G1. The equality (gi . . . , g1,. . . ,
(e, g2, e,...)' ... (e, e,.. . , e, shows that G = (H1, H2,. Ha). Finally . . ,
(ii) In 6.3.1 we began with a set of groups G and formed a new group G.
The G are themselves not subgroups of G; they are only isomorphic to the
groups H1 which are actually inside G. For this reason the group G of 6.3.1
is sometimes called the external direct product of the G1. By way of contrast,
any group G satisfying the properties (ii), (iii), (iv) of 6.3.2 is called the internal
direct product of the H,. Clearly the word 'internal' is applicable; to justify
the use of the expression 'direct product' requires the following
Theorem 6.3.3 Let G possess subgroups H, with the properties (ii), (iii), (iv)
as in 6.3.2. Then G is isomorphic to the direct product of the H1, considered
as groups in their own right.
h1eH,cG where Clearly h71h71h1h1=hHhI'h1h1)eH since H cG.
But also [why?]. Thus hI1h[1h1h1e
H1 n H1 = (e) [why?]. It follows that, for all h1 e H1, h1 H1 with i f, h1h1 = h11i1.
Since G = (H1,. , we can clearly write every element g of G in the form
. .
of a product g = x11x12. say, where each x1, is in one of the H1. Using
. .
the fact, just proved, that each element of H1 commutes with every element
of H2, H3, .. , we can, in the expression for g, simply move all the x1
which belong to H1 to the left and then take their product to reduce the
number of elements from H1 in the product for g to one, h1 say. Next we
similarly collect all elements of H2 in this new product into one element, h2,
lying immediately to the right of h1. Repeating this for the elements from
H3, H4,. . , shows that g can be expressed in the form
g=h1h2. (*)
252 Structure theorems of group theory
where each h1 e H (h1 may or may not be the identity of H1). The final step
in this initial stage of the proof is to show that the representation (*) of g as
a product is unique. That is, if also g = k1k2. k,, with k1 H1 (1 i c n), we
. .
The above remarks show in turn that C is onto and 1—1. Thus only the
homomorphism property remains. This again we leave to exercise 9.
Remark 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 demonstrate the intimate connection between the
concept of internal and external direct product and the reader may ask why
we bother with both. The answer, as the reader will see if he tries to do
without one or the other concept in what follows, is simply 'for ease of
exposition': we can (and will) be careless in talking of groups as 'being direct
products' omitting the words 'isomorphic to' or 'of its subgroups', and we
shall occasionally write = when might be more accurate.
1 Show that the pair (G, in 6.3.1 is a group.
2 Prove 6.3.2(iv).
3 Show that the direct product of any (finite) number of abelian groups is
abelian. Does this result remain valid if the word 'abelian' is replaced by (a)
'finite'; (b) 'cyclic'; (c) 'matrix'?
4 (a) Is G C6®C10 cyclic? If not, what is the largest order of any of the
elements of G? (Clearly the answer is 60 if G is cyclic.)
(b) Is A5 S3 x D5 (D5 being the group of symmetries of a regular
5 A group G is a proper direct product if G A x B with neither A nor B
the trivial group. Are the following groups proper direct products (or sums)?
(a) S4; (b) D6; (c) (for each n 3); (d) (C, +); (e) C,,', p a prime.
6 ShowthatCrxC,=Crsif(r,s)=1.
Show that
11 How many subgroups has 12$12$Z2? [Hint: try z2ez2 first where the
answer is not 4.]
12 Is it true that every subgroup of A x B has the form K x Y where K A
and YEB?
13 Write as a direct sum of two cyclic groups (if possible!) when N
is (a) the subgroup of Z$Z generated by (2, 2); (b) the subgroup of Z$Z
generated by (2, 3).
14 Show that where R/Z is defined in the same
manner as the group of exercise 5.6.16.
15 Show that the map fi:01x02-÷01 given by (gi,g2)ifr=g1 is a
homomorphism of x 02 onto 01. What is ker ii?
16 Let N1<G1,N2CG2 and N=<(nl,eG2), (e61,n2):n1eN1,n2eN2)
_cG1 x G2. Show that N=N1 xN2, NC xG2 and that
Theorem 6.4.1 Let A be a finite abelian group. If, for each prime p dividing
we let denote the set of all elements of p-power order in A (including
0) then each is a subgroup of A and A is their direct sum.
We now show how to split each of these p-primary components 5,. into
cyclic components.
Theorem 6.4.2 Let 5,. be a finite abelian p-group. Then 5,. is a direct sum
of cyclic groups (of p-power order).
Proof Let s be any of the elements of maximal order p°, say, in 5,. and let T
be as large a subgroup of 5,. as possible satisfying (s) n T = (0). Then (s, T) =
(s)$T. (i) (s) and T generate (s, T)!; (ii) (s) and T are normal in
(s, T) (iii) (s)nT=(0) (by choice!). If (s)EDT<S,. we can find an
such that Since = 0 [why?] E(5)$T. There then exists
Now py€(s)$T. Hence py=ls+t (1E7L,tET). Then O=p5=
p"11s +pa_lt. Thus (s) n T = (0). It follows that pal, pk = 1, say, and
Finite abelian groups 255
Theorem 6.4.3 Let A be a finite abelian group. Then A is the direct sum
of cyclic subgroups of various prime power orders, the primes involved being
those which divide Al.
(i) If A is cyclic of prime power order it is not decomposable into a direct
sum of two or more non-trivial groups (exercise 6.3.5(e)).
(ii) Since every finite direct sum of (prime power) cycles is a finite abelian
group we have characterised finite abelian groups as precisely those expressible
as direct sums of (prime power) cyclic groups. In order to effect a classification
of these groups we need to explain how to tell them apart. This follows from
considering the question: Given an abelian group A, is its decomposition
into a direct sum of prime power cyclic groups unique? The immediate answer
is no; from A =(s)$(t)=(s)$(u) where (s), (t), (u) are cycles one cannot
infer (t) = (u) (exercise 2). Recalling from Section 3.10 that an algebraist is
a person who cannot see any difference between isomorphic systems, never
mind equal ones, we see that the next theorem yields as much as the algebraist
could ask for.
First proved in 1878.
256 Structure theorems of group theory
81 84 85
'slice'is{]hedirectsumof3p-cvcles ® 3 A
p2A - I t
Fig. 6.1
(i) In view of our stressing, in Chapters 1 and 3, the concept of unique
factorisation in 7 and in various number rings, it is appropriate to observe
that 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 together yield yet another result of this type. It follows
that two finite abelian groups are equal in the algebraist's eyes (i.e. isomorphic)
if they decompose into the same number of indecomposable pieces (i.e. prime
power cycles) of each kind. Another unique factorisation theorem for finite
abelian groups is given in exercise 12.
(ii) The structure of an infinite abelian group A can be very involved. But
if A is finitely generated we have: A is the direct sum of a finite number of
infinite cyclic groups and a finite number of cyclic p-groups for various primes
p. The number of summands of each type completely characterises A. ([27, p. 96];
[36, p. 106].)
We keep to the fractional notation even in the case of abelian groups. The difference notation,
p'B risks confusion with
Finite abe/ian groups 257
C2$C2®C2®C2$C3®C3®C7 C2®C2EBC2®C2®C9®C7
c2®c8 sc3®c3®c7 c2®c8
C4®C4 ®C3®C3®C7 C4®
®C3®C3®C7 C16
1 Prove that the subsets of 6.4.1 are subgroups, as claimed.
2 Show by means of an example that if A is the internal direct sum of
subgroups X and Y and also the internal direct sum of X and Z then it is
possible that Y [Hint: C2®C2.]
3 Find the number of (isomorphism classes of) abelian groups of order (a)
360; (b) 218; (c) p5 where p is a prime. In each case give the maximum of
the orders of the elements in the respective groups.
4 Are there more (isomorphism classes of) abelian groups of order i13 than
of order 2232?
5 How many different abelian groups of order 720 have (a) exactly 3, and
(b) exactly 4, subgroups of order 2? (Careful with (b).)
7 Let A be a finite abelian group. Show that A has a finite series of subgroups
A =A0>A1 >.. . >(0) such that each is a (cyclic) group of prime
8 Two finite abelian groups A, B have exactly the same number of elements
of order m for each m E zt Show that A B.
9 Show that if a finite abelian group A has, for each m 1A1, exactly m
elements such that i-na = 0 then A is cyclic. [Hint: consider C2 x C2.J
10 Show that, in an infinite abelian group, the elements of infinite order,
together with 0, do not necessarily form a subgroup. [Hint: C2 x Give
an example other than (/, +) in which they do.
258 Structure theorems of group theory
Try a specific example, say C2®C2®C3, first and see if you can generalise
the argument. Recall that Cr$C, = Crs if (r, s) = 1.] This is yet another kind
of unique factorisation theorem since A determines the n1 uniquely. (Proof?)
13 (Cf. exercise 4.5.5 and exercise 9.) Let (F, +, .) be a finite field. Prove
that (Fx, is a cyclic group. [Hint: assume not and deduce that some equation
of the form f' — I =0 has more than p solutions in F.]
14 Let G, H, K be finite abelian groups. Show that if GEF3G asHE9H then
and that if then HaK.
Solvable, in USA.
Definition 7.7.2.
Soluble groups. Composition series 259
each of which is abelian. The prospect thus generated would surely be enough
to set one about the study of such groups. (Presumably, if the theory had
developed this way, the groups considered would not be called soluble but
maybe multi- or poly-abelian?)
If G is a group, if N G and if G/N is abelian then, for every pair of
elements a, b E G, we have aNbN = bNaN, that is a 1b 1abN = N, which
means that a 'b 1ab EN. This helps motivate the following
(i) 'Commutator' is a good word to use: for [a, b] is a kind of measure as
to how near a and b come to commuting, [a, b] being the identity element
of G if and only if ab = ba.
(ii) It is perfectly natural to look at the set of all commutators in a group
G. The sad fact is that this subset may not form &subgroup of 0 (see [26,
p. 38]) so we move to the next best thing.
Examples 6.5.3
(i) Since [a, a] = e the identity element of each group is a commutator. In
an abelian group (and only in an abelian group) is e the only commutator.
Hence 0 is abelian if 0' = (e).
(ii) [a, b] = [b, aj1; [a,
= bfl for all a, b, g EQ.
(iii) In A5 [(l2)(35),(234)]=(l2)(35)(432)(l2)(35)(234)=(l2345) is a com-
(iv) The derived group of the 8-gon group in 5.3.4(1) comprises I, a2, a4, a6.
(v) for all
Proof 0' is, by definition, a subgroup. Each element x of 0' can be expressed
as a product x = [ga, g2][g3, g4]. . .g2j of commutators of 0. Now for
260 Structure theorems of group theory
Examples 6.5.6
(i) = (I); 52 is soluble of length 1 (that is, 52 is abelian!); 53 is soluble of
length 2; 54 is soluble of length 3. The remaining 5,, (n 5) are not soluble
at all (see example 6.5.3(v)).
(ii) A2 = (I); A3, A4 are soluble of lengths 1 and 2 respectively. An is not
soluble if it
(iii) The 8-gon group of example 5.3.4(1) is soluble of length 2.
(iv) Let U,, (li) denote the set of all it x n matrices of the form
1 a12 a13 . . .
o 1 a23 . . .
A= 0 0 1 ... a3n
00 0 ... 1
00 0 ... 1
Note 6.5.7 6.5.5 is a more recent definition of the term 'soluble'. 6.5.8 below
gives an equivalent definition (for finite groups): A (finite) group G is soluble ¶
it has a series
of subgroups such that each + is a proper normal subgroup of with the
property that each quotient +11 is a prime. Since Galois had shown that an
equationf(x) = 0 is soluble by radicals if its (Galois) group had a series as in (*)
it was a natural step for Jordan* to call such groups soluble.
For yet another variant lying midway between (*) and 6.5.5, see exercise 9.
That the two definitions of soluble are equivalent for finite groups is given
Theorem 6.5.8 Let G have a series of type (*). Then = (e). Conversely,
if G has a series of type (*).
Proof To prove the first part we use induction. Clearly G0. Suppose
Gk. Then {G(k) Gld]c[Gk, Gk by 6.5.4, since
Gk/Gk+l is abelian.
For the converse, let G = G°> .> = (e) be the derived series
(i) From this characterisation and from exercise 6.2.12 we see immediately
that every finite p-group is soluble.
(ii) Subgroups and homomorphic images of soluble groups are again soluble
(exercise 7). Further, given a group G and a normal subgroup N such that
N and GIN are soluble one can show that G is necessarily soluble (exercise
Camille Jordan (5 January 1838—22 January 1921).
262 Structure theorems of group theory
(i) By 5.10. lO(iv) one can equally describe each subgroup in 6.5.9 as
being a maximal normal subgroup of maximal in the sense that no bigger
normal subgroup of can be placed strictly between G1 and
(ii) Clearly every finite group has a composition series; an infinite group
may not have (exercise 12).
(iii) Series (*) is a composition series for G; clearly finite groups of prime
orders must be simple.
Examples 6.5.10
(i) 53 >A3 > (e) is a composition series for S3. The composition factors here
are isomorphic to C2 and C3.
(ii) where C2={I, (12)(34)} is a composition series
for S4. Composition factors are C2, C3, C2, C2.
(iii) G = (a, b)>(a)>(a2)>(a4)4e)isone composition seriesforthe 8-gon
group of 5.3.4(1). (a, b)>(a2, b)4a4, b)>(a4)>(e) is another. In each series
the composition factors are C2, C2, C2, C2.
(iv) If S is a simple group then S > (e) is the only composition series for S.
H1 n
series H1 series
H1; similarly with those parts of (ii) and (iv) in relation to By induction
we may infer that the factors
fG\ H1
—. .
. from(i) (A)
\H1/ H2' H3 H,
and the factors
I—I —
H1 H1nK1
. . . from (iii) (B)
\H11 H1nK1' L2 ' '
can be put into 1—1 correspondence in such a way that corresponding factors
are isomorphic groups.
Similar remarks apply to the factors
Finally, since the groups in (B) and (D) can, by the above isomorphisms
G H1 G K1
and clearly be put in 1—1 correspondence in the
K1H1 nK1 rmH1'
above manner, so can the factors of (A) and (C). This proves the theorem.
(i) The Jordan—Holder theorem is yet another sort of unique factorisation
theorem (see Remarks at the end of Section 6.4). Notice that we do not claim
G GH1K1 H, K1
H1 —, --- -p-, . . . , etc., only that the factors
and are isomorphic
in pairs, in some order (see exercise 18(b)). Comparing this situation with that
in Z we see that we can regard G as a sort of (in general non-commutative)
'product of primes', namely the simple composition factors. If, in particular,
the Jordan—HOlder theorem is applied to cyclic groups of finite order we
obtain a splendidly long-winded proof of the uniqueness part of the funda-
mental theorem of arithmetic!
(ii) As two finite groups G1 and G2 may have isomorphic composition factors
and yet not be isomorphic (see exercise 18) the Jordan—HOlder theorem is
mainly of use in a negative sense: if H1 and H2 have distinct sets of composition
factors then H1 and H2 cannot possibly be isomorphic.
We close this section by mentioning two of the more recent developments
in the theory of finite soluble groups. First we indicate how Sylow's theorems
can be generalised in the case of soluble groups.
Let n be a finite set of (positive) primes and n' denote the complementary
set of (positive) primes not in it. A it-number (respectively n'-number) is any
positive integer (including 1) whose prime factors belong to the set it (respect-
ively, to iv'). A finite group K is called a it-group if IKI is a it-number. A
subgroup H of a finite group G is called a Hall n-subgroup of G if (i) H is a iv-
group and (ii) G : Hj is a ir'-number. In particular if it = {p} any finite group G
1 Let G be a group and letx e G. Show that x C C(G) if [x, g]= e for alIg e G.
2 Show that for all a,b,ceG,
[a, c] = [a, c], b][b, c].
3 Let a, b, c C G. Is it necessarily true that [a, [b, c]]? [Hint:
Look at S3.]
4 Show that there are (even) permutations a, b, c, d in A5 such that [a, b]
is (123) and [c, d] is (12)(34). Deduce that every element of A5 is a commu-
tator. Deduce that A5 is not soluble.
S Show that if A c G then [A, B] c G and [A, B]si AnB.
6 Let 0: G—*G0 be a homomorphism. Show that [a, b]0 =[aO, bO] for all
a, be G. Deduce that (G')O = (GO)'.
William Burnside (2 July 1852 —21 August 1927).
±For details of this 'Nobel Prize' of Mathematics see [99]. There is a photograph in Bulletin of the
American Math. Soc., Vol. 40, 1934, p. 189. See also [96].
Soluble groups. Composition series 267
7 Show that subgroups and homomorphic images of soluble groups are again
soluble. [Hint: for homomorphisms extend exercise 6.]
8 (a) Show that the direct product of two soluble groups is again soluble.
Find the solubility length of the direct product in terms of the lengths of its
Let H c 0, K c 0 be such that — and — are soluble. Show that 0
is soluble. [Hint: use exercise 6.3.17.]
9 In 1864 Jordan, in effect, stated: The group 0 is soluble if 0 has a series
is abelian. Prove this. [Hint: For the given series prove by induction
that 0. The other half of the proof is immediate.]
10 Show that the solubility length of 54 is 3 by finding the derived series of
54. Do the same for the group D5 of symmetries of the regular pentagon.
11 Show that a direct product of infinitely many soluble groups need not
be soluble. [Hint: find groups 0 with solubility length i, for each i e
12 Show that the infinite cyclic group has no (finite) composition series.
Show that if one allows infinite series with simple factors then (1, +) has
composition series but no analogue of the Jordan--Holder theorem can hold.
[Hint: Look at the series and />31>97>...]
13 Let and Show that HK need not be a subgroup of 0.
Show that HK is a subgroup of G if one of H and K is normal in G and
that HK -c 0 if both H, K are normal in 0.
14 Write down as many distinct composition series as you can for the cyclic
group of order 180. Find the composition factors in each case. Hence verify
the Jordan—HOlder theorem directly for this group. Do the same for the group
15 Let 0 be a finite group and let H c 0. Show that 0 has a composition
series in which H appears as a term.
16 Does 54 have a sequence 54=H0>H1>H2>H3>(e) in which each
H1/H1+1 is prime cyclic and each H1 is normal in 54?
17 Let N c G. Show that Deduce that if is soluble of
length m and if N is soluble of length n then G is soluble of length rn + n.
18 (a) Give an example of two finite groups 0, H which have the same
composition factors and yet are not isomorphic. [Try order 4.]
(b) Show that C6 has two composition series C6 = >02 = (e) and
G1 H3
C6 = G0>H1 =(e) such that
03H1 and 02112
268 Structure theorems of group theory
(i) Let H c and let h be an element of prime order. Write h as a product
of disjoint cycles. For ease of reading we use letters rather than integers in
expressing the elements of
(a) If and if h=(a1a2. . we have
h' = so that H contains a 3-cycle.
(b) If h = (abc)(def)... we have =
(bdecf) H whence a 3-cycle can be found in H by using step (a).
(c) If Ihi=2 then either h=(ab)(cd) or using
an even number of transpositions. In the first case (bde )h h=
(aebdc) H whence a 3-cycle can be found in H by using step (a).
In the second case (bde)h(edb) . h =(afc)(bde) whence a 3-cycle can
be found in H by using step (b).
Thus whatever order h has, it leads us to a 3-cycle in H.
(ii) Let a = (xyz) be a 3-cycle in 5,,. We know (exercise 5.5.6(u)) that all
3-cycles in Sn are conjugate and, by counting, that there ate
n(n— l)(n—2)
of them. Thus* whence I = 3(n — 3)! Now
(a), being a group of permutations, comprises either all even permutations
or half even and half odd permutations (see exercise 2). Since n 5, there
exist letters 1, m distinct from x, y, z. Then (xyz)(lm) is an odd permutation
which clearly lies in (a). Hence (a) comprises permutations half of
which are even and half of which are odd. Thus there are exactly j. 3(n —3)!
permutations in An which commute with (xyz). That is, = 3(n —3)!
Of the groups mentioned in 6.6.1 A5, with =60 elements, is the smallest.
Are there any groups with order less than 60 which are also simple? Certainly
all groups of prime order are. But what about the remainder? No group of
order p n with n > 1 can be simple since every such group is either abelian
(when trivially it is not simple) or has a proper non-trivial centre (see Section
6.2). 17 of the remaining groups have order pq where p, q are distinct primes.
We prove
Theorem 6.6.2 No group G of order pq, where p, q are distinct primes, can
be simple.
Remark One can take this analysis further. It follows easily that G is soluble.
In the case that q tp — 1 we can even prove that '7 is a cyclic group. (See
exercise 3.)
We leave it to the reader to check that all groups of order p2q have a
proper non-trivial normal subgroup and hence are soluble. We go one stage
0(H Hg1 Hg2 Hg3
\Hg Hg1g Hg2g Hg3g
That 0 is indeed a homomorphism was noted in exercise 5.10.19. In particular
o is mapping the group'7 of order 36 into a group of order 24. Hence the
kernel of 0 is non-trivial. Also ker 0 c H. Thus '7 has a non-trivial proper
normal subgroup, as required.
We leave it to the reader to prove (exercise 5) that, apart from the prime
cyclic groups and the trivial group (!) there are no simple groups of order less
than 60 and to deduce that all groups of order less than 60 are soluble.
There also exist ([36, p. 292]) infinite classes of (finite) matrix groups over
finite fields which are simple. Some of these are isomorphic to some of the
alternating groups introduced above. On the other hand there do exist pairs
of non-isomorphic simple groups which have the same order. In particular
there is such a pair of order 20 160, one of the two groups being A8. Let us
now show that amongst all groups of order 60 there is, up to isomorphism,
only one simple group.
Having given in 6.6.1 one infinite family of non-abelian finite simple groups
we close with a few words on some of the other non-abelian finite groups
known to be simple. Matrix groups, with their entries coming from finite
fields, yield several infinite families of finite simple groups. One such family
is obtained as follows. Let n be any integer greater than 1 and let F be any
field, finite or infinite. The set of all n x n matrices with entries in F and with
determinant 1 forms a group denoted by (F)—the special linear group of
degree n over F. This group is in general not simple since it might have
non-trivial centre Z, say. (In fact Z comprises all matrices of the form a!
where I is the n x n identity matrix and a EF is such that = 1, because of
the determinant having to be 1.) However, the factor group can, except
when n=2, F—i2 and n=2, F=73, be shown to be simple ([36, p. 294]).
In case F is an infinite field we thus have an example of an infinite simple
group; if F is a finite field we obtain a finite simple group. (These groups
were introduced in Jordan's Traité in 1870.) There are other families of simple
matrix groups which you can find by looking up the terms orthogonal, symplec-
tic and unitary groups. Besides these infinite families there were also known
five groups, the smallest being of order 7920 and the largest of order
244 823 040, discovered by E Mathieu* (in 1861 and 1873) which did not
appear to be members of any infinite family. Dicksont discovered some further
families of finite simple groups around 1905 and then not a single one was
Emile Leonard Mathieu (15 May 1835—19 October 1890).
± Leonard Eugene Dickson (22 January 1874—17 January 1954). Author of 18 books including
the monumental History of the Theory of Numbers.
272 Structure theorems of group theory
found until 1955 when Chevalley found yet more families. Variants of these
were soon found and the list of finite simple groups was then presumed, by
some, to be complete (all that was lacking was a proof!) when Janko found
a group of 7 x 7 matrices with entries in the field Z11 and of order 175 560.
Was this a member of another infinite family? At first it was thought that it
might be. Now we know otherwise, (see for example [90])—there are no more
finite simple groups to be found. The proof that besides the various infinite
families of finite simple groups mentioned above there are just 26 sporadic ones,
the largest being of order approximately is due to the efforts of many
mathematicians working in concert. Their combined contributions to the proof
amount to several thousand pages. For an introduction to this proof see [16].
A very readable article, written just before the completion of the classifica-
tion theorem, is in volume 84, number 9 of the American Mathematical
As further study of simple groups is far from simple we conclude our chapter
on 'raw' group theory here and look, instead, at its most famous application.
1 Let G be a simple abelian group. Prove that G is finite of prime order
(and hence cyclic).
2 Show that if H is a subgroup of then either (i) all the elements of H
are even permutations or (ii) exactly half are even and the other half are odd
permutations. [Hint: recall the proof of 5.5.1 1.]
3 Show that if p. q are primes, if p >q and if q 2'p —1 then a group G of
order pq has a normal subgroup of order p and one of order q. Show that G
is the direct product of these two subgroups and is, in particular, cyclic. Show
that whether qip — 1 or not, G is soluble of length at most 2.
4 Show that any group G of order p2q has a proper and non-trivial normal
subgroup. Deduce that G is soluble. [Note: you may not 'assume WLOG
that p >q'. Why not?]
5 Show that the only finite simple groups amongst the non-trivial groups
with orders less than 60 are the cyclic groups of prime order. Deduce that
every group with order less than 60 is soluble.
6 Show that S5 has one subgroup of index 2. Is this true of 54; 53; D4?
7 Consider the set P of all even permutations on the set t of positive
integers. Thus P is by definition the set of all those permutations on jF each
of which can be expressed as a product of a (finite) even number of transposi-
tions. In particular, any element of P moves only finitely many elements of
Show that P is a group and that it is an infinite simple group. Show that
P is not a finitely generated gro.up. [Hint: Think of P as the set-theoretic
union of the increasing sequence A1 <A2 <A3 < of alternating groups.
Note that if N then for each n.]
Some simple groups 273
There do exist infinite simple groups which are finitely generated. The first
was discovered as recently as 1951 by Graham Higman.
8 Using 5.9.6 and exercise 5.9.20 prove that to every finite group G there
exists a finite simple group S such that S contains a subgroup isomorphic to
G. (We say that S contains an isomorphic copy of G or (cf. 3.10.2(v)) that S
embeds G.)
Prove that there is an infinite simple group which contains an isomorphic
copy of every finite group. [Exercise 7 helps.]
9 Let G be a finite group with all its Sylow subgroups abelian. Need G be
soluble? [Hint: which is the smallest you know?]
10 Exhibit a group G with subgroup H such that all composition series for
G have length 1 whereas all composition series for H have length 35. (The
number 35 has no special significance!)
11 Show that if n <60 then any two groups of order n have identical sets
of composition factors. What about the case n = 60?
Or, insoluble.
A brief excursion into Galois
7.1 Introduction
At the start of Chapter 5 we indicated Lagrange's approach to the problem of
finding 'algebraic' (or 'radical') formulae—that is, formulae involving (only) the
operations +, —, x, + and for various n—which would yield the zeros* of
any given polynomial. His investigations in the case of degree 5 proved
inconclusive and it was left to Ruffinit (1799, 1813) to indicate and then Abel
(1824) to demonstrate the non-existence of such a formula for the zeros of the
general quintic x5 + ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e in terms of the (literal) coefficients
a, h, c, d, e. (See 7.9.5.)
Nevertheless, there certainly exist spec jfic polynomials of degree 5 (and
higher) which are irreducible over 0 and for which all the zeros can be expressed
in radical form (see exercises 4.6.6, 4.6.7 and Section 7.6). In particular Gauss
showed, in the Disquisitiones, how, for each positive integer n, the zeros of the
polynomial x"— 1 could be so expressed (see 7.8.2. and 7.10.1). But it fell to
Evariste Galois to discover a criterion—in terms of certain groups of
permutations—by which one can decide (in theory, if not always easily in
practice) whether or not the zeros of a given polynomial with numerical
coefficients are expressible in radical form.
We shall not try to follow Galois' presentation. For one thing the details (as
distinct from the ideas, which are fairly easily described—see Section 7.12) of his
original memoire were not readily comprehensible—a fact Galois partly
ascribed to the novelty and nature of the material—even to mathematicians of
the calibre of Poisson, Lacroix and others. (Those wishing to see a detailed
discussion of Galois' method should consult [83].)
Accordingly, the approach taken here follows a different path from that of
Galois, being essentially that inspired by Dedekind (1894) and Webert (1893,
1895) and coming to full fruition under Emil Artin (1938 and 1942). (It is
interesting to note that the 'old' methods took a long time to die out; an account
* In this chapter we shall talk of zeros (rather than roots) of polynomials to avoid possible confusion
with the various (including roots of unity) which occur.
tPaolo Ruffini (22 September 1765—10 May 1822).
Weber (5 May 1842-17 May 1913).
Introduction 275
[1!] of Lagrange's and Galois' work wholly in the 'old' style was published as
late as 1930.)
However, rather than follow, unerringly, the route described by Artin in
[3],we shall, in the hope of maintaining some sense of discovery and involvement
on the part of the reader, adopt a slightly more 'experimental' approach in
which the results we aim for will be determined more by perceived need—
although, if we see a result or idea which looks interesting or of possible future
use, we shall record it. One consequence of this is that not all results will be
stated as sharply as possible.
276 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
Definition 7.2.1 The field R is a radical tower over the field F if there is a
sequence F=E0c E1c ... of subfields** of R where, for each i
(1 i s), E1 = - 1(r1), r1 being a zero of an equation of the form — a1 =0,
where a1 e E1 (Clearly there is no loss of generality in assuming that each n, is
a prime. Prove this!) We shall call each a radical extension of E1.
In this format, Galois' idea, following that of Lagrange (but from a different
perspective), of (essentially) looking at certain permutations of the zeros off(x)
in (see exercise 11) is, for the most part, reinterpreted in terms of those
automorphisms of which fix F elementwise. (See Section 7.4.) That is, the
new idea is to study the Galois group Gal(Sf/F)—see exercise 5.3.7. (One
advantage of this change is that one is then studying the whole of some group,
namely Gal(S1/F), rather than some obscure (?) subgroup of some group of
permutations. See the Remark on p. 221.) Later we shall refer to Gal(S1/F) as
the Galois group of 1(x) over F.
Earlier (4.2.21) we asserted the uniqueness, up to isomorphism, of As we
are now calling on this uniqueness to define Gal(S1/F) unambiguously, we really
ought to offer a proof of it.
How could one set about such a proof? Since, from 4.2.21, S1 can be
expressed in the form . the ; being the roots off(x) in SO,.,
. .
At this point it is best to admit to a little hindsight. It turns out that 7.2.3 is
not general enough for us successfully to apply an induction argument to extend
the map i to an isomorphism between and S2. (Exercise 16 asks you to
determine why not. When you see the reason, the appropriate modification,
7.2.3', immediately suggests itself.)
Recalling that our approach is 'experimental', and that we are not, initially,
attemping to make our lemmas and theorems as 'tight' as possible, it will be no
surprise to find that 7.2.3' contains a large slice of redundant hypothesis. Can
you spot it? In addition yet more hindsight would allow a yet smoother and
cleaner presentation. However, in the interests of not losing sight of our
immediate target, we shall refrain from such generalisation.
Proof We first note that the isomorphism 2 easily extends*, as implied in the
statement of the lemma, to an obvious isomorphism 2:F,[x]—*F2{x] which, in
of the isomorphisms aj', A and a2. Noting that a,(x + [g,(x)}) = y, (i = 1,2), we
readily see that p(yj=y2, as claimed.
Did you spot the redundancy? It is, of course, that no use was made of the
fact that and are splitting fields. (Can you write down the exact hypotheses
used in the proof of 7.2.3'?)
As an example of 7.2.3' in action, consider the isomorphism A: O(i)—+Q(i)
given by complex conjugation. Take f1(x)=g1(x)=x2—i, so that f2(x)=
g2(x) = x2 + i. Let 71 = = be a primitive 8th root of unity. The zeros of
x2 + / are then a3 and According to 7.2.3' A can be extended to an
isomorphism p of C(s) with itself in which p(a) = (or a7).
To extend the isomorphism p above to one between and we proceed by
induction—on the dimension :F1} of S1 over F1 (see 4.5.6). We shall need to
note that [S1 :F1] is finite (exercise 12). Our aim is then to prove
1 Use the method of exercise 4.6.6 to try to show that the zeros of — I are
expressible in radical form over 0. What is the main problem you come across?
2 Let Fz=0, E1 =0(12), E2=E1(1(1 +12)). Find the minimum polynomial
over F of 1(1 +12). Is E2 its splitting field?
3 Find a polynomialf(x) in 0(x) having as a zero. Exhibit a
radical tower over 0 which contains the splitting field of f(x).
4 Find a splitting field S1 and a radical tower containing S,- for each of the
following polynomials over 0: (i) x4 + 5x2 + 6; (ii) x4 — Ox2 + 1; (iii) x5 — 1;
5 Confirm that is a splitting field for x4 — lOx2 + 1 over 0. Find
(i) a polynomial of degree 6; (ii) a0+a1x+a2x2+a3x3+x4, with
none of the a splitting field.
6 Show that if KcLcM with M a radical tower over K, then M is a radical
tower over L. Do you think L is necessarily a radical tower over K? (See exercise
7 Show that each polynomial f(x)= a0+a1x+ ... +a,,f in l1[x] is soluble by
radicals over It Do you think it might also be soluble by radicals oyer
0(a0, a1,.. . , aj? Is x2 + (e + lm)x + soluble by radicals over 0(le, \/7r)?
8 Let F be a field of characteristic #2. Show that each polynomial ax4 + bx2
+ c (a #0) is soluble by radicals over F.
9 (a) Let K be a finite field. Show that K is a splitting extension and a radical
tower over its prime subfield.
(b) Find splitting fields for over /7 and for x3—S over
10 Let M be a field such that Fc_M_cS1. Show that SO,- is a splitting field of
some polynomial over M. [Hint: What polynomial springs to mind?!}
Ii Let 5= FOx1, cx2,. . be a field extension ofF. Show that each automor-
n = deg(f(x)).
13 Two of the (complex) zeros of f(x) = x4 — 2x3 + 5x2 — 4x + 6 are isJ2 and
I + (12. Is there an element of Gal(Sf/0) which maps one onto the other?
Answer the same question for the zeros 12 and kJ2 of the polynomial x4 —4.
280 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
7.3 Examples
As it is always a good idea when beginning a mathematical investigation, let us
start by looking at some particular examples. All are radical extensions or
towers—some, but not all, are splitting extensions.
Example 7.3.1 (i) Let F=0 and n=12, the positive square root of 2. Set
a0,a1 eO}clt Each automorphism a of R automati-
cally 'fixes' F elementwise (i.e. a(t) = t for all t e F—exercise 3.10.8). On the
other hand {a(r)}2 = a(r2) = a(2) 2, 50 that a(r) = ± 12. It follows that
a(a0 + a112) = a(a0) + a(a1)a(12) = a0 + a1( ± ]2).
So, evidently, there are just two automorphisms of 0(]2) (each leaving C
fixed). [See exercise 3.10.1(i).]
(ii) Let F=0 and the real cube root of 2. Set R=0(r)={a0-l-a1r
+a2r2:a0,a1,02 eQ}cR—see 4.3.5.
* Usually called a tnonornorphism. See 7.4.3.
Examples 281
zeros. One can show (exercise 16) that — 12) As a consequence (as in
(ii)) the only automorphism of E2 is the identity map.
1 Let n e V. Find the number of automorphisms of if (i) n is odd;
(ii) n is even.
2 Show, using 7.2.3', that, in 7.3.l(iii), for each u such that I I, there
is an automorphism a of 0(r) for which a(r) =
3 Let w 1 be a cube root of unity. Does 0(w) have an automorphism a for
which a(w) = —
4 Let cx be a non-real cube root of 2. Is the subfield of C: (i) a radical
tower over 0; (ii) a splitting extension of x3 —2 over 0?
5 Describe informally as in 7.3.1: the automorphisms (all fixing 0) of
(i) 0(i'\13); (ii) 0(i, 13); (iii) 0(i, 0(12, and of(v) fixing
0(13); (vi) 0(w,I—3) fixing 0(1—3); (vii) fixing 0(i13).
6 (a) Show that there are exactly 4 automorphisms of 0(12,13) and exactly 6
automorphisms of 0(w, [Hint: Use the methods of 7.2.3' and 7.2.4.] (b)
Informally, how many automorphisms are there of 0(12,13,
7 How many automorphisms are there of w) (i) over 0; (ii) over
0(12); (iii) over 0(w)?
8 Write down in full the permutations of the zeros corresponding to the
automorphisms of R in 7.3.1(v).
9 Indicate informally how many automorphisms there are of the splitting field
over 0 of(i) x2—3; (ii) x3—3; (iii) x4—3; (iv) x5—3?
10 How many elements are there in Gal(S1/0) if f(x) =: (i) x4 + I;
11 If F c E are fields with [E: F] =2 show that, if the characteristic of F 2,
there exists a non-trivial automorphism of E fixing F.
12 Let p be an odd prime. Write the splitting field S1 of x"—2 over 0 as a
sequence of radical extensions. What is
13 Find a radical tower R of least dimension over 0 containingwhere
cc = + How many automorphisms does R have? Letf(x) be the minimum
polynomial of cc over 0. How many elements are there in: (i) Gal(Sf/0(12));
14 Let f(x) be the miniriium polynomial of cc = 1(1 + 12) in 0[x]. Find the
orders of Gal(Sf/0) and Gal(51/0(12)).
Some Galois groups: their orders and fixed fields 283
guessing the answer! Note, too, that we have given no example of a splitting
extension which is not itself also a radical tower. Is this another universal truth?
We leave the reader to ponder this for a while. (A plausible (?) proof there there
is no such example is: Surely each splitting field S1 F which is contained in
some radical tower F C c C E, is itself radical over F via the sequence
FccE1rtS1c . .. In due course see exercise 7.10.3.)
Let us begin by looking at the apparent bounds placed on the orders of the
Galois group. Since not all the parts of 7.4.2 concern splitting extensions we
shall learn from our experience with 7.2.3' and 7.2.4 and keep our options open
by working as generally as seems prudent. Although we are going to count
automorphisms rather than merely show their existence, it is not too surprising
to find that the same line of argument used earlier will prove useful. Accordingly
we shall only sketch the proof of 7.4.3. We hope the brevity here will help you
more readily see what makes the earlier proof tick.
Lemma 7.4.3 Suppose K5cL1 and K2c_L2 are fields with [L1:K1}<cx.
Further suppose that 0 is an isomorphism from K1 onto K2. Then there are at
most [L1 :K1] ways of extending 0 to a monomorphism* of L1 into L2.
Corollary 7.4.4 Let K c L be fields with [L: K] < oo. Then IGal(L/K)I [L : K].
We prefer to use this (standard) terminology for a homomorphism which is 1 1 but not necessarily
onto, to the word 'embedding' introduced in 3.10.2.
Some Galois groups: their orders and fixed fields 285
all sections (splitting field or not) of 7.4.2. Can we go further and show that
equality always holds whenever R is a splitting field over F?
From the aside in the proof of 7.4.3 it is clear that to turn the inequalities in
the statements of 7.4.3 (resp. 7.4.4) into equalities we only need to assume that
the polynomial g2(x}—and its equivalents which are implicitly present at the
induction step—has as many distinct zeros in L2 (resp. L) as its degree. This
requirement of distinctness strongly suggests that we should introduce
Definition 7.4.5 Let F be a field,f(x) e F[x] and be its splitting field. We say
thatf(x) is separable over F if each irreducible factor of f(x) in F[x] has no
repeated zeros in
Simply declaring that each of the g(x) appearing in the proof of 7.4.3 be
separable looks like a distinct 'fiddle', especially if it is a bit difficult to identify
exactly which g(x) are involved. (Perhaps we could just assume that 'all
polynomials arising' are separable.) However, in the case in which we are
presently interested, namely the splitting field of a given polynomial, the g(x)
which arise can be easily identified—as being factors of f(x) which are
irreducible over various fields containing F. And, of course, their separability is
then subsumed by that off(x) itself.
The following result is an immediate consequence of these remarks.
Theorem 7.4.6 Let 2:F1—÷F2 be an isomorphism, let f1(x) and f2(x) corre-
spond under the natural extension 2:F1[x]—.F2[x] of A and let and denote,
as usual, splitting fields forf1(x) andf'2(x) over F1 and F2, respectively. Iff1(x) is
separable over F1 then f2(x) is separable over F2 (exercise 20) and A can be
extended to an isomorphism of onto in exactly [S1 :F1] distinct ways.
The result we are looking for then follows if we specialise 7.4.6 to the case
where F1=F2=F (say),f1(x)=f2(x)=f(x) (say), S1=S2=S1 and take). to be
the identity map z : F—*F. For then we are counting the number of auto-
morphisms of which leave F fixed. That is, we have
Theorem 7.4.7 Let S1 be the splitting field of the separable polynomial f(x)
over the field F. Then I Gal(51/F) = F].
7.4.4 and 7.4.7 explain fully the relationships between the IGal(R/F)I and the
[R:F] in 7.4.2. In addition, 7.4.7 confirms, without the need for extensive
calculation, that the p — I (respectively 4, 6) 'maps' c of 7.3.1 (iii) (respectively
(iv), (v)) are indeed automorphisms of R.
What about fixed fields? The various parts of 7.4.2 suggest that, if
Gal(S1/F) = [Si: F], then Fix(Gal(S1/F)) = F. That this is true generally is the
content of
The information given in 7.4.2 (ii), (vi), (viii) regarding the fixed fields of these
non-splitting (over F) extensions is at least partly explained by 7.4.4.
1 Let S1 be the splitting field over R of the minimum polynomial over l1 of
e+irr. Write down this polynomial and find Gal(S1/lk).
2 (i) Prove that Fix E (see 7.4.1) is a subfield of L. (ii) Show that Fix E = Fix G,
where G is the subgroup of Aut L generated by E.
3 Let G be a group of automorphisms of the field L. Prove that the prime
subfield P of L is contained in Fix G and that Aut L = Gal(L/P).
4 Find the fixed fields over 0 of: (i) (ii)
(iii) i)).
5 Find the fixed fields of s/3, i)) over (i) 0(i); (ii)
6 How many subfields has F = 0G12, \/3)? How many can act as Fix a for
some automorphism a of F?
7 What are the fixed fields of the automorphisms p, a, t: 0(x)—*0(x) given by:
(i) p(x)= —x; (ii) a(x)=x/2; (iii) r(x)= 1 +x? [Hint: for (ii) consider
f(x)/g(x) = h(x). If degf(x) = deg g(x), look at h(x) — r for suitable r e 0.]
8 Let (1 i n) be subgroups of Gal(L/K). Prove* Fix<uG,> = n(Fix Ge).
Is it necessarily true that = <uFix G1)?
9 Let SO,- be the splitting field of x8 — over 0. What are the fixed fields of:
10 Let regarded as the group of all permutations on x1, x2, ..., give
rise to automorphisms of 0(x1, x2, . . ., in the obvious way (c.f. 5.5.9). Take a
guess at what Fix(Sn) is.
11 Prove the assertions in 7.4.2 (i), (iii), (iv) regarding their fixed fields.
12 Prove the assertions in 7.4.2 (vi), (viii) that R is not a splitting field and that
the fixed field is larger than F.
*In what follows (Xu Y>((uX1)) etc. will denote the smallest subgroup or subfield (as appro-
priate) which contains X and V (all the X1).
Separability and normality 287
13 Prove the assertions in 7.4.2 (ii), (iii), (v), (viii) concerning Gal(R/F) and
14 Determine whether or not [R :0] = [Qal(R/0) if: (i) R =
(ii) (iii)
15 Prove 7.4.4.
16 Confirm, using 7.4.7, the orders of the Galois groups given in 7.4.2 (iii),
(iv), (v).
17 Given fields K L c M do we always have IGal(M/K)I =
Gal(M/L)I . IGal(L/K)I?
18 Show that for each keV the polynomial + +x+ lis separ-
able over 0.
19 Prove that if f(x) e F[x] is separable over F and if F cE, then f(x) is
separable over E.
20 Let be an isomorphism of fields. Show that if f1(x) e F1[x] and
f2(x)—Mf1(x)) e (see 7.2.3') then f1(x) is separable over F1 ifff2(x) is
separable over F2.
21 Show, as asserted in 7.4.8 that, if Fix(Gal(S1/F)) = H, then Gal(Sf/F)
= Gal(S1/H).
22 Let F = 4(t) (cf. exercise 4.5.13) where t is an 'indeterminate'. Let
f(x) = — t e F[xJ and let S1 be a splitting field forf(x) over F. Show that if cr is a
zero off(x) in Si., then (x—cx)"=x"-—t in 51[x].
Theorem 7.5.2 Let Sf be the splitting field of the separable polynomial 1(x)
over F and let g(x) e F[x]. If g(x) is irreducible in F[x] and has at least one zero in
S1\F, then g(x) splits (completely) into a product of distinct linear factors in
Proof Let e S1\F be a zero of g(x). Denote by 132,. , /3, the distinct . .
factors in 51[x}—by definition!—so too must g(x). (In fact g(x) = h(x). Can you
see why?)
This property surely deserves special attention.* So we make
Definition 7.5.3 Let K c L be fields with [L K] < cc. Suppose that each
irreducible polynomial g(x) e K[x] either has no zeros in L or factorises into a
product of linear factors in L[x]. Then L is said to be a normal extension of K (or
to be normal over K).
* In fact we've already given it very special attention. See exercise 7.5.9 for a pleasant surprise!
Separability and normality 289
(We shall see in exercise 7.10.1 that this name is not idly chosen!)
We can succinctly summarise where we've got to so far if we extend 7.4.5 to
Definition 7.5.4 Let K c L be fields with [L: K] c cc. If, for a e L, the minimum
polynomial Mjx) of a over K is separable over K, then we say that a is
separable over K. If, for all a e L, a is separable over K, then we say that L is a
separable extension of K (or is separable over K.)
Our summary is then given by
Theorem 7.5.5 Let F,f(x) and S,- be as in 7.5.2. Then S1 is a (finite*) normal
and separable extension of F.
In fact, after you have established the result in exercise 9, you will be able to
Theorem 7.5.6 Let K L be fields. Then (i) L is the splitting field of a separable
polynomial over K if (ii) L is a (finite) normal and separable extension of K.
Comments 7.5.7 (a) Further conditions, equivalent to 7.5.6(i), (ii) are noted in
exercise 8.
(b) Although, in 7.5.6, (i) is equivalent to (ii), it is interesting to see (in (ii)) how
we can get away from a lopsided dependence on a particular polynomial f(x)
and its splitting field to a more symmetrical setting in which no polynomial
(c) Noticing the word 'separable' in each part of 7.5.6, one is naturally led to ask
if (i) and (ii) remain equivalent if the word 'separable' is removed. Exercise 9
gives the answer.
It turns out that extensions which are finite, normal and separable will play a
major role in what is still to come. Accordingly it is worthwhile making
Definition 7.5.8 If K L are fields satisfying (either of) the conditions of 7.5.6,
we shall describe L as a Galois extension of K. Using this terminology we can
rewrite 7.5.5 as
Theorem 7.5.5' Let 5,- be a splitting field of the separable polynomialf(x) over
the field F. Then S,- is a Galois extension of F.
1 Let f(x) e F[x] where the characteristic of F is 0 and degf(x) 1. Let d(x)
denote the gcd of f(x) andf'(x) in F[x] (see exercises 1.10.3 and 1.1 1.2). Show
* i.e. finite-dimensional (see 4.5.6).
290 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
that f(x)/d(x) (trivially separable over F) has the same splitting field over F as
f(x). Test this on exercise 7.3.10 (iv).
2 Let KcL be fields with [L:K]<cc. Show that L is normal over K iffL
contains (an isomorphic copy of) Sf for each irreduciblef(x) e K[x] which has a
zero in L.
3 Let be fields. Show that if M is normal over K then Mis normal
over L. Give an example to show that L need not be normal over K. Show that
L is normal over K if, in addition, a(L) L for every automorphism a of M
which fixes K.
Proof (i) and (ii). These are easy: We know, by 7.5.6, that L is a splitting field
over K of some separable polynomialf(x) e K[x}. It follows trivially that L is a
splitting extension of f(x) over C and that f(x) is separable over C (exercise
7.4.19). Hence (i) and (ii) follow from 7.4.7 and 7.4.8.
(iii) Given KcC1, C2cL and Gal(L/Cj=Gal(L/C2), 7.6.1(u) tells us at once
that C1 = Fix(Gal(L/C1))= Fix(Gal(L/C2))== C2.
Maintaining our 'experimental' approach may lead us to some dead ends, but
surely we must follow up the obvious question suggested by 7.6. l(iii): Is there a
'corresponding' I—I mapping from to F? Put another way:
Given H Gal(L/K) does there exist a field D such that K c Dc L and
Gal(L/D) = H?
In view of 7.6.l(iii) and the finiteness (why?) we need only check whether
or not D onto
292 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
By a well-known theorem of linear algebra, (see, for example, [18]) the system
(*) has a solution (a1, a2,. . , say, where a1 e L(i= 1, 2, . , n + I) and not
. . .
Now all the bk belong to Fix H. (Why not? Concentrate on the first equality
in (**)).
that is one such element. It follows (why?) that there exists
Be H such that Applying U to the equalities (**) we obtain the new
system of equalities in L:
O(01(cx1))O(1) +O(01(z2))O(b2)+ ... + cxr))O(br) O(O)0 (1 i n) (***)
+ + =0,
respectively. Subtracting gives:
01(cx2)[b2 — 0(b2)] + ... + 01(2j[b,. — 0(br)] = 0 (1 i n).
That is (0,b2 — 0(b2),.
. , b, — 0(br), 0, . . .0) is a non-zero (why?) solution of the
Corollary 7.6.3 Let L and H be as in 7.6.2. Then [L: Fix H] = PHI and
H = Gal(L/Fix H). In particular L is a (finite) normal and separable (hence
Galois) extension of Fix H.
Proof Trivially H Gal(L/Fix H). But, by 7.4.4, IGal(L/Fix H)j [L: Fix H].
(Why is 7.4.4 applicable?) Consequently PHI iGal(L/FixH)I [L: Fix H] HI,
the last inequality coming from 7.6.2. The final remark follows from exercise
Theorem 7.6.4 Let Kc L be a Galois extension. Then there exists a 1—1 and
onto mapping 'b : given by: 0(C) = Gal(L/C), with D '(H) = Fix H.
Example 7.6.5 The field S = Q(r, i), where r = is the real positive 4th root of
2 and i2 = — 1, is a splitting field over 0 of the polynomial x4 —2 (cf. 7.4.2(v))
and so is a Galois extension of 0 (7.5.5').
to describe all the subfields of O(r, i) which contain 0. When you have found a
few how confident will you be that you then have them all?
To determine G = Gal(S/Q), note that each automorphism a of S will
automatically fix 0 and will map i to i or — i and r to r or ir or — r or — ir (cf.
7.3.1(v)). Thus JGal(S/Q)I But, clearly, [S:Q]=8 and so, by 7.4.7, we must
have IGal(S/0)I =8. We can describe these automorphisms succinctly by their
actions on i and r as follows:
_[a2 (73 (74 (16J (77
r r r 7 ir —r
—ir r
You are asked, in the exercises, to fill in the 7?
How can we confirm this correspondence? Naïvely we take a typical element
a01+a1r+a2r2+a3r3+a4i+a5ir+a6ir2+a,ir3 (a,e0) (1
using the obvious basis {l, r,. ir3} of 0(r, i) over 0. Applying
. . ,
6 and
equating the result to (*), we find that if (*) is not changed by 6 then (*) takes
the special form a0 I + a1(r + ir) + a3(r3 — ir3) + cz6(ir2).
Now you might just recognise that ir2 e 0(r + ir) — since (r + ir)2 = r2(l + i)2 =
2ir2. Further (I +i)3=2(i— l)= —2(1—i). Hence r3—ir3eO(r+ir), too. So, the
fixed field of °6} is 0(r+ir).
Alternatively: If, in general, a e Gal(L/K) has order n and if t e L then a maps
+a" '(t) to itself. (In the above example, 6 has order 2 and so
maps r+ir to itself.) Consequently 0(r-l--ir)cFix{a1, a6}. Hence, if
then the subgroup of Gal(S/0) fixing 0(r+ir) is strictly
bigger than Fix{a1, a6). But you can easily check that no other fixes r+ir.
Hence 0(r+ir)=Fix{a1,a6}.
The next example is even more impressive—at least in what it tells us.
Subfields and subgroups 295
Example 7.6.6 Let S be the splitting field over 0 of the polynomial —1,
where p is a prime. We know (7.3.l(iii) and exercise 7.3.2) that
Gal(S/O)I=[S:O]=p— 1. Put (=cos(2ir/p)-i-isin(2n/p) and set a=(+ l/C=
2 cos(2ir/p). Then a e P and 0 c 0(a)c 0(0=5. Suppose we now choose pto be
of the form 2" + 1. (Then, necessarily, k = for some integer n—exercise 4.6.5.)
Consequently [5:0] = 2k and so [0(a): 01=2' for some integer i (why?). Since
Gal(S/0) is abelian [in fact it's cyclic! Try to prove it abelian but, if stuck look at
exercise 7.8.6] we deduce from exercise 6.4.7 that Gal(S/Q) has a decreasing
sequence of subgroups
I Suppose that L2M2K and G H <e) where G=Gal(L/K). Write G(M)
for Gal(L/M) and F(H) for the subfield Fix(H) of L. Prove that G(F(H)) H,
F(G(M)) 2 M and (omitting brackets) that FGF(H) = F(H), GFG(M) = M.
2 Suppose K L with [L: K] c cc and let Gal(L/K) have fixed field F(2 K).
Show that there is a 1—1 correspondence between the set F of subfields of L
containing F and the set cc of subgroups of Gal(L/K). Deduce that the mapping
'V of 7.6.1 is always onto cc.
3 (Dedekind's Independence Theorem: DIT) Let H and K be fields and let
0,. be distinct monomorphisms* of H into K. Prove that . ., qS,. are
linearly independent over K—i.e. (cf. 4.5.2(u)): If a1,.. . , a,e K are such that
+a4,(h)=0,, for all heH, then all the a,=OK.
[Hint: Suppose false and let . . , 0,, (n r) be a smallest non-empty set such
that a1Ø1 + is the zero map H—÷K with no a,=0. Since q5,(l,,)= 1K'
n 2. Since 0,, there is some he H such that 0,,(h). For all g e H,
a1q51(hg)+ ... + 0.
But also
+ a2qS,,(h)Ø2(g) + ... + =0
(why?). Subtract this from the previous equality to get a1(Ø1(h)— Ø,,(h))Ø1(g)
+ +Th=0. But 0i(h)5e&(h).]
See 7.4.3.
296 A brief excursion into Galois Theoiy
GI[K:F0].[Hint:Supposem=[K:F0]<IGI=nandthatx1 ,xmisabasis
for K over F0. Let G={r1,.. Note that there are not all
equal to such that
Let aeK. Then a=oc1x1+ for suitable ;eF0. Multiply the above
equations by cxi,. . , a,,, respectively in order. Using
. = (why
equality?) add the m resulting equalities to get t1(a)k1 + ... =0,
contradicting exercise 3.]
6 Let K be a Galois extension of F with Galois group G. Given fields E1, E2
such that F E1, E2 K with = 1r11 G(i = 1,2), show that
Gal(K/<E1uE2>)=H1nH2, Gal(K/E1nE2)= <H1uH2).
7 Suppose G= ., is a (finite) group of automorphisms of the field L
with fixed field K. Suppose that ç& e Aut(L) and that i/i fixes K. Show that çfr e G.
8 Suppose K L M are fields with [L: K] < cc. Show that
[Gal(M/K): Gal(M/L)] [L : K] and that equality holds if M is a Galois exten-
sion of K. [Hint: Show that elements in the same coset of Gal(M/L) in
Gal(M/K) give rise to the same mapping of L into M. Now use 7.4.3 with
K1=K2=K etc.]
9 Determine the subgroups and subfields omitted from the diagram of 7.6.5.
10 Determine Gal(S1/Q) where: (i) f(x)=x3—2; (ii) f(x)=x5—2;
(iii) f(x)=x6— 2. Draw the subgroup and subfield 'lattices' as in 7.6.5.
11 Determine Gal(S1/cP) where: (i) f(x) = —3; (ii) f(x) = —4. Draw the
subgroup and subfield lattices.
12 Find Gal(S1/Q) iff(x)=(x2+2x— l)4(x3—2). (Cf. exercise 7.3.10)
13 Determine Gal(S1/F) wheref(x)=x4+2 and F is 74.
14 Draw the subfield lattice for the splitting field of x3 + x + 1 of exercise
7.2.4(vii). (Its Galois group is S3.)
Qe.J2) and 0(i, 12) are subfields of Sf. What are the others?
17 Let L be a Galois extension of K and suppose that Gal(L/K) is cyclic. Show
that for each dI[L: K] there exists just one field T such that K T c L and
[L: TI = d.
7.7.2 may look nice but, as it stands, it is not all that much use,-for there seems
little likelihood of being able to determine much about the structure of
Gal(S1/F) from that of Gal(R/F) unless Q above maps Gal(R/F) onto
Gal(S1/F). (In fact Gal(R/F) = <e) Gal(51 /F) is possible—exercise 4.)
Let us see what it might cost us (in terms of hypotheses) to ensure that L maps
Gal(R/F) onto Gal(S1/F). One criterion is immediate: If F) is the fixed field
of Gal(R/F), then each 0 is required to fix all of V. But, by 7.4.8,
Fix(Gal(S1/F)) = F. Consequently we are forced to assume that VnS1 = F.
298 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
Is V F? More than likely! (See exercises 3, 4.) But let us press on and see
what turns up. Certainly Gal(R/F)=Gal(R/V). Also R is a normal extension of
V (by 7.6.3). If we denote by T the smallest subfield of R containing V and S1,
we see that T is a splitting extension off(x) over V—so that V is also the fixed
field of Gal(T/V). As we shall see below (cf. 7.7.3) this is enough to ensure that
the natural map (cf. 7.7.2) from Gal(R/V) (=Gal(R/F)) to Gal(T/V) is onto.
This looks promising! Can we now map from Gal(T/V) onto Gal(S1/F)?
Since there is a homomorphism, as in 7.7.2, from Gal(T/V) into
Gal(Sf IF). Is it onto? Sadly ... in general, no! [Since T = V(ct1, ;), each
element of Gal(T/V) determines a permutation on the set of which, itself,
determines a corresponding element of Gal(S1/F). Unfortunately there is no
guarantee that these permutations on the ; yield every element of Gal(Sf/F).]
So, what can we do? Since our choice of R is unlimited (whereas we are stuck
with F,f(x) and S1) perhaps we can choose a new R for which V = F? It may be
a long shot, but it's worth a try! First, to save time if we are wrong, let us check
if indeed Q (of 7.7.2) will be onto if Fix(Gal(R/F)) is assumed to be no bigger
than F.
In fact we obtain
Proof Let i/i e Gal(S1/F). Since R is a Galois extension of F (by 7.6.3 with
L=R and H=Gal(R/F)), R is, by 7.5.6, a splitting field of a suitable separable
polynomial h(x), say, over F and, hence, of h(x) over Sf (trivially).
On taking F1=F2=S1 and 2=i/i, 7.2.4 tells us that we may extend the
automorphism i/i of S1 to an automorphism v of R. Since cli acts identically on F
so does v. That is, v e Gal(R/F)—and, by construction, = i/i. Next:
ker 11 = Gal(R/S1). For, if v e Gal(R/F), then v e ker Q if is the identity map on
5,-; that is if veGal(R/S/).
Finally: the isomorphism then follows from 5.11.6.
So, our immediate task is to show that the given radical tower R can be
replaced, when necessary, by a radical tower which is also normal over F. Can we
take a hint from 7.3.1(ü) and (v) where adjoining a cube root of unity changed
the rather sterile into the splitting field (and hence normal extension)
of x3—2 over 0?
Perhaps it is sufficient to adjoin to R, a primitive nth root of unity, where
(See 7.2.1) Unfortunately this won't do. As exercise 8 shows, there is
still no guarantee that the new field will be normal (i.e. a splitting field) over F.
Of course normality (perhaps without radicality) is easily obtained—given
exercise 7.5.9. (See also 7.5.7(c).)
To get the desired type of extension note first that (in 7.2.1) R
= F(r1, r2, . . . For each i let Mr(X) denote the minimum polynomial of
over F (why is there such a polynomial?) and put m(x) = fi Let
Sm = R(u1, u2,. . . ,u,) be the splitting field of m(x) over R. It follows (exercise 10)
that is a splitting field—hence a normal extension (see 7.5.7(c))—for tn(x)
over F. But there's an obvious question. Have we just destroyed the required
radical property? In fact we have
where tj1 = e,. are the elements of Gal(Sm/F). But this implies that
. . is a
radical tower over F. For, Sm contains the increasing sequence
FcF1,1cF12c ... _cF1 (*)
(Note that the n1 arising here are precisely those appearing in the originally
given tower in 7.2.1.)
I Establish the equality in 7.7.1.
2 Show that there are fields QcKcLcC with Gal(L/Q)=Gal(K/O)=<e).
[Hint: n=?]
3 Let K = to), L = to). Find Gal(K/Q) and Gal(L/Q) and
show that Fix(Gal(L/Q)) D Fix(Gal(K/Q)).
4 Noting that 0 c 0(\/2) c 0(/(3 + is a radical tower containing
the splitting field over 0 of x2 —2, compare with
(See exercise 7.3.16.)
5 Check, in the discussion following 7.7.2, that T is indeed a splitting
extension off(x) over V and that Fix(Gal(T/V)) = V.
* Read F10 as F1
300 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
6 Find three radical towers over 0, with distinct Galois groups, all containing
the splitting field Q(\/2).
7 Prove that if K c L M, if M is normal over K and if a is an isomorphism of
L into Al which fixes K, then a is the restriction i/i of some automorphism of M
which also fixes K.
8 Let 0 c c Q(\/(l where de 1, be given. Show that if d= 2
then the extension + \/d'), i) is a normal extension of 0, whereas if d= 3 it
is not. [Note: we are adjoining i, a primitive 4th root of unity, since the given
radical tower comprises two quadratic extensions.]
9 Given that where L is normal over K, show that Gal(M/L) is a
normal subgroup of Gal(M/K).
10 Confirm the assertion in the paragraph preceeding 7.7.4 that the splitting
field of m(x) over R is actually a splitting field for m(x) over F.
Proof Let 1, s,. . , -' be the zeros off — 1 in L, so that e is a primitive nth
1 Let F=E0cE1c ... CE5 where and where
being some prime in /. Let M(x) = HM,Ax), where M,1(x) is the minimum
polynomial of over F. Let SM be the splitting field of M(x) over E5. Prove that,
for each 5M contains all complex p1th roots of unity. [Hint: What are the
zeros in 5M of the minimum polynomial Nri(X) of over E1_ i?]
2 Find the minimum polynomial (notation Gjx)) for the primitive nth roots
of unity for each n such that 1 n 12. (The polynomials you are dealing with
are called cyclotomic polynomials. C.f. [15], Theorem 15.3.) [Hint:
=(x4—l)/(x2—l)=x2-Fl. Infactf—1=flGd(x).]
tTo avoid problems concerning separability we need only assume characteristic KJn. (See [15].) For
simplicity we here assume characteristic K = 0.
302 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
6 Prove that the groups in 7.8.3 are cyclic for all n and that those in 7.8.2 arc
cyclic if n is primc. [Ci exercise 4.]
7 Letf(x) = x" — a be irreducible in Q[x}, p being a prime. Show that the Galois
group of f—a over Q, that is, Gal(Sf/O), is isomorphic to the group of
transformations on 1,, given by y—+iy +j(i,j i 0).
8 Show that the Galois group of f —2 over 0 is not abelian if n> 2.
9 Let F be any field of characteristic 0. Show that the Galois group of
1(x) = x'1 — a over F has an abelian normal subgroup with abelian factor group.
10 Let with (m,n)=l. Put f(x)=xm—l, g(x)=f—l and h(x)
= x
Comment 7.9.4 (See exercise 3) This part of Galois' result (7.10.5) is already
sufficient to show the existence of polynomials of degree 5 whose zeros are not
(all*) expressible in terms of radicals. We shall leave examples of specific
polynomials until Section 7.11, and content ourselves with merely stating here
(but see exercise 2) the famous result of Abel and Ruffini, namely:
are elements of the field F(a0, a1 an) of fractions of the polynomial ring
F[a0, a1,.. , .in the distinct letters a0, a1 an.]
For each integer n 5 the equation f(x) = 0 is not soluble by radicals over
F(a0,. . ,aj. That is, there exists no universal 'formula' in terms of
. —' ±,
the various and the coefficients an, an_ 1' . ,a0 which will always yield the
solutions off(x) = 0 on substituting specific numbers for the a1.
Note 7.9.6 Despite the content of 7.9.5 and its interesting corollary, exercise
7.9.5, it is still possible that each individual equation f(x) = 0 over 0 might
succumb to a solution by radicals via a 'trick' peculiar to itself. However, in
Section 7.11, we'll see how to construct any number of specific quintic
polynomials in 0[x] which are not soluble by radicals over 0. Of course the
existence of even one such is sufficient to prove 7.9.5 (at least for n = 5), but you
are invited to prove 7.9.5 directly in exercise 2.
1 Let F be any field and let L = F(x1 xj, where the x1 are 'indeterminates'.
Let Sn' regarded as the group of all permutations on x1,.. . , give rise to
automorphisms of L in the obvious way (cf. 5.5.9). Let be the jth
elementary symmetrical polynomial on the x1 (see Section 4.7). Show that
K =F(s1,. . ,s,j is the fixed field of as follows:
2 Let F be any field. Use exercise I to prove the insolubility by radicals of the
'general' quintic equation
f(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2+a3x3+a4x4+x5 eF(a0, a1,.. .a4)[x],
the a1 being indeterminates over F.
3 The first sentence of 7.9.4 is so vague as to be almost worthless. Why?
4 Deduce from exercise 1 that, given any finite group G, there is a pair F c E of
fields such that GaI(E/F) G.
S Find specific real numbers a0, a1 a4 such that the polynomial
x5 +a4x +a3x +a2x +a1x+a0
A sufficient condition for the solubility of a polynomial equation by radicals 305
Theorem 7.10.1 Let S1 be the splitting field of f(x) e F[x], where F has
characteristic 0. If Gal(S1/F) is a soluble group, then there exists a radical tower
over F containing 5,,..
Taking a hint from Section 7.9, we first adjoin to some roots of 1 by taking
the splitting field over 5,,. of the polynomial x" — for some n. But which n shall
we choose? Let us postpone a decision for the moment. In fact, in our first
result, the value of n seems to be immaterial!
Lemma 7.10.2 Let F,f(x), be as indicated and (be a primitive nth root of
unity. If we let F(() be a splitting field of x" — I over F and T be a splitting field
of f(x) over then and is (isomorphic to) a
subgroup of Gal(51/F).
each being normal in its predecessor with 1/Gd being cyclic of prime
order. (See 6.5.8.)
We know from 7.6.4 that (*) gives rise to a corresponding (increasing)
sequence of subfields
= F0 c F1c F2 c
306 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
so that G1=Gal(S1(O/FJ, Fix(GJ=F1 and with each [F1:F1_ prime. Does the
normality of each G1 in G1_ and the primality of each G1.
imply anything
special about the field extension F1DF1_ We shall see that it does!
Let us first see what the relation of normality implies. Since is a splitting
field (forf(x)) over F(Q, it is also a splitting field over (F1 and) F1_ for each 1
Theorem 7.10.4 Letp be a prime and let K be any field containing thep distinct
pth roots of 1. Let L be a splitting field over K of a separable polynomial and
suppose that [L:K]=p. Then L=K(ó) where &€ K (so that L is the splitting
field of x"—& over K).
Theorem 7.10.5 (Galois) Let f(x) e F[x], where char F = 0 and let Sf be the
splitting extension off(x) over F. Thenf(x) is soluble by radicals over F if and
only GaI(Sf/F) is a soluble group.
* Elements of this type were used by Lagrange and Galois and go under the name 'resolvent'. See
and 7.12.
A sufficient condition for the solubility of a polynomial equation by radicals 307
This result provides the unification which Lagrange was seeking. It tells us that,
because the symmetric groups S2, 53, S4 are all soluble, there are general
formulae (that is, involving literal coefficients) for obtaining the zeros of
polynomial equations of degrees 2, 3 and 4.
The above is just one consequence of what is now called the Fundamental
Theorem of Galois Theory, namely:
Theorem 7.10.6 Let L be a finite normal and separable (i.e. Galois) extension
of a subfield K. The map from the set F of fields lying between L and
K to the set cc of subgroups of Gal(L/K) given by cD(M) = Gal(L/M) is a 1—I
correspondence. In addition M is a normal extension of K if Gal(L/M) is a
normal subgroup of Gal(L/K). In this case Gal(M/K) Gal(L/K)/Gal(L/M).
1 Let F c K c F with F a Galois extension of F. Prove, in full, that K is a
normal extension of F if Gal(E/K) is a normal subgroup of Gal(E/F).
2 Find a normal extension N of €1 such that N a radical
tower over 0?
3 By considering the subgroups of the Galois group of f(x) = — 1 over 0,
show that there exist normal extensions which are not radical towers over 0.
(Hence, even iff(x) is soluble by radicals over 0, need not itself be a radical
4 Show that if K is a radical extension of prime degree (>2) over 0, then K is
not a normal extension of 0.
5 Let M be a Galois extension of F and let c e Gal(M/F). Suppose that
Show that
cx(K) = L if ct
-1= Gal(M/F)).
6 Let K be a field. Define automorphisms s, t e Aut(K(x)) by: s(x)= l/x
and t(x) = I — x e K(x). Show that the subgroup S = <s, t) of Aut(K(x)) S3.
Show that k = (x2 — x + l)3/x2(x — 1)2 is in Fix S. Deduce that
[K(x) : Fix 5] [K(x): K(k)]. But kx2(x — l)2_ (x2 — x + = 0. Hence x satisfies
a polynomial of degree 6 over K(k). Deduce that Fix S= K(k), precisely.
7 Show that if f(x) is irreducible in F[x], then Gal(S1/F) is transitive on the
zeros off(x) in [A group G of permutations on a set X is transitive on X if,
for each pair y, z of elements in X, there is a permutation in G under which y is
sent to z.]
308 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
11 Noting that C is a splitting field over for each polynomial in k[x], and
that Gal(CRR)= C2, how can you reconcile 7.10.5 with exercise 7.9.5?
12 (a) Give two examples of fields KcL with [L:K]= 10 and such that: in (i)
all intermediate fields are normal over K; in (ii) not all intermediate fields are
normal over K.
(b) Find_the Galois groups over 0 of: (i) x3—3; (ii) x4+4: (iii) x60— 1;
(iv) + In (i), (ii), (iii) identify the normal subfields of the correspond-
ing splitting field.
13 Why are the following soluble by radicals over 0? (i) x6 + x4 — 2x2 —2;
(ii) x8—4x5—2x3+8; (iii) x6—2x5+4x4—8x3+ 16x2—32x+64?
being the distinct zeros off(x) in S1. Since each element U of Gal(S1/F) effects a
permutation U,, say, on the set . , x,} (exercise 7.2.11), the obvious map
Since is generated (see exercise 5.6.25) by the two cycles (12. . . n) and (12),
the next two lemmas almost suggest themselves.
Lemma 7.11.2 Let F, f(x), be as usual with f(x) irreducible over F and of
degree p, p being a prime. Then Gal(51/F) contains a p-cycle.
Proof Let be a zero of f(x) in S1. Then [Si: F] = [Si: F(cz)][F(oc) : F]. Since
[F(cx) : F] =p (see 4.3.4) we see that[Si: F] = I Gal(51/F)I. Hence Gal(51/F) has
an element of order p. But Gal(51/F) is a subgroup of S, (why?) and the only
elements of order p in 5,, are p-cycles. (Exercises I (below) and 5.6.8(b).)
Perhaps the easiest way to ensure that Gal(51/F) also contains a transposition
is to specialise F[x] to Q[x] and prove
Lemma 7.11.3 If f(x) e Q[x] is irreducible and has exactly 2 non-real zeros,
then Gal(51/F) contains a 2-cycle.
Using 7.11.4 you can construct your own non-soluble equations ad nauseam!
To do so first note that a real polynomialf(x) of degree 5 has three real zeros
iff'(x) has just two (distinct) zeros a, h, (say) such that (say)f(a)> 0 andf(b) <0
as in Figure. 7.1
310 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
Fig. 7.1 Part of the graph of y=x5—4x+2, with zeros H. S. Tnearto —1.52, 0.51.
arid 1.24
To keep the arithmetic easy let's assume that f'(x) = x4 — c where c is some
positive real number to be determined. Then f(x)—x5/5—cx+d for some
constant d. Set y—c114, the real positive 4th root of c. Nowf'(x)=O iffx= ±7.
Alsof(—y)= _y5/5 +747+d=I?5 +d whilstf(7)= +d. Thus if dO then
f(—y)>O whilstf(y).cO if d.c4gy5. Since we wantf(x) to be irreducible in 0(x) we
choose c, d so that Eisenstein's criterion will check this requirement quickly.
Now Sf(x) = — 5cx + Sd, so to use Eisenstein let's choose d= I and then c = 16,
say. Consequently x5—80x+5 is a polynomial of the required kind! We leave
other choices, for example c=*, to you.
1 Show that the only elements of order p in S,, are p-cycles.
6 Let F be a field (characteristic 2). Let f(x) E F[x] be separable and let
S=F(tx1 cr3 be a splitting field. Put 5= fi Show that (i) 52 e F
8 Findf(x), in Q[x], of degree 5 and with all six coefficients non-zero such that
f(x) is not soluble by radicals over 0. [Hint:f(x+ 1).]
9 x5 — 4x + 2 and x5 — 6x +3 are frequently chosen as examples of polynomials
of degree 5 which are not soluble by radicals over 0. Confirm they are indeed
both insoluble over 0.
10 True or false? A soluble irreducible equation of prime degree over F(
has exactly one real zero—or all zeros real. [Hint: Use the result of exercise
11 Test the following for solubility over 0.
(i) x5—8x+3; (ii) x5—7x+3; (iii)
(iv) x5—3x3—3x+3; (v) x5—4x2+2; (vi) x5—4x3-3-2; (vii) x5—4x4+2;
(viii) 2 (p 5 prime); (ix) +x+ [Hint: for (ix)
Eisenstein shows irreducibility. Use the rational root test on the derivative to
help locate local max and mm.].
12 (a) Find [Hint: L=GF(f) is a Galois extension of Zr,.
Hence I Aut(L)I = [L: 74] = n. Show that, for L, the Frobenius automorphism 4)
(exercise 7.5.14) has order n.]
(b) Draw the subgroups/subfields diagram for the finite field of order p12.
tioned in Section 7.5, Galois seems not to have worried too much about where
or what the zeros off(x) were.]
Let us designate the zeros off(x) by cr1, cr2,. . Whereas, for Lagrange, the
cr1 were formally distinct symbols, so that cr1 +cr2cr3 and cx2+1x3cr1, for example,
were likewise formally distinct, Galois had to accept that + and cr2 +
would take n! distinct numerical values on formally permuting the ; (equiva-
lently the z1) in all n! possible ways.
With t so chosen, Galois showed that all the ; (I i n) could be expressed as
rational functions of (i.e. a ratio of polynomials in) t. [In our notation, this
means ;)= 0(t). (Why not Galois now forms 'the
equation for C—that is, the equation
where the t the n!
of the
of R(x): that is, they are symmetric functions of the;. [Hence, in
our language, they belong to F. Why?]
Now R(x) may factorise (into a product of irreducibles) in F[x], R(x)
=R1(x)R2(x). . Rp(X), say. Suppose (without loss of generality) that R1(x)
Definition The Galois group of f(x) over F[xj is the set of permutations on the
cc, which arise when 1 is mapped into '2 4 in turn.
One can show that this finite set has the properties required for it to be a
group and that the group is independent of the particular t chosen at the outset.
Galois now says that if he 'adjoins to the given equation' the zero of some
auxiliary equation (that is, if we replace the 'base' field F by a larger field F1,
say, and think of f(x) as being in F1[x]), then either the Galois group of f(x)
(over F1[x]) will be the same as that off(x) (over F[x]) or will be a subgroup of
the latter—cf. the proof of 7.10.2. [The reason is easily seen: In F1[x] the
previously irreducible R1(x) may, itself, now factorise into a product of factors
irreducible in F1[x]. If R1(x)=R11(x)R12(x).. .Rim(x) with R11(x)=(x—t1)
(x — t2). . (x — t1), say, where I k, the corresponding Galois group comprises
Although, as we noted earlier, Galois' ideas were still being followed as late as
1930 [11], the 'modern' viewpoint sees the subject of Galois Theory as that of
investigating the connection between the subfields of certain types of extensions
(in the first instance Galois extensions) K of a given field F and those subgroups
of the automorphism group of K which 'fix' F. The conditions relating to the
solubility of equations by radicals then result from an application of the general
theory. [Indeed Artin, [3], will have nothing to do with equation solving, leaving
applications to an appendix written by a coauthor!] Of course Artin's approach
didn't suddenly emerge from nowhere; one can trace various ideas via, for
example, Dedekind (who obtained the result of Artin's lemma working
throughout in C), Weber (who discussed groups and fields of 'things') and
Steinitz (who noticed that a wholesale generalisation of Galois' ideas to these
general fields wouldn't necessarily go through and introduced the concepts of
normality and separability to clarify when it would). The account of this thread
of history given in [108] is very interesting but do follow this up by reading the
account [126] of later development by one who was involved.
Naturally enough, attempts have been made to extend Galois Theory to other
settings, for example to commutative rings, to division rings and to differential
equations (see, for instance, [4]). Even in its most 'primitive' setting there are
still huge gaps in our knowledge. Perhaps the most difficult problem is the
determination of precisely which (finite) groups can be Galois groups of the
form Gal(S1/Q). It is believed that every finite group is of this kind. Shafarevich
showed (1954) that every finite soluble group is a Galois group over Q so,
naturally, attention turned to the finite simple groups. In 1984 Thompson
showed that the 'monster', the largest of the 26 sporadic simple groups, is a
Galois group over 0. Since then the majority of the sporadic groups have been
proved to be Galois over 0 by one or more of Hoyden-Siedersieben, Hunt,
Matzat and Pahlings.
I (The Primitive Element Theorem) Let F E be fields of characteristic 0.
Suppose E=F(a,b), where a,b are algebraic over F (see p. 153). Then there
exists d e E such that E = F(d). (That is, E can be generated over F by a single
element. We say E is a simple extension of F.) Proceed as follows. Let f(x),
g(x) be the minimum polynomials over F of a, b respectively and let
K=F(a1,. where a=a1,b=b1, bea splitting field forf(x)g(x)
over F, the a1, being its distinct zeros. Choose c e F such that c #0 and
for all i#k and j#l. [Why can we do this?] Claim: a+bc
(= d, say) works as required. For, clearly, F(d) F(a, b) (= E). Conversely, let
h(x) =f(d— cx) e F(d)[x]. Prove that h(h) =g(b) = 0 in E. Setting
t(x) = gcd(h(x),g(x)) e F(d)[x] we have deg t(x) 1. [Why? What if t = I?] In
K[x], .(x—bj. Hence any other zero of t(x) in K is a
h/f> I). But then so i.e. d—cbJ=ak for some k. This
is impossible (why?). Hence t(x) = x — b, whence h e F(d).
314 A brief excursion into Galois Theory
(This result was for years one of the cornerstones in the proofs of the main
results of Galois Theory. In particular the vital concept of normal extension was
made to depend on it. Artin showed how to reshape the definition of normal
extension without having to introduce the somewhat artificially chosen primi-
tive element.)
2 Deduce from exercise 1 that, if K L where [L : K] < cc and characteristic
K = 0, then L = K(ct) for suitable x e K.
3 (a) Find a suitable primitive element for (i) (ii)
(iii) the splitting field over 0 of x3 —2.
(b) In all honesty (!) which 'presentation' of the splitting field of (x2 — 2)(x2 + 1)
is the more natural (i) 2, i) or (ii) + i)?
4 Which result in Section 7.10 corresponds to Galois' idea of 'reducing the
group of the equation' by extending the 'base' field?
5 Use exercise 2 to show, under those assumptions, that Gal(L/K)I c [L: K].
Partial solutions to the
The following 'answers' are only rarely complete. They are in general meant to
give a good clue without doing all the work for the reader—and they should
certainly not be taken as the epitome of good mathematical style. Where a
counterexample is given, you should aim to produce another.
Exercises in Chapter 0
1 (a) False; (c) true; (e) false Math. Gazette, p. 220, Oct. 1987).
2 (i) True; (iii) false; (v) false; (viii) true; (x) true.
3 BnC={3};AuB={x:xer
and v=2\/(—2+\J5).
5 (b) Let xe(AuB)nC. Then (xeA or xeB) and xeC. Hence (xeA and
xeC) or (xeB and xeC). Consequently xe(AnC)u(BnC).
6 flT,={O};
reP n1
(i) and (ii). Do (iv) similarly.
8 a,&c. Then
Suppose {{a}, {a,b}}={{c}, {c,d}} and that Therefore
= {c, d} and so a = c( = d), contradiction! Consequently a = c and so
{a}={c}. If now Therefore {a,b}={c}. Hence....
9 (ii) No! Take, for example, A={l,2}, B={a,b} and S={(1,a),(2,b)}.
10 (i) 1024(=2b0).
15 Note that each integer is of the form 4k or 4k+ I or 4k+2 or 4k+3. Then
use (4k)2 = 8(2k2), (4k+ 1)2 = 8(2k2 +k)+ 1, etc.
16 Informally: For each integer x and each integer y, the product xy is the
square of an integer.
17 (i) is true; (ii) is false.
316 Partial solutions to the exercises
Exercises 1.2
1 Writing x for b+c we deduce (a+(b+c))+d=(a+x)+d=a+(x+d)
= a + ((h + c) + d). The others are similar.
3 means So
(The reasons for each step are left to you.)
5 From we obtain (using Axiom
19 Let U be the set of positive integers n for which I n. Then 1 e U. Now let
keU_cN. Then (k+l)—l=keN so that l<k+l. By property I, U—N.
Hence if c is an integer with 0< c then I c. Hence c < 1 is impossible. Finally,
prove 0<t—kc I using exercise 8.
I —(ac)e N, a contradiction. Hence O<b. By exercise 19,
l a, l b. If l.ch then, by 1.2.6, (l )al ab= I—a contradiction
22 Look to see if the argument purporting to show that S(k) = S(k + 1) always
holds is valid in the case k= I.
23 (i) Show that Usk=SUSk_4+3Usk_5.
Exercises 1.3
1 Ifb=ua and a=vb then b=u(vb)=(uv)b. Hence, if* b$0 then 1 =uv [why?].
Thus u, v are units. [*What if b = 0?]
3 Use induction on the number r of factors in the product b1b2. . .
=b1(h2. . . b,jx, say, the case ofr=2 being given. Begin by saying: 'Ifalx then
5 Suppose x=&x+u, y=5f3+v, z=5y+w, where u,v,we{—2, —1, l,2}.
(Why these remainders?) Show that 5,j'u2 + v2 + w2.
6 The first six irreducibles are 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 29. Note that 9 is irreducible
(essentially because 3 H) but is not prime in H (since 693 = = 21 . 33 and
yet 9t21 and 9,f'33 in H). On the other hand each H-prime is an H-irreducible.
In fact, if h e H, then h is prime in H if h is prime in 7.
7 Prove that if . . q1, where each is of the form 4k+ I, then so is
Na—a contradiction. Thus at least one of the q, must be of the form 4k + 3 and
hence must be one of the Finish the proof as in 1.3.10.
8 [Cf. exercise 7] For the 6k+5 case consider .. =q1 . .
1 .
Show that each q1 is of the form 6k + I or 6k +5. A similar proof for primes of
the form 8k +7 fails because numbers of the form 8k +7 need not have any
prime factors of that form. (What is the smallest example of this?) [In fact there
do exist infinitely many primes of the form 8k + 7—see [42], p. 53.]
Exercises 1.4
2 Since c is a common divisor of a and b and since d is a greatest common
divisor, we have cid. Likewise dic. Now use exercise 1.3.1.
4 There exist such that cxa+yc=l, flb+öc=1. Then 1=
(cza + yc)(flh + öc) = ccflah + c(ctha + yfib + yôc). Hence, if diab and dic, then ...?
318 Partial solutions to the exercises
5 Show that if dI(a,c) then dia and dla+h. Hence di...? But (a,h)= 1.
Then u i! =p(p— 1). (p+ 1 —i). Now clearly a is an integer. (One can prove
. .
Exercises 1.5
I No—since each of the factors is prime. See 1.5.1.
4 If a=md1=nd2 and iNtl1 +fJd2=1 then a=cxd1(nd2)+f1d2(md,).
5 sa+ th= I thc—c a(sc+tm)=c—assuming hc=ma. Therefore
a c.
Exercises 1.9 319
6 Let a . and h =
. .
where the are pairwise distinct
primes. Suppose, further, that c = . . where the Uk are pairwise distinct
primes, and that all the ;, h are positive integers. Then c2
. . . .up'. By 1.5.1 the Uk must be and in some
order and each ;, 13j is some 2Yk and hence even. Thus both a and b are squares.
Exercises 1.6
2 (b)uov=(0,2,6,—l,—13,7,14,—2,-—15,6,0,0,...)
5 l+3x+x2—x3=(l+x)(l+2x—x2).Sotakeu=(l,l,0,0,...),v=...?
6 Assuming u=(u0,u1,...), v=(v0,v1,...) have zero entries from Urn and
onwards respectively, then U$V has only zero entries from the tth place
onwards, where t Is max{m, n}, the greater of m and n. (Note that it's easiest to
regard U0, for example, as being in the 0th place.) For the product, the infinite
succession of zeros starts at the ((m — l)(n — 1) + 1)th place. (Correct?)
Exercises 1.7
2 UO(v$w) has as its kth term
4 Take N 1(N2) as the set of all polynomials of the form arf + +
Exercises 1.8
2 Formally x is ((0,l,0,...),(0,0,.. .),(0,0 ) whilst y is represented
Exercises 1.9
1 (x2 — 2)(x2 + 2), (x —\/2)(x + ]2)(x2 + 2) in 7L[xJ and R[x] respectively.
3 (i) reducible: 2 and (I + x + 3x2) are non-units in Z[x]; (ii) irreducible—note
that 2 is a unit in 0; (iii) irreducible; (iv) reducible (why?).
S (i) Yes. First show that p is neither the zero element nor a unit in Z[x].
Finally note that ifpf(x)g(x) in Z[x], then p dividesf13g0,f0g1 +f1g0, etc. in 1. If
320 Partial solutions to the exercises
and in Z[x] then there exist a least i and j such that f1 and are
not divisible byp. Then (cf. the proof of 1.9.10) the coefficient of inf(x)g(x)
is not divisible by p—contradiction.
8 (b) M3x2+2x+42).
9 Assuming that and (so that degree is defined) we have
deg (fg) = deg f+ deg g; deg(f+ g) max{degf, deg g}—if, also, — g.
Exercises 1.10
2 f(x) = x, g(x) = 2x. Second part: There exist m, r e 0[x] such that f= mg + r.
Writing m = M/z, r = R/z for suitable z e 7 we get the required result — with
degR=degrcdegg (if r0).
Exercises 2.2 321
Exercises 1.11
2 Note thatf' is just the derivative of in the usual calculus sense. Thus, if
f= (x — a)2g, then f' = 2(x — a)g +(x — a)2g'. Hence (x—a)If'.
3 Letf=x4—4x3+4x2+17.Thenf'=4x(x—1)(x—2).ButnoneofO,l,2isa
root off.
4 Withf=x4+4x2—4x—3, we have (f,f')= 1 in Q[x]. Hence I =sf+tf' with
s, e O[x]. If were a repeated complex root off we would =f'(cz) = 0
in C, whence I = s(cx)f(cx) + = 0. Contradiction.
5 f—g is of degree at most n (if it's not zero), but has n+ 1 roots. Now use
7 (a) By the rational root test the only possibilities are ± I, ± ±
(b) is a root here is a root in part (a). (d) No roots here. (This polynomial
plays a prominent role in Section 4.6.)
9 x—(2—i) is a factor and so is x—(2+i)----by exercise 8. Hence (x—2+i)
(x—2—i)=(x—2)2—i2=x2—4x+5 is a factor of The
other quadratic factor is therefore x2 + x + I with roots x = ( — ± — 3)/2.
10 The only potential rational roots are ± 1—but neither is. So try x4—x2
+1=(x2+ax±1)(x2+bx±l). This shows a+b=0, ab±2=—l. Hence no
rational solution. (Or: Solve the quadratic in x2!!)
Exercises 2.2
1 A binary relation on A isjust a subset ofA xA. IfIAI=n then IA x A1tn2.
Now use exercise 10 of Chapter 0.
2 (ii) Note that nI(a—c)b+c(b—d); (iii) From nlma—mc we deduce nla—c
provided (n, m) = I (exercise 1.5.5). As an example 4 2(mod 2) but
2* l(mod2).
4 (i) Hence x=5,13 will do. (ii) 4x=7
+ 8m is impossible—since 4,]'7.
5 (i) t, a. (a? Yes—for, if not, there must exist x, y e 1 such that x <y and y <x
and x But there is no such pair satisfying even the first two of the three
conditions; (iv) r, s.
8 EisallofAxA except(1,4), (2,4), (3,4), (4,1),(4,2),(4,3).
322 Partial solutions to the exercises
Exercises 2.3
1 Take {l}, {2}, {3}, {4} and the rest of / as equivalence classes.
2 Try {l}, {2,3}, {4,5,6}, ... etc.
4 (i)(x1,y1)R(x2,y2)iff(x1—1)2+(y1—l)2=(x2—l)2+(y2--1)2.
5 52 (Am I correct?)
Exercises 2.4
2 l7Ix— or
1 1 1. (Why?) Hence ± l(mod 17). That is,
there are essentially two solutions in 7L—exactly two in has 4 1
solutions, namely 1, 3, 7 in Put another way: all odd integers are solutions
of the congruence l(mod 8).
4 (a) The argument goes through since /,, is a field (as are 0, C). In fact
1.11.5 is valid too. (Do 1.11.4 and 1.11.5 hold for integral domains—e.g. /'?)
8 By inspection: and 4 will each do. (Any more?)
10 (ii) 5 8 1 (mod 13). So 8 '= 3 in (iv) 8x = I + 34k is impossible in /;
(v) By the Euclidean Algorithm I =
Exercises 2.5
1 (i) Hence Consequently Thus
Exercises 2.6 323
Exercises 2.6
1 (ii) Yes; (iii) no.
2 (a) (ii) No; (iii) yes: (b) (from A to B).
3 fisnotonto;therangeofgislV;hisl—l.
4 g is not onto; h is both 1—I and onto.
Exercises 2.7
1 The negative integers provide an example. (Can you find others?)
2 In (iv) and (v) the identity functions are, respectively; (iv) I given by 1(x) =0
for all XE (v) 1 given by 1(x)=x for all XEX.
4 choose a,beX(afl). Now definef,geE by af=bf=a; ag=bg
=h. Then show that
7 (i) (iii) (v)
A? x I
C? x I x
I? x x x
Exercises 3.2
1 (b) is a cheat (sorry!) since + isn't a binary operation on the given set; (c) all
axioms hold—it's a field; (e) M4 fails.
2 Note that Al, A2, A3, A4 must hold in each case. For the second example
look at axiom D.
5 All elements of Y(S), except S itself, are zero divisors (look at XnX'). For
<Y(S), (p HF, 0> we need (now) only check the axioms involving H. Clearly
would have to be the element satisfying A3. Now try A4.
6 The first part is essentially exercise 1.2.7. For <F, ®, a> there is no need to
check the ® axioms again so just check M2 and D. For D try functionsf, g, h
wheref(t)= 1 for each t e It (In fact <F, $, a> would be a ring except it just fails
one 'half' of D.)
8 Write d and n in place of 0 and 1. We then have (with slight rearrangement)
d 0 n d
ddn n d
n n n
(Recall that 0 and 1 are only symbols; the tables define their relationship.)
Exercises 3.3 325
This now looks like the set {E,O} of exercise 1.2.15 (In fact ii and dwere
chosen being the last letters of 'even' and 'odd'.) Thus, by exercise 1.2.15, all
axioms are satisfied and, as defined, <{0, l}, ®, Q> is a field.
9 This construction is important but proofs are quite straightforward. For
example (ZR, Z5) is the additive identity element; (—r, is the additive inverse
of(r,s), etc.
10 R=4, c=I. Now find another example.
11 l802n=36n=34nEB2n=2n. It is the only unity—see exercise 3.3.1(iii).
Exercises 3.3
1 (a) (i) a+c=b+c. By A4 there exists such that c+c*=ZR. Then
(a+c)+c*=(b+c)+c*. ByA2,a+(c+c*)=b+ (c+c*). ByA4,a+ZRb+ZR.
Hence a=b, by A3. (a) (iii) If e(f) satisfies M3 then e Therefore
e =f. Suppose a', a" satisfy M4. Now a' a") = (a' a) a" (by A2). Hence
. .
9 (a) isn't equal to (even though the notation may tempt you to believe
it is). (b) The moral is: Use suggestive symbolism—but with care!
19 (cf. the proof of 3.3.4) If the elements of R are denoted by 14R f,,
then f0f1,f1f1,. ,f,f1 are t+ 1 distinct elements of R. (f1f1
. .
Exercises 3.4
I (a) No; (e) Yes—each is!; (e) no—sum may fail; (g) yes.
2 (ii) {a/b; a,he7L and for some
(Why not?)
Exercises 3.5
I (Cf. exercise 1.5.6.) Care is needed if n is even. For example, 36=(—4)(—9)
with coprime factors, neither of which is a square!
3 A solution for n = uv yields a solution for v. Thus if FC is true for 4 and each
odd prime p then it is also true for n = 4v and n =pv. But every integer n 3
either has an odd prime factor or is a power of 2.
Exercises 3.6
I (b) From h=ma and c=na we obtain hx+cy=a(mx+ny). Hence albx+cy.
(ci 1.3.4.)
2 Ifc is a unit in R then cd= where c/c RcR[x]. Hence c is a unit in
11[x]. Conversely if cp(x) = 'RIx] = then p(x) e R (by a degree argument) and so
c is a unit in R.
328 Partial solutions to the exercises
6 If then
Therefore (a2 + 3h2)(c2 + 3P) = 16. Consequently a2 + 3b2 = 4 (why not 1, 2, 8
nor 16?). It follows that a= ±2, b=0, or a= ± I, h= ± 1. These six possibilities
do all yield units.
7 4i and in 2/12 (the even integers mod 12) but 4, are not associates
since 2/12 has no multiplicative identity! (Cf. exercise 3.2.11.)
Even better is the following, due to Al Hales. 7 define and 0
by: (a, m)®(b, n) = (a + b, m + n), (a, m)0(b, n) = (an + hm, mn). (Ci exercise
3.3.3.) You can check that R is a commutative ring with unity (... what?) and
that (1,0), (2,0) divide each other in R but are not associates.
8 (i) in the units are 1, 3, 1, 11. Irreducibles are 2, 10. Primes are 2, *, Iii.
(iv) This example is fascinating! First note that f is a unit if f(x) 0 for all x.
There are no irreducibles: for any suchf must havef(a) =0 for some a. Defining
I by: I(a)=0; I(x)= 1 if we findf(x)I(x)=f(x) for all x, i.e.f=f I. Now
show thatf is prime ifff has exactly one zero. (Show that iff has more than one
zero, then you can find functions g and h such that f=gh but f,j'g and fth.)
10 Yes! (2i) Let it be a prime and u and unit in /[i]. Then unit.
Finally—if untz=41 then or intl so uinluvcx or uxluvfl, where uv= I.
12 (a) Follow 1.3.7. End more formally by: 'It follows that asc = bc. But hc = a.
Hence asc=a=ae. Therefore a(sc—e)=z and so sc—e=z (why?). Conse-
quently sc(=cs, why?)=e; that is, c is a unit and a is irreducible.' (b) 2 is
irreducible (see text) but 2 isn't prime since 21(1 + — 3)( I — —3) yet
2,f'l in /[\/_3]. (c) Since is irreducible the only divisors are u and
ccu where u (= ± 1) is a unit. Likewise for fi. Hence the only common divisors are
I, — I. (Note that /7 are not squares since they are irreducibles.)
Exercises 3.7 329
Exercises 37
1 (a), (b), (c). They are all domains. That 3.7.1(I) holds for ZbJ—i], ZW—21
has already been noted (Theorem 3.7.4). The proof for is similar via 3.6.3.
To check (II) look at (d=—l,—2,2). Let
Then = —==x+y\/d, where x,yeQ. Now choose X,
h u+v\/du—vVd
Yel such that 0 We obtain a=(X+ where
But N(r)=I(x—X)2—d(y— Y)2IN(b)=MN(b), say. For
where 0 h2 Thus, 0 M (Can you see why?) (A similar proof
copes with d= — 1, —2 and 3 but not with d= —3. Again, can you see why?).
(d) (II) For write a=mb+r where —IbI/2r<IbI/2. Then
so that b(r) < ... (f) For (II) note that if a = x1(a1 + 1x +
what? =
where are units then
(ifj i). (What if icj?)
2 Given define i5(a) = Then checking (I) and (II) of 3.7.1 is straight-
forward. Does ö (in 3.7.1) imply the existence of q as defined here? Try R=7L.
Now prove that and t(9)tj(3).
3 (ii) Fn=3+\/—2, r= The gcd is
5 Write Rf+ Sg = and then write R = mg + r(m,
1 r e Q[x] and deg r c degg.
r=0 is impossible. Why?) Then I =rf+(S+mf)g.
6 (fljlsing 2 is irreducible but not prime in
(ii) If then N(r)=1a2—10b21. Putting
± 4, 5(mod 10) show that a2 — lOb2 = ± 2 has no solutions. Thus N(r) #2. Show
similarly that N(r) #5. Hence show that 2,5, are irreducible in ZR/b].
7 There is no contradiction. (Perhaps the factors with equal norms are
associates?) The equality a2 — 2b2 = (a + — shows that elements
with norm I are units. (Cf. exercise 9(u).)
8 (i) Since (77,91,143)= 1, z= I will do. Which other z will do?
9 (i) From 3.7.1(I), 45(l)f5(la) if a#0. (ii) If also ab=1 then
Exercises 3.8
I One of u,v must be odd, the other even: u=2r+ l,v=2s, say.
3 If p = 4k +3 is not a prime in /[i] then it is not irreducible either. Hence
p = (a + ib)(c + id) with neither factor being a unit. Then from
p2 = (a2 + b2)(c2 + cE) would follow p = a2 + b2 = 4k +3, contradicting exercise I.
Ifp=4k+1 is a prime in 1, then p=a2+b2=(a+ib)(a—ib) where
4 (a2 + h2)(c2 + d2) = NOxjI) = hd)2 + (ad± bc)2.
11 009=(102+ 12)(l02+32).
7 Note that at step (ix) we would need an equality of the form r4 + s4 = t4.
9 Note that (x2+4, 16)= 1 in 7 since x is odd. Deduce that x+2i, x—2i are
coprime in /[i]. Note also that if y3 = c41 with /3 coprime in /[i], then = us3,
1i=vt3, whereu,ve {l, —l,i, —i}. Butu,vareeachcubesofunits, hencecz,/Jare
Exercises 3.9
1 'Only if': Supposing that n is prime in 7 and that abe[n], then ab=tn for
some tel and so nia or nib. Therefore a (or b)e[n].
2 [x] is prime since iff1f2e[x] then f1f2—xg where we think of f1,f2,g as
polynomials in x with coefficients in l[y, z]. Nowf1,f2 can't both have non-zero
'constant' terms in l[y,z]. (Why not?) Thus or xif2.
3 (Last part) If[a] is prime, and 1 =b cm R, then be[a] orce[a];
that is, b=ar or c=as. Therefore 1 =arc or a unit,
so that a is irreducible.
4 There is no contradiction since R is not a ... what? (Note that (0, 1)
5 Each ideal is principal (3.7.16). If I=[f] thenf is irreducible, by
exercise 3. Hence [f] is maximal—for if [f ] [gJ O[x] then f=gh, where h is
not a unit in O[x] since [g] [f]. (Couldn't g be a unit?)
6 (ii) If {3(a+h\/—5)+(—1+\/—5)(c+d\/—5)}=[2] then I
Exercises 3.10
1 (i) Ycs!; (iii) no (check multiplication); (v) not I I. and have the same
image.); (vi) yes. (Perhaps you should try to find proofs!)
2 Checking M2: (xoy)Qz—(xy+x+y)Oz——(xyz+xz+yz)+(xy+x+y)+z
whcreas xQ(yoz)=xQ(yz+y+z)=xyz+xy+xz+x+yz+y+z. <Z,$,Q>
is indeed a ring with 'z' = —1 and 'e' =0. Thus for an isomorphism 0 we would
need zO = 0, eO = I. (Can you 'extend' this 0 to the whole of 7'!)
3 Yes. This is part of the (well-known) 'block multiplication' of matrices.
4 Intuition: has an element whose square is 1 + I (i.e. 2); surely
hasn't? Proof: For anx isomorphism 0 we'd have 0(1) =1 hence 0(2) = 2.
Suppose 0R/2)= a + bV3. Then 2 =(a +
6 Since (\-y xJ 'corresponds' to x+iy in 3.10.2 we should choose
x = cos(2rr/17), y = sin(2ir/17)—using De Moivre's theorem.
7 (i) °R4 (OR + = °RØ$°R4. Now add e(ORØ) to each side and use the
associative law. (ii) Let s e S. Since 0 is onto S, there exists r e R such that rqS =s.
332 Partial solutions to the exercises
Exercises 3.11
2 (i) Certainly U must be an integral domain. Let u be a non-zero non-unit in
U (if there are any such). Then u=u1u2. . . u, is a product of irreducibles in U[x]
(why?), hence in U (see exercise 3.6.2). If u=u1 . . . . as products of
irreducibles of U (hence of U[x]; why?) then the u1, pair off as associates in
U[x], hence in U (why? why?). (ii) If u e U(u is an irreducible element with
no multiplicative inverse in U form the ideal I={xf+ug:f,ge U[x]}. Continue
as in exercise 3.4.22(b).
3 For the first part follow the text for l[x]. For the first part of the second
paragraph regard 0[x,y] as Q[x}[y], i.e. as polynomials in y with coefficients in
the UFD Q[x]. Note that xis prime and that 3x2, xI2x but x2,f'2x. The
final polynomial factorises.
4 Tryl+L
5 Any 'rational' root is of the form r/s where (r, s) = I and and si I in l[y].
The second polynomial has content y2 — 1.
Exercises 4.2 333
6 1fF1 = u1P1, F2 = u2P2 with P1, P2 primitive and iff is a common divisor of
degree 1 of F1 and F2, in then there existsge such that gjP1 and
gjP2 in Now (ci 1.9.14), if P1=gh1 and P2=gh2 and ifg=(a/b)G then
GIP1 and Gil'2 in U[x].
8 Is Q[{x]] a UFD? See 3.7.14 and exercise 3.9.15. In fact the two rings aren't
isomorphic: P(x, y) = + xy + x2y2 + x3y3 +
1 lies in one ring but not the
other. (So what? They might be isomorphic in some unnatural way. Note that
P(x, y) has a multiplicative inverse in is a UFD. See [22].)
Exercises 3.12
2 Let be any real number which is not a root of any polynomial in Z[x]. (iv
and e are such numbers.) Set f(x) e R + ifff(cx) >0 in It (Cli exercise 1.7.4.) In
particular look at, say, x—3 for rx=e and ri—ic. Now have fun!
6 1eR4 implies that 1+1, 1+1+1, etc. are all in Rt Hence 0eV if
0 =I+1+ + I (n summands, for some n). Contradiction.
8 Clearly (?) Fj is not empty. If 0< FaIb and 0< FeId then 0< Dab and 0< Dcd.
Therefore 0< Dab& + cdb2 = (ad+ bc)(bd). Hencethe sum of... The answer to
Exercises 4.2
1 (a) Each is. Intuitively, for the first one: 'replace x by x+2 and add' is the
same as 'add first and then replace x by x + 2'. Same for multiplication.
Formally, ...? (b) Look at 10 and i4 iq5. .
2 For (i), (ii), (iii) the image 10 of I determines hO for each 11. Also
1Ü=â i0=1U=à. (In 4 this implies à=Ô or 1, for example.) For
the final part think in terms of nim.
3 Question asks: Is det(AB)=detA is det(Ad-B)=detA+detB?
4 (i) RU isn't empty (why not?). Given s2 RU let r1, r2 e R be such that
Then s1cais2=r1UEBr2U=(r1 +r2)0e RU. Likewise for 0. That
es1 RU follows from 4.2.6(u). Now use 3.4.2. For an example try R = 7, S 0
or 7[x]. (ii) Use r1Uer2U=(r1—r2)U.
334 Partial solutions to the exercises
15 For properties (r), (s), (t) use r1 —r1 El; r1 —r2 El r2 —r1 el;
16 x+S=1 +x+S (since 1 ES) but their squares x2-l-S and ??? aren't equal.
21 After finding r, s using the Euclidean Algorithm you should find the
required inverse to be
22 will do—but what is the smallest such extension?
Exercises 4.3
1 U maps R onto the subring RU_c S. Now use 4.3.1.
2 'Deduce':rekerUiffr+A1=0+A1andr+A2=0+A2,i.e.iffreA1 and
re A2. Note that which has mn elements since (m,n)= 1, is isomorphic
to a subring of—s----.
[m] En]
Exercises 4.4
1 IfyeB put D=y2—2>0. Ify4put v=V. Ify<4 put v=y—D/3(sO
0<vcy). Then v2—2=D—4Dy+D2/9>0 since 9—6y+D>0.
3 (i) Let s1=(a1,a2,...), s2=(b1,b2,...), s3=(c1,c2,...) be Cauchy conver-
gent sequences. For transitivity note that, given k >0, there exist M1, M2 such
336 Partial solutions to the exercises
that Ia,—bJ <k/2 for all and <k/2 for all j>M2. Then Ia,—c,I
Ia,—b11+lb,—c11<k for all t>max{M1,M2}. (iii) To shows is Cauchy first
prove, by induction, that 1 ; 2 for each x,. Then show that, for n > rn,
(a(0,0), (1,—b\
+ +
..is meaningless only when 22
0) satisfy A3 and M3: For M4 (a, h) has multiplicative inverse
which .
a+b= 0, i.e. when (a,b) is
the element (0,0).
9 The map 4:C—dR[x}/{x2+l] given by (a,b)4=a+bx+[x2+l] shows this
(cf. exercise 4.2.20). 0 is (fairly clearly) well defined, onto, 11 (why?) and is
easily checked to be a homomorphism.
11 No! Use (1,0) to show that axiom Z fails.
12 Check the multiplication axioms.
13 (ii) Field! (Find, by experimenting, specific zero divisors in the other two
Exercises 4.5
1 al + b\/2 + + d\/5 = 0 + + cAJS)2. Deduce that
u2 and are rational.
2 (f1—g1)w1+
3 Since x3 —2 is M9 (the minimum polynomial for 0 = the result is
immediate from 4.3.5 (i) and the uniqueness part of 4.3.4.
4 Let 1 and letf1,f2 be the non-zero elements of the field (F,
say). Let b be any one of theft. Thenf1b,. . is the same set of elements (ef.
Exercises 4.6 337
looks hopeful!
9 (i) Since say, we have x"—l=(xrn—l)g(x) where g(x) is of
degree u — in. Now x" —1 has u distinct roots in whilst xm — I and g(x)
have at most in and u — m roots respectively.
11 Recall: the non-zero elements of GF(8) satisfy the equation x7 = I.
12 Note that, if g(x) = r(x)f(x) + s(x) e then
0+s(u) g(x)# 1.
Exercises 4.6
I (a) In Fig. 4.8 take a= 1. Then c= 1/b. (b) Use Fig. 4.8 to get -.Ju from u
(u=3, u=2+13, etc.). (c) (a,b) is constructible from the pair (0,0),(l,0) if
each of a, b lies in some field in some sequence 0 = 0 c R, where
each 0,2+1 = for some r e O,. The problem is to show (see (3.4.2(F)) that
each of a + b, ab, etc. lies in some such sequence. (Cf. exercise 3.4.19.)
2 Suppose
+cx15vju1+(cz21v1+ ...
Then each bracket is equal to °E since the form a basis for K over E. But then
each 0Qj = °F (why?)
3 First part: If (u, v) is the point of intersection of ax + by + c = 0 and
kx + ly + in = 0 where a, b, c, k, 1, in e then (in general) u = (bin — k)/(al— bk)
338 Partial solutions to the exercises
8 a) Use the fact that am — hn = 1 for suitable a, h e 1. (b) For (ii): notice how
p—i . .
9 (a) For (i) use angle or arc bisection. For (ii) use exercise 8. (b) 2° is not
constructible; 3° is! (Reason?)
10 (a) Use Pythagoras' Theorem.
11Given the angle 0, split 0 into equal parts for any n. Then look at
0—0/2+0/4— ...
Exercises 4.7
I (a) —353; (d) 5s5—3s4s1 +5352. (The method of exercise 4 is quite quick
2 (i) Coefficient of x2 in the new equation is _((_3)2_2.7); (iii) Use
I I I 1 1 1
+-+ =—'
b c 53 ab
bc ca 53
Ur(xi,...,xr+,+i,O,...,O)=xr÷t+1V(xi,...,xr+,+i)[forsome V]=
• ,Xr+t_i,Xr+t+i)#+r.
=xr+,+ixr+tvo(xi, . .
Exercises 5.2
I The coefficient of x in the new equation is s1s3 —4s4.
2 The constant term in the equation for the first function is —s3s2s1.
Exercises 5.3
I (a) No: is a problem; (c) Yes: identity is 37; (d) No. 0 is the identity
but a has no multiplicative inverse ifa=... what?; (e) Yes: g is the identity; (f)
Yes; (h) No; (j) Yes; (I) Yes: f1(x) is the identity.
2 (b) Not abelian; finite order (in fact how many elements?); (e) abelian—
order 4; (g) not abelian—order 48 (why?); (k) abelian—infinite order; (1) not
abelian (look atf2f4,f4f2)—order 6.
3 Clearly (C) is satisfied. Also
(g1, h1) {(g2, h2) (g3, h3)} =(g1, h1) . (g2og3, h2sth3)
=(g1o(g2og3), h1s4h2*h3))
=((g10g2)0g3, (h1*h2)*h3)=
={(g1, h1) (g2, h2)} • (g3, h3)
—hence associative. (eG, eH) is the identity and (g, h)1 1,
- 1). Hence (N)
and (I) hold.
5 Yes. Prove it! (e6 is still the identity; likewise for inverses.)
6 Order is surely 12 (or is it 24???).
340 Partial solutions to the exercises
Exercises 5.4
3 Let a,beG. Then a=a', b=b', and so ab=(ab)'=b'a1=ba.
5 Hence the g1g (1 comprise n
distinct elements of G. But I G = n....I
a 'a=(a'a)e=(a 'a)(a1(a') ')=a1a)a 1)(a
=a'(a1)' =e.
Now show ea = a. Therefore the right neutral and inverse elements are double
Exercises 5.5
1 Try lf=2, 2f=3, 3f=? (Is there a 'smaller' example?)
2 (12463)(58)
3 (a)(1 547 3)(2 6);(b)(l 547 3)(2 6);(c)is?
3 4 7 5 2 6)
S X and Y 'XY have the same 'cycle shape'. Indeed see exercise 6.
8 If y is common to the orbit of cx and $ then cx, $ are in the same orbit—_namely
y's—by exercise 7(i).
9 For the first part see 5.5.8. The even permutations include (123) and
(12)(34). By 5.5.11 you should find 12 altogether.
11 Note that the second (fourth) equality follows from the first (third).
12 To see if (i) can be changed into (ii) first change (i) (or (ii)), legally, by
moving the blanks to the same 'place'. Then (ii) will be obtainable from (i)—
legally—if the corresponding permutation
(14 11 7 1 12 2 B 9 6
12 7 13 4 11 B 14 6
is even. (See Thomas Fournelle, The permutation game. Pi Mu Epsilon Journal,
5, 1973, 425—9).
Exercises 5.6
1 If S is a subgroup and if a, be S then a' e 5, hence a tb €S. (5.6.5 (ii) and
(i).) For the converse, first show e eS, then b' e 5, finally ab eS.
2 Assume that a, b e S ab e S. Deduce that aMeS for each de t and, since
b'=e for some that alft eS.
3 If and look at ab with aeA\B and beB\A.
4 If am=e and b"=e look at (ab 1)mn (Is the set in question non-empty?)
5 Use exercise 2. TI=l.1.3!.lO! (correct?)
8 (a) Lagrange's Theorem will tell us we need only look for subgroups of
orders 1, 2,4, 8, 16. <a4> and <bat> (i =0, 1,. . , 7) are those of order 2 (since
The different cyclic ones are: <(1234)>, <(1243)>, <(1324)>. (Why no more?
What about non-cyclic ones?) In 55 each (labca) generates a 5-cycle where
{a, b, c, d} = {2, 3,4, 5}—surely not all different?
9 For 56: Note that each element is a product of disjoint cycles of lengths
x, y,... involving 6 letters. Now show that one cannot write 6= x +y +
where lcm{x,y, .
.} = 1.2.
19 (i) (12), (13), (123){ =(12)(13)}, (132){ =(123)2}, (23){ =(123)(12)} all lie in
the subgroup. Any more? (ii) The order is 12.
20 {a,ba}, {a3,h} are two such.
21 For n=3 choose 6, 10, 15. (Why? Factorise these integers into primes!)
22 If {a1/b1: I i t} generated and if p,{'h,, 1 i t, p being prime, how
could you show that l/pe
24 flSFBut<U)isoneofthes2....
(14); (45) and (15) etc. similarly. Then use products of transpositions.
Exercises 5.7
1 S—SI, S(12)(34)=S(243)=S(143), S(13)(24), S(14)(23) are the distinct right
3 Therefore gh*HcgH__and conversely since
4 cecH. So, if cH=dH then c=dk for suitable keH. Conversely t'c
(i) eH? Try a=(12), b=(123), H=??. For (iii) think of
6 If texAnyB then xA=tA, yB=IB (why?). Hence xAnyB=tAntB=
t(AnB) (Why?) Then follows, by counting! If
then each xHnyK must be a coset of HnK, hence
non-empty. Thus if heH, keK we have Hence h'k=k1h1,
where h1 e H and k1 e K. From this HK KH, which is therefore (proof?) a
subgroup of G. Now prove, by similar means that HK is actually equal to G.
(The converse, namely that if G=HK then IG:HnKI=IG:HIIG:KI follows
using exercise 7 and the equality IH:HnKI=IHK:KI.)
Exercises 5.8 343
8 The a1H (i=0, 1,... ,n) can't all be pairwise distinct. Hence arH=aW for
some r, s. Note that t4'n tic possible.
9 If G={g1h:l then
Exercises 5.8
1 Ifa,beG=<x), cyclic, then a=f, h=xs for some r,s. So
4 y=xtforanytsuchthat(t,15)=l.
5 0(n)—since = iffy = x' with (t, n) = I and 1 t n. For (ii), note that
0(n) =3 is impossible (use exercise 2.5.8).
6 (88, 28) = 4. Hence n = 4 will do. (So will n = 2. Why?)
Exercises 5.9
1 Let <G, > = be the (multiplicatively written) infinite cyclic group
generated by its element x. Define 0: <1, + > —* <G,) by 0(n)=x". Then 0 is an
isomorphism. If and <H, 0> are each infinitc cyclic, use 5.9.4.
2 See 3.10.2 (iii) and exercises 3.10.7 (vi), (vii).
17 Taking the origin at the centre of the cube, note that the larger group
contains the rotations of exercise 5.3.1 together with 24 isometries r1R,
where R denotes reflection in the origin. (What about the rR if R is a reflection
in the y—z plane? Doesn't that yield more isometries of the cube?)
18 For the first part recall exercise 5.3.7. For x,yeG, (xy)i/ig==g'xyg
Now prove that tug is 1-1 and onto. For all xeG,
Now show Hence
Jnn(G) is a subgroup.
Exercises 5.10
I (ii) Use det(AB)=detA detB.
2 Omcanbeontoforexampleif<A, +>=<Q, +)orif<A,
(m,n)=.., guess what?
5 (ii) For any such i/i, li/i must have order dividing both S and 12. Hence
(iii) <M(14), 0> under 4, say. (See exercise 5.9.7.) Hence
i/,=Ao4:l—.M(14) will do—where
7 Note that i/i can't be onto (by 5.10.10 (iv)). Try t/i:C2—*53.
8 Map odd permutations to — I, etc.
9 If then is determined
since the are known.
10 Ifx,yekerçfr then(x_1)i/i=(xçfr)_'=e=ewhilst(xy)çfr=xyi/iee
= e. (Question: Is ker i/i non-empty?)
Exercises 5.11
or S3. But
4 If (aT)" = T then a" e T. Therefore a" (and hence a) has finite order.
Consequently a e T, i.e. aT = T.
5 H<G then
SG/N=t'S=K/N: Let K={k:kNeS}. Trivially Now use
=k1N(k2N) Hence K G (and K/N=S, by definition).
6 Let gA = Then A is a homomorphism, since = 'P (exercise 5.9.18).
gA is the identity map if (i.e. if g 1xg=x) for all XE G.
Exercises 6.2 347
7 (a) Take N1 <N2cG, G being infinite cyclic: (b) Try G=D4 with
8 Let leT, so that l=a* for some aeG. Then gl/i=t iffg=ak where keK.
Thus I KI elements map to each element of T.
9 Given gN = hN show that gK = hK. This shows that 0 is well-defined.
ker 0= {IN: tK =eG/K} = {tN: 1€ K} = K/N. By 5.11.6,
Exercises 6.2
I Let g e G. Then = eH = eH = eG for some fi.
2 No prizes for guessing which group!
3 (a) (Transitivity) For subsets U, 1", WofG: Vand Vh= W)=t. U9h= 14'
4 Let S G. The map A. given by u2=g 1ug (u eS) establishes the isomor-
phism between S and g 'Sg.
5 Ifx,ye NG(H) then W=H, IP=H and H
so that xy -' e NG(H). (Have we yet used that H is a subgroup?); (b) Take H = G
(any G!)—or, for example, {I,(l2)} in 53; (d) Look for a suitable subset of 53 to
act as K.
6 For h e H and v e NG(H), v - 'hv e = H. Since NG(H) is the set of allg such
that = H, 'unique largest'-ness follows.
7 For x,ye T, W=IP i.e. iffxyt eN6(H)nT.
8 U is a union of subsets, each of size HI and each
containing eG. So the union contains at most IHI+(IG:HI—l)(IHI-—1)
15 Let x e ((G)\S. Then KS, x> G (since <S, x) 1> SI) and so each element of
G is of the form x1s, where seS (why?). Since eS we
deduce that S<<S,x). Note that exercise 12 says 'there exists'; exercise 15 asks
you to show 'for all'.
16 Take n=4 in 5.3.4(1). (There is another example in Section 5.9.)
17 Let teNG(S), and seS. Prove that
=r'x(tsr')t {why?}=(r1xt)s. It follows that r1xieC6(S). Let teN6(S).
Then defined by gives an automorphism of S (cf. exercise 5.9.18).
The map 0: Aut(S) given by tO = A, is a homomorphism with ker 0
={t:r'st—s for all seS}.
18 Note that for eachgeG.
19 No!
20 If P is a Sylow p-subgroup in G then surely also in each T for which
P T G. If P, Q are Sylow p-subgroups of NG(P) then Q = P' for some
teN6(P) (by 6.2.12). But P'=P.
21 Let K = {P = P0, P1,. . .
be the set of all Sylow p-subgroups. Put
if P7 = for some s e S. As in 6.2.12 the conjugacy classes have IS:
(as power of p) elements in them. Thus at least one P1 is in a class of its own.
Consequently S N6(P,) for some P,. Now look at P1S to deduce S P,. Hence
for somegeG, by 6.2.12.
22 Suppose x'NG(P)x=NG(P). Then x1Pxx1NG(P)x=NG(P). But P
= x - 'Px (by exercise 20). Therefore xc N6(P).
23 Look at the number of Sylow 3-subgroups. 5. The
number of Sylow 5-subgroups is I or 6. If 6, count the number of Sylow 3-
subgroups. In the last case follow the proof of 6.2.l6(iii).
24 One of the subgroups is example 5.3.4(m). (Recall that conjugate sub-
groups are isomorphic.) There is no contradiction (since 8124). [Do you see why
I'm saying this?]
25 whereh1eHnK and k1 belongs to asetofcoset
representatives of K modulo HnK. Thus {hk:h e H, k e K} contains at most
I HI K: HnK distinct elements. (Are they pairwise distinct?)
Exercises 6.3
1 Generalize the solution to exercise 5.3.3.
3 (a) Yes. (The proof is easy.); (c) strictly, 'no' (n-tuples of matrices aren't
matrices!), but if we allow the words 'isomorphic to' then the answer is 'yes'—
for example, with A e GLm(R), Be GLJIR) associate
fA 0\
in GLn+m(11).
Exercises 6.3 349
4 (a) No—the largest order is 30; (b) A5 has no element of order 15.
5 (a) IfS4=A x B with Al 1BI, then IAI=2, 3 or4. But then S4 would have a
non-trivial centre—contradicting exercise 5.6.17. (b) Does C2 x D3 help? (c) Try
to generalise (b). (e) No! Count the subgroups of order p.
6 Show that if Cr, are generated by x,y respectively, then xy generates Crs.
8 (a) Map (a, (c, d)) to (a, c, d).
9 If g = . . . . . = k1 . ks..
. . . as given then, using the commutativity of
we get
n<H1,. . ,.H,,.
. . . , Hj = <e>. [Here denotes that the element below it is
10 is one way. Any more?
Il I claim 16. Am I right?
Exercises 6.4
1 then
6 Since, for each odd integer a, a4rr 1 (mod 16), <M(16), 0> is certainly not
cyclic. Hence M(16) = C2 x C4 or C2 x C2 x C2. Which?
7 Example (which much better describes what happens than a formal explana-
tion can!): If A = C9$C8ff3C5 with generators x,y, z respectively, then one such
series, in additive notation, is (with corresponding factors underneath):
A=<x,y, z>><3x,y, z>>(y, z)><2y, z>><4y,z>><z>><e>.
C3 C3 C2 C2 C2 C5
= C'2 $ C'2 $... ® etc. one sees that m = n and, more generally, that has
neither more nor less cyclic factors of order p2 than does
9 Write A as a direct sum of its Sylow subgroups, S,,. Then each S,, is
cyclic- —or else S,, has more than p elements of order p.
Exercises 6.5
2 [a,bc]=a 'c1b1abc:
4 [(142),(235)]=?
5 Useg1[a,b]g=[g'ag,g'bg].Notethata1(b'ab)eA;(a1V'a)beB.
6 Use (a'h'ab)O—(aO)'(bO)'aOhO and G'=<[a,b]: aeA, beB>.
7 implies "=[H°", Show that
= (GO)°° implies + "0 = [G°°0, by induction.
8 (a) Assuming that = x show that "= <[(a, h), (u, v)]) where
a, u E A and b, v e B. But [(a, b), (u, v)] = ([a, u], [b, v]). (b) G/(HnK) is isomorphic
to a subgroup of G/H x G/K (by exercise 6.3.17).
Now use part (a) and exercise 7.
9 'If': Assume that each 1/G1 is abelian. Then 1
(by 6.5.4). Now
prove, by induction, that for each i and deduce that = <e>.
19 If GI .
the being primes then each composition series of G
has cx1+22+ +; terms—including G and <e). But (Or: let
> Gr = <e> be a composition series for G. Show that the series
G = G0> G1>
H=H0?HnG1 ... becomes a composition series for H when
the repeated terms are removed. Use the isomorphisms HnG,/HnG,+1
352 Partial solutions to the exercises
Exercises 6.6
1 Use exercise 5.8.7.
4 [WLOG is forbidden since p2q is not symmetrical in p and q.} Now G has
N=l+kq(M=l+kp)Sylow q- (p-) subgroups where N=l orp orp2,(M=l
or q). Thus if M= I then there exists P'CG such that so that G is soluble.
If M=q then Thus N= I (in which case argue as in the case P<G) or
N =p2. But then p2 distinct q cycles leave just p2 — elements to form, with e, a
each in particular for n 5. If N > <e>, then NnA1> <e> for all t> some to.
Then, fors>max{t0,5} we have that NA5. Hence NP;
i.e. P is simple.
8 Show that for some n. (See exercise 5.9.20.)
10 Let H be a group with composition series of length 35. Take G as a suitable
(see exercise 8).
11 Each group of order n <60 is soluble (exercise 5) and so has a composition
series with prime cyclic factors. For n =60 compare the composition series of
C60 and A5.
Exercises 72
1 The method reduces x11 — I to a quintic which may (or may not) be soluble
by radicals.
2 sof(x)=x4—2x2—l is the minimum poly-
nomial of This has two non-real zeros. But E2 c It
4 (ii) x4 — I Ox2 + 1 has zeros ± ± 124). 0 c OR/24) c 0(1(5 + =
gives the required splitting field and radical tower. (Why is — in
7 Use R c C and 4.8.1. For the next part see exercises 7.9.
9 (a) Use exercise 4.5.5; (b) is irreducible over 77. Let 2 be a zero in
GF(73) (see pp. 166, 168). Then, in fact, in
Exercises 7.3
1 Try to get the answer by examining and
2 0(r) (cC) contains all the zeros r, r2 r" of the polynomial f(x)
8 Calling the zeros r, wr, w2r one finds that, for example, the map given by
I r wr w2r
r—+wr yields the permutation 1
\cor r cur
has only one real zero a, say. (Why?). So we have 0(a, /3, 71) = By 7.2.3' there
exists an automorphism a, say, mapping a to /3. There is also an automorphism
r, say, of order 2 due to complex conjugation. See which permutations of the
three zeros arise, recalling that Gal(51/0)S3 sincef(x) has degree three.
12 where 4 ($ 1)is a primitive pth root of unity and Q2 is
the (unique) real pth root of 2. 1
=p — and x" —2 is irreducible
15 Cos72 . So
Exercises 7.4
1 x2—2ex+(e2+ir2). lGal(S1/11)I=2—since Sf =...?
and belongs to Aut(L) and fixes F elementwise. So then, rather trivially,
does x. Thus Fix
4 (i) 0(12); (iii) The answer is not (why not?)
5 The given field is the splitting field over 0 of (x3 — 2)(x4 — 3). Use 7.4.8.
6 0, 0(13), Any more? What about 0('j2 + 13)?
7 (i) 0(x2); (ii) 0; (iii) 0.
8 IfcxeFix(<uG1>) then, certainly cxeFixG1 for each i. Hence cxen(FixGJ.
The converse is just as easy. For the other part try G1 = <a>, G2 = <t> where a
and r are as in exercise 7.
356 Partial solutions to the exercises
51(E). Thus the; are some of the and so are pairwise distinct in S1(E).
22 If is a zero of x"—t in then &'=t. Thus, in Sf[x], x"—t=x"—f
= (x —
Exercises 7.5
1 If f(x) = (g1(x))2' . in F[x] with the g1(x) being distinct and
. .
3 (The first part becomes trivial if one uses exercise 9.) Let g(x) e L[x] be
irreducible and let be a zero of g(x) in M. Let M2(x) be the minimum
Exercises 75 357
polynomial over K. Show g(x)jMjx) in L[x} (cf. exercise 7.4.19). But Mjx)
factors into linear factors in M[x]. (Why?) Hence so does g(x). For the last part
let h(x) be irreducible in K[x] and have a zero, say, in L. Since h(x) splits into
linear factors in M{x] we only have to show cach zero j3, say, lies in L. But there
exists a GaI(M/K) such that a(cz) = /3 (why?). Hence /36 L (why?)
S so [L:FJccc. If [L:F}>l let g(x) be the minimum polynomial of
L\F. Then consider, as in 7.5.2, h(x)=fl(x—a(cz)) as a ranges over
Gal(L/K). Continue—as in 7.5.2!—deducing that etc. (see 7.6.3).
6 Clearly L is separable over K. To show M is separable over L let x e M and
let g(x) (rcsp. h(x)) be its minimum polynomial over L (resp. K). Show
in L[x] (cf. exercise 7.4.19). Let SL be a splitting field for h(x) regarded as an
element of L[x]. Then SL contains Si—a splitting field for h(x) regarded as an
element of K[x]. In SK[x], . (x—;) with distinct cc. How does
Exercises 7.6
1 G(F(H)) = Gal(L/Fix H) H is immediate. Hence F(G(F(H))) F(H). But
is also immediate. Choosing M=F(H) we get
10 I'll leave the pictures to you! That for (iii) is pretty beastly! The subgroups
joined to <e> are <a2), <a1t) (i=O, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Those joined to
Gal(51/Q) are <a), <a2, t), <a3, at>, <a3, at>, <a3, a2t), where, briefly,
a —÷ as), a being a primitive sixth root of
I—so that
11 (i) is very like 7.6.5; (ii) the zeros are ±r, ±ir where Working asin
7.6.5 shows that Gal(O(i, = C2 x C2. The lattices look like
0(i) 0(r) r r r —r
-i -i
Exercises 7.7
1 Surely [0(54:0(F)] = [Si: F] [0(Sf) : F].
2 n=9.
3 Gal(L/K) is trivial, since x5 —5 has only one zero in L. Thus Gal(K/0)
= S3= Gal(L/0) and Fix(Gal(L/0)) = DQ = Fix(Gal(K/0)).
4 The minimum polynomial of cx = + over 0 is x6 — 6x3 +7 (see
exercise 7.3.16). It has one other real zero, /1= and four non-real
ones. But /3 Q(cz). Hence Gal(0(cx)/0) = <e>. Note that = C2.
5 T is the least field containing V and 51=F(cx1,. . . , cxj. Since
T = V0x1,. . . , ;). If cx e T\ V then there exists 0 e Gal(R/F) = Gal(R/ V) such
that OOx) cx. But 0 acts as an automorphism U (say) on T (since 0(V) V and
0(S4c51) and so
Exercises 7.8
I The minimum polynomial Nrj(X), say, divides x" — and Mr1(X) and has
degree > (why?). Hence two of its zeros are (dcx,
1 where (is a primitive p1th
root of unity, cz is a pith root of and This shows that (e SM.
2 x12—1=(x6—l)(x6+l)=(x6—1)(x2+1)(x4—x2-F1). Hence b12(x)=x4
—x2+ 1 =fl(x—(1), where the (i= 1, 5, 7, II) are the primitive 12th roots
of 1.
3 where (isa primitive 12th root of 1. The other zeros of 412(x) are
('' as in exercise 2. The elements of G = Gal(51/O) are Id, p, a, t, where
and One shows easily that p2=a2=t2=Id and
that r=po to deduce that x C2. The fields are 0, O('J— I),
0(s) —3) and 0(s)3). [Hint: For Fix a use 1 + (4 = (2, for example.]
4 G?,(x) = fl(x — (1) where (i runs over all primitive nth roots of 1. The maps ai
given by = (i are the elements of the Galois group G, say, and the map
A: G —÷ 74, given by =1 (mod n) establishes the asserted isomorphism. (A is
clearly i—i and is onto since, if (i,n)= 1, then (1isa primitive nth root of 1 and
so, for that value of i, a1 exists.)
5 (ii) Sf=O(() where (is a 10th root of I whose minimum polynomial is
1)/(x+ 1)=x4—x3+x2—x+ 1. (Why is
this irreducible over 0?) Hence Gal(51/0) = 53,57, a9}, where a,(() =
Since = 59 and = 57 we have Gal(Sf/Q) = C4.
6 For 7.8.3 the map n) is a 1—1 homomorphism of Gal(L/K) into
<1n' +). The other assertion follows as in exercise 4 with the use of exercise
7 Sf = 0(w, cx) where w is a primitive pth root of 1 and is the (or a) real pth
root of a. The elements of Gal(Sf/0) are the maps cr,j defined by a11(w) = ci,
(1 1,0 1). Now ak,ajj(04=wth whilst
= = S"co'cx. Therefore 5kl5ij= 51k Now associate with the trans-
formation on 77,, given by
Exercises 7.9
2 Since the a1 are independent over F, exercise 4.7.3 shows that we may
identify F(a0,a1,...,a4) with F(s1,s2,...,s5) of exercise 1. Thus as in
exercise 1. Hence Gal(S1/F(a0,a1
3 It doesn't mention over which field the polynomial isn't soluble by radicals!
Indeed all polynomials in Q[x] can be solved by radicals over IL but, of course,
it is not true that all polynomials in Q[x] can be solved by radicals over Q.
4 Each group G is isomorphic to a subgroup of some (Theorem 5.9.6). Now
use 7.6.4.
Exercises 7.10
1 'Only if' is the normality part of 7.7.3 (or see exercise 7.7.9). 'If' is really
7.10.3 with F,K,E replacing [Or see exercise 5 below.]
2 The only such N is 0(w) since S3 has only one normal subgroup other than
53 and <e>.
3 Gal(51/0) = C6 (exercise 7.8.6). C6 has a normal subgroup H = {Jd, a} of
order 2, a being complex conjugation. Then [Fix H: 01=3. Suppose
Fix H = 0(fi), where /3 e C and fjfl 0 (n 3). [Why just one term in this radical
tower?] If M(x) is the minimum polynomial of /3 over 0 then M(x) has degree 3
and divides .? — pn Hence M(x) has zeros /3, where is an nth root of 1.
Then e Fix H. This is impossible since Fix H P (why?)
8 Extend R to a normal radical tower N, say, over F. Sincef(x) has one zero in
we deduce thatf(x) splits in N[x].
9 The result stated implies that if the zeros off(x) are labelled 1, 2, . , p then
. .
the elements of Gal(S1/F) form a subgroup S, containing all v' in the solution
of exercise 7.8.7. Now show that ifcru,v(a)=a and Cu,v( b) —=b then u= I and v=0.
This proves that the only element of Gal(S1/F) fixing (F and) a and b is ea. But
Fix(<e6>) =
10 On adding the use the equality I ... +(S)" 1=0.
11 There is no contradiction:f(x) is soluble if all elements of P are given to you
'for free'—but not necessarily so if the only 'given' elements are those in
12 (a) Choose LDK such that Gal(L/K) is: in (i) C10; in (ii) D5. (D5 is a
subgroup of the group of exercise 7.8.7 when p=5.)
(b) (ii) Sf=0(i); (iii) try exercise 7.8.10; (iv)
exercise 7.3.13. For (i), the only normal subfield other than 0 and to) is
13 (i) and (ii) factorise (how?) In (iii) replace x by — 2y.
Exercises 7.11
1 Use: Each permutation can be written as a product of disjoint cycles.
2 The real (sorry!!) point is: complex conjugation maps M to itself.
3 If one has zeros ± ± what do you think the other is?
4 No! Thisf(x) factorises in 0[x].
5 What about using a cubic, irreducible over 0 and with three real zeros, one
being negative: now replace x by x2?
6 Regard C 6 Gal(S/F) as a permutation of the cxi. Clearly c(8) = 8 or —8
according as C is an even/odd permutation. For (i) use C(82) = C(8)C(8). For (ii)
note that Gal(S/F) if each C fixes 8, i.e. if 8€ Fix(Gal(S/F)) =?
7 Combine exercises 7.9.1 and 7.11.6.
9 The values suggested in the text for c, d does the first! The second is similar.
10 True. By exercise 7.10.9, if more than one zero is real then
11 (i), (ii): Look for quadratic factors—there being no linear ones. (iv) to (ix)
are not soluble. (The derivative of (ix) has two rational zeros which can be
found by the rational root test. Investigate (ix) at these turning points.)
Exercises 7.12 363
Exercises 7.12
2 Note that if [L:K]< cc then L= K(cx1,. ..,;) for (finitely many) suitable
; e L (with each algebraic over K). Now apply exercise 1 n — I times.
3 (a) (iii) Recall that the splitting field is w).
4 7.10.2.
5 Suppose that [L: K] = n and that, by exercise 2, L = K(cx). Then cx has
minimum polynomial of degree n over K (see 4.3.4). By 7.2.3' there are exactly
= [L: K]) ways of extending the identity map on K to an element of
1 Adamson, lain T. Introduction to Field Theory. Oliver and Boyd. Edin-
burgh, 1964.
2 Albert, A A (ed). Studies in Modern Algebra. Mathematical Association
of America, 1963.
3 Artin, Emil. Galois Theory. University of Notre Dame Press, Indiana,
4 Bastida, Julio R. Field Extensions and Galois Theory. Addison-Wesley,
California, 1984.
5 Birkhoff, Garrett and MacLane, Saunders. A Survey of Modern Algebra
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6 Burton, David M. A First course in Rings and Ideals. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1970.
7 Childs, Lindsay. A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra. Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1979.
8 Clifford, A H and Preston, G B. The Algebraic Theory of Semigroups, Vols
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9 Cohn, P M. Algebra Vols 1, 2. Wiley, London, 1974 and 1977.
10 Coxeter, H S M and Moser, W 0 J. Generators and Relations for Discrete
Groups. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1965.
11 Dehn, Edgar. Algebraic Equations. Columbia University Press, New York,
12 Dickson, L E. Algebraic Theories. Dover Publications, New York, 1959.
13 Fraleigh, John B. A First Course in Abstract Algebra. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, Massachusetts, 1967.
Bibliography 365
76 Bell, Eric Temple. Development of Mathematics (2nd edition). McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1945.
77 Bell, Eric Temple. Men of Mathematics. Simon and Schuster, New York,
78 Bell, Eric Temple. Mathematics, Queen and Servant of Science. G Bell,
London, 1952.
79 Bourbaki, Nicolas. Elements d'Histoire des Mathématiques. Hermann,
Paris, 1960.
80 Boyer, Carl B. A History of Mathematics. Wiley, New York, 1968.
368 Bibliography
The following is just a sample. I could have quadrupled the list with no
difficulty. I leave you the excitement of discovering some of these other papers
(in the journals mentioned below and elsewhere) for yourself.
The abbreviations AMM and AHES used below stand for American
Mathematical Monthly and Archive for History of Exact Sciences.
90 Aschbacher, Michael. The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups.
The Mathematical Intelligencer 3, 2, 1981, 59—65.
91 Ayoub, Raymond 0. Paolo Ruffini's Contributions to the Quintic.
AHES 23, 1980, 253—77.
92 Birkhoff, Garrett. Current Trends in Algebra. AMM 80, 1973, 760—82.
93 Cohn, P M. Unique Factorisation Domains. AMM 80, 1973, 1—18.
94 Cohn, P M. Rings of Fractions. AMM 78, 1971, 596—615.
95 Conway, J H. Monsters and Moonshine. The Mathematical Intelligencer
2, 4, 1980, 165—71.
96 Cooke, Roger. Letter to the editor. AMM 91, 1984, 382.
97 Dickson, L F. Fermat's Last Theorem and the Origin and Nature of
the Theory of Algebraic Numbers. Annals of Mathematics, Series 2,
18, 1916—17, 161—87.
98 Dieudonné, J. The Historical Development of Algebraic Geometry.
AMM 79, 1972, 827—66.
99 E, H. A Short History of the Fields Medal. The Mathematical Intelligen -
cer 1, 3, 1978, 127—9.
100 Edwards, Harold M. The Genesis of Ideal Theory. AHES 23, 1980,
101 Fefferman, C. An Easy Proof of the Fundamental Theory of Algebra.
AMM 74, 1967, 854—5.
102 Fisher, Charles S. The Death of a Mathematical Theory: a Study in the
Sociology of Knowledge. AHES 3, 1966—7, 137—59.
Bibliography 369
103 Hamburg, Robin Rider. The Theory of Equations in the 18th Century:
The Work of Joseph Lagrange. AHES 16, 1976, 17—36.
104 Hawkins, Thomas. The Origins of The Theory of Group Characters.
AHES 7, 1971, 142—70.
105 Hawkins, Thomas. The Theory of Matrices in the 19th Century. Proc.
Intern at. Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver, 1974. Vol. 2
Canadian Math Congress, 1975, 561—70.
106 Henkin, Leon. On Mathematical Induction. AMM 67, 1960, 323—38.
107 Hungerford, Thomas W. A counterexample in Galois Theory. AMM 97,
1990, 54—7.
108 Kiernan, B Melvin. The Development of Galois Theory from Lagrange
to Artin. AHES 8, 197 1—2, 40—154.
109 Koppelman, Elaine. The Calculus of Operations and the Rise of
Abstract Algebra. AHES 8, 197 1—2, 155—242.
110 Mead D G. The Missing Fields. AMM 94, 1987, 87 1—2.
Ill Miller, G A. History of the Theory of Groups to 1900. The Collected
Works of George Abram Miller. University of Illinois, Urbana, 1935—59.
112 Moran, W and Pym, J S. On the Construction of the Real Number
System. Mathematics Magazine, 43, 1970, 257—9.
113 Motzkin, Th. The Euclidean Algorithm. Bulletin Amer. Math. Soc. 55,
1949, 1142—6.
114 Pierpont, James. Lagrange's Place in the Theory of Substitutions. Bul-
letin Amer. Math. Soc. 1, 1895, 196—204.
115 Pierpont, James. Early History of Galois' Theory of Equations. Bulletin
Amer. Math. Soc. 4, 1898, 332—40.
116 Rothman, Tony. Genius and Biographers: The fictionalization of Evariste
Galois. AMM 89, 1982, 84—10.
117 Ruchte, M F and Ryden, R W. A Proof of the Uniqueness of Factorisa-
in the Gaussian Integers. AMM 80, 1973, 58—9.
118 Samuel, Pierre. Unique Factorization. AMM 75, 1968, 945—52.
119 Samuel, Pierre. About Euclidean Rings. Journal of Algebra 19, 1971,
120 Schwarzenberger R L E. The 17 plane symmetry groups. Mathematical
1974, 123—31.
Gazette, 58,
121 Seidenberg, A. Did Euclid's Elements, Book I, develop Geometry
Axiomatically? AHES 14, 1974—5, 263—95.
122 Simmons, G J. The Number of Irreducible Polynomials of Degree n
over GF(p). AMM 77, 1970, 743—5.
123 Stark, H M. On the Problem of Unique Factorization in Complex
Quadratic Fields. Proc. of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, XII. American
Math. Soc., 1969, 41—56.
124 Stewart, Ian. The Truth about Venn Diagrams. Mathematical Gazette
60, 1976, 47—54.
125 Szabó, Arpád. Greek Dialectic and Euclid's Axiomatics. Problems in
the Philosophy of Mathematics (Imre Lakatos, ed.). North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1967.
126 van der Waerden, B L. Die Galois-Theorie von Heinrich Weber bis Emil
Artin. I41-!ES9, 1972, 240—8.
Other references
132 Mal'cev, A I. Groups and Other Algebraic Systems in Mathematics: its
Contents, Methods and Meaning Vol 3. MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1963.
133 Newman, James R (ed). The World of Mathematics Vols 1, 2, 3, 4.
Allen and Unwin, London, 1960.
134 Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York,
135 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 1977.
Because of the limited number of (sensible) symbols available to us, it is not uncommon
for one symbol to be used to denote totally distinct concepts. For example, note that
here the symbol (yi, . , yj will denote (i) a gcd of the elements y1, 3½, . .. , or
(ii) an ordered n -tuple or (iii) a cyclic permutation, depending on the context. This is
at worst irritating since there will rarely be any cause for confusion.
Z,Q,R,C 1
E,t' 1
Q[{x]] 39
(likewise 2, 8 O[x, y] 42
{x:P(x)} 2 (z0,z1 zn);
{a,b,c,. ..} 2 (x1,x2 xr);
{a,b} 2,128 (gi,g2 g,,) 44,134;197;250
Ac,B2A 2 degf 45
AcB,BDA 2 f(c) 52
2 ss
2 [xJ;[ai],[ai,a2,...,an] 56;99
AB 2 57,117
0 2 aRb,aRi, 59
AnB,AuB 3 e.r. 61
a 61
Zn 63
A\B 4 q5(m) 70
RX(likewiseox C° F°) 4,188 f
AxB 5,252
(a,b) 5,26 af,f(a) 74
(a,b,c) 5,32 a+b 75
Sf,f(S) 75,77
—A 6 75,77
Az>B 6 75
fIs 75
3,V 8 fog 76
apb 78
UjRn 8
a", na, a_n, etc. 81, 95, 196
O[x] (likewise Z[x], R[x], (R, +, -) (and similar) 85
10,36,43,67 (a11 a12\
C 15, 137 \a21
b—a 15,94 88
aj 16,63,109 2Z 89
20,42,104 R®S 90
aA'b,ftg 20,42 91
32 0R,1R,(a)R 95,97
(a0,a1,a2,...) 36,39,157 N(a) 105
®,O 36,etc. ER 108
372 Notation
Greatest common divisor (gcd), 26, 51, 104 symmetric, 189, 197ff.
as a linear combination, 27, 44, 109 transitive, 307
Greeks, xiv, xvi trivial subgroup of, 203
Group(s), with no trivial) centre, 206
abelian, 187, 245ff.
fundamental theorems, 255, 256
Hall P, 265
abstract theory of, 221
Hall it-subgroup, 265
additive, of a field, ring, 188
Hall's theorem, 265
additive, of integers, v, 187
Hamilton W R, 87
alternating, 200, 268
Highest common factor hcf), (see gcd)
automorphism of, 223
Hubert D, 25
automorphism group of, 223
axioms, 186
basis theorem, 99
centre of, 206
Fl-numbers, 24
class equation of, 244
Holder 0, 263
commutative (see abelian groups)
Homomorphic image, 142, 224
conjugate elements/subsets/subgroups
Homomorphism (E homomorphic
of, 243
map), 141, 224
crystallographic point, 237
extension of, example, 144
crystallographic space, 233
kernel of, 143, 225
cyclic, 213
trivial, 141
dihedral, 190
direct product of, 250
direct sum of, 251 Ideal(s), 98, 123
discrete, 234 generated by a set, 99
factor quotient), 229 intersection of, 101
finite, 189 in Z, in Q[xJ, in an ER are principal, 98,
finitely generated, 206 99, 113
Galois, 194, 261, 276, 312 maximal, 124
general linear, 192 numbers, xx
generated by, 206 prime, 123
homomorphic image of, 224 principal, 99
infinite, 189 product of, 101
inner automorphism of, 223 sum of, 101
isomorphic, 217 union of increasing sequence of, 101
Lie, example of, 192 union, not a subring, 101
multiplication table of, 218 zero, 99
non-abelian, 189 Identity neutral) element(s)
of complex nth roots of 1, 190, 219 in 7, in 0[x], in ring, in group, etc., 11,
of inner automorphisms, 223 38, 79, 85, 187
of isometries, 190 Identity function (map), 75
oforderp, 214 If, 7
of orderp2, 244 1ff (if and only if), 7
of orderpq, 269 Ill-definedness (see well-definedness),
of orderp2q2, 270 examples of, 68, 151
of orders 4,6,8,218 Image,
of permutations, 188, 197ff. homomorphic, 142, 224
of symmetries of a regular n-gon, 190 inverse, of subset, 75
188 of element/subset under map, 75
order of, 189 Inclusion,
p-, 242 function (map), 75
it-, 265 of sets, 2
plane symmetry, 234 Independent, linearly, 164
presentation of, 219 Indexing set, 4
quotient (see factor) Index of a subgroup in a group, 211
set of generators for, 206 product formula for, 212
simple, 247, 268ff. Indirect proof, 6
soluble, 258ff., 260, 261, 267 Induction,
space, 233 definition by, 16
special linear, 192, 271 principle of mathematical, Il, 16, 17
378 Index