RMC 46-99
RMC 46-99
RMC 46-99
SUBJECT : Computation of the Civil Penalties, Consisting of Surcharge and
Interest, Incident to Deficiency or Delinquency Internal Revenue Taxes, Pursuant to
Section 248 and 249 of the National Internal Revenue Code, as Amended by R.A. No.
8424; and Suggested Compromise Penalty in Extra-Judicial Settlement of a Taxpayer's
Criminal Liability Incident to his Violation of Certain Provision of the Code, or any of its
Implementing Revenue Regulations, Pursuant to Section 204 thereof
TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned
SECTION 1. Scope. — Section 248 (A) of the National Internal Revenue Code, as
amended by R.A. No. 8424, effective January 1, 1998, now provides:
"(A) There shall be imposed, in addition to the tax required to be paid, a penalty
equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount due, in the following cases:
"(1) Failure to file any return and pay the tax due thereon as required under the
provisions of this Code or rules and regulations on the date prescribed; or
"(2) Unless otherwise authorized by the Commissioner, filing a return with an internal
revenue officer other than those with whom the return is required to filed; or
(3) Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time prescribed for its payment in the
notice of assessments; or
"(4) Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of tax shown on any return required to
be filed under the provisions of this Code or rules and regulations, or the full amount of
the tax due for which no return is required to be filed, on or before the dated prescribed
for its payment."
25% surcharge for the late payment of the tax. — That the 25% surcharge shall only be
imposed (a) in case the tax due as shown on the return filed is not paid on or before the
date prescribed for its payment; or (b) in case a deficiency tax assessment is not paid on
before the date prescribed for its payment as shown in the notice and demand.
Conversely, no 25% surcharge shall be imposed in computing for the deficiency tax
assessment. LexLib
SECTION 2. Procedure in Computing for Applicable Surcharge, and Deficiency
Interest or Delinquency Interest. — For a uniform implementation of the provisions of
Section 248 and 249 of the Code, as amended, computation and assessment of the
applicable surcharge and interest for deficiency and delinquency internal revenue taxes,
effective January 1, 1998, shall conform with the illustrative cases provided in this
SECTION 3. Illustrative Cases:
Scenario 1. Late filing and Late payment of the tax. — Illustration: Income tax return
for the calendar year 1998 was due for filing on April 15, 1999 but the taxpayer
voluntarily filed his tax return, without notice from the BIR, only on June 30, 1999. The
tax due per return amounts to P100,000. In this case, the taxpayer shall be liable for
delinquency penalties consisting of 25% surcharge, plus 20% interest per annum,
computed from due date of the tax until date of payment, computed as follows:
Calendar Year 1998
Income tax due per return P100,000.00
Add: 25% surcharge for late filing and late
payment (P100,000.00 time 25%) P25,000.00
20% int. p.a. from 4-15-99 to 6-30-99
(P100,000.00 times .0415524) P4,155.24 P29,155.24
–––––––– –––––––––
Total amount due (excluding suggested compromised for
late filing and late payment of the tax) P129,155.24
Only one 25% surcharge shall be impose for late filing of the return and late payment of
the tax.
Scenario 2. The tax return, without prior authorization from the BIR, is filed on time
but filed through an internal revenue officer other than with whom the return is required
to be filed. —
Illustration: The taxpayer's 1998 income tax return is required to be filed through the
authorized agent bank under the jurisdiction of RDO East Makati. But, without prior
authorization from the BIR, taxpayer filed his tax return and paid the tax through the
authorized agent bank under the jurisdiction of RDO Davao City. Tax due and paid per
return is P100,000.00
Calendar Year 1998
Income tax due per return P100,000.00
Add: 25% surcharge P25,000.00
Total amount due P125,000.00
Less: Amount paid P100,000.00
Amount still due P25,000.00
Scenario 3. Late filing and late payment due to taxpayer's willful neglect. —
Illustration: The taxpayer did not file his income tax return for the calendar year 1997
which was due for filing on April 15, 1998. He was notified by the BIR of his failure to
file the tax return, for which reason, he filed his tax return and paid the tax, only after the
said notice, on June 30, 1999. The tax due per return is P100,000.00 LLphil
Calendar Year 1997
Income tax due per return P100,000.00
Add: 50% surcharge for willful neglect to
file the return and late payment of the
tax (P100,000 time 50%) P50,000.00
20% int. p.a. fr. 4-15-98 to 6-30-99
(P100,000.00 times .2415524) P24,155.24 P74,155.24
Total amount due (excluding suggested
compromise for late filing and late
payment of the tax) P174,155.24
Scenario 4. Penalty or penalties for deficiency tax. —
Illustration No. 1: Taxpayer filed on time his income tax return for calendar year 1997
and paid P100,000.00 on April 15, 1998. Upon pre-audit of his return, it was disclosed
that he erroneously computed the tax due. The correct amount of tax due is P120,000.00.
The taxpayer is assessed for deficiency income tax in a letter of demand and assessment
notice issued on June 30, 1999.
Calendar Year 1997
Tax due per pre-audit P120,000.00
Less: Amount assessed and paid per tax return filed P100,000.00
Deficiency income tax P20,000.00
Add: 20% int. p.a. from 4-15-98 to 6-30-99
(P20,000.00 times .2415524) P4,831.05
Amount still due P24,831.05
Illustration No. 2: ABC CORPORATION filed its final adjustment income tax return for
calendar year 1997 and paid on time its income tax shown thereunder, amounting to
P100,000. Said taxpayer was investigated. Upon verification of its accounting records, it
was disclosed that its deduction, from gross income, of representation expenses in the
amount P200,000.00 did not meet all the statutory requisites for deductibility. The
corporation was duly notified of the said discrepancy through a Preliminary Assessment
Notice. Based on the 35% income tax rate on corporations applicable in the year 1997,
the income tax due after investigation amounts to P170,000.00. After deduction of
income tax paid per return filed, the basic deficiency income amounts to P70,000,
excluding penalties. Failing to protest on time against the preliminary assessment notice,
a formal letter of demand and assessment notice was issued on May 31, 1999, requiring
payment of the assessment not later than June 30, 1999. dctai
Calendar Year 1997
Income tax due per investigation P170,000.00
Less: Income tax paid per return P100,000.00
Deficiency income tax P70,000.00
Add: 20% int. p.a. fr. 4-15-98 to 6-30-99
(P70,000 times .2415524) P16,908.67
Total amount still due P86,908.67
Illustration No. 3: XYZ CORPORATION filed its final adjustment income tax return for
calendar year 1997 with a net taxable income of P500,000.00. At the applicable income
tax rate of 35% for the year 1997, its income tax amounted to P175,000.00. However,
upon investigation, it was disclosed that its income tax return was false or fraudulent
because it did not report a taxable income amounting to another P500,000.00. On its net
income of P1,000,000.00, per investigation, the income tax due is P350,000.00.
Deducting its payment per return filed, the deficiency, excluding penalties, amounted to
P175,000.00. It was duly informed of this finding through a Preliminary Assessment
Notice. Failing to protest on time against the preliminary assessment notice, a formal
letter of demand and assessment notice was issued on May 31, 1999 calling for payment
of the deficiency income tax on or before June 30, 1999.
In this case, said corporation is liable for the civil penalties of 50% surcharge for having
filed or fraudulent return, plus 20% interest per annum on the deficiency, computed as
Calendar Year 1997
Income tax due per investigation P350,000.00
Less: Income tax paid per return P175,000.00
Deficiency income tax P175,000.00
Add: 50% surcharge for filing a fraudulent
or false return (P175,000.00 time 50%) P87,500.00
20% int. p.a. fr. 4-15-98 to 6-30-99
(P175,000.00 times .2415524) P24,271.67 P129,771.67
––––––––– ––––––––––
Total amount due P304,771.67
Scenario 5. Late payment of a deficiency tax assessed. — In general, the deficiency
tax assessed shall be paid by the taxpayer within the time prescribed in the notice and
demand, such taxpayer shall be liable for the civil penalties incident to late payment.
Illustration: Based on the above Illustration No. 3, Scenario 4, assuming that the calendar
year 1997 deficiency income tax assessment against XYZ CORPORATION, in the
amount of P304,771.67, is not paid by June 30, 1999, the deadline for payment of the
assessment, and assuming further that this assessment has already become final and
collectible. In this case, such corporation shall be considered late in payment of the said
assessment. Assuming, further, that the corporation pays its tax assessment only by July
31, 1999, the civil penalties for late payment shall be computed as follows:
Calendar Year 1997
Total deficiency income tax assessed on May 31, 1999 P304,771.67
Add: 25% surcharge for late payment
(P304,771.67 times 25%) P76,192.92
20% interest p.a. from 7-1-99 to 7-31-99
(P304,771.67 times .0166667 P5,079.54 P81,272.46
––––––––– ––––––––––
Total amount due (excluding suggested compromise
penalty for late payment) P386,044.13
Scenario 6. Computation of 20% interest per annum in case of partial or installment
payment of a tax liability. —
Illustration No. 1: In case extended payment of the tax is duly authorized. — DEF
CORPORATION, due to financial incapacity, requested for a permit to pay its income
tax liability per return for calendar year 1998, in the amount of P1,000,000.00, in four (4)
monthly installments, starting April 15, 1999. Its request has been duly approved
pursuant to Sec. 53 of the Tax Code. cda
In this case, no 25% surcharge shall be imposed for payment of the tax since its deadline
for payment has been duly extended. However, 20% interest per annum shall be imposed,
computed based on the "unpaid amount", pursuant to the provisions of Section 249(D) of
the Code. This is also consistent with the provisions of ARTICLE 1253 of the Civil Code
which provides: "If the debt produces interest, payment of the principal shall not be
deemed to have been made until the interests have been covered." Hence, computation of
the interest shall be based on the diminishing balance or unpaid amount of the tax,
inclusive of the interest.
No 25% surcharge on extended payment shall be imposed provided, however, that the
taxpayer's request for extension of the period within which to pay is made on or before
the deadline for payment of the tax due. Conversely, if such request is made after the
deadline for payment, the taxpayer shall already be treated late in payment, in which
case, the 25% surcharge shall be imposed, even if payment of the delinquency be allowed
in partial amortization.
Calendar Year 1998
Income tax due per return P1,000,000.00
Less: 1st installment of the tax on or before 4-15-99 P250,000.00
Balances as of 4-15-99 P750,000.00
Add: 20% int. p.a. from 4-15-99 to 5-15-99
(P750,000.00 times .0166667) P12,500.03
Amount due on 5-15-99 P762,500.03
Less: 2nd installment on 5-15-99 (P250,000.00 plus
P12,500.03 interest) P262,500.03
Balance as of 5-15-99 P500,000.00
Add: 20% int. p.a. from 5-15-99 to 6-15-99
(P500,000.00 times .0166667) P8,333.35
Amount due on 6-15-99 P508,333.35
Less: 3rd installment on 6-15-99 (P250,000.00 plus
P8,333.35 interest) P258,333.35
Balance as of 6-15-99 P250,000.00
Add: 20% int. p.a. from 6-15-99 to 7-15-99
(P250,000.00 times .0166667) P4,166.68
4th and final installment on 7-15-99 P254,166.68
Illustration No. 2: Computation of tax delinquency in case of partial payment of the tax
due without prior BIR permit for extended payment. —
Example: GHI CORPORATION did not file its final adjustment income tax return for the
calendar year 1998 which was due on April 15, 1999. The BIR informed the corporation
of its failure to file its said tax return and required that it file the same, inclusive of the
25% surcharge and 20% interest per annum penalties incident to the said omission. On
May 15, 1999 it advised that its income tax due for the said year amounts to
P1,000,000.00 but, however, due to its adverse financial condition at the moment, it will
be unable to pay the entire amount, inclusive of the delinquency penalties. Hence, on
May 15, 1999, it made a partial payment of P400,000.00. Assuming that the BIR
demanded payment of the unpaid balance of its tax obligation payable by June 15, 1999,
the unpaid balance of the corporation's delinquent income tax shall be computed as
Calendar Year 1998
Income tax due per return P1,000,000.00
Add: 25% surcharge for late filing and
late payment P250,000.00
20% interest per annum for 4-15-99
to 5-15-99 (P1,000,000.00
times .0166667) P16,666.70 P266,666.70
––––––––– –––––––––––
Amount due as of 5-15-99 P1,266,666.70
Less: Partial payment on 5-15-99 P400,000.00
Balance as of 5-15-99 P866,666.70
Add: 20% interest per annum from 5-15-99
to 6-15-99 (P866,666.70 times .0166667) P14,444.47
Amount still due (exclusive of the suggested compromise
penalty for late filing and late payment P811,111.17
If the said taxpayer fails to pay the amount of P811,111.17 by June 15, 1999, no further
25% surcharge for late payment of the tax shall be imposed Instead, only 20% interest per
annum shall be impose, computed from due date thereof (i.e., June 15, 1999) until paid. If
said taxpayer pays the same on partial payment basis, the 20% interest per annum shall be
computed on the diminishing balance thereof, pursuant to the procedures in the preceding
Illustration No. 1, Scenario 6.
SUGGESTED COMPROMISE PENALTY. — Section 204 of the Tax Code of 1997
provides that "All criminal violations may be compromised except: (a) those already filed
in court, or (b) those involving fraud." This means that the taxpayer's criminal liability
arising from his violation of the pertinent provision of the Code shall be settled extra-
judicially instead of the BIR instituting a criminal action, in Court, against the taxpayer.
A compromise in extra-judicial settlement of the taxpayer's criminal liability for his
violation is consensual in character, hence, may not be imposed on the taxpayer without
his consent. The BIR may only suggest settlement of the taxpayer's liability through a
compromise. Thus, the Court held:
'With respect to the compromise penalty in the total amount of P5,020.00 suggested by
respondent to be paid by petitioner, it is now a well settled doctrine that compromised
penalty cannot be imposed or collected without the agreement and conformity of the
taxpayer (Collector of Internal Revenue vs. University of Santo Tomas, et al., G.R. Nos.
L-11274 & L-11280, November 28, 1958; the Collector of Internal Revenue v. Bautista,
et al., G.R. Nos. L-12250 & 12259, May 27, 1959; the Philippines International Fair, Inc.
v. Collector of Internal Revenue, G.R. Nos. L-12928 & L-12932, March 31, 1962).'
CORPORATION represented by Mr. LUCIO QUIJANO, President & General Manager,
INTERNAL REVENUE, respondents. G.R Nos. L-22805 & L-27858. June 30, 1975)
The suggested compromise penalty and the amount thereof shall conform with the
schedule of compromise penalty provided under Revenue Memorandum Order No. 1-90.