Diagnosis and Management Protocol of Acute Corneal Ulcer: Vaishal P Kenia, Raj V Kenia, Onkar H Pirdankar
Diagnosis and Management Protocol of Acute Corneal Ulcer: Vaishal P Kenia, Raj V Kenia, Onkar H Pirdankar
Diagnosis and Management Protocol of Acute Corneal Ulcer: Vaishal P Kenia, Raj V Kenia, Onkar H Pirdankar
Corneal ulceration is one of the leading causes of corneal blindness. Various pathogens are
responsible for corneal ulceration. Accurate and quick diagnosis and prompt treatment is a key to
improve clinical and visual outcomes in cases of corneal ulceration. However there are no specific
guidelines or protocols are available for managing the corneal ulcers. Sometimes even an experienced
clinician struggle to predict the course of the disease in most of the cases. Here we make an attempt to
provide an overview on diagnostic approach and management protocol of acute corneal ulcer.
Table 1 describes common organism found response is less aggressive and slow
in Asian countries (IND-India, Ch- China, compared to bacteria. Fungus secretes
SG- Singapore, PH- Philippines, JP- Japan, proteolytic enzymes and fungal antigens and
TH-Thailand, KR- South Korea, TW- toxins which facilitates their deeper stromal
Taiwan) penetration and breach the descemets
membrane and thereby reach anterior
Pathogenesis: chamber where it forms fungus-exudate-iris
Bacterial: mass covering the pupillary area. 5
Bacterial corneal ulcers are results Viral:
from the penetration of bacteria after a In viral ulcer, the virus reaches the cornea
breach in the corneal epithelial barrier from within via terminal branches of
except organisms like gonococcus can ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.
penetrate an intact epithelium to cause ulcer. It has been postulated that in case of herpes
Factors predisposing the epithelium like simplex there is an involvement of the sub
corneal edema, prolonged contact lens basal nerves which results in epithelial
usage, dry eyes, and trauma make it swelling whereas in case of herpes zoster
vulnerable to corneal infection. The most there is an involvement of deep stromal
common microorganism is Pseudomonas nerves. So without epithelial breach the
Aeruginosa which utilizes glycocaluxto virus reaches the eye via nerve endings and
adhere to epithelium and then invades into the inflammation of nerve causes
the stroma through breach in epithelial. neurogenic pain. The virus actively
Inflammatory cells (PMNs) reach the site of replicates in corneal epithelium. The virus
corneal breach from the tears and limbal in the epithelium form raised lesion forming
vessels which releases cytokines and superficial punctate keratitis and then
interleukins resulting in progressive slough to form large epithelial defect and
invasion of cornea and increase in size of eventually stromal ulceration.
the ulcer. Phagocytosis of the organism Parasites such as acanthamoeba:
releases the free radicals and proteolytic Acanthamoeba keratitis is most commonly
enzymes leading to necrosis and sloughing associated with soft contact lens use, Once it
of the epithelium, bowman’s membrane and is adherent to the contact lens, it survives in
stroma. In addition, process is facilitated by the space between the contact lens and the
proteases and exotoxin that are produced by ocular surface and later gets attached to the
multiplying bacteria and endotoxin that are glycoproteins on the corneal villi. The
produced by organisms after their death. microtrauma to the corneal epithelial
The endotoxins are polysaccharides within surface due to contact lens use promotes the
the cell wall of gram negative bacteria and entry of the organism into the epithelium,
are responsible for ring infiltrates. 3,4 the invade Bowman's layer and enter the
Fungal: stroma. The infection then moves along the
Fungus are classified as yeast, filamentous corneal nerves, produces acute
septated, pigmented and non-pigmented and inflammation and radial deposits (radial
filamentous without septae. In the tropical keratoneuritis). The acute inflammation
countries, the commonest fungus is produces metalloproteases that digests
filamentous like Aspergillus, Fusarium, in collagen fibrils and allows deeper
temperate countries yeast fungus like penetration into the stroma. As the disease
candida is common. Fungal pathogens also progresses, it may penetrate the anterior
enter the cornea after an epithelial breach, chamber and can cause endophthalmitis.
following trauma or foreign body in the Symptoms: 6,7
form of vegetative material or soil particles Reduced visual acuity,
and after invasion incite a host Tearing,
inflammatory response. The inflammatory Discharge,
Redness are the common symptoms long-term use of ocular medications (topical
presented by the patients. steroids, Anti-glaucoma medications),
Pain (Disproportionate pain can be seen contact lens wear (age of contact lens and
in Herpes and Acanthamoeba. Fungal lens cleaning solution), and previous ocular
ulcers are quieter whereas pseudomonas infections is important as all these factors
are fast growing) alter the ocular surface milieu and promote
Diagnostic Approach: microbial invasion of the cornea in the
absence of trauma. Similarly, systemic
Careful History: diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid
It is very important to keep in mind arthritis, hepatitis, auto-immune diseases
the TRIAD of ocular trauma, Lowered and their therapy, tuberculosis, malignancy
immune status (either the ocular surface or impair the natural immune status of an
the individual as a whole) or extremely individual and predisposes to opportunistic
virulent organisms that penetrate the intact infections, unusual microbes, fungi or
ocular surface. A corneal ulcer cannot viruses.
develop in a healthy individual with a Thorough Slit lamp Biomicroscopy:
healthy ocular surface, in the absence of A thorough slit lamp examination is
ocular trauma. In this respect, a detailed useful to evaluate the clinical signs may be
history focussed on finding the cause of an helpful to confirm the probable diagnosis.
ulcer in the patient is very important so as to Figure 1 briefly describes the diagnostic
ensure an appropriate management. A approach for acute corneal ulcer.
history of ocular trauma, ocular surgery,
Presentation: History
Reduced Visual acuity, tearing, discharge, redness, Pain (disproportionate in case of Herpes and Acanthamoeba)
Risk Factors:
External: Corneal trauma, Contact Lens (CL) wear, contaminated CL solution
Ocular Factors: Ocular surface and adnexal disorders, Dacryocystitis, corneal epithelial disease
Systemic Factors: Long term steroid use, diabetes Mellitus, Kidney Failure, HIV
Laboratory Investigation
Conventional Superficial Scraping and Culture Corneal Biopsy and Deep Stromal Confocal Microscopy
Smear: Giemstain, KOH, Calcoflour White, For Deep Infiltrate For Acanthamoeba and Fungal
Reduced AFB stain eg Nocardia Infection
Culture: Blood Agar, Sabouraud agar, Special Non nutrient
Agar with E. Coli
Figure 1: Diagnostic Approach with Corneal Ulcers Patients
Viral ulcers can result from herpes
simplex or herpes zoster infections
Viral ulcer can be seen in the form of
dendritic pattern (linear branching) due
to central desquamation.
The end of the branches manifest a
characteristically swollen appearance.
It generally gets stained with
fluorescence. Figure 6 Ring Infiltrate in Acanthamoeba (Image from Garg
Anterior stromal infiltrate appear under P., Rao, G., 1999)8
the ulcer but resolves spontaneously.
Corneal sensation is reduced. B. Microsporadia:
Progressive centrifugal enlargement Characterized by raised epithelial lesion
may result in larger epithelial defect and deep stromal keratitis.
with a geographical and amoeboid Identification of causative organism
configuration. (Figure 5) underlying the disease is important for
successful treatment and it requires
laboratory investigations. Microscopic
examination and cultures is a considered as
a gold standard for the accurate diagnosis.
Laboratory investigations allow for direct
visualization of microorganism in material
and help understand the inoculation of
material under appropriate conditions to
allow multiplication of microorganism.
Microbiological Culture and Light
Traditionally clinicians were heavily
Figure 5 showing three phases of lesions: epithelial dots (9
o'clock), dendritic pattern (6 o'clock) and a geographic epithelial dependent on light microscopes, corneal
keratitis (12–2 o'clock), suggesting herpes simplex virus epithelial smears and cultures. Conventional smear
keratitis.(Image From Gurav P et al 2015 9)
and culture for bacteria, fungus and
Parasitic Acanthamoeba can be prepare by scraping
A. Acantamoeba: the base and leading edge of the corneal
ulcer using flame sterilized Kimura spatula
Acanthamoba keratitis can be contact
lens or non contact lens related or sterile surgical blade no 15 on Bard
Parker Handle. Every scraping can be use
Characterized by epithelial irregularities,
for direct microscopic examination, culture
corneal edema, with single or multiple
and antibiotic susceptibility testing. These
stromal infliltrates which has classic
scraping are immediately placed on glass
ring shaped configuration (Figure 6)
slides for light microscopy and agar plates
However diffuse and satellite infiltrates
for culture (Blood agar, chocolate agar,
are also common.
Potato dextrose agar (PDA), Sabouraud agar
etc). The slides for light microscopy are With advancement in technology, direct
stained with 10% potassium hydroxide or visualization of pathogens within the
gram stain or Giemsa stain to aid in the patients cornea is possible. In Vivo confocal
visualization of fungal filament, bacterial or microscopy is non invasive technique
Acantamoeba cyst growth respectively. available in clinical settings. To best of our
Special staining such as modified Ziehl knowledge there are presently two
Neelsen for nocardia, microsporadia and modalities available for clinical use are
KOH or calcoflour white staining for scanning slit IVCM (Confoscan, Nidek
acanthaomeba and fungus can be use. For Technology, Fremont, CA) and laser
culture the agar plates are inoculated at 25- scanning IVCM (HRT3 with Rostock
27degree C for 7 days in case of (PDA) corneal module, Heidelberg Engineering,
whereas in case of other media it is Heidelberg, Germany). On confocal
inoculated at 35-37 degree C (2 days for microscopy acanthamoeba cyst can be
blood agar) and microorganism growth is identified as double walled ovoid bodies and
assessed on daily basis. Cultures of contact fungal bodies were seen as bright linear
lens, lens case and contact lens solution can filamentous structures with bright borders
also be done in case of contact lens wearers. that appear as parallel lines (double walled
linear bodies)10
Corneal Biopsy and deep Stromal Treatment protocols
Culture technique: In majority of the cases the infection
Corneal biopsy is indicated if the is resolved without any acute surgical need.
infiltrate is located in the mid or deep However surgical intervention is required
stroma with overlying uninvolved tissues. irrespective of infection is resolved or not
Corneal biopsy can be performed at the slit resolved 2.Initiation of treatment is based on
lamp biomicroscope or operating clinical judgement, smear report and the
microscope. After instillation of topical treatment is modified according to culture
anaesthetic, a small trephine or blade is used report and clinical response. It has also been
to excise a small piece of stromal tissue at reported that use of topical cortico steroid is
the edge of the infiltrate which can be sent controversial hence they are best avoided.
for culture as well as histopathology. Medical Treatment:
Antimicrobial Susceptibility: 9 Antibiotic, antifungal or antiviral
Antimicrobial susceptible testing of eye drops are the treatments of choice
the isolates is performed by Kirby Buaer however Antifungal and Acanthamoeba
Disk Diffusion method using ciprofloxacin therapy started only after microbiological
(5 µg), ofloxacin (5 µg), gatifloxacin (5 µg), evidences, in most cases. The line of
tobramycin (10 µg), chloramphenicol (30 medical treatment and the route of treatment
µg), amikacin (30 µg), gentamicin (10 µg), is decided based on the depth, size and
moxifloxacin (5 µg) as per Clinical and location of infiltrates. Central infiltrate
Laboratory Standards Institute Guidelines. would require more aggressive treatment as
Disk diffusion method assesses antibiotic compared to peripheral, superficial<2mm
sensitivity of bacteria. It uses antibiotic infiltrate. Deep intrastromal infiltrate would
discs to evaluate the extent to which require intrastromal injections as it gives
bacteria are affected by those antibiotics. good drug availability at deeper layer.
Antibiotic susceptibility does not Bacterial Keratitis:
necessarily directly reflex clinical Topical antibiotics (Monotherapy)
susceptibility. can be in given in cases of superficial
Confocal Microscopy: peripheral infiltrates< 2mm. For deep
Confocal microscopy has played a crucial stromal involvement or an infiltrate larger
role in the diagnosis of microbial keratitis, than 2 mm with extensive suppuration a
fungal and acanthamoba keratitis 8,10,11. loading dose every 5-15 minutes followed
by frequent applications such as every hour involves limbus and sclera. Role of
is recommended. In case of monotherapy, corticosteroid in treating the bacterial ulcer
Levofloxacin 1.5% is preferred over is controversial. The SCUT treatment study
Gatifloxacin and Moxifloxacin due to found no benefit of concurrent topical
emerging resistance with Gatifloxacin and corticosteroid therapy using prednisolone
Moxifloxacin and easier availability of sodium phosphate 1% in conjunction with
Levofloxacin. In cases of large or visually broad spectrum topical antibiotics. A
significant infiltrate or severe infection in pervious study have reported no benefits of
the presence of a hypopyon, topical fortified corticosteroids in managing corneal scars
antibiotics is preferred. Systemic antibiotics .Table 2 describes the various antibacterial
are rarely required, however they can be drugs.
considered in severe cases where infection
Table 2 describes the various antibacterial drugs.
Gram Positive Cocci Gram Negative Cocci Gram Positive Bacilli Gram Negative Bacilli
Regular antibiotic Regular Antibiotics Regular Antibiotics Amikacin Regular antibiotic
Cefazolin Ceftriaxone Fluoroquinolone Fluoroquinolone
4th Generation Fluoroquinolone Ceftazidime Clarithromycin F. Tobramycin
Higher antibiotics Fluoroquinolone Higher antibiotics
Vancomycin Amikacin
Linezolid Ceftazidime
Fungal Keratitis:
Fungal ulcers are difficult to treat since the diagnosis is delayed. Mycotic ulcer treatment trial
(MUTT) I compared natamycin and voriconazole revealed that Natamycin had showed
significant clinical improvement as compared to voriconazole. MUTT II compared oral
voriconazole and oral placebo which did report benefits of oral voriconazole in treating
Fusarium Ulcer. Steroids are contraindicated in fungal ulcers. Subconjuctival antifungals
should be avoided since they result in severe pain and induce tissue necrosis to some extent.
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deep and larger ulcers. Intrastromal Voriconalzole can be used as an adjunct to Natamycin in
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