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Design and Construction of Offshore Concrete Structures: February 2017

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Design and Construction of

Offshore Concrete Structures

February 2017

Guidance Note
NI 594 DT R00 E

Marine & Offshore

92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex – France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 25
Website: http://www.veristar.com
Email: [email protected]
 2017 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved
Bureau Veritas
Marine & Offshore carefully followed at all times by the Client. 6. PAYMENT OF INVOICES 11. CONFIDENTIALITY
2.12 “Services” means the services set out in clauses 2.2 and 2.3 6.1 The provision of the Services by the Society, whether complete 11.1 The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society in
but also other services related to Classification and Certification or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment of fees thirty performing the Services, and the information made

General Conditions such as, but not limited to: ship and company safety management (30) days upon issuance of the invoice. available to the Society, are treated as confidential except where the
certification, ship and port security certification, training activities, all 6.2 Without prejudice to any other rights hereunder, in case of information:
1. INDEPENDENCY OF THE SOCIETY AND APPLICABLE TERMS activities and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on Client’s payment default, the Society shall be entitled to charge, in • is already known by the receiving Party from another source and is
1.1 The Society shall remain at all times an independent contractor any supporting means, software, instrumentation, measurements, addition to the amount not properly paid, interests equal to twelve properly and lawfully in the possession of the receiving Party prior to
and neither the Society nor any of its officers, employees, servants, tests and trials on board. (12) months LIBOR plus two (2) per cent as of due date calculated the date that it is disclosed;
agents or subcontractors shall be or act as an employee, servant or 2.13 “Society” means the classification society ‘Bureau Veritas on the number of days such payment is delinquent. The Society • is already in possession of the public or has entered the public
agent of any other party hereto in the performance of the Services. Marine & Offshore SAS’, a company organized and existing under shall also have the right to withhold certificates and other docu- domain, otherwise than through a breach of this obligation;
1.2 The operations of the Society in providing its Services are the laws of France, registered in Nanterre under the number ments and/or to suspend or revoke the validity of certificates. • is acquired independently from a third party that has the right to
exclusively conducted by way of random inspections and do not, in 821 131 844, or any other legal entity of Bureau Veritas Group as 6.3 In case of dispute on the invoice amount, the undisputed portion disseminate such information;
any circumstances, involve monitoring or exhaustive verification. may be specified in the relevant contract, and whose main activities of the invoice shall be paid and an explanation on the dispute shall • is required to be disclosed under applicable law or by a governmental
1.3 The Society acts as a services provider. This cannot be construed are Classification and Certification of ships or offshore units. accompany payment so that action can be taken to solve the order, decree, regulation or rule or by a stock exchange authority
as an obligation bearing on the Society to obtain a result or as a 2.14 “Unit” means any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure dispute. (provided that the receiving Party shall make all reasonable efforts to
warranty. The Society is not and may not be considered as an of any type or part of it or system whether linked to shore, river bed give prompt written notice to the disclosing Party prior to such disclo-
underwriter, broker in Unit’s sale or chartering, expert in Unit’s or sea bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland 7. LIABILITY sure.
valuation, consulting engineer, controller, naval architect, manufac- waters or partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling 7.1 The Society bears no liability for consequential loss. For the 11.2 The Society and the Client shall use the confidential information
turer, shipbuilder, repair or conversion yard, charterer or shipowner; rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their purpose of this clause consequential loss shall include, without exclusively within the framework of their activity underlying these Condi-
none of them above listed being relieved of any of their expressed or related and ancillary equipment, subsea or not, such as well head limitation: tions.
implied obligations as a result of the interventions of the Society. and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise as • Indirect or consequential loss; 11.3 Confidential information shall only be provided to third parties with
1.4 The Services are carried out by the Society according to the decided by the Society. • Any loss and/or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of the prior written consent of the other Party. However, such prior consent
applicable Rules and to the Bureau Veritas’ Code of Ethics. The use, loss of bargain, loss of revenue, loss of profit or anticipated shall not be required when the Society provides the confidential infor-
Society only is qualified to apply and interpret its Rules. 3. SCOPE AND PERFORMANCE profit, loss of business and business interruption, in each case mation to a subsidiary.
1.5 The Client acknowledges the latest versions of the Conditions and 3.1 The Society shall perform the Services according to the appli- whether direct or indirect. 11.4 The Society shall have the right to disclose the confidential infor-
of the applicable Rules applying to the Services’ performance. cable national and international standards and Industry Practice The Client shall save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the mation if required to do so under regulations of the International Associa-
1.6 Unless an express written agreement is made between the and always on the assumption that the Client is aware of such Society from the Client’s own consequential loss regardless of tion of Classifications Societies (IACS) or any statutory obligations.
Parties on the applicable Rules, the applicable Rules shall be the standards and Industry Practice. cause.
rules applicable at the time of the Services’ performance and con- 3.2 Subject to the Services performance and always by reference to 7.2 In any case, the Society’s maximum liability towards the Client 12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
tract’s execution. the Rules, the Society shall: is limited to one hundred and fifty per-cents (150%) of the price paid 12.1 Each Party exclusively owns all rights to its Intellectual Property
1.7 The Services’ performance is solely based on the Conditions. No • review the construction arrangements of the Unit as shown on by the Client to the Society for the performance of the Services. created before or after the commencement date of the Conditions and
other terms shall apply whether express or implied. the documents provided by the Client; This limit applies regardless of fault by the Society, including breach whether or not associated with any contract between the Parties.
• conduct the Unit surveys at the place of the Unit construction; of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute. 12.2 The Intellectual Property developed for the performance of the
2. DEFINITIONS • class the Unit and enters the Unit’s class in the Society’s Regis- 7.3 All claims shall be presented to the Society in writing within Services including, but not limited to drawings, calculations, and reports
2.1 “Certificate(s)” means class certificates, attestations and reports ter; three (3) months of the Services’ performance or (if later) the date shall remain exclusive property of the Society.
following the Society’s intervention. The Certificates are an appraise- • survey the Unit periodically in service to note that the require- when the events which are relied on were first discovered by the
ment given by the Society to the Client, at a certain date, following ments for the maintenance of class are met. The Client shall Client. Any claim not so presented as defined above shall be 13. ASSIGNMENT
surveys by its surveyors on the level of compliance of the Unit to the inform the Society without delay of any circumstances which may deemed waived and absolutely time barred. 13.1 The contract resulting from to these Conditions cannot be assigned
Society’s Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services cause any changes on the conducted surveys or Services. or transferred by any means by a Party to a third party without the prior
provided. They cannot be construed as an implied or express warran- The Society will not: 8. INDEMNITY CLAUSE written consent of the other Party.
ty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its • declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor its 8.1 The Client agrees to release, indemnify and hold harmless the 13.2 The Society shall however have the right to assign or transfer by
value for sale, insurance or chartering. construction in conformity with its design, such activities remain- Society from and against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits or any means the said contract to a subsidiary of the Bureau Veritas Group.
2.2 “Certification” means the activity of certification in application of ing under the exclusive responsibility of the Unit’s owner or actions for damages, including legal fees, for harm or loss to
national and international regulations or standards, in particular by builder; persons and/or property tangible, intangible or otherwise which may 14. SEVERABILITY
delegation from different governments that can result in the issuance • engage in any work relating to the design, construction, produc- be brought against the Society, incidental to, arising out of or in 14.1 Invalidity of one or more provisions does not affect the remaining
of a certificate. tion or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Unit or the connection with the performance of the Services except for those provisions.
2.3 “Classification” means the classification of a Unit that can result Unit’s trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held claims caused solely and completely by the negligence of the 14.2 Definitions herein take precedence over other definitions which may
or not in the issuance of a class certificate with reference to the liable on those accounts. Society, its officers, employees, servants, agents or subcontractors. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
Rules. 14.3 In case of doubt as to the interpretation of the Conditions, the
2.4 “Client” means the Party and/or its representative requesting the 4. RESERVATION CLAUSE 9. TERMINATION English text shall prevail.
Services. 4.1 The Client shall always: (i) maintain the Unit in good condition 9.1 The Parties shall have the right to terminate the Services (and
2.5 “Conditions” means the terms and conditions set out in the after surveys; (ii) present the Unit after surveys; (iii) present the Unit the relevant contract) for convenience after giving the other Party 15. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION
present document. for surveys; and (iv) inform the Society in due course of any thirty (30) days’ written notice, and without prejudice to clause 6 15.1 The Conditions shall be construed and governed by the laws of
2.6 “Industry Practice” means International Maritime and/or Off- circumstances that may affect the given appraisement of the Unit or above. England and Wales.
shore industry practices. cause to modify the scope of the Services. 9.2 In such a case, the class granted to the concerned Unit and the 15.2 The Society and the Client shall make every effort to settle any
2.7 “Intellectual Property” means all patents, rights to inventions, 4.2 Certificates referring to the Society’s Rules are only valid if previously issued certificates shall remain valid until the date of dispute amicably and in good faith by way of negotiation within thirty (30)
utility models, copyright and related rights, trade marks, logos, service issued by the Society. effect of the termination notice issued, subject to compliance with days from the date of receipt by either one of the Parties of a written
marks, trade dress, business and domain names, rights in trade dress 4.3 The Society has entire control over the Certificates issued and clause 4.1 and 6 above. notice of such a dispute.
or get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competi- may at any time withdraw a Certificate at its entire discretion 15.3 Failing that, the dispute shall finally be settled by arbitration under
tion rights, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database including, but not limited to, in the following situations: where the 10. FORCE MAJEURE the LCIA rules, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference
rights, topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential infor- Client fails to comply in due time with instructions of the Society or 10.1 Neither Party shall be responsible for any failure to fulfil any into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be three (3). The place of
mation (including know-how and trade secrets), methods and proto- where the Client fails to pay in accordance with clause 6.2 hereun- term or provision of the Conditions if and to the extent that fulfilment arbitration shall be London (UK).
cols for Services, and any other intellectual property rights, in each der. has been delayed or temporarily prevented by a force majeure
case whether capable of registration, registered or unregistered and occurrence without the fault or negligence of the Party affected and 16. PROFESSIONNAL ETHICS
including all applications for and renewals, reversions or extensions of 5. ACCESS AND SAFETY which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the said Party is 16.1 Each Party shall conduct all activities in compliance with all laws,
such rights, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection 5.1 The Client shall give to the Society all access and information unable to provide against. statutes, rules, and regulations applicable to such Party including but not
in any part of the world. necessary for the efficient performance of the requested Services. 10.2 For the purpose of this clause, force majeure shall mean any limited to: child labour, forced labour, collective bargaining, discrimina-
2.8 “Parties” means the Society and Client together. The Client shall be the sole responsible for the conditions of circumstance not being within a Party’s reasonable control includ- tion, abuse, working hours and minimum wages, anti-bribery, anti-
2.9 “Party” means the Society or the Client. presentation of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the condi- ing, but not limited to: acts of God, natural disasters, epidemics or corruption. Each of the Parties warrants that neither it, nor its affiliates,
2.10 “Register” means the register published annually by the tions under which tests and trials are carried out. Any information, pandemics, wars, terrorist attacks, riots, sabotages, impositions of has made or will make, with respect to the matters provided for hereun-
Society. drawings, etc. required for the performance of the Services must be sanctions, embargoes, nuclear, chemical or biological contamina- der, any offer, payment, gift or authorization of the payment of any
2.11 “Rules” means the Society’s classification rules, guidance notes made available in due time. tions, laws or action taken by a government or public authority, money directly or indirectly, to or for the use or benefit of any official or
and other documents. The Rules, procedures and instructions of the 5.2 The Client shall notify the Society of any relevant safety issue quotas or prohibition, expropriations, destructions of the worksite, employee of the government, political party, official, or candidate.
Society take into account at the date of their preparation the state of and shall take all necessary safety-related measures to ensure a explosions, fires, accidents, any labour or trade disputes, strikes or 16.2 In addition, the Client shall act consistently with the Society’s Code
currently available and proven technical minimum requirements but safe work environment for the Society or any of its officers, employ- lockouts of Ethics of Bureau Veritas. http://www.bureauveritas.com/home/about-
are not a standard or a code of construction neither a guide ees, servants, agents or subcontractors and shall comply with all us/ethics+and+compliance/
for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional applicable safety regulations.
practices, all of which are assumed to be known in detail and 
 Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore General Conditions - Edition January 2017

NI 594
Design and Construction of
Offshore Concrete Structures




February 2017
Section 1 General
1 General 3
1.1 Application
1.2 Referenced documents
2 Definitions 4
2.1 Offshore concrete structure
2.2 Concrete terms
3 Documents to be submitted 4
3.1 General
3.2 Documents and drawings
3.3 Material certificates
4 Design 5
4.1 General

Section 2 Control of Materials and Execution of Concrete Works

1 General 6
1.1 Application
1.2 Project specification
2 Inspection, testing and correcting actions 6
2.1 Classes of inspection
2.2 Inspection and testing
3 Materials 8
3.1 General
3.2 Concrete components
3.3 Concrete
3.4 Mortar and grout
3.5 Reinforcing steel
3.6 Prestressing steel and equipment
4 Execution 12
4.1 General
4.2 Falsework and formwork
4.3 Reinforcing steel
4.4 Prestressing steel and systems
4.5 Concreting
4.6 Embedded components

2 Bureau Veritas February 2017

NI 594, Sec 1


1 General 1.2.2 Other standards

Technical standards, other than those stated in Tab 1, may

1.1 Application be used on a case-by-case basis, upon the acceptance of
the Society.
1.1.1 This Guidance Note provides guidelines for the
design and construction of offshore concrete structures.
1.2.3 Combined use of technical standards
1.1.2 This Guidance Note is applicable to offshore struc-
tures made of reinforced or prestressed concrete. The full list of standards which are specified and used for a
given project are to be submitted to the Society before the
review of documents is started.
1.1.3 For steel structural parts, reference is made to the
applicable parts of the Offshore Rules and other associated The Society will give a particular attention to combined use
Rule documents. of technical Standards. The consistence of combined crite-
ria and the global level of safety are to be demonstrated.
1.2 Referenced documents
1.2.4 Offshore Rules
1.2.1 Recognized standards
Reference is made to technical standards listed in Tab 1. Offshore Rules means Bureau Veritas Rules for the Classifi-
In particular, ISO 19903 “Petroleum and natural gas indus- cation of Offshore Units (NR445). When reference is made
tries - Concrete offshore structures” is adopted for the appli- to the Offshore Rules, the latest version of these ones is
cation of the present Guidance Note. applicable.

Table 1 : Recognized standards

Standard Comments
ISO 19900 Petroleum and natural gas industries - General requirements General requirements applicable for offshore floaters
for offshore structures
ISO 19903 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Concrete offshore A large part of requirements are adopted for the pur-
structures pose of the present Guidance Note: materials, loads,
concrete works
EN 1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General Structural checks and materials
rules and rules for buildings
American Concrete Institute (ACI) set of publications In particular:
ACI 357.2R - Report on barge-like concrete structures
ACI 546.2R - Guide to underwater repair of concrete
American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) set of publications In particulars, standards on concrete material and
components testing methods
ISO 6934 Steel for prestressing of concrete Requirements for prestressing steel and associated
ISO 6935 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete Requirements for reinforcing steel
ISO 1920 Testing of concrete In particular:
• making and curing test specimens
• strength of hardened concrete
ISO 4463-1 Measurement methods for building - Setting-out and mea- Measuring procedures and acceptance criteria
surement - Part 1: Planning and organization, measuring
procedures, acceptance criteria

February 2017 Bureau Veritas 0

NI 594, Sec 1

2 Definitions 3 Documents to be submitted

2.1 Offshore concrete structure 3.1 General

3.1.1 Documentation is to be prepared for all activities that
2.1.1 Splash zone are to be performed in the design, construction, installation
and inspection of offshore concrete structures.
The splash zone is the area of the structure which is situated
in the vicinity of the sea surface, being frequently wetted Procedures and manuals are to be prepared to ensure that
due to environmental effects (waves). the construction and installation are performed in a safe
manner, fully compliant with all assumptions of the design.

2.2 Concrete terms 3.2 Documents and drawings

2.2.1 Aggregate 3.2.1 Project specification

Prior to commencement of the review of drawings, the
The aggregate is a granular mineral material used as a com- complete list of Rules, Codes and Statutory Requirements to
ponent of concrete product. The aggregate can be natural, be complied with must be submitted for information. This
artificial or recycled from material previously used in con- list is to detail the requirements to be complied with:
• International Rules
2.2.2 Cement • Flag state requirements
• Coastal state requirements
The cement is the binder component of a structural con-
• Owner standards and procedures
crete mix.
• Industry standards
2.2.3 Admixture The project specification is also to specify the list of Owner
requested statutory certificates.
The admixture is the material added during the mixing pro-
cess of concrete, in small quantities relating to the mass of 3.2.2 Construction
cement, in order to modify the properties of fresh or hard-
Procedures and detailed schedules for construction at each
ened concrete.
construction site together with transit, installation, anchor-
ing and commissioning activities are to be submitted to the
2.2.4 Addition Society for information. These documents are also to indi-
Additions are finely divided materials used in concrete mix- cate the possible interfaces between the various Contrac-
ture in order to improve certain properties or to achieve tors. The design review and survey program is to be based
specific properties. on these information.

Two types of addition are considered: 3.2.3 General documents

• General arrangement
• nearly inert additions (type I) • Overview of concrete structure
• pozzolanic or latent hydraulic additions (type II). • Description of construction and installation phases
• Description of the connections of the subsea systems
2.2.5 Concrete with the unit

Concrete is the material formed by mixing cements, coarse 3.2.4 Layout and structure
and fine aggregate and water, with or without the incorpo- • Structural arrangement
ration of admixtures and additions, which develops its prop-
• Structural details including structural modelling
erties by hydration of the cement.
• Structure orientation
2.2.6 Reinforcing steel • Details of connections between concrete structure and
Reinforcing steel are all steel elements incorporated in • Details of concrete structure discontinuities
structural concrete in order to provide additional strength,
and in particular tensile strength, and which give the ductile • Inspection and survey plans
characteristics of concrete. • Storage/containment systems
• Corrosive characteristics of storage compartments
2.2.7 Prestressing steel (hydrocarbon, chemical products, sea water, etc)
• Corrosion protection measures and equipment
Prestressing steel defines all steel elements and their related
equipment used to apply a prestress (compression) on struc- • Protective equipment against collisions
tural components, in order to avoid or to reduce regions of • Mooring systems, including lines, anchors and relating
the structure loaded in tension. devices on the unit

1 Bureau Veritas February 2017

NI 594, Sec 1

3.2.5 Metocean data 3.3 Material certificates

• Storm, wave and current conditions for the intended
3.3.1 Works certificates
operating site and for towing routes
Works certificates are documents submitted by the pro-
• Data relating to water and air temperatures ducer of construction material and giving the following
• Specific meteorological conditions of the intended
operating site • test method, specifications and criteria
• all relevant test data
• Relevant wind data: velocities, directions
• certification that the tests have been carried out on sam-
• Corrosive characteristics of air and water ples taken from the delivered products
• Ice and snow data, when relevant. • all necessary information for identification of product,
producer and purchaser.
3.2.6 Documents for design and construction Note 1: Works certificate may be waived when the material prod-
• Procedures and manuals for the control of construction, uct is concerned by a National or International certification scheme
transportation and installation and all required test data are documented based on statistical data
from the producer, at the satisfaction of the Society.
• Description of all products used for construction, mate-
rial specifications, product standards 3.3.2 Test reports
Test reports are documents issued by the producer of con-
• Certification of prestressing systems and grouting prod- struction material containing the results of tests carried out
ucts on current production.
• Material works certificates and test reports, defined in
[3.3] and as required in Sec 2 4 Design
• Reports and certificates for qualification process of con-
crete production 4.1 General
• Drawing issued for all construction phases, with infor- 4.1.1 The offshore concrete structure is to be designed in
mation on geometry, amount and position of reinforcing accordance with recognized standards specified in Tab 1
and prestressed steel, tolerances and inserts and Offshore Rules.
• Construction work procedures
4.1.2 For concrete structures supporting marine renewable
• Design calculation reports, including all assumptions energy technologies, reference is made to the following
made for calculation guidance notes, as applicable:
• Loading manual, including all loading conditions for • NI 631 - Certification scheme for Marine Renewable
transit phases and operations on-site Energy technologies
• NI 603 - Current and tidal turbines
• Installation procedure and relevant drawings
• NI 572 - Classification and certification of floating off-
• Quality control procedures. shore wind turbines

February 2017 Bureau Veritas 2

NI 594, Sec 2



1 General • locations of end anchorages and positions for the pre-

stressing unit

1.1 Application • programme of prestressing including:

- required concrete grade during prestressing
1.1.1 The present Section provides guidelines for the con-
- prestressing sequence
trol of materials and execution of concrete works as appli-
cable for offshore concrete structures. - prestressing forces
- elongations
1.1.2 The present Section details the inspection activities
relating to materials and execution, and provides additional - specification of injections, injection inlets, location
guidelines for related documentation. of ventilations, pump pressure limitations
• connections and positions of prefabricated elements,
1.1.3 The requirements of the present Section are mainly when relevant
based on those of ISO 19903.
• special requirements for the erection of prefabricated
1.2 Project specification

1.2.1 The project specifications are to include drawings, 2 Inspection, testing and correcting
technical descriptions and specifications that describe how actions
the structure is to be constructed.

1.2.2 Project specifications are to include:

2.1 Classes of inspection

• material grades 2.1.1 In order to differentiate the requirements for control

• particular requirements for materials and execution of and inspection according to the type and purpose of struc-
works tural elements, three classes of inspection are defined:

• geometrical dimensions of the structure mentioning • Class 1 - simplified inspection

explicitly the tolerances • Class 2 - normal inspection
• inspection classes defined in [2.1] • Class 3 - extended inspection.
• size of aggregate
2.1.2 Inspection classes are to be defined by the applicant,
• identification of any structural element of particular as specified in [1.2].
importance with respect to the inspection of the execu-
tion 2.1.3 By default, Class 3 - extended inspection apply for all
structural elements which are important for structural
• whether the strength properties of the structure is to be
strength. Class 1 and Class 2 will be specially considered
verified by test using specimens taken from the structure
for each project.
• durability classes for individual structural members
• chloride class 2.2 Inspection and testing
• whether sulphate resistant cement is to be used
2.2.1 General requirements for inspections and documen-
• testing methods and compliance standards tation for each class are given in Tab 1.
• significant construction joints
• nominal concrete cover to the reinforcing elements 2.2.2 Control of material and products is to comply with
the requirements of Tab 2.
• dimensions for cutting, bending and placing of reinforc-
ing steel, including tolerances
2.2.3 Control of the execution is to comply with the
• special provision to be made during the construction requirements of Tab 3.

3 Bureau Veritas February 2017

NI 594, Sec 2

Table 1 : General requirements for inspection and documentation

Item Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Inspection Random inspection Frequent but random inspection Continuous inspection of each
Documentation • Records from all inspections. • All planning documents
• All non-conformities and • Records from all inspections
corrective actions reports • All non-conformities and corrective actions reports

Table 2 : Control of materials and products

Item Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Materials for formworks Not required In accordance with project specification
Reinforcing steel In accordance with the present Guidance Note, referenced and recognized standards
Prestressing steel Not relevant In accordance with the present Guidance Note and ISO 6934
Fresh concrete, ready In accordance with the present Guidance Note
mixed or site mixed
Embedded elements In accordance with the present Guidance Note and the project specification
Precast elements In accordance with the present Guidance Note and ISO 19903
Inspection reports Not required Required

Table 3 : Control of execution

Item Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Scaffolding, formwork and Random checking Major scaffolding and form- All scaffolding and formworks
falsework works are to be inspected before are to be inspected before con-
concreting creting
Ordinary reinforcement Random checking Major reinforcements are to be All reinforcements are to be
inspected before concreting inspected before concreting
Prestressing reinforcement Not relevant • All prestressing components are to be inspected before concret-
ing, threading, stressing.
• All materials are to be identified by appropriate documentation.
Embedded items According to ISO 19903 and project specification
Erection of precast Not relevant Prior to completion and at the completion
Site transport and casting Occasional checking Basic and random inspection Detailed inspection of entire
of concrete process
Curing and finishing of Occasional checking Occasional checking Regular inspection
Stressing and grouting of Not relevant Detailed inspection of the operation, including evaluation of stress-
precasting reinforcement ing records prior to cutting permission
Geometry of final structure Not relevant According to the present Guidance Note, ISO 19903 and project
Documentation of Not relevant Required

2.2.4 Inspection of falsework and formwork • removal of detritus and remains from the formwork
Inspections before casting, according to relevant classes, • treatment of construction joints
are to include the followings: • wetting of formwork
• geometry of formwork • preparation of formwork surface
• stability of formwork and falsework and their founda- • openings and blockouts
After formwork removal, it is to be checked that temporary
• tightness of formwork and its parts inserts are removed.

February 2017 Bureau Veritas 4

NI 594, Sec 2

2.2.5 Inspection of reinforcing steel 3.1.2 Material specifications are to be established for all
Before casting, inspections according to relevant classes are materials that are used in the production of concrete.
to confirm that:
3.1.3 Material can be rejected at any stage of execution if it
• the reinforcing steel is positioned at the specified spac- is established that the conditions upon which the approval
ing, in accordance with design drawings was based where not fulfilled.
• the concrete cover is in accordance with the specifica-
tions 3.2 Concrete components
• the reinforcing steel is not contaminated with oil, grease
or paint 3.2.1 General
• the reinforcement is tied and secured against displace- Concrete components are to be sound, durable and suitable
ment during concreting for making concrete that will attain and retain the required
• the space between bars is sufficient to place and com-
pact the concrete. Concrete components are not to contain harmful ingredi-
ents in quantities that can cause corrosion of reinforcing
2.2.6 Inspection of prestressing works steel or be detrimental to the durability of concrete.
Before casting operations, inspections will confirm that:
3.2.2 Cement - Certificates
• the position of tendons, sheaths, vents, drains, couplers,
Cement is to be delivered with works certificates, giving at
anchorages, etc, is in accordance with design drawings,
least the chemical and mineralogical composition of the
including the cover of tendons and spacing of tendons
product and the test values for all required properties.
• the tendons and sheaths are fixedly secured and their
supports are stables Works certificates are also to state the type/grade of the
cement, the batch identification and the tonnage, and are to
• the sheaths, vents, drains, anchorages, couplers and demonstrate compliance with other specified requirements,
their sealing are not damaged when relevant.
• the tendons, anchorages and couplers are not corroded Note 1: Works certificates may not requested when the cement is
• the sheaths, anchorages and couplers are clean. produced and tested under a national or international certification
scheme, and all required properties are documented based on sta-
Prior to tensioning or prior to releasing the pretension force, tistical data from the producer.
the actual concrete strength is to checked against the
requested strength. The calibration of jacks is to be 3.2.3 Cement - Testing
checked. Cement is to be tested in accordance with an approved
Before the start of grouting operations, the inspections are method as defined in recognized standards such as ASTM
to ensure that: ones.
• the qualification of grout is done, as required The following type of test may be required:
• the results of trial grouting are as required a) Physical properties
• ducts are clean and opened for grout through their • Strength in mortar
length • Soundness
• vents are prepared and identified • Fineness
• materials are batched and sufficient for overflow. • Initial settling time
During grouting, the inspections are to include: • Normal consistency
• check of the conformity of fresh grout tests for fluidity • Volumetric stability.
and segregation b) Chemical composition
• check of the characteristics of equipment and grout. • Oxide composition
• Sulphate content
2.2.7 Inspection of concreting operations
• Chlorite content
The inspection of concreting operations is to be performed
and documented in accordance with the requirements of • Loss of ignition
the present Guidance Note, according to the allocated • Pozzolanity
class. • Insoluble residue.

3.2.4 Cement - Chemical composition

3 Materials
Mineral composition of cement is to be calculated using
accurate methods, such as Bogue method.
3.1 General
The content of tricalcium aluminates (C3A) is to be evalu-
3.1.1 The approval of materials and concrete components ated. The content of tricalcium aluminates will be kept,
and reinforcements is based on material testing, chemical preferably, between 5% and 10%.
composition, mechanical properties and other specified Note 1: A content of C3A lower than 5% may adversely affect the
requirements given in the present Guidance Note. corrosion protection of embedded steel.

5 Bureau Veritas February 2017

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3.2.5 Types of cement for marine environment Aggregates from sea bed are normally not to be used,
The cement used for offshore concrete structures is to have except when they are properly washed to remove chlorites.
an established suitability for use in marine environment.
3.2.8 Aggregate - Documentation
The following types of cement are considered as suitable for Aggregate is to be delivered with a test report, as defined in
offshore concrete structure operating in marine environ- Sec 1, including at least the following information:
ment, if unmixed with other types of cement:
• description of the source
• Portland cements
• description of the production system
• Portland composite cements, with silica, fly ash or slag
and minimum 80% clinker. • particle size distribution/grading including silt content
• particle shape, flakiness
Provided that the suitability is demonstrated, the following
• porosity and water absorption
types of cement may also be considered:
• content of organic matter
• other Portland composite cements, with other pozzola-
nas or clinker below 80% • density and specific gravity
• Blast-furnance cements (less than 64% clinker) • potential reactivity with alkalis in cement
• Pozzolanic cements with less than 64% clinker • petrographical composition and properties than can
affect concrete durability.
• Composite cements with less than 64% clinker.
The sources of aggregate are to be investigated and
Cements are to be specified in grades based on the 28 days approved for their suitability and dependability for supply.
strength in mortar and are normally categorized as normal Aggregates of different grading will be stockpiled and trans-
hardening, rapid hardening and slow hardening cements. ported separately.

3.2.6 Mixing water 3.2.9 Aggregate - Testing

The sources of mixing water are to be investigated and Testing of aggregate is to be carried out at regular intervals,
approved for their suitability and dependability for supply. both at quarry and at the construction site during concrete
The mixing water is not to contain chemical constituents in production. The attendance of a surveyor may be requested
quantities that can be detrimental to setting, hardening or by the Society, on a case-by-case basis.
durability of the concrete, or can cause corrosion of rein- The frequency of testing will be defined based on the qual-
forcing steel. ity and uniformity of the supply and the volume of concrete
Drinking water from public supply can normally be used production, in accordance with the applicable standard.
without further investigation. Exceptionally, the Society may An appropriate grading of fine and coarse aggregate is to be
request specific investigations for the acceptance of public established. The grading and shape characteristics are to be
supply water. consistent throughout the concrete production.
The following types of mixing water are not to be used for
3.2.10 Normal weight aggregate
concrete production:
Normal weight aggregate, as defined in [3.2.7] is to be of
• water resulting in a concrete strength less than 90% of natural mineral substances resistant to decomposition when
that obtained using distilled water tested at 7 days wet.
• water reducing the setting time to less than 45 minutes Relevant properties of aggregate are to be defined, such as:
or changes the setting time by more than 30 minutes rel-
ative to distilled water. • type of material
• shape
Salt water is not to be used for concrete production or curing.
• surface texture
3.2.7 Aggregate - General • physical properties
Aggregate is categorized as follows: • chemical properties.
• normal weight aggregate is the aggregate with an oven-
Harmful substances such as claylike and silty particles,
dry (105°C) particle density between 2000 kg/m3 and
organic materials, sulphates and other salts are to be in
3000 kg/m3 quantities that will not affect the properties and durability of
• light weight aggregate is the aggregate with an oven-dry concrete adversely.
(105°C) particle density less than 2000 kg/m3 or a loose Maximum aggregate size is not to be less than 16 mm. Max-
oven-dry bulk density less than 1200 kg/m3. imum aggregate size is to be specified, based on consider-
ations of concrete properties, spacing and cover of
Aggregates are not to become soft, excessively friable,
reinforcing steel.
expand or shrink. They are not to react with the products of
hydration of cement and are not to affect the concrete The risk of alkali aggregate reaction in concrete is also to be
adversely by their composition. evaluated, using accepted test methods.

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3.2.11 Lightweight aggregate The following concrete properties are concerned:

Lightweight aggregates, as defined in [3.2.7] are to be made • compressive strength
from expanded clay, expanded shale, slate or sintered pul- • tensile strength
verized ash from coal-fired power plants or from other • modulus of elasticity
aggregates with corresponding documented properties.
• fracture energy
Lightweight aggregates are to present uniform strength • properties influencing cracking of the concrete, such as:
properties, stiffness, density, degree of burning and grading.
- creep
The dry density is not to vary more than 7,5%.
- shrinkage
3.2.12 Additions - heat of hydration
Additions used for concrete production are to have a chem- - thermal expansion
ical composition which is compatible with all other con- • properties related to the durability of concrete, such as:
crete components. Combinations of additions and
- permeability
admixtures are to be specially considered with respect to
the overall requirements of the concrete. The effectiveness - absorption
of the additions are to be checked by trial mixes. - water/cement ration
- other properties related to physical and chemical
Additions may be constituted from latent hydraulic or poz-
attacks resistance.
zolanic materials such as:
• silica fume, in quantities not exceeding 10% of the 3.3.2 Water / cement ratio
weight of Portland cement clinker Water/cement ratio is the ratio of the mass of water to the
• fly ash or other pozzolanas, in quantities not exceeding mass of cement used in a concrete mix. A low
35% of the total weight of Portland cement and addi- water/cement ratio leads to higher strength and durability,
tions but affects adversely the plasticity of fresh concrete.
• granulated blast furnace slag, in quantities for which the The effective water/cement ratio is calculated by deducting
clinker content is not less than 30% of the total weight the mass of absorption water for aggregate 24 hours satu-
of cement and slag. rated in dry surface condition.
Type II additions (pozzolanic or latent hydraulic additions)
The total amount of chlorides in the fresh concrete, calcu-
may be taken into account for the calculation of effective
lated as free calcium chlorite, is not to exceed 0,3% of the
water/cement ratio, when used in combination with Port-
cement weight.
land or Portland composite cement. The following formula
3.2.13 Admixtures is to be used:
Admixtures used for concrete production are to be tested on w
m = --------------------
the production site together with the cement and additions, ( c + ka )
in order to check that their combination will yield the w : Mass of water
required effect without affecting adversely the properties of c : Mass of cement
the concrete. k : Efficiency factor for type II additions, to be
The following properties are to be tested: determined with respect to durability in the
• consistence, such as at 5 and 30 minutes after mixing given environment; except when duly justified,
the values of this factor are to consider the limits
• concrete strength in compression, tension and bending
given in Tab 4.
at 28 days.
a : Mass of type II addition.
Risks relating to overdosage events are also to be assessed. The maximum effective water/cement ratio values to be use
A test report is to be prepared and submitted for such for structural concrete of offshore barges is given in Tab 5.
Table 4 : Efficiency factors for type II additions
3.2.14 Repair materials
Repair materials are to be compatible with adjacent mate- Type II addition Efficiency factor k
rial, particularly from the point of view of elasticity and Silica 1 to 2
temperature dependent properties. The documentation, Slag 0,5 to 0,7
testing and approval of such materials is to be done on a
Fly ash 0,2 to 0,4
case-by-case basis.
Table 5 : Effective water/cement ratio
3.3 Concrete
Maximum values of effective
Structural zone
3.3.1 General water/cement ratio m
Material specifications for fresh and hardened concrete are Outside splash zone 0,45
to be established and submitted. Concrete properties are to
Splash zone 0,40
be verified by testing methods, based on recognized stan-
dards. Zones exposed to severe frost 0,40

7 Bureau Veritas February 2017

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3.3.3 Additions 3.4 Mortar and grout

The amount of additions used in concrete mix is to respect
the corresponding limits specified for the cement, as rele- 3.4.1 General
vant. Constituents of grout and mortar are to comply with the
same requirements given for concrete constituents given in
3.3.4 Chloride [3.2], as relevant.
For concrete used for structural elements of the offshore
structure, the total amount of chloride ions in fresh concrete 3.4.2 Grout for injection in prestressing ducts
is not to exceed 0,10% of the mass of cement. The properties of grout for injection in prestressing ducts are
to be unambiguously specified, and are to be compatible
3.3.5 Frost resistance
with the other prestressing materials and with the prestress-
Frost resistance of concrete subjected to freezing and thaw- ing procedure.
ing is to be demonstrated by appropriate methods. In con-
crete having a slag content more than 35%, the concrete is 3.4.3 Batching
to be carbonated before testing.
All materials are to be batched by mass. Mixing water is
The above requirements may be waived by the Society for also to be batched by volume. Batching accuracy is to be as
concrete using Portland cement with more than 80% clin- follows:
ker, with special consideration of air content, when
• 2% for cement and admixtures
entrained air is used. Additional requirements are given in
ISO 19903. • 1% for water.

3.3.6 Cement content Water/cement ratio is not to be higher than 0,45.

The minimum cement content is to comply with the
requirements given in Tab 6.
3.5 Reinforcing steel
Table 6 : Minimum cement content
3.5.1 General
Aggregate Minimum Reinforcing steel is to be delivered with a Works Certificate.
Zone maximum size cement con-
All steel materials are to be clearly identifiable.
(mm) tent (Kg/m3)
Splash zone − 400 3.5.2 Standards
Reinforced or prestressed < 20 360 Reinforcing steel is to comply with standards recognized by
concrete outside the the Society, as defined in Sec 1, and in particular with
splash zone < 40 320
ISO 6935.
In general, reinforcing steel is to be of hot-rolled, ribbed
3.3.7 Minimum strength
bars of weldable quality and high ductility.
For concrete exposed to seawater or hydrocarbon products,
the characteristic cylinder strength at 28 days is not to be 3.5.3 Galvanized and stainless steel
less than 40 MPa.
Galvanized steel may be used as reinforcing steel, provided
For other concrete structural elements the characteristic cyl- that it is proven that there will be no chemical reaction with
inder strength at 28 days is not to be less than 30 MPa. cement having a detrimental effect on the bond to the gal-
vanized steel.
3.3.8 Water absorption
Stainless steel may be used provided that the requirements
For concrete hull elements, and in particular for concrete in specified for the mechanical properties of ordinary reinforc-
the splash zone and below, water absorption is to be deter- ing steel are met.
mined by testing under the same conditions to which the
concrete will be exposed during operations and transit. 3.5.4 Fatigue properties
3.3.9 Lightweight aggregate with porous structure Fatigue properties and S-N curves proven by steel docu-
mentation are to be consistent with the assumptions used
For concrete where lightweight aggregate with porous struc-
for design.
ture is used, the following conditions are to be complied
3.5.5 Welding procedures
• the mean value of the oven-dry density (105°C) for two
Welding procedures and the extent of testing for weld con-
specimens after 28 days is not to deviate by more than
nections are to be specified for each case and approved by
50 Kg/m3 from the required value the Society.
• any individual value is not to deviate by more than Generally, welding procedures are to be in accordance with
75 Kg/m3 standards recognized by the Society. Case-by-case require-
• the mean value for the entire production are to remain ments may also be defined, depending on the weld type or
between +20 Kg/m3 and −50 Kg/m3. on the specificities of weld connections.

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3.5.6 Mechanical splices and end-anchorages Survey reports carried out by certified parties recognized by
Mechanical splices and end-anchorages are to be delivered the Society or relevant authorities may be accepted by the
with a Works Certificate. Society.
Fatigue properties are to be tested and documented for the 4.1.3 The present Article adopts the requirements given in
actual combination of rebars, couplers and anchorages. ISO 19903.
Couplers giving a permanent slip on unloaded specimen of
more than 0,1 mm after 10 cycles of loading to 75% of the 4.2 Falsework and formwork
nominal yield strength are not to be used.
Friction welded end-anchorages on rebars are to be quali- 4.2.1 General
fied by testing in advance and during production. Testing Falsework and formwork including their supporting ele-
programme for qualification is to include a tension test and ments and foundations are to be designed and constructed
a bending test, documenting the strength and ductility of based on the following principles:
the connection. The friction weld is not to fail before the • to be compatible with the execution procedure speci-
rebar. fied for the intended project
• to sustain actions and loading expected during con-
3.6 Prestressing steel and equipment struction
• to have a stiffness compatible with the tolerances speci-
3.6.1 General
fied for the structural element under construction.
Prestressing steel and components are to be delivered with
a Works Certificate. 4.2.2 Falsework
Prestressing steel is to comply with relevant standards rec- A method statement for falsework is to be submitted and
ognized by the Society, as defined in Sec 1, and in particu- approved by the Society. Generally, it is to include:
lar with ISO 6934. • requirements specified for handling and adjusting, and
Prestressing equipment is to comply with the requirements chosen methods
of work specification and are to be approved by the Society. • requirements specified for intentional precambering and
Previous approval by a national authority or a recognized methods
institution may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. • requirements specified for unkeying, striking and dis-
3.6.2 Components mantling and methods.
Prestressing system is generally composed by: A particular attention is to be given to falsework deforma-
• tendons (wire, strands, bars) tions in order to prevent cracking of young concrete.
• anchorage devices 4.2.3 Formwork
• couplers Formwork is to keep the concrete in the shape until its hard-
• ducts or sheaths. ening.
All components are to be compatible each other and clearly The boards of panels are to be sufficiently tight to avoid loss
identifiable. of water or fine materials. When materials used for form-
works are expected to absorb or facilitate evaporation of
Sheaths for post-tensioning tendons are, generally, of a
water, they are to be wetted in order to minimize these
semi-rigid or rigid type. They are to be watertight and with
adequate stiffness to prevent damages and deformations.
Slipform systems and jumpform systems, when used, are to
comply with the requirements of ISO 19903.
4 Execution

4.1 General 4.2.4 Temporary inserts

Temporary inserts and embedded components relating to
4.1.1 The execution of concrete works influence directly formwork are to comply with the following requirements:
on the quality of the structural concrete of the offshore • to be fixed such as to ensure their position during plac-
barge. The present Article defines requirements applicable ing and concreting
for the execution procedures and for the use of various
• to be of materials that are not expected to react with
materials and equipment during construction.
concrete and reinforcing steel
4.1.2 The compliance with the requirements of the present • to not impair placing and compaction of the fresh con-
Article will be verified by surveyors of the Society based on crete
the existing documentation and by attendance of execution • to avoid unacceptable surface blemishes.
The extent and duration of surveyors attendance is to be 4.2.5 Recesses
established on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the Recesses used for temporary works are to be filled and fin-
specificities of concrete works, the used equipment and the ished with a material of similar quality as the surrounding
site of execution. concrete, unless otherwise specified.

9 Bureau Veritas February 2017

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4.2.6 Block-outs and temporary holes 4.3.5 Welding

Block-outs and temporary holes are generally to be cast Welding of reinforcing steel is to be used only on materials
with normal concrete. Their surfaces are to be prepared as which are categorized as weldable by their requested docu-
construction joints. mentation.
4.2.7 Removal The requirements of recognized standards specified for the
The removal of falsework and formwork is not to be done project and relating to welding are to be considered. In par-
before the concrete has gained sufficient strength: ticular, the relevant requirements of ISO 6935 are to be
• to resist damage to surfaces that can arise during the considered.
striking Welding is not to be executed near bends, except when
• to undertake the actions imposed at the concrete mem- specifically approved by design.
bers at the stage
When galvanized or epoxy-coated reinforcing steel is used,
• to avoid deflections not compliant with specified toler-
welding is allowed only if a procedure for repair is specified
ances, taking into account the elastic behavior and
and approved.
creep of the concrete.
Striking is not to produce damage to concrete structure. 4.3.6 Positioning of reinforcing assemblies
Reinforcing steel assemblies are to be positioned in full
4.3 Reinforcing steel accordance with the design drawings. The requirements
concerning related tolerances for final position and for fix-
4.3.1 Storage ing the reinforcing steel given in the present Guidance Note
During the execution, reinforcing steel is not to be stored on are also to be complied with.
the ground. Adequate protections of the storage area are to
be provided against mechanical damage and corrosion. Assemblies of reinforcing steel are to be done by tie wire.
Spot welding or equivalent welding fixation are generally
For concrete works, the surface of reinforcing steel is to be not to be used, except when the risk of fatigue failure of the
free from loose rust, mill scale and deleterious substances. main rebar of the weld is taken into account.
4.3.2 Bending In zones with high density of reinforcing steel, measures are
The following requirements are to be complied with: to be taken to allow a normal flow of fresh concrete and fill
• bending of reinforcing steel is to be done at a uniform all voids without segregation. Measures are also to be taken
rate to ascertain that the concrete can be adequately com-
• bending using heat treatment is generally not to be pacted.
used. The cover of the reinforcing steel, as specified on design
drawings, is to be maintained by chairs and spacers. Spac-
A particular attention is to be given to bending of reinforc-
ers in contact with the concrete surface in a corrosive envi-
ing steel at a temperature below 0°C. Depending on the
specificities of the concerned site, the Society may require ronment are to be made from concrete having at least the
same quality as the structure.
to apply relevant national standards covering this aspect.
Bars and wires are to be tested using bending test mandrels, 4.3.7 Joints
in order to verify if the related diameter can be bent without
cracking or damage. Bending for concrete works is not to Joints of reinforcing steel are to be made by laps or cou-
be done with mandrels having a diameter lower than 1,5 plers. Couplers are accepted when tested and approved.
times the diameter of test mandrels. Butt welds on bars are allowed provided that prequalifica-
Bending of steel in the formwork is allowed only if it can be tion testing with non-destructive examination and visual
demonstrated that the prescribed bending radius is inspections of all welds during execution are carried out.
obtained, and no mispositioning of the reinforcement
The length and position of all lapped joints are to be in
accordance with design drawings and project work specifi-
4.3.3 Coil delivered steel cations.
Coil delivered steel is to be handled using appropriate
equipment. The straightening is to be done using approved 4.4 Prestressing steel and systems
procedures, and all specified mechanical properties are to
be maintained. 4.4.1 General
4.3.4 Prefabricated assemblies Generally, prestressing systems/assembly consist of ele-
When prefabricated assemblies are used, they are to com- ments defined in [3.6.2]. All components are to be pro-
ply with all requirements for positioning tolerances of rein- tected from harmful influences during transport, storage,
forcing steel. and all stages before the permanent protection in the final
A particular attention is to be given to the overall stiffness of
the assemblies, in order to ensure the requested shape dur- Any material or element found damaged or corroded is to
ing transport, storage, positioning and concreting. be replaced.

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4.4.2 Fabrication When fresh concrete cannot be cast in due time after ten-
Identification documents and certification of tests on mate- sioning, appropriate protective measures are to be taken to
rials and tendons is to be available on the site of execution. avoid damage of the bond or detrimental effect of steel or
Each component is to be clearly identified and traceable. concrete.
During stressing, the calculated elongation is to be
Prestressing steel is not to be subjected to welding and oxy-
achieved within a range of 3% for a group of tendons or 5%
gen cutting. Exceptions may be accepted based on the pro-
for a single tendon within the group for the specified ten-
visions of ISO 19903.
sioning force. Otherwise, relevant actions are to be taken
regarding the tensioning programme or the design.
4.4.3 Positioning
Prestressing system assemblies are to be positioned in 4.4.7 Post-tensioning
accordance with the supplier specifications and in accor- Tensioning is not to be carried out when air temperature is
dance with the construction drawings. below −10°C, or in other conditions where there is a risk of
Relevant requirements of the present Guidance Note relat- grout freezing.
ing to positioning tolerances are to be complied with. Ten- During stressing, the calculated elongation is to be
dons are not to sag or have a kink of any kind. achieved within a range of 5% for a group of tendons or
10% for a single tendon within the group for the specified
4.4.4 Tendons tensioning tensioning force. Otherwise, relevant actions are to be
A method statement for tendons tensioning is to be submit- taken regarding the tensioning programme or the design.
ted and approved. The jacking force/pressure and elonga- When planned performance of tensioning is not achieved,
tion at each step of the stressing operation until full force is further work (including grouting of tendon cut-off) is to be
obtained are to be recorded in a log and compared with postponed until the tendon is approved or corrective
pre-calculated values. All problems and/or non-conformi- actions established. Additional tests may be requested by
ties during tensioning are also to be recorded for the the Society to confirm friction factors or elastic modulus of
approval of the Society. tendon assembly.
The calibration of force-measuring devices is to be done on The period from threading to prestressing of tendons in nor-
the site of execution, before the start of tensioning opera- mally not to exceed 4 weeks. During this period, tendons
tions. are to be protected against corrosion.
The prestressing forces are to be transferred to a concrete Grouting/injection is to be done as soon as possible after
structural element only at a concrete strength fully compli- tensioning, normally within 2 weeks.
ant with the requirements specified by the design, and in no
4.4.8 Protective measures
case less than the minimum compressive strength specified
Tendons placed in sheaths, couplers and anchoring devices
by the approval document of the prestressing system. A par-
are to be protected against corrosion by filling all voids with
ticular attention is to be given to the anchorage areas.
a grouting /injection material such as:
• cement grout
4.4.5 Post-tensioned tendons
• grease
The following parameters are to be checked for compliance
• wax.
with supplier specification and other relevant approval doc-
uments: These materials are to comply with the requirements of
• straight entry into anchorages and couplers [3.4].

• coaxiality of tendons and anchorages. Anchorage areas and end caps are also to be filled and pro-
tected. Inlets and outlets are to be sealed.
Vents and drains on the sheaths are to be provided at both
ends and at all points where air or water can accumulate. 4.4.9 Grouting
For sheaths of considerable length, intermediate vents and A method statement is to be provided for the preparation
drains are to be provided. and execution of grouting/injection operations. All impor-
tant data and observations relating to grouting are to be
Alternative means of draining may be accepted on a case- recorded in a log.
by-case basis.
Grouting operations using cement-based grout are to be
Vents and drains are to be marked such as to identify the done within temperature conditions as given in Tab 7.
cable. Grouting at temperatures other than specified in Tab 7 may
The sheaths are to be checked after pouring of concrete to be accepted by the Society on a case-by-case basis, taking
ensure sufficient passage for the tendons, and are to be into account the specificities of grouting method and mate-
cleared of any water immediately prior to tendon threading. rials.
Grouting at temperatures lower than +5°C may be allowed
4.4.6 Pre-tensioning only when frost resistant grout material is used.
The release of prestressing force is to be done such that the Grouting is to be carried out at a continuous and steady rate
bond in the anchorage zone of the tendon will not be dam- from the lowest inlet until the emerging grout through
aged. anchor heads and outlets.

11 Bureau Veritas February 2017

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As a rule, grout pressure in ducts is not to exceed 2 MPa, 4.5.4 Pre-concreting operations
unless when allowed by the design. A particular attention is All preparation works are to be completed, inspected and
to be given to vertical ducts. documented, as requested by the present Guidance Note,
Non-retarded grout and grout without an expanding admix- before the casting is initiated.
ture is to be used within 30 minutes after mixing. When fresh concrete is pumped, an adequate back-up or
emergency procedure in case of blockage of piping is to be
In vertical or inclined ducts, or ducts with large diameter,
prepared and submitted.
post-injections before grout stiffening may be required in
order to remove voids or water. When voids are detected Construction joints are to present a roughened surface,
after grout stiffening, post-injection by vacuum grouting is which can be obtained by the application of a surface
to be carried out. Vacuum grouting is also required in case retarder on the fresh concrete and later cleaned by water
of duct blockage. jet. Concrete joints are to be clean and free of laitance.
Vacuum injections are to be pre-qualified by trials, particu- A particular attention is to be given to the protection of con-
larly for vertical ducts. When vacuum injection are used, crete against freezing, when the temperature is forecasted to
the free volume of ducts is to be measured and compared be below 0°C at the time of casting or in the curing period.
with the volume of injected grout. Where the ambient temperature is forecasted to be above
30°C at the time of casting or in the curing period, precau-
After completion of grouting, the ducts are to be sealed
tions are to be planned to protect the concrete against dam-
under a pressure of at least 0,5 MPa during at least 1 min-
aging effects of high temperatures.
When the grouting of a duct is interrupted, the fresh mate- 4.5.5 Placing and compaction
rial inside the duct is to be washed. No duct is to be left The concrete is to be placed and compacted in order to
with incomplete filling of grout. ensure that all reinforcement and cast-in items are properly
embedded in compacted concrete and that the concrete
Table 7 : Temperature ranges for achieves its intended strength and durability.
cement-based grouting Appropriate procedures are to be used where cross-sections
are changed, in narrow locations, at box-outs, at dense rein-
Temperature ranges (°C)
forcement arrangements and at construction joints. Settle-
Minimum Maximum
ment cracking over reinforcement in the top surface is to be
Structure temperature +5 +35
avoided by re-vibration.
Cement-based grout temperature +10 +25
The rate of placing and compaction is to be high enough to
4.4.10 Greasing avoid cold joints and low enough to prevent excessive set-
tlements or overloading of the formwork and falsework. The
Greasing is to be carried out at a continuous and steady
rate. After completion of greasing, the ducts are to be sealed concrete is to be placed in layers of a thickness that is com-
under pressure. patible with the capacity of the vibrators used. The concrete
of the new layer is to be vibrated systematically and include
The volume of the injected grease is to be checked against
the theoretical free volume in the duct. The change of re-vibration of the top of the previous layer in order to avoid
grease volume with the change of temperature is to be weak or inhomogeneous zones in the concrete. The vibra-
taken into account. tion is to be applied until the expulsion of entrapped air has
practically ceased, but not so as to cause segregation or a
4.5 Concreting weak surface layer.
Concrete is to be placed in such a manner as to avoid segre-
4.5.1 General gation. Free fall of concrete from a height of more than 2 m
Reference is made to the requirements of ISO 19903. is not occur unless the mix is demonstrated to allow this
without segregation.
4.5.2 Concrete testing
Concrete is to be compacted by means of high-frequency
Concrete is to be inspected at the point of placing. In the vibrators or by alternative methods that can be demon-
case of ready-mixed concrete, inspections are also to be strated to give adequate compaction. Contact between
done at the point of delivery. Samples are to be taken at the internal vibrators and reinforcement or formwork will be
point of placing. avoided as much as possible. Vibrators are not be used for
horizontal spreading of concrete.
4.5.3 Identity testing
Alternative methods to the use of vibrators in order to
Identity testing is to be carried out in order to verify that the
obtain an adequately compacted concrete are permitted,
concrete comes from a conforming population.
provided they are able to be documented for the relevant
Identity testing are requested at the point of delivery for type of conditions by trial casting. During placing and com-
ready-mixed concrete produced according to a recognized paction, the concrete is to be protected against adverse
certification scheme which certifies that all project require- solar radiation and wind, freezing, water, rain and snow.
ments are complied with. Identity testing may replace the Surface water is to be removed during concreting if the
requirements of [4.5.2]. planned protection fails.

February 2017 Bureau Veritas 12

NI 594, Sec 2

4.5.6 Curing and protection of hardened concrete Curing compounds are not permitted on construction joints,
on surfaces where bonding of other materials is required,
Relevant requirements given in ISO 19903 are to be com- unless they are fully removed prior to the subsequent opera-
plied with. Reference is also made to the requirements of tion, or they are proven to have no detrimental effects on
ISO 1920-3 and ISO 1920-4. bonding.
The surface is to be protected from damage due to heavy
Concreting procedures are to ensure adequate curing in
rain, flowing water or other mechanical influences.
order to obtain maximum durability, minimize plastic
shrinkage, losses in strength and durability and to avoid 4.5.7 Post-concreting
cracking. The curing period is not to be less than two After removal of formwork, all surfaces are to be inspected
weeks. The duration of curing may be further estimated for conformity to the requirements of the design. The sur-
based on testing of strength or alternatively by the maturity face are to be protected from damages during construction.
of the concrete on the basis of the surface temperature of
the concrete or the ambient temperature. The maturity cal- 4.6 Embedded components
culation is to be based on an appropriate maturity function
proven for the type of cement or combination of cement 4.6.1 General reference
and addition used. The requirements of ISO 19903 are to be complied with.

13 Bureau Veritas February 2017

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