Ipcrf - Individual Development Plan

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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Learning Timeline Resources Needed
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
Ensure the positive Apply a range of To generate creative Use of different Year Round MELC, Modules on LDM 2
use of ICT to facilitate teaching strategies to ideas from learners teaching strategies Course for Teachers,
the teaching and develop critical and and to ensure that that develop critical Curriculum Guide, Self-
learning processes creative thinking, as questions are within and creative Learning Modules (SLM), TG
(PPST Indicator 1.3.2) well as other higher- learners’ level of thinking skills, as and LM
order thinking skills ability or within the well as the higher-
(PPST Indicator 1.5.2) contexts of their order thinking skills
experience (HOTS)

Establish a learner- Use strategies for To communicate Use effective Year Round Self- Learning Reflection,
centered culture by providing timely, promptly and clearly strategies for School Report Card, Teacher-
using teaching accurate and the learners’ needs. providing timely, made feedback slip per
strategies that constructive feedback progress, and accurate and quarter; parents/guardians;
respond to their to improve learners’ achievement to key constructive
linguistic, cultural, performance stakeholders, feedback to
social-economic, and (PPST Indicator 5.3.2) including encourage learners
religious backgrounds parents/guardians to improve their
(PPST Indicator 3.2.2) to improve learners’ performance

Set achievable and Select, develop, To consider the time Develop and use Year Round Laptop; virtual seminars and
appropriate learning organize and use element relative to varied teaching and workshops; webinars; DepEd
outcomes that are appropriate teaching the use of teaching learning resources Learning Portal (LRMDS
aligned with learning and learning and learning including ICT to portal); social networking
competencies resources, including resources and address learning platforms
(PPST Indicator 4.2.2) ICT, to address modify ICT-based goals
learning goals instruction aligned
(PPST Indicator 4.5.2) to the learning goals
(e.g. use of social

Participated in Develop a personal To participate in Participate in LAC Year Round LAC Sessions; Virtual
professional networks improvement plan collegial discussions sessions; webinars; seminars and workshops
to share knowledge based on reflection of that use teacher and virtual seminars
and to enhance one’s practice and learner feedback to and workshops to
learning practice ongoing professional enrich teaching enrich instructions
(PPST Indicator 7.3.2) learning (PPST process
Indicator 7.4.2)

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)

Set personal goals and Sets high quality, Undertakes personal Priorities work Year Round Virtual seminars and
directions, needs and challenging, realistic actions and behavior tasks and workshops, LAC sessions
development goals for self and that are clear and schedules (through
others purposive and takes Gantt chats,
into account checklist, etc.)
personal goals and
Demonstrate the Act urgently and Meet personal Maintains Year Round Books on Professional Ethics
values and behavior responsibly to meet sacrifices to meet professional
enshrined in the the needs of the organizations’ need images; being
Norms and Conduct organization in trustworthy;
and Ethical Standards improving the system regularity of
for public officials and and help other to attendance and
employees (RA 6713) improve their punctuality; good
effectiveness. grooming and
Makes specific Avoid rework, Achieves results Expresses a desire Year Round LAC Sessions, Seminars and
changes in the system mistakes, and with optimal use of to do better and Webinars,
or in own work wastage through time and resources may express
methods to improve effective work frustration at waste
performance methods by placing or inefficiency. May
organizational needs focus on new or
before personal needs more precise ways
of meeting goals
Willingly does share Drives consensus and Works constructively Promotes Year Round LAC sessions, INSET, Virtual
responsibility team ownership of and collaboratively collaboration and Meetings
decision with others and removes barrier to
across organizations teamwork and goal
to accomplish accomplishment
organization goals across the
and objectives organization
Takes personal Initiates activities Develops and adopt Participates in Year Round GAD activities, LAC sessions,
responsibility for that promotes service improvement updating office Webinars
dealing with and/or advocacy for men and program through vision, mission,
correcting costumer women empowerment simplified mandates and
service issues and procedures that will strategies based on
concerns further enhance DepEd strategies
service delivery and directions
Demonstrates an Uses ingenious Promotes creative Translates a Year Round INSET, LAC Sessions, virtual
ability to think methods to climate and inspires creative thinking meetings/conference
“beyond the box”. accomplish co-workers to into tangible
Continuously focuses responsibilities. develop original changes and
on improving personal Demonstrates ideas or solutions solutions that
productivity to create resourcefulness and improve the work
higher value and the ability to succeed unit or organization
results with minimal

As a whole your IDP is very good since it shows learner centered development. It also evident that it shows timeliness in this time of
pandemic for giving timely and accurate learning objectives. It is wholistic and timely in addressing the learners’ needs and as your personal
professional development as a teacher.

Keep on improving and try to focus in your intervention for the realization of the learning objectives you set to attain your goal.


This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

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