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Liver is:
a. Organ of digestive tract
b. Organ of alimentary canal
c. Accessory organ to digestive tract
d. All of them are true
2. Mechanical digestion occurs in:
a. Mouth and stomach
b. Esophagus and pharynx
c. Duodenum
d. Ileum and colon
3. Absorption of nutrients occur in:
a. Stomach and duodenum
b. Jejunum and ileum
c. Colon
d. Rectum
4. On both sides of epigastric region we have:
a. Right and left lumbar regions
b. Right and left hypochondriac region
c. Right and left inguinal regions
d. None of them is true
5. Superior horizontal plane (from 4 division planes which divides abdomen in 9 regions) is called:
a. Midclavicular plane
b. Subcostal plane
c. Intertubercular plane
d. Epigastric plane
6. Dorsal mesenteries include:
a. Falciform ligament
b. Lesser omentum
c. Greater omentum
d. All of them
7. Ventral mesenteries include:
a. Falciform ligament
b. Greater omentum
c. Mesentery of small intestine
d. All of them
8. Myenteric nervous plexus is located in:
a. Submucosa
b. Lamina propria
c. Muscularis mucosae
d. Muscularis externa
9. Intraperitoneal organs are:
a. Duodenum and pancreas
b. Jejunum and ileum
c. Kidneys
d. Rectum
10. Secondarily retroperitoneal organs are:
a. Ascending and descending colon
b. Stomach and liver
c. Jejunum and ileum
d. Transverse and sigmoid colon
11. Stomach is:
e. Organ of digestive tract
f. Organ of alimentary canal
g. Accessory organ to digestive tract
h. All of them are true
12. Chemical digestion occurs in:
e. Mouth and stomach
f. Esophagus and pharynx
g. Duodenum
h. Ileum and colon
13. Absorption of water occur in:
e. Stomach and duodenum
f. Jejunum and ileum
g. Colon
h. Rectum
14. On both sides of umbilical region we have:
e. Right and left lumbar regions
f. Right and left hypochondriac region
g. Right and left inguinal regions
h. None of them is true
15. Inferior horizontal plane (from 4 division planes which divides abdomen in 9 regions) is called:
e. Midclavicular plane
f. Subcostal plane
g. Intertubercular plane
h. Epigastric plane
16. Ventral mesenteries include:
e. Falciform ligament
f. Mesentery of small intestines
g. Greater omentum
h. All of them
17. Dorsal mesenteries include:
e. Falciform ligament
f. Lesser omentum
g. Mesentery of small intestine
h. All of them
18. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue is located in:
e. Submucosa
f. Lamina propria
g. Muscularis mucosae
h. Muscularis externa
19. Secondarily retroperitoneal organs are:
e. Duodenum and pancreas
f. Jejunum and ileum
g. Kidneys
h. Rectum
20. Intraperitoneal organs are:
e. Ascending and descending colon
f. kidneys
g. duodenum and pancreas
h. Transverse and sigmoid colon
21. Cervical constriction of esophagus is located at:
a. At the level of aortic arch
b. At the level of pharyngoesophageal junction
c. At the level where esophagus goes through the diaphragm
d. At the level of cardiac orifice
22. Muscular layer of superior 1/3 of esophagus is:
a. smooth muscle
b. smooth + skeletal muscle
c. skeletal muscle
d. other (specify)
23. Muscular layer in inferior 1/3 of esophagus is:
a. skeletal muscle
b. smooth + skeletal muscle
c. only smooth muscle
d. other (specify)
24. Esophagus is innervated by esophageal plexus created by:
a. Vagal trunks
b. Thoracoabdominal nerves
c. Splanchnic nerves
d. All answers are correct
25. The cardial notch is between:
a. esophagus and cardia
b. esophagus and fundus
c. fundus and cardia
d. body and cardia
24. Left gastric artery is the branch of:
a. celiac trunk
b. splenic artery
c. superior epigastric artery
d. gastroduodenal artery
25. Gastroduodenal artery is the branch of:
a. common hepatic artery
b. splenic artery
c. superior mesenteric artery
d. gastroomental artery
26. Major duodenal papilla opens into:
a. Superior part of duodenum
b. Descending part of duodenum
c. Inferior part of duodenum
d. Ascending part of duodenum
27. Suspensory muscle of duodenum (ligament of Treitz) is located:
a. between superior part of duodenum and pylorus
b. between descending and inferior parts of duodenum
c. at the point of duodenojejunal flexure
d. at the beginning of ascending part of duodenum
28. Myenteric (Auerbach) plexus is located between:
a. longitudinal and circular layer of muscularis mucosae
b. longitudinal and circular layer of muscularis externa
c. between subserosa and visceral peritoneum
d. under lamina propria of mucosa
29. Straight arteries supplying the loops of small intestine:
a. Vasa recta
b. Meissner arteries
c. arteria communicans
d. all of them are correct
30. Three distinct longitudinal bands running along the whole length of colon are called:
a. Omental appendices
b. Haustra colli
c. Tenia colli
d. Paracollic gutters
31. Ascending and descending colon are both:
a. Intraperitoneal
b. partially retroperitoneal
c. extraperitoneal
d. none of them is true
32. Right colic artery is the branch of:
a. Superior mesenteric artery
b. Inferior mesenteric artery
c. Ileocolic artery
d. Marginal artery
33. supracolic compartment is related with:
a. greater omentum
b. lesser omentum
c. paracolic gutters
d. mesentery
34. Left colic flexure is attached to diaphragm via:
a. Phrenicocolic ligament
b. Ligament of Treitz
c. Paracollic gutter
d. None of them is true
35. Parasympathetic innervation to large intestine:
a. Thoracolumbar nerves
b. Abdominopelvic nerves
c. Vagus nerves (left and right)
d. All of them is true
36. Sympathetic innervation to large intestine from:
a. Thoracolumbar nerves
b. Abdominopelvic nerves
c. Vagus nerves (left and right)
d. All of them is true
37. Ascending colon and right half of the transverse colon is supplied by:
a. celiac trunk
b. superior mesenteric artery
c. inferior mesenteric artery
d. internal iliac artery
38. Superior part of rectum is supplied by:
a. superior mesenteric artery
b. inferior mesenteric artery
c. internal iliac artery
d. superior pudendal artery
39. Spleen is connected with greater curvature of stomach:
a. gastrocolic ligament
b. gastrosplenic ligament
c. splenocolic ligament
d. splenorenal ligament
40. Pancreas is:
a. intraperitoneal
b. retroperitoneal
c. partially retroperitoneal
d. subperitoneal
41. Second constriction of esophagus is located at:
a. At the level of aortic arch
b. At the level of pharyngoesophageal junction
c. At the level where esophagus goes through the diaphragm
d. At the level of cardiac orifice
42. Z-line is located at junction between:
a. esophagus and cardia
b. esophagus and fundus
c. fundus and cardia
d. body and cardia
43. posterior gastric artery is the branch of:
a. celiac trunk
b. splenic artery
c. superior epigastric artery
d. gastroduodenal artery
44. pancreaticoduodenal artery is the branch of:
a. common hepatic artery
b. splenic artery
c. superior mesenteric artery
d. gastroomental artery
45. Superior part of duodenum is enclosed in:
a. gastroduodenal ligament
b. omental bursa
c. hepatoduodenal ligament
d. lesser omentum
46. Submucosal (Meissner) plexus is located in:
a. longitudinal and circular layer of muscularis mucosae
b. longitudinal and circular layer of muscularis externa
c. between subserosa and visceral peritoneum
d. under lamina propria of mucosa
47. Arterial supply is more abundant in:
a. ileum
b. jejunum
c. colon
d. rectum
48. marginal artery provides anastomosis between:
a. celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery
b. superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries
c. inferior mesenteric and ileocolic arteries
d. superior mesenteric and middle colic arteries
49. semilunar folds create _________ on external surface of colon:
a. Omental appendices
b. Haustra colli
c. Tenia colli
d. Paracollic gutters
50. Left colic artery is the branch of:
a. Superior mesenteric artery
b. Inferior mesenteric artery
c. Ileocolic artery
d. Marginal artery
51. Middle part of rectum is supplied by:
a. superior mesenteric artery
b. inferior mesenteric artery
c. internal iliac artery
d. superior pudendal artery
52. Parasympathetic innervation to small intestine comes from:
a. Thoracolumbar nerves
b. Abdominopelvic nerves
c. Vagus nerves (left and right)
d. All of them is true
53. Inferiorly spleen is related with:
a. stomach
b. pancreas
c. left colic flexure
d. left kidney
54. supracolic compartment is divided in two chambers by:
a. mesentery
b. round ligament of liver
c. falciform ligament
d. transverse colon
55. infracolic compartment is divided in two infracolic spaces by:
a. mesentery
b. round ligament of liver
c. falciform ligament
d. transverse colon
56. Angular incisure is located between:
a. cardia and fundus
b. cardia and esophagus
c. fundus and pylorus
d. lesser curvature and pyloric antrum
57. Common bile duct is located in:
a. gastrohepatic ligament
b. gastroduodenal ligament
c. gastrosplenic ligament
d. ligament of Treiz
58. right gastroomental artery is the branch of:
a. splenic artery
b. right gastric artery
c. posterior gastric artery
d. gastroduodenal artery
59. left gastric vein flows into:
a. inferior mesenteric vein
b. portal vein
c. splenic vein
d. superior mesenteric vein
60. descending part of duodenum is:
a. intraperitoneal
b. retroperitoneal
c. partially retroperitoneal
d. subperitoneal
61. The skeletal framework of the external nose consist of:
A. Frontal, nasal and the maxillary bone
B. Nasal and the maxillary bone
C. Nasal, lacrimal and the maxillary bone
D. Frontal and nasal bone
62. Hard palate is formed by:
A. Palatine bones
B. Maxilla, inferior nasal concha and palatine bone
C. Maxilla and palatine bones
D. All of them are correct
63. The part of the nasal cavity just superior to the nostrils, within the flared wings of the external nose, is called
A. Vestibule
B. Choanae
C. Internal nares
D. Soft palate
64. Which bone does not form the superior wall of nasal cavity?
A. Sphenoid bone
B. Ethmoid bone
C. Frontal bone
D. All of them are correct
65. Adam’s apple is part of ______ cartilage.
A. Atytenoid
B. Thyroid
C. Cricoid
D. Corniculate
66. Leaf-shaped ____ is composed of elastic cartilage and is almost entirely covered by a mucosa.
A. Atytenoid
B. Thyroid
C. Cricoid
D. Epiglottis
67. Within the larynx, paired vocal ligaments are situated between two cartilages, they are:
A. arytenoid cartilages and thyroid cartilage
B. Epiglottis and thyroid cartilage
C. Cricoid and thyroid cartilage
E. Cricoid and atytenoid
68. The medial opening between the vocal folds through which air passes is called the ____.
A. Vestibule
B. Rima glottides
C. Fauces
D. Epiglottis
69. Which of them does not form the superior wall of the nasal cavity?
A. Ethmoid bone
B. Sphenoid bone
C. Frontal bone
D. None of them
70. Bone part of the nose is formed by:
A. Nasal and frontal bone
B. Nasal and maxilla
C. nasal and lacrimal bone
D. nasal and zygomatic
71. Pharyngotympanic tube connects to the ____.
A. Nasopharynx
B. Oropharinx
C. Laringopharynx
D. None of them
72. _____ lies in the floor of the oral cavity, inferior to the tongue. Its 10 to 12 ducts open into the mouth,
directly superior to the gland
A. Parotid
B. Submandibular
C. Sublingual
D. None of them
73. The _______is a median fold that connects the internal aspect of each lip to the gum
a. labial frenulum
b. labial folder
c. soft palate
d. uvula
74. ________ underlies the enamel cap and forms the bulk of the tooth.
a. Dentine
b. enamel
c. pulp
d. cementum
75. Duct of the _______gland opens into the mouth lateral to the second upper molar.
a. Parotid
b. Submandibular
c. Sublingual
d. None of them
76. The slit (space) between the teeth and the cheeks (or lips) is called_____
a. Oral cavity
b. Oral orifice
c. Vestibule
d. Oral cavity propel
77. The surface of the crown is covered by a layer of ______the hardest substance in the body.
a. dentine
b. enamel
c. pulp
d. cementum
78. Which of them is intrinsic salivary gland?
a. Parotid
b. Submandibular
c. Sublingual
d. None of them
79. ______duct opens directly lateral to the tongue’s lingual frenulum.
a. Parotid
b. Submandibular
c. Sublingual
d. None of them
80. Inferior esophageal sphincter lies exactly:
a. at cardiac notch
b. superior to Z-line
c. superior to angular incisure
d. inferior to esophageal hiatus through the diaphragm

1. Describe gastrointestinal tract layers, intra- and extra-peritoneal organs

2. Describe oral cavity, salivary glands
3. Describe anatomy of stomach (it’s location, layers, anatomical parts, types of cells, relationship with
4. Describe anatomy of esophagus
5. Describe anatomy of small intestines (their location, layers, types of cells, relationship with peritoneum)
6. Describe anatomy of large intestine (it’s location, layers, types of cells, relationship with peritoneum)
7. Describe anatomy of liver (it’s location and lobes, communication with peritoneum and ligaments)
8. Describe nasal cavity (it’s openings, relationship with sinuses, which bones make nasal cavity)

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